[Music] good evening everyone it is Monday May 20th and I will call to order 6:30 p.m. and I will call to order border select meeting um this meeting is um remote as well so due to that I have to read the uh Governor's orders uh this meeting will be available for inperson attendance and on zoom on May 29th 20 2023 governor Hill he signed into law chapter 2 of the acts of 2023 which among other things extends the expiration of the provisions pertaining to open meeting law to March 31st 2025 specifically this ex extension allows public bodies to continue holding meetings remotely without Quorum of a public body physically present at a meeting locations locations in to provide adequate alternative access to remote meetings this meeting of the preown Board of Selectmen will be conducted in person as well as via remote participation to the greatest extent possible specifically information and general guidelines for the remote participation by members of the public can be found on the town of Freetown website Freetown ma.gov for this meeting members of the public who wish to listen to this meeting May do so in the following manner downloading zoom and entering the meeting ID below calling the number listed below and entering the me meeting ID listed below or going to the website listed and entering the meeting ID listed below although inperson attendance is available for this meeting every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time via technological means in the event that we were unable on our in the event that we are unable to do so despite best efforts we will post its town website and YouTube channel in audio or video recording transcript or other comprehensive records of the meeting wow comprehensive records of the proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting so um I'm I guess I should technically still say that um this meeting is um being recorded and will be available on our Town's YouTube page so um with that I'm going to start we go to meeting agenda item number one so um agenda item number one discussion and vote whether to approve not release the executive session minutes from 42424 um right room no issues so any issues no issues okay all right so with that I entertain a motion to approve but not release the executive session minutes from 42424 I'll make the motion I second it all right all those in favor I I I selectman Lopes yes Selman Zar yes Matthews yes item number two Jared the um the audio isn't great just a heads up I can't hear you very clear I'm not sure if your microphone or what all right I'm gonna it's probably me because I get soft spoken is that any better TR that's a lot better actually all right sorry about that I'm glad you called that up all right so agenda item number two discussion and vote on whether to approve the Open Session minutes from 42424 and 5620 four no issues there so likewise um all right so with that I will entertain a motion to approve the Open session meeting minutes from 42424 and 5624 motion made I'll second it all those in favor I I I selectman Lopes yes selectman Zager yes Selman Matthews yes all right so agenda item number three discussion uh with students from aona high school on the Bry road chase road and gurnie road intersections so um assuming that you have a presentation for us you'd like to so right behind you all right hello my name is Alexander true and I'm here with a group from aono quit high school and we're here to talk about brayy gurny and Chase Road intersection so take it away Ki the intersection of brayy gurny and Chase roads has stop signs on only two of the street three streets there from our observation as well as the responses from the survey we conducted of local residents it was concluded that people often speed down Chase Road and it is very dangerous for vehicles to cross the intersection even after stopping since a car could fly out of out from Chase Road at any moment this leads to dangerous and annoying experiences for local drivers our propos solution in order to ensure safety at this intersection is to add an additional two stop signs on the existing on the existing Chase Road and make it a four-way stop personally from my experience as I've recently started driving it's hard to see the other ends of Chase Road which I which is why I believe that adding these two stop signs would make it more effective because you're able to see all four cars before making advances especially as one of the roads leads off onto a highway that causes a lot of traffic at certain times of the day establishing an extra two stop signs would also be less of a cost than establishing four the adjustment period to these changes could also be expected to be shorter as well compared to going from no stop signs to four okay so these are the results from the survey we conducted and we found that the vast majority of people agreed that this area wasn't safe and that there would need to be something to be done about it the only thing we found that was in opposition to our proposal was that people thought the addition of stop signs and such a change like that would cause more accidents but we believe that with proper warning and if people like had enough time to get used to it it would end up being fine and it would solve more issues than it would cause Marissa's researches last thank you and I'll just talk about what we did after you're done yep um so this is some of our research on the problem um basically Highway Department is charge of maintaining Street traffic signs as well Bo selectman who are the executive branch um in establishing a fourth road sign the likelihood of accidents within this intersection would lower and Public Safety would increase um obviously stop signs are Universal and easy to understand so there's no language barrier there um and Massachusetts is already lacking in signifant significant road safety laws such as seat belt enforcement and child safety a lack of signage could further increase these problems okay we appreciate your time and thank you for hearing us out does anybody have any questions for us yeah can you go back to your uh your stats yes