she is talking and she has to unmute oh no she's okay can you hear us Aaron she's onute you're on mute sorry you were on mute too all right all good okay we're good put notice of this regularly scheduled meeting of the French Town board of education has been provided in accordance with the open public meeting act by notification to the hunterton county Democrat on January 11th 2024 a copy of this notice has also been posted at the public school at the municipal building and filed with the bur Clerk and we [Music] stand i al to the flag of the United States of America to the rep for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay uh Mr Blackburn here Mr dermy here Miss Howard here miss Klein here miss nakahara [Music] here and miss paralo here okay um since we have no members of the public we will move on to um the board secretary report because we have no uh presentations and recognitions tonight um and just so everyone's aware I will be taking um minutes um so if I ask for people to repeat motions that's why want someone else to do it's not it's not a lot the the reports and things we'll just give to Tera um and we have the recording as well so I'm good thank you though um um so our meetings um coming up our March meeting is early so um just please take note of that um it's the 19th of next month um so just three weeks from tonight I did want to mention that I'm pretty sure April 30th has Passover April 30th I'm almost positive but let me double check don't think so no the 22nd that was the 22nd okay I'm sorry I don't know why start the 22 yeah okay so we're okay unless you do a last night's Sader I don't know why I had it marked on my calendar the same day maybe was the meeting a different day before whatever I'm not wish time that's okay um everyone should have received an email with your um personal and financial disclosure form which are due by April 1st but if you didn't receive the email or if you misplaced it just um send a note to Teresa and ask her for it um so we're going to move on our first item of discussion is the budget um and there was a very handy um attachment that was sent out this after afternoon as an addendum um it's the Frenchtown board of education budget 2425 budget development um in your attachments what is it called budget reduction budget reduction budget reduction budget reduction okay I had it open up so I wasn't sure okay okay so this was put together by Teresa um because Teresa isn't here tonight if there are very specific questions um we will take them down and have her address them but um we'll give everybody a few minutes to kind of um go over this is it linked in the do that it's in the folder as budget reduction yes you got it correct a second email yeah there was an email this afternoon a second one with all the addendum 123 keep going [Music] yeah sh back out just to see and just as a a note to folks the the 4.1 is the increase in um the tax levy um as you'll probably remember from last um meeting we can go up to that amount because of the adjustments usually we can only go 2% um but with adjustments we could go up to 4.1% so I think the question that we answering here there are a couple of questions um one is how much of an increase to the tax levy would we like to see and when we're making that statement um you know of these things what could we cut to get to that point so these are all things on the Jing block potentially yes 22 it 227 [Music] agenda I apologize everybody sorry that's okay the the pilot revenues would take away from the P revenues are just a contribution to get us to the 3.7 um this is with taking into account the pilot revenues okay what are paa allocations that's the preschool Grant application he can you re-explain for me how making these Cuts gets us to a higher tax levy how are they connect how should I be thinking of about them is so the the um those numbers 4.1 and 3.7 are indicat the increase in the tax levy okay so it these first four are if we increase the tax levy by 4.1% to get to that we would have to make these Cuts if we didn't want to increase the tax levy that much and we only wanted to increase it to 3.7% we could make these additional Cuts listed under 3.7% why is the um preschool thing a cut yeah isn't that an addition not something we state for free so that's something we have to that that money is something we have to do because we're running like we received the money so that's part of what we have to do with that is that like our contribution to that so that would like C allocations such as like a nurse custodian the percentages that come out of those pieces how can we cut that out of the preschool program we wouldn't cut that that would be that's what that's something we have to do so we can't cut that so what's the 59,000 pea allocations when you're saying those reductions is that is the 59,000 because that's coming from the grant yeah that has to yeah that's coming from there so we can allocate towards that yes so we've done that subra it it isn't it's a subtraction from the from the general the general operating budget because we're getting it from the e I think I understand so these first four things yeah are not really Cuts they're reduction that that we've already made in the budget to get us to the 4.1% I guess based on reductions from where Teressa was telling us we were at the last meeting okay where we took it from so we talked a little bit last meeting about like the reap right so that's something that we haven't got but that goes hand inand with Title One we're both we're expecting that money um that's expected um we're concerned that there might be a little lag with the reinstatement of that money because we didn't we had an off year in there um so thessa was explaining a little bit that last time um so she's expecting the letter because she hasn't gotten a rejection letter that's what you're talking about correct the letter saying we're getting it yeah correct so these things are have been budgeted but they're things for which we are getting grants to offset the money we've allocated in the budget that's why they we have allocated correct okay like the 59 has been spre read on our budget like our gen but we have to do those things anyway like that's part of it if you remember at the end of L meeting when she was talking about when Teresa was talking about the budget there was there was a short fall of 70 something th I'm assuming 79,000 so I think these four items are what will if you go down a little further under preschool expansion Aid it can explain it kind of just you'll see the numbers that that we did offs set right versus um what we actually the revenue of the grant right remember the grant ends up being you know free for our community right so we don't get the revenue gain that we used to get um so that's where that number lies right now um Bel you know number under the 59037 that's that's the number of what we at this moment appear to gain per for our budget so is the implication if the tax levy goes up to 4.1 then these four items from Tax Services ESL Services PA and custodian will be covered by the increase or is the implication even if we have the maximum increase these four items have to be that's where I'm sort of get to 4 get that's to 4.1 these are cuts are not cut so possible additional reductions is the next column and then further reduction so those are that by applying the monies in the First Column I'm you know doing my best to rest it here yeah um and explaining those links um yes any of these is anything on this list is this just all shaving off reduction does anything get cut according to this list it was a little broken up hear I think the that that's the question so okay so I think what Teressa is basically saying or what what we're seeing on this addendum is that if we increase the tax levy by 4.1% and we have these four reallocations then no additional cuts are needed if we wanted to increase the tax levy by 3.7% instead then we could consider these four other Cuts slash reallocations or reductions none of those are really significant these are just cuts yeah these are things that are again in our budget but we've made based upon the current data and where we're looking at this like what we paid already output this year that's where we feel comfortable bringing that you know in in next year's budget um and then then the pilot Rue other possible right and the pilot money um we just we threw that in because we we did receive it today um so we still you know we want