e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e adequate notice of this regularly scheduled meeting of the French toown board of education has been provided in accordance with the open public meeting act by notification to the Hun County Democrat on March 28 2024 a copy of this notice has also been posted at the public school at the municipal building and fil for i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the for which stands Nation God indivisible and justice for all Mr Blackburn here Mr dery here Miss Howard here miss Klein here miss nahara Mrs nent here miss partalo here we didn't hear you miss pello here one second Miss pello here here there you are thank you we didn't hear you miss pello here okay hope that's going to come through okay since we have no um public attendance and we no presentations and recognitions this evening we move on to the board secretary report um please note that our next meeting is June 18th um and it is our goal setting meeting uh and then we do not have a meeting in July the meeting after that will be in October anything else of notesa do you want me to talk about the budget thing sure yeah okay so um the governor has signed uh two new laws um into effect that one of them in particular affects uh the budget both affect the budget but only one applies to Frenchtown so one of the laws provides a Aid back to the districts that lost state aid in 2425 as a result of the final S2 phase out and the second law allows each like allows school districts where there's a calculation in the difference between the 2021 Aid and the 2425 Aid to increase their tax levy if they choose to do so um by amending the budget it would um add add the amount to our base we would have to amend our budget resubmit it to the county office we would have to do another public hearing um and go through like that that whole kind of process um I have the amount um the amount that we would be able to adjust the tax levy is 97,2 um that's an additional 4.2% on the tax levy the total amount if you chose to take it in percentage wise would be 7% and I did put additional documents in the board folder that says um stabilization adjustment and so that shows the amount it shows um the guidance from the Department of Ed um and what the tax calculation would be so it would increase the tax it would increase the tax rate um by 4 .4 cents but because of the reassessment we would still be going down 43.3 cents um so it's it's a you don't have to take any of it you don't have to take all of it you can take anything in between or the whole amount um but it's something that we should you know discuss as to where the board stands on the possibility of doing this because the timelines are really tight and um we'll have to get something and we might have to have like a special meeting and at the end of the month in order to try and U meet the timelines because the first meeting if we amend something we could amend it at the 18th but then we'd have to hold the public hearing and um do that at a later date so the time there is a new um schedule for for that uh that goes into July from like July 5th to July 22nd um if we could do it in in June um if we decide to do something I'd prefer to do it in June I will get more guidance tomorrow at my County meeting I'm sure this is going to be a big discussion we haven't met as a as a county to get guidance directly from um the county office since this has passed it's all been through memo and email um so that's you know based on the guidance that I've gotten I've been able to find the amount that we're um allowed to adjust our tax levy buy and it's a one-time adjustment so even though it's in the tax levy and it's a tax levy adjustment if we don't take it now it won't be available as banked cap in future years so it's a one-time allowable now and it allows the tax levy to increase by 99.9% you wouldn't be able with this adjustment you wouldn't be able to go over 99.9% in in total so that would be the cap but we're not we're not going to 9.9 um so open for discussion I guess um so we're currently our current budget is an increase of 4.8 for the tax levy so this would enable us to go from anywhere from 4.8 up to as high as seven is it 4.8 looking at the um the this your newly adjusted one that you sent us or is this this is the newly adjusted one yeah I'm wondering now if if if I pulled the wrong one this looks like the old one this looks like the one from um you know before to there two tabs oh I missed the second okay sorry let me just double check that it even have the right one um yeah it's the second one is is the second tab says with new rades that's right thank you ad did not see the second tab but we had the the original what was 2% and then 2% enrollment adjustment and point 8% than cap which was 4.8 and then the stabilization adjustment would be 4.2 oh you're right no 4 point 4.8 and 4.2 right you're right the the total percentage is um not correct yeah that would be nine but are the amounts correct and the amounts are correct yes yes I have another question sorry I'm talking the question time um if we wanted to would we be allowed to um replace what we're using Bank the 17,94wh available banked cap you know I'm bringing it to your attention to see okay yes the the the Google sheet there's a Google sheet in there PDF no yeah that's the one uh you're in the March agenda so yeah go that one and then in there and then [Music] okay so are there other questions for so the total impact would be about $90,000 is that what you said uh the the impact for this would be so if the it's hard to it's hard to assess this one because of the decrease in the rate and the reassessment so what it would do is for every $100,000 of assessed value what the bill would have been before it now adds $44 per 100,000 