what do we have for time somebody watch 507 okay did I give you a copy of the minutes in June because we didn't get a meeting in last weeks AG um anybody got any changes want to make like [Music] that over a motion motion accept the minutes of meting [Music] what you guys [Music] yes that's the whole thing and I have extra copies over here okay [Music] okay so we can begin with you sure um so I think every has a [Music] cof you're welcome um all different so starting off uh project one the runway reconstruction um so I know that um we're in the process of coordinating the flight inspection uh with FAA so um I know the payment for the flight inspection has already been made so that can be scheduled um and we will update you as soon as we have you know time frame for when that yeah I would like to war if I haven't got anything Hing the end of the week cleaning up the end that I need to so that I think it'll go without a problem down on the south end there's a bunch of trees okay and everything else I think is okay supposed to be July I'll have Che sced anything yet so yeah uh but the I'm nervous about it because I'm not sure I'm looking at the right stuff and doing it the right way I'm trying to put together triod so I but I don't know all the rules I it's 10° up and 10° out from Sun uh we got thees yeah and uh I don't know we'll see sure by the time I get here yeah as soon as we as um I [Music] can I'll get a better sense on that time frame [Music] um so I know Jim you've been in contact with u Matt and Andrew a little bit about the uh ring water overflow on the runway 36 [Music] end I took some more I came down last night also from last night in between the two STS I got down here I great pict but Suns but we had some and then by the time I got back home almost completely back and then3 so the second gr hit and that I'm sure so yeah I know I know Matt um Matt and Andrew are working with the contractor to try to get a solution I know they're looking to try to get some um grass growth established there hopefully um yeah yeah so that's it's going to be we going to start at the FES get grass SL we can water yeah exactly we got to figure out how we're going to keep it from Fling right so I think the plan is to um Place some ha Bales you know strategically along to slow that water down get the grass growing and then hopefully that will you know um provide yeah um the water did get de on the on week ago Tuesday when that song came through uh you can see the water Lev right up there and I was and we pass this on I took my room and swept off all the so but I did not go over that's the last taking it off and I didn't want to do that so uh but I was very careful and there wasn't much Soap by the time I got to but it was a huge problem but I just wanted to have it so it wash out wash away with sub my Pi I okay okay yeah and sure and and let us know um you know trying to keep you the speed yeah yeah absolutely it's it's help it's very helpful for us to know what's going on so we can figure out what you know solution need to happen but I know they're I know they're working with a contractor to get out here as as soon as they possibly can I don't think it's going anywhere [Music] fast grass is growing but it's still very sparse so I'm mowing but I'm not mowing the new stuff because it's with s pods on the top and wanted to spread out and make more grass so it looks a little Ry right now but it's still spars I mean the new stuff is growing it's still spars yeah yeah it's I mean that that rain washing things away I'm sure has not helped anything at all so um what about from the was saying saw that they put down not they Lo that they put down from Hed a lot of seed in it and if you look at it closely you can see really short stuff coming in that was a month ago I imagine long out but the really short grass is the grass was already in the wall when they took the trunks out and they said that's the stuff R stuff see yep so so I know that's the that's a top priority in the office to get that to get the want to get finished yes understood understood so um are there any other questions on the runway project right now before I jump into master plan stuff anything you what I interpreted that um what you call it m there [Music] oh said when I thought we looked at this and I mentioned it to and uh mat when you're on this end of the runway the fence is sticking up a over the wall I thought that had to be brought down but he said no it was only the and uh is I mentioned it to them it's up to them to figure out what it is actually what wanted and [Music] uh okay I I'll have I'll I'll have I don't know I think I sent them that picture that's standing on the arway looking up for C okay and you can see the fence sticking up if you look at five to the right you'll see the end of the wall you just see an edge and that's where the fence goes down and can see you're going to try and protect the overrun I thought I thought he was to go all the way to the left hand side there's another kind of a semi joint and that's where I thought I was going to go to but after did and it I don't know they they said this is what was on the plane and but they didn't have that okay one of the changes okay let me let me have um let me have you know I'm not pushing for it I'm just saying let's no it's a it's a good question not a surprise no it's a good question I I want to make sure that that this makes sense to you and what was done makes sense want want satisfying yeah absolutely yes yes yes we do um yep and and I know I know um the the elev ation of that fence and the allowable Heights had a lot to do with um the ground elevation in the safety area rather than the runway and so maybe there was just a change in the elevation yeah they did when they took out a lot of material down on that and it goes curves down a little bit CU before you could not it was pretty and now okay let me um let me have someone follow up with you about that and if you you know like I say it's it isn't it is it is what it is and that's where it's going to be okay okay okay y I will I will have some to follow and then that col needs to be around when real inspection for the the navigational that we do m okay yes understood yeah that that's that's pretty standard I know um you know especially when you're talking about like FAA own you want to have someone out there that knows um specifically how to adjust ad that's you know and you know I'm just trying to get a thumbnail schedu I got I'm not sure so but um yeah and I think that's a good action is to you know have home out there when that happens any other questions comments concerns On The Run R though there's still a few outstanding things um that we're you know we're working towards but all right hearing then I going to move into the airport Master Plan update um received um concurrence from FAA that uh the changes that were made to chapter five of the master plan uh were acceptable so uh in in the interest of not providing everyone with a giant packet of paperwork um my intention is to email the revised um chapters it'll be a full one through five but really just the um chapter five revisions will be different so that can go up on the website I fig more more paperwork from me um but there's just the change that were that were requested by FAA know Jim and Isel you were CC on um all that correspondence and and the um comments and how they were all addressed so I have a comment I'm on page two the airport Master Plan update and uh I'm seeing the FAA Shar the price at 166 456 below that there's the sentence under the project status it said the following draft chapters have been reviewed by the commission of posted of the website yes the following draft chapters of what please of the master the master plan five chapters is this not a copy of the master plan or is this just the update of the master plan no that's that's something completely different these are Grant assurances from mot that um they're they're very similar in nature it's basically the um so do we have a copy of the master plan from previous four copies we've got four chapters we've the four chapters yep and yep and everything chapters 1 through four that have all been reviewed by the commission these meetings are up on the website this thing is to be properly read and understood by guys like me that don't know anything we need to use IND this language and make sure that when they write such a