##VIDEO ID:tJxr7Le6fHs## okay this is the B Health City it's August 19th 2024 we're in the mayor's conference room and it is 4:32 for the start of the meeting meeting is called to order um is there anyone going to record this um meeting uh video audio recording open session of the meeting if you could just let us know there's announcement on all right meeting call to order review and approv minutes from July 22nd 2024 we do have an updated agenda um there agenda was uh Miss there was mistake with the minutes from August 19th instead of July 22nd 20124 so it is updated um do I have a motion on these minutes motion second okay any discussion I do have a few um things about that I wanted to bring up um I know we had talked about the minutes before I I guess my feeling is the minutes should be very objective and factual not the we this we that and in looking at you know I know we were going to probably look at um even the agenda like if there was certain categories that are ongoing maybe they could just be like a template of them instead of just all lumped together okay um and then it would just be factual you know statements instead of like for housing and nuisance that might be one category that if there's an ongoing if it was not if it was resolved from last month then there's no need to carry over but things like like the um 827 Green Street that's carrying over maybe the sludge that would be a separate category under old business and even with the minutes themselves instead of like we currently or we have take the we out of it it's just my I'm teaching and reading papers it's like no Pro personal pronouns like just factual like the health department or you know it should be that's my feeling about it I if you have any discussion about it or feelings yeah I've SE where it's it's actually like a not a graph it's like a I'm trying to say it's got columns and you sort of have the the topic and then the issue and then on the last com is like action items like what's going to happen and then you can have an update each time but I I confused you guys talking about agendas or ores I'm talking about the minutes themselves with being you know instead of like I mean there's so many we in there um that it just be documented as the facts of what was presented out of the um recording or the video instead of you know we did this we did that I mean it's really it's it's just a deep part personaliz it and take the personal pronouns out and it just be in the facts of the Board of Health I don't know how the other minutes were done at your other place but um yeah I mean it was more simple I don't think we're misrepresenting facts oh no I don't think so either I just think it would be more factual and those were that was an extremely long meeting it was and so it was I guess I'm just there's so many be in it that the way Brandy if she trans um describes it as just the facts that you're stating well I guess I guess the only concern I have with wi is if it's not clear whether we're talking about the city of Garden or the Board of Health right um I mean I think you know there's a paragraph here we're currently still in the lowest category I think that's pretty obvious we're just talking about the city um but yeah I I think that that might be a step in the right direction it might just be a little clearer like the city of garders is in a low or the health and then you know Health Department report you know it's the health department I just I I just think would just depersonalize it we want to document a whole discussion someone said this and someone else said that or do we want to just have like a topic there is a transcript and then all the videos are posted online right so kind the maybe that would be the better place to keep that information keep in the past we've normally just summarized what if somebody asked a question about this there was a discussion about that with the board or whatever um there should be some substantive right information about the discussion but I don't think we need to have like a dialogue in minutes everything and and it was a long meeting and there was a lot of information without a doubt and I'm not saying that anything's misrepresented anyway I'm just thinking it reads A little better if it was just like a summary the factual sum without like yeah like if it's we would be the health department or we would be the city um that's my feeling about it but I can also see if um Brandy can sit in on some meetings maybe that will help with and like you said the transcript is there and the the um video portion of the meeting is is listed on the website like in the next day or so and it's it's transcribed from the video so the transcript is actually it's a little hard to read and follow because there's like it's not getting all the right grammar words in like that so I just you know we will work on it for sure with I mean the minutes are fine I don't have any problems with them I don't didn't see anything that was wrong or misrepresented and seemed to capture everything I just thought it would in looking at Future minutes it would be easier to just summarize the topics May yeah we probably will talk about agenda topics have but that's just something about it so if you if we have like a discussion on something you can say there was a discussion on this but then not have any details as far as the disc well I think okay I'm going to take up use example of 827 Green Street was discussed that and that actually that paragraph I think summarizes things pretty good without um it's some you know some of the stuff maybe step by step um you know doesn't have to be in there but uh pretty much everything else in there is is summary of that that discussion that's an ongoing discussion now that but just impertinent to the the minute um I think that would be fine I think there has to be a middle ground there yeah I don't think you want to just say that somebody asked the question and it was discussed either there has to be something substantive in their vote but if you can organize it this kind of T you can see what the action item our next step is through all of the information you know what done on right is like the action deadlines I can example something other see that something wantate okay it work yeah but that said um motion is there to accept the meetings of