yeah let's go back a few there we go so first of all congrats you guys did a really good remarkable job displaying your information speaking out and uh fighting for a good cause so good on you for being out here and you guys did amazing all right so some of your responses you have 30 responses how do you guys conduct your research you guys go out through School parents how' you guys conduct it U my dad put the survey we created on Facebook okay and we basically just sent anyone who lives in Freetown anyone who interacts with this intersection if you'd please fill it out and that's where we got the responses from I also talk to local residents particularly the one on the brilley road intersection the corner right there and I as well as I actually asked a few other students that drive just in classes here and there what they thought on the road cuz a lot of them actually go through that intersection to get to Dunkin Donuts rotary everyone goes there after school and a lot of them thought that it was most of them called it annoying but it was pretty much they were saying that they didn't like the intersection they thought it was unsafe a lot of students even though they shouldn't drive pretty fast around the area so it's just going straight through chase that can be dangerous cuz suddenly you can be going to turn and not seeing a car and suddenly one's shooting down 45 miles an hour and you don't know what to do cuz you're trying to make your turn just to keep my head straight this one with the p right in the middle of the road making sure we're talking about the right one yeah what do you think about that pole should we move that thing that's a lot more costly have a background in that kind of infrastructure and it would be much more expensive to move the pole than to install stop signs and I believe that it would be even more effective to install stop signs because in that case you would have less worry about who is coming and you would be able to focus more on the road in front of you than the road beside you excellent we actually talked to Chief Rose back in around November December and we actually got a lot of the incident reports from the intersection going back what was it four five years few years I think it was five years and a lot of the issues were due to the poll but then like a lot of the things they showed actually showed that the drivers were speeding so I think the issue could be solved with stop signs because if they saw the stop signs obviously you slow down you don't just blow a stop sign so if like you slow down it's easier to make that turn around the poll to avoid crashing into it so instead of trying to take on a larger problem and solve a larger problem it's just a smaller solution to prevent a larger problem to that so A couple comments I don't know I forgot your name was Kobe Kobe if you ever watch baseball you have a great baseball voice right pursue that you know it's it's one of those deep boys so good job on that but in your research you guys might have found out that that bridge at some point is going to get redone right so if we do end up going this route make sure you guys are there to take a picture for for us in the town all right you guys did awesome so much good job hats off to you guys it's never easy to get up in front of people and you all did great and and spoke very clear um as you can see Trevor was saying something to me about not hearing me so so um you know hats off to you and great job and keep up the good work thank you thank you if you have other ideas let us know yeah all right yeah keep the passion actually have a question for Debbie on this uh you know I was thinking about it I don't think we actually had to go through the process of adding a stop sign or potentially removing one or changing anything of that nature I guess just for our education here on the board you know procedurally what are the next steps if if we were to look go down this road and look at this um so collectively I think we have looked at this intersection um the one of the first and and they brought it up but I was going to ask one of our first um pieces of information that we look at as collectively meaning um Victoria and the planning department uh truck in the highway department myself is that we look at the incident reports or the accident reports and those are really um important to look at because we also most likely have to get Mass do Buy in and they're going to be looking for that information and then I think that if it was something that we wanted to pursue further it would be we look at the in we we contact our engineer and we spend money on engineering um because one of the concerns that will happen with a four-way intersection of course is queuing and backing up right and and that creates other incidences and other um hazards that you know we need to investigate and make sure that by putting in a stop sign we're now not creating a a huge backlog of traffic that then somebody comes around the corner and smashes into the back of a car and we have um a domino effect so that's really that that would be the next step is to sort of collaborate within the town to determine a lot to do with the planning board and the highway department whether this is something we want to pursue further it will be then getting the engineering and what that's going to cost and how we're going to fund that and then any recommended changes how we would fund that as we know with municipalities funding is always a big consideration of for anything that we do so that's really the procedure to get something changed within it and then mot Buy in which is a little bit more difficult to get them to say yeah they they want to recommend it this is not a mass D roadway however because of the Chase Road Bridge and that's right there that they are I think that they would want to have um at least some um some recommendation alongside this that answer you Trevor I don't see you but yeah thank you very much Debbie and yeah to re reiterate what the rest of board said great job and you know really appreciate you coming out and and um giving that presentation thank