e e e e e e e e e e e e e e you adequate notice of this regularly scheduled meeting of the Frenchtown board of education has been provided an importantance with the open public meeting act by notification to the 100 County Democrat on January 11th 2024 a copy of this notice has also been posted at the public school at the municipal building and filed with the bough clerk we stand to S pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all s Blackburn s gery here Miss Howard here miss Klein is NAA Miss pello here it here and since we have no public attending we will move on to our board ret treat um so I just wanted to start off with um kind of explaining to folks who are new to the board or um those who you know don't remember the process from years past but how we've done this typically is at our June meeting we have kind of a brainstorming session um and we talk about you know jot down a few goals that we think um we should be concentrating on for the 24 25 school year um typically we've tried to keep it at about three or four goals for the board and re or four goals for the district which um ultimately kind of means three four goals for gy the district goals are more Gym's goals board goals are more stuff that we want coming from the board um once we kind of have those ideas I will take them and um you know put them into the form of goals and email them to the rest of the board um to kind of mull over revise um add to over the course of the next several weeks and then when we meet again in August um we can make any approve any additions or revisions and then um move to approve the goals so tonight is really more of a brainstorming session um the actual approval of the goals won't happen until August um which gives us plenty of time to look them over gives the people who aren't here tonight time to kind of give input if there's something that you know they would like included that wasn't included um so I don't know I hope that makes makes sense to everybody um we I did um distribute the uh CSA evaluation as well as the board self- evaluation and um so hopefully everybody's had a little bit of time to look that over and kind of um help that or use that to help you um brainstorm about or help us brainstorm about the gold um we also um we have as everybody knows we did we did um distribute the survey we um held back or push back the due date of the survey because we didn't get a huge response so um we push that back and um we'll have Jim's going to email those results to us so that we can take a look at them um if we see anything in those responses is that we think um warrants a different a new goal we can add that in August um although I I kind of suspect that um you know there won't I I suspect there won't be any huge surprises but who knows so um we will have that as as a tool as well um so I have written down a few things um I'm not sure if anybody else has I know one of the things we've been talking a lot about is um academic achievement um so I'm assuming that we will have some goals around that um for the district um so anybody wants to open up the conversation feel free I um or I can read you what I have on my L I have just a process question yes um it's my first time through this cycle so every meeting is like oh is it's is um how are is the goal setting process related to the strategic planning process in my previous life gos always emerged from a strategic planning process so yeah curious about how that works ideally yes um because our strategic plan was done now by plus years ago right and was somewhat it's outdated yeah um for this year you know I don't think we'll be able to use it but I think ideally you when we go through the strategic planning process next year yeah absolutely I think our goals should be you know coming from that strategy plan these are onee goals yes sorry yeah it's just for the 2425 school year and then the I'm just repeating you and then the subsequent um gos will be informed by the Strategic plan yes okay because we should we should have this we should have the Strategic plan complete by like next Spring right so that will be able to inform our goals there will likely be some other kind of um I don't know how to put it but like administrative kind of goals but in addition to what's in the Strategic plan but yeah my hope is that we'll have a strategic plan in place by the spring that can form our full for 25 2 okay that was really helpful thank you um so I I will tell you what I have and um you know please feel free to chime in with um comments on this or additions to this um so the the main things and this is based on you know um things that we've been talking about throughout the year but also um things from the CSA and uh self- evaluation um and uh one of the things that I would like to have a goal around is providing um better curriculum access including resources um so basically not just to the board but to the community providing um access to our curriculum that's easy to um access and that um includes what resources we're using whether they're textbooks or novels or um computer programs um the other um the other goal that I was hoping to include was one based on evaluation data um I think it would be really helpful if we as a board had um a kind of a timeline for evaluation data so that you know we could say to Jim um in October we'd like to see you know the uh State standardized test scores as well as the you know the beginning scores from fondis panel or whatever and then in April we'd like to see um the you know end of the year scores or the the progress scores from fontas pel as well as the GPA or you know and I'm making that up like I just think it's it would be a great thing to have schedule and have on that schedule exactly what we would like to see um and what board would be able to use