July 22nd all in favor [Music] cide this one if you want [Applause] next item is Health Department General updates so that kind of brings up the next thing which was the agenda Mr de bring it up this morning or whenever I got your email um so I will work on putting more lines more details in our agenda so they can see exactly what topics kind of go on right and I did look back at the older um agendas to you coming and I mean they always had like old business new business during Co we always had a CO update if there was something that was transferred over um like there was some issues with the transfer station or the landfill or whatever that were ongoing at the time then they were listed but I think yeah in organizing the agenda of the topics it would probably make it easier CU whatever would be um ongoing discussions what is really the old business you could do old business and then categorize like 827 Green Street the sludge landfill um you know transfer station those all those things that are kind of ongoing I mean I don't think that's too much it shouldn't be that many things and then the new business is whatever new business comes in that you know well there was this many inspections or whatever you know yeah I'll uh we'll we'll bring it down we can send that to you and beforehand and if you have any notes there I mean I agree there you know I know we talked about it previously and I I don't think the day-to-day stuff ever has been put on the agenda in terms of if you're following up with us on just day-to-day things that you had mentioned to us in the past and it's kind of administrative stuff um if it's a topic that it's a new topic or like you say a major topic that we've discussed that the board may have to take some action on certainly it probably should be included e whether it's New or Old business I you know start moving down the list here um for outreach and prevention you've had to postpone National Night Out twice now um so Veronica is looking to schedule that for October possibly in conjunction with um a senior center of that that would be happening on the same day in the city hall uh probably it's probably in the out so we are working on rescheduling that I noticed there is a sign on still that oh says it was rescheduled okay in for August uh was and the 15th now we're in big October um for the landfill um should be getting the final plans from CC for the erosion repairs any day now um I have already started reaching out to contractors who might be interested in giving us a quote I've had two people come out and just take a look at the erosion areas just so they get a preliminary idea for whenever we get the actual PLS um getting holds together for that and the CDC that's the um civil civil environmental Consultants is that who we hire out to do that yes I mean with all of it do they need to come do you think they need to present to us or any they might might be helpful so I can talk to them um with all the new information better idea what's happening or what but and you're still looking for grant funding for that or uh I'm going to have to basically just make a request for free cash or something along those lines um because there's definitely no room in the budget for that I mean I don't know what everyone else think about having them come and present to us so we have a better idea of what at especially if we have to look for free cash you're talking about budgetary concerns or what the issues what the issues are to justify you know going and putting a request in for free cash be testing surface waters and ground Waters and exceedances and all that kind of stuff um that's kind of I pictured having them come talk to you about that's something they can do so I don't have any more updates as far as the exceedence on the po dixan goes um so that's definitely something that we could hopefully fill us in a little bit more on um I did see that from Dan I can't pronounce his last name um just as far as I guess we CC is the one who handles all the notifications and everything for us uh it looks like they should have been notifying the emerc spill or or I forget the name of the agency but they should have been notifying them after they get the results back and they had not done that up until now so I'm going to talk to them and make sure that they're notifying that agency as well whenever we get test results that show an exceedance I know um if you wanted to present anything or say anything just state your name address try to keep it like two three minutes thank you thank you chairwoman uh my name is Alan Russo uh my address is T Betty Spring Road Gardener uh I own property at 500 not to Dame road which ABS the sanitary landfill site so I did uh send Mike and I have been emailed like emailing back from4 dioxide issue and um first of all I just want to I want to thank you all for discussing this issue I I watched the video of the last meeting I appreciate the time that that Michael and the board and also the fellows at D are putting into this it's a very important issue uh you know I looked at the information that Micah had sent me back in July uh and actually very serious you see EPA believes is the Crosser and point need to see marging with the knowledge about it which is how things happen you know and like I said last time I mean I see all these ads now that I'm more being more aware of it but you know one for dioxide free and um but that's how things I've got a couple more copies of this my has a copy from that I can send this it's easier VI on computer you I think you just talk about bringing C which is the engineering support company that helps you monitor this sanitary landfill is a really good idea um I've studied this area for about 10 years now because of the sludge landfill proposed expansion that's going on right now different landfill but CC can help you understand that we have a property in Garden about 190 Acres that has two landfills on it once the sanitary land fi that's closed that we're talking about here and right next to it is the sludge landfill that is still open uh CC monitors this thing annually this solid Wasteland fill and I think they probably have a lot of um information about the geology and hydro geology in surface water flows around the landfill and I think it's important to understand the geography here and the