back to like to the tax bill essentially but n assessment still correct correct assuming your house didn't yes yeah depends on how your assessment changed yes that's right 432 less of a decrease or more more of an increase depending on how your um so I I have a question um when you and this is more for Jim like when you see the possibility of 97,000 more dollars in the budget what are you immediately thinking like oh good now we can keep this or we can do this that we weren't able to do yeah I mean I think anytime we have the opportunity like that and I this is all fairly fresh we speaking on this today we we think of I think initially we think of support I think we think of um our not out I think that's a component we're thinking of certainly academic achievement POS Behavior um those are two initially I think we also sometimes get facil things to um but I would say those are two things that you become part of the defection to keep that position to be great I think I think we could um I think we could certainly be more strategic in some of our you know a lot of with our targeted instruction potentially some more acemic work to um sometimes we're talking not only programs person situations that number is a whole new Sal sure a whole lot of small and there's nothing in either of those laws that gets us more stating correct no I didn't agree with their calculation I mean even if we got the $3,000 because we lost a little over $6,000 in formula Aid and the reason they're saying that we don't qualify for a reduction in state aid is because of the school choice they added it to but school choice is not part of the funding formula so I yeah and this doesn't doesn't become a permanent part of our Levy it does does so this is an opportunity to annualize it it would be right I mean you you could be strategic and you know next year say we're not going to increase and it would be this year and then commit to a flat tax levy the next year which would become banked cap in the future for three years you know you could you know consider doing something like that of course you know selling that to the community is a little bit different but if you make the commitment and then we know like that's our tax levy and we build the budget on that um for 25 26 um or you know or a portion of it but I feel like because it's going to it's not going to be banked it's an opportunity for us to not just stay status quo but really be able to do something to improve programs and even if that changes from year to year based on what our needs are right if it changes from you know academic coaches and math or reading or whatever it might be to something else if that's not what our need is yeah it it just right I mean it is a unique situation too with the with the with the tax assessments um but like I said you know it is an overall like I explained when we kind of had our meeting it is an overall total tax increase so you know that's coming from somewhere I just don't know how that applies to every individual homeowner because it the rate's different I'm sure everyone has a different opinion on that but this is the only chance we get to take this right I I the idea of you know closing flat tax rate next year somewh version of Soph this year's blow what's the um impact of the high school budget on the BR uh yes that's a decrease also um I know it just makes me frustrated but you know well also but St is like you know yeah you they're not replacing any of that money with State local funding which we're already you know we're already a huge overwhelming so the high school tax rate for the town is decreasing 34.2 cents on the regional which is a $342 decrease per 100,000 and Teresa what is the net increase for the total sum yes because their their their rate there is is decreasing significantly too yeah the rate is yeah is the rate is going down uh yeah 34.2 cents so are they also conversation are they eligible for this the high school is not going to be adjusting their tax levy but they received additional aid from the state from the state so they'll be revising their budget to incorporate the additional Aid they have an amount that they could adjust their tax levy but they're not taking all of their Bank cap in order to be able to do that so so do we need what is the action we need to take so I think what what what I would need is whether there's consensus um from the board for Jim and to put together a revised budget to present to the board on the 18th um of course we'll communicate ahead of time so that you have some you know time to you know digest what that is as far as you know how it's going to be used and um what we what we determine um is our right recommendation that has the the most positive impact for for us re I did not hear of any local um from you mean from last year because there was a so the improved budget in the budget hearing no one attended the budget hearing we haven't had any I mean we've had no public reaction right and that hasn't hit the tax bill yet with the new assessments that's what we would be doing is recertifying the tax rate for the new cycle um I know that last year there was from the high school we heard a lot from the Frenchtown um community on the regional tax rate last year but that's because there's the the apportionment adjust adjust the tax levy differently because it's regional can you hear me Teresa it's regional sorry V do that again um can you hear me now yes okay good can you hear me Teresa it's region sorry V do that again um so I'm yes okay good me Teresa it's regional sorry V do that again um so I'm So yeah so basically tonight um I don't I want I I don't know how to get V to be able to speak without it turning on the live turning on I didn't have this problem before I'm not sure why it's doing that V can you try