um to kind of evaluate uh student progress um the other goal is kind of a given well to um do the strategic planning process um so a couple of other things that and I'm not even sure that these are necessarily need to be goals um but a couple of things that have um been on my mind um but one thing I noticed from the board self evalu is a number of people commented on the fact that we have no public input um yeah we occasionally get somebody who will watch online but you know rarely anybody in person um so I'd like to see some goal around kind of increasing the board's communication to the community to the FBS Community whether that be through a newsletter or you know quarterly news newsletter or something like that um the other thing that um I would be interested in seeing again I'm not sure this needs to be a goal or if this might be something also that would come out more in the Strategic plan is um I would like to the board to be able to provide um some Dei training to our staff um well to fund to make a part of the budget I mean we're not sorry we're not going to facilitate the training I been identifi um there have been [Music] some I mean the only I can only think of one official email that was received about it um but uh we've never provided Dei training um in the within the district um in the time in the time that I've been here so I just this is um as a nonprofit exing consultant I have participated possibly five or six Dei tring experiences over the last few years none of which have been substantive me so I honestly and so I would just say it's not a good box to check check right so if if we if it's not something that we honestly feel we can to integrate and we should we should think other ways to address that's just based on my experience yeah I mean there's critical issues there sometimes if I may chime in um I don't know if you guys can hear me I'll say Rachel I I I hear you I've also been a part of quite a few different Dei trainings in my career some of which were actually quite helpful so I think depending on how we approach it um or you know like how Jim wants to approach it I think there's definitely opportunity there especially considering that you know our district is so small and it doesn't necessarily represent everyone equally and thoughtfully and so we should try to kind of enhance professional development for our our staff as much as possible and that includes Dei training um that's my my quick two cents but I I do agree sometimes it's not ideal but anything we can do to create that environment and that discussion I think we should try um Kate I think I wrote some goals and I can shoot them over to everyone but they they align very much with yours um okay if it's okay I'll read them out loud just um perfect so my number one goal and this is not a shocker to anyone is increase overall academic achievement um just raising the proficiency levels in core subjects that we know we can measure and I kind of put a focus on grades 6 through eight uh in middle school because that's where we had seen kind of more significant drops um for number two I had improved data utilization so figure out how to enhance our assessment practices so we can better monitor student progress and not just rely on standardized tests and provide ideally more frequent academic progress updates so kind of in line Kate with what you were saying around like can we set Milestones throughout the year where we discuss these things um my number three is just knowing that each time I've attended a meeting and I know it's like I've only been around since December but like the room has always been empty so I want to figure out how can we collaborate with families create some more Community Partners and bring folks in um and just become a bit more aggressive about public engagement and communicating what it is that we're doing and what we want want the rest of the community to kind of do with us I think that kind of community involvement goal is really important um another goal we had previously and I think it's an important one to keep up um is around celebrating our staff and the students in the community I think uh the school has done this well the board has done this well over the past year but we should keep up the momentum and trying to get kind of shining more light on Frenchtown Elementary and and getting more uh Community engagement business engagement kind of folks being excited about the school especially knowing that next year is the 100th anniversary of the school being open so there's kind of a an opportunity for us um to kind of talk up the school and I think we should keep doing it and then my last one is that this is the fifth one is around helping enhance professional development for our staff because if we're going to kind of make the um the goal of increasing overall academic achievement I think we owe it to the teaching staff in particular but as well as the admin staff to give professional development opportunities as best as we can to help them enhance how they teach in the classroom okay sorry I was to share if you were finished thank you um yeah I mean definitely I think we're you know coming from the same placees with place with a lot of the things that we're thinking um not not that I'm aware of at this moment it's not been a recent conversation it's been a conversation I think certain something that's been around the last few years for sure and I think at times you know kind of hot and cold but it's it's been on people's mind and people's agenda for sure um I know we can certainly look yeah certainly look into the company that we've been using I that reach out the Jackie in see if there's something that they recommend I know there was some um there was something offered preo um my recollection is that the high school offered it