you yeah good work thank you thank you have question question for you guys there you go hi Margaret French um I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to contact Serpent and see if maybe they want to do um they can put the traffic study yeah a traffic study put the um cables in the road cuz that will check number of cars it'll check speed things like that yeah who's that serid Ser serpent southeas Regional planning we'll send you the link I the planning department I would go through Victoria and the planning department and have that convers with her we did do um a lot of work when we did the complete streets and I believe this intersection was looked at so Victoria has some information already on this so um she has some of the ground work laid out already we had done that so I would go through her she she's a direct she's uh Direct in with sured as well as the joint Transportation committee which is part of sured sending it to you on an email [Music] follow it through see what you guys can do all right we we obviously we all support you guys so um keep doing the hard work and uh we look forward to hearing from you guys again thank you very much thank you so much appreciate it so uh moving on agenda item number four discussion and vote on whether to approve the license for a swap meet in radio control truck show at patches Hill Farm on 622 and 623 202 four I think that sounds like a good time yeah you know interesting yeah swab me and radio control car truck show that's awesome just somehow close up what do you guys think good idea whenever someone has passion for stuff and they follow all the right stuff and amen you know so um yeah I mean everything is here here so I mean I I don't have any issues with this yeah all right Trevor you good I'm good with it all right thank you all right so with that I entertain a motion to approve the license for a swap meet in radio control truck show at patches Hill Farm on 622 and 623 motion made I'll second that motion all in favor I I I do W sorry selan Lopes yes selan Zer yes selan Matthews yes all right the langin from the farm just got on this ah we got good news we got good news you're good got here just in time shortest meeting ever for someone I like it all right so agenda item number five discussion vote on whether to approve digital Equity imple implementation funding agreements between Massachusetts technology collaborative in the town of Freetown this is just um sort of an extension of a grant that we have um as you know with the the cares Act and the co money one of the main things that the the government has tried to do is make sure that everybody has cable access internet access so they have spent uh money to get these groups to come out and and work with the towns to assess our um connectivity to internet so this is just sort of a grant as a approving the agreement with them but they they they're going to fund the whole thing it's a grant they're going to look at our connectivity and then make suggestions if we do have any areas or any populations that do not have access to Internet whether it be because there's not physical access or because of it's economically not affordable so this is just um a formal agreement for that for that that's that's it's easy one I think at this day and age everyone has the basic right to be able to go online and do their research like you you folks did right it's a big part of a high school these days right in school itself so having uh Broadband access and internet access is extremely important to us yes all right so with that um I entertain a motion to approve uh digital Equity implementation funding agreements between Massachusetts technology collabor ative in the town of Freetown motion made second that motion I all those in favor I I selectman Lopes yes selectman Zer yes selectman Matthews yes item number six discussion and vote on whether to approve the contract between the town of Freetown and netr spect LLC for it supporting services from 71 2024 through 63 2025 this this agreement just has to be um conditional on funding at the town meeting okay that should yeah beyond that it's all good so should do you want me to call that into into the motion yeah you can just you're just subject to funding all right so um with that I entertain a motion to approve the contract between the town of Freetown in netr spect LLC for it supporting services from 71 2024 through 6 30 2025 uh pending funding at town meeting motion made second all those in favor I I I select L yes selan Zer yes Selman Matthews yes next discussion and vote on whether to require uh driver identific driver verification checks through the RMV for employees driving Town Vehicles this one this one's so much Suns it hurts yes that's a we should always check our D twice right I had to read this twice I was confused that we don't have that already exactly yeah no so um yeah I mean there there's nothing else to even say about that so um I just lost all all right so would that I entertain a motion um to require drivers driver verific checks through the RMV for employees driving Town Vehicles motion made yeah I I'll second that just one quick thing um is this for are we do this you know yearly every three years obviously at time of higher but is it you know people can lose their license in between um valid point how do we have any kind of plan around that I think that we were thinking annually and this comes about because of our Insurance renewal with the with our insurance carrier right they're looking for these and we we don't have them in place um so I would say annually we would check the things there are some other like our CDLs they're checked also once a year um so I'm thinking annually I believe I know in the highway uh Union contract it requires them to notify us within 24 hours if they lose their license and if they fail to notify us and we find out they'll be fired it's a firable offense I'm not sure other um Union contracts I'd have to go look but this is also something that you know I have to work into the Union contracts and make sure that that that's okay for with the Union um police you