[Music] good evening everyone it is Monday July 15th at 6:01 I'm going to call to order the Freetown Board of selectman meeting please note that this meeting is being recorded and will be available on our Town's YouTube page um I am going to give some other boards that are here present with us some time to open up their meetings so if anyone we can start from right and work our way left does anyone over there need to open any meetings well okay I'll open the meeting of the Freetown Conservation Commission for May 15th um at this time July 15th oh July 15th I thought I saw me that's right oh yes it's July isn't it folks I will open the uh planning board meeting for uh Monday July 15 thank you water sure Commissioners have called the uh our meeting to order very good thank you everyone all right so um to try and put some order to this I think first I might have them flip through you know I'm going to I'm going to read the agenda item number one actually to start so agenda item number one on a voter Su meeting discussion discussion and vote on Space constraints possibility of moving departments to fire station number two and possible other options um so I mean I think some people were actually just there um some people don't know the space but I I think pretty much everyone here does so um up on the screen over here if anyone wants to take a look uh there's some pictures up there of the space that we're talking about so um all right so um this is something that we kind of thought of right bring everyone to a single room that's being affected by this um good batter and different and uh you know talk about it do I think that will solve everything tonight probably not but I think it's good to get everyone in front of each other and you know listen to each other's concerns and um you know pros and cons not just concerns so um I think uh if anyone has anything that they would really like to start with it um obviously this has to do with um some safety concerns at Town Hall uh some things that can no longer go on so thankfully the fire department has offered up some space to us to um turn the back of the fire station into a couple of offices so um I don't if does anyone have anything that they would really like to start with as far as concerns you start with the you want me to give just a little history yeah absolutely yeah that's a good call so at the Town Hall we you know we're growing the the town hall was built in 1888 um and uh will continue to grow offices have been moved around throughout the years but we're at a point where we're resting at the seams we have some offices with four people in the rooms that are uh you know 14 by 16 it's very difficult to conduct business in the town hall with very limited space we're putting files underneath tables files under our desks there's no place for anything so it I often talk about I'm trying to meet critical needs it has space has now become a critical need in the town hall we have a department um the planning department who is up on what we refer to as the attic it's the third floor of the stage of the building um there's my concern there's some concerns if there's a fire of them being able to effectively get out of that office space I don't believe it's 100% um safe and so the goal is to try to move that department which is the planning and conservation department out of the attic space and down into something that's more accessible to the public or more accessible for everybody and not up on the third floor so that's how this all became there the concerns for safety so we started trying to find Space I've called the school I've called the food pantry I've looked for rentals I've called the surrounding homes around the town hall to see if they were willing to sell their houses just because I that we're that desperate for space um this became available the chief said that he thought we could use this this this room in Fire Station 2 that's not being utilized 100% um TimeWise with the fire department I looked at it I thought it's something that would be viable that we could use um we talked about possibly moving the water department but then they would be secluded with just you know most of the time the the clerk isn't there by themselves so we just and the reason why I picked the certain departments that I think that I personally think would be best is because they have the least amount of foot traffic um which is the water department and the planning department um all the other departments within the town hall the town clerk building uh Board of Health have a lot of foot traffic a lot of um tax collector a lot of people come in and go in I thought this is the most conducive so uh we started vetting it the Building Commissioner has gone out there multiple times we've looked at it we've met with the fire chief different people and we've hashed out what what would work what might not work so I know we've just came out there today with a couple of new ideas that I think work a little bit better for the space but we are just um desperate for space something has to give within the town hall so yeah if you could you address that thank you D just to follow up on your note so in in in town hall right now if you're planning on bringing anything to work like bigger than a shoe box you got to call and make arrangements for we really have no place to put anything a chair it can impede a lot of different things so and we we're dead desperate we've looked at industrial areas homes and all over the place so we had a good meeting recently so this is the fire station we talked about putting a ramp on the outside and going to the back of the building so today's meeting uh the chief has given up some space there when now we can put that exit access inside the building to the back which which change is a game changer for a lot of people MoneyWise uh my I calculated to that back room it's a it's a 4 400 foot 20 x 20 room to do that with a ramp on the outside I I Vision about $70,000 I think we can do the same thing by using the door there we have existing and accessing it from the inside for hopefully almost half of that uh so this is this is good news for us today because I we really had no I had no idea what where to go from here so I hope this is something that's positive for everybody we can actually make this happen um and to Deb's Point as she mentioned even if we move out of later on we're going to reuse the building it has ADA Bathroom it has office space so it'll always be reusable for the town we're not just throwing money away so this is something that we we desperately need uh as de mentioned the planning department is not in a good spot it's up in the uh in the area could be a fire so was always concerned and plus it would loosen up it would uh give us some areas to storage right if they moved out of there we could store things there and have a conference area or a place you can have a cup of coffee or something which we don't every office now in town hall has their little uh coffee machine microwave toaster and we get all these things to fire hazard we need a wck room or something we can you know have a lunch and something like that not asking for a lot but uh getting those two officers out of there we'll be able to expand ourselves and maybe uh have stories in place we can uh have a meeting conference room or something like that so it is needed thank you yeah no I mean very well put from both of you um does any board in particular I'm going to start here to my left because I'm looking over to the water department um you know I'm just curious as you know we're in a closet um we've have we have two or three people come in you almost have to sit on each other uh you know none of the Commissioners we don't have a a desk at all to work at uh we're just jammed up and uh we need some more space MH and after today's meeting after they talked about putting the windows different windows in putting the entryway down on the inside of the building uh petitions the different heating system and uh it looks like the space would be pretty viable uh for us anyway mhm I agree however I want I don't think we should have just one Department there you can't have one employee byy themselves now Chandler is our inside employee David Works outside side he's not in the office all I mean very really he's an outside guy yeah and I don't think it's right to have one person alone there now if we have two officers that's a different story and in the discussion we had earlier Debbie was talking about putting in a ADA Compliant bathroom they have a little area where the stove and everything already there and when if they use utilize that room and divide it into two offices we asked that they put Windows in each office looking outside and um that would do it for me that would do it for me um and and uh it's a great point and that is something we talked about for you know a lot of different reasons obviously number one being safety right you know we don't we don't and it's not fair to seclude someone on their own right I I wouldn't want to do that to anyone so um that is a lot about what we had talked about from the beginning was is how if we have to do something like this it's going to be this drastic it's not fair to put a singular person or Department there because to your point in in as it relates to the water department Chandler might have someone with him in the morning but then the whole rest of the day might not have anyone and some days we all kind of wish we would by ourselves but most days you know you like having someone else around you so um so you know that was was something that we did talk a lot about so it's a great point from you guys I would just add also that that also frees up parking space in town hall which is Val is valuable if anybody who's try to get a parking spots at T Hall we may be having you know four or five extra spots opening up that's something we could really use Town Hall also Carl I know was brought about the air conditioning we have sometimes it's hot here in New England and sometimes it's cold is the heating and cooling sufficient but there so we talked about that briefly and we use Min split system two Min splits would take care of two offices in that uh 400t room lighting we we'll have to make some adjustments to that but the fact that the and for me the big part is that we're no longer on the side the building is 80t to the back they'll tell somebody in the front yeah go to 80 ft to the back think it right behind the building there's a door there is not the same as pulling up and seeing ass signed planting and water department that that to me sells are much better for the community I think it's something that's much more acceptable to people visiting the area okay and I'm not going to put the chief on spot because it's not fair to but but I'm thinking that this will actually help them down the road right it would it help you guys down the road um you know if this has moved out and you know that was the cost the time frame of that happening is so yes if these improvements are made in this building it's going to benefit it definitely will benefit the fire department in the future as we continue to grow in office space complient bathrooms upgrades are always a positive thing so I definitely it's not it's not like you're investing money in this building and then it's going to go to waste five six years from now it's it's going to collect M balls and and I guess the reason why I even thought to ask you that and say that is one thing that we had talked about with it being relation to putting addition on you know the uh five station in Center town you would said really The Next Step would have to be as the town grows would be you know dealing with either side of the town so I'm thinking if this building's here and we're making improvements to it already if the town continues to grow and we need to do something will this help and that's a conversation for down the road but it's just thoughts that come to mind so um so uh does anyone else have any concerns I have a couple questions uh security there public access okay is the planning board going to have people come there is the staff going to have to meet the the public at the Town Hall what's the deal what's the thought process there well after our review today it looks like we'll be able to have Public Access there so they'll be able to go with they just like they could go to the town hall now and how did they get in and out is there a swipe card system or what is it how is it what would it be there would be the door the doors in the front left of the building and they would walk down through the the bay but we're going to put a wall so there sort of be like a hallway down to the back room and then we talked about putting um a counter so when you got to the office there would be a you know a a safeguard they couldn't just walk in because and then there's cameras there too so could we would talk about putting a camera so they could watch um you know see somebody entering but also there would be uh a counter a stop guard so that you couldn't just walk in all right so that's different so the front the actual