to um talk to us again hold on live I didn't have this problem before not sure why it's doing that uh V can you try to um she she want and put on speaker depending on is there um you know the one thing I think that Tesa mention that would kind of um um she said as long as we have a forum we should go ahead without her um so the one thing I I'm interested in that Teresa mentioned was you know if we move on with this increase for this year um and we kind of agreed that um next year we would have a 0% increase and and you know if there Banks to 2% that we were eligible for what you know we have an enrollment adjustment Bank bank all of that um is that something we could like pass the resolution to do um or we could that it's the board's intention you know yes that you know it's Our intention to then have a 0% increase in 25 26 do we want to lock ourself in so yeah we don't I don't I I yeah so I like the intention but I'm not sure that I would want to commit to that given all of the things we don't really know right now um I I you know at the risk of talking out of both sides of my mouth because I am sensitive to the tax issue and I have friends who would like are not happy um I feel like this isn't a one-time only opportunity and the budget that we just did had very little flexibility in it and it had some some significant cuts and we're really looking at improving outcomes for students and we're looking at at doing some proactive stuff and and our extracurricular are so important to the community so I would want to give Jim the flexibility to figure out you know where the priorities are for that money and I think we can have a sort of a an understanding in Among Us that Our intention is not to increase unless we really have to right wild card right we know where get hit us next year probably should some sort of like that we say like okay well this comes this money this we know well I think we can say that in the budget we passed this year we made some cuts that were pretty painful that we didn't and and you know and this allows us to restore some of those really essential things that we had a and also whatever it is I mean you know but I think I think we can be we can list what things now we're going to be able to do with the Jim and I talked just recently about culum work and you know we were kind of like gosh we're going to have to ask Teresa for that much like where's that coming from so you know like that would be on the list there I would want it to be in in the in the restoration and distribution of that money to be like the highest priority is there you mentioned cap capital Improvement is there anything in the facility that needs that you had in mind or not that we couldn't take from Reserve accounts so I'm I wouldn't really be looking to allocate any of that to facility items we're getting the rod Grant we have that capital reserve for that um anything that we would need to do could be done either through maintenance or Capital so I'm not I think the main priority would be you know academic support and yeah yeah we don't have to take it action tonight we're just kind of letting Teresa know our intentions so that she can [Laughter] the state knew what they were doing like during the normal cycle yeah they couldn't have told us this 60 days ago I think it's new though wasn't in effect 60 days ago right is they pass yeah they passed new legislation days yeah yeah okay so we'll move on um to the minutes and we need to a motion to approve the minutes from the April 30th regular and executive session any comments or questions on the minute thank you for allowing yeah we're lucky we have a really good St she's really not I think that was the problem the ow was turned off because the came on oh now did you he about yes absolutely wow I know right all right so no other comments or questions on minutes then um all those in favor she didet okay and we'll move on to uh the CFA report all right good evening everyone um so going through our initial informational items here um HIV report for this month reported not identified suspension report you could look at theendum as well um that clarifies on the original theend speaks to activity that during few days of building this agenda so just redefined in under and then we have our security drill fire April motion to affirm the HIV report from April 30th any comments or questions all those in favor I opposed or abstained um and then 8.2 we'll need a motion to affirm the 2223 P self assessment District grade report soov any comments or questions on that all those in favor I opposed or abstained and we made a motion to approve the submission of the 2425 New Jersey child assault Pion Grant so comments or questions on that Al in favor oppos to abstain and a motion to accept it I can take the mo um to accept the donation from country chep um of $700 to be used to enhance the uh FES arts program yes yes okay comments or questions on that this was from the um fashion show Mission and um Morgan came up uh last that um yeah last Wednesday and um she said you know they really want to continue the event um yearly and just hoping that it'll kind of gain popularity which I think it will it was interesting like said they didn't get as much of a turnout as they wanted but then after the EV then people were like oh it's so great so she thinks it'll just continue to get more po they used to church H while get ready and do the makeup like that backstage really we came up she came up and with going okay all those in favor I opposed to obain and then uh on the agenda is 8.5 um we need a motion to appoint Machado Law Group as special education Council effective May 15 2024 so okay comments or questions on that um so they're basically some point for us we have I'm just going to say the attorney that we were