know um already do the annual checks so Fire doesn't have a formal procedure but he is doing annual checks so this is mostly just for our byw employees and just to clean up more for our insurance purposes than anything else but okay all right thank you Debbie uh so Motion mve in second so all those in favor I I I selectman Lopes yes selectman Zer yes selectman Matthews yes agenda item number eight discussion and vote whether to approve the quote from inception technology Inc for Board of Health scanning projects questions oh okay I'll obstain from this vote this is just a um a project to get the current documents in the Board of Health office scanned and and hopefully put into our online permitting software which is permanized I believe it's being paid for out of the Coalition so it's not going to actually be paid for out of the town of fre Town's funds but it's uh the the contract the work's being done with town of Freetown so we need to just approve the quote really is all this is okay yeah I mean anyone who's ever gone over there and seen the wall of records that they have if we can get it all online and digitized I mean that's going to be huge I'm actually super excited about this yeah can I just um share something um Margaret French chair of Board of Health um it will all of those records will be scanned and they'll be digitized by address and they'll be available for other people in town if they need to access it so say building inspector is somewhere and needs to reference something he doesn't have to call the office have Allison go look for the file and get back to him he can immediately access that file so it'll make sense for everybody all the way around so we're moving out of the 18th century is what you're telling me yes yes it'll all be completely searchable um so they'll take it in two rounds scan everything bring it all back to us and everything will be on a flash drive amazing glad to hear great one followup question on this so is it just a one-time fee or that is it on ongoing you know for new documents that are created will they automatically just as a process be scanned in and categorized is that how like we plan on doing this or do we need to bring in this third party to then digitalize you know digitize everything going on a go forward basis my understanding is it's to catch up with everything that is in the office right now and then moving forward everything will be going through um perz permeti so it'll already be digitized awesome this sounds great going to be a much more efficient kind of tool to have if it works out well I'd like to do some of the other department so you may be seeing that yeah great all on board with that obviously um so um caros did say he's going to abstain from this vote so um with that I will entertain a motion to approve the quote from inceptions technology Inc for a Board of Health scanning project I'll make that motion I will second it all those in favor I I Selman Zer yes Selman Matthews yes okay perfect welcome back call thank you thank you uh agenda item number nine discussion and vote on whether to approve the sign and approve and sign the letter of support for the Massachusetts Council on Aging fy2 Grant opportunity for transportation for Freetown Council and on Aging so um yeah I mean so something else I don't is you know it's just a letter of our support for them you know if we can get any funding for them I'm all about it so I I mean I read through it quickly and it's yeah no they need they need u a different vehicle to get into the low areas and in the cities around us so this makes nothing but great sense and if the state or federal can give us money even better what's that saying if it's free it's for me nothing's free but you know nothing's free helps make sure there's no strings attached as least as possible all right so with that I will um I just lost my spot uh with that I will entertain a motion to approve the sign and approve and sign the letter of support for the Massachusetts Council on Aging fy2 Grant opportunity for transportation for Freetown Council on on Aging motion made second all those in favor I I hi slman Lopes yes slman Zar yesman Matthews yeah agenda item number 10 discussion and vote on awarding fy2 roadway material bids for Highway salt treated Highway salt untreated Road striping Stone seal 20% rubberized asphalt Stone seal and as as fault shimming and Chip seal so um you know once again Tre FY we're already thinking about road salt for following y 25 so um you know everything went lowest bitter and it's you know all kind of straightforward so yeah um I still believe it's going to snow in freet toown someday so this is a good idea yeah it's it's going to happen maybe in 20 years um so should I be calling out which one you think like I mean I don't know that I need to right so yeah it's on page 49 49 I think if you want to do you want me to call them out yeah I mean it's up to you I mean I can say it too so I mean I would say Highway salt So based on um you know pricing Highway salt we go to Saltine Warrior uh that's untreated Highway salt treated um would also go to Saltine Warrior uh Road striping there's only one bit so that one makes it easy K5 coroporation uh Stone seals uh same thing all States Construction 20% rubberized all States Construction and asphalt shimming all States Construction so you know about as straightforward as they get right for that so um you don't have any issues with that one no we use it every year so this is a course of Doom business all right so um with that I will entertain a motion uh for awarding fy2 roadway material bids for uh agenda items a through f u as previously stated and motion made second all those in favor I I selan loes yes selectman Zar yes Selman Matthews yes agenda item number 11 discussion and vote on whether to approve and use Bristol County oper on supplementing contracts for sewer engineering up to $60,000 Deb you want to talk a little bit about that one this one this is the contract that I believe we signed at the last meeting this is regarding the suine engineering where we had to do some additional engineering where