front of the building would because it was a there was a truck parked that's gone the truck is gone now didn't know if to be a wide enough ADA Compliant uh Pathway to get through there I mean car the door that's there now just with the overhead door is right around the corner of the door that's 36 in wide that's compliant we would build a wall build a wall right we build a car to the back that has to be 3 ft wide that still gives us plenty of room to keep the boat we have there now we could petition that off they they could still have storage we would have our hallway leading to the back two offices with a counter there and then we could let people in as they needed to meet down or planning committee meetings or something like that um does the fire department still need to use that room is is that room that 20 by 20 going going to be reserved for the two groups or does the fire department still need to have access to that not access to it but space in it initially the discussion was that we would need access to that um I think after our our meeting over there today uh we'll we'll work around that and that you can have that space and there was like furniture and stuff in there yeah well we'll we'll move that out but that I don't necessarily need to occupy that space unless I'm if we have a a blizzard hurricane I put a half a dozen people in that building could be a week you know um around the clock for a week you know we put carts in that back room and that that kind of gives a little separation but we we we can work with that we'll get the furniture we can get our stuff out of there and we'll utilize the space for the bo is and we'll make what about uh that's an active building so every now and then the alarm will go off as it's going to send the two departments jumping five feet uh there it's a fire station it's going to be there's no there's no uh there's no obtrusive audible alarms there I mean it's just like here you hear the tone go off 20 minutes 15 minutes you going hear here the tones go off my people come in the building pull the trucks up sign on the air and go um I think probably after the first couple calls CH will be us I'm not I'm not trying to influence ask I'm trying to make the best of the situation we have here Carl can we add any baffling can we add any baffling or sound mitigation for to mitigate some of that noise when not in use or turn all like here turn off this turn off the alarm within that building I I I think there's some separation as well right so right now there's speakers and and radio heads in that room just move it out right that's what I that's what I was saying about this room we can lower this the audible alarm from in this room as well so you don't hear that yeah perfect okay thank you any uh any plans to make I mean to monopolize this but any plans to make a enclosed room in there if somebody had to uh have a video conference or something like that I I don't know what the there's no plans right now right there's no I think that one I mean we we've talked more today and more stuff's come out about what we had looked at for and put four pods in the middle of that room keeping a three three foot so maybe we can scale that back to three have a meeting conference room and then two offices well I today right that we don't that was originally because we were going to have to like sort of have temporary wall structures that the fire department could come down come in take down if they need to that now doesn't sound like we have to do that so we talked about sort of dividing it in half and making two separate offices so it wouldn't be um much different than what you have now long sort of narrow office with a with a window in it I think what we might want to do is get someone to draft some construction some drawings and bring it back and have you look at them if this is something that we want to move forward with and say okay now that we have we've vetted some more stuff that's a wood structure back there we know we can pop windows in without a big problem um we know that we want security built in okay draw up two offices what is this going to look like and then we could bring that those plans back uh we know we can get the Ada accessibility the the issue is getting an ADA Bathroom in there I don't think we can fit two I think we need uh a unisex bathroom and I think we need to get a waiver for that so that's probably step one for me would be to make sure that that's a that's viable option that we can get a waiver to one the plumbing is all in the concrete under the floor it's going to have to be jackhammered up um so it's something we need to put some time in and do one and done not be rehashing the the bathrooms and again so it also benefits the community obviously if you pull up the the water depart all the plan you're going to park right there you're going to walk straight in so you're not going to be fighting for a parking spot I mean it's and we've looked all over the place if anybody has any other place we want to look at we certainly would be open to that yeah I've bet it as many options as I can I mean the only other option that I was discussing this week was buying another pod like we're um talking about at the COA it's $250,000 for a pod um it may be space at the highway [Music] Barn um and that would be something that we would have to figure out how to hook into the septic system up there so I I would think after all of this leg work I would think that's probably the only other viable option if you wanted to spend $250,000 um and I haven't spoken to unfortunately to um the high race of a about does he have space up there I don't know if you know whether there's space up there for that I don't um so at at trucks area yeah so we had a conversation with TR there is area for that we so again we're back to Ada if someone come to the trailer how do we get that person safely into the inter out of the trailer got that issue to deal with also to put ramps in and then the only thing is then we' have this pod that maybe we could use for the transfer station down the line because eventually they're going to need a new trailer space right so that's the only other viable option that I can say that can that would really work and I think we could get one big enough for two offices as well so again I think it comes down to what two offices you want to move and I always prefer to spend it on our own buildings but there is that and originally I I was you know we're trying to get a new building built I didn't want to take $250,000 out of our money but at this point we haven't even begun the plans of a new building so we're four or five years out so we might be able and we have money and stabilization we have to go to town meeting of course but that's something that we may be able to do if if you were inclined to do that and rather than this option um that's all I can give you that's all I have in terms of I've vetted everything else we've looked at spaces I've called even like Copart to see if they would rent the building they have out front they're not interested I I really have gone in every direction I possibly could to try to find Space because we need it so that's the only other option that I can come up with I never want to speak on behalf of the board but one of my issues with getting another trailer versus this is I would feel like we're going to have the pods from the COA that we have talked about different options for afterwards right which one of them was bringing them to the transfer station if we do the work to this building we had just heard it from the chief himself right that there's something that can be done with it so it's going to have some value down the road a little bit more than buying another pod and putting it somewhere and um you know that would probably cost more money and take longer than doing this option so I mean the only upside to there is is it's a little bit closer to the center of town versus the fire station but beyond that I really don't I mean it's still going to quote unquote segregate them from the rest of the Town Hall um so I don't really see much of an upside and I I understand why you're saying it but I just don't I don't see it personally yeah I'm spending $250,000 on apolog to if you remember this is also a warn article that we put out there to lease out the old s bank and our residents spoke loud and clear they didn't want to get into a leasing situation with sander and doing that so that compounds the issue as far as a space here at Town Hall like Deb said Town Hall in is 1888 listen she's been a good a good old building for us and she's she's doing her job however we we're growing and like Carl mentioned parking is an issue we tried if you go further back we try again that that lot for long-term Solutions of a pump station to potentially habing the red building that's sitting in the corner of town and potentially making a parking lot temporarily again the town said no so this is our building at some point Like Chief said it's we'll have to renovate it right and that that is true that's true for every building at some point I know it's still fresh a lot of people's minds and hearts but this building will need to be renovated someday right it's just it's the upkeep of running a town which is unfortunate but it's the facts um spending $250,000 I don't know I'm not inclined to do that um and you should still know about financial times in the future we have plenty of buildings we can use and this is one of them Mr chairman if I could absolutely uh Harry is there a uh exhaust retrieval system at station two okay works not like the old one all set Paul I think the idea that de's put together is a very valid way to handle this but I want to I would like to you have the employees that are involved in the two departments here can we hear from them so we can understand what their concerns are absolutely I mean they're one of the main concerns why why we're all here doing this as a group rather than us trying to make a ration I'd like to hear I'd like to hear from right ultimately ultimately this decision could have could have been made but we are a team as a board of Selectmen and we're a team I've said it before I'll say it again the boards and Committees of this town helps us guide us in our decisions that we make moving forward so it's imperative that we hear not just from you but the employees that will affect um absolutely and that's again like Jared said this is why we're all here today your your opinion matters I think we all know who you are but if you can state your name before you you say anything that would be great Chand water department oh Shoppers welcome to Kmart um so I give given you you three or four and my board a list of pros and cons that I've created for um at the direction of Debbie um for the town hall and the fire station um it's pretty self-explanatory so and I I do think that uh some of these were addressed today in that meeting yeah you know so was yeah you know safe access for customers 8 non ada8 compliant um yeah I mean I probably can't say anything that's going to benefit me so I'm going to stop talking now it sounds like you guys decided no no one I promise no one has decided a single thing Chann that's uh does anyone else over there want to say anything the only thing that my name is David tibo I'm with the water department um with with concern you know and I'm not I'm not trying to be sexist or anything but my mentality is is leaving women there without any sort of security or anybody around in case something were to happen um and leaving them essentially by themselves like as Paul said I'm out in the field 90% of my day I I probably typically spend the first half an hour to an hour of my day in the Town Hall in myice office and then pretty much in and out here and there throughout if I do even return um you know Chandler sometimes will take takes vacation as he's allowed to to have if if the planning board is there and Nicole and and uh Victoria have whatever they're doing which I I mean it it's beyond my understanding but I understand Victoria comes here quite often to have access for meetings um maybe she she meets somebody at a common area if that were even to be something that's to be considered in the future going forward if if they can't come into the fire department for whatever reason um leaving Nicole in the in the department by herself I mean to to me like I said it's just my understanding that I think that is kind of like I don't know not poor decision Mak but it's not I I don't think it's accept but whatever that's that's just me and I and I'm just going to back that up by saying that there is no ideal solution right we're trying to do our best with what we have and that and that was you know what Debbie had said before is you know we have a meeting of the mind so to speak tonight right we're we're here we're open for suggestions and no chandel we I promise we have not 100% stamped the decision that this is what's going to happen so so so you know we wanted to hear from you guys so I think you know that you know we care about you guys and want to make sure that we do right by