okay it's your again okay so we're going to continue with the 1221 128 Road South for uh filed by David Ross Associates for Robert laier they ask for continuance yep um talked to the guy on the phone um and you know said he's been working with his engineer to get everything out of the 30 foot especially um based on the comments from last month and we should expect have on the 25th so okay someone like to make a motion to continue to the 25th someone like to second second all in favor I I thank you Norman I had to abstain as well yep the next The Gardener Conservation Commission will hold a joint public hearing under mjl chter 131 section 40 Wetlands protection act the city of Garder Wetlands protection ordinance on those inent Follow by Ty tyan B on behalf of city of Garder in Trevor buard 4 130 Crystal Lake Drive North Central pathway nature trail connector somebody here to represent Y come on up your name is [Music] Alor you guys both signed in yes okay no see us see that yeah okay brought 11 1 cop of oh making me do this cuz I'm old thank youcome did you get it there we go look at that nor can you see the screen okay enough to make it out it's because we're just messing over here I give you a brief intro and then Seth can kind of take it away um so Alex fager and Seth Taylor with tyan Bond I'm the project manager working at Trevor in the department of planning Community Development um this is for the north central pathway uh we're call it the nature trail connector it's a short piece of path that's critical to tie this whole kind of network together that the city's been working on for several years um Seth was a technical lead on the permit so he'll give some some overview on the application on the uh the plans and then we talk about various things like the Alternatives analysis um Doug had provided some comments which we did our best to incorporate in the revised drafts that we sent through but we can also discuss anything that you know the commission wants to dat to so that'll let Seth kind of Step through and right thank you Alex um so again my name is Seth Taylor I'm scientist with tyan Bond um I did want to give you the is B of mailing dog y pass that thank um so the project is an extension of the north central pathway um there's a area in between um Crystal Lake Cemetery and the Western shores of Crystal Lake um that we're looking to expand um a multi-use trail um this will be uh a 10 to 12T wide Trail paved um clean accessible um and in the it it'll run through the forest and over to the old abandoned Railway um as it's developed into the rail trail um there were a couple complications that we discovered as we looked into the site one um that Under The Gardener Wetlands protection ordinance there's a veral pool in the area it's potential warm pool under natural Heritage um and so there's going to be impact to the buffer zone of the veral pool and about I believe it was a 55 square foot area of impact W and 25 ft of which is going to be clearing on either side and then 55 ft of impact directly from a cul that's going to be installed the reason we can discuss the alternative as the go the reason why this specific was chosen was because um as you're aware probably that the National Grid has a substation that's right there and so um we we just simply couldn't site it closer to the substation it's inherently dangerous you know I mean adults obviously know how to go in there but children you're not even allowed to touch the fence on the outside so we had to set it back into the forest a bit to provide for saf how many feet off the fence are you now I don't know the top of my head but there's the the enclosed substation National wouldn't let us go through the driveway that was plan number one because it's all developed then there's the Wetland complex so we're on the other side of it's got to be a good 150 200 ft are are you there where the old trail is now yes yeah that's the old trail yes so that that's right so it's going to be following 60% of the old Trail and then they're going to have to forward through it didn't go through the W and so it has to go down through and that is the least impactful area of the Wetland that we could find in that spot to pass the trail through and so you know as as we were kind of stating there were Alternatives that we were considering moving here moving there and really this is the most feasible and least impactful um area that we could that we could find um and if you have the noes of in front of you we did lay out impact I can read the M too so there's the Hun foot buff the resource hunot buff veral pool no disturbance zone of 0 to 30 ft and a no build zone of Z 30 to 60 ft within the no disturbance Zone there's going to be a total of just over 7,000 square ft 3,000 will be temporary from clearing um primarily um shrubs but there will be tree clearing involved in this there's it's unavoidable as is going through the forest once you leave the established Trail and then a portion of of of expanding the trail out to the 10 to 12 ft there'll be 9,000 square ft total in the no build Zone and then 16,000 uh Square ft in the buffer Zone to bw600 Ft in buffer zone to 55 ft of permanent impact to VW from the actual pathway and then 25 ft total on either side of the culber tree PL um so like we said we we attempted to minimize uh impacts to the Ws as much as we could this was least impactful uh with the fewest Square ft of impact within the area and again that was designed to stay away from the subst so how many, s fet you say total in the