##VIDEO ID:6JsuoOZcC4o## e e e e good evening and welcome to the G Township Board of Education meeting today is August 12th in accordance with public law 231 both adequate and electronic notice of this meeting was provided to the press the gy Township Municipal Building and the district website on January 13 2024 may I have a roll call please this Chester here Dr P Miss laa Mr da here Mr J here Mrs her Dr B BL here and Mrs Carman here can we all rise for a flag salute led by Mrs Chester please okay I pledge Ali to flag of United States of americais thank you we do have minutes this evening from July 8th regular meeting and July 8th the executive meeting can I have a motion to approve items 2.1 and 2.2 please so move second all in favor I any abstain any nay thank you reading of communications please thank you in 3.1 we have a letter of appreciation from fire chief Mooney in regards to a really uh in part due to uh Jeans day collections that we have dress down days um from our staff so generous donations um during the month of June we collected money and then we equally distributed that donation uh to each of the firehouses here in G Township in addition if you recall previously in may we also did the same for the gall Township um police foundation which is their nonprofit arm Gall Township Police uh did that similarly as well and again predat to the staff for their generous uh participation in addition 3.2 is Atlantic Community Charter School it's just our annual report uh which was updated in July of 24 this time we'll open up the meeting for a public comment is there any public comments before board this un seeing none we'll move on to superintendent report please all right this time first our attorney's Report with Miss Hal thank you I've had the opportunity to work with the district this past month on a variety of issues getting ready for school next year contractual issues policy issues student issues and staff issues thank you any questions from see n moving on please so 5.2 is our student enrollment report attached and harassment intimidation and bullying report is item 5.3 we did have one case um during our summer programing uh that needed to be investigated so that is attached there as well um neither require a vote your informational items thank you no vote needed so moving on to PR and instruction so at this time we'd like to uh get approval for item 6.1 through 6.3 under curriculum instruction can I motion approve item 6.1 23 please so Mo second is there any board comment may I have roll call please Mr Chester yes Mrs Avery yes Mr da yes Mr J field yes vice president M yes and president yes we be go to finance is there a finance committee meeting yes the finance committee met um before the board meeting we received um went through the bills list and we also received an update on the GT CH and ping Tower everything is ordered and anticipated to be here in early June early June next year Jun okay I thought you just misspoke I did we all right thank you is there any questions for Dr see moving on with Finance please thank you finance item 7.2 through 7.17 for approval can I motion approve items 7.2 through 717 please some second any board comment call please Mrs Chester yes Mrs Avery yes Mr yes Mr J yes vice president the Sher yes and president on facility pleas thank you items 8.1 and 8.2 are up for your approval then Mo 8.1 8.2 any Bo comment may please Mrs Chester yes Mrs ay yes Mr da yes Mr J yes Vice Pres yes and yes person so we do not have any retirements this month so we are looking for approval for items 9.1 through 9.7 as listed and attach motion items [Music] 9.19 yes Mrs Avery yes Mr da yes Mr J yes vice president M yes and president yes this time so at this time I'd like to introduce for the first time give a warm Galloway Welcome to our supervisor of Early Childhood Alison [Applause] rusan moving on to policy please I don't know what Dr harer a report that I can uh certainly share with the public so on July 18th the policy committee met for an inperson meeting present at the meeting with Dr clment and Mrs Chester and myself during the committee meeting questions presented by the board member related to four policies were reviewed by the committee with questions and answers were discussed in preparation to share with the full board the committee then reviewed policies that were up for a final and second and final reading and no changes to those policies for a final reading were recommended by the committee then previously approved stra ese policies were reviewed and discussed by the committee as well they were there were eight policies that required revisions with one of the revisions requiring an abolishment of one of the policies all required a single reading tonight are being recommended to the board for approval the policy committee then review new policies for first reading which are also being recommended to the board tonight as listed board dos and finally due to recent St Sate policy approval over the past few months the policy committee is also recommending that some of the policies from the previous policy provider be abolished it would be the series of 1,000 community relations 2,000 Administration 6,000 instruction and 7,000 for construction Remodeling and renovation again from the previous policy provider um as noted there are so four separate approvals tonight uh for consideration by the Board of Education within the policy section of board dos I also want to note that the committee and I want to thank them for their time Dr Parmenter and Mrs Chester who spent well over two hours uh that evening um discussing questions policy uh and I want to thank you uh both for your time certainly appreciate it thank you I know Dr par did not here any anything Mr Chester do you have anything else Mr no anybody have any questions okay mov on policy please okay so at this time we'd like to approve policy items for a second and final reading they are 10.2 through 10.24 thank you can I have motion approve items 10.2 through 10.24 again it's a second and final reading so move second sorry is there any comment okay oh no sorry Mrs Chester yes Mrs yes Mr yes Mr J yes vice president Sher yes and president yes at this time we are looking to approve items 10.26 through 10.33 they are revised policies for first and final reading can I motion items 10.23 6 through 10.33 revised policy for first and final please so second I have a rooll please Mrs Chester yes Mrs Avery yes Mr D yes Mr G yes vice president yes and president yes next we are looking for approval of 10.35 through 10.44 for first can I motion 10.35 through 10.44 first Reading Please second mayal pleas Mrs Chester yes Mrs Avery yes Mr D yes Mr J yes vice president Basher yes and president car yes and finally we're looking for approval of 10.46 which is the abolishment of the policies as noted from our previous provider now motion to approve item 10.46 so move second Mrs Cher yes yes Mr yes Mr J yes vice president yes and president car yes moving on the old business please so looking for approval of two items 11.1 and 11.2 revised Board calendar and also a revised District calendar which now highlights the parent conference days uh as noted then motion it 11.1 11.2 please com veterans St is not a holiday but will we have as in the past veterans committ speak the students of every school yes absolutely um we will be putting together a plan uh each of the schools typically