but it was open to the sending districts as well but it was an optional thing that you know teachers could go to after school for like you know one day a week after school for a few weeks or something like that uh this was yeah pre Cod several years ago now um there was also something offered at 100 in central that was open to um I think everybody in the county um all the staff in the county um yeah and I mean I I'll just say this was not on my radar and then um I I Rec there was a recent um I had a recent experience that just reminded me that um I think there's kind of a widespread lack of awareness um especially um and again like you know I don't think it was anything that was born of Mal intent but it was just this kind of lack of sensitivity and awareness that um and it wasn't in our district but um it just kind of has been on my mind a lot in the last few weeks um but I I do 100% agree with you I think it's not worth doing it if it's not a worthwhile I'm not against yeah yeah yeah it sounds like you actually we've got identified with some very clear buckets you know the the um the academic um for given access focus on epidemics and I think step development was certain a part of that right yeah the curriculum access is part of that and the evaluation data was L track and understand that and all that account about the community engagement and and communication one which I think is one we haven't this year that and um yeah strategic plan obviously right what else I think also that the strategic planning and the community community engagement goes so nicely but go you know hand in hand so um um and my hope is that we might be able to get some ideas from our strategic planning group about how we can engage the community more moving forward you have I think you know for me it's it's a lot of similar things I think maybe just a little bit school ends in a sense so you know the academic achievement piece um and you know professional development piece which we're talking about I think um that's definitely a topic that's on our minds right and I think specifically um the curriculum alignment pieces that we've been talking about that's on um so that's on our agenda tonight I think we have recommending resource I that would be a good fit for us on tonight's agenda to support with working with our team and I think that will be a good piece I think when we talk about profressional development and being a little bit more targeted with some specific things I think you know think we always have to remember the whole learner and that social emotional world that we're in right now and that's something we're going to continue with our Z regulation but we're also going to Target really would like to Target some of these math areas of math and support strategies and so for our math where doing just across the way and how we teach and instruct M um I think that can be a piece so through some coaching which is part of our PV um you know a full on training right in the beginning of the year and I think some of those things and I think also the person that recommending can also play a role in that piece too along with me um your point instructional delivery on some of these things and using multi you know instructional strategies within your classroom I important things things we talk about a lot but I also think it's things um that we can be more specific during training and I also think we can be a little bit think my our goal my thoughts are was be a little bit more um continual too have other check-in points kind of if you're referring to the data i' like to have some checking points on how we're doing with the trainers that we're using so those are some I'm looking at as part of the plan and then as Kate mentioned earlier I definitely want to take another look at all the survey information um in the coming you know in the next few weeks and see if there's anything else potentially that could be driven out of there um you know maybe as as an addition to one of these things or maybe there is a standalone within I'm not sure like I think we're going to know a lot of our information a lot of our community members that participated do often have a verbal dialogue with us um so I do feel like we're in the know but it was also a platform for them to speak openly and candidly certain things too which I think is always beneficial um is there anything else that stood out in either of the evaluations to anyone that um we not including in this list of gos I feel like most of what the the weaknesses that I felt that I was that I could pick out from those were the academic achievement goal setting um and Community engagement those seem to be the most cons consistent three all right um I did want to mention also that we had this goal last year for um oh the equity plan um so the equity plan is is mandated by the state and we have been awaiting more um information from and guidance from the state so that's that won't be gone um but we don't necessarily it's it's mandated either way so you know I think our goal in put in putting that on the goals last year was to ensure that the board would have involvement in that and you know Jim's aware of our desire to do that so as more guidance comes through um we'll just you know making sure that we're current comping with our most of their policies an up to dat and and just also so you know there's certain decisions sometimes within those policies with stand all the US are HIV um as an example we have we have a some districts every moment anything that's is immediately H there um and so for us we have a form that we can use that 33 that uses discretion so you know so that's just because if we used every time we did that process something came up it conf that could be quite time consuming sta res within our small building faculty team