no [Applause] build the no build is 9400 9500 ft 9100 square feet of permanent impact 380 sare feet of temporary imp that's the no bill the 30 to 60 you know we've never let anything happen in no bill right did you know that I did not know never never happen T ever I've been doing this for 15 years and never had it even one square foot y I'm not opposed to the project I'm just saying this this is yeah yeah how how did we get there right um so from the Alternatives perspective you know plan a we alluded to is obviously to go through the National Grid driveway because it's paved and degraded and you go right through and that's the end of it and they wouldn't let us it wouldn't let us so they you know Trevor and I engage with them and there's slope issues there it is also they don't want the public inter intermingling with their large vehicles that out of the site for mainten it's so would be good option so that was one another option was to just come down uh Park street but the the road's pretty narrow and wind me there's not an obvious place to put a bike pad there you know the houses aren't aren't set super far back so that was another option a third was to go further into uh the forested parcel get up closer to the country club and come back to Park Street um the difference there is you know while we're in the no building near the Vernal pool here uh this all flows into the drain system system actually that flows into Crystal Lake so the decision was made to kind of prioritize the RW in Crystal Lake um and get into the buffer zones in particular Wetland complex which happen to drain away from the lake so you know from those Alternatives kind of exploring all those not a good one in Bunch but we simply arrived at this as being the best shot we have to get the path through this this section and then I know we're skipping around a little bit but I great presentation it's it's well laid out we all just think we all stand here at the table what we're trying to accomplish I don't think anybody here is opposed to what the over outcome is I know Norman rides that all the time he's online here um but the other thing that keeps coming back to me is you're a wetland scientist great education know all about it did a lot of research when have you ever seen a Wetlands that's about 10 ft wide make it it doesn't work we all know it's supposed to be more of a round type or oblong or something but a 10t rectangle going all the way down it's just not suffice to a replication yes so in that of course we consider that but in the performance standards of the wet protection act you're supposed to mimic what you lose including shape which is long and linear which is why we designed it in that way we we designed it per the guidelines of the weapons protection act I understand that follow there to DPS but it doesn't you know it doesn't survive what does that right I mean it's it's well documented that something that narrow and that long as a wetland especially with the grades around it I just don't see how it would make it is there any other way we could do this I'll TI and let's talk outside the box a little bit with some flexibility on our side I just I mean I've never had it work I did some research on it myself at work I just don't see it I mean let me ask you a question sure if you're standing where where the path starts you know the driveway curves up and then the path starts right there Y how far down that path do you want to cut it approximately how far how far down are you going to be on the old path about 750 ft okay and then you're going to cut to the left and then the second half essentially split right down the middle the second half would just have to be a new way to the point about the Wetland mitigation area I I would think from my experience um is that as long as you're cutting as long as you're taking an established existing round and you're expanding it out more your hydrology is guaranteed right so you don't have to create new hydrology guaranteed mostly guaranteed I you're pulling it in from an existing established hydrology let's go way outside the box right is there another place we can replicate I was going to ask like not here where else we've done that before that's I'll agree to that so that was if we as a commission say uh we we don't want that linear feature we want a real Wetlands complex somewhere else could you do that well you've got the you kind of got the two loes of that big weapon I mean would you just like to see something a little more rounded coming off that expanding that a little more naturally or somewhere else right we don't have to replicate here right it has to be within the water sh there 4,000 acres of land the city home yeah so we've done that before are those is that within the water shed specific to I don't know I mean some of it is some of is yeah I don't know that exactly yeah that d That's What D requires and mitigation do off site it has to be within the wed in the Basin that it's I mean it actually I'm not even well don't we have can't we save that we agree to doing it somewhere else though I mean we've done that before right nothing we've done that but you know right that's right the problem I have with it that path has been there for 50 years right and it shouldn't have been there for 50 years it's right next to without drinking water we you know this is crazy you know I'm not saying that the all the bik is are going to stop and pee in in the pawn or anything like that you know really but those be realistic it shouldn't be there period so