sentence it's draft chapters of what for okay yeah that's not a problem at all I can certainly update that yep I'll just put uh the following draft master plan chapters yep and that's fine I did I didn't realize that that was an issue so I will update that um for the next meeting and it will be changed um just a m point no no problem no problem and so all of those chapters are in draft format right now they're up available on the website um after this evening I'm hoping um you know with everybody's uh blessing we can get the full one through five up on the website um that way the public can read those documents as well and everyone will have you know place where they can go and and look at all those things as as needed um do I have for example in previous hand ups for you people copies of chapters 1 2 3 and four yep they have been yes they've been provided um through um each you know each meeting that we've had anyone who was present at the meeting um would have received those chapters as they were developed I believe so is the chapter uh is the chapter number three for example the got anything to do with a wild has it py is no that's a different problem a different so yeah so the chapter three is I can find them for you I think I've got them all on FR and and you'll notice on our update so anything that's in Black text is something that was previously covered it's in the update just for contextual purposes but anything in blue is the is the new um are the new items so anything that you see in black are just again just so we have a history of what's transpired and what's G on I'll stop asking dumb questions no no that's not at all not at all I'm there's no dumb questions I want to make sure that everyone has everything that they need so that they understand the process and I know there's been a little bit of time that's you know gone on since we went over one 2 three and four um and then into chapter 5 it took some time for you know the agencies to review and everything so then jumping back in it's like wait a minute have we received this information and you know wanting to make sure that everyone understands so so whatever questions you have I'm happy to answer um and the acronym U refers to airport master plan up correct yes yes and I can remove acronyms if that would be [Music] helpful um so so I will if if everyone um does the commission need to take a vote Jim to allow me to coordinate with Isabelle to post chapters um the revised chapters 1 through 5 to the website do you think that would be prudent to just request a vote on on those posting okay um and I know you know again they're all in draft format so if someone goes through them and has a question um and or there are little things that that you notice um that we didn't catch in the previous just let me know why do we even need a go I don't I don't I don't think so I mean it's really certain commissions prefer but if everyone is in agreement that I can coordinate with this well I'm just happy to do that too because it's posting into the City web to get that okay well I do you do okay only because that okay would someone make a motion then or you want to make a motion I can't make a motion okay I make a motion to let U Associates work with Isabelle to put the information on the website for chapters 1 through 5 better yet all the chapters going forward w we have to we have to be able to review cuz I think there's only one more chapter there uh chapter 6 and then there's chapter 7 so six will be the Alternatives chapter um and we'll start looking at some of those drawings today and then chapter 7 is the schedule of improvements that's you know the timing and the costs and everything was that [Music] U second on that I'll thank you so much is everyone else Cates uh okay and the vote is the vot is to allow Associates to work with Isabel to get the 1 through five chapters of on the site for their review and it is been seconded and is discussion any discussion and then so the other item um that I'll go into is you'll see have some drawings that I've attached um to this update before I go into that um just to update Robert I did hear from FAA on the beacon cases they um requested that because the beacons are so typically if something is off airport property you submit it as an off airport case so they will submit it as off airport cases they subsequently ask because the airport has easements in those areas to please submit them as on Airport cases and so I resubmitted all of them I heard from Tracy mcginness she asked for a little bit of background information um and so I'm hoping that we will have an answer no how many times do we get to re resubmit resubmit and then change it to another submit and then yeah that is thank you for your hard keeping this updated on so as soon as I and you know again I feel bad that it's been so much back and forth but staying on top of it and I'll continue to follow up with um the sheline it's only 2 and years we no R oh my goodness well we we'll get we'll get an answer I want to memorialize fa instructions in this this is my whole process trying we we'll get it done thank you for your hard work how you can do it the um yeah this one of the one of the lights maybe just house or maybe to and then the third one yeah and and really what I'm asking f or is a determination of um the required actions yes exactly do they remain in place are they maintained do they need to be removed um if they need to be removed does funding that's C street light went out I don't know when that happened I know that was right in the right around when I came on and then the second one went out a year ago Christmas and then the other one went out for multiple okay yeah and I know that we we've documented those things in the master plan as well so you know everyone is aware um of what is what is going on everyone being you know everyone here knows it's going to have fa knows what going on knows what's going on um so just hoping for some answers um so you'll see in front of you um included here a packet of um potential project Alternatives um these are just preliminary drawings um that we will um you know if the commission wishes to move forward with further exploration of these areas um the yep so they're included y so I guess I'll just I'll just start I'll try to go through uh kind of quickly I do have some questions um as well that go along with these it's probably more of a question uh session and um you know information gathering so I can give everybody what they want to prefer so the first alternative you'll see um is there should be one with a picture of the U TI out here um so basically you know just to give you a little bit of background on this chapter I know we've gone over a couple times before but not every commissioner has been here for every single meeting so when we go into the development and evaluation of Alternatives we're basically looking at um options of ways the airport can improve facilities um whether that be uh dimensional requirements that need to be met maybe standards have changed um with the FAA um and certain uh you know dimensions of facilities need to be updated that's a big reason for the reconfiguration that you see here here um you need it looks very similar is this the one with the the building on it this pink No it should be this one it would have been the first one yeah yes so so so how many do we already have I believe there are 18 18 out there now should you have it right there so have to be removed ESS so yeah to get the separation the wing tip clearances and the different requirements for you know the filps of the pavement and the taxi ways um s the taxi Lanes going in um there is a little bit of a reconfiguration that is required actually will require a little bit a few more feet of pavement out on the back end to get the separation that's needed uh fortunately the 16 tie down spaces that you see here is right in line with the forecast of the maximum tie on Spaces of the airport would me um so that would meet that need and the reason that I wanted to pull this together is because I wanted to give the commission an idea of um what additional space do you have to work within that area while maintaining um the you know pretty close to what the con's you know condition is so all the uh tie downs going to be pulled out of the ground and it would be a complete this would be um at a point in time for the master plan right when when