and so forth so so you know we have that you know we have to make that decision you know as a Bo understand that that makes sense CH so um there are certain things that are you know certainly guidelin policy but there's also some policies for us to make a local decision um also I think one of the reasons it came up in our goals is because um when we had Gwen here to speak um the time before last she spoke she referred to it quite a bit and in in my experience on the board it's always just been one of those things that we kind of like you know checked off like yeah we did that you know it's done sign off on it and um she kind of called attention to some things that the whole board kind of felt like oh you know we want to take a look at that so um and it at that time I think we were supposed to like get it last year or something they like put it off and put it off and we still don't have the guidance so yeah when it comes yeah when it comes down the bike we'll be here um all right well I think this gives me a lot to go on again I will kind of I'll draft some things and we'll look forward to your feedback and revisions and then um you know August if we have any additions to make we can you know I can have a draft copy here which we can just um you make rions to and then approve um and then at that time generally um you know we share with the staff and um the community okay um so moving on um our next board meeting is scheduled for August 27th however we are going to try and schedule one um before then um for the uh budget revision for um also um rested do you know who it is besides me who needs to put in their application to the balance it's a beta for the onee unexpired seat and Rachel okay so we also have to I think what's the oh July 29th okay and just don't forget they have to be um noiz yeah and I can I can email it to you but it is on the school website but I can email it so and just so you know you can't get it not I drop it off Mary's always willing to notorized it so if you're having trouble finding a notary um I wouldn't do that on the last day but if you're having trouble finding a notary you go in a week we'll do it for free in business office I do require uh getting signatures or doing doing things that take some time to for it's I think it's only like 10 or 12 Nom there's a nominating petition okay fill it out and get I think 10 or or what it and like you can be one um so if you come to my house on a good day you'll get freak like that okay um and our Workshop how many board members do we have registered for the workshop three yes great great um so we'll move on to the minutes and uh we'll need a motion to approve the minutes for May 21st any comments or questions on those all those in favor I okay and we'll move on to Jim's right good evening everyone all right so we have our restation bullying uh report nothing in our last month period here yay we ended on a high note which is great um short we did have one shortterm suspension uh situation and then we reflect our security fire Dr for May all right um so HIV grade report that's just something we talked about last meeting but now we have to we are responsible for posting it on our website um any the information was validated by the state so again our score um it's the official reads Is Still Remains a 76 as we discussed we had been a 74 last year we've made some targeted adjustments in our planning um so that's we tyed there um our safe return plan while we receive funds we continue have to do the updating plan and as Tessa has reported to me this is the last part of this plan correct where we have to continue to do these updates um but I appreciate everyone's help because it is you know initially building this plan really took a lot of time and then we just made some minor updates as we build upon our strengths through this um process so um we made the plans in there we just made a subtle adjustment it was just regarding the vaccine update just getting reference getting guidance from CDC um our language structal education plan is inclosed our threeyear plan which is typical um deah belman helps us with the district and builds that plan with Team you know input from the team here she does a great job of that so that also is okay um so we go do the for motions okay so we'll need a motion to affirm the HIV report for May 21 comments or questions okay all those in favor iOS abstain and we need a motion to accept the HIV grade report for FY 23 Second comments or questions all those in favor I opposed or obain and a motion to approve the 2425 safe return plan second comments or questions all those in favor I and finally a motion to approve the three-year language instructional education program plan comments or questions okay all those in favor I a poster okay thanks do a quick end of year little yeah so end of year yeah I'll highlight a couple points I could go on forever as we know French town really um does a great job of celebrating June is May June or it's a it's a rwind but I I don't know if we we often look at each other after the last day at 12:30 was 12:32 and the staff are looking around they like I don't know if we would do it any differently but it's it's it's busy right um but just some quick things we continued we had a nice Bike Rodeo with Mr Ryan from go 100 in on the 22nd we had a number of trips our eighth graders got to go to Philadelphia it's typical um thiso M Hurley Miss Hurley with our spect showcase so many families come out again like I can never say enough about how Community comes out for those events right um we really are super supportive um PTO with our wathon we had a few grade level class trips this year um 335 went to Philly Zoo Philadelphia Zoo and 638 went to ww city um building on some real life experiences on top of our you know building Upon