the um pump stage stations are to go and also to fix the issue with the four-way intersection um where South Main Street and North Main Street go into each other and Aon it there is no Street layout and we've had to spend additional funds um engineering all of that so you we've approved the contract I just need to get the funding to pay the contract and uh there's Bristol County Opera funds available and these kids in front of us can appreciate this so you know one of the things we've talked about is putting you know roundabout over in that area so will this help us with this will help us with that too right because yeah because then we'll know where the road layout so then we'll know what the um ramifications are of putting in a roundabout right now we can't really we can't really say what the ramifications are because we don't know who owns what so we're in the process of doing that um it's one of those real not easy you know there's just no records that go back as far as that roadway so we're trying to recreate them all and that that's the engineering we need for both the sewer and it will help with that project as well or any future project right we actually did uh I actually did research on the project um about the uh Four Corners I I think us there was an email forwarded to to look at that and um basically yeah I I was researching about that and I I know that they're planning to establish roundabout roundabout because that's good for you Marissa Right Live you get the benefit yeah and and I guess it kind of feeds back into what you have talked about and then I don't want to take this off on a you know a different direction but when it's something as simple as thinking like okay this is what we want to do there's all these other steps that we had to go through and that's kind of what we're doing and I mean it was something is making sure that the fire trucks and ambulances and you know big rigs that go through that intersection can make it through that intersection of what we do so it's it's pretty cool to watch it unfold unfortunately nothing's fast but you know you want to make sure that you do it once and you do it right so of course um so I think it's good that you are in here as we sat here and talk about that so that's kind of why I brought it up so um all right so um with that I will um I entertain a motion to approve the use of Bristol County opera on supplementing contract for sewer engineering up to $60,000 uh I st this motion as the Board of Health representative for this committee I'll make that motion all right I will second it all those in favor I I selectman Zar yes selectman Matthews yes then item number 12 discussion and vote whether to approve ambulance abatements and write offs for April 2024 in the sum of $85,100 yes agenda item number 13 discussion and vote on first right of refusal for property located at 9 flag Swamp Road Lot 57 on assessor map 255 all right we we're just going to finish this one and then we'll go into the public meeting I apologize good call good catch so actually we can you know we can hold off on this one if you want to we'll go straight into um with public meeting so [Music] um so just take make a motion to take the agenda out of order all right yeah all right um so um with that I'm going to you know we're going to kind of kick it out of order based on timing so uh with that I will entertain a motion to take the agenda out of order motion made second all those in favor I I I selectman lo yes selectman zer yes matthus yes all right so um we're going to now go being at the 7 7 7:03 p.m. uh we're going to switch it over to the public hearing um so I'm going to read the public notice um notice is hereby given that an application has been filed for a change of man maner to Cara kman uh for existing alcoholic beverage retail licenses wine and Mal beverage for neon beverage LLC 33 through 36 Innovation Way Freetown Massachusetts 02702 a public hearing to consider the above matter will be held on Monday 20 May May 20th 2024 7 p.m. police station police station community room 15 Memorial Drive East Freetown Mass 2717 good evening good evening uh Mr chairman uh members of the board for the record attorney Thomas Kor representing the applicant with me tonight is Cara krelman who's the uh new proposed manager on the change of Manager application has been submitted to the board I know we've been before you on a few different occasions uh similar application U Miss krillan has been with um the neon for about a year or so she is certified um I wanted to say it was tip certification but it's a different name responsible alcohol sales and service uh certificates been submitted with the application um again she's been there for over a year as I understand that there have been no issues with regard to alcohol sales at this store um since the license has been granted and if the board finds everything in order we would ask that the uh application be approved and sent up the uh lad to the abcc excellent yeah I mean I think you've already checked off every box that I'm going to have for questions right so you know thank you thank you so I mean you have any yeah no uh those are the questions we're looking we we need to know to make sure we're doing it properly in our town so it seems like he's checked all the boxes so welcome Cara and it's kman it is yeah all right perfect yeah you did better with it than I well I had extra people telling me the names I cheated a little bit Trevor are you are you good with this absolutely okay sounds good all right so um so now the meeting yeah so with that I will um entertain a mo I have to make a motion right to do that I'm sorry I should remember this by now so you just close the meeting and then you discuss okay yeah all right so I'm going to close the public hearing um and then we're going to move on to agenda item number 22 discussion and vote on whether to approve the request for change of manager to car crean for neon beverage LLC motion made second sorry tell what's up yeah you you make a motion to close the public heing oh I'm sorry I that's I apologize I'm G I'm gonna back that up