the apron is reconfigured or reconstructed someday in the future this would be if you know if it were con constructed to today's standards these would be all the standards that we and the current positioning of the existing tie down is deemed by someone to be imprecise orent or wrong in some in terms of its dimensional arrangement right exactly exactly this is the way somebody perceives it should look is that correct correct and and again the reasoning really um for configuring this and going into this alternative first is because I wanted to know like I said what space does the airport have to work with out there because there is a pretty significant open space and if there are additional facilities that could go in this area around this area I didn't want to hem this hem this area in so much with other things or potential other Alternatives or options that um now you didn't have enough space for the apron so first and foremost this is just kind of getting the apron up to standard um my question on this one is would the commission like to see an alternative that maybe reduces the pavement area here a little bit and again an alternative is just an option it's just an exploratory exercise to kind of give everybody a sense of what could go here what can go here um we could certainly show um why would we want to have a smaller area um a smaller apron area would allow you to have um you know a larger area for other things say um snow removal equipment building you'll see um some Alternatives a little bit later on that that show those things and um if the airport were to pursue uh combination snow removal equipment administrating facility as some airports have done you know really want to have a location for the administrative office that is you know a door outside the fence where people can come in just like this and you know be entering from outside of the fence but also you know you know for example if you have something in this area you'd have to bump the apron over or um I think this drawing would be more useful um we depicting apron dimensionally as it is now in comparison to what's being shown here I don't understand from this conversation whether this is the size of our existing apron or whe this is this what we have now so what I did bring which should be very helpful is um I brought an existing conditions map so that we can take a look at what you have here do you mind if I just sorry um just so everyone and we can draw on this we can um we can um see that that's what one rendition for was that now the only thing I noticed over here the inside the fence I don't know if the this looks a lot like this so it's yeah it's it's very close so there's but I think you got the electrical thing here and that is the father could get away from the okay from the taxi if you have hangers here space for tax coming out to tax I did [Music] [Music] see and I've seen some we got this this area here I've seen PL a few years ago a plan made expand everything out and right the problem run into here that's that's where prob stay right so you'll notice there are there are options and again um you know we will when we get into you know the Nitty Gritty of these plans we'll go into Wetland buffer areas and impacts and all those sorts of things but what I would say is from a bird's eye view big picture today do you want me to dive in more on any of these drawinges that we're presenting and I the rest of the drawing okay yep you can do that I know a lot of people have thought a lot about it yeah and there's a lot of options so you'll see um the second one and third one are hanger Alternatives um the first hanger alternative you'll see is is effectively just you know in tripling the existing space that's there so it's shown two additional nested te hanger units uh with the appropriate taxi lanes that would be needed exting new hangers this thing yes this is just an extension of it to the South exactly exactly and when we're talking about Alternatives and talking about these options again um FAA does not require that you construct exact what's here in this exact configuration really it would be completely acceptable on the second plan here you see area designated for future planer development right you could designate any area in that way we could have even done that here but really just wanted to give the commission a visual of what would fit in that space which would be you know basically two additional you know two additional hanger units of um of the same size that you have yeah so yeah and so we can dig in a little bit more on that one um and provide more detail I mean I think that that one I think that would make sense and keep in mind too when we're talking about project Alternatives these are options you could vote no on any of them we can dig in more get more information I think everybody's got a two on it for a lot yeah sure sure absolutely but I think that um you know as far as the locations that was one of my questions as far as locations for you know for additional hanging units I think this space here you know and potentially maybe this space here well it depends on how you want to you don't want to is ising down this building that would be our EXP it can be an option if the commission well wouldn't that make more sense if have this building down and then we have more room to either put uh tie downs if the if the uh room the our building was moved down here to those other alternative SS I mean the um like this design of having this much room here and if we get rid of this that would that would open up a area for which what you our building right there hey my question is this new hanger was built a year or two ago and there's six different spaces in there is that correct mhm six they're all filled up right away they're full l so if you they will if you doubled or tripled the size of that hanger I'm guessing be market for those spaces is that correct that would translate into Revenue tearing this thing down and putting up building is not going to produce necessarily more Revenue so I say uh scoll with this building should take a back seat to this potential hanger probably that was my thought origal in and the the challenge with Revenue generating facilities is you know there's no discretionary funding for them um under AIP you once you you can only use your um entitlement money um you could also use your viil funding for something like that what paid for the existing new five uh six hangers that we put up where did that money come from I didn't look into that yeah I think it I think it Wasa was 90% um was 72% I think is what they I mean M did 7 and 1/2 and I think we got 2 and 1/2 for see off the top of my head I don't I don't know but I think there was a chunk that n had paid for but again off the top of my head I yeah way I so the is support or Finance or % what what we do they they yeah they will support it however there's there are two buckets of money if you will there is the entitlement money which the airport gets every year $150,000 a year and then there's discretionary money if you have a larger project that's a Safety project um you can apply for additional funding that will get you know like the runway you'd get additional discretionary money out of the bigger pool now there's a ranking system when it comes to these projects and anything that's um a critical Safety project uh Tre in Project a Runway project a taxi rate project even an apron project will rank a lot higher um in the overall National system than a revenue generating type project so you would you you just there's so much competition for this money and there's you know very little opportunity so you have to use your entitlement money for um these Revenue Genera Pro right if we use the enti money to either replace or repair this place that's what I think it should be done because it's nice to have all new hangers new new Runway new everything but if you don't have anything to support it what good is it the only the challenge the challenge is and again S Building or an administrative building are what more well the the other challenge with the other challenge with an administration building is is that does not qualify for FAA AIP funding so you the S Building does the SR building does right but the the administration building um does not however there is and this was at the end of my update that there is a um there was a notice of funding opportunity that went out uh