to certainly look at that with a bigger scope because that number was not the number that we anticipated and we found out out this afternoon and it was just it was off by $8,900 we initially had bet um had budgeted for 100,000 that's what we were told um initially in just verbal agreement and then when it came through today it was just it was slightly less what we um were um just verbally shared um so we just have to make some more adjust with that too but that was you know we have some work to do we just found that out this afternoon so the maximum tax Lev is 4.1% and that budget reflects these first four things being reduced right so if you want to get that to be a lower tax levy we cut some more or reduce some more things okay we just keep reducing yeah I they weren't reducing the first four things they've already been reduced yeah they have already been reduced like it's not an so yeah and we're anticipating those that title one goes hand in hand but like the dbtech that we're talking about that's been already been reduced to get that number okay the El the ESL Services um has been taken out of a certain pod since we've got here which is the title one piece um and again like tra was saying about the letter we haven't been told we're not and so forth so she feels at this point this afternoon she feels confident that you know that we're still we would get that we would get that this year and overtime part-time what is that that's occupational therapy and physical therapy good ask question um we I can so the the background here though is that you know we're losing more State funding it's I think our last d y this our last and then is why we have to increase Lev to 4.1% to begin with and then the Esser fund piece is is ex you know we we've been running through that and doing a number of different things you know for our school or Community across the board right um but that ends September um that you know we really really want they encouraging us to you know be um eliminate that money as soon as you know pretty much by June July is more of what Teresa and I have been talking about um it's just what the state has encouraging us to do not to wait to the very end and be done um at that point which we have a plan and you know a number of things that are on our agenda for the rest of the year some of those enrichment things and things we'll get to um but also it's the you know like our cut this year is it's sign ific but it's not comparatively as significant as it but it's the increase between you know it's the mix of that the increase in cost um you know put us at a shortfall with no additions of about right just yeah I mean so again that otpt occupational therapy physical therapy that's just something we've been looking at the budget we feel confident um based upon what we projected from last year to this year and obviously that's a little EV and flow as everybody knows because that's individual special education needs um but you know putting our heads together we feel like there's we can take that 10 away needed um the maintenance piece we budgeted for eight last year so that's where that three comes from we think we can get away with five um custodial services with six last year we're thinking we might be able to cover it three again this is all based upon how we utilized it and what our needs were this year um that's the most current you know uh data that we can use to make our best projection being it's a one-year projection right um hopefully that helps a little bit just explaining where we're coming from on some of those things and then you know the last piece the further reduction pieces are just more of a you know which some other schools do where they ask for a fee to be a part of a club or you know our King a great relationship with Kingwood um as we talk about three maybe four girls trying out for softball in a couple weeks which is awesome but maybe we you know most of the elementary schools are paying a fee of typically I'll just say roughly I know a few School $75 is that key number um we pay the 250 because that includes like uniform coach and everything because it's coming out of penguin program um because we don't have the numbers to you know Su us our own so those are things like a pay to playay you know tuition type thing to continue some of those things obviously you know those are not for the work we've done those are you know tough for me to sit here and say some of that because you know we built some things um but those are options and they're not uncommon you know in in our local districts either some of those Fe I wonder I know as speaking as a parent um that a lot of families are concerned about the lack of programs in the older um you know grades and that they are so excited about like being able to do the king one I wonder if you'd be surprised at the amount of support there would be for fundraising towards brunch toown kids being able to do activities yeah like something because just because I know I hear a lot of parents talking about it yeah I I think I agree I mean I think F reason could be a way to go I think um you know a couple members over p i I wanted to kind of go through tonight and I do definitely want to get a meeting with them and kind of see what what potential opportunities we could continue to collaborate on with um in future you know based upon our outcome here yeah you know in the next few weeks you know would round out some of the holistic kind of feeling of French T that you [Music] know and then what does that mean Financial confidence so it's it's just the word that I think it's become the common word that um that's being used based upon the eter funds and a lot you know that we've received over the last few years uming right so they're expiring and so what have we done right so when we talk about things sustainable within all the these last couple years like we have a well this room we have you know that's pretty much going to run itself and you know we have those equipment we've bought we've been able to upgrade our technology computers the teachers computers student computers access here um iPads things like that we put you know their more than one year situ you know they're hopefully five to seven to 10 year um Solutions right sure um which we have been able to do um but now we're coming to the end of that and so what some things do we see you know like included in the budget which we gained from was going back to the basic skill support feature right having that person in the building working through the academic gaps that um that exist and we all know why um so I just think you know that's something we really still firmly believe in um you know the avaps you know that's part of the special ed program that we're running here um speech o PT these are you know occupational therapy Physical Therapy these are things that um are part of the individualized program too so they're they're things that we don't really have too much control of we'll talk you'll see a little bit later and these are things that were covered by that money that's going to end but no but but the general fund now is covering these pieces these are the pieces we're we're suggesting you know for you guys to look at that we think you know at this point we're recommending these pieces to stay um and that's you know part of our conversation tonight are there things that are not included on the other side that wow you know we really need I mean and the things on the other side here are things that are were covered by that money that's going to stop but you're considering cut yeah right now right now as it lies it's not in the budget right now and this is why we have to either increase that that money need or look at some other options how do homework club costs that because there's a teacher there or something yeah I mean go is the otpt up above additional possible additional reduction say 3.7 to the otbt speech Bel so we've been applying P portions of that within within the Esser monies as we've gone along yes so we were trying to you know supplement that opportunity during that time that was something that was you know the those services are sustainable they're they might have been flow a little bit but they're sustainable they're going to be here um what is all included under applied behavioral analysis so that's pretty much at this point that's pretty much the person you know our our professional that comes in and does it our bcba and the work that she does with the teachers programs