[Music] to on [Music] we sure [Music] [Music] that's hello good evening good evening welcome to gtin Board of Education today is May 6th and this is a regular meeting in accord to public 231 both adequate and electronic notice of this was provided to the press the G municipal building and the district website on January 13th 2024 may I roll call please Mrs Chester here Dr perer here miss Lura here Mrs Avery here Mr Dace here Mr Gentile here Mrs hermano here Dr Basher BL here and Mrs Carman here can we all rise for a fly salute led by Mrs United States of America thank you we do have a minut evening from April 15th so I have question those please some move all in favor I any opposed any extensions thank you moving on to presentations Mr santon please so first up we will have our student council representative and also student council president on give his update for us thank you greetings go Township school board members superintendent Mr Santi and go citizens who are here today I am the gtms student council president op it's been a pleasure to serve in this capacity of the school year and this is my last morning I would like to say thank you here's the click list of things that we did as a during this Council year the vice president and I gave a 91 rembrance speech and R at the Beacon church we participated in the gy salute to the veteran ceremony we completed our B annual goway roadside up in October we created holiday cards for res of the Preferred Care Facility trip to the US Constitution Center we C we celebrated Veterans Day at the gall senior center with toship officials and citizens on November 11th while also participating in The gtms govern's Breakfast celebration at gtms we also held our Thanksgiving through Drive shortly after and it was a success we collected a whopping total of over 450 items all donated to the de church we also sponsored the following G El essay contest on patriotism gtms Dr Mar Lu King J essay contest in January gtms winter clothing Drive which was all donated to the AC Rescue Mission gtms spirit days we also to the state capital we volunteered at the SJ Community Food Bank in March April and May we participated in the Galloway Earth Day Road cleanup diversity night was a major success that we had a few days ago we increased both student and parent involvement and we are going to continue our annual participation in G's Memorial Day Service as a student council year is coming to a close we are planning up for our annual pet Val overall the student council has had a lot of fun and we've done a lot of accomplishments this year and I hope that the next generation of students will work for usess to be even better thank you for your support the list more than we've done I I definitely think and it's been a real pleasure getting to know you this year and working with you in your group and if you have any questions for this meeting as usual get Mrs Chester's attention we want you to be a part of it and she'll make sure that you get the microphone okay thank you Mr Santelli all right so we're going to transition where I'm going to come down to the floor um just a little side note we have a lot of student presentations and recognitions this evening uh just for everyone that's going to be recognized and for our staff and administration that's going to come down if you notice we have a slightly different setup trying to have everything be a little more efficient as you can imagine um so what we're going to do is ask any staff and administration that are to help present come down to the podium I have certificates I'll turn it over to you to present these uh recognitions to our students and the audience students we're going to ask you to come through the center and then you can come down you'll be recognized through the center at the podium and then you're going to go over off to the right underneath the screen so then that way we can take a picture um prior to then moving on to our next recognition Okay um so on I'm actually going to use you to help me uh because things get a little hectic with all these recognitions so if you don't mind as president I'd like you to come down with me uh since this is your last meeting I'm going to put you to work all right St all right Miss Bridgers is going to join us for our first award and presentation uh for the American Association of University women Tech Trek program so we're going to have you use them like here and then that way we can go back and for good evening everyone I'm Miss Bridges the assistant principal for eth grade at Gallow middle school and we would like to give a big congratulations to Amelia is for being selected to participate in the tech track program of the American Association of UN [Applause] at this time will Mr L and Miss please join me so one of the things uh our our GI Talent program does is look for opportunities for our students to get the program to share the talents to address uh real world uh issues in this case the issue was uh species on the edge and uh Alexa bu and a competition and I'm going to let Mrs keer talk a little bit about the specifics of the competition okay uh thank you well first I want to say congratulations to Alexa [Applause] she is the Atlantic County second place winner in this year species on the edge contest it is an annual contest and it's open to all fifth graters in New Jersey and it's sponsored by the conserve wildlife Foundation New Jersey species on the edge is disciplinary and it comines science writing and art it Con it consists of three sections first the students have to danger to threat species in New Jersey and Alexa you did the P right and then next students a share their research and know they have to do a creative and persuasive and then lastly they have to demonstrate their artistic talents by creating an original piece of artwork so the great thing about the species of contest is that it provides connection between and real world issues so congratulations Alexa [Applause] [Applause] all right so at this time we're going to move on to our gtms math counts recognitions uh will miss Bridgers Mr Ryder C please join me down here at the podium for 41 years gway