Our curriculum within what we're teaching in the classroom um field day went on a hit Mr Scar's first day being in charge of that um we had preschool graduation we were um great Kate joined us for e8th grade celebrating our eighth grade students at Del Valley High School it's always a nice little award ceremony um so congrats doir and L for that representing us um we did have a really nice professional development day on the 7th that was something new in our plan in the last few years in the calendar it allowed for us um to really just settle for a minute and talk about as a team talk about some of the the goals and some of the things that we wanted to improve on and it also provided a really nice opportunity for our grade level teachers to connect to the next year's teacher so there was a nice collaborative time in the schedule where kg was a talked in first grade and first grade talked in second grade and so on and so forth Middle School had a really good touch base so just discing you know student progress um you know just learning about the student their interests and so so those just really wanted to highlight that moment um because I think it's definitely been official one as we move into next year's planning the preparation um 8th grade graduation um black Jo On Stage which was wonderful um was a great ceremony has typical um it was this year we had music component so I just really want to say through those to the students that participated um in singing the songs Just So know we used to have the band um play often circumstance and we also used to have um the P sing a song which was really nice the problem was that some the eighth graders WR I guess the eighth graders would come down and sing in the choir during the song but the band was kind of difficult because the eighth graders were generally the strongest musicians were sitting on the stage so so that was that was rough but I like that was that there was a musical component I think that's really nice yeah I mean half the half the class not a large class but half the class participated in that and went really off you know between singing playing BL playing um the guitar as well with a few students so it was it was really good great moment for them I think and I think also enhance the ceremony well for sure and also had you know so many which was great I think for first time in my time here we' had so many of our community participants members from the region members from the library come up on stage and present their award um so I just think that just shows how much we really are making a difference within the community and this pich came back and there our spirit award and um of course Mrs Petro um you know gave us a story or two only Mrs Petro so we appreciate those Community ties and you know our our alumni we'll say coming back to our our so um so that was a great moment and then as Michael was referring to earlier we had wonderful end of year ceremony many many families um commun members came out and supported um and we just celebrated a number of positive things from the sportsmanship pieces from the kindness pieces to all the participation in the clubs um some leadership awards for students who have just really gone above and the young some of our math we introduced a new math back award for kindergarten through fourth graders so for those who are mastering their facts we need a really big deal about it and we should um that's how we build upon some of not only that um academic prowess but just you know social and that well grounded student um of course we celebrated Marley on the way out and Marley now has a um a pillow and couch in our in our building and then Marley saga continues um which is great um and then we finished as always with our move up ceremony and I think Mr R finally got it right um this year and sending everyone to where they needed to go and then we ended with our uh eighth grade volleyball game and as Miss yard shared and kind of commented on Facebook apparently the teachers have made it a tradition game where we lose um that's so maybe better luck year but so that was um so it was a really great endings for the year some quick couple more quick highlights honor roll fourth marketing period um King again really we just up our any um so just real quick fifth grade Dennis and Joshua sixth grade H anakah haly Rose and Zoey seventh grade Amilia Banna GI Jasmine H and Penny and our eth grader going on the way out Juliana and Lea so kudos to the students but kudos to the teacher kudos to the families that are supporting for sure yes Dennis and Josh would okay good but yes that would be correct um we also had a so two things first off I just want to say thank you to the Board of Education again you know it's it's June we have and we are having a meeting next week but we've had a you know another really good I think collaborative year we we've talked we've had a lot of good honest conversations this year with this group um that I'm you know happy to be a part of um so I just wanted to say thank you for that and one last thing um Mrs lner for her many years of service to French toown Elementary School we did that you know the faculty team had a collaborative moment with her after school um but the students on her last day here we had a really nice moment for her where we brought her up on stage kind of faked her out said it was in eighth grade um but all our students in our each class brought up little cards little momentum had a men you know have a moment with Mrs and you know had an exchange up on stage so we really just wanted to celebrate all her time here um and so students really did a great job and I think she really enjoyed that moment um and we're gonna miss her and I'm gonna have P would like to share something on um yeah I just wanted to read a statement