everyone so do either you ladies and just to address the security concerns that you mentioned of course we're not going to detail every security feature we put into any building a town hall like that's just poor policy it it will actually take away from security but like Deb has mentioned cameras door locking door the same counter system that we have they're currently at town hall or better right so we're not just going to throw people in there and not without any thought of their cons their safety so that's Paramount right um and I'll pick it back off Jared I'm I'm in here blank-minded I I've have my thoughts and opinions and I'll make them known as I need to but I want to hear from you I do so that's important to me and and to everybody else here I assure you of that Mr chairman if I may uh I wouldn't like to see an actual drawn out plan I don't think that I think that okay this is all right to throw things out but until I see a plan I can't say how I would feel and I don't think that the employees I mean one of the things I I I see here is looking at that picture right there now I don't know where you may Envision the uh counter being but um you know are we going to have a citizen walked by the cafeteria era uh area uh are the uh bathrooms going to be accessible to the public or not you know I I think I I I really I want to see a plan uh in a concrete plan that we can actually uh you know give some input in absolutely I agree that that that's you know with that being said I think that if we can get some ideas from people tonight and there's already been some good stuff that's been you know thrown across we can then go and try and get some plans made and then you know pass them off to everyone so um one of the other options that I've spoken with Kyle about the Building Commissioner is taking the map room and putting planning and conservation into the map room the map room is small I think it's probably one of the smallest rooms we have but um we we're looking into I don't know if you've had the guy out yet but pumping the wall out if you know when you go in the town hall the wall jet in right past Lynette's office it jets in about 4T yeah so the bump out would come out about 4T and so would maybe go 10 feet so that's 40 square feet which doesn't seem like a lot of squar but for us that's huge that would that's a game changer for that room we could maybe utilize two people in there yeah uh you know our mail room we got to put a mail somewhere so we've looking at everything everything we could we picked up every Rock we could to look underneath it and we're asking for help anybody have any suggestions ideas is uh right and that included moving employees around town hall as well right moving one person office two person offices you know we've we've literally and the other point is that this doesn't take care of all our problems satisfi we still have people working in in office space and cubby H hold within offices so we still have that and we have storage we we're just overwhelmed we are really overwhelmed um it's tough to work here I mean it's tough when you have a chair you got to move stuff to get out of your desk you got to excuse me to get out of your office I mean it wears you down to do it day after day you know you're in and out of your office you're trying to work and I looking at some old movie there was a guy executive at his desk he had his little pen hole in his in his chart and that's all he had now we got two three screens we got wires we got all this other stuff so that that whole environment's changed so the building code requires 15 Square F feet per person correct we're not there we're like five we'll manage but we need help we really do that's I think that's being generous five five squ feet per person I have I have a question and I haven't seen it for myself but I'm led to UND I'm led to believe that there is space that is being unoccupied in this building on the second floor now I don't know you know and I'm just trying to think of this logistically with with regard to saving money like I don't know what that space looks like or if it's even available but you know to avoid renovation and and and kind of you know spending taxpayer dollars you know as a taxpayer in this town what what does that look like what is there is that even true is there is there room in this building I mean it seems like a a very large building I mean I got to assume there's got to be space in here somewhere no there's space but there's other concerns and I I you know we can probably let the chief talk to this one a little bit better but that space right now is nothing more than you know studs so there would be um quote unquote renovation that would need to happen up there as well that wouldn't be just you know move into that office space and and take it but you know obviously you're dealing with um you know a different security measure as as it relates to you know the business that's conducted Behind These Walls versus a fire station so right in correct me that any public area has accessible to the public right so like Jared said it's put down to studs and to to renovate that I believe it' be more than even the pods that we were just talking and discussing right so yes any public building that the town knows whether police or fire we looked at right no one has their special space they can't just have this place or that building belongs to the town the town's going to do what the town needs to do to function right that includes every single open space that we that we own as far as a town we we looked at at every capacity believe me when when I say that to including at the transfer station everything to see where the space that we already own to lessen the cost or renovation of moving but ultimately you got to think about this as well someday uh Channel you may want to retire right so someday you know 20 years from now you may want to retire so that position that you have is might be occupied by someone else right so same thing with Victoria and Nicole at some point you may want to retire or move to another position or another job so I know we we look at it as as today but we also have to look at it as the position is going there and just be it's and it's that person that now sits in that position and I say we we we we this is a personal thing and I and trust me this is why we're all here because it's personal for us as well we don't want to just upend you and and and make likes difficult but ultimately what's good what's best for the entire town right and it's and I again that's why we're all [Music] talking I can touch a third rail now uh so the old police station know be ideal for us right as as successful as they are they're also all grow that space parking's an issue bathroom is an issue they're they're overwhelming uh overload they're very successful they might be looking for something else let on road just wanted to throw that out there also it's a public building of course we don't want to throw Craig out does a great job but we'll just throw that in the mix too no uh that's that's absolutely something we looked at right we we appreciate and applaud everything that the the freet toown food Regional food pantry does but ultimately if we need that space someday we're going to use that space for something but we do have constraints with that area as well it's suitable for what it's been there now but not so much for in this current condition for offices and everything else because we absolutely we looked at that space um but that's you know they have vermiculite and things like that so occupying that area a little more difficult I know police did it for many years and people are probably saying the police did it for million years yes they did but in today's standards it it they wouldn't be allowed to do that that's why this place was built um so yes we did look at that old police station the current food pantry we did every single public area that we own as a town was looked at the same way this police and it just so happened if it really it was it was great fortune and and the the hospit the Willing of the fire department to say hey we don't the space we you you they know we're looking we've looked at even renting and looking at different places it's it's it is it is what it is um yes you can go first I was just wondering if I Michael's not here but I wonder if you could have move the assessor's office there and that would eliminate the problem with women being there totally alone you know I don't know I'm just Mike does have that sessa's office does have quite a bit of foot traffic and it's usually elderly people yeah one one of the big factors obviously is who does the most customer or least amount of customer interaction and I said customer resident you know usually so that was it um it's not the water department that does the no but it's also a functionality of operating too as well right so like you could say okay well accounting doesn't do but they're kind of needed there for the functionality of everything so um Victoria yeah thank you uh Victoria alaro planning and lus administrator um so with so both of my so all the lanus Departments are going to be getting online permitting soon so was there discussion or is there room for a space with a computer and a desk for an applicant who doesn't have access to one to be able to utilize that and if they need help where there to assist them with it I think we can put one on the counter that's what we used to do in Hing right on the counter when you walk in there's the computer there so the counter will have to be an accessible height then as well for Ada make for ADA Compliant um I do have a concern with um as much as I love the water department we do not work directly together at all um so I feel it would make more sense um you know office efficiency wise for departments whether that be permanent departments or other departments that work closely together to be in the same space um there's quite a few times that either I send someone to building our health after we give them a sign off or vice versa um so to have a resident you know try to drive back and forth um I just don't think that works for our department it's also going to create some upset residents I think no matter what we do we're going to create some upset residents right um it's the unfortunate truth so but you know it's very valid points it's just um we're we're trying to make this as easy as possible for the residents hence the Departments that were you know were kind of thrown around because there was other departments that were thrown around and Debbie was saying she would love to go there she's like I'd love to go there but we can't we we as long as I have my team I have my team but I'll go no problem you know and it's it's just but because of functionality of how things work at the Town Hall I think no I mean unless you can give me an idea of something that would that 100% stands alone as a department that we could send there I I don't know of one I say I we don't know of one um Trevor as well he's not here but but you know he was obviously very big in this discussion as well so um yeah I it's not easy like I said we don't we're not trying to in and it's not something that we're going to decide on our own it's not something that's going to be decided tonight and I think it's a very valid point that you know let's get a drawing put together now that we have a little bit more idea as to how things are going and then we can put a picture in front of everyone right because pictures speak a lot of words so um you know we'll have it in front every want to be able to go over and they can give their input from there m Mr chairman um if I may AB go back to uh the pods and just so we everyone knows anyone who's listening uh what that entails you say it would be 25 I mean $250,000 would that be to purchase a pod yes and that what what about I'm I'm just going to throw it be the Devil's Advocate throw it up whatever you want to say what would it cost to lease so we looked into that I haven't looked into it recently but with the COA I did look into that originally and it was $125,000 per year okay um the the other thing and I'm not advocating a part I'm just I'm just putting this out here what if we were to purchase it what would be the availability of selling it after we were done just like anything else I mean the only other thing I could tell you as I can look into that I have not is if there's a used one out there or a used pod that we could get for cheaper M um I haven't looked into that yeah no I mean it's something valid that we can look into so just like you're saying selling it I'm saying I'm not saying oh wait we can sell them off I think probably could I mean you probably would get Pennies on the dollar but I'm sure there's a market for everything I I know they they're not going to appreciate uh that for sure uh but and I'm I'm not advocating that but I'm just saying you know somebody's sitting home uh watching and they're saying well why didn't they do this you know you know why don't they go and look into leasing it or to sell it again or something sure yeah we had looked into