I don't I don't want improve improved I want it not to be done ear and we've never given nobody's ever built in in this and in any of the r zones that we have we don't we don't do it now like the chairman said if you if if you if you're going to go through the Wetland make us a wetland someplace else can we go over it so we explored spanning so it's like a it's like a two foot wide hydraulic connection between that bigger red swamp and then the lower area you know we explored spanning it the concern is there definitely some rocky outcroppings up there so I'm just concerned with you know running in the ledge if you start really trying to dig most of the design is a fill you know a fill design it'll take the little bit of the overburden and then build up the section to try to avoid get in Rock So if I got to put like we wanted to do like micro piles and put like a little Timber bridge over like that was my ideal and I'm I'm just not convinced I'm going to be able to get the micropiles in the ground cuz I'm going to hit refusal what about that floating M that you pinned just like a Timber mat system yeah I've seen that in Maine and actually at Mount a mount a yeah yeah they have it across like a bog and it worked unbelievable y they actually had wires and it was on the wires and it was pinned at the ends right across the wetlands and it was unbelievable that way there's no replication or anything I actually enjoyed it I thought it was pretty neat yeah I saw it yeah yeah yeah is so it's stable like if you're yeah yeah it's stable it's just everything's kind of on two guy wires that are almost on the ground and you walk across almost like a a foot bridge but you're like it's literally floating across the bar is it wood uh I thought it was something yeah like almost like a track type composite yeah I it was it was pretty neat so we did I think that's where I saw it you know we took a we took a bik path approach to this if you will so that's why you got a Culver in there and the 10-ft P path going over the top because in theory you got people on bikes kind of cruising through um so if we introduce a feature like that there'd have to be you know other features to you're not you're not going to want to bomb over that in your bike necessarily I would just make sign any you do a traffic study I mean how many people going to use it well they use it now well well Norman how how many people are out that way in their bikes when on you know Prime season there are a lot of people on that bikes there oh between biking and walking it's unbelievable yeah Cemetery alone unbelievable I'd say do that no I don't have a number for you in terms of the projected user but the that Corridor that North Central pathway Corridor that ultimately right now is up in the center of witon the goals to get it to the center of gardener you know the state's behind it everybody's behind it they're going to put the overpass on Route 140 and uh then improve from there down to this location this just became a gap because of National Grid Unfortunately they the usage you know is there in the opinion of of the state in the opinion of I think people that use the path so go Mr chairman just another option we looked at also was to go through the um a portion of the Watkins plot on top of it um and unfortunately they weren't agreeable to that that would have allowed us to Avo the current trail that we're taking right um but they were not open to that option it would have been a minimal portion of their plot would had to move their fence over a little bit but uh we couldn't make that work so that's what we end this is how last option actually yeah cuz we can't get out of out of the cemetery we wanted to get out the back corner where it scoots down to the substation and said no and then we wanted to get out by the Watkins there's a spot where there's not no headstones there's no plots we could sneak around the fence they said no up on the city land by the lake so who who said No at Griz your community reps Steve yeah and yeah so I the two people it's is Steve Tel to so basically the the the topography back there is too steep for one thing it'd have to be a tier switch back from the rear of that cemetery and then we'd have to go through the pave Drive where they access their their substation s large Vehicles they still want that and I I can't blame with my it's a safe option for the resents either can you send me the communication you have with v yeah just to see yeah I don't know what tell you got a relation work the maybe I don't know yeah I don't think it's his yeah somebody else but there's a couple of people get costes above him I just figured try to go goes pretty far back so I'll just call okay yeah I'm just I mean I just don't like the idea of first all there that disturbance to get a path I mean we're we're creating a we're creating damage to the environment to support people enjoying the environment so right on a wall water aot of like but Duncan it's no different than the other side I know I either way it shouldn't be I we shouldn't be there period I'm not saying we're going to remove it but we should be there fact you know maybe the golf score shouldn't be there I mean there's a lot you know it's all been done since you know way before any us on this commission or there was a commission um looks like if we're talking about potential alternate areas for wetland replication looks like I think if I had my kind of bearing right like off the northeast corner of the lot that grid has the station on they're like