geology to understand the potential impacts that a uh a Le League can have and where things can flow um there's a couple of flows that I've seen in geology reports for the sludge landfill and there's another company that monitors the sludge landfill and reports that information to uh the Department of Public Works under Dan IR so um so we got two City departments involved with two landfills on the same property one thing about the solid waste landfill is it's called an SIU all right it's a significant industrial user of the wastewater treatment plant it's the only SIU that D has in that Garden has for a w treatment PL so SIU means that it's considered an industrial now how does the how does that landfill use the Waste Water treatment plan well there's a liner underneath the solid waste landfill that can that collects about 1,200 gallons a day of Lee 1,200 gallons and you'll see that document in our wastewater treatment nippi permit and so what happens is that's collected and it's pumped up West Street and somehow over the other streets comes down Park Parker Street and it ends up with the waste water treatment plant which is just du gaze ptry font just over the line in Temple F it's processed there all right in the waste po just like any sewage that comes out of garden and then that that sludge is trucked out the solid material from the treatment is trucked out to the sludge landfill the Sledge landfill has a Lee collection system underneath it that's pumped almost along the same lines in fact it does fall the same line at West Street again back to the wastewater treatment plant and then the sludge after that process comes back out to the sludge landfill so it's very important to kind of note that the mechanics of these two landfills and how Le collection systems underneath them flow to our Wastewater Plant are processed and after you process that material you get clean water the river you get waste Sledge comes back out to the Sledge plf now how does that pertain to4 dioxine well there's something going on there with4 dioxine because it's a solvent you I've read the material that M sent solvent is used in many products including household ads and things so it could be getting flushed out drains it could be in materials that were dumped in the solid waste landfill many years ago we we just don't know so so my concern overall I'll kind of wrap it up because I don't want to you know take up too much time in the meeting but my concern is uh I want to know what the cause of this is I've got children I've got Grand children playing these pawns out there and after reading those reports that mik said I'm concerned because generally this dioxide if it gets in the water it can move very quickly also when it evaporates from water it's inhale and that I'm concerned about and it's a cinogen I've got kids grandkids that are anywhere from 2 to 12 years old and they use those plants all the time didn't it say something about it's not clear it doesn't get absorbed in the soil which is why it is able to move the ground water it's not absorbed or anything it just goes in the water and it's but again you know it's like something we're just learning about and if people aren't even cogniz I mean that this is one issue now we know so you know we have to do something with that monitoring it but um and trying to figure it out and work with you know find out more about it but otherwi like yeah at least it's an all I had no idea if you don't have people who are I mean you know someone told me you know it's like being trying to be clean using clean detergents and soaps and papers and stuff and nothing about it just now you see some of the things that I'm see one for dioxine free so someone's aware of it in the industry that's just one industry that's uses it um a lot of chemicals out there post Ms and they're not investiga enough before to put into normal products they use that was you know but I think the you know my my request to the board you know like think I stated through my emails I think you need to do more about this issue is is my concern I realize that there are regulations the DP is following and they're at a certain level to do certain things you know don't notify less than 500 ft of a well well there are some wells that are about 1,000 maybe 1500 ft away Along West Street it doesn't you're not required to do it but that pawn of mine is 1200 ft away it got into my pond 12200 ft away it could be moving further south your pond is the one right above Russo's property [Music] that's okay yeah you mentioned it could be in the air but I don't think there's air monitoring that I know of that goes on something good it it would yeah I'm not aware of any either and I don't you know my concern is it's moving into wire you can move very quickly from what I read about this thing it moves through the ground very quickly doesn't doesn't adhere to soil like other things do it it's like you know what through a gos and um so all these torrential rains and stuff I mean it's just going to move everything all the water in the system so you know my concern in my email was I think we got to you know I think you got to look at this more carefully and I don't I think waiting for to monitor for three to five years and just because the next test is in is in next year it's in the spring of next year any it could get worse by that and we don't know where it's coming from is it coming you know it picked up on this monitoring report and test in five test wells in my P they're all between the solid waste landfill and the sled landfill right down the middle I can't tell you objectively based on what I studied this which even landfill it's coming from so my my feeling was gez you know maybe it makes sense to hire an LS page those are people that professionally do site monitoring and um and the actually action sites you know in terms of what you need to do there's a website the D has if you click on the link in my email it'll take you that website that says how do you hire an LSP so my concern was it would be to ask you if you can please try to do something more proactive here uh because I'm really very concerned about this thing oh definitely I can understand thank you are the kids drinking the pond water or they're not exposure yeah you know I mean when you're in the Water Swimming know you get a