I apologize because I don't want to get this wrong and not have it go through for so embarrassing shame on me um with all right so with that I'm going to make a motion to close the public hearing motion made second all those in favor I I I lo yes yes St Matthews yes all right so I'm not normally in this position so I'm going to use that as my excuse but I have been sitting up here for a couple of years I think I can remember it but all right so agenda item number 22 discussion and vote on whether to approve the request for change of manager to car clan for neon beverage LLC motion made second all those in favor i i i s Lopes yes selan Zar yes S Matthews yes great thank you very much good luck all right so back to where we were agenda item number 13 yeah right yeah 13 yeah 13 uh discussion and vote on uh first WR of refusal for property located at nine flag Swamp Road Lot 57 on assessor map 250 5 so looks like conservation as well as planning both recommend not exercising this right is that correct correct yeah it looks like it's coming out of chapter 61 for street so I mean if if they don't want it then you know there's no reason I can see that we would we would want to to try and take it so I say get buy it so right um You you good with that I'm good no this is this is uh Dave recommended no so yeah exactly all right so all right so with that I entertain a motion to um refuse the first right of refusal uh for property located at nine flag Swamp Road Lot 57 on assessor map 255 motion made second all those in favor I I selectman Lopes yes selectman Zer yes selectman Matthews yes agenda item number 14 discussion and vote on whether to approve the library Grant application so we don't have the um form that needs to be signed tonight um I'm not sure but yet the grant needs to be du soon so maybe we can amend this and H give me permission to sign this is the library grant that the um Nicole has been working on for the library for the building so maybe sorry to interrupt but I do have the form I just didn't have the application so when you would ask me I have the form yeah but not the application it's my chor apparently we do have the form for you to sign so we're good to go okay all right so I mean you know it's kind of as straightforward as that right I mean there's really nothing to discuss about it so we just got Debbie off to hook for one one less signature so um so yeah I I don't have any issues with her you know I mean with this so no this was I believe this was part one of this was at the town meeting they approved it go going forward and this is really just getting it over the the threshold right Yep this is good order of business yeah all right all right so with that um I entertain a motion to approve the Library Grant application motion made couldn't find the mute button second all those in favor I I zoom's tough in Canada I tell you yes selectman zeger yes select my Matthew yes I have a big freight train that goes by my hotel every 10 minutes so trying to keep on the on the mute button don't blow anyone's eardrums out that's the the fun part of all that stuff right is dodging all that having a barking dog in the background or kids or everything so uh you're doing a great job Trevor we haven't heard it so keep up the good I appreciate it agenda item number 15 discussion and vote on whether to approve the master service agreement between the town of Freetown and team TM tlmp for fiber so this is the uh process of we're working on trying to get the municipal fiber Grant moving and getting the fiber installed for um con connectivity to all the town buildings and to the cell towers that will have uh our radio communication equipment hopefully soon on them so this is the piece that's in Berkeley that's easier than the rest of it because TM owns the polls they own they're going to be doing the work and there's um doesn't require procurement it doesn't require a lot of things so this contract's ready to move forward and we are fully funded for this so it's just it's just approving this and then giving me the authority to sign it in the next I'm glad that you um stated why it was a certain company and not another because then people will start yelling and screaming and pitchforks as to why we don't have them in the rest of the town so I'm I'm glad that you stated those reasons and um yeah yeah this is great for the town yes so we're actually advancing the town quite well when it comes to technology so as you can hear tonight so some this is this is going to be huge for the town as a whole so um all right so with that I entertain a motion to approve the master service agreement between the town of Freetown and tlmp for fivr motion made all those in favor I I I yes selectman zeger yes selectman Matthews yes agenda item number 16 discussion and vote on whether to authorize the Town Administrator to sign the master service agreement and service order between the town of Freetown and tlmp for fiber um debie like a million other things um I don't I don't have an issue with you signing on behalf of the town so U I think this is about as straightforward as they get as well I keep saying that tonight but it's true um so with that I entertain a motion uh to authorize the Town Administrator to signed the master service agreement and the service order between the town of Freetown and tlmp for fiber absolutely motion made second all those in favor i i i s Lopes yes selan Zar yes S Matthews yes all right so I'm going to kick it over to Carlos for Personnel Board all right before I say that thank you Deb for signing another contract for us we appreciate it all right item agenda 17 and Personnel Board uh for the record item agenda 17d I will abstain from and I'll kick it off to the chairman Mr Jared zegger so discussion vote on whether to approve the following appointments a Melissa ma two the following one tax incre Finance board as Board of boa chair U effective 51 2024 through 4:30 2025 two public records Clerk Board of assessors effective 41224 through 630 2024 three taxation 8 committee effective 41 24 through 6:30 2024 all right B Kobe Ember as police department