the leasing and it was it made zero sense and then that was kind of what we had said gez by the time anything's even done because it was obviously in relation to the COA that by the time everything was even close to being done at COA for the COA whatever direction we go in right it would make zero sense for us so and then we have them to use down the road and keep in mind as well the COA pause that's a that's a temporary solution that is not a permanent structure that's not there for a long term that's a shelf life gosh we get 15 10 15s out of it we we'll be okay right so that's why leasing was kind of thrown out of the idea like we're gonna get a 125,000 $125,000 a year for a pod when we couldn't do well we couldn't get approved 36,000 change for Santander Bank and then we only have a shelf life of the say 10 years just to kind of round numbers that we again we looked at all options and crunch the numbers and make try to make sense of it all you speak about s Tean a bank and I'm GNA say as I set the meeting I didn't see a plan and so if with s with the Bank building there what what were we actually leasing I had no knowledge nobody had any knowledge and that's why I think it failed so so as you bring that up I'm going I'm going to tell you I think that's why it failed I get that and so that's why I'm saying hey I don't want to make a decision I don't want to have any input with something until I see a plan and that's really what we we need here we need a plan uh and we need a good cost estimate not just a ballpack what would be the the difference between spending the money for a pod than what you're going to get if you use the fire station the cost is so much different in the fire station we're investing into our own property to me the biggest issue here is our employees but and I haven't really heard any big reason why they don't want to go the security is is an issue but you can Buzz people in even at the front door there's a camera there you don't have to have that front door unlocked we went a long time at the at the Town Hall where you had a punch in and somebody had to let you win during Co same thing you know what I'm trying to say but to me me the end game is going to be the same result you're going to have people that don't want to maybe go up and work out of the highway department in a pod I mean it's the same thing MH MH the library next door why couldn't we just use that I mean we have a library on the other side of town right so even if we went down to one Library we just used that one we moove the library and remove the assonate library yeah there's no bathroom in there is you walk across the street to the town hall it's either that or do something with that old schoolhouse that we spending money on for nothing that we were never going to no one has any plans for it I mean so that schol at least we're putting money back into the buildings own if you want to do it that way yeah I I think we would like to ultimately work on the schoolhouse but the quote that I got was $2 million to finish that building which is just it wouldn't solve the parking issue um but the library I I I don't know I mean I think that's a totally different question removing theet library right I don't know I think both libraries are substandard so I think it might be difficult to to do do that but so while I don't want to consider this a stop Gap meure um there is it sort of is but there is a there is a small boat in there which gets used on a very rare occasion by the town what would happen if that space where the brush truck and the boat are were also turned into office space so more than one or two offices could go but three offices so there so it's always an assurance that there would Personnel more than one person in that building so that would alleviate some of the security concerns as far as leaving an individual by themselves um and utilizing the building freeing up more space in town hall and maybe so we get seven square feet per person C so we had looked at that at that spaceship bench was at 750 square fet the room in the back is 400 squ ft so almost double the space if we utilize that again if if if we all agree or if somebody agrees that we should look further into that building we can take the steps to come back with better information if that's what we get out of this meeting I don't know I I think that ultimately we would be pushing the fire department completely out of that building and they said that they would not need this back space they would use that bay if there was an emergency they' set up carts and that's where they would go but now if we force them out of that space I'm not sure where they would go I mean I guess the chief would have to look at that and I mean he is getting a new a new addition with some bunks rooms but I don't know if it's big enough and I don't know if it's all about location or it's about housing people yeah and I think I mean I'll let the chief speak to this but I know one you know we've talked a lot in the past about him having certain equipment in certain places and you know so I mean I you know I feel like you should we should allow the chief to speak on that and I don't want to uh you know I feel like I know we can say we can you know work with whatever space that we need to but at the end of the day these are our First Responders and I want to make sure that we we give them uh you know chance to respond as well and I don't I don't want to try and take up too much space in order to solve one little issue of I say little it's not little at all but one issue of being able to create one more Department space and and then doing something to um jeopardize them having equipment in the wrong place at the wrong time so Chief I don't know if you have anything to say v i i alna solution I can move the I can't give it all to you I I I have to have some space for the desk and I there's still every call there's paperwork that goes on in that building I got so I I still need a space and I I discussed this with kle just earlier tonight when we were over there if if the front 750 ft works better and that's a better alternative than the back I'll figure out a way to give you the front and I'll keep the back but I I have to have something mhm so I can't I can't I got what you're saying now take the 750 from the front and let them keep the 400 in the back I thought we were saying both as far as they we take the 400 and the 750 that's why I was saying they know they need to so gotcha but then I don't know about as far as how Renovations how much more that would affect that so I would think that front Bay I mean it's it's not an office space it's a garage right single pain windows and so that's not that's not my decision to make but yeah thank you Chief I need to retain some all right so kind resharpen the pencil on this discussion we're here to discuss space constraints possibility of moving the Departments like any department or any renovation right whether we release it buy it or renovate it we we we would always have a plan in place for the betterment of the of the the space and the employees right that's that's that's an any any if you renovated this area today and we said yes we're renovating this area there will still be a design stage in planning and everything else right so again to kind of resharpen and refocus we're talking about moving the Departments right we're going to like J said earlier we're not going to hit every single every single bullet point it's just impossible right for what wants and needs right we're got to do wants and need the needs must come first versus the wants right we need space um that said today's discussion Is How We Do how we get in there and amly together right very valid point absolutely so I I mean Nikki I don't you're the only one I didn't you know I don't know if you have anything you would want to say because obviously it does affect you but if you don't have anything you don't have to say anything I I think the only biggest concern I have is the safety cuz like I know Victoria's off on some Fridays cuz she has night meetings um so she takes Fridays off and then if Chandler's on vacation David's out on the road then I'm there alone so that would be my biggest concern is the safety yeah and and safety has to be number one right I mean Beyond any of this safety has to be number one hence one of the reasons why this all started right safety right now is an issue at Town Hall if everything is left the same so um I I hear that loud and clear and I think there was some definitely some valid points that were brought up and um I mean I don't want to drag this on all night long I mean I think if anyone has anything else they'd like to add um you know I I just want to take it back and say that I think our next thing would be is that we would have to try and get some plans drawn up um maybe based on both sides of both whether it be the front and the back and then you know we can bring it back to the boards and committees and um you know take it from there and you know put out to you guys and give us some input based on what we see and then uh you know we can make some decisions we'll have to you know do this again because I do think it was a productive meeting between everyone well go ahead sorry I just want to add one more thing so I think the option of the front area that's bigger um if you could squeeze in that third office we'll probably make a better Annex and you could probably put the department that actually like that work together in one spot um in another Community I worked and we had an Annex and I think it worked pretty well there with with having those departments together and I think what we you know hence the we keep going back to it by having the drawing right and then seeing how it all Lays out and bathrooms and everything else so um yeah I mean yeah no I I I'm all for making sure it's secure compliant and and comfortable 100% but as far as moving departments it one of that's one of the primary things to discussed today it sounds like we've been amendable we've been discussing many points and we are addressing those concerns and I think we have a lot of plans in place like as Carl has mentioned does the water department object if the water department moved I want to hear from the Department is would you object to move if if everything if you had everything in your bucket list today right now on paper drawn out would you want to moved from town hall to that location if we had space I we'd like to move I believe uh the Commissioners uh would like to move to a bigger area whether it wherever okay you know I mean we're not we're not we're not moving things to Fall River or to Boston or anything we're in Freetown you know as I agree 100% as long as it's safe and it's comfortable for our employees absolutely and you know I just go back and think that I mean it'd be I think it would be a different story if we were saying to somebody hey you got to you got to go work in Brockton we we we got a space in Brockton that's where we're going to put you it's it's still on the same town you know what I mean right so that's a question to the conservation department uh and planning uh if you had everything on your bucket list checked off safeties comfort everything that an employee would need to comfortably be doing their job in a safe location drawn out today would you say yes or no to move in that department to that location I'll speak for the conservation as as as a commissioner just as a commissioner sure um my thing is if we if we had a a time limit if we knew we you know it would be much more helpful than going and saying you know you're going off to a a a spot and we don't know when it's going to be a oh condensed again in another another facility I I have a real problem with that I I don't work there that much so for me it it wouldn't matter to me personally but I walk into the office maybe for 15 minutes every two weeks really to be perfectly honest so I'm not going to uh that it's all right or I'm not going to say it's wrong I want to see a plan then right that's really where we're talking out of a concept here and we should really be talking about a plan well the plan is that you know one thing at a time so there is no plan if there's no decision ultimately the board of seling make will make the decision however we want to hear from you if if you had everything in the Box checked yes or no to moving a department not people not anything we're asking we Comm make the decision but we want your opinion is it it's that's what we're asking you well I mean I mean just be careful because you don't want anyone speaking on behalf of a board right right no no I'm I'm just I'm just trying to get a gauge my my own opinion is it's it's a stop Gap yeah that's all it is that's what it is yes but you know how long is that stop G got to be there and and I I couldn't agree to thinking that even like say building an Annex because I don't agree with with annexes you know you you got people with two different spots trying to work together doesn't work yeah it's tough so um you know a stop gap for very limited time I wouldn't I wouldn't mind working