and things that they're doing and building um but yeah it's it's her time um there are um and she has I'm just going to say very generally she's connected to some student IPS in the building okay what decisions are we meant to be making from this document there aren't really any final decisions to be made tonight um we are at this point kind of being given you know here's what's going on here are the decisions we'll have to make I think Teresa would probably appreciate um a general idea of what the board is comfortable with as far as the increase in the tax levy right um and if there is something and again no final decisions tonight but if there's something that is screaming out to you saying there's no way we should cut this like we need to find the money to do this or if the opposite is true you know if there are things in that included in the budget side that you think like you know we shouldn't be taking the money to pay that yeah those are things I think what Teressa is asking for is that there aren't going to be any big surprises in this discussion when we have the formal discussion well Jim if anything here what was br your heart most to see cut yeah in the list the not included in the budget list well I mean do we have it sounds like we don't have much of a choice of the above stuff other than in the bracketed box is that true yeah I mean there there are we could take a 4.1% tax levy and then keep these things that are the next explain what that means make a 4 point so each each year we get a certain amount of tax taxes um from the community so um there we are allowed to raise the that amount two 2% that doesn't mean our budget gets increased by 2% it's the amount of taxes that we get gets raised by 2% so however take the additional who loses it no so what happens is we can charart it's an incre it's an increase in taxes tax payers yeah okay yeah so to be really concrete because I am new to this process absolutely so are we talking about whether the uh School portion of the tax bill for people who live in Frenchtown will go up 3.7% versus 4.1% um no okay I'm I'm I'm going to see if I can so last month um Teresa gave us a sheet that talked about what those percentage is meant um I wish I had that at my finger that now but it's um and it basically broke down like how much when we're talking about 4% how much is that per $100,000 of assess value um yeah yeah yeah right it's not a straight I understand yeah but there was a breakdown of it last month um he do you off the top of your head know what percentage of French Town's total property taxes tax budget goes to Frenchtown Elementary I don't um know we all got our little tax things in the mail in the last week or so and I think it's actually unbroken out it is it's broken out specifically there so it's is but I don't know it off the top of my head so okay and it changes from year to year um because the high school amount changes the elementary school amount changes um I I guess my question the question underneath this is that like frankly what is the what are the political implications of the these differentials and how is it going to be experienc by people in the community and clearly want more money for the school advocates for the school and that's I here but I would like what is your your experience as people who've done this before what what is that better understanding of where it's like you know I if I hear one more time how could that school no kids and I need more money it's like they just don't understand it it's just so frustrating to have that conversation that's not going to change yeah um yeah I mean you know generally I think you know property taxes are hardship on everyone including the people sitting at the table um so nobody likes to see their taxes increase um you know historically we've had a pretty you know um supportive community um and we haven't had you know people coming out to board meeting telling us you know we we increased the taxes by 3% instead of 2% or the tax levy by 3% instead of 2% um I do personally have a concern this year um and I've shared this with with Jim and Tra um because we are now receiving these pil fund um and there were definitely there was definitely a segment of people in town who were not happy about the pilot agreement um and I think that there will be certain people who will feel that we received these pilot funds and in addition to that we're increasing the tax levy above the 2% um and that's not okay with some people so I you know I think that's something to keep in mind it's something I've been thinking about um were there promises made that once the pilot money starts to kind of enter into the school system it would have keep this so they just were left with that impression without necessarily any um I don't even know that they were left with that impression but the you know the feeling is that the pilot wasn't there there were some people who thought that the pilot agreement was not fair to the taxpayers in the town and if the money from that agreement is going to the school and the school continues to raise taxes above the 2% I'm sure there would be people who would not be happy about that it's pretty small difference between 3.7 and 4.1 two well two 2% 4.1 2% the base increase asking what what if is there um contract negotiations with how was that into all of this so that's still a blank on there too right right so that's big that's important budged the budget the way because we directed her last time to put it inal whatever was for whatever it was so that's in yeah she's is budgeted for an increase but that's a variable because we are in negotiations okay um so the kids have all this so that could affect the bottom line as well yes if I'm doing really crude math on it just to like help us kind of figure out right if 79,000 or 880,000 is 4.1% we can assume that 2% would be 40,000 the% is roughly and I don't judge me I this might not be exact but it's close um and I and I did not this in our conversation yeah I thought 1% was around 16 so I want to say it's 45 2% represents 45 582 that's a rough number um1 79 so that was a number that we talked I don't know that's exactly right that's why Tesa would be certainly I would want her to answer that but say even if it's 45 right we have around 600 total households in Frenchtown that pay taxes property taxes so if you break down 40 to $45,000 by those households you net around $68 per household annual increase but it's per 100,000 is usually the way it's done because the the assess value is so varable right so like if you have a house that's worth 200 versus $400,000 like it be $30 versus right but I'm just trying to get us to like to understand what the total annual number would kind of feel like yeah we think about like you know you're doubling it it's feels like a lot but in reality it's like it may be 150 which could be a lot for some families especially today's economy it may not be but I think it's just to give us a range like I don't think anybody's property tax bill would go upward well remember also this is this is the increase over the allocation not the entire allocation right yeah so they have just what the increase would be okay but it might be helpful to like bring back the the OG numbers to just help us understand how like how the town would be impacted when does the budget numbers like at the budget hearing before we vote on the budget she has that list broken down the one that we had last time um of exactly what the implications are for each household or per 100,000 I mean in terms of the political conversation Rachel I mean we're getting R we' we reduced our budget by 80 grand just to get us to the maximum tax right and and still not enough because of the money has been taken away by the state yeah you vote for someone different that's not going to whatever change but I'm still curious to hear um Jim say like which of these Cuts do you think are going to deep most deeply affect the school yeah that's a good question either above the box and you know yeah I mean I mean honestly I'm going to weigh in on obviously the academic peace and then I'm also going to say social peace right like the club piece right I think you know I promise you know we would be creative in trying to figure out some you know some of that some sort of balance there I mean I think unfortunately some of our community um opportunities that we've been able to build and work through you know I don't I don't know what they look like just being honest right