multile but that's not like your household Supply that you're the drink but even the talked about the absorption through the skin and um you know inhaling absorption in the water it can dissipate into a vapor and they inhale it I mean there was absorption through the skin obviously kids you know you if you it was in your well water bathing not drinking it but you still would be I just wanted to clarify exposure concern so I mean I think definitely start with maybe having them come present to us in okay a little bit more detail of where to go with that have you contacted your legislators at all with your representatives or anything to I think it's something that maybe you know you got we got to start creating a little bit of Buzz about the topic and probably wouldn't hurt to for them maybe to be hearing about it and um because generally you know regulations on these types of things trickle down from state level to the local boards and everything and I mean we can certainly do what we can to be proactive but a a larger Statewide or or you know even National effort on something like that is probably going to be needed at some point I think I I agree that's a very good point that is a good suggestion think I'll follow up on that I we certainly have a state senator and the state representative oh yeah I as far as I know I mean I used to do a lot with um AC amican cancer soci cancer Action Network even and I'm not sure if they also might have something if that's one of their topics or whatever I mean as things are you know research and stuff as it's revealed and stuff I mean it goes so rapidly but that might be something to look at but I definitely think the State Rep and um and I think you're right that I mean this is one chemical we're aware of who knows I mean the way cancer rates have just skyrocketed and we don't know what's causing it you know there's so much research on it but I think that when you look at you know from the period we grew up in to now and I I think longterm exposure to a lot of these chemicals is starting to become evident you know and they're silent you know because we don't even know that we've been exposed to some of them because we weren't testing for those two reports that you know I tried like almost 300 pages each so I tried to go through and see you know if there was some sort of summary somewhere on those reports to kind of give us an idea and I gave up so I agree with you they're very difficult even the Sledge landfill annual report question I as are they testing for one for the Sledge landfill there's three test Wells from the Sledge landfill theoretically it could be leaking from thatf and not being tested in one of those three monitoring Wells um I think you you know my feeling is always when you have a problem you try to find out the source of the exact sour where's this coming from as fast as you can so you can start to think about what can I do about that right is it a lineer Le From Below or is an erosion leak from up above and how does that all tie into with the plans that are needing to be done to fix some erosion yeah in the same area or uh I wish I had a diagram but the the landfill itself has let down channels that are supposed to divert run off down these channels to keep it from kind of eroding other areas um and some of them have broken down um the rocks are not in place the Fabrics kind of coming up a little bit um so that may have something to do with it but it's really hard to tell it's just we know it's got to get fixed um and we don't know where the D is coming from but it it could play a old or could not we don't don't really know at this point have we sampled any areas of that um run off from there or um there there are Wells they're mostly on this side of the landfill because according to the initial reports that's kind of the direction of the natural groundwater moves um but there are some wells on this side as well and they've been clean those didn't have any exceedances in those Wells um but the most of them are on that West Side um so I can get those maps for you if you want to take a look at us and the erosion repair that's is that coming or that's still something that you're still working on the plans for right um cc is actually coming up with engineered plans they were supposed to be done last week and I Haden heard anything so I was waiting till this meting to follow up of them and find out where those at because we're going to have to go through the whole da process of this which could take a while and just wanted to get that started as soon as possible so um we and part of the project is also there's about three Wells all group really close together where the yard waste drop off is and two of those have been damaged so they're able to sample those right now so we're going to get those Wells red so they can resample those as well um but they're all kind of within about a foot and a half of each other so there is one well so big sample but they're all at different deps so there's three at the S anill you said three testing sites or correct they're at the perimeter of the Sledge landfill so would it would you be able to determine if it's positive for that chemical in one of the three Wells where the source like you were saying the way it's pumped the Lee is pumped up and then goes back so you'd be able to tell it's coming from that versus um possibly another source yeah the three ones of the solid Wasteland fi are just um they're just on the outside of the liner all right and if you took a walk that to show you where they are but they sample those uh I think four times a year so the thing would be is the next time you do a sample bring that out and let's test it for 14 dioxide just so we could if it's not in those Wells that would tell you something that maybe it's solid wastel if it's loaded with for dioxide at very high levels that probably tell you something different you know you I agree with Michael we saying you know might be the erosion issue but it might not be but you can't we can't guess about something like this we have to have some test data and we don't know what was buried there all these years ago and what's breaking down so you know there snow Yeah new stuff coming in or is it old stuff that's been out there for years you know that this is the problem with landfills you know at some