will make sure they reach out uh to our local veterans U many of whom of course we tap into are parents and Guardians grandparents and the like uh all the schools do a little something different um we will make sure that we put together a comprehensive list to be able to share out the board prior to vet but thank you for bringing that up we will Frid before weekend everybody please bring the v in any other comments may have please Mrs Chester yes Mrs Avery yes Mr yes Mr yes vice president yes and president car yes moving on to new business we do have a board retreat discussion uh on the agenda for this evening we were supposed to have our board retreat this evening prior to the meeting unfortunately some board members weren't able to attend so today we are selecting a new and that date will not be changed once we select that date whoever can make it make it not we're still doing it September 9th is the next board meeting um unfortunately my mom is having surgery that day so I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to make the board meeting but if that date works for everybody else I certainly would not be opposed to moving forward with a retreat if that works for all other eight members but I would request that we that works for everybody else as well can it can it be any other time other than like used to have it's up to us to decide whatever we want want soci have retreat at a restaurant or somewhere you know have a retreat eat and then go back to business and then socialize afterwards we all got to know each other better that was even when we went like the Congress Hall on in so we went down on Friday afternoon come back Saturday night was cost me money out poet but it was worth it social each other I don't know if the appetite is there for this current board to spend you know Friday and Saturday away from home but I think you know it's up for discussion if we wanted to do dinner perhaps and oring here and do a retreat this is our this is our function right it's not we did a have you had back one time dinner one time as such what's the what does everybody want to do my first question is because even if we are Inver transacting business you would if you did it at a restaurant you would have to advertise that it was being done at the restaurant and then which we did we did in the past we advertised it as AET meeting at such and such a restaurant such open public and they come Chase can we look at September 16th can we look at 16 yes September 16th works for me does that work let's get the date can were to um choose to have it in house we would have it here at gtms um so right now on paper we have Roland back to school on the 16th so it wouldn't necessarily impact us um if you wanted to have to treat that another consideration is to also just you know potentially move the board meeting to the 16th everything as well that's to of Bo as well I'm I don't think we should Mo board meeting to the same day as a MAG I think if kind of discourages people since there's three members not here Cal I say for this year we keep it separate and then the next one if we want to consider but we we can't continue to postpone these things right there's business that needs to be done we need to give guidance to the district we need to be guidance to We Can't postpone them because somebody just doesn't so whatever date we select that's what we're doing it'll be advertised like the retreat for tonight was advertised was adverti we ret treat this cancer I just for morning we're not going to postpone it again so if we choose a date we're sticking with it right and that includes me if if I don't come I you know that that's what we're all agreeing to we're choosing a date and that's it so are we okay with the 16 keep an meeting and then the 16 and then we will decide should we should we advertise is B for everybody [Music] okay 5:00 on the 16th is going to be the retreat and we'll decide you know we're going to bring and then at that point we'll talk about the next treat and see if we want to do offsite and we'll have more at that point be here it'll be here okay all right see what the theme is let us know thew Lu would be preferable moving on District professional development plan please that is it just uh approval for item 12.2 approval for it 122 May pleas thiser yes M yes Mr yes Mr J yes president sh yes yes moving on to informational items the board calendar obviously is going to be amended to now includ the 16 and special events y special events you'll see the reminder again for the foundation's annual golf as well as designer first Bingo certainly encourage board members in the public to attend those important events as the money comes back to our staff and students here within the district um in fact the school nights are also uh listed AB again these high school preschool classes are also listed as they will have their own Standalone um back to school night this year as well so all are listed there for you save the dates on your calendars thank you I would encourage as usual you know supporting the Y foundation with their events both and this is the first time I'm saying this but we all to the district and the parents and and the kids and they have these back to school nights and we need to attend so I would encourage just choose one right like everybody should be attending one and this is for the kids this is you made a commitment please adhere to those commitments okay uh those were no no vote needed they were informational at this time I will open the mic up for a public comment again is there any public comment to come before the this seeing none we'll go around the board Mrs Chester do anything oh wow summer just flew right by didn't um so the only thing I wanted to bring up is that um we just got past our forage Fair a local for AG fair this weekend and I know we had a lot of people um from our district present things and ribbons and um so congratulations to all of them I don't have a list of specific might able to get that um but anyway other than that um I know I'm actually this a um as Steve said um about the Ed Foundation we have two big fundraisers coming up we had a meeting last week I think we spent about over $20,000 on field trips um $113,000 last year on teacher grants so we're uping that to 15,000 so we encourage staff members to apply for Teacher grants if they want something extra uh for their classroom for their grade whatever and uh I'm looking forward to another exciting year thank you Mr well like I say welcome back to all staff and administrator for schools like said Su so fast sure folks out there also but pray for the best and uh that's all I can say welc Mr J Dr B welcome to all of the new Pires um I know at the last um board meeting I gave a shout out to the summer camp and I want to continue to give a shout out to the summer camp this is our last week and it has just been phenomenal I did not have my son registered for the full week and last week said the full week so he is going all five days to uh to round out this summer but it has been educational it has been fun and just all around so thank you to everyone that made that happen and I wanted to say thank you to mine for all the work that you do so much money provide so many to the kids I know those fail to mention thanks to you but I know you do a lot of work that so I really just want to that do we have we do not so at this point can I motion to thank you everybody