and I think those are potentially opportunities that maybe our community could work together a fundraiser potentially rbto could be a player in that maybe our boort could be a player in some of those things so um I think you know I think we have to but I think we would want to focus academic and balance that social too so which of these line items are we fighting hard expensive so you know an academic support club would be homework right you know that's something you know fifth through eight just like Tor time in k for K4 that's been a positive of experience I mean we have quite a number of students since we started that this year in December I think DEC last week in November and December I mean we're getting anywhere from 8 to 15 16 students staying after school to work on Wow their academic work I think that's pretty talting um and really you know it's great to have the teacher support there and I mean we also have paired it just being very transparent and obvious that paired it with things like volleyball club and Basketball Club so you paired it where hey you know if you go and do you know your work for 20 30 minutes and the teacher really sees you working hard and putting in extra okay now head on over to basketball club or volleyball club it's something that's really you know motivating for that student you so I like it we've been creative with you know and because I don't know homework club on its own I still think I think a draw I don't know be that much of a draw um and kudos to the teachers that are helping out in there too you know so um some kids probably just want to space to St after school you know sometimes I mean I would say there's the reasons are varied for sure how essential is that I mean how long have you had a positive behavior special that was something we did during this time it was just something to just um you just with the sport of mental health and and it just what we've all went through the last couple years it was just something that we felt like we needed for the for the time we knew that wasn't going to be a forever thing um but I feel like we've definitely gain our students have gained a lot from I think our staff have learned a lot from that and I think because we've been modeling it there's there's takeaways for the you know not to put it on anyone else but I think we have a definitely a culture differently and teachers and families and I think there's things we could do um within maybe not having that position would we want that position of course but I think we've done some things we've laid some Foundation that we can continue to build on maybe not to the degree certainly that as a person was in charge of that per se um and if that if all that stuff has been really integrated into the culture and you know people have learned it and all of that it may not be an all or nothing it could be a a little bit less or you know right yeah reassign and you know just yeah I think it could be it could look I still think it can live it just will look a little differently so the um the things you'd be sad about would be H club and the and the sports put on the spot I know I mean which excellent answer I I just I I mean if you're I'm I'm trying to be you know helpful to the board right and I think that's would be the two spaces and it's not a it's it's not a shot at any you know it's not that we don't like any I don't like I like I like everything on there right I think our team was part of that and here's a question Jim because these other ones that are maybe aren't as high ticket so to speak like stem German music and yoga Loca could that be a PTO I think I think it's definitely worth a conversation and a discussion sure um because I think to your point um I think we have a lot of opportunity a lot of our clubs stem from not only student interest but staff um you know interest or wheelhouse or you know a strength of our staff right and I think when you see some of those things they're not as maybe much money to run and so forth as much as maybe we might think you know on pap very month but we see it today right um some of these we already have the resources we already have the basketballs right we already have um spaces to do Sketchbook club and paper and things like that so you know it's not an maybe an extravagant expense that maybe we thought it was um I think when we see it here so it's probably doable potentially in some other venue Arena support for sure so what we're trying to decide tonight is whether or not we feel comfortable with the 4.1 as vers 3.7 k um yeah I mean you know yeah we need to see what you know what the board is comfortable with is it as far as the tax flow the increase um and again if there's anything you know that screams out to everybody like no way should we cut this or you know are the choices 2% 3 3.7 and 4.1 or are there increments in between I mean we I'm you know I'm sure if we if we told Teresa you know we're not comfortable having it go above three um you know she go back and look for other things to go we say you know how about we do 3.8 or instead of 3.7 what right I think I think if we could get a gauge of maybe how high or maybe you want this number or closer to this number that's what I think she would so this is about giving guidance to Teresa so that next time when we sit down and do the budget formally we have had this these conversations she has responded to them and we can right right really substantively okay and that you know she's not coming to the budget hearing saying like Okay I assume everybody's comfortable with 4% and has the board all say you know at that point no way you know yeah well there be another opportunity for discussion before we have this final final the um no it's a good question the budget we're in the 19 the pre preliminary approval is March 19th okay um when we do the preliminary approval all the these the kind of minutia of the budget does not need to be decided but the number of the tax levy increase needs to be decided okay um you know we won't need to say at that point like oh you know we're okay with the homework club but getting cut in half but not this but we need to give her a number about the tax levy how important is otpt that's my question pretty important is important I don't understand how you can cut it if it's a required servic of people's so it's not it's not it's reduction it's a reduction so what we've what we've taken last year's data and we had a projection of what we thought was than you thought right so you're comfortable with this reduction dress and I have had a conversation yes we're comfortable with it um within you know within that number okay we feel and I and although that number may change based upon our most recent data $1,000 correct and just the 17 just represents how it was applied in previous years in that Esser F I just feel like based on the greater conversation that we've been having about like the academic health of the school and all that kind of stuff that we seem to be wanting to move towards like what you seem like you would have the best idea of like what things are best for that kind of stuff and like you know what is I mean I look at this and it's kind of you know different language to me a little bit but trying to understand it but I also like I'm not in the school every day understanding which of this money is like the most effective in making the school a better place I think I'm probably okay with the uh maintenance SL custodial reductions yeah fairly robust structure also had a a vacancy right so that the vacancy yeah yeah and that I'll speak a little bit more to that later but y so and you you see the all but you see the adjustment made in the first group there's already an adjustment made if you go back that change right that's just right under the paa allocations that's been an adjustment made right so ideally we would not cut Tutor Time and we would not cut after school clubs and then we're saying maybe with the Kingwood activity cost could be a you're saying maybe all three of those things could be a PTO thing or something I mean I'm not I'm not saying I'm just saying I think it's a conversation to look at other opportunities I think the PTO should definitely be included in that for sure um there are certain things that are are better to ask for help with like things like that that are kind of a you know can you fund this for one year yeah kind of question yeah as opposed to like any you know you don't want to ask for um fundraising or like part of the general we can pay the teachers right that's a lot of muffins so maybe so what you're saying is we could feel more comfortable cutting those things in the operational budget and hoping for additional help right and trying to save things like otpt and that kind of stuff I think if we're I'm ready to S of make a proposal but I I'll wait I think the school needs money we should ask for as much money as we can from the taxpayers bottom M School needs money it's hurting for money people want robust school then this is what it's going to take that's how I feel about it but what' she say I was going to say something in different words that meant basically we're gonna have we're gonna have the school we should pay for the school yeah it turns out it cost a lot of money yeah I'm okay with the 4 4.1 right yeah Kate do you have a hesitance on that you get crucified regardless of what kind of 2% well that's why I ask about the politics you know just that's dictate what we do but it's just to be mindful of what the coners you know what the conversation is and just to have it in mind and be ready and be prepared I mean I think I think generally what Adam is saying is true the people who are going to be concerned about the 4.1% are going to be concerned about the 2. 