Middle School have been participating in the math counts contest it's run by the Society of Professional Engineers our competition was the first Saturday in February at Kingsway regional high school and our students did very well we took a team of eight and from that there were two students who participated and placed first as individuals and fourth as individuals and they had the opportunity to go to the state and participate there against all the winners from the state of New Jersey graduate those two students today and it's cavia Patel and hamu P [Applause] par you can certainly come down like to take a picture as well [Applause] [Applause] all right now we're going to transition to our science fair recognitions first we're going to start with the Smithville School and as you can see there are quite a few students up here uh prior to transitioning to gtms and there's going to be a handful of slides for gtms recognition science Mr Baris M Fernandez and Miss please join good evening everyone um I guess about 3 years ago now is when we started um was fernz came to us with a crazy idea hey no go a science fair that's sayr they compet with them like all right um well as you can see our sixth graders have excelled and the program's got so big over the over the years I went from one coordinator to is now gr to three coordinators BR were helping out as well and I think we had 67 of our sixth graders this year we over half we had like 42 42 um so more than half so every kid has a chance for it and they've uh done exceedingly well um they do it they give up every Wednesday for pretty much most of the year two3 of the year to come and do the projects leing into the actual competition at stockin then goes down to Delaware there so I'm going to turn it over to the ones who run it Toge that work he so first we have Gio dado Gio won first place at the diry shore science there and then he competed at Delaware Valley where he also won first place he won a special award from the Pennsylvania Council of professional geologists as well that was a huge award for Gio [Applause] next we have Nathan Ando Nathan receives honorable mention at the jersey store [Applause] s next we have Alana Stevens another [Applause] J and finally we have Evelyn Sullivan [Applause] [Applause] so this time we're to transition to our gtms science fair honores at this time bear with us because we have quite a few um students to recognize and a few slides to go through so we're going to take it one SL at time thank youone for coming tonight to recognize our students um I was privileged enough this year to have 18 students sign up for the science ha club and uh we' worked since November development projects it was not easy amongst many times it was very challenging he came up with some great ideas and I took them all on March 16th to the Jersey sh science it was the 49th anniversary and I proud to say that all e my students placed whether they were first second thir H to mention everyone of them recognize with the ribbon which was beyond exciting for me it was a wow moment and I hope to do that again next year the years thereafter Beyond proud is what I can say for them I know they worked so hard and it shows off saw some their wordss when you walked in hopefully with their recognitions that they received of that recognition I had six of the students who went on from Jersey Shore to compete in Del Valley they did excellent Del Valley a much more challenging competition they were recognized there with several special Awards so I am a humble teacher I'm so proud of you so congratulations you will be coming my for your all right so start with ay she U plays first at Jersey Shore in engineering category she also went on Del Valley where she received honorable mention and a special award uh in the junior division for first place women in engineering so I [Applause] next we have uh Cel this is her second compi in Jersey Shore Valley she won first place in Jersey Shore in the math category went on to Delware Valley where she placed honorable mention she also received a special award from the office of naal research for the naal science [Applause] award is ISA she received first excuse me Jersey science here computer science and also on [Applause] to next we have t aland she won second place at JY science fair in the microbiology division this was a continuation project where she buil on her last year's work she went on to Del Valley as well and speak honorable mention work there next like to recognize R esino she uh placed for second place in the zoology category Jersey Shore and also want Val congratulations next we have Lily boss she plays second place in Jersey Shore and also than Val come on [Music] next I have Sophia Chen she canology category and received third place in Jersey [Applause] sh conion recipient she uh plays third place in computer science in Jersey Shore [Applause] next we have Abby Tyler she placed in third place in the medicine and health category uh in [Applause] next we have Ava Abu she competed Jersey Shore in the math category and reive [Applause] auto next we have AR he second year competitor Shore and delber valy he uh I'm sorry excuse me he received honorable mention in category of [Applause] next we have Sophia buy she received onor mention in the engineering category [Applause] jersey in the mes and health category also honorable mention JY schw is mayao [Applause] next up we have Simone James she received hon mention in [Applause] microbiology receiveing honorable mention in Biochemistry at Jersey Shore Jordan Kelly [Applause] receiving an honorable mantion in microbiology Jersey Shore Claire [Music] [Applause] M and last but not least in uh the biochemistry category JY sure audible mention was Emma Wier [Applause] know that was a lot thank you for your patience they was super exciting thank you so much take a picture parents like to come well yes parents like to come up please come up all right that large group organized there yeah two [Music] great job students all the families and attendants and the rest of our audience tonight of the science um some of the things that they put together for their competitions