using but some relationship that this myself and the team that relationship attorney regard to special education and guidance on certain and this is aoun always had we have individual consistency of support years okay but is it correct that we're just using her for special the special ucation [Music] okay all those in favor I oppos to obain okay um yep so just wanted to hit on a few more few other things we didn't just meet a couple weeks ago um so or not today Tuesday to go school year yeah I when I wrote it I was like wow um so just some quick things uh April CAU we counted award so certainly just want to you know shout outan Emina chease Olivia AR AB J both in Charlotte time awesome job and then sportsmanship um isan Rosa anah Bley Ryan J Jasmine and air so just kudos to everyone there mrar Mr bbody part of our team is um you know making sure that these things are happening in our building and supporting our culture and so forth um students you need to do right leing those right choices just keep catching them in that moment in this Wonder thing just wanted bring ask every attention um just quickly some just comprehensive AC plan still from two weeks ago we haven't had any further guidance on that um continue to you as things come up check policy reviews and so forth checking updates and so forth to prepare for that doc when we need to do it um I want to talk a little bit of recap testing so as many of you know SC three had their testing last week actually you know on Thursday Friday before the week before was science for fifth and eighth grade and then last week with gr three grade do math Ina so we did our as many of you know going into five point testing approach this year make sure that we ensure basically that we um we're supporting our students and we focused on establishing breakfast for the student in the morning so we gopress team up there making sure that happens very easy for me the team comes up with some ideas and here we go and how we going to make that happen so there's a lot of um a lot of our team is a part of that some in the building some working at our sh service were so I just want to say you agressive for supporting that um thought from our team um but the breakfast was a success um now I'll explain that in a second so breakfast premovement um actually got to be a part of the science group on Thursday and Friday um did a number of stationary drills fund drills and teamwork drills um within that 10 to 12 minute movement for T and then basic the second half of that 10 to 12 minute was um we allowed 15 minutes but you know real Time That's um during the testing obviously teachers took notice taking taking real clear impulse of what was going on in in the C and ensuring that students just watching students and encouraging you know certainly encouraging them to before and watching what they did during the testing when they did a great job we were giving out passes and aome M um so just so students would go back and check and so forth so those were our real three pieces we you know we always did some practice testing um more specifically before right um we've always kind of done it but we kind of we made sure that certain areas were doing it if they were in the past maybe they only did one or two in the past we made sure that there was these to be done in our areas um and then afterwards we always you know it's always an opportunity to go outside when we are complete it's another opportunity for movement and recess completion of it so just on a quick poll I had grades three and four together and grades five through eight so BR goodness we got 100% student loved it feedback um pre movement re 100% reinforcing your efforts 100% it was fantastic forid Tempo all the teachers getting the opportunity to hand out that awesome path allowing students to go and get a reward from the positive treasure box sometimes that positive treasure box um you know much sound a little k fiveish k sixish but I'm going to tell you the seven are right there um one of the neest I think newest things that has developed is our Lo floor with Marley you know there's homework passes in there Wellness there's numerous fidget toys or items but items in there um but you know walk FL with Marley has been a big hit um so those are things that students are getting an opportunity to get checking passing white certificates and things like that in that um so just those were really good moments um so across the board 100% 100% um on all those with three and four soon be back for grades five greatest group breakfast was 100% everybody was on board pre Movement we had couple we only about we 33 of 38 appr that so not everyone loving the premium I get it Middle School a little different um but then they're reinforcing positive efforts um 100% so I think just to participate in that way create that very supportive um environment that I think team did I really appreciate the teachers but again everyone had a role me Mr zigy Mr Miller passing out breakfast um teachers supervising where they need to be Mr um helping out really a true team effort so I'm just really proud of that moment um and and as I said to Kate I think sometimes when you know it's good to have a conversation to say hey maybe we should look at something a little differently um you know some sometimes challenge us see as a team what we can come up with was really um as I said to Kate the other day I was happy to have that challenge for a team to kind of dig and see what we come up with you know time will sell on what the impact was but I can tell you the the moments and feelings that the students were sharing the very positive they think teachers same that um we had so I have big sign Know M hour sign is in front here this is one of the pieces um last week or maybe last within the last couple