for the fa terminal building program and so if the airport wishes to put for application FAA does pay 95% of yes so there would be a 5% local share um if selected it's a highly highly competitive program every airport that doesn't have out every airport was built in the 1930s and and you're also competing and and you're also competing with larger commercial service airports for the same pool of money that have you know needs for expanded Terminals and passenger facilities and things like that so um it there's no harm in putting your hat in the rink for the money I I think you should um but again I think the focus tonight should be where could the facilities potentially go and then when we get into subsequent discussions we can talk about the Nitty Gritty of things like well who pays for it once you know our there other challenges or permitting requirements that come into play and all these other things but today I think you know if we can focus on where and then I can dig into all of these questions and give you the details that that you really need um because some of the questions you have might take research and things that I don't have in front of me to provide you it today um so if if we could do that um but but again I think I think just focusing on the where can where does it make sense is there something I might be overlooking I'm not here every day Nobody Knows the airport better than everybody in this room so um you know is there information that that I might be overlooking in daytoday you know well that wouldn't work because we use this area for X yeah you know and anything as far as like you know drainage concerns or things like that um that would all be designed it would all be part of the design of the project so so you we'd have to we'd have to when you get into the details of Designing thing you get into those different drain drainage issues and making sure that your um water is going where it needs to go sure absolutely said enough hey I'm going to make a couple of comments yeah that apron out there is a little bit over looking and it's got cracks and maybe the uh distribution and placement of the current tie downs could be improved upon but it is completely underutilized on average there's one or two planes out there year after yearv I love occasionally somebody comes in but spending a bunch of money to upgrade that apron strikes me as nothing that's going to make this airport more appealing and usable to uh outliers the only thing that has brought additional uh users and pilots and airplanes into this uh magnificent BR airport is that recent addition to the hanger and uh that would bring in more activity perhaps more Revenue more need to the airport in general now with respect to this building uh the only thing it's lacking maybe is uh a functioning maintenance facility that's available nobody here who's flying has problems going elsewhere a few miles tens of miles to find appropriate maintenance uh putting up this building so that it can house some sort of maintenance facility isn't going to do anything to improve the uh usability and attractiveness of this airport it's it's just uh I you can breath it does but it's a smaller piece yeah and I mean is already this building and more of that could be done but uh I just think um we've already done so much to make this an attractive interesting uh F airport but uh so you're saying it's underutilized the tie down could be half that size and we don't need the fact that these tie downs don't measure up or somehow satisfy the FAA is about the very last thing that I would probably the old Improvement and and really the intention the intention of this drawing is to just again we're trying to meet the standards and we're trying to make sure that we're complying with forecast says that you know say the airport has you know the the busiest day of the year could be this busy and that's what the forast says so we want to make sure that we are at least providing adequate space where if if you do see that maximum potential on that day we're not saying okay we're going to hem you into this tiny little apron and again it's an option I can show it's not a tiny little apron it's a lovely very usable no no no understood I'm I'm saying I wouldn't want to I wouldn't want to say throw this idea completely away be that would be another nice upgrade to this airport but I'm just saying in terms of priority it should not be near the top [Music] of we're not putting them in priority right right so what I can show let's let's just let's just talk about a smaller apron configuration then as an option why don't we do that we already have a smaller a and there it is right out there no it's you know the thing is like uh his land is 13 acres of land here there is probably half weapons or uh cuz we go out into the middle of Snake Farm uh but that 13 AC is only way Kevin and Kevin owns building down there now that would be my way of think would be one of the simplest not cheapest CU you lot of money but uh to do something with that facility an administra and that is you'll see the next couple of options that's one of them but then we've got all this land it's over here on the other side of the road that is ours it goes out into the stamp and most of that is but uh on the outside edge but we can expand over in that area and have like ISO was saying we could figure out how to route the taxi because if we eliminate a lot of stuff that's congested right here on the road going here and have it basically public area VI in here that we got all the rest of the and all the airports that I've been Sanford has been probably the most Progressive airport I've ever seen as far as the way they have utilized their land I don't know how many D because of on the back across from the rest well that's kind of it but they've got a lot of people I mean it's the best thing he ever had was President Bush coming in there out of to make it work but uh you know all right list I'm going to you all a little i r a business we uh we are 100 plus people uh we are not Apple we can't do whatever we want all the time so every damn thing we do is one step at a time and we try to prioritize what's the what's the best investment we can make to enhance the ability of this business to grow right now I have a $5 million uh upgrade that's going to start next February but I'd also like a brand new building that'd be another $3.5 million I'd also like a brand new 50in plexo that'd be like 6 or 7 million I'd also like a new midsize plexo and every one of these things can be sort of placed on a list where you prioritize what's the smartest thing we can do right now so I don't really understand the need and the necessity to talk about an apron or H your out back because if you don't St now need to create a list of those things that interest you and place priorities on them in terms of how they might to some degree in some way benefit right and that's and that that's exactly that's exactly what we're doing here 93 yeah so you know the runway was started wonderful the old Runway was done 93 and it was we were what 5 years 6 years planning this one before it actually got done yeah so so I guess nothing happens what I would what I would say is if you could look at the master plan Alternatives process as a pie in the sky if you could have everything and Money Was No Object what would you want to look at and then once we know how much once we dig into some of these details like you're saying David I agree it's it's very important to prioritize and be realistic about the funding that's available the master plan does allow you to put on paper and say this is how much this would cost and hey you know what it's not realistic because we have this other priority over here so I I think I think it's important again especially when you're talking about a master plan as a complete full process One Step that leads into the other where you are looking at your forecasted growth where you're looking at the facility requirements and the needs how did these Alternatives meet the needs that have been identified in these previous chapters so I don't think there's any harm in exploring an alternative and said what does it cost to reconstruct a safe well you know what I think we better pump breaks on the apron because that doesn't make sense you know from a financial standpoint that's completely fine there's no harm in looking at it there's no harm in putting it on