let's say our get the hallway in the comments area you'd like to see them on your way out they're still there if You' like to go and take a look at them now which you certainly you're welcome to um this group is obviously very amazing when you think about some of the things and topics that they cover not just math you start thinking about engineering and biochemistry um and the life uh it just is amazing to see the work that they're doing at this age and what they've accomplish so huge credit to you as parents also to our staff thank you for your continu support with these opportunities for our so now we're transm Mr is one more it is my great honor to recognize and congratulate M Joel Fernandez uh our sixth grade um teacher science teacher at Smithville um for being selected as a metropolitan business and citizens Association outstanding educator of the year [Applause] this award which is a grant was sponsored by the epicurian Society of Souther New Jersey it is the amount of $1,500 that we will spend very easily this report was presented to Mr fernandz long with with 14 area high school students who have received scholarships uh at the NCA annual spring scholarship lunching which took place today uh in Atlantic City um just real quick not to take too much time um this word can't be uh couldn't recognize a better educator you so from the Science Care um I that I was counting but 60% of the science winners were Smith students um from that is is is really done just because they got the experience they got more comfortable getting up there putting them in position her work with her student counsel her service Lear where she really turned into um we have the state police flying a helicopter in next at the end of this month posed matter where she does work she does with our science programs outside doing projects day in and day out um and then she wasn't busy enough she took one vice president of the Union um just just to throw that in there um what she does is a team leader um just as a leader of our building uh Mr R and I couldn't be more grateful to have her our building and it's going to be given to a more um rewarding person could reward a better person for this so we're very honored that she's with us [Applause] [Applause] all right so at this time we're going to transition and we're going to be recognizing two of our FSA grps this evening uh and at this time I'd like to invite Mr J down uh to join me here on the floor to say a few words the Rams to come on down as well gpms come down as well so for your consideration this I members of the gpms FSA and also the AR FSA uh last month when we have fol from Smithville here I folks he which is thank unteers uh who have uh both statutorily and volunteers the best interest of our families and our students at Art we want to acknowledge that you folks are the ones that enrich the lives of our students in ways quite honestly I think I've said to all of you I couldn't even have conceed resp meetings this past winter and um I think it was actually at the AR meeting was where I somebody had commented that folks come speak Bo Etc and part of this is to basically indicate that you really you folks really are the in and you are the folks who fill us with awe with regard to how you enrich the lives of of the kids you basically deal with the fact that when our budget doesn't meet certain needs you go out among the you go out into the community and you raise the money necessary to engage in that few times I've met you folks and listen to you folks I'm just literally all struck with your dedication uh with your energy uh and as I said I think we're the ones who work so thank you what we'd like you to do is just basically set forth what you've done this past year what you consider to be your successes and what you hope to do going forward but we really want to hear from you guys and I just can't one more time we really really respect our incredibly appreciate and before you start I can't possibly fit everything that you have shared both GMS and Arthur r on slides you to be here forever but I want you to be able to highlight because this is just a snapshot a very small snapshot of the things that you've accomplished not just this year over the course of many years so please feel free to share well first thank you for inviting us and the schools that were here last time and I think there's another round right so thank you for doing that we really appreciate it um yeah just really quickly we've had a lot of fun these last few years uh Lauren and I and the rest of our group up there um we've been able to organize some really fun events for our families that's one like to do try to make sure that there's a lot family events and things that people can participate in um we've done nights at the Flyers and we have night at the Phillies coming up next week um and then we also try to do some events that like don't you don't have to pay to do but you can still come we do candy baringo at school um we put on a sweetheart dance in February that's a lot of fun for the kids and the the families uh yeah we were here in November to meet the candidate tonight so hi again and we do you know Book Fairs teache week is under way so we're lucky to be able to spoil our teachers this week couple surprises night at passway to all kinds of different fun stuff but um you know Lauren and I are up here but it really is a very much a group effort um you know we have staff members that are part of the FSA that come out and support us um like I said lots of parents over there that are here and some couldn't make it so they are the ones that put in the work and make everything you know possible so we're just really thankful to them to be able to do something [Applause] this thank you so much my is [Music] Kane for a very long time your faces um basically uh our job as the FSA in middle school is a little bit different from the job at the elementary schools um in the way that support e8th grade field trip which is a really big deal in this community because especially for our kids that have just passed through the past 3 years because they had no field trip so they were able to uh go