weeks offic director gner and myself and um like we knoww connected and we're basically just mapping out once our stuff got in um so all our material is right here this is one of the signs also be a beacon sign that has flashing to repl these are solar um so actually they were out there again today crapp looking at the H crapping some materials so um our our goal is June somewhere in a June period to have this up certainly for next year just wanted to share the on the really bit right here yeah um so just wanted to update the board on that um we had I think we know the O Lumina not only Studio 29 um students were doing that in our after school um program but then also we had an opportunity for one day after school get another 20 students to go to O that create our power our power cells and so forth um students got to participate on Saturday night you which was really cool um so again just really the team is really just loving being part of that you know having OPP to be part of the community so the students um and the people we're working with I really just can't say enough about them um C at29 Jill Megan this latest F so preschool update so we've been talking about word fill right at this moment um we did just put out another communication today to our families um and ITA and I've been working on our Milford location because we' really like to open up that secondary now that we're filled here um and we actually got some good news I met with par Smith our provider um initial space that we were looking at in milord church where the preschool is in Milford um another space opened up within there which was a little bit less fo um so not necessarily meeting the initial requirement but with some dialogue and conversation collaboration I think we're going through the process be able to use a room that's really ready to go as opposed to leading to modification updates that Tera I knew about um so we're excited for that so that's really we we get another task that's due soon we have this task D very soon too um so this budget we're working with our provider right now first you know so we're gonna coming in hot here right now I'm not going to lie um so we'll be working through some of those pieces too but as soon as we get that standed then we'll be communicating out and all it's going to take is one of our French Town students to go you know on our way us to go up so that's really exciting because I think we so and I I so I'm just going to say because I didn't understand this that if we have one Frenchtown kid who goes up to the Milford preschool we could open that up to tuition students outside of the district I didn't understand that there's so many moving Parts in this so so the hope would be and you you know you you have to be very careful not to build the class up too much because if a French Town child came they could you know Pi out a a non-french but um you know that I think the the um it's I don't know that it's realistic to think that if we have one kid up go up we'd have 12 more French toown kids go up but it is very realistic to think that if we had one French toown kid go up that we have some initions we're finalizing that contract provider contract as well as the provid budget um so as we find possib um but our frown students up all of theing districts have preschool but I don't know if they all have Universal question I'm not sure if it looks may look a little different I also know that some of them are fil I don't know but I know any the only one in the region that that I know of that hasn't gotten expansion I'm just wondering what the market would be absolutely I'm sorry this is the uh second class physical building y they still be offer they have they have they approved a little differently um my oldest child went there until November and they finally were like [Laughter] liked me a lot my son went there didn't get kicked out okay yeah he turned out all right all right so that's a preschool so you know if you haven't you know I know few of our board members Comm meting commun me on that do somewhere um summer cam fers are out one of us one of our camps is filed um just wanted to say quick shout out last week River Union of Wonderland certainly a wonderful show fundraiser P actually doing that afterwards thank you for that and respect showes this so check that out sure um I do just want to I want to I know but I do want to just you know continue certainly and the board's aware but we've been have some disruptive behavior that does continue um not to any degree that it was the first week that I sent the letter out but I just want to keep everyone in continu to handle it with students and families you know coming up with strategies and something else that you know I think we're taking a look at as part of next year like professional development what what some other strategy our team be you know at hand to be basically support Val so we can just be better um when we need to be because that can be it's different say it's different so but I think for the most part like I said our first letter it's definitely lesson um but I would say it has not stopped is there designated or official a family engagement person who gets involved in kindes of things or yeah I mean every Situation's individualized to that student or family um could be very well could be me could be Mrs Ziggy it could just be the teachers involved sometimes I mean certainly do a great job of classroom managing within their clom right not every situation that occurs in the classroom comes to the counselor you know com to the attention the counselor to the attention of Mr or comes to the attention of myself right um certain things are teachers are teachers that handle their classroom right and they might come up with little things like um you know can't be