and I'll give it to Tera to be recorded in a minute um the French down Board of Education would like to formally voice our appreciation for Mrs lner's 20 years of service to the FES Community during her time at FBS Mrs lner has always been willing to provide what was needed for our world language program she began at the district teaching French but transition to Vantage when it was realized that that would be best for the district she seamlessly worked between the two districts but shared her position and provided a comprehensive program for both Mrs luer also Le led many after school activities including most recently sharing her love for volleyball with her students by serving as the coach of that club we deeply appreciate her years of service here and wish her the best in her retirement thank you so mentioned it in graduation you did okay good so we had a um a for former administrator come to our graduation last year who um passed away just a few weeks ago it was like 90 yeah nearly I but he was just this lovely man who came to our graduation last year was a real Presence at graduation um and I'm so glad that he came when he did like um so I just wanted to let he has he has a quilt in the back of our Auditorium that need you know he was given on his way out of here still hard to but he returned it back last year and was very much a part of our ceremony last year it was a really big deal not only for our community but I think so many people connected to him but he also really he was so thankful and appreciative um I'm CH knowing what a year later you know turn for in but um to also know being that he wrote a book for himself within this time so he did finish the book in March and he did donate the book to our library so um he also left um a donation to the school to fund name A really lovely person um the pictures that you sh [Music] Shar Sanchez excellent um yeah did you want to say anything about 95 and 96 we I can yes so so on our agend on our agendum um I think you know we've certainly heard heard we've had the discussion more about of our special life classroom and some of the support services that we've been um doing for our students within that room um we're just making it an official um we've been doing our classroom more as a resource room and now it's just it's the right time the team feels that to do s merg so we're just making making the board aware of that um and then also the facilities change of educational space so Kate and I have talked about this um and I think you've heard me maybe allude to it over in the last um you know few weeks and we we um were're dealing with certain things within our building right so Behavior and destruction and things like that so ideally I think we like to make the change of centralizing our speech in basic Go's office which would be um in my space and then I would have a move my office upstairs and basically put myself in between the Middle School New classrooms um I think being visible being more present um in those specific areas I think would be helpful more helpful to um supporting students and as well as supporting the staff that are in those areas so that's achievement recation um so we'll need a motion to approve the applications for the special education self-contained autism program back comments or questions um yeah so I just want to make sure that I understand this we have students using does this um represent a significant programming change that happen if there's just such not at all it's really what we so part of our practice is inclusion inclusion right um what we're seeing is some of the students within that classroom each individual student C plan plan we talked about um we're seeing more of a need to be more in that classroom right now um with always the goal inclusion and giving opportunities outside which we do many times through our buddies program and things like that um you know being with similar appear right which is always a goal of um anyam but at this point that's where we feel is the best so just we have a self contain classroom with one special educator and are those resource and and are those staff people serving only those students in the self-contained classroom or are they supporting other students with the bcba will be serving other other students within our the staff will be still used within that which is really not much just to be very clear it's not really much different than um how the that's what I'm trying that's what I'm trying to understand we've been using it more so just we've been in the resource room world right um and now we're just making it a little bit more memorialized that it's a self so are there students this previous school year received instruction and bring General classrooms will now no longer be receiving instruction in those classrooms and only be receiving instruction not counting art and music in gy I'm talking about academic subjects just trying to be clear on your question are those students were those students this know iing now receiving uh um instruction and academic subjects in in general education classrooms not in general pull out pull out yes pull out res resour and the families are supportive on this yes I I mean communication with our families on any level is is a priority but certainly when it comes to students that are nonverbal and sometimes communicate super important so this is a change in theor correct yeah there there would be um guidelines with that room which we're with right like that's been yeah and is that dictated by the as well it would be yeah com special ed codes and then there's the individual of that indid there's my last question sure um now that we have an official self-contained classroom can we accommodate additional students in that classroom and is it Our intention to do so so we currently