adjoining the southern Wetland like here right here yes um it looked like a kind of like I think that would be a good area for you know a larger replication look like actually a lot of it was kind of full of uh like knot weed it was hard to tell cuz it was all you know hust out but um if we're looking for the kind of a glob yeah yeah if we're looking for a kind of globular know chunk style yeah I want something more like liver shaped or something that's not so you could probably get a lot lot of square forage uh filling in up there I mean even just between the you know the green of that kind of forest I mean a lot believe that up there property between the substation and the Watkins PL it's all looks all forested who owns that City who the city the city but the problem is dun all that it's pretty steep well it's pretty steep but all along the roadway there in the cemetery that's all grave sit you can't get through there there's no access through that portion of the cemetery to it's all grave site up in the top the Watkins from the Walkins all the way down to the par you think they would complain there's no there's no opening oh well people cut through the Napoleon Club parking lot and go into the cemetery from there that is a that is a pounded pass people do that all the time they were doing that when they were building that the substation we had complaints remember y I just don't like that we're going to just do that much damage to make a path while some of it's already there yeah I will say the current alignment you got that we gave you on those plans is from we went was 3 four months ago we went out there I had one of my Engineers I had one of Seth's colleagues in the Wetland science team we gpsed as many additional trees as we could because the survey had trees in it as well and we actually bent that path a lot more to get around and preserve as much veg as we could out there you know so yeah you're still cutting trees and clearing shrubs um but but we made that last attempt to you know preserve as much existing veg as we could we're we're back on the old C path right now we we you leave it with the leave the PVE thing you know on the path it's steep you it's keep you know going up now as as you go that that comes down how far like a fall line dropping right before it starts dropping down we're turning and going into the hill at that point which which curves kind of into that wooded area you were talking about the Watkins plot and there's actually another Old Trail back there that I think probably that's the we can't get access to because of the the cemetery plots and we're crossing that following it for maybe 100 ft or so and then curving into the sensitive area that we've been talking about and then then and then you're into the old railroad bed well yeah between the railroad bed and like the Watkins plot that's really the area where we're build we got to cross that that's that's where all the problems are I mean being next to the lake is its own issue I understand that but that's where we're proposing to cut that trail through those sensitive areas between the a little bit and and kind of the walk in spot and it's Legend you don't want to you want to get in Legend I don't blame that yeah I CU you get in go you get in the ledge you got water big time plus it's just more disruptive I start hammering ledge back yeah sub I have one other question going back to when you started your presentation you says there a potential burn pool there is it a veral pool or is it not a veral pool right so Under The Gardener bylaw ordance it's it's a ver pool under the weapons protection act it's natural heritage really it's doesn't need to beer brought this up a long time ago it doesn't need to be certified for us to treat it as such correct under your ordinances and that's how we treat it it when we that it was essentially you must have known you going to get some push back on this so did you what what what did you come up with for an alternative I mean we had we kind of had those stepped Alternatives so you know number one was going through National Grid that was out that's out of them and their security and operational concerns we looked at coming down Park Street itself it's just not a good between ver between cures so then we looked at coming out by the Watkins plot on that you know on that part of the trail we looked at going deeper into this parcel of course that would put us along the lake longer um and then you know this was kind of the last ability to connect the cemetery plot back over to the old railroad Corridor because that's really what we're trying to do is get from the cemetery over the now looking looking at standing on the road there look down the down the road bed right toward toward the substation there's a lot of wetlands in there it's wet from it's wet so if you go like basically if you're standing in the cemetery right railroads on my left and water's on my right until you get to the substation that's all wet so we didn't we avoided that I think when I first came out a few years ago we were looking at this and we decided we had to go through the cemetery because that's all it's all kind of become the drainage for the rest of the area yeah you can see on this figure how it was it avoided the wet Lees as much as possible I mean it literally goes around but there's no way to avoid it going through the middle it's connected yeah that hydraulic connection that skinny thing we have to cross so the red maple swamp to the north is higher and when it fills up during the wet