2% as well and the folks who are um going to be supportive of the 2% are going to be supportive 4.1% people we can't please you're not pleasing regardless just so um I mean you know I I could make the argument either way um but the bottom line is um as been as has been said you know we've had a continual cut in funding we are very appreciative to have that pilot money um but you know we're we're talking about pilot money this year um that's just below $100,000 when we've received Cuts in excess of 500,000 over the last five years um in addition to I mean you can see it in you know ter like in those increased cost um the healthare yeah the health care and you know our our that cost have increased significantly um you know all things that are not l by any means things that we're required to um to have in our budget um and I you know I would welcome anybody who would like to look at our budget and try to find some exactly um okay um Michael any feeling about I don't I just I don't want to you know I don't want to anybody did not have a my gut was to go for the 4.1 I was kind of glad okay is our responsibility to the school or to the public as a school board both both both our constituents are everybody in the town right I think that's why it's like really important to be super cleari of what the benefit is for the school which is sort of what we're looking at here but also what the burden is on the public and I think and Teresa can probably help us figure out exactly what that is in better way because I think there's also like inherent benefits of having a school in a community that therefore bring increased Municipal tax revenue like we know that it keeps a community more thriving it's much more vibrant if like younger families participate more in local business they spend more money right so it actually having a school in town keeps our community much like a thriving community and the reality is if we look at the budget the school budget is so their bones that it's not like we're choosing between you know nice to haves and great to haves we're just trying to keep the school open at this point would it benefit us to be able to like maybe get like a onepage write up that we could share at a you know we'll have a budget presentation for the budget hearing next month there is that shared with like the Frenchtown I usually send it to um Brad and the council um and it's an open meeting it's the budget hearing so something good for us to have prepared to share with people absolutely yeah yeah and it's it's also it goes on the website members of the public come to the next me the budget meeting can we expect no okay typically not the only time we've had ex you know good attendance at a budget hearing is when we've talked about making significant cuts um I mean you know there have been years where we've had to make really significant Cuts so um the you know those years we've often gotten people here to give input which is fantastic you know um so and I will ask Teresa to um for the next meeting but even beforehand to send out that um that sheet that she had last time showing what the 4.1% is for the average house yeah and for every 100,000 bece to includ Y I have it I'm trying I found it but um it's not clear okay to me what the 4.1% would be I think the other thing that's going to hit us this year is just because there's the tax reevaluation that every household that owns is currently like I think there's a lot of people confused around like absolutely you know like how much yeah I'm totally confused my the appeal everyone's looking to appeal no I'm not I'm not I'm not looking to appeal and I don't really understand why so I just think there's a lot of confusion exactly on the whole and the other thing is and Teresa can tell us this at our next meeting but um the the increase or decrease or not the increase but the increase for from the high school um is based on a a very complex um formula so we're never quite sure if our um high school taxes are going to increase and by how much two years ago we were we had the least increase out of all five sending District last year we had either the highest or the second highest out of all the five sending districts um it's based on a large number of things um and Teresa can let us know but that's another thing that we you know often try to kind of yeah think about um you know so we know people bucket all the school together thinking High School right well also just like if there's going to be a huge increase at the high school you know we want to know that when we're making a decision so um all right um well thank you everybody and um thank you Jim thanks Jim thank for good discussion okay um so moving forward um we need a motion to approve the minutes from the January 23rd meeting I'll second any comments or questions on the minutes okay all those in favor I opposed or abstain okay and then we have uh Jim's report right good evening again um so we just have our Hib updates um for this month um and then we didn't not have any um shortterm suspension or anything on along those lines and then there those are security and fire drills we did this past Janu past month in January with our Global okay um so we'll need a motion to approve the Hib report second that's the last mon any comments or questions okay all those in favor I oppos or abstain okay um anything else again yeah I'll just want to run through a couple quick things um so just just want to always as we do each Mark perod second marking since we last since we last met uh we did uh recognize our second markting period honorable students so just real quick um in our fifth we had Josh Jean and fifth grade we had Josh Jean and Dennis sixth grade Haley Rosie and Zoe seventh grade we had Giana Cassidy hope peny and Amilia and Creator um Mato so kudos to all them putting in the hard work um so I just always want to have that minute to really um you know not only their effort but typically you know so many cases the teachers are playing a role and and often times families or somebody from the community helping out too so appreciate all that for sure um so kudos to them uh we did our cop and kind Awards as we continue as part of our um culture and climate and um you know just reinforcing our positive environment so just quick shout out to Jerick Jane stus Greg Haley Owen all Clementine Finley and Ana um for their being recognized um in the month of February and then we also have um our sportsmanship Awards which goes out to um ana Ava Finn Lydia aiel Josh ji Ariana and Joey so that group of students um and they're getting you know getting opportunity to be recognized for their well-doing you know typically a picture if you walk down the hallways each one of each one of our character building words that we ass signs and then their pictures next to it each month um whether it's outside the gym or it's up on one of our hallways and so forth so we just continue to it really just becomes a nice point of reference for the moments that maybe we're not being as what we need to be and what we have modeled before um hey like is in this you up here right from doing this and so forth so just another tool in our building for our teachers and our team here um we uh since we also last