patrolman profession area effective 510 2024 through 6:30 2024 I must say he was the class president good job Kobe C Janine ludvix sorry Janine if I said that wrong public records cleric cultural Council effective 521 2024 through 6:30 2024 as previously mentioned D I will abstain and pass forward to my colleague here e Melanie King to open space and Recreation advisory committee effective 521 2024 through 6:30 2024 F Katrina Lee D Roes I hope I said that right as single operator trainee part-time effective 5202 24 through 630 2024 pretty straightforward as they come um any questions comments concerns nope all right I entertain the motion to approve a appointments a b c e and f as as written and said motion made second all in favor I I I selectman Lopes yes selectman Zer yes selectman Matthews yes all right so to to you know for S L's I'm on to uh agenda item number D um discussion and vote on whether to approve the following appointments it's uh call a Lopes public records Clerk COA Library community building community of committee wow effective 521 2024 through 6:30 2024 so Mo all right I will second it all those in favor I I selectman Zar yes selectman Matthews yes all right I'm back item agenda 18 discussion and vote on whether to approve the human resource director job description uh so this one as it as it says this is a job description right this is um I know some um are thinking hey didn't we vote on this as a no at a recent to meeting and the answer is yes that was for the position this is just updating the description for that position so and uh I think that's it there's nothing nothing else to that that so so it's 19 hours a week right just uh so that would you wouldn't have to pay any kind of or less benefits right because of the less than 35 hours is that what it is yes okay that's good just from a you know Financial standpoint I think that's important distinction here but the rest of it seems you know yeah pretty straight forward y with already had one on the books this is just cleaning it up a little bit and uh making sure we're getting exactly what we would need if in the event we do go this road getting a finance oh I'm sorry an HR resource director so which yeah and I just put out there my support for this position because I think this is uh you know as the town has grown and you know a lot of our departments have grown it's I think you know this responsibility sitting right now generally with with Deb's office it's a lot and it takes up a lot of time and they're very busy working on so many other things I just just want to put my support I think this is a really uh would be a great role for us to fill in the town and and I I don't want to continue this on but they're also big into you know employee retention which and Debbie is obviously as well but you know it's tough to they can only do so many different things uh as well as you know that you're not putting a person who's in charge um you know of people doing disciplinary stuff and so for a whole lot of reasons that we don't need to discuss right now um this this is in my eyes a great idea but you know this is more as far as the position description and stuff I I think it all looks in order and good to me so um yeah I can piggyback off both of your comments absolutely um this is just a description for uh position that's needed in every Enterprise business or even schools have an HR Director so um any further discussion if not I entertain the motion to approve the human resource director job description a motion made second all in favor I I I selan Lopes yes selan Zer yes San Matthews yes all right so now it's coming back over to me uh agenda item number 18 announcement on temporary closure of Long Pond Landing boat ramp for repaving project um so recently uh you know as many people might be aware and some might not be aware that Pro that property is owned by the state and managed by the town uh so the state did come to us and said that they would like to uh repave the the facility but obviously it will be shut down to the public while it's happening um so you know we're trying to be um as proactive as possible so that people don't try to show up to launch their boat and find out that it's closed so um this is more of just an announcement there's really nothing to vote on I don't have do we have the the DAT 20th or 24th it's this week yeah it's happening ongoing as we speak yes so it has the water gone down low enough to allow this to take place I know that was an issue right that there's so much water in the pond now uh DPW went out down there and took a look and they said it was uh it was low enough for them to begin the project that's great so excuse me I have a question if you don't don't mind an agreement between the state and the town regarding can I'm sorry I'm I'm not trying to be rude can you just state your name for the the record David Rosa mhm um so I'm just uh it's an interesting agreement other towns May benefit from such having knowledge of the structure of that agreement so I just uh asking that captured and writing that agreement between the state and the so where it is and how it is I don't want to lie to you and say how it is I just know from personal experience that that's what it is and that's how it when it was drafted up and when it became that way I'm not sure but it's state-owned and town run I believe it's the mid90s and we do have it in writing yes to administrator might call you and ask for a copy yes it's public information so yes thank you you're welcome it is a it is a kind of an interesting uh the way it's all set up it's not a DCR site so a lot of people sometimes think it's state own must be DCR and it's not this is it State owns it from a '90s agreement and now the town maintains it so it's been like that for many years now just pros and cons thank you great question um agenda item number 20 discussion and vote on whether to approve the stien for managing Beach and boat ramp for summer 2024 so as we were just talking about you know we we're obviously in charge of managing this um wonderful Lan down the end over there for the past what two years maybe