participate in this group activi we're doing for five minutes and like that um we're talking about things bigger than that are bigger than what is the process is there official process for interes disrup you I I think every has a different I think the protocols we have to engage right someone from our team typically sure we're going to email but we're have phone call right I think start parents um and you work there and maybe if it's just coming up with the strategy or talking through um I personally really enjoy we can get I you often get families to have a Common Language right which we're on the same page um so when and we agree to that then it's okay I know that you know let's just say let's say mom or dad or whoever's at home Bob or whoever they know we're talking the same agage you know when it comes to the class you know we agree that there might be something that they're going to lose whether it's in the fast you know at school or at home it's the same right we're so those are some of the discussions I'm just giving you General examples yeah yeah yeah is this something that might to or is it always yeah it definitely depends on individual yeah I think that's probably a good good way to approach it I don't think we have so I me based on what like here if it's significant and ongoing compens there you go it's really you know if it's like an ongoing so with that piece so we are going to on um so that's just something we continue to work through but again getting better so thank for parents are having conversation at home that's aome just want them that um the last piece is our I'm excited for our survey right we our community survey we have our student survey staff survey family survey and I'm it's in your it's in your folder I really appreciate everyone on the board with their feedback the last two meetings and share them some you know emails and communication in between um I think ultimately we we want to have some compar comparisons to the previous one that was done a few years ago um but I also think we want to gain some new nin and so taking in you know comments that made from our team here we were able to really unack we're I think we're at 48 questions on one them was 60 um and we do understand lessons more and a lot of these questions are quick hitters like they're not this whole survey shouldn't take more than 5 to seven minutes it's on any level um so all three surveys are now under 30 questions with a little bit of narrative opportunity from our board um I definitely really like some of those open-ended questions because some people will engage in and that's great and some people won't and that's great too because all those other answers that they give us their time for a few minutes on will be useful I think getting that information would be great um because then you know you take that information you as we start building a strategic plan and I think you know we could probably be a little bit more um you know on an annual business right com moving forward right maybe we' taking a little bit of the step out um for whatever reason but I think this will be nice to keep comparable data I think we get some answers that we are seeking um maybe something that we can build a go on from you know four weeks from now 18 um so so I think we're I think we're to a point or I feel good that we we're going to have some substance from our answers we're going to get some open ended answers um that might be telling too but ultimately let's get it I feel like let's get it out um and get some you know be able to get some of that data be able to prepare preparation of our next meeting is that in our F the community survey I should the see it Bo see it CSA [Music] is the planet survey that was in last month yeah I will I'm just that's it change last month I did awesome I definitely I'm I'm you so I think the goal would be to I wanted to kind of chat a minute here when do you think a good Tim sometimes it is a great time maybe going into the uh Memorial Day weekend maybe people have a minute maybe it's too much maybe should we put it out maybe next week um I don't know your thoughts it because eventually we want to close at some point take that data and I really would like it to get it to the board Le we ahead of the next meeting so we have some things to look at especially if we're looking at settings and goals um you know for next year and maybe there will be something you know I think it would be unique for us to see because maybe something you see something in our information versus you know I think there might be things individually that we might see with it so you more expert the rhym of school year oh sure so you're GNA be doing yeah we'll do I mean it'll be done multiple we don't want to do it every day probably but we want to doemi stud yeah to the students students will just send them the link on on their iPads um maybe K2 we might do like a hard copy we have there um what kindergarten disturb too early we we've always kept we're keeping Middle School we've always kept it Middle School um I feel like we would just STI stick with the five through eight that's what we did last time yeah so I think we would just keep it with those students Because unless that's because I think certain questions might not appy and I think it might be a little it's all good yeah critical so I think we want to stick to the original so we have that comparative when it comes to soon we'll do 5 through eight I believe the old one might have been six or eight but I think 5 for us be that's what we're doing our now that that like um staff sta can I can put it in our hit we have an email daily um but I'm thinking yeah I I agree with you I think we should get it out before because people are going to be do different things I think we should Encompass two