met we had our second open house of the year for preschool um so it's great we had another I think four or five families that came um we this ller went over just more creative curriculum things and another group of parents that asked questions meanwhile Mrs zepo ran a little music sing along for the students that came um and then we did a little art activity with Miss Hurley um so um a number of uh new families that potentially could be in our mix for September so we're really excited about that now since we since the beginning of year we now have two more preschool students in pres school so we're are now up to 14 in that spot so we're we are done for the year because we have to leave at least one more spot open for potential early intervention um situation so we're done for now um and we're excited because we're growing we're getting to that number where maybe we can expand to that mil opportunity so um tra and I continue Tessa is on another meeting tomorrow with the state regarding paa um and I remain uh in contact with our um representative and we're just going to keep navigating through um but it's definitely going in the right direction we're finding more and more people which is great and I think it's probably crudos to everyone here on the board I know getting it out and supporting and we're trying to um just communicate it out as much as we can so I've been working the creek scene real hard um so yeah so you know there there'll be more to come certainly um but we continue to um you know we're continuing to grow which so that is definitely exciting I think it's uh you know everyone's gaining enthusiasm around it are there families in the current program who are expressing interest for Milford to get to like you know the point that any I I'll just on it generally I don't I I think their first choice would be here is what I typically here at this point yeah um but yeah on our registration form you know we just keep encouraging families to go you know we have a first second choice type of scenario yeah um so you know we did what we gained from it is we are on a first come first their basis for next year that's you know new update probably since um last meeting that where we are and then so when we fail here then we'll build so that's new information from the last time I had a meeting because I was able to attend a meeting on the 8th um to get some few more answers than I didn't have in January and I'm sure there'll be a few more answers that the next time I have meeting you know this is I think we're all in year one we're just um we just continue to ask the questions and we use some colleagues and programs and other people that have been a part of the program yeah so we know how to buzz around P yeah that's great um yeah say enough of that so make sure understand you you are 14 for this year right Y and so some of those kids will continue next year and some of them will move into gor correct some of them yeah I can bring those numbers next I can bring them next time just are you you in a full class not a full class I can I definitely know that so but I'll bring I will bring those numbers next time we me okay okay they might be better than they are today so oh yeah well I'm hoping they will be okay that's by March you are right that's aren't you we want I want people to register by March we want them to register as soon as possible soon as possible but March is fine too but as soon as possible uh all right just speech update just so everybody know we did have a quick U me meet meet and greet with our speech therapist actually the same day the open house um we were busy that day um Katy prel so she's in the building she's working with our students she's on the two-day week schedule right now and then she'll um speak uh she's here but she might Shi her days in the coming um weeks so just what people to know um she is here um we've been doing a number of activities around black history and um gentle health month we had a Dr rellan the other day doing some things with our younger students which was a lot of fun they got to use this massive toothbrush um they were very excited to do that um certainly continue to you know check out our Facebook page and always a teror as our hashtag if you're doing anything related to school please do that um we have another r29 Studio opportunity um coming it's on the agenda for tonight and Miss Harley is willing to support um um artard we're talking with artard right now we're doing the cardboard project in the plastic bottle so we just did a phase one Megan came up and got a bunch of stuff from us the other day so we continue to do that so if you have any of those items are downstairs below please drop them off um and we're also working on another opportunity prob by March I'll have an update on what the next opportunity be for our yard and our students too another another opportunity we're we're in discussions right now yoga Loca last session so we did that resar uh yoga sessions which have been really a big hit with students that Bonnie comes up tomorrow that'll be her last um session tomorrow um so we're looking forward to that U modern fil project just so people are to know um we've had a lot of collaberation with the town and modern fils we do have to reboot um our our permit from the school so I'm mean I'm working we picked it up up the other day and I'm working through that right now so probably have that on our agenda for next month um what that would look like and what that entails um so we're getting there um and then I was going to say the Winter Walk is tomorrow with go hun in and our team but actually we canel it because I guess it's supposed to rain um so Mr Ryan suggested we would push it to Thursday so we'll be walking on Thursday and that's I have for now thank you you it's nice to hear that with this collaborations it's verying I hope they're generous they are being gener they're being very yeah they are they're being um they're working with us with pricing for sure um and you know because we know we know what they really are like they're they're impressive just as definitely are working with us with rates um as much as possible and trying to find that line and I think you know once we've now engage with it this is something we hope you know maybe there'll be some possibilities in the future for sure right and maybe they look a little different monetarily or you know different ways to collaborate um but for instance like the cboard and plastic bottles that that's a really um I think easy way for us to support each other right um and when they have events and stuff we can put it a part of our weekly updates and things that um so I think it's a nice you know opportunity to continue but we also want to keep building these student opportunities as much as possible because it's great exposure and to be able just to walk down the road and be in these you know I'll just say like big city New York S Type opportunities you know that you don't have to get in a car and do um and so many different artists coming from all all areas of the world and really just a lot a lot of knowledge to gain from these experiences for sure no Shakespeare so mrso probably be an update mrso um has been working with um in communication with our River Union team so I'm hoping to hear something in the next I know they're in discussion so we're just waiting on a proposal of something so in regards to what they're going to do I know I've heard some things so when I have a more definitive thing um I will certainly bring it no yeah we some collaboration I'm excited to you know see mrso um working together with them I think it would be a neat thing um and also you know camps are on there again for this year mrso and um Miss Hurley are up to do that again that was definitely um and you know first time we ran that last year and it proved to be you know a revenue for us um not tremendous Revenue but definitely a revenue and I think just overall good experience for our students and it's great for our staff to have um be empowered in that type of way and um create opportunities for has info about the camps going out already not yet they hav approve tonight okay um and then we will be getting out soon for sure like within the next week I definitely want to get them out yeah as people are starting to plan their Summers you're just talking about later on today than thank you um I had a couple of things to talk about um one is we were unable to get um when to come out to discuss academic