have a student that's out of District that's coming to that room so that before or makes it three Mak it three correct and then I would say we would definitely consider growth of that leave it that I think you know depending you know and I would certainly be communicative to the board and what we were thinking um but I think on in any level on that we would be looking at it individually what made sense um what makes the best learning environment for those but potentially yes I think they would be considered for sure and just again to clarify and then really there's just you said this but I'm making sure I understand there are students who are not in that class who are servic not so students in that class not in that class not in that class so um so support behavi could be like it could be um I'm trying not to be so specific here I'm trying to stay in the general L for instance we have yeah so I'm just saying in the if we needed support behaviorally in the in the school building let's just say 15th grade so we're not um being specific we would then utilize our bcba to maybe be a part of an observation be a part of a meeting be a part of of um potentially doing an FBA functional Behavior assessment on so that which would be outside of that yes that's in the ground she's assigned she works for our school district in addition to that okay I Che okay any further questions or comments about 9.5 all those in favor I and we need a motion to approve uh the mission of the change change of use of Education space second comments or questions on that one okay all those in favor okay um and moving forward will'll need a motion to approve the consent agenda item 12.1 to 12. 36 do we have a motion I'll move do we have a second all right comments or questions on 12.1 to 12.36 a lot that's a big I have a quick question about the chess Diplomat chess is that for uh Frenchtown elementary students only or is it for additional kids youth from the area and by the way I love that this is happening and as a person who lettered in chess in high school this just Delights me to to no end um so Jim I love that it's happening and I'm just curious who it might include well it's a PTO sponsored BTO has um made the request to run a run a club next year which has been chess has been noted by a couple um in in my time here that's been noted as a SE um activity not only by um some students but also some parents of students and so forth so um we've had some conversation and the P Ashley and the PTO were able to um find a a solution to that because we were unable to find any um willing participants it's it's a it's a nich you know we used to have a PT a chess club at Frenchtown that was at 7:30 in the morning oh my gosh so before school and you think nobody would come except that the teacher brought Donuts every week so it was very popular that's good so this that's great that's exciting I3 that's cool so we have the former principal Val schol coming to be our is this a new a new thing say a word to about it I think it's exciting I very excited to um last month we were able to get have Adrian Al join our sub teing team which is fantastic um and of course when you have a resource in a building like that um we had a conversation right with some and that conversation turned into an opportunity knowing um what some things that we were working through as a team here FR now and she's excited to be a part a part of our team and help us in this way this is obviously a skill set that she has and I think she's I think she's excited to work with our teachers and I think excited to work with our um and be around students again I think I just so such a natural way to help our students be more prepared for their next step so how much is she gonna work Ian is it you know say is it time y so she'll be at part-time um we're recommending her to be at part-time for coordinator with us this coming year um we're looking at prob at this point 30 hours a month or so I think that's as we initially engage in some of the work and we're going to start we would like to start next week um and start so allowing her not only her and I to collaborate a little bit but then we get working with our teacher team with some of our goals the other the other um I mean in my opinion there are a lot of great things about this agreement but the one of the other nice things about it is that she does have her school leader certificates the building nice to that is nice yeah be if everyone works that tonight we be bringing another opportunity for administrative support allowing some more flexibility um in me being and buildings to accomplish other likely in the August but she she for I mean I don't know if people really she has a she had a a long career as a teacher as well right yeah that's why I'm excited yeah and and she's been a c y and I she been a sports coach and she's also you know I think she'll play a nice role with us just coaching um along with our teachers as we on some nice just speak to yeah just a 12.7 um just couple of things there for the um the budget revised budget changes um just to point out that we have talked about whether or not we could restore the banked cap that we were taking originally and that is happening so we we're only going to we're going to take the um the full amount was actually 115,000 but the net change is 97 like we originally talked about and that's restoring the $1 17,93 that we had originally T taken as Bank cap that's to be restored and will be available for I think two more years oh that's great so um we were able to do that um through these changes and then we'll have to um and some of the areas um did you want to talk to those Jim that what where and where the identified so one of one of the ones that Rachel brought up is great is you know we had had a long conversation