on this field trip and it's it's a big day and I actually apprec it's kind of like a dual effort between the Galla Township Education Foundation who supports our buses which is a huge thank you and then need come up with the rest of the money about almost $9,000 to send them on the trip that's with t-shirts going to beach Comer so it's a really awesome day and he even got to stay later this year which is great because um his teachers actually you know have to stay um there and I really am thankful that they staying this year because then we be home at like 2: so we're excited about that we also do um four dances which is a lot of fun if anyone ever ever wants to come and volunteer it's a really great night of seventh graders um jumping around and having a great time actually I'm really successful on this last one I just want to bring up because it came up with themes this year finally I think and we try to L out them and we're definitely sing next year for the end of the year the kids actually danced the almost entire month which wasn't good for our sales um for concessions but um but they had a great time and we're trying to help with more things for them to actually do instead of just you know scanning around and running around so that was really fun but we do four dances and year to do our last dances in our sixth graders um superintendent and the other um FSA great IDE to actually include our sixth graders in that dance they can get excited and come to Middle School um to that last dance to see what they're going to be coming to that following year we also do the seventh grade Beach batch um we participate we're doing a photo booth this year so we're going have an essay photo booth which is going to be really cool because we're going to get free pictures we're going to have instruction paper where they can all sign on it and um be able to with their friends and with the Seven Grade bashes is basically a day of fun here at the middle school and all the teachers and administrative all have different um tables and activities went on that day so we're just take our participation in that and our big thing I hope all you will come out this is going to send out the um flyer we're really looking in Need for um everyone to go Queen for what is it um May 15 May 15 uh to support gtms so please just ice cream and and bring a fer we'll be sending my email um to get our last fundraiser in to support our uh students this year and then oh it really what's cool this year we have great families I can tell you it's been a long haul for J and I um through Co they really tough few years and this year I can say is the first time I feel like we actually have a family herea not just her and I and another parent and I to two people on here and Al They are doing appreciation and what an amazing job they did um they teach happy today very happy they did a phenomenal job I mean our teachers here at gtms don't get a lot of love from the families because it's different but we really are trying to um have the feel loves and this is the first year always a big teacher appreciation week I Aon and um Ally got like 53 um raffle bags of all different kinds of stuff they have breakfast today they have tras Wednesday and they have on Friday and it was all donated by the so [Applause] I thank you thank you all for everything that you do um I know you have actually a meeting to go so what we'll do is we'll take a quick picture of anybody else is here from gtms FSA if not we'll take a quick picture Mr Bridgers would you like to join them uh from the Middle School take a quick picture and then we'll transition to Arthur ran so that way we can get to your me thank you very much for everything you thank you [Music] [Applause] all right now we'll transition to Arthur ran anyone from the Arthur ran FSA Mr on down you join youra Mr s while we're transition before they leave I just want to say to the ladies from gtms thank you so much for coming please keep us involved if there's anything that you need like even the fundraiser Flyers just make sure Mr sanelli knows to include us in that we be more than than happy to come and and buy some I cream I mean who doesn't like that right so just keep us involved we're we're more than happy to to help in any way that we can not just as a board but as individuals as well and we certainly appreciate it and I want to say thank you Mr because I'm tell you this is um he really has taken on that ownership he become a fundraiser and he's like we can put that on the district website and we can do this so we're actually working um I think really uh the gfsa which is all that together are really coming together I think and we're going to see a lot more things like that see a lot more that next year so excited so thank you thank you so much I have a question for the AR grou where can we get those shirts I want to be a dragon thank you again you guys much appreciated thank you all right so we're going to take a minute to transition if anybody's left in the audience from any of the student recognitions now we're going to transition to our budget hearing um tonight as well I think the the math CS kids left they probably going to use them for fun but we're going to transition and Miss Nixon's going to join me down here as we present fin all right so at this time we're going to uh just discuss the um the budget um and in March if you recall we might with the public hearing for the budget during that time this is our final budget hearing um and we're going to through of the same information we're taking out some of the detail that we discussed in March we're going to go through um and discuss where we stand and what we're looking for to finalize one of the things we're really to talk about is also the timeline the board certainly um welled in the fact that they're pretty quick to turn around with budget but budget is something that we discuss year round it's a constant conversation um making sure that we're making decisions um from central office that to make sure that we are being fiscally responsible during the entire year first and foremost um as I always do I can riss if I did not thank not just the