paper and saying here's how much and here are the challenges the problem that I see there's a lot of basic stuff has never been done and the shorter the distance the cheaper and that's why I say what say that has most potential but s be very important to attract other bu because they don't have to put a septic system in or a reliable water well and in this area I would not use well because of the mineral that's not that's what I'm saying outside the box but I'm not looking you you want to know why people AR here that's prob of the reason because there nothing and the uh you know yes a restaurant that's outside of FAA but it's one option that I want to look at would be the air they're just starting to be from into being they certified yeah and I don't know that that I don't know that you know exploring like air taxi service is is really part of this overall plan but you can certainly designate areas people we're in an ideal situation to be exact same distance from like seven commercial I mean exact same distance I have a 2hour liit on that distance toyology and versions come up but we have nothing to offer anybody we say that s that takes a huge out of you don't have to do you don't have to worri about um a lot of the wetlands criteria because you s and that's what restricts yourself a l I've got some experience with that too because some people build a house in the middle of a white and a stream and they actually up the and other thing looking at listen I'm going to sound annoyed now okay if the commission said here without this young lady uh joining us and we could spend a half hour sitting in the stable and make a list of those things that interest Us in the way of upgrading theable we could we can come to a decision was what interest us sewer and water more hangers we make a list it's very concise we even write sentences 1 2 3 four five we hand we hand it to Gil Associates and this conversation which we're having right now which strikes me is lengthy and wordy becomes perhaps unnecessary I don't understand why we're getting into the nitty-gritty about all of this stuff that uh is you know a lot about I know a little bit about it huh you know a lot about it too you build Village and work in the city so anyway that's a comment I'd like to make that would probably have another meeting without deil here that we all can sit down tradition this is what interests us and come up with our list and then we can bring it to her for next month fine I think and and there is there is a process in order to justify FAA funding for certain things I'm looking at everything and that's that's what that could be a conversation where Gail with all the expertise you bring to bear could then uh uh you know help us sharpen sharpen up our uh our list of priorities right maybe we have to wait several years together find whatever yeah I I know I again I know um you know with these Alternatives the purpose is to just say what do we want to look out what's important and give those details so that you can make make the decisions about these we have a large area over on the other side over the ti the other end of the tie down area that is we have uh an building to go there you have the other side of the what is the next you want to go so I mean if if we want to keep moving through the drwings we can um you know I know we had talked about snow removal equipment building where that could potentially go um I know we had talked about you know and I didn't want to go down the road of proposing something on a plan that is disseminated Beyond you know the commission if it's not something a direction that you want to go in but I know that in previous meetings it was mentioned that you know potentially a leas hold area converting that for some sort of airport use I don't know how long your lease is the leased area I'm not sure how long your lease is I'm not sure um you know some of these details I don't know um okay so that's yeah well you said we shouldn't get into the what about your offense proposal the so question I have for the you know when you talk building you talk um administrative buildings you the hangers hangers we've got a so we know the square footage yeah what's the square footage allow or and what is a foring administrative a snow removal equipment building yep a snow removal equipment building uh, 1600 square ft is the typical FAA standard um and I know um um you know the other airports that have combination administrative space for example Mansfield airport they have a very nice S Equipment building 40 by 40 enough to house plows and there is there is this a little bit larger but um with respect to the the area that they have for administrative space that they have a meeting room they have two restroom facilities there's an office in there and then they have like a break room type of area and that's about I would say it's around 1,000 square ft give or take so if you're talking about what's the size of a snow removal combination S Equipment building if you have some uh ples M other yeah yeah some IDE so we can take a g like this and place well that's that's really what the the purpose of the Alternatives and you know trying to get a sense of where you would like to see some of these things going and where we're digging in so I can you know I mean the snow removable equipment building that I have on the plants that you're seeing [Music] is y so this one is proposed like in this this area here with some additional pavement you know so if there are other areas that you might want to see those things um I know a lot of put out so you want to get on to the next thing sure um sure okay so do you want to go into the fence alternative it's just one plan for now that you have um and that just shows where the fence could go to outside of all of your critical areas and fully enclose the airport and again it's it's just an option to show what um what the potential is there so have your other two plans of Y the other two plans like Jim was talking about Aeronautics um defens alternative oh you'll put it right down theide okay so that's yeah so that I mean we can we can configure this you know really it can't get any closer to the runway environment than it is why why I at it uh is the fence going to be right against the trees or we have to cut some of those trees down those trees some some trees would have to come down but that will all be it will be that tight to the to the trees it will it is it's a w off yeah yeah it would there would have to be some TR clearing just because you have you have a um there's a transitional safety surface that comes off the end basically the sides of the runway that you have to stay out of there already that's all there already what is there already the area is pretty much Clear we got to trim the trees back anyhow but we own that Hill yeah right right exactly and that's land use and then you have some pictures where areas designated for non right and and my big question so I know Jim's talked about solar um potential solar areas and I think this step one to moving forward with anything like that would be designating an area for him he has that's what he has mentioned and I I agree and I thought the to G had more solo than they can handle why are we going after the more because all the money comes here for what all the money that he generates comert where's that Hill well and again when we're talking about designating area for non-aviation use it can be any compatible use so if you have well that's why I was thinking some of that land over there it's a wet land that's marked in there yeah and um thinking of an alternative you know another road that can come in around the away or something but uh my thought was to make it uh we took this little thing W land is right here yeah and I'm not sure that that's going to change because uh I heard there was um Wetland was anything that had water in it you and have now they're talking about Wetland was only a place then has flow in and flow out one or the other I would recommend that you know any project that actually can for these are wetlands from from previous plans I would I would have things delineated you you'd have to forting process looking at at some of this I mean I I don't you know I'm not count my AGS before they hatch yeah our chickens before they hatch because that would be the area I want to look at for an alternative like or even down on this end on this side because of