there but I'm not going to say because I'm sure only for 15 15 minutes or so yeah and I don't know that anyone up here whatever in their right mind trying and give a timeline right yeah um everything takes forever in a day when it comes to this world so I'm learning that real quick and um you know so it's it's tough for us to put a definitive time on it to say okay yeah you know it would be six months a year 10 I I don't know um because there's a lot of factors I would say you know three years three years at a minimum I I can't see anything happening sooner than that unless we get another building not a new building but another space renovated mhm and then move again planning board well I will Echo your sentiments about having the uh staff feel comfortable they work great I'm hoping that there's no issues where the it is is uh weak and they're using dialup for some damn thing like that and and interfacing with the public is is problematic cuz everything's running fine right now so yeah you know if the if the space Works it'll work yeah no we agree I think there's nothing wrong with the employees or the department that's that's not that's never been a concern the problem is is space and making sure that it's we're running as as functional and as as efficient as possible and the the third floor just doesn't cut it it's just it's you know we've looked at the first place like again we looked at the first floor and different offices moving people within those offices you you solve some things but you don't solve all of them not even close but the other thing it does also it takes a building that needs repair and of maybe put some viny sighting in brighten it up it'll do that for the building also any other reasons that that will also happen hopefully what would be the form of payment how you have to come up with a budget but is this something that have to go in front of the town or is this something that would come out of some sort of building fun well every time you you think of something right like he just talked about vinyl additional windows so there there is a c threshold that we have to make sure we figure out you you mentioned you threw up some numbers earlier we have to take a look at those numbers right you said 30 30 30 to $40,000 right in that time frame so it's I mean it's not hot numbers it's just G right so if we can agree that this building is conducive to what we the use we need we can take the next step as you mentioned and that's why I kind of was um asking the question because if we're going to wait for a design we that we're kind of prolonging the not the inevitable we're prolonging the decision or the move or that functionality so to get us the the plans that we we discuss we need to make sure that we're actually we're going to be moving people there right if they're not moving people there then this discussion is over we can move on with our day but it sounds like from all sides once these additions are made it's a viable spot right and it'll actually work out pretty well and right and again improve infrastructure in town that's my reason I think there's still a lot of questions that need to be answered so I don't want to like I said I was very careful about I just don't want to I just don't want to put any one particular board in in place and I know you're not trying to I'm not that's not my intent I'm just trying to make sure we're we're all hey this is a good idea let's move forward let's see what it looks like that's that's in in layman's terms that's what that's what I'm asking you know it's like let's passco right it's that's all I'm trying to see absolutely and the third floor is considered a little dangerous so we won't see other departments sprawling and going up there right Storage storage area so there won't be a conference room up there like you're talking about St no I don't someone said something about conference room I you know must have been misspoken because it was 100% has always been about storage because then it will help free up space from within certain offices right so that was really it because then you're not going to have people up there um so yeah so yeah so there's still obviously a lot of questions and stuff but I think um as far as funding sources my thought process depending on where we thought it would be would be oper oper money that does not have to go to town meeting okay so I can the select me can vote and then it can be spent so all right so I'm thinking that maybe you know we'll we'll take it from there we can try and get some plans drawn up and then we can send it off to every board you know give them some chance to all meet and go over it come up with some ideas uh questions concerns whatever and then we can meet like this again in the same form because I think there is a lot that can be accomplished by all of us getting in you know in the same room and you know talking through things so does anyone have any questions or concerns with doing that no I I think it's been productive it's a lot of a lot of valid points and we'll do the best to address them and then take the next step absolutely so yes sir released Jour meetings um Mr chairman we're going to adjourn our meetings so to speak meeting on motion we adjourn yeah I'll I'll make sure that all favored I'll make a motion that we adjourn the planning board meeting I need a motion I'll make a motion and a second second all those in favor signify by saying I hi hi beautiful thank you guys give me one moment to clear everyone just be with me for one second I was just letting them saw that some of the noise just just stepped out for a minute she'll be right back okay so did you guys find camping is that that I'm hearing you guys see camping spots yeah we had one at horns ago we tried we Tred doing it in um can't take it all right so like I think we're good so uh we'll move on to agenda item number two discussion and vote on whether to approve but not release the executive session minutes from 7124 motion made I will second it all those in favor I I agenda item number three discussion and vote on whether to cross train Board of Health in building clerks to cover for one another's pay time off um yeah I I just I've been watching other town halls and they are um they're moving to a system where you have like all your clerks together and nobody is specialized in any one department they all cover for each other well we're our space is not conducive to that kind of a setup my building and health um are side by side both are on periz um so both of the clerks are Versed and periz and you know they they have time off and the department heads are left without any staff and I think it would work where they could cross uh cross train and and so just so if the building clerk is out the Board of Health clerk can take a message they can go to her window she if they have questions on the computer and permanized they could help them and they could take a message and have the the inspection you know the building inspector and the Board of Health agent call when they get in so I just think it would be an efficient use of resources for us we we don't have a florer we didn't hire a florer this year because it just there's a lot of downtime with the florer it wasn't uh wasn't economical for the town so the step on this is to get the board of Selectmen to agree and then it will go to the union for uh the administrative Union for further discussion with the actual employees and impacts so um I just think it will work better for everybody and mainly for the residents that come in there' be somebody to cover and it wouldn't be I think you bring up a great point that there they specialize in their own Department right this is more of you know buildings not in the other can you know take care of the the general everyday stuff right and you know to to help the residents so I'm all about cross training um I I do think that you know it makes sense in a lot of in a lot of uh areas so our a building clerk I mean she did do both when the building and the Board of Health was one department so she's probably somewhat familiar um and I think that there's they have some they have available time right to do this they both do their jobs very well but there they have the time to cover both I think especially since we are on digital you know online permitting the foot traffic has gone down it's still there but it's nowh near what it was when I first came to the town so um I just think it will be a good use of resources as I said economy of scale you know I think Jared touched on this but I agree it's you know cross training should be part of every employer's manual um across the country and the world it's it builds value in the employee and it gives you opportunities down the road um and this is more a more efficient way of conducting business and not to mention the resident that comes into town hall will have somebody there at all times and then breaks and everything else included so these two will be the easiest to do I will probably be coming back to ask for more once we get see how this goes anyone Margaret Margaret French chair of Board of Health um I just want to say I support this um and and back up what what Deb said um it used to be one office with with one clerk so it makes sense to to have those two clerks able to cover each other e even if you know when is at lunch and somebody comes in at least somebody will be there to answer questions and I I think there's plenty of time that they they can do those jobs MH thank you anyone else have any questions or concerns so so you know Deb did touch on this but um this really you know we can make the boat but then it does need to go um you know nothing said in stone because then it really is going to the union so uh yeah no U let's put it out give it to the union to to chew on and see what they have to say but um whether the decision yes or no they'll give us their reasoning and hopefully we can alleviate those if not then they make decision they make it's part of doing business absolutely so with that I entertain a motion um to approve cross training the Board of Health and building clerks to cover uh for one another's paid time off I make that motion I will second it all those in favor I I agenda item number four discussion and vote on percentages of retirees Insurance town will pay for calendar year 2025 um so uh you know for anyone listening are here who doesn't know currently the town does pay 95% uh of um rti's health insurance plan uh we did find out that that's actually illegal um so we have to make a change the maximum amount that we can pay is 90% um in you know uh a lot of places they pay what 75% um currently we're paying 75% for um employees so we're paying 75% for employees 95% for um retirees so unfortunately we have to make a decision so really it's our our decision if we want to go down to the 75% but we can't do more than 90% um right so yeah that's the that's the the part you got to think about right so there's a laow mandate of reducing it at a minimum 5% right however my concern is we've had we've been paying how many retire we talking about 100 100 change if give or take yeah I'm not I don't have the number in front of me so my concern is we've been paying 95% now we have to go down to 90% so that's a given that's a minimum for every reti that has given their timing timing grade and their time for this town so I look at it like that but also going down to 75% right away econom is tough as far as for paying for food electric and everything else so I have to be cognant of that I think you are as well I think we all are so is is it a taper down can we do that step down versus all at once I I don't want to I don't want to shock anybody this that's you know we're talking about a population that's retired on a fixed income whether Social Security they Town pension and whatnot and I you and insurance rates have gone up they have but also have to be Cog of the other 9,000 people that are paying their taxes so so it's it's a tough one that's probably one it's a tough decision yeah I I'm at this point I mean to your point I really you know I have a soft spot for people who are living on fixed incomes and um you know to to all of a sudden I I already hate the fact that I'm going after someone on a fixed income and saying they're going to have to give up more but I also understand it we can't break the law to to do it right so um I have a hard time at this point going away from that 90% Mark um what we do down the road you know we we maybe we have to make a decision into your point is is it is it a tiered system so that we don't shell shock them from 90 to 75 maybe it's 90 to such and such you know going down by 5% whatever it is but at this point I really don't feel good about doing anything short of 90% right and no I I think I'm I'm no I know I think I'm in on the same boat as you I Things Are are tough but again we got to look at talent and everything else but not going down there to me it's it gives me stress I'm not I'm not a retiree and and I also got to think about the employees that are now still employed by the town right some of you up on this on this up at