weekends for families you know an opportunity So within that time but eventually um we'll have to come to an end maybe maybe Friday June 7th is the end and then that gives us um you know that gives us a little bit of time to get that out following um you know or maybe we end in the middle of the week I guess depending on how many people are participating which I I'm hoping um a lot do maybe we ended in midle maybe on theth Wednesday but that's where I'm of so then it gives us ass get it out um I will send that link to you there is anything but our plan would be just to put it out by the end of the week so there is something um you thank you um so um I just have a couple of things um I did we did get um a notice from Fallen Township that the um they were awarded the regional efficiency grant for $118,000 um to be used for valuing ability study on regionalization so um that's all we know so far I'm not you know I'm sure in the coming months we'll hear about you know the plan for moving for that um um also I have um kind of a list of dates for the CSA and board evaluations the CSA evaluation that Jim and I put together um is in the packet and um also in the um supporting document line um if there is any um input to the evaluation template if there's something that you think is really lacking or um needs to be included um please get that feedback to me by May 20 for um and then by May 31st um we will all have I'll send the or Jim will send the Google form out to everybody to complete and at that point um it will include um Jim's goals and um his synopsis of of the uh the progress towards those things um then I I'm asking that by June 10th everyone completes the CSA evaluation and the self evaluation the self- evaluation is available now I will I'll um I just made myself a reminder to send the link out to everybody tomorrow morning but it's on the um uh New Jersey school board's website we going to New Jersey SCH standard for the self evaluation yeah yeah um and then um so by June 10th if everybody has everything complete by June 12th um I'll send the compiled reports to everyone and to Jim um and that'll give us several days to kind of look them over before our June 18th meeting where we'll be creating our um think so the only other thing I wanted to mention is um the board has traditionally um done something for the teachers each year either like at breakfast or at lunch um and um Julie has graciously agreed to help with that so um I I will text everybody and whoever is interested in Ching in um for that we can do that um and Jim is going to let us know of a good day um we're g try not to do it the last week just so much last week so we do itay before I know any I mean just thinking June 7th is our wanted FR well we can if that's not something I was thinking breakfast be aunch that might be an ideal sign do either yeah yeah so check your comar that I think like individualized lunches or style we trust your J you're the okay um so that was all that I had um so moving on um can I just say one thing um you had um mentioned about the strategic planning and I don't know that the board ever took action to actually accept the proposal and and at what level I think we decided on the 3D level at the $4,000 yeah I know we talked about but we never voted on it no there was never a vote to kind of partner with them for that okay maybe we can maybe now would be a time that sure um do we have a verion to Str 4,000 4000 for the 2425 school year any comments or questions all favor I opposed orain okay and then we'll need a motion for our consent agenda items 12.1 to 12.14 including the Personnel items from the agenda so comments and questions on that uh just one question um digital record storage uh how often do we use appos scan for that service that worth so that is to digitize are personnels are in digital already not the permanent ones no like T the things that you need to keep not digit those are all completed by hand well it's all the backup documents the clearances like those things are there isn't a way to store their documents in our in our AR so those are all hard copy they're all they're so there's about 10 file drawers in the business office of personnel records that we can digitize and um we already placed the ad the state has a process for allowing the districts to digitize their records and then disclose of the paper and then it's all searchable by it's all PDF and they they give us something to put on our server and then it can be searched and we can this just a one isn't this an annual contract it's not an annual contract that's that's for to do back you know and you have to keep Personnel records for records retention I it's 100 years after they leave the district yeah or 100 years after they the district um and so with what we do with our other records so we do use the same company for um like um disposing of helping us to dispose of our other records that we do yeah yeah they they'll come they'll shred it and they help us with um applying to the state to dispose of the records and those are every there seven years that like purchasing records and everything and we on top of that but we probably do it every year every other year and it's never this amount of money so I this was like an opportunity 12.1 what isra number so that is the board's contribution to the preschool expansion um program through this year it didn't hit the April Bill list and I wanted it to be recorded by the end of the month I wanted to be recorded in April so we did the transaction have comments or questions agenda yeah need a Voice vote on the defense agenda including the Personnel item from the agenda yes Mr dery yes is hour yes is time yes yes okay um unless there is anything else from the board session so we leave motion to J same thank you everybody yeah