season it flows down towards the lower Wetland there's a lot of grade change there so the lower Wetland never flows up to the red maple swamp which is why it's not part of Crystal L water shed it flows toward the railroad bed it flows towards because there a there's a there's a culber that goes 4ot C in and it disappears into into the drain system right um so yeah we're we're intentionally below that elevation because we didn't want to in Maple swamp because now we're inct in thew which is which is the water supply we had a lot of issues with that Wetland spot right here we were building the grid that was a big b i mean if you go out there you can tell that they made a mess with oh I mean frankly there's from their clearing practices there's logs and stumps and things pil on the edge of that went went as well at one point we just told him to stop yeah think let it just take itself out right take a natural course yeah did you guys get a chance to look at the slope of the 24 in cver so I know that was a concern so I think it's like 8 or 8 and A2 so the reason it's that steep is because that's what that channel is through there you know basically we just match the top and the bottom if we start decreasing the slope of that that you know we're going to have to dig in to get the inlet and we're going to have to have a perched outlet on that thing um so really to preserve that that course we wanted to match the slope now what we didn't do was put a big rip slash Splash Pad at the bottom because again we trying to minimize the work but obviously we also need to prevent any erosion in that channel you know encouraging erosion in that channel Wasing towards the weapon so we could do some better Outlet protection on the downstream end if that's really the concern is that running right now I don't know running right now you were on last week yeah um yeah how much flow is there um it's not much you send me a picture of that one I did yeah there fair amount more than I thought I imagine it flows good SE yeah we have have no snow pack this year so it's going to be less I remember that now yeah so I just the C slope is an issue right I mean what what about amphibian getting up that slope no problem well I mean just m matching the natural thing I mean you we can put a 36 in Barrel in there and carry it you know well we're supposed to bury what 2 ft anyways right if we're going through there that's what the code is for c replacement install right this on stream Crossing standards and that's not a stream so yeah kind of becomes I know great but we can oversize and that way have natural sub yeah that would give you uh you know that would give Critters like some grip to walk on so it's not a s bottom cuz they get slimy over time too just yeah they can't make it got three three toes per anyway they're lucky they have four that's from SC you're not saying much so what are you thinking what are you thinking which aspect we went over a lot um yeah I mean the over the oversized C would especially if you you know if it's large enough it the amphibians would move through but they'd also move around it I mean you know if it's it's already steep they don't they don't care about that you know they'll they're slow we'll get through it the Wetland replication area I can understand not wanting to have a long theer one we we did that because that's what the Wetland protection act requires but they can be I mean that's that's your decision not mine but but it can be redesigned to to better suit uh you know theoretical weap application um this is all going to be paid so wi why are we going so wide that's the that's well that's the minimum for a shared use path is 10t is it 10 ft wide on the other side by the behind the hospital you know is there it could be even eight or six Narrows not open up Narrows not opens up the New Path coming out no but I I think it was supposed to be 10t wide okay I go on the water he's on that trail all the time yeah he is yeah I'll tell you from Park Street North the DMT project that will be coming in eventually that'll be 10 and that'll be to their standard um this part is more City controlled so it's a little bit more up but 10 is the standard and if you're if you're encouraging that bike traffic that's so two bikes can go by each other without clip and handle and WIP out what how much less would the impact be we want in the Ty in these areas some of these areas numbers it's is it going to gain as much well it's what a 20% reduction yeah p with you got to remember you got a little bit stabilized shoulder on either side right you know so maybe it's a 10% reduction in those impact areas you said on this top here we can't there's no way to go up and out of this right here yeah just in that one little orange line so when I was out there when I was out there I know where it's delineated with that red maple swamp talking about right here Norman the topography up there and bunch of pockets in the ground probably old tree throws and stuff and it just I don't know we basically tried to lay it into where we felt it was most stable you know kind of at that point a little bit regardless of protection CU I felt like if we push closer to that red maple we were probably start tip the grade towards the RW um and we also just trying to put it where we felt it was going to be founded best through there I think you come when you when you leave the original Trail you how much of a grade is it so it's actually not bad it's on the profiles and we had survey so those are real grades those aren't