achievement and the board's role in academic achievement she has uh meetings with other boards the date tonight's date and our March date uh meeting date so so we did um ask her if she could come at for our April date and she is able to do that the other option would be if the board wants to try and set up a special meeting um we could do that um you know it would involve obviously us or the majority of us being able to attend and also you know making sure that her schedule could um could allow it um so that's that's one thing that we um could possibly do um the other thing um we had talked about was um furthering the discussion about academic achievement um and one of the ways that um I thought we may may be able to do that um best is to create an ad hoc committee um to kind of have those discussions in committee with Jim um and then um you know with an ad hoc committee they would come to the board and report on what was said at the meeting and what was discussed um and any findings they don't vote on anything or do anything like that they just kind of have the conversation and bring it to the committee or to the board um so so for an ad hoc committee um we cannot have more than three members of the board because it creates a quum um interesting yeah I know um that that's the one thing having a little bit of a smaller board it does limit us for committees um but uh if we did that I thought maybe that committee could meet you know maybe three or four times before when comes um and kind of have those discussions and then um you know she she'll come in April unless we decide to try and get a meeting with her before that um so anybody have any comments or um suggestions about moving forward that way do you like that idea do um what if it's like as opposed to trying to like jam it into the actual the board meeting and stuff like that and give it some more space to breathe in like a separate kind of yeah sounds good I wonder um whether having Gwen meet with the full board after this smaller group at hot committee meets what would best use her expertise and knowledge to inform the process would it be having her work work with the committee or would it be having or would the would the committee benefit from her perspective and doing its work and bringing back meaningful recommendations ABS so but we also want to do it in a way that makes sense time timely wise because it would be nice to do that and have those recommendations also inform the strategic planning process or be integrated with it in some way or be part of the research for it and have it all kind of meld together right so I just want to be sort of as efficient as we can with our process so that we're using our time are very and I'm really aware of how much how much is on your plate and want to make sure that that time is just really used optimally I mean I think in an Ideal World we'd have Gwen come give her presentation and then the committee would meet but considering the fact that that date right now is set for late April it feels like that's a long time to wait um for that committee to start meeting um would Gwen potentially be open on setting maybe like a zoom call with the committee to kick things off early on so then as the committee work if the rest of the board is comfortable with that um with kind of the committee you know having that conversation with Glen um and then obil either she returns in April or the committee can report out on what was said um in addition to which when she comes out with a presentation um she generally is very willing to share her notes and her slideshow so um you know that's a good idea we might be able to just do that so if there's only three board members who can be part of this sort of ad hoc thing who on The Who on the on the school side would who would be who would be on this committee is my question in order to make it as well informed and know what we're talking about and successful as possible who should be represented on it well Jim will definitely be on it um and then three of us and three right and nobody else from the school side I'm it's a oh as far as teachers and things like that other staff or Educators or um I we didn't talk at all about could they maybe eventually be yeah that's something that the St the committee could talk about bringing in Jim whether you have anybody sort of in your on your leadership team who you really you respect and also who would for whom it would be meaningful add to the conversation we could definitely think needs to be but just in terms of having the right people at the table to have that conversation and know what we're talking about yeah yeah I think yeah we could definitely look into that I think let's get our um guidance and then see from there that you're suggested yeah I think so um but I certainly think if there's somebody on staff I mean yeah that I think once we have an idea of the you know the plan definitely I think there's a couple people that I'm thinking of right now that could be um be a part of that great sure um so if are there people who would have the time and the interest in serving on that committee um it would likely be you know maybe twice a month at this Point um at least for the next two you know March April May that be interested you that everybody would be interested want okay all right um so if the interest is more than three people and since kind of jy's the ask of gym is kind of the same regardless of if it's three people in the does it make sense to bring it into kind of the full board conversation or you know what I mean a special board meetings in other words instead of an ad hoc committee I know I'm interrupting those meetings official board meetings and have a couple of official board meetings that are just is that or is that what are the pros and cons of that approach yeah I mean it's you know um then it becomes an open public board meeting that has to be advertised um you know minutes have to be you it's the whole it's just like a regular meeting right um which eliminates some of the kind of working committee um atmosphere that I'm I'm thinking more in terms of um because it has to be public and it has to be recorded and and there nine people there um plus possibly members of the public um okay I'm just so I just you want to do it that kind of like you know um sit down get your hand sturdy kind of work doesn't tend to be done at those meetings with you know with that many people um I think we should get started that H committee for at least a couple of meetings to see you know gaug the size of of the task yeah then that may point you know for the next development whether it's becomes larger board meetings or if it's continuation of the ad hoc committee with Gwen guid okay I think also just mustering they figuring out the questions that would be most effective as one yeah yeah maybe like a fa Fair compromise is have the ad hoc committee but that the committee at each one of our board meetings gives a little bit of like a here's what we covered this month and what are answer yeah that has to be yeah that definitely has to happen yeah um okay all right then um I will contact people and um you know I'll talk to Jim we I'll make some decisions and contact people and we'll set up some meetings um the other thing I wanted to discuss tonight was the Strategic plan um which I sent um the now hopefully were people able to open that in yeah there's a PDF in it work same thing open yeah so I wasn't able to open it in the addendum I had to go back in my emails to open it so I'm glad everybody was able to open it um so for the purposes of tonight um I just want wanted to talk about the two different models and they give a good um illustration I think with that checklist of you know this is what you get with the 3D this is what you get with the basic or the standard program um so I will tell everybody that the last time we did strategic planning um Gwen LED our strategic planning when the same Glen yeah she's been our field RP for several years um and and uh and there was one other woman who came with her um for the strategic planning some of the time um Diane who was our field rep years even before that um but we chose to do the 3D program when she came um partly because of cost um and partly because we felt that some of the extra things incl included in the standard program were not really that important to the process but that was that was how we felt at that time um you know obviously again we are you know we don't have a lot of funds so you