three years we just this we I mean we ended up we were able to hire um potentially a manager for this that you guys will be voting on tomorrow tomorrow meeting I don't know if you want to table this stip in discussion yeah yeah know that's a a great call so yeah absolutely if we if we hire someone then there's no point of pain so yeah so um I'm going to table jenda item number 20 although if you look at the description you see why it's so much work right that Lan's been doing this so much to the boat ramp and and running it and that was a it's a good um description but I think we don't we don't need it but it'll be on hold in case we need it next year I yeah I think to your point is if we need it for down the road then yeah we're good but yeah all right um so I'm going to uh agenda item number 21 discussion on me Mason Road Mason Road food Mar violation with Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission abcc and subsequent hearing scheduled for 8624 12: p.m. with the abcc and who uh who shall represent the town or Freetown on this hearing so um you know local business unfortunately sold to someone they weren't supposed to so um we need representation there so um that this is you know kind of an interesting one and I was thinking about it who we would have represent so do we know I mean I think that's why we put it on here because I really wasn't it wasn't like oh sure this is how you handle this um it's a video conference so not um and I don't know what the town would have to say other than we maybe if we were having complaints or we were having other issues with them but none that I'm aware of so in the past I would have said maybe like Caron right where he's got a law degree and he was a lawyer um he could have done this I'm not sure that Chief Rose would want to be involved in this um I mean I can certainly I can certainly sit in on it and I don't think it rises to the level of needing Town Council because I don't believe that it had I think the the the what is it the abcc will is going to make their own decision and listen to the facts and make their decision I think it's just for us to have representation yeah you know that's kind of what I was thinking like okay it's Council well we really don't why should we I don't want to say waste is it a bad term but use Town funds in order to have someone sit there on this when we don't do we really need them there does it turn to you does it go to Kevin I I mean I I guess it depends on how you look at it is to who we I mean if we need to have representation there does I don't know does the Board of Health do any checks with the alcohol licenses we do with uh tobacco but nothing has come up about Al I mean I guess for this one I could probably sit in and then I might have some more input on what what we should do moving forward MH and I mean I think the you know the these rules and regulations um that are forwarded by the abcc are very clear right so they're going to be the ones who are going to really come down on him it's not going to be the town of freet town I think in this case so um but to your point is I think it might be a good learning experience so yeah I think it might be something hope it doesn't happen again I would check with police and fire do you have any concerns you know and if if there were concerns we would voice them at that hearing MH but other than that I think we'd just be listening yeah um so is Debbie Debbie signing up well nothing else to do I don't really want to but I I think that I I wouldn't mind where I don't have to drive into Boston it's a video conference I was very excited to hear you say that because that's yeah thank you again Deb and I'll report back so if there's something that needs to change in the future I'll have that information so um with that I guess I will entertain a motion um to approve Debbie Petty to um sit in on the Mason Road Food Mart violation with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission uh and subsequent hearing for 86 2024 at 12:00 p.m. with the abcc uh for the town as representative for the town of Freetown on this hearing motion made second all those in favor I I I exting you just get a roll call I'm sorry s yes SEL Zer yes SEL Matthews yes all right so now we're just going to sign over sign some documents sign our lives away it took a village tonight they did [Music] Monday are all the weekly Wars for bills one signature on each one of these right's [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you you're [Music] welcome new manager for neon beverage [Music] the RC event I should ask more questions on that one is there like a first prize second [Music] prize diging all right so then this one I'm also going to pass back to you because call obained from that I can said I can sign char name do you want to have [Music] him brother hey Debbie yeah do we have I'm seeing fire negotiations in the agenda tomorrow that yeah that's you know we're done so yeah that'll be can that's canc okay just for making sure y that is you've approved it it's moving forward that'd be a 6:30 a.m. meeting for me pretty early I know you're Trevor are you jealous of all these signatures right now I yeah that's my favorite part I'm signing these but you hold them please I'm signing them but hold [Music] them did you want me to sign [Music] looks like today was finally sunny at home is that what I'm seeing yeah today was a much nicer day how was it there it snowed yesterday here I went skiing yesterday lucky you I was going to say for someone who enjoys that it's good for you I'm glad I'm not there that makes two of us I'm more jealous of the person who's down Florida or something not you D Northern Alberta is beautiful like I said I'm going to keep wishing that it's going a snow in free town next year is the year has to beiz [Music] you already signed it coming through there you go thank you all right we're good any questions or concerns before I close the out all right so thank you everyone uh with that I entertain a motion to adjourn motion made second all those in favor I I I select Lopes yes s Zer yes select my Matthews yes [Music]