this table down the road is hey what's my insurance going to look like when I retire so that that goes into the planning factor for current employees as well so you got to think about that right and and know I know you have I'm just putting out there for those at home not here um so I agree I think we have to follow the law 90% I think we I think we would be in greed in that right we have to follow the law the law is the law um but maybe revisit it if the Law changes and we'll revisit it in a years time frame something along those lines so just so you know this this is for calendar year so the retirees rates change and it goes into effect January 1 so what you vote tonight we will get a letter out to the retirees so that they know in January it be it's going to be a little bit different right and same thing moving forward say January we could revisit this so the following January if you're going to Teeter down they would have an entire year to do that I will tell you Town Council says I think we're supposed to be the same as working employees and retirees should be the same percentage um prior you know what happened is we didn't have any Statute in place we were supposed to be paying 0% there was no statute was adopted we adopted that statute at the town meeting so now that it gives you the right to pay up to 90% of the retirees so I think that's a good move for right now to get us at least that much into compliance and then I think further discussion about whether you you make the retirees to what the working employees are because that's really what Town Council has advised me but I think we can have more conversations of that I think the bet you know the closer we can get to compliance where we should be that is but I want to give them as much notice because it is I agree it's very difficult right now so Ju Just for full transparency Deb um can you tell the folks listening is what is the current rate for Town employees paying right now as a working active employee 75% correct so that's where that 75% number came from is to kind of sit there and you know we're going to do some more due diligence there and make sure that if that's the case then that's the discussion that we have next but right now to meet the law right while we wait for that final answer from Town Council and everything else 90% is yeah right I I think well I think town council's already kind of already I kind of already set everything in place I think for us for me personally is it's more about what's the right thing to do and the right thing to do is go from 95 to 90 so that we're in compliance Town Council saying you know drop it down even further it dropped down to 75 because that's the way it's usually done but I don't think it they're not saying we have to be the same I do think that if you're going to drop drop it lower than 90 um you need to have a more informational meeting for the seniors because there is things that I've heard um about there was bartering back and forth that if they did this they would get the I don't know I just don't want to have you guys say okay we're just going to drop it to this and then all these seniors say wait a minute we made a deal this is I think that we need to bring forth more information I think they're expecting the 90 because that's the law and I and when that article went on there was discussion but I think if you're going to do more then I'd rather see you put this on hold and have a bigger discussion with the senior the people that's going to affect the retirees I think if and I think that's a very valid point I think if we ever have to take another step and not saying we will or we won't but if we take a step away from that 90% then it's something that's done with our retirees with us right and um that they can ask questions and we can have some definitive numbers to them and what it will look like and how it will affect them and they can give you the history of how they got where they are at Mr chairman if I may absolutely since I am a retiree I'll give you a little bit of the uh history um originally back probably 20 years ago the town paid 80% of Blue Cross Blue Shield and if you took Blue Cross Blue Shield you would that would be the the case if you went with a um oh I'm going to lose it now the oh uh doctor you know the a manage plan MH uh you would get n up to 90% because that's what they they could do um and that's how they went along now if you retire before you are 65 then you you stay on the town's Health Plan once you reach 65 you go to uh Medicare and the town then will pay their percent there'll be a percentage you pay and they pay of uh the supplementary so mostly we're talking about employees who are going to be reimbursed for their supplementary uh or Healthcare are not all health care but if you're s if you're a retired person you're 60 years old the town will pay uh the probably now most of them at 75% so that's what and I kind of yes I think it's it's only fair if you I I don't know why you haven't actually uh given notice um to the uh Town employee uh Town retirees of what you DEC might be tonight so that they could had some input here but just so you know uh what it was was 80% if you did Blue Cross Blue Shield 90% up to 90% if you were in one of the managed CS um and I I and I I also want everyone to understand that Massachusetts retirees unless they uh worked outside do not get any Social Security okay nothing at all MH so I want you to keep that in mind and the reim and Social Security people are getting cost of living we the cost of living uh supplements for retirees uh minuscule they're like I think maybe last year was 3% of the first up to the first 30 and I have never in my 13 years as a retiree never been reimbursed or gotting a cost of living at the full 30% and that 30% I mean pardon me that $30,000 was set in the law in like 1980 so that's 40 years ago they've never brought it up yeah so you know I think you should keep that in mind absolutely and I think that that's kind of why I said what I said about if you know if we have to move away from that 90% needle we do need to get you know the people who are affected by this not not two or three people sitting up here making a decision that's going to affect a whole bunch of people that's just not that wouldn't be fair um and to be to be perfectly honest is I think fair and of course I'm in drawing this uh position here is that 90% is fair M because we're not getting we're not getting costs of living that uh people in Social Security are getting um where I mean my my increase in the pension didn't cover the increase in my Healthcare just so you know that's where what the reality is goes down to yeah yeah see in the ego that's the type of stuff you hear and you hate to hear and that's what scares me and obviously Carlos as well so um you know so all right so I mean I I don't want to and I truly appreciate it from your perspective Charlie thank you absolutely thank you um thank you so um with that I am going to entertain a motion that um we vote at 90% for the retirees health insurance uh that we will pay for calendar year 2025 motions made I will second it all those in favor I I uh agenda item number five discussion and vote on whether to allow the Girl Scouts to sell craft items at the summer concert series um so they volunteer and they're coming they both uh face painting yeah and doing some things uh with the summer consent series I think that the people enjoyed it I think the residents enjoyed it the kids enjoyed it and they they make some crafts and they were asking to to sell them I just I'm concerned because I don't want that to turn into a vendor fair right I don't want the concert series to then be other crafts people saying hey the Girl Scouts are selling the something well we we want to sell something too so I I that's why I wanted to bring it before the board I just um I just don't want it to turn into something it it's not so I think that and and that's a very valid point because that is is a limited space right um I don't want to I don't want to turn it into that because there you know there was a good turnout at the last one and we had a couple of what we had uh the town nurse there we had some food trucks and we had the Girl Scouts there so I think maybe if we're going to do it again and you know we we start getting multiple groups and maybe we have to put it in a rotation schedule um you know where we have one or two there and that's all we we we cap it off at that um so that way we don't have 10 of 10 of them there and then you know people who were there to actually watch the concert are all packed in like sardines that's just not fair so um yeah I I mean I don't have a problem with them doing it I think you know someone who was standing on the side of them pretty much the whole night they seemed like the girls were having a good time and having fun so I'm I'm all for it um my l my line of thoughts are ear in line with things you're saying it's I don't want it to be that the place you go to they will watch a concert but then you also have you already have some uh food trucks there which is great ice cream trucks and everything else which is amazing Girl Scouts Boy Scouts they're are great groups I I spent majority of my my life volunteering for nonprofits and love to give back as much as possible but I also also concerned about making sure that it's not that's not all it is as well right so I do like your tiered approach to Ro a rotation no more than two or three vendors or nonprofits like Girl Scouts Boy Scouts at at any given time so you don't get overwhelmed with um you know different things um and and definitely give them the opportunity to you know I want a bracelet whatever they're making you know I I love wearing that stuff I usually wear them here on on uh live on camera so yeah I I don't have a problem with them going there tomorrow as a as almost like a not a test but as a good trial run see how it's received and everything else and then um expand it as needed or cap it to the numbers we suggested yeah so I think that um you know we're not allowed by doing this vote unless you know consider tell me if I'm cons if I'm looking at this wrong but we're not saying that okay they're going to be the only ones that will allow I mean I can put a caveat in the vote um but you know I mean I think if no one else asked I don't I would hate to say okay you're going to be on a rotation schedule and you're only going to be at every other or what ever so you know until we have more ask if more do ask then that's why I guess I'm saying that right so I um you know I I think and I and I will just cave at that with they're Pro they're they're volunteering right right they're bringing a service to absolutely to the concert series that is um I think appreciated MH so it's not like they're just setting out and selling something yeah they're just they're just going have them there while they're doing I think they were face painting and what yeah they were face painting then you know like actually the last one I didn't know that this was going to happen shame on me but you know the town nurse being there I thought that was good right she was there and she was giving off to people that something that you know you're you're in an outdoor event on the side of the water so there mosquitoes and stuff and she's giving out information they were there I mean I think it all helps to the excitement of the event right so it's not just about the concert everything my six-year-old ran up to me and gave me tick and mosquito prevention packets with a great enthusiasm so whatever they were doing to that 10 they were very excited to give it to me he like look Dad look what I got so uh the kids were excited it was a you know we had many people that showed up it's it's a good opportunity for uh so FaceTime the Girl Scouts for this venue and correct if I'm wrong I guess I didn't look at this isn't tomorrow the next the next one so look at that my son is to go to a concert on his birthday um and if we vote on it maybe get some girl scull stuff so yeah all right so I think you know at at this point you know I think that we've kind of hashed this all out so that I will obtain a motion to approve uh to sorry to allow the Girl Scouts to sell craft items at the summer concert series motion made I will second it all those in favor I I agenda item six discussion and vote on whether the town would pay for the street lights on Jeffrey Lane and aent mass so so this one's an interesting one and I was looking at it and what happened was is the town was financially struggling and they started trying to figure out how they could cut cost and one of the things was is they sent the police chief around to look at lights that we could remove from the electricity bill and this street was one of them well the residents that lived on the street got upset and said that there would be concerns as far as safety so one of the residents since then has paid the electric bill every single month for this one light um the light bill just so everyone's aware is somewhere in the neighborhood of about6 or $17 can fluctuate a little bit with daylight