know um this is not yet a budgeted item although teror NOS it's coming um so and and I looked the other thing I did look at is um there was a list um at the end of that that um that file with all the different towns that had participated and there were there are many who used the 3D and not that like three quarters of them yeah so I feel like um you know those are just all things to know as we move forward um now there are other options for strategic planning um there are other companies that do it um I do know that like the the high school just recently did strategic planning they kind of did a you know a search for some companies that would do specifically like strategic planning for schools and the prices were pretty guy High um way you know way more than um the you know 4,000 or 6500 that New Jersey school boards is charging um so you know I'm not sure that the board given the the budget constraints has any interest in looking elsewhere um I Julie did you participate at all in strategic planning Adam you were there I know um Michael I don't remember those um we were in the cafeteria yeah for your time yeah I was trying to think I didn't want to say it but um you know I personally I felt that Gwen was very good and that the program um you know that she ran a good program I can um I can share with um with everybody I didn't think to bring it tonight but I can share the like the binder that was was the end result and what she supplied to us but she came out she ran all the meetings she was very good about um you know kind of drawing out um Step from the public she was very accepting of I thought everybody's kind of opinions and and did a really good job facilitating um so that you know I wouldn't hesitate to recommend going this route again um I have some some thoughts yeah I've done a lot of strategic planning for nonprofits I chared a lot more yeah so you know for little for nonprofit right I'm just saying that that that from a price perspective it makes sense I like the 3D program with one difference and I wondered there's something in here about assistant establishing research Community to collect internal and external data in preparation for report to the planning Council and I think it is really and that's not in the program and I know you've been collecting um a ton of of data but I really feel like if we can design this so that whatever happens with the academic yeah uh program then drives in the strategic planning the process of that all that information comes and and informs the process and goal setting and all of that that we're that we use the data really well as part of our process then I would be really comfortable with the less expensive one as long as we are attended to that um if if my memory serves me correctly okay when we started the 3D plan yeah um we did have to do the the at the first meeting there was like a kind of state of the school with a swap presentation so um I think that we could we we drive that presentation right so we could certainly include in that presentation the you know the findings of the committee makes sense um and but beyond that I will also say that it's driven by the people in the room um so you know and I think you and I have this conversation like the last strategic planning um there wasn't a lot of conversation about academic instruction or academic achievement um there were you know there were a lot of and that discussion was driven by the people who were there I mean one of the one of the downsides of these kinds of processes is if you bring people into a room to develop a plan who don't have information or knowledge I mean they're stakeholders and they have investment in the community they don't they don't really necessarily have know what is important that sounds terrible so I feel like that that that that I I I believe 100% in community engagement but you have I believe also you have to engage people by also giving them the knowledge and the tools to engage in a meaningful way and not just sort of shoot from the hip because if people come in and they're shooting from the hip then you don't get the quality that I think you deserve and need and that so I I would just want to think be mindful of sort of how we prepare materials and how we sort of set the T at the stage and what we share beforehand so that the group can participate in a in a way that's really beneficial will there be an outline of the Strategic plans in terms of like academic social like will it be kind of like streamlined like that where it's kind of yeah it's in here the way she kind of buckets it yeah um and I think I think it could be driven by that initial presentation of like here's what's going on right um you know and in that here's what's going on we can say you know these are the things that we want to work on or need need work um but I think that's a really good point and I you know I I feel very strongly that you don't ask people for their input unless you're going to take their input that's exactly right and that's why I am so we have to give them the tools that they need to give that in right and that we need to understand if we you know sort of if we are going going to look at including academics in some sort of way and I think we have to have a pretty good grip on sort of if we feel like we're underperforming or something what the root causes are and what are some of the possible solutions and what they cost and how to do that and so that we can share that in a way that enables people that to meaningfully participate um and I think um one of the reasons I feel strongly about having New Jersey school boards do the strategic planning is that they are in so many districts we've seen so many and they know what our limitations are and and what's possible that's great okay um then if it's okay with everybody I will ask Tessa to add 4,000 more okay all right um moving forward then um we have no policy updates tonight um so we'll need a motion to approve consent agenda items 11.1 to 11.24 do we have a second I'll second okay comments or questions on the consent agenda could I get a copy of the scope of work for the HVAC system upgrades that be made available to me and other people y for sure I'll shoot them under 115 we have a triple X for the pirate revenues is it just cuz we still waiting or is it it just came in this afternoon um it was approximately 9 1,000 that's in that document we got right yeah there was a 91,92 15 wow Jim who's a B2 B2 Associates who made that um donation the positive behavior student oh so I don't want to be I'll bring I will speak more to that another yeah let me speak more to that um yeah but yes it was we had to yeah I let me speak more to that next meeting it's not so we shouldn't be accepting donation front is it no it's it's it's very positive something that's very supportive and I I'd rather do I want to do a better job of acknowledging okay if that makes sense I appreciate your patience that any other comments or questions about the consent agenda uh just one question I'm not sure if this is this is actually TR question I'm sure of it the water main line replacement item 11.11 um what was living in town it was free from water company right um couldn't it also be free you for the school yeah um this is a different piece of pipe yeah I want to um we'll have to we'll get an answer from you on that but it definitely was a part of that like there was significant there was a signif significant cost in our favor where we didn't pay I think is just that Do's an offset because of a reason and we'll get that reason from her okay okay anything any other comments or questions okay um then we'll do a roll call um Mr Blackburn yes Mr dermy yes Miss Howard yes Miss Klein yes Miss mahara yes and Miss Balo yes okay um if there's no new business we do have exective session tonight okay we have a second to move into executive second okay Ernie can you let me know when we are not streaming for executive session sure um I was told that this is not would not be able to be session we can't have you an executive session Aaron oh okay well have a nice time I can I can call you and update you if there's anything um that you need to know but you might as well just log off because we're just going to come back there's no motion that's going to be made afterwards so we're just going to come back and adjourn okay all right have Ace thank you bye bye okay um so we'll need a motion to adjourn so moved I'll second okay all those in favor thank you everybody should we help