e e e e six yes 601 all right good evening being 601 I will call the uh Monday June 10th 2024 meeting of the free toown Conservation Commission to order um I will note that the meeting is being recorded and I ask if anyone in the audience may be recording no no I think all right all right uh item number one is uh request for determination of appil uh 35 Central Avenue and I believe there's someone out there okay yeah okay yeah good good afternoon for the record my name is George I'm representing Mr Jose col replacing the setic system here okay I think there some easier to read PL redu plan here e to show you where the flags are and 100 foot red line and that next one what happen is we have right now it's a three-bedroom house that has a failing leeching field the leeching field is located at the edge of the road basically and on between the road and the and the house uh this the septic tank is in Fairly good shape excellent shape M fact it's a heavy duty tank we're not doing any work over there just replacing the leing field uh there's no work within 100 ft of the buffer zone uh within the 100 ft buffer zone all work is the outside the uh at least 106 ft to the edge of the leeching field uh this is going to be a fairly straightforward fast operation two or three days they should be out of there basically and uh with we're going to replace these distribution box with another heavy duty uh unit and replace the leeching field with a Presby type system that is 40% smaller than nor regular uh uh conventional septic leeching field uh again there's no work we are here because uh since the area is within that 100 ft uh it is in a flood zone this is the only reason we're applying here all work is outside the 100 foot buffer anyway it's again straightforward no stocking of material on the job two or three days will be out there did you say no stockpiling no nothing okay everything will be removed and discarded bring new sand and piping and that's it it's a grassy area fairly flat and the in front and should be not no erosion at all um all right um one item that we would like you to do even though you're you're outside the 100 foot is to have some uh erosion control we could use some silation yeah silk socks or no problem okay all right so we will make that stipulation problem okay all right um anyone have any questions all right um I'll entertain a motion to uh issue a negative determination number three uh with the condition I'll make that motion all right I'll second it motion is made and seconded all in favor Chris Ma I Chris Ma's I uh Steve trip I Steve trip is I Charlie Sullivan is I all right there you go thank you good luck uh thank you yes go ahead I just said thank you that's all I'm kley that's my house right thank you all right um item number two request for determination of affability 18 Leonard Street uh Chris Aruda owner John madus madus Consulting anyone here yes okayy could you state your name sir uh John madas madas Consulting all right uh can you give us a little rundown on what you need to do there sir yes yes we're repairing a septic system there the uh current systems in failure and uh we're within uh about SE 79 ft I believe is the closest we are to the uh bordering vegetated Wetland so uh we we filed the uh RFD and not the uh the notice of intent um it's pretty straightforward system we're replacing the uh we're uh just abandoning the uh the old system and we're pumping the existing tank crushing and filling it putting a new 1500 gallon tank beyond that a pump chamber that goes to a Presby system approximately 18 by 30 where uh no endangered species uh it's pretty pretty straightforward uh we'll be in and out of there within three three to five days I would uh figure uh the uh the install is on board and uh that's B that's basically it if there's any um comments concerns that the K has be willing to answer them all right um anyone have any uh questions there is one thing apparently there is no um indication of siltation control on the plan sorry about that that would be uh we I can send I will send a revised plan uh within 10 minutes showing that uh showing that uh that change the S to yes I to I totally forgot about it okay um all right if you would do that that would be helpful um other than that uh I will entertain a motion of a negative determination number three um do I hear that motion I'll make that motion motion is made do we hear a second Chris are you there he's on he is yes I'm here I'm just having a hard time with the connection no problem uh we need a second for the motion for negative determination number three okay I second that motion all right motion is made and seconded all in favor Chris Ma I MA is I Steve trip I Steve trip is I Charlie Sullivan is I motion passes unanimously thank you Mr madus and if you would make that change I will do that and get it over to you okay thank you okay thank you have a great night you too um bye number three item number three request for determination of affability 30 roundville Drive owner Eric dasta Jamie bizette uh is the uh consultant I think I saw him you there Mr Bizet I'm here good evening all right if you could just tell us to give us a little rundown