light um I was actually surprised cuz the first time I walked it with TR I think we own all the way down in the hole and so I'm looking up at this hill like this I'm like here but where we we curled off kind of just past the Watkins plot and it's it's not that bad it's it's 4 and a half% maybe for a short stretch and then it flattens back out so five being kind of your max that you would go yeah you know I guess the overarching comment too is like we know this is a big ask um your ordinance your for a variant say you know it's got to be for public benefit basically and that's that's the case we're making this is a critical section of this overall Trail Network um and that the public benefits there but there's demonstrated use of other as other parts of this trail that we believe it will be used you know once it's implemented um I you know all the comments you made tonight are incredibly valid in terms of you know even kind of the irony of trying to you know clear nature for people to enjoy I understand all of that there's no doubt I didn't want to come through you know my job would be a lot easier if I could come in and say I got a buffer zone RDA and off go but you know well when you said public and I agree this is something that it's a little different it's not like someone wants to put a shed up or a driveway or build a house this is truly for the public it's not somebody's private use but we have to protect our yeah and I keep thinking you know we we putting pavement down and basically run down into the the Crystal Leake I guess I would say is come back with a couple other options and research coming with some matting or about replication area and try to kind of modify this path if it's even feasible up and around you think we can get out of even if it's minimal and I'm I'm happy to look at that Crossing look at the matting options um I mean I can kind of present the Alternatives more clearly that we've run through in terms of Trail alignment um just so that everybody has them but you know we we have explored training around this thing and I mean it's kind of rocking hard place do you have anything else uh no I was going to ask him the same yeah I mean he rides it he rides it every day so anybody else on the commission have any questions or comments nothing yet anybody in the audience state your name please Dave an hi David how you doing good uh could you just go back one um where you had the the yes on that one I I was curious when you're coming up from the cemetery and you're coming across and you're coming down how come you're coming so far back on on the trail where do you mean when you're coming down in the proc guess it's big if you could kind of move it over to the left towards where connects by Park Street to the rail oh yeah why we're hooking all the way back around like that yeah so why is it kind of coming all the way around and not kind of dropping a little more straight down cuz you're going to be going to the right I believe you are and so if you could do something there could replication occur in that area if you were to to decrease coming back so far towards or on Park Street so this this uh this spot fills the engineering because I agree we're going to the right and we're trying to steer people away from the the substation but what happens here is the railroad grade is steadily dropping as you go up that plan sheet and your land form is staying about the same if not increasing a little bit along the power line so every couple feet I go towards Park Street which it makes sense to go that way my grades are diverging like this and within a few feet I'm already getting into having to do some kind of switch back to get down thatment and again 's a lot of rock out proper up there so we're concerned that would be you know expensive rock excavation to make it happen because you know ultimately the city has a grant and there's Financial constraints to you know try to design this as well so would the switch back be more expensive than the way that you're you're going now just to get down to that so that you could I me looking to kind of clear that area if it could be for replication as they're looking yeah no and I I that is an area that probably would be decent for replication but the problem is grid goes up there to get on their lines anyway so we really use National Grids D driven access because we know no matter what we do they're going to use that anyway so if you tried to replicate wet one there they swamp right over it they'll just go right over it so I I mean I don't know I had kids that used to drive that once in a while that other path on trails and stuff switchbacks are Norman could speak to this probably better than any of us switchbacks and a bike little kids dangerous even in adults I mean when you get up there and you can't control and you got somebody coming the other way and you're both trying to navigate the switch back I'm not a huge mountain bike person but Norman what do you think of switchbacks a Switchback on the trail to cut around oh uh yeah I I agree with what you just said yeah so I guess it's with the grade the grade changes there they only you could do it plus it'd be tight tight but they're still going to be coming down kind of fast so you to catch on to the trail You' got 150 ft or something where you're coming down um at I think is a 4% rate on the profile or something and then you're coming and you'd have to turn and get on the main trail once it happens um it's it's going to be signed and marked as a stop condition coming off