the actual but there is an access through here up on F he wants to put whole Road in so he can pay his taxes so the other question is is that if this is green solo projects can't happen huh if it's if it's considered to they called Green ground can't put solar on ground ground which means unusable for vegetation farming or anything else it can it can be I don't know the man and I would I would say I would say honestly um you know as far as for the master plan process the first the first part before you'd even be able to dig into anything like that designating you know it's we're simply looking to desate an area how large of an area do you want to desate for non-aviation use do you want to retain a portion of that for Aviation use does it look you know we have to have three phase col so and I don't think we have three-phase yet you don't have three phes until you hit West all right all my problem somebody has to pay but the other question is are you looking for to lease it or to own it if you're looking for Le the wrong guy cuz I don't know what all the alternatives are and how to do it ideal would have called Energy tree and we've been working with David David know of our meetings together with with them about putting up solar and what goes on if you're really interested I can coordinate meeting with energy3 to come out here and figure out what the proposal of how much megawatts and then they can propose it to people that have more money than us and say hey I'll I'll invest in this there's still money available from that through that well not not very much through the state how are we doing with this Master Plan update how are we doing y there we go let's do it um okay so done with that or not not not quite um well let's go okay okay sounds good so I can uh reconfigure these areas I can talk to any of you offline um really the question I had is the second plan the area in blue do you want to designate this for Aviation use or this would be an aviation use what else could it be how about housing illegal migrants no I'm not suggesting that um so so I would say is this is an area that you you would want to retain for Aviation potential Aviation use I would think it makes a little sense to okay we are talking about the airport here yep so I will change that that is fine and then I can look at um I'll go back to John board um in the office I will take the feedback that I have received today and I'll start drafting up um the full chapter to give you that background information I think that is really needed to make some of these decisions let me just make an observation about Fitchburg they used to have this nasty little restaurant where you know maybe uh uh the tables were rickety and uh it was off crowded and uh but boy it was a popular place and the apron was just fill of airplanes coming and going and coming and going so somehow the state of Massachusetts or some damn fool running the airp commissioner got rid of that lovely little restaurant and replac it with a brand new fancy building and a completely unapproachable Airport Manager who's basically grumpy angry every time you approach him and tells you what he can and can't do and the end result is you don't knowbody he goes near that back and 2third of the airplan faced in Pittsburgh disappeared those are my comments my observation this how Jean and Steve's Restaurant was wonderful everybody went there they flew I just thought i' make that unrelated comment yeah that that of course we can figure out how to do it at some meeting where we bring our list of priorities uh put that on our list the problem is isn't finding out how we do it it's finding somebody who wants to do it that has a lot of money put a nice on this place and we'll pay for because to be a land yeah and and you can certainly designate an area I mean potentially if you're looking to put an administrative SL are rebuilding somewhere else maybe this becomes the or or you know all different sorts of potentials but let me go back to the office let me I swear to God I don't know the purpose or the function or the reason for the existing of that ad fancy million doll plus Administration Building at the Pittburgh airport question yes is he hasing all all this stuff is outside the safety area yes you'll see on um on each of the plans you'll see a building restriction line where any buildings are closed you'll see a 25t building restriction line and then you'll see a 35t building restriction line so those are your in those areas how tall the buildings can be or up to that line right up to that line and and far do they have any designations for High building farther away from [Music] the as you go as you get farther away you you know you can have right um I'd have to it's it's a no no it's a it's a s to one stroke that goes off basically you have your Runway you have the primary surface which is the same elevation as the Runway All Around and then up and out from the sides you have your transitional Sur it's a pretty steep so um yeah so anything that's proposed yeah yep anything that's proposed is outside of critical areas we've made sure that the heights are within those limits for example we use um the snow removal equipment building um example that we used when we were placing as far as the height is concerned we did a building in chadam and I think that one's about 24 ft tall so you'll see it's outside of the 24 uh 25t and it's within the [Music] 35 um so to not belor the conversation I know I know you have other items on the agenda so I apologize that this got lengthy um I will go back and make some of these changes and get a chapter together for all of you um last item um like I mentioned there is the uh B terminal building program application it's a couple pages long I'd be more than happy to assist uh Jim Isabelle um assist you with putting that together with um some background information uh that they require and that due date for these is uh July 31st so just want to um you know I guess get your position I assume it you know you'd want to throw your hat in the ring for the money um let us talk about it and we'll get back to you okay okay yep there only well it's going to go by so it's next week yeah I would say do it it's just an application yeah so you need a uh a vote a vote um I don't think I need a vote that no all right anything else for Gail is there anything I need to bring back to the office concerns questions comments no maybe you might want to go all for a ride in gy truck and see where all the water's not going yeah you want to see p there's enough R now this that's why I hope what matter can we go on to the r or we the airport manag all right how's that sound yep guard system in June uh we have the F flight school here because F was closed and we have water activity up a lot of people off a lot of airplanes for about two weeks right yeah and I was very happy I was very happy to have them here we invited them here we let them use the facilities and they were very happy to come here so we've done a lot of extra activity in June 13,634 what 13 13,634 what minutes seconds 227 minutes 28s I 13,000 what [Music] 13, uh 634 227 minutes this is Jun you said this is flight time airport no minutes seconds seconds seconds 227 minutes how many 28 files how many hits 28 files I can give it to you after this okay I also have um anyway you very happy to have a l activity to the air for it's otherwise you know kind of quiet and i' like it to we more fuel more the ramp was closed so unfortunately I was going to say there was a lot of closing closures could build down for you know some time here and they'll come back I'm hoping they will come back too did they give any thoughts maybe coming here I I thought maybe they five AES I thought would be nice instructor here it brings a lot of people to the airport and we could we could use for what it's wor I got a new airplane at this airport as a result of the fact that we rented some space in my hanger to this kid with a brand new little tiny Mickey Mouse Su very sweet little airplane I don't know his name room um I've been doing an awful lot of mowing with the the Heat and the rain and the sun grass hasn't stopped growing I'm only mowing the existing grass as I mentioned before because I'm waiting for that winter ride to seed and fall off because it's very SP it's just about to do that and then we can go out and M the whole thing but right now we're waiting for that the