on the operation certainly um so the applicant has an existing dwelling um on roundville Drive uh they're looking or they're actually in the process of doing some construction for this accessory garage building um when you look at the mass GIS maps online um it shows uh some off-site Wetlands on an adjacent parcel um we had a wetland scientist go out to the site and not find any Wetlands within 100 feet but indicated and and so does the gis map that that adjacent parcel may have altered Wetlands on site meaning that the wetlands are no longer there if they were ever truly there I don't know I never witnessed them but we're filing this request for determination to make sure that if there are wetlands found that were filled in or impacted in any negative way that our client has coverage under a permit all right sounds good um if I would just add for the for caution if you would do some station control around the area of disturbance just to make absolutely sure that that's the the case and there's no even if you don't find something there you know an ounce of prevention that sound reasonable understood we're actually showing silt fence running from behind just behind the existing shed running all on the see on the I apologize it I believe it's the Souther southerly line and up around the back of the building so that should stop anything from flowing that's heading in the downhill direction for the most part okay all right um I would accept a motion to negative determination number three if I could have that motion Charlie I just have a question before we give that motion and I'm ready I'm ready to give it but so I'm just confused on the uncertainty of what he just said like he's like my client will not be held liable for a finding later and how is this determined like how do we get in this position well you would you like for me to answer that Mr chairman yes please please so we're not looking to be absolved of liability uh what we're doing is we're asking for the commission to bless the work that we're proposing on this site uh we don't have the right of trespass uh to be able to go onto adjacent properties and inspect whether there were impacts to Wetlands or not so in this case the gis shows that there was a wetland the gis also shows that it's it was altered um when our Wetland scientist went out to look at the site he said that there were no Wetlands within 100 feet um and so when we spoke uh we spoke we felt that it would be best and um probably the most careful to file an RDA to make sure that the commissions had a chance to look at this and bless our application that makes perfect sense can you hear me okay yes yes sir and who was your Wetlands engine engineer that determined this this was Robert gray of sebacea okay all right good that answers my question so I just I was a little bit lost on how we got to where we are but it makes more sense now understood thanks Chris okay so I will make that motion okay motion thank you second it motions made and seconded uh Chris Mather I Chris Mather is I Steve trip I Steve trip is I Charlie Sullivan is I thank you Mr bizette thank you have a good night have a good night have a good night um item number four modification to approval order of conditions for 31 inov Innovation Way uh for a Redevelopment Authority owner um just so we we're clear on what's going going on there was a process I wanted to say two years ago two it's it's been a little bit two three years ago um in which the uh Authority came before the commission and got an order of conditions uh there has been a little uh storm water control modification and they just want to um reaffirm that they are good with the commission um it's that nothing really has changed uh to any significance so someone is here from the project so you know all right fine um all right did I R did I run uh do a good rundown on that Mr dun or you're you're doing fine you want to keep on going it's perfectly fine with me all right let me introduce myself Brian dunh I'm the principal of the firm MBL Land Development and permiting with offices at five yes sir Mr Mather that's a good name amen baby uh with offic at five Bristol Drive in southeast in Mass for vmd uh properties uh that uh hired us to do Waller surveying and site civil engineering uh as you started to discuss Mr chairman there have been some revisions to the plans most most of them if not all of them are inside the already approved limit of work that we received uh in the original order of conditions uh we made some changes to the to the drainage system some of the grading of the basins um most of these changes came from the peer review comments that were being requested of us uh through the planning board and some of the changes that the city of Fall River wanted in regards to utility connections so we worked with the the Geotech uh engineer come up with an underground s underground drainage system for the underd drains and uh the parking configuration really didn't change so really really minor minor changes to address um the previously issued comments from the peer review of the planning board and uh to address the city of fall River's comments as well so we're asking for the the