about what we could potentially do with the additional funds um and that's one of the areas that we're definitely focusing on is um staff member OurTime staff member to help us with a brick um work with our teacher team and be targeted with some of those that um that'll certainly support academic achievement um that's going to support instructional strategies that you're using um giving more eyes and support to that I just think overall is going to be a really good thing I think there will be some um teach coaching as well as part of that which is another piece we talked about um it's one thing to align curriculum and share new standards talk about instructional strategies on your delivery but you know coach that up and I think you know coaching in an academic way Sports way um and I think that's something that you know we will certainly benefit from um we also talked about the within losing that positive behavior support person and so what we've done is certainly still focused on the academic achievement piece with this addition but we also have a a smaller role but something to continue those things that have been so ctive this year so not the frequency that once was um but but is a more like a two-day a week frequency versus a four to 5 day we frequency so we're still going to have that person our goal is to have that person within supporting um our students and as positive measures um you know reinforcing those Accolade moments that we talked about with character Ed polar words and um still capturing those moments of the students doing the right thing and making good choices um and then back to the first piece since we did last meet there has been um a a new a new um student um that or a student we clarifi a student that is going to need um significant Services um and is going to require um support that we did not know a about um so that would be so in one way as and I were talking about I think it's it's it's an opportunity nice that we have the opportunity to have the you know the additional funds um because this is something that we wouldn't have um we wouldn't have been ready to per set so now with this additional piece we will be able to support this um unanticipated but support you're being said this is the third student that we're talking about I not no we can't oh it's not we can't even say that oh okay no it's it's something um just trying to again just be um it's it's a a new it's just a new support need within our district okay and you can't say whether or not it's a new student okay all right I think so okay anything else on the consent agenda uh just to to finalize the trial caring date oh yeah so should we say the 25th at 5:30 and assume that we'll have Erin Michael myself and vaa you do a zoom at 5:30 beta on the 25th I will do it okay thank you thank you and I will ask Julie as well okay so she she may leave so we're say June 25th at 53 um I have one other question and it's in regards to 123 the preschool private provider contract um does that mean that for the year 20242 we officially have um more than what is it 14 preschool students in Frenchtown Elementary and therefore Milford is now becoming an opportunity or is this just an annual thing that we uh approve right now and still wait to see what the total number of students is come September so I know this is exciting too it so we are the we are so close beta to making this major announcement but yes we are we have some preliminary stuff and to do right now we've we've put in our budget we've put in this contract needs to be approved by the board tonight we finalize this piece and then we are just waiting from our County for final approval and then yes we are in we are very saying yes but very close to then coming out with a huge announcement saying that we are ready to roll in Mur um for students up you know French and our class to my last um to our last conversation is is still we we can take 12 General Le students in our class currently and that's where we're at um so we would be moving on additional students would be moving on to the mil would have an opportunity to move on to the mil a lot of work going on as well with that and it's been um I appreciate the Ken uh Ken Smith who's been working with a lot on finalizing some so and as soon as soon as we get that approval we will be going um very um quite open with our communication not only you'll see it um we just in mass emails just within our our community but there'll be a Facebook photos you'll be seeing a number of information about that because we certainly want to support students in French toown that potentially could still be fre receiving free Universal preschool just at a um few minutes away location amazing I also wanted to point up uh 1233 that we did get some Title One funding back so that was good news as well anything else on the consent agenda okay then we'll need a roll call bery Miss Howard hi hi Miss Pella hi Mrs Newt hi okay um unless there's other new business um there's no public comment so we'll need a motion to go into executive session to discuss terms and conditions of employment and individual privacy student matters second okay all those in favor I and um beta there's no motion after executive session so there's no need fore to hang out so we need her to just adjourn call her on the phone that easy I guess we can we can adjourn okay all right you free to go okay thank you call me on the phone if you if you need more for quum I'm around thank you guys and congrats on a great year Jim thank you congrats back to you okay so we need a motion to move into exective session okay all those in favor um so we have two things um so was e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e journey journey okay we need a motion to adjourn so moved second all those in favor I thank you it's just so