board of education but also our business office staff under the leadership of Mrs Nixon in addition to our Central Administration directors of staff and building principles and assistant principles um they really worked hard to make sure that we had a balanced budget um at the end of the day uh in March we presented that and also got it successfully approved by the county office in addition in addition one of the things that I constantly will do matter if we're talking about pleasure or any other initiatives I try to make sure that we bring everyone back including the board uh to our current board and District gos you can see a lot of this uh centers around connect cultivate and create um and I'm not going to read all of this but it's something that we have to stay focused on um as a district this is really our vision and Mission um which is also capitalized here as well uh we haven't lost sight of our core values that's something that was put into effect before my arrival and to me that is something that is truly at the core that's kind of what I explained to me as the roofs let's say and everything else grows from there so those core values are also still important as well as our overall mission uh as a district so at this time uh we'll transition in a minute to the actual numbers and Mrs Nixon is good to jump in but you can see here the timeline and preparation of planning that goes into the budger preparation um I'll save you all the details and I'm not going to go through every date here but at the end of the day one of the things that we as a central office and administrative staff as well as the board discuss is the time timeline and the turnaround time that's needed in order to balance the budget so like I said we've had these conversations year year round um and we're preparing all the time but when push comes to show when you take a look at all of this March 1st is really when state aid was released however we had to have a balanced budget to the county office on March 20th and we talked out as a board and in public before that there's not too many other let's say businesses out there that have to have their CFO which I would say would be Mrs Nixon be able to make sure that we not only prepare all this information and put together a budget in that short time frame um but that's what we're forced to do unfortunately um we're looking to hopefully see some change and we've had conversations around that in terms of the funding formula but I am pleased to present the fact that since our March meeting and since our submission to the county office we've been able to report to the board um that we actually had our approval of course from the county office after um their review so here we are today um you know presenting this final budget hearing and at this time we're going to start talking numbers and that's usually when I turn it over to Mrs Nixon my business administrator thank you um on this slide we have our fiscal year 25 Revenue increases as well as a decrease and then our for year 25 expenditure increases as you can see our had a reduction in state aid this year of about $98,000 um and then we have our tax levy cap at 2% which is $728,000 that we can increase our general fund budget by um what does that mean for taxpayers for anyone with a home assess of $200,000 that is an increase of $423 per year or 35 per month for year 25 exp expenditures increased um our salaries increased about 1.2 million our benefits increased about 960,000 our transportation increased about 370,000 and our tuition student services increase about 300,000 so what does that mean Al together as you can see our expenditures increased 2.8 million our Revenue decreased another 98 ,000 so we had a deficit of 2.9 Million going into the budget preparations with that deficit um we were able to increase the revenue by the 2% of the tax levy cap thank thankful to the board for their support and going to cap um that adjust our deficit down to $2.1 million so how did we balance the budget with an adjusted deficit of $2.1 million um we use federal funds uh specifically rer which is really the pandemic funds um a federal brand that expires this upcoming September we use um eate discount we had um which was available to us because our free reduce lunch percentages increased to 50% we reduced supplies below the current year uh we eliminated some projects of throughout our buildings and Facilities we reviewed the educational philosophy class sizes um as well as review of current programming so with those reductions um we were able to balance the budget um as we talk about the budget um everything that I just discussed and reviewed is the fun 10 General operating budget that's where everything has to be in that pocket um that operates the day-to-day um operations of the budget um the fun 20 special Revenue fund is for Grant only that is funding for preschool as well as fedal grants such as Title One title two which is professional development those monies that come in um have to stay in2 can only be used for that special purpose we have a fun 30 which is our capital projects that is for um building Capital such as um major Replacements to the buildings such as the roof and then we have our fund 40 Debt Service which is bonds which have been paid off this year so we have no Debt Service going into 2425 and alternative Mr all right so to wrap things up um one of the things that we discussed in March was the fact that we were requesting board to support the use of the 2% cap which equated to approximately 728 th000 in change so thank you to the board again for their support with that we also discussed and I'll reiterate that this is going to be the equivalent of approximately $4 a year depending upon of course the assessed home value um we used an average of 200,000 at this time so it can fluctuate from there um but we wanted to make sure that we were pointing that back out again uh to the public and to the board and then of course as Mrs Ned that we do not have any debt at this time um which we discussed also in March um so the resolution that's going to be on the agenda tonight um and ultimately uh after we have public com