the top of the hill and coming down through the grid because it really does kind of tea up um frankly we're also we're proposing to plant a bunch of vegetation just opposite of it so your kid goes a little bit ER they hitting a shrub and not continuing into a drainage ditch on the other side nice rose bushes would be great um I know when when you know the way it is right now of course everybody's using where natural don't want to do but when you get to the end of it and you get down that that was a real concern and they they made they actually they made that wer and cut it back yeah if you're coming out of their yard the culbert right at one time it was like stred it out yeah go ahead thanks Mr chair uh can I ask the engineer a question as far as what the conservation is looking for what your turnar around would be to bring something back to them I mean would you be able to get it that for the next meeting or any I ask and this isn't you know I'm not saying this I just want to inform you I'm not saying it to get a quicker response or action from the commission but the grant money needs to be spent by June 30th now I know we're not going to do that because I just I'm four to five months behind at staff turnovers and this did not proceed on on their original timetable um but the more we can get spent this fiscal year as the state budgets our grant within the fiscal year and any carry over into the next fiscal year we're not guaranteed that money so and this is not I'm not placing this burden on the commission because we're not going to spend the entire money but the more money we can spend this year better so I'm just wondering if that's something that Engineers would be able to do for next meeting yeah know you know if we're talking about researching that Crossing and reworking that Wetland replication area and and maybe just better describing those other alternates we explored you know maybe in a bit of an narrative format with some sketches that I can do for the next meeting okay have done for next week so we can get it back on the agenda question so what is there anything flagged out there right now yep because you took photos but to the um the southern portion really think long Crystal closer to the um top station like all those 15 you know2 yeah what about the pathway from the trail on the lake up any of [Music] that that's but the ones to the southern leg that you know was accurate to my J even during the was was good so I'm going to ask the commission to do their research and if you can get out there and walk it in the meantime it's not really a a public walk but I'm just do some due diligence on ideas and your thoughts what we propos today to make this work that it is for the public and um be prepared for the for the 25th would someone like to make that motion to continue the hearing till March I'll make that motion second all in favor thank you if you're if you're standing on the road looking looking down the right right away toward where you come on how far down well if you're standing on Park Street looking back towards sub you got to get to the substation right after that we talking about go right and go right up the hill there that's that's okay hearing's Clos so thank you thank you thanks uh next on a new businesses nothing old business is a notice of intent for 143 Colony Road projecta extent to the existing storage facility with seven storage containers four of which are located within the buffer zone of a boorder vegetated w land uh this is a continuance from the 25th and it says approved and sent to Tian Bond waiting for a report yeah um so yeah I I um sent the not proceed to um uh time on and they're looking to get someone out there this week um I reached out to Fieldstone to see if they could contact the owner or a property manager with being a storage facility obviously it's going be lock and and Gates so I wanted to you make sure that the specialist was able to get out there on site and I intend to go on site as well that same day go check in and see if there's any uh findings or anything I could add just discern myself so let's uh that's forth coming um should we push it to the 25th I think we should go to April yeah April 3rd or April 8 push it to 25th just to March 25th just just keep it moving yeah okay someone like to uh continue the hearing for 143 Colony Road till March 25th motion made someone have to second that motion all in favor I have to abstain yeah thank you Norman uh no update yet on U 170 M Street no same same as last time just kind of locked up leaking more is are really Le it out yeah we dropped up another letter and send another letter out sent to me to review I'll review it or send it up to the commission also also send it we were sending them to the Cor yeah y so by let's get ready to uh have a draft done and vote on signing and sending out on March 25th call so we're going to continue this here until March 25th and like to make that motion what's we're going to continue the hearing for 170 I'll make that motion someone like the second second all in favor I have to thank you nor um the next one is uh MAC Conference attendance Doug yeah I just wanted like that was I submitted that day after and you know wanted to uh did you guys get paid yeah yeah yeah um yeah no it was good um and I went not a very student in class saying I graduated we both basically took almost all different classes except for two yeah first and last yeah there was one about ordinance review of our ordinance and um there who was the oldest in our group and we