point um their man-made structures like roads Bridges and everything else they start deteriorating and then you got to pour lots of Maintenance into them where they they malfunction bad things happen so you know I I just think we we have to we because it's of synogen I think it's it's worthy of doing more investigation I definitely think we all agree on that we've been trying to when it was first you know we've been trying to stay with it so I appreciate your input I wouldn't actually mind taking a tour out there myself I've never been out there for years ago and there was I don't know if I went to that concert or not I went to thatc my brother one of the one of the um organizers but anyway um I wouldn't mind taking a tour out there and kind of you know cuz hearing all these things over the last few years I don't really have a good picture of what's up so at any point you want to organize a tour and whoever can go you know easier for us to yeah that would be I would be to kind of tie that all together and um that would be a good idea okay so thank you okay um one had one comment on that and that is um we do have a challenge with the budget our current budget is not even going to cost cover the costs now for testing we're going to have to request extra cash or borrow from other funds that hopefully have some left so that's that's going to be something we have right and I think that's where it would be good if we had if the board itself has a good understanding of everything if we have to and you're the one who's going to have to request the you know extra cash and stuff um but at least if we understand where we can support that you know give um added support when you go to present it you know to ask for that why it's important yeah okay may I a question sure my name is Mary Marsh I live at 150 at K Road in and my question is um violia runs the sludge landfill correct correct would they encourage the expense of testing around there as opposed to the city of Gardner I'm actually not quite sure we have to get with Dane and and kind of see whose areas are are whose responsibilities but cuz that might take some of the burden off of the testing off of the city if it would be up to them sure yeah that's good question good point so that kind of weighs into two more kind of budgetary things but I did start working on a quote for a better office facility for the transfer station um I got a preliminary quote of $400 a square foot I'm looking at about 320 Square ft for an office so something something um I found out today that our loader is possibly on its last legs and might need to be getting a new loader for the for the transfer station so more to come on that I mean there may be some grant funding out there um you know just looking at the that I don't know what topics over there but maybe you might some fund to expl look every we can look at um on to just kind of the normal departmental updates um new housing inance complaints slowed down just a little bit um we currently have 25 cases open for housing for food um and he's done 19 regular inspections he's doing really well with folling up with people to make sure anything that was cited on his initial inspections has been fixed or in the process so we've done 17 re inspections and had seven complaints coming um nothing substantial no no foodborn illnesses or anything that really got substantiated um we did just finish the final pre-operation inspection at Jersey Mike so they've been issued their food establishment permits I think they're actually looking to open on Wednesday um body art we issued one new body art Apprentice piercing permit is that the same one that who was interested last yes he's uh right now he's apprenticing in both tattoo and piercing um they're keeping a log of all his work and all the supervision and everything I'm assuming yeah I sent him some sample logs just so they know are aware of what what counts and what doesn't count and um that way we have it all in writing it get all gets signed off by the the trainer was the owner of the establishment there here we are still at low risk for Triple E and West n virus but there have been two human West n cases and one Triple E case the first one in about 3 or four years had an area they were the risk level is creeping towards us that that's the closest I think that is the closest one I saw um I sent all of you the links for the right now it's called recommended training for Board of Health members but if you have any questions on that def let me know and the last thing I have on here is 827 green streets uh they submitted new plans for a new Sol absorption system um which I approved as of today um so they should be working on replacing the old soil absorption system here hopefully pretty soon uh after talking to the engineers and as many people as I could there was really no official reason reason for why the system failed have kind of a a theory as to why um so I made sure that that part of the plan was was done appropriate I think for this round and um yeah they should be working on that here hopefully very soon in the meantime they're still they're still tight taking and um I wasn't able to verify anything along the lines of know the claims that people anything like that okay so in of the fact that a new plan I know we had discussed last meeting about they have two years once the failure unless the board requests and that's the dicted um system repair date but since they already have submitted a new plan do you feel that we want to ask them to so you know have an expedited repair time or time frame or well I mean when are they supposed to start construction do they uh I haven't been able to talk to them yet since I approve a plan but I will ask that as far as what their timeline is I'm assuming they want to get I would get rid of those bills as quickly as possible but I'll find out more definite okay um and then on that property too just a question I had in my mind about when it came up about the horses and stuff their storage of the manure was in a good situation right they were back well it was like back from the buffer zone or um that was Dean and Olivia who did that inspection um where they had identified that the manure piles were located Wass all of the the buffer areas but seems like they're they're still doing like agricultural