to the budget um we're going to be taking action to be able to finalize this resolution prior to moving on to further action um that concludes my presentation thank you I'd be remiss if I did not share I did not thank again Mrs Nixon and her office and her staff and Mrs Pera our assistant business administrator as well um if you you just see a snapshot here and a very short list of the things that they do um on a daily basis uh especially in a very short amount of to accomplish um where we got to um so again thank you Mrs Nixon and to your office staff for for your continued support so thank you very much at this time M fman um we turn it back over to you thank you thank you is there any board comment or questions from Mr s and Mrs Nixon at this time okay see none will open the meeting for public comment on the budget at this time is there any public comment on the budget if you could come to the microphone please state your name and address and I need to read a statement the board values and welcomes comments and opinions from residents this meeting will now be a b to public comments 5 minutes per person on budget hearing only at this time so please keep this to budget hearing questions if your comments pertain to litigation student or Personnel items please see the superintendent after the meeting as the board will not discuss these matters in public depending on the nature and complexity of your questions the board secretary may ask for your contact information so that someone may get back to you with a response as a reminder this is a public meeting and all com should be appropriate for a public setting and made in a respectful manner please St your name and address please tell gra address is 27 Bale Court I have been in this town for 30 years paid my taxes for 30 years so it's part of your budget my monies that are in here I want to say thank you to each and every one of you this is hard work thank you and and it's not just a budget it's it's everything and as I paid my taxes this actually today um I I you know nobody likes to pay take money out of the pocket so forth but you know what we saw tonight the value in it all these kids and they doing they're are future so I and my daughter was invested in and I have two grandchildren that we're looking at coming to the public school so what I'm concerned about does have the dup the budget in a small way but actually is bigger and that is the fact that regardless of how much money I put in to the schools currently I don't have a grandchild in the school system and I had spoken to Dr it earlier in the year just asking for a book list simple book list that's in the school library I'm sorry I didn't hear what you said you spoken to Dr whom K thank you and and I was denied getting and she was very nice very pleas but I was denied getting a book list that's in the library any library at the schools because I do not have any children or grandchildren currently in the system well how can we put my grandchild in there we don't get to see what's being taught what they're being shown just besides the curriculum so that's a concern of mine why is it concern now when I've already had a child in the school system why is it because of this freedom to read act and and I'm concerned that's a lovely notion for you to read we all want that freedom right but what I'm afraid of is the very notion of excluding teachers and Librarians from showing materials to my grandchildren that I may not want them to see with this bill that's up that I'm hoping that you vote against that you have some way of going against it it allows teachers and Librarians to be you know off the GD for being charged for anything that we may see if I complain if I complain I mean I don't mean some graving lunatic I mean just go and say listen I don't like this book for grandchild let me tell them these personal things I could be sued I could be sued by the librar I can be Su by the teacher that's taking away some of my rights and all I'm asking for is the ability to show my own children or grand children something that I have control over and that I can explain I have no idea what those Librarians in each of these schools what criteria do they use to decipher what age group XYZ we're not talking about Jack and Jill books anymore we're talking about books that are very explicit there's a list and I'll be happy to to to provide you with that two teachers up in Jersey are being sued by a librarian because of the material that they set was obscene so I'm just saying my tax dollars should entitle me to have a list of those books and that's what I'm passionate about because I have two grandchildren I want to go through the school system I think we can all appreciate that you're passionate about it and I I think if you could contact Mr sanly to discuss this the specifics of the situation who you spoke with what what the circumstances were and he will work with you to resolve I I Surly appreciate that and again I you know it's brought up because it's again an attack on on the parents no I understand but this is not a budget issue and I completely understand and I understand your passion as are as are we all but if you could contact Mr TI till he'll try to resolve the situation I thank you very much of course thank you is there any other budget com this evening okay moving on to our budget I'm going to read be it resolved to approve the proposed school budget for district the School District budget for 2425 school year as approved by the executive County Superintendent as follows the total budget of 76,2 57,4 29 of which the local tax levy is 37,1 55,57 can I have a motion to approve as read so Mo second public comment can I roll call please on budget item 4.3 thank you Mrs Chester yes Dr permenter yes Miss Lura yes Mrs Avery yes Mr Dace yes Mr jel yes Mrs herow yes vice president theare well yes and president Carman yes at this time we'll open the public meeting or open the meeting to public comment for all other issues and there'll also be a area at the end where we can have public comment there any other public comment at this time seeing none moving on to the superintendent's report please so