seeds to drop off and going to the ground so it looks a little rity right now but there's a purpose for [Music] that I would still like to have this exterior of this building pained whe we or not does that include UIL in uh not in our current budget for 2025 we [Applause] [Music] $6,000 so anyway um I still would like to get that done at some point I think it's important to make the bu look nice yes I agree but I think we to I think there I don't know I have I think the has moved yes however the pipes on the outside are not going that's okay we just have to deal with that anyway the quotes that we got at the end of last year are very reasonable so maybe next time is that which line item on the budget is that repairs on Sho string so I'll bring it next meeting I'll bring the I had a copy of it I want to get repairs yes but that Ines all that includes the fuel maintenance fuel tank fuel tank maintenance equipment no the equipment is separate that's much smaller that's small and maintenance maintenance [Music] building our budget is basically we do have money that's that's all that's it for your report okay thank you any questions do you want to go to the policies and proces review but we talked all the knock four chapters um fuem but right now on the um on the budget we're going to put in the fuel system uh I was wondering about sping if we want to get identified contains show where the is make got fire signature inspections um system call it's not call yeah I got one today that's not going anywhere I guess m broken broken we I mean that has negative there a better way to do that systemes flag station okay how do we do that it's also fire and veral it's what it's also fire and ver it's com a household system have but works uh the other thing is the inspection sck is for at least the outs um the little one needs to have some under the license plate and I'm not sure if the light what vehicle little um TR line got a broken control I think that can okay [Music] that's they don't that's on a battery so we're still pring uh oil filter for the loer small track zero bur uh going I use couple of the F the air uh air conditioning fotus on BG tra um oh we need paper for [Music] [Music] the we need paper for the kiosk the kios okay one get the cost of whatever or you just going to order it that's my M we don't you don't need approval from us for on that do you get I have no I can't build anybody and I've got to uh am I the one that has to do that or it is okay I'm sure we can get forward usually they buy a box about that b okay so how is it done to the how has it been done to the town before that's what I don't know okay um but that's that's going to be we need it before we have a separate account all this extra stuff that we need I thought it was all you know [Music] magne and got to J hey for what the QT system say that again QT P the fuel system the fuel system you get a piece of paper it comes out and the slip a slip how much is left probably got less a little less than half a roll this a company I be my shop paper send me an email and I'll send it to you I buy all my I'm sure comes by a box right I that's why I look on the box Andy I'm sorry I'm am the airport commission the airport commission needs to talk about the availability of a roll of paper that's flowing out of the gas uher comp just move on I i l so we on a do business then we can go into well whatever you want to next find it you want if you want the four chapters that we have for us I believe they REM no I don't think so because you have to have the state and that's why I got to find [Music] it well there's a lot of things together just repeating and repea that's years ago joh you did this right did you get I'd like to suggest that the way to handle that is uh suggest that members of the commission take it upon themselves if they choose to to read those four chapters and then at the next meeting you could raise the point are there any questions any suggestions for change well that's what we discussed on the last meeting well have you received any suggestions I've already done it so that's why I'm the four chapters should be thrown out is there anything to discuss if you just you suggesting that well that's what I'm suggest is that we don't need the first four chapters but again I gave everybody a book to look at we did and here we go and if we do keep them well needless to say a lot of phone numbers people think need to be updated okay well we are the only thing I had on the new business was the solar system the what solar solar and I totally I thought you guys would be Pro well I mean you have any designated area wanted to know and how how much air you do have because it takes about one acre to make one kilow of power correct David I don't know okay well I'll your Ro I we we figured you out to be over 2 K I uh I guess we have your your son had the aage uh about 180,000 s ft should be something approaching uh 4 Acres 4 acres oh you were a lot bigger then you go 4 me well we don't have uh any solar ARR on that Ro so uh Peach tiar has an acre on they have actually two Mega right now on all their roofs he wants another 2 megaw if not 4 megaw on the new buildings coming up so like I said you like need to making a meeting I can have energy tree come down and look at the man looking at I don't know where going I don't suggest they want to put it in schools on schools does some element want to choose use this airport acreage to create a solar field is that what right but any money generated property and who is it besides the mayor maybe that wants to put a solar field here where all well maybe we should invite him to the next meeting and he can give us our his thoughts and propos use CU they're looking for ways to make money not too bad do it I don't know why do you think the city of gardy would be interested in spending money on on solar ARR which then goes to the airport more funding for us well paid for by a third party so that we lease the land to them then then it the city puts no money out whatsoever instead of paper flowing out of the gas meter I think that is a the subject it might be worthy of the airport commission's attention and deliberations how about that I agree okay so if you want to put if you can come up with with the square footage of area that can be done in I can arrange the energy tree to come down and we can work on proposal about 9 ACR over huh I think we got about 9 acres in that Hill yeah I don't and it's sloped in the wrong direction you wouldn't want it Facing East other thing is everything's going to work correctly to the West so another new business I think this will be entertaining for everybody um I think we should work on a proposal to bring to the city council about our time that we work here to the airport about um taking care of our plane or hanger space or whatever as there's no proposal for it um I think we should work as a team to come up with a proposal total of how many hours equals x amount of dollars in return so that the people working here can be compensated for their time as other commissions are I know in the past K had something but in the future right now we have nothing it has been looked into and been told that there is no Provisions no Grand files I know nothing so if we're working on our master plan and our policies and procedures that would be something that we should work on together and bring it to the city council to get it approved you present that to the mayor huh who would you present that suggestion to that would have to go through the mayor and city council but again we need to have a proposal written and go and Jim saying that he's really getting over worked here with taking care of things so no I just do as much as I used to well again we should work as a team say hey we have this needs to be done can someone you know come up with can we come up with a schedule that we all do something so that it's not all burdened on one or two people what we're doing now can be described as pro bono work would you agree correct definitely proo work I have absolutely no interest or opinions about this whatsoever well in the past uh people on commission you get $300 a year the chairman would get $600 a year but they don't come down here in the middle of we of the following uh they don't answer the phone at night when the goes off who are we talking about who doesn't come down and who doesn't answer the phone other the commission they're