were kind of gathered up with Central Mass there U wion and a couple other local towns that was kind of interesting and I think all or was pretty good oh yeah was it as crowded as usual I'd say it was probably more yeah last time you and I went yeah definitely all people yeah uh took some classes on colberts and protecting protecting wildlife habitat and then Doug and I both took um something on drones y yeah the last one the um just kind of General where are we the Drone drone done still just kind of like I would need to take the class um and just turn the time through that and kind of wanted to yeah you know take take my time with the process I guess and not you know I think we need to get some input from the city legal because we tried to ask questions about it and I don't think the class is very dialed into what we would therefore we got some good information out of it um and on who to use to get you know data processed at a decent price a lot to I just talk to my neighbor for any drones you have they can climb at night you also have a data recording device yeah we learned all about that yeah yeah tracking tracking device yeah yeah we going do some more research and then um come back with we're both I think I'm open to it still but I think we need to get some legalities of it still useful tool yeah I wouldn't even say we didn't get really good knowledge of can we fly up over and and look somebody else's area and then it was brought up over what's the difference between That Knocking on a neighbor's door asking for permission to walk down their property to do another property um so that was something I need to get you know on John flick involved different philosophies yeah that people have to using them but we've all many of us in room a pike to areas that some other of us couldn't get to so I think in that situation if Doug goes out flies over city property like this this property yeah and flies over it and then presents it to us to make determinations that would be really helpful and like we talked about that other property the other side of town 40 and some KS that we've all kind of hyped that would be some good information some good information to gather so we learn a lot I think it was worth going and uh on that note I'd like to make a motion to approve some funds let's just say $250 to get Karin involved with mac and those fundamental classes so I like to make that motion for 250 is probably enough to Second all in favor I should probably abstain from that you can't vote on that Roman did you get us on hold on onone Norman we just voted on some funds $250 to have Ken start up with the mac and those fundamental classes is you are you a yes Vote or a no vote he's he's on a cell pH we still have enough to vote we still have enough to pass it I was like to get let's consider it as approved we have enough votes in the room and our coming meeting is March 25th anybody have any new business yeah uh oh I I talk to the city engineer y about that the uh the sled landfill oh yeah the walk we had with his name um he said nothing's been done and he he believes that they're waiting for mea to make a decision and then the state will jump in oh or whatever but right now it's still in the air I mean it's only been 7 months or what that you know y yeah it's a make a decision okay anybody else have any other new business no go ahead um I took some pictures around uh man drive I I sent to the guys in an email I have them on the on email I show you dun get yeah um and just based on the way the water sat like just right after the rain I say car delineation at um whatever whatever that Brook is that runs east to west just set the the dvw properties um what is that I don't know either PE is that pe oh that is that cuz we had issues we had to redo some of that yeah see make sure pass the Ballfield the old Ballfield you would know pass the Chevy dealer yeah yeah and there's a little C right there Brook but it's Pew though isn't it coming off of it Pew is one of them yeah there in let me see yeah is that what we talking about so it is U but yeah I would say the carrent delineation is not accurate to the extent of the Wetland on side I guess s you guys in the picture you can see the they're in the water they're in you know that's that's a so we got to reach out and have them reflag yeah the standard is you know mean like angle high water mark then pump it out a hair or much appropriate and then you go from there but it looks like I mean there was like three to four five feet of water past where the current flags are so I mean that that changes things was that was the cover backed up it just like during the rain Thursday yeah um probably packed up some that's what I'm worried about that probably we put a new one in Long what five four five years while ago was it more beforei was gone right four years ago yeah and I was sitting like that too okay even after it started to slow down was there in the afternoon um so you reached out to have been ref flagged no I just wanted to bring it here first CU it was a yeah Thursday yeah I guess reach out and tell them ref flag it and give them your reasons why and then you talked about the um 's at this yeah I'm currently working with um the EP looks like there are some um open empty spots like you know in terms of documentation for orders of conditions and compliance that haven't been sent to them for uh maybe 789 projects kind of sprinkled in the past couple years so I'm just working with them kind of to fill that in make sure they get it and have it on