at this time first we will address our our attorney's Report with Miss Halal thank you everybody from the last time we met i' had the opportunity to work with the district on some contractual matters policy matters student and staff matters thank you is there any board questions Mrs Helo see none moving on to student enrollment please item 6.2 is our student enrollment uh report as attached item 6.3 is our out of District suspension report as attached and it 6.4 is our HIV report as attached no V needed uh their informational items on thank you moving on to curriculum and instruction items 7.1 and 7.2 for field trips and field work looking to move them both as attached can I motion approve item 7.1 and 7.2 please so move second is there any board comment may have Ro call please this Chester yes Dr perer yes Miss L yes Mrs Avery yes Mr Dace yes Mr jenel yes Mrs hermano yes vice president Sher yes and president Carman yes moving on to finance Dr Basher BL was their meeting today yes the finance committee met at 5:30 prior to the board meeting this evening we reviewed the bills list of financial reports and reviewed one question uh pertaining to the agenda that's it any fourth questions for Dr thear left seeing none moving along with Finance please thank you items 8.2 through 820 AR for your approval can I motion approve items 8.2 through 8.20 under Finance please so move second is there any board thumb may have call Mrs Chester yes Dr permenter yes M laa yes Mrs Avery yes Mr da yes Mr Jil yes Mrs hermano yes vice president mare BL yes and president yes moving on a fiscal year rework please thank you items 9.1 through 9.26 are for your approval can I motion to approve items 9.1 through 9.26 please so move second there any Bo comments may have call Mrs Chester yes Dr permenter yes Miss L yes Mrs Avery yes Mr D yes Mr jetel yes Mrs Haro yes vice president B yes and president Carman yes moving on the facilities Mr G was there facilities meeting yes true we met this evening for the meeting uh I'm going to to be discussed for the new the gtms chiller bit update and everything which Mrs Nixon advised and Mr santell did also and our new business was uh projected yeah preschool cleaning at abami New School New Jersey schools Development Authority preschool and facility solutions group we also had a speed bump update which I requested from Mrs Nixon last week and she explained to me that her Mr talked about it and nothing can be done at this time so and that's about it okay is there any questions from Mr de from the board see anyone moving on with facilities please thank you items 10.2 through 10.5 are prer approval can I motion approve items 10.2 through 10.5 so move is there any Bo comment may I have a roll call please Mrs Chester yes Dr perer yes Miss Lura yes Mrs Avery yes Mr da yes Mr J yes Mrs Herman yes vice president Shar BL yes and president kman yes moving on to Mr or Personnel Mr s please this time we're looking to move items 11.1 through 11.4 has listed and attached can I Mo move items 11.1 through 11.4 please so move second is there any four comment may have a roll call Mrs Chester yes Dr permenter yes Miss laia yes Mrs Avery yes Mr Dain item number 11.2 reappointment yes on everything else Mr J yes Mrs Herman yes vice president Basher BL yes and president car yes and at this time we will pause for inter Mr s yes so we have uh two staff members with us and I'd like to not only congratulate but also introduce um our newest members of let's say well one Noto new member but um is transitioning into a new role um but at this time we'd like to introduce Jennifer Jas uh and Shannon longinetti as our new pick and Pur staff members please give away to the board congratulations [Applause] i' like to say as we expand our preschool uh program and continue to grow we're very excited with the opportunities that lie ahead and uh we're excited to have you on board so congratulations again welcome thank you moving on to policy was there policy leading Dr dep thank you yes the policy committee went over six policies again these policies are all um policies that were transferring from one service to another one policies that have previously been approved so they were all statutory nature and did not require um a lot of well pretty much no changes thank you thank you there any questions for direct Parmenter from the board please seeing none we'll move on with the rest of the policy please so at this time we're going to move in two different sections here uh so items 12.2 through 12.6 um for second and final reading can I Mo proove it 12.2 through 12.6 so second is there any board comment may have roll call please Mrs Chester yes Dr permenter yes Miss laa yes Mrs Avery yes Mr Dace yes Mr jet yes Mrs hermano yes vice president Maser BL yes and president yes we know with the rest of policy please so at this time we would like to move items 12.8 through 12.13 as listed and attached for their first reading for policy thank you can I motion through items 12.8 through 12.13 please so move second is there any board comments may I have a roll call Mrs Chester yes Dr permenter yes Miss Lara yes Mrs Avery yes Mr da yes Mr Gentile yes Mrs hermano yes vice president Sher yes and president Carman yes moving on informational items please so informational items attached on 13.1 is the uh Board calendar as a reminder in addition to that there are special events listed um one of the things uh that we'd like to point out are the variety of spring concerts that are forthcoming so please mark your calendars in addition to that uh a nice uh huge event um through the gtea and also co-sponsored with the Ed Foundation is the gtps Color Run on May 19th here at gtms also there's going to be the um Builder Club blood drive if you'd like to participate on May 23rd and finally the Nature's Fest uh is going to be on May 30th uh with a rain date of the 31st um feel free to uh you know come out and join us for all these exciting events there's a lot going on this time of the year um but even if you can make it out to a one or two it would be certainly appreciated thank you thank you moving on to Old business please so under 14.1 uh