activities in those buffer zones so I don't know where that falls or um Who and the way I mean it was confusing to me but it's still that area and other areas like the hospital and they're still in a Zone a um it's kind of I can show you a bigger map I think I did send you a couple of maps that kind of show how a lot of the GW property is in a Zone except for that little bit around the the main building so right now that's where they have their septic system and many stor in that one little area um but I can show you might make you a bigger map that kind of shows more of the area we want to take a look at that okay yeah I know that this the issue with the being so close to the water um is still exists I guess you know yeah I mean but as long as it's being monitored clely yeah complaints or anything that come through yeah anybody comments or anything my concern is how close okay I'm sorry Paul Deale I wrad um my my concern is how close um the activities are to uh the pey brook um and there's a pond at the far side of the RAC trck um that the you mean the horse track there a track yeah there is a track up there the far as a pond as a manmade pond my concern is um I've been in the woods along the brook and um some members of um the facility um they H hang out along the brook and you know to me there should be some sort of a buffone 100 200 ft away from this um water um it is the water supply um there should be a buffer zone in which there's no animals and no human activity that's that's my concern um and the other thing that came up um at the Conservation Commission meeting was they were moving a manure pile uh from one area to another um area on the property and not taking it off to property which I think they should do and where they were moving the um pile was in close proximity to another swampy um drainage area that also feeds into Pro Brook so I'm concerned about where the manure is being stockpiled and um how close their activities are to the actual prob rug you know I'd like to say um I don't know uh a a setback set up 100t 200 ft away from the brook that no activity is occurring I'm not sure if we can keep them off their own property I mean if they're if they're using it in a way that jeopardizes the Wetland then I think certainly um they can be restricted in that sense but you're saying they're hanging out over there or yeah Along The Brood chairs and um yeah I mean I can see keeping the animals out of there because you want to prevent the waste products correct from leing leaching hope that the humans aren't using it as no about them concern concerned about the uh animals and the proximity to the brook because as was just discussed it's Zone a well I you know this might sound like a stupid question but I mean do they even are they even aware of their I mean you would think they when they purchase the property and stuff somebody would have gone over things but I mean next time you go out there I mean maybe they may not even be aware of how their proximity and what kind of things they should be concerned with I can reach out to them I mean I think that would be a start yeah with making sure they officially do know you not sure like where that falls jurisdiction well that's the thing you know and I was just thinking what about you know discussing it with conservation I know they don't they don't have they haven't an agent yet but whoever acting one the commission members did come over I did send them everything I had up to that point but I can definitely reach out again I mean I don't know if it would be our jurisdiction or theirs but yeah it's a most likely be their jurisdiction unless we have reason to believe something's being done there to jeopardize the public Heth because they would they're the ones that would cover with wet mans and stuff um and yeah and I'm sure you're tending the meetings and keeping them updated um yes you know what don't get me wrong here I love the program and what's occuring that I think it's wonderful you know the gardening and the animals and everything but um you know with this with the situation with happen with the aseptic system failing um in November 23 and not being reported um I I do have a concern about honesty transparency and G doing the right thing on that property um but I I I love the property and you know was was brought up did they know what they were buying well um here again um you know from a real estate standpoint buy it beware what are you buying um obviously the AC septic system with with the house um was not adequate for um during the day I understand they have 30 plus people on that property um so and they have somewhere around 14 15 um actually living on the property but then others come bust in during the day for programs and everything so um my concern m is that that cic system is adequate for the number of people that are using the system yeah so I I took a look at um Title Five and all the various uses uh that problem is just boing down to how do we verify how many people are using the system and how often so that's something we're going to have to figure out so the the new design that's been approved is for what rated for what capacity at this point it's still rated for the same capacity um as 990 gallons per day uh which allows for like roughly how many people um I have to look that up again as far as what which category they use because if you're a department store you're G to have this many gallons per day if you're having residences it's 110 gallons per day for bedroom so um that's where we need to just make sure they they're not exceeding that but that system uh is is plenty big and I don't know be really nice to know why it failed but um years old that's okay anything else you have that's all I got new business or anything no [Music] okay any other comments from anyone I just I really appre apprciate your work than you this is very important thank you and it's going to be monitoring and I know you'll do it I'm very interested in all of this so that's why here just your name and thank you thank you for your input okay set next meeting what are you looking at like 23r 16 or 23rd 23rd's good for me I can do either way so I think the 23rd's better for me we do the 23 is that good for you m sure okay can I have a motion to return everyone in favor meeting is adjourn it is 5:25 p.m. thank you