the only commission that do not con while it's well it's right so again if we come up with a plan and rules and regulations for ourselves and we submit then we can do something going forward to compensate for our many hours of doing work here to make this place correct all right but at least that it would be written it would be in our procedures and policy book and then it can't go away [Music] wherever you want to start [Music] don't I what how how to come up with something yeah what do you want stien or is it going to be you know there's there's a lot of you know uh golf commission offers them free golf or I don't know three take off some Landings for free how about that yeah yeah we already do that but what I'm saying is is all we need to do is start come up with a plan I'm not sure what was in the policy I think it was the policy well earlier you spoke about dragging the mayor in here to have a conversation about this event bring that up at the same time that would be a great time to do that as well but I would think before we drag him in for that conversation that at least we draw down some notes of what we do here what other the jobs that are taking other things I've heard too is that there tax rebates that were given to people but they [Music] had they had a a kind frame yeah they just volunte 600 hours I know some people work for DPW get money off whatever the case might be but we put something down on [Music] paper well I like to suggest you write up a written proposal to be Place front of somebody next time we have somebody has rep I will work on that the uh that's yeah that's what we got to do I mean I want the group to come up with something because I've never done anything why don't we find out what other commissions are getting paid that's say I don't know exactly was the I know one of them get 500 a year and one of [Music] them and I'm not sure if it's planning you know it's all public Robert's going to take that on he can do the research yes okay and I don't know if you took over Isabelle you took over prestigious secretarial and all that secretar paying the bills okay so we should be able to figure out how much we're spending and what we have left when we're some of the stuff we need to get from maintenance for the vehicles and uh I think a lot of it was --------- a lot of the Departments I know when they get to the last month like June they just take any money that they can get left over they have to plan on keeping someone then they buy add on filters and the uh you know whatever supplies you might need oil filters poxs paper they bir and that's the stuff I don't know how that is hand but it go back to be related to the items what eight or 10 items categories everything in on the budget it's uh everything's got to be pigeon hold accounts and I think we're the ones that should help now we can put together a plan to have so that we don't run our money [Music] and uh because if something happens with down equipment down and there do you have a list of the buils in you need I'm working on it I haven't got all of them because I don't know everything I need David's going to have his mechanic down he he donated a lot of stuff for the dump and ex stuff but I want to like for the load I have no IDE how much oil we should have an account for ordinary mainten to be able well yeah it's all in there and that's where what I'm saying is we have a breakdown and know we should all know what that is how much it is and how it's being used as we go forward so that we know if we have to go back if something happens and we can't afford it then we got to figure out how to get it that's the way I think things work you Chang the how many 67 I don't know I mean some of the Diesels I don't know how much was in the free line the free Lin should be about 35 to 40 pick up is 14 to 16 but those and how many filters have have the SP ones around well some place to be a book I haven't able to look at it long figure out where it is I'm not sure I'm looking at the right okay let's move along okay are we [Music] done what time all next meeting are we going to go oh yes right gr insurances I have I need to vote on that make a motion to uh for the grant insurances before we vote on that's two questions okay in the absence of the manager supposed to have an assistant manager take over who would the assistant manager be if she's not [Music] available Eddie yeah he he's here and the minutes have to be certified by our secretary yeah and that would be her CU our secretary has been but interesting comment that goes with that uh mayor's office didn't know about that that she was given additional duties and couldn't do here so provision here where the airport is supposed to have a sated account where the money goes into that's for the well there is one for fuel I know that and should we be getting a update on that I I don't know if we have one for that but yeah I would be great to hear it we give back to the city because the city pays for fuel so essenti pay the fuel fuel is seem it's separate from the bug had that up we ever settle the question of everybody's rent being equal and fair who can set well the that's in our procedure I to go that's that's in here that we're going to V [Music] on [Music] that's you read this who's that paperwork say what's fair and what's not fair at the the same 7 [Music] [Music] yeah yeah okay I don't see a problem with that we have one account for the airport and there's the other one the city has for fuel who has access to the how you want to know how how does he pay for this St this brings it to the city Isabel she submits the paperwork goes forward from [Music] there do you have a 's in in the account right now in our budget you have this number just year 2025 start July 1 and there's a separate account line for [Music] [Music] each not I know that you know it the gr insurances that are signed as part of the ASN project project State share there it's all it is all St cases of oil and filters all that is the airport I think in the past the may actually just sign he did that and that's what I'm looking for he signed in place of the sure I know for the for the runway project the grant insurances were signed solely by the mayor that at least my record that was do you need something signed by me and the vote did did um did didn't didn't Joseph already respond saying that the mayor's signature is sufficient on the mayor's signature is sufficient as head of the city you do not need to sign anything pages that can't be contested I would I would leave that to his expertise and signing it Joseph from Mass Department of Transportation so do you need us ass sign this last page the different Commissioners I I was under the impression that the mayor had signed it and that was according to the city and she sent something back question and I this is it's a it's a surprise to me to be honest I I thought that the mayor's signature was sufficient and that we were forward head of the city also called the counil because he so you do not need to sign anything we're done it's rain over it's already back to mass right but I got a did did Joe did did Joe send you a response saying that that was sufficient he didn't include me on that I know you would also wonder if sign right right okay yeah cuz I only saw the email from you I didn't actually see the email yeah so he said moved on yes okay I mean do you have IDE put this is the one I yeah I and amended these insurances shall be binding upon return the same well that's what I need to go because you normally I get a doc sign but I didn't have any sign I think there's a way but I don't know um I just printed out a copy of this if you need a signature because it sounds like it it's council president do you have do you have the message from Jo I don't have a copy of that message cuz there must have been a subsequent message after that one JY that I was not I only received an email I didn't receive Joe's copy of Joe's email I only received a response to an email that I had sent so I I said thank you and then the next thing we got isere payment voucher that you have to you have to sign the payment voucher that relates to that you don't sign the grant Insurance the mayor signed you're going to sign the followup payment voucher template it was yesterday before I don't the one I've got here is the 15 and it says do you know if the commissioner has signed yet and thank you for staying on top of this