we're looking to affirm our hip determination reports can I motion approve it 14.1 please so move second any board comment may I have roll call Mrs Chester yes Dr parment yes Miss laa yes Mrs Avery yes Mr da yes Mr J yes Mrs her no vice president Basher blow yes and president Carman yes at this time we'll open up the meeting for our final public comment is there any public comment this evening seeing none we will move on to Executive session do we have executive session this evening we do not okay thank you and at this point we will go around the board Mr da do you have any final comments first yes you are first tonight you're first tonight I just want to congratulate our student council rep for a good job this year good luck in the future and everything also like to congratulate all the students who received certificates for Science and Math Etc uh that's there a blessing for our school district many are examples of the staff and everybody was educating them that's why Galloway is the district it is and uh let me see congratulations to the FSA members who do a great job help schools and I think that's about it if I have anything else I'll come back all right thank you Mr gel echoing Mr D is uh very congratulations I also just want to uh P to the board's attention I had the privilege of attending the diversity nights I know that they have better names than that at gtms and um re Road last week and it was extraordinary uh the number of families and attendance The View that that gives us of our community and all of the VAR members of our community uh and the food was amazing absolutely amazing so uh all the folks who were involved in the organization of that all the folks who made that work all the families who appear uh it it it makes you proud to be a member of this community really does thank you thank you Mrs Herman now yes I want to congratulate everybody here tonight um and I want to congratulate you great job um I would just like to add as a new school board member that U I'm just learning the ropes here and there's a lot to learn but one thing that does bother me that every time somebody goes to speak that this board constantly says they can't speak about anything except what's on the agenda and I find that very demeaning to our public and to our community considering that they voted us all on and I'm saying it because they should be able to speak about whatever they want to speak about they pay the taxes they pay for the schools and and I'm just a little annoyed about that I think that needs to change if somebody wants to talk they can talk about whatever they want as far as I'm concerned thank you thank you Mr Patel any comments for us this evening I just want to say congratulations you've done a great job where are you going to high school you going to G good luck [Applause] congratulations this Chester this evening um I just want to say congratulations to everyone especially my friend over here he has done a great job this year and um what amazing accomplishments in this District so congratulations to everyone and Dr parer I'm going to Echo what everyone else has said congratulations to own done outstanding job I know you're going to do well in high school um thank you to FSA you make things possible you know about the cut and it's a nightmare every year but you pull through for the students thank you the students tonight it was so wonderful seeing this just iuss seeing how many girls how many girls participated amaz is the trend change the science become a gr dominated field be nice um and not just thank you to the kids who got certificate but thank you to the kids who participate it because that was a big Endeavor and it was a big sacrifice and they did it I talked to one student she told me she worked on her project for 68 days straight that's a lot that's a lot for a person who is in elementary school and middle school that's a lot of dedicated time so thank you thank you to the teachers who pushed that for your time of Happy Teacher Appreciation Week thank you to the administrators thank you to our uh central office and our business office for balancing the budget that is not an easy feet every year we go through this and we hold our breath and Mrs Nixon and her team always comes through thank you very much that's all I have to say thank you Mrs L I want to say congratulations Mr this young man he did an excellent job speaking and as a former teacher I'm very proud of you and of all the teachers because a good teacher brings good students so thank you to all the students and the teachers that work so hard that the board with the falcony it's it's a team player I mean if we don't all work together then uh we don't have anything good so I'm just glad that we're all on one ACC fort in those things and that they're all can work together but thank you again for your support even coming out tonight I appreciate that thank you Mrs Avery Dr mare BL I don't think I could possibly add to anything that's already been stated but I just Echo all the sentiments out that of the next up here and Welcome to our new staff as well I want to take a second to acknowledge Mr da in your award last last week or the week before congratulations on that thank you and then to speak what Sher said you know my daughter went to gtms here she went on to get a a degree from Michigan State in microbiology and she's now a microbiologist because somebody here in this building inspired her to do that and it's great that you know we encourage not only all our students but our girls right to get into this programs and she is living proof that one person makes a difference and one teacher made a difference for her so thank you and that's that's wonderful can I can I say one more thing I noticed this sign in the teachers cafeteria there's 26 school days left I believe this year I don't know if that's correct I'm just counting down I'm sure and also this is our last meeting before the end the school I just want everybody to have a wonderful summer and God bless you all for what you P year thank you thank you is there any other comments can I have motion so move second all in favor I meeting adjourn thank you so much