savings time and everything but I'm assuming I have the police chief here because he might have something to say about safety or anything else as it relates to this one light that's well fortunately this was before how step into the office yeah so had the uh responsibility of those actions but uh whenever it comes for for lighting I mean I wish there was lights on every street but that's not reality so I'm assuming uh Chief Abbot uh use discretion and in and picking those lights so um but at the end of the day it's your decision is a board um I'd make that recommendation you know to make that expense to to help those people there are some elderly people that live in that area and um it would definitely help increase the safety there sure well I'm going to say two things is one I am glad that I'm not sitting up here on this board when things were that trying knock on wood because that's a that's tough when you have to get to that point to to you know trying to look at dollars and I'm sure you're the same point you're not having to go run around and make that decision but I think you said it all when you said that you know I wish I we had lights on every on every street um yeah so you know the light does help and I do think it's unfair to put that burden whether it be the size of it not being that great still to put that burden on one individual uh resident is not fair so uh I am all for taking this responsibility back on as the town um because it really does serve value to the town to the residents not just this one resident right so you know when I saw this email pop up and the information behind it I read it five times I'm not going to lie and then I started giggling to myself and I remember my wife come to me why you laughing Carlos and I said to her uh you know I didn't tell her what it was I kind of but I kind of broke it down like you know small towns come with small town stories and this is a quincenal small town story that the town was struggling and its resident stepped up to pay a bill uh and that's how I look at it um so thank you to the residents that did that that's just a a great story and it's when I think of small towns these are things that we do for each other right something that we all want to get back to as as we grow and Pull Apart in many ways right so yeah I I think at this point thank you for the many years of going paying our electricity bill um and they've had enough I I get it yeah so so so I think she'll be happy with how this will go um so so with that I will entertain a motion that the town pay for the street light on Jeffrey Lane in a Sonet Mass motion made I will second all those in favor I I so the actual reason why I know the chief is here is the the the next agenda item agenda item number seven discussion and vote on whether to um to utilize oper Monies to uh fund replacement of all mobile data uh Terminals and patrol cars for the sum of $ 48,6 7.32 um so this is really and I don't want to speak to it CU I really want to let you speak to it but this is more about the the computers that are within every patrol car right that they're using day in and day out yes so uh the the town's in a unique uh situation where we could uh replace some old and Antiquated uh mobile data terminals that are uh in our patrol cars these are mobile data terminals are used every single day um in the function of our our work uh specifically for Traffic Control a lot of uh checks on individuals that were bumping into an on on a regular basis uh communication directly back and forth from the Personnel in the car to the Communication Center and uh leading up to the next couple of months I've been uh spearheading e sitations to be implemented here in the department and what that means is instead of the officers writing out a citation physically on a uh a citation they'll be able to use the computer mechanism within the uh in the cars so they an the data it gets actually printed out by a mobile printer inside the uh the cruiser and then that will be issued to the to the Violator um this is something that has been um encouraged by the RMV because they don't want a messy handw writed citations anymore and they want these e citations um there's other benefits of having the system where it's uh it's all documented it's directly right through the RMV um so there's a an enhanced security level there as well so all these things add up to this advancement in the technology that we're asking for would definitely benefit the police department um if this funding wasn't approved I would have to come up with a more um relaxed plan of replacing terminals maybe you know one to three at a time per year and keep rotating things out but we're looking at mobile data terminals now that are you know ranging an age from 7 to 10 years old and um I think you know I have my it guy here today the shelf life of these computers usually are like five years so we've already extended past that some of them uh data terminals now they actually need uh uh work done on them and I really don't want to make that extra expense if I don't have to if the town allows these uh arpa Monies to support replacing the whole Fleet at at this time um so again I'm I'm hoping that the support is there and um if there's more it questions about these terminals again I have Sergeant Ashley here but one of the benefits of these new terminals is currently most of our car fleet has its mobile data terminal but we also have a um a modem that is separate from the terminal so what that means is the uh the ter the um excuse me the data ter is in the trunk of the car and a line runs underneath like the seats and and the uh the lining of the car up to where the mobile data terminal is and then it connects to the computer so but what we're looking at is a system where the uh mobile air card is actually within the uh the data terminal so what does that mean there's s savings there so we don't have to deal with running that extra line and that extra installation and when that uh uh you know the mo that modem goes down um the replacement is not there we specifically using the uh the the uh data terminal so then there's also some other it benefits that come along with that where updates and transfer a data from the IT person that has to uh manage that it's going to be so much easier because we have those internal modems within the uh terminals so um we're looking to the Head we're trying to move things to the future and these funds would support that absolutely and you know obviously a couple of things as it relates to that oper funding is here once and it's you know once only uh this is in you know everything is at the end paid for by taxpayer dollars right the OPA money came from taxpayers so I don't want to make it sound like that but we're not going to Freetown direct residents asking them for this this sum of money um I think this is a a good use of the money uh I think the police department has been very good about not you know trying to come after every little you know seeing what we have and trying to come after it um you know and that so and and then it doesn't put I'm going to use Sergeant Ashley because he's standing or sitting behind you is it doesn't put Sergeant Ashley in one car using some equipment and then into another car using a different equipment I think you know we do it all once we do it right and everyone no matter what car they jump into they have the same equipment I I mean I I don't see it as being it's it's a no-brainer decision to me um at every level yeah these terminals are used day in and day out um you might as well consider them to be part of our tool belt because uh we're constantly using them back in the old days before we even had mobile ter data terminals we'd have to call the dispatcher and they would uh run the information there and it was reported over the the the the radio waves and you know everybody would hear it on the radio but nowadays with the technology ology we have that ability to to do these inquiries at our fingertips and a lot of work gets done that way a lot of good investigative work gets done that way so we invest in those uh mobile data terminals uh Faithfully cheap go goe we had talked about once you get these that now you begin the rotation and put that in place so that we don't get to another point where everything's sort of outdated I think think that happen when you know budgets are tight they do what they have to and they don't replace things because they can't we the budgets weren't there but now that you just get a clean slate start over and you know put a plan in place to rotate these whatever a couple in three years four years five you know so that they just consistently will stay up to date as long as the budgets are there because we never know absolutely we use the same consistent plan with some of the other equipment that we have in in the station whether it's uh vests uh our Firearms I recently replaced the uh the old shotguns that were malfunctioning with brand new shotguns so we got that done but um the more usage that we have with this equipment there is a shelf life they have to it comes to an end and they have to be replaced well I don't want to replace pistols rifles shotguns tasers all at once because it would s be such a burden to the town in the community so yeah absolutely right having a plan in place definitely lessens the blow and making sure things are maintained properly or we can go back to having residents play street lights you know that's kind of how it all worked out before but since you mentioned your it guy Sergeant Ashley Sergeant Ashley as you're aware where and chief as well um doesn't matter who answers it we're upgrading our communication systems right approved by the town um at town meeting so interface wise no issues there uh will it improve or planning on doing or do you see any issues or concerns moving forward nope we expect the uh the new radio system to go online at the end of the month the last check that I had from the um from the communications barcom and uh comtronics uh I don't see any issue with these new tablets interfering with the uh with the new radio system whatsoever perfect I'd like to add to as well is um about a year and a half ago the state 911 uh notified all the law enforcement uh entities that we would no longer uh at a given later date to um be able to record our um Telephone and radio transmissions on their server so they put us on notice to say if you want to have those recordings you're going to have to do something on your own so we um were proactive we were able to acquire our own server uh um that we have that temporarily installed we're just waiting for the radio infrastructure upgrades to be in place and then shortly after that we will be making the connection to our new server to uh keep on going with those recordings and getting off the uh 911 server as um pushed by the state so we're staying proactive and we're making those changes um as you know qued by the state thank you and using arer money is it's a again like like you said it's not arer money yes it's our tax dollars but it was through the American Rescue plan act right so that's soon to expire so those funds will you know unless we have another Global pandemic and decide to do the same exact thing oper monies or or other type of monies might not might not come down our way again so it is smart use of it that's certainly true absolutely so thank you gentlemen both for that I quite appreciate it so with that um I entertain a motion to approve utilizing Opa Monies to fund replacement of all mobile data terminals in patrol cars to the sum of 8,667 32 motion made I will second it all those in favor I I agenda item number eight discussion and vote whether to approv uh and sign the quote from Advanced electronic Design Inc for mobile data terminals in patrol cars so uh we already have it and uh you know it's everything seems to be in place so um I mean it's yeah no yeah standards piggy back off of the decision that was just made now is there any one last question before you jentan leave for the contract portion of it right we're we're all ingredients it's it's a great idea how long will it take for stuff to get installed or ordered delivered uh once money is received of course so I believe uh what you have before you is a quote from Patrol PC or Advanced electronic design um for nine uh Series 3 renot tab uh tablets um my understanding is is that they are coming off the production line within they were supposed to be off the production line this month I don't don't expect the delivery to be much after that once it's uh once it's paid um there this does include some changes to the configurations in the cars as the chief mentioned we currently have end of life modems buried in the trunks of some of these Cruisers um on a hot summer day I was just in the back of one trying to to rectify the issue uh because we don't have any more spare modems um so this reconfiguring the antenna on the roof to Route it to the front of the car where the computer goes into the dock and just plopping this in and getting it going uh is uh not going to take very long but uh we can do it in