plan modification to be approved and put into the file Mr chairman all right thank you anyone have any questions all right with that I'd uh accept a motion to approve the changes I'll make the motion I will make the motion to approve the changes okay motion has been made I'll second it motion has been seconded all in favor Chris Mather I Chris Mather is I Steve trip I Steve trip is I Charlie Sullivan is I thank you Mr dun thank you very much for having me Mr chairman members of the commission we'll see you next time yes you take care yes bye now have a good night you too bye now item number five uh zero C uh Cliff Drive um in relation to determination of app ability uh to remove uh five dead trees um I see we have the uh applicant here uh Chris uh uh at the last meeting which uh you hadn't attended uh there was a question by one of the Commissioners about whether the trees were dead or not um she is not here tonight but um I see that you have a note from your uh tree uh surgeon uh stating that they were de um my only uh thing here is Chris is the work has been done already has it not no one hasn't no I I had gone by and I didn't see any dead trees on the lot but who is the engineer if I may ask say Chris who is the engineer that certified the trees to be dead well there wasn't was engineer wasn't an engineer was Brightman Lumber he he does all my tree workor okay you gone out and looked at this yeah are you comfortable with the assessment of Brightman Lumber yeah uh I'm not gonna uh personally have any issue with somebody going and cutting trees the actually if I'm not mistaken Christ and please correct me if I'm not uh this the land is high off the assonant river Cliff Drive uh Chris just so you know and every uh makes a loop and runs on the north side of the uh area of a son Bay shores on the south side of a Sona River as it uh comes in from as it comes in from the tton river it makes a uh a loop north of a son Bay shores and then turns into what they refer to as a sonant bay a bigger P of the river and then flows up by 24 uh this is on that Loop that so the lot is just is south of the river but it is a rather High um elevation is it not Chris yes it is actually there's actually a dead tree sitting in in another tree that that uh had fallen during the storm last year so uh he just wants to go in he's not going into the uh Wetlands itself uh to ret there's actually a driveway between where I'm gonna cut the trees and the water so these these trees are all close to the road to the power lines all right all right so anyone else have any questions do you have any other questions Chris no that kind of answers the question anybody that is this firstand is comfortable with what we're looking at what approve yeah uh yeah it's because I'm gonna approve this without sight unseen but obviously you know going on my colleagues visual there so either you Charlie or one of the other colleagues have seen us and they're comfortable with it and I'm good with it all right uh yes I'm I'm comfortable with it uh I'm very comfortable with it so if I could you're comfortable then I'm comfortable absolutely okay everybody's comfortable that's good all right thank you uh if I could have a uh a motion to uh finding negative determination number three I'll make that motion motion is made and motion is seconded all in favor Chris Mather I Chris ma is I Steve trip I Steve trip is I Charlie Sullivan is I all right all right Chris there you go thank you have a good night have a good night Chris thank you um the next item is going to be item number six 11 uh Walnut Street collect uh Tories it's a public hearing so I'll accept a motion to uh open the reopen the public hearing call it to order call it to order P okay I'll make that motion motion is made I'll second that motion motion is made and seconded we do have to have a roll call on this Chris Mather hi Chris ma is I Steve trip hi Steve trip is I Charlie Sullivan is I all right um Mr yes again all right um where we left off was we wanted to make a few changes I believe um yes we had the neighbor across the street Mr cetro yes had commented uh that my plan didn't show his cul I've since located the cul and added it onto the plan okay I determined that it flows from his property into the property north of us doesn't flow on our property right um the the old stream or pipe uh that is on our property flows north to the property north of us so there's really nothing that the work we're going to do could could really impact us to sou Petro right but you did you do understand his concern as it was last month uh with the water especially but yes um we found a an existing pipe that crosses the easement um I don't know if I had found that before the previous meeting I'm not sure what when you referring to this pipe 10 inch uh it's like a ductal iron pipe that crosses the the gas line easement and uh water from the existing Pond you had goes north yes you had mentioned it okay um I'd since gone out to look for the end of that pipe in the pond when I was there before I didn't have waiters or anything I can't find the end of it it's submerged in the pond somewhere uh it's flowing a quarter maybe a third full um