a systematic function to get everything up and running perfect and the quote that you see um today involves installation as well so the company comes out and they do one car at a time I'm not sure if they'll be able to get it all done in one day maybe they'll do a certain number of cars but um they have very been very reliable to us we've been using them for years good company good and know that makes you feel good right especially if you've been using them in the past so oh I agree yeah good question um so with that I entertain a motion to approve and sign the quote for advanced electrical Design Inc for the mobile data Terminals and patrol cars motion made I will second all those in favor I I all right so um agenda item number nine discussion vote on whether to approve the following transfer request so I'm going to read through them all if you have any questions or whatever have any holds on them just let me know and then we can go back to to them um so a the tree Warden rentals and Lease to tree Warden part-time salary elected in the sum of $5,000 B Town insurance automobile to uh Town Insurance general liability in the sum of $7,000 C building office supplies to electrical Personnel in the amount of $4,150 D Town prop custodial uh part time to public building and prop maintenance overtime in the sum of $748 48 cents e police officer salary SL wages to police overtime in the sum of $ 48,1 14441 F unemployment benefits to Medicare in the sum of $6,000 G transfer uh station other supplies to trans for station waste removal and disposal in the sum of $683 191 each Town prop custodial part-time salary to town prop r&m uh service building and grind grinds I'm assuming that's ground oh grounds yeah that makes more sense wow uh police in the sum of 8,000 uh and that's all of them so um obviously we're at that time of year with there's got to be some adjustments made um yeah you know so I mean it it all seems pretty straightforward to me so you know right altogether is around $80,000 and you're just literally essentially it's been approved just moving from one one pot of money to the other like you set the adjustments for the year so for those watching at home that's is what this is for yeah so all right so uh I mean everything's good with me so um you good debie good yeah these are all just sort of inter inter yeah exactly departmental uh transfers and they I've looked at them all they're all valid and finance committee voted for all of them this evening before this meeting so oh awesome perfect thank you L I appreciate that all right so um with that I entertain a motion to approve the um following transfer request as read uh a through H motion made I will second it all those in favor I I agenda item number 10 discussion discussion and vote on whether to approve uh utilizing hathway park for free yogurt classes on 8824 81624 83024 9624 91324 and 92024 from 5 to 7 um I think this is a a great use it's you know it's another good program to have there right we we've talked about that that area and right um I think this was back in the beach last year wasn't that or similar program in the beach somebody at the beach last year this isos to our community program director I think last year it was a woman who had come to us and asked to use the beach and you approved that um so I don't know who she has I I haven't gotten the details I just the only thing I will tell you is she's got it set up oh this is August I was going to say I don't know if it coincides the same with the concert series but I was thinking it was July 16th and this is August 16th but yogurt is one of those great things and what a better place than to have it Outdoors at the park mhm right pickle ball some pickle ball court a lot of grass oh Rivers right there nice little Sunset I might go do some yoga kayak kayak that's right kayak storage ramp there and the playground so you're good all sorts of stuff One Stop shopping so so no I I mean it's a little bit more excitement added a little bit more activities um great job Kylie because it's another thing that she can tip her hat on so um so with that I will entertain a motion to approve utilizing hathway park for free yogur classes um with the dates is listed um from motion made I will second it all those in favor I I agenda item number 11 discussion and vote on whether to approve and sign the 2024 dog warrant presented by the Town Clerk and ATT attachment B dated 71524 authorizing the Animal control officer to proceed so um there's a quite extensive list of people who have not come to register um their pets so um you know you get the bills and stuff uh please pay attention because it it ends up costing you more and more money as time goes on and uh you know that's not the name of this they they really want um you know people to come in and pay for them um so yep and as fullclosure Mr chairman is uh I'm on that list I uh completely spaced out or didn't see it so I will disclose that and but I'll be paying my fees and fines as as like we all do and it's it's the right thing to do so I'm sorry to say that I did not look for your name but double check mine because I do have three pets and I wanted to make sure that I had them all paid and thankfully I did so I was amazed that I was on there but I am and that's uh that it is what it is I will take care of it immediately so and just uh for reference the Animal control officer if anybody needs her should be at her office at the transfer station uh Tuesdays and Thursdays uh in the like 8 to 2 so um if you need to try to get a hold of her that's the place to get a hold of her that's a good good point I'll be there to be paying my fine you have to pay the F to the clerk but if you have questions or you need something else um you can find Lisa butski there thank you just call ahead of time cuz she does go out on calls just going to say that make sure that you call ahead because yeah she can be all over the place it takes one there quite frequently Soh good all right so um with that I entertain a motion to approve and sign the 2024 dog warrant presented by the town clerk in attachment B dated 71524 authorizing the Animal control officer to proceed motion made I will second it all those in favor I I oh you caros all right thank you sir all right Personnel Board item agenda 12 acknowledge the resignation of Alexander indc as call firefighter effective 710 2024 we accept it thank you Alexander uh best luck your future endeavors item agenda 13 discussion and vote whether to approve the appointments listed in attachment a presented by the town clerk for election workers effect of 816 2024 through 8:15 2025 as the previous list uh like you stated there um quite a few names on there U but they've all been um executed and approved by the Town Clerk and everyone's excited to keep uh doing their job so uh if any no objections ID like to entertain the motion to approve the appointment list in attachment a presented by town clerk for election workers effective 8:16 2024 through 8:15 2025 motion made all a second all in favor I I all right moving along a agenda 14 discussion and vote whether to approve the following appointments uh as you did before I will go through a a c and make the motion at the end so again discussion vot whether to approve the following appointments a Lauren goyet parking control officer 1 effective 613 2024 through 99 2024 B Kevin desmear to sewer Ling extension committee Board of Health representative effective 716 2024 through 6:30 2025 and C Charles B suin as public records Clerk Conservation Commission effective 78224 through 6:30 2025 now before I make the motion B for Kevin as the sewer line extension Board of Health representative that vote I believe was already taken at another meeting and I believe and I don't believe I know I'm appointed to that position so are there two positions or is it just one I believe there's just one as far as the committee makeup but we don't have any record Carlos of you being appointed to that that committee I've been going to a lot of meetings then I was appointed and I I think there that might be the disconnect and I think we need kick this to Board of Health I've been at every sewer this is for the sewer line I've been at every meeting yeah been on Zoom um okay I don't know I think you'll have to work that out I I like I said I don't think we had records do we have no I searched all the agendas and couldn't find anything okay all right so want to hold I think I want to hold B can we put a hold on B and then uh we can and but I don't want to hold up everything so why don't we vote on a and c i that was my preposition until we figure it out with the Board of Health they uh we can move move to that next time so 14 uh I a motion to approve the following appointments solicited as a and C on agenda item Lauren go as Park control officer 1 effective 6113 2024 through 920 99224 and C Charles B svin as public record clerk for the Conservation Commission effective 78224 through 6:30 2025 motion made uh second all in favor I I all right so I think that's it unless uh you don't have anything Debbie to go over no the only thing I will say is I did sign the contract for the addition for the fire station today fantastic with the permission to the from the board so it is moving forward and I also signed the quote for the um COA pod so that is under construction so everything else with that project which has been a little difficult has to fall into place because it's coming M nice so and you know the bathrooms are under construction we're looking forward to those being done because the portons in this weather are perfect all the employees are enjoying that there was no sarcasm has the has the time frame has the time frame moved back back or forward uh they should be on track there's a penalty in their contract not completed by a certain date but they're getting up against it very quickly um porta potties in the Sun so it it is other I mean so big things are happening things are happening um Len worked super diligently to get all of the procurement rfps out for the school uh projects that were voted on at town meeting I have to give her a ton of credit did the work I couldn't get to them and they needed to go out cuz time is of the essence because it's summertime and so Rose to the occasion and she often does I know she doesn't want to hear this stuff but um she worked super super hard extra time and got those out and did an excellent job so than I have to yeah I think we have to give her a lot of credit because I I I don't know I there's only so much I can do and and she was able to get them done so gosh it sounds like we need that's a a nice procurement officer right there she's well she's she just we do appreciate you thank you well it's great to know that I I can rely on her to do it and and you as a board can rely on her if I can't get it done and so that's huge right because it's not easy procurement is really difficult in the small towns and everything we touch has to be procured so um it's super important we take it super seriously I at least I do in the town hall and I can't tell you how um comforting it is to know that thean can do do it as well as myself so excited to you guys multiple times I'm not going to try and take this into a Kumbaya session but the three of you make us look a lot better so thank you thank you we certainly could not do it without you all so so so yeah no so it's you know it really does it makes all the difference in the world so I know you know you don't hear it enough so thank you thank all three of you um so we need to uh sign before we adjourn we're making you take some long steps around see it's okay I can use the extra steps go the port get I look at it as a sauna I'm sure like many of us that are care and listening we've all hit a page on in the middle of summer and it's less than Pleasant to say the least the company's coming a couple times a week to clean them so that's not yeah that does make a difference and gracious enough to give us a key so people that don't want to use the p on they can go over there and use the real toilet we're trying to give as many options as we can memo your 90% every time I hear figure out how to put that back in the town's name to be bu okay um question on the Opera funds is it Bristol County or federal federal the is only good for water SE Broadband not for the for the pcol p is federal this one just me patrol car yep the do warrant Gemini gonna get picked up and prison uh it couldn't sign without letting it I thought it good for you that you called it up because I was laughing like I said I literally opened it up and went straight to the bottom and verified I wasn't we all did the same thing I was like there I am wasn't on the list I looked at my wife she's like don't don't you look at me like I know I called the vet right away I was like Hey did I get my license he goes yeah you you picked it up I was like like can I get another one I pick it up today so tomorrow I'll be doing some driving back and forth very good all right so we we good you are all right so with that I a motion to adjourn motion made I will second it all those in favor I I