what we' calculated is in order to equal the the maximum flow that we could be getting from the 18inch pipe that runs under the driveway M I need 4.2 pipes 4.2 10in pipes so we're going to add four pipes so that the driveway that we're going to create won't act as a dam and collect water so we'll leave the pipe that's there we won't touch it won't won't disturb it won't make it flow better make it flow worse we just leave it and then we'll add four uh pretty much F the the surface that's there now to go under the driveway so that we won't make any changes in the drainage patterns um because four additional pipes will equal the maximum that could be running from that 18 in pipe okay so there'll be five full 10inch pipes um so I think uh that was really the only big question was about pipes yes okay um there was a there was a letter from the de P by revision of plan is that correct um okay I think it was the letter it's in the packet your revision letter to d right okay about the yes because I had done a one to one appication and you re all right so I added some more plants okay all right um right anyone have any questions Chris no no question all right um that being said we can well close the public hearing yeah you would have to close it uh let's close the public I'll make I'll receive okay yeah sorry justed yes is there anyone from the public that want I thought we had already uh wants to ask any other questions okay hearing none um I accept the motion to close the public hearing I'll make the motion to close the public hearing right motion motion made motion is seconded all in favor say I uh Chris Mather I Chris Mather says I Steve trip I says I Charlie Sullivan says I the hearing is closed all right so really basically all we have to do it's we have the U stipulation of the one one and a half so I'll accept the motion to um oh accept the plan as is presented I'll make that motion and I will second I will um support the motion of my colleague motion is made and motion is seconded all in favor Chris Mather hi Chris ma says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I all right there you go thank you very you're welcome thank you no problem have good night guys good night there you go all right um item number seven is the uh continued uh notice of re resource area delineation 81 Middleboro Road and zero County Road applicant Robert Nasser all right okay person is present is there anyone else yeah is this a public heing yes this is public so had we opened it before yeah this is so you want to call it back to order so I want to call call the public hearing back to order um do I have I have to have a vote you don't have to have a vote all right we'll open the uh re the hearing all right little disjointed but sure so I think uh I have my engineer here Greg GRE from Outback engineering so I'll let Greg uh summarize where we where we're at sure I'm Greg Drake from Outback engineering uh the hearing was continued to have environmental Partners come out there Wetland scientists come out and review the Wetland lines out there and they did go out there and review everything and approved it they sent a letter I believe that you should have that we we got a copy of it of the approval um so that is all uh um under as the commission wanted it's all reviewed and approved um and we took care of the things for D we got the uh updated which uh the um consultant wanted to the updated BBW forms um are all set and there was a wetland change shown on that and that actually is the other bog which was determined as an Upland bog and has a uh the other array in it so I I think that uh that U since it was ter determined up by the commission before it that we and change doesn't affect anything so um I guess we open up to any questions you may have on um the project all right anyone have any uh questions from the public hearing none um any any commissioner have any questions they want to uh ask I have no questions okay good all right being no questions I'll accept a motion to close the public hearing I'll make that motion motion is made Chris we have a second to close absolutely I will second and support that motion all right motions made and seconded all in favor Chris Ma I Chris Mavis says I Steve trip hi Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I all right now I accept a motion to uh accept the uh plan as approved as uh presented I'll make that I'll make that motion or I will second that motion motions made and seconded all favor Chris Ma I Chris ma says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I all right the motion is uh ex is passed and accepted all right good thank you what point of clarification chairman if I could yes so I do have maybe this is more for Victoria I do have the the green cards do I emailed them Nicole do you need the actual Originals or do you take to the file okay thank you sure all right thank you okay you want that mail directly to you the o red sure if you could that would be great all right thank you okay thank you good night take care good night uh item number eight discussion and vote on reappointments uh the reappointments are Mark roacher uh gatekeeper effective July 1 through uh June 30th 2025 in Lexi Lexi roacha uh gatekeeper of effective dates the same July 1 through June 30 uh 30th 2025 Mike McHugh as open space consultant uh once again effective J jly 1 and through June 30 2025 and Adeline Bellis sham as a conservation agent effective July 1 through June 30th 2025 is there any questions or discussion um I just want to know what the compensation is related to an annual or an hourly compensation just to for the record but I'm ready to approve this okay for The Gatekeepers for the for the gate for The Gatekeepers Chris yes all of them I just want to know the compensation before I so no of course so Gatekeepers get paid minimum wage hourly um Mike McHugh it's a volunteer position the open space consultant and the per DM conom agent it's up to 10 hours a week as needed um I believe we set that at $40 an hour okay perfect and then the The Gatekeepers do they do overtime or is that up to 40 hours oh I'm sorry that's up to 19 hours per week so they're part-time seasonal employees so okay so there's no over there's no scenario where we have to pay overtime at the minimum wage at overtime correct nope not at all okay perfect I'll make a motion to approve that motion is made second motion is seconded all in favor Chris Mather I Chris ma is I Steve trip I Steve trip is I Charlie sullan is I uh appointments I made discuss and vote on online permanent contract with full circle uh Technologies um Victoria just want to wrun down again yeah so I put the um proposal in the packet for you guys um so I know the commission um had decided to move forward with online permitting both building and Health um have are online um with permit ey so we're working on getting more departments there um we do have the funding for this since we didn't use um the conservation agent line item this fiscal year yet um so we have the funding um the only sort of add-ons that you can that I thought we needed was online payment integration of course we have online permitting people should be able to pay their permits online but that is a separate fee um so I think we should have that as well as um Public public view um for the permitting I think um that would be beneficial as well um the other add-ons um I don't think are necessary um but of course uh you know any feedback the commission has um is welcome yes I have some I have a question and some feedback so when a when someone pays the fee online are we charging them a 3% fee to incur our overhead just to break even on the cost of using a credit card for the payment as opposed to a check this where we join I am not sure if there's a fee um online I would have to double check with the the building or health office since they use it I'm actually I I don't know the answer okay I would just you know being in the Forum of dealing with credit card payments and a variety of sources need to as a commission and as an eny protecting our situation if you will we need to make sure that we charge 3% and that they pay that if they're going to use a credit card because that's the way of the world today I don't like it but that's the reality of it because you know we're not up we're effectively as a city a nonprofit organization so I just want to make sure we're not taking the hit on the credit card if someone uses it so I would like to ensure that we're charging 3% which should cover any credit card fees on top of whatever the fee is if we're going to use this online portal and that should be built into the um the way it's formatted does anyone disagree with that I do not oh um okay so do does Chris need to make a motion I will make I'll make the motion subject to making sure someone that just make sure that we cover our cost I don't I don't want to go in the negative on you know doing this as a convenience for people that are filing and it should be that way because that's the way of the world but we just need to not go in the wrong direction our fees all our costs are way below the market Standard of what other towns charge for things so I just want to make sure that we just don't go in the wrong direction we just at least break even that's all that's my concern understandable all righty um did do we have a so so Chris your motion is to approve of the the pro billing process with the understanding that there should be the 3% uh credit card fee so to speak charge attached correct that is 100% correct all right motion has been made do I hear a second motion has been seconded all in favor Chris Mather I Chris ma is I Steve trip I Steve trip is I Charlie Sullivan is I all right motion passed uh the next item is one point clarification so this just so I thew this does have to because conservation we can't sign our own contract this will go to the board of selectman for approval um at their next meeting so I will follow up you know just to let you guys know when that's been approved okay all right sounds good thank you all right uh item number item number 10 is minutes for April 22nd May 13th and May 20th um I did see somewhere where there's basically a typo but I cannot find it now it was just like someone was calling Mr uh it was just was a little name thing but I can't okay it's it's some ridiculous little thing but we might uh do you know what set it was in I do not remember now well I can have double check yeah I just I think it was something to do with somebody's name okay it became like Mr Robert or something like that instead of oh okay Mr okay okay you know something like that uh with that not anyone else uh have any or input on the minutes no minute no U Imports or questions ready to approve all right uh I'll accept a motion uh to approve the minutes as read as written whatever I'll make the motion I'll second motion is made in second and all in favor Chris Mather I Chris Mather is I Steve trip I Steve trip is I Charlie Sullivan is I Lobby off McDonald Lobby uh so there we go uh the last item any other business uh properly before the commission um the only thing is I I guess we we've gotta want to sit down uh and talk about how to have uh aine uh work out some of the fundamental things yeah I think I think uh now that we have a Conservation Commission agent uh to have the agent do some inspections of the projects as they are in operation would be a good idea U just to keep people on track does anyone have any uh input on that no that's a great idea all right all right with that being said I'll accept a motion can I sorry um no problem so there is um so planing board is doing a site visit um to fire at the fire station number two tomorrow to see the potential space um Chris just in case you're not aware there is potential that um Administration wants to move the planning and conservation office and the water department to fire station number two um so we have a discussion about that U like a joint meeting with the BOS um in July um so in case anyone wants to see the space um we are going there tomorrow at 3:30 um we just don't have time to post an agenda so if we are going to have a quorum um you know we're not cannot deliberate about it um planning board did post their agenda um in time so we will have a quum of the planning board but just wanted to invite in case anyone want to see the space okay I did see that and I I don't know how to say this without sounding comical but it can't get worse than where we are so let's I'm I'm good with that if everyone else is good with that yeah I I don't know if I'm quite GNA say couldn't get worse but uh I what one the problem I have is that there doesn't seem to be any um provision at this moment now hopefully they'll change uh where the public so there's no office right now I I thought there was like a defined space where we would go into I don't because I know we currently share the space right yeah correct right so do you mean the third floor like the current office Chris yes our current office it's just me and Nicole which who's who's our clerk for so we both work for all the land use boards so it's technically it's shared between planning and zba but we we're the staff for those Sports as well correct and currently there's no there's no climate control up there correct in the summer I mean I know there's heat but in the summer you have like a window AC that barely works or correct me if I'm wrong please no that's fair we do have a window AC up there and it still remains like 80 degrees when it's a hot day so yeah so that's that's that's why I feel the way I feel like you shouldn't have to work in 80 degree weather this is you know 2024 there should be reasonable climate control and I know the new building has Central AC so that's that was my reasoning behind just saying hey let's get out of here and go over there but if anybody sees differently please let me know like I I was going to say my my big thing is access of the public to actually go to the office if they need and at the present time I don't see that and that that disturbs me in that know somebody would have one of the thing was well they could come up to the police station and meet the uh person that wants to talk to him about it but now they can't turn you know Victoria or couldn't turn around say okay here in our files is the file and show them or something like that so I I like to see that the public would be able to get some access to the office that's my big concern well that makes sense okay I'm on track I guess Chris huh absolutely you're you're always on track I uh sometimes I have to make decisions without you know feet on the street or eyes on what it is that we're doing so I I rely on my colleagues to assess that and then I back them up so I just express my concern and my sentiment and we'll just move forward I know it's it's it's about time we seriously consider what we're going to do with Town Hall uh but that being said uh all right uh Victoria can I ask you to take a couple of pictures with me oh of course yeah I'm gonna take some for some other planning board members as well so I'll send I'll probably be there tomorrow you okay good but all right with that being said um I'll accept a motion to adjourn I'll make that motion motion is made to I'll support the motion of my colleague motion is made and seconded all in favor Chris Mather I Chris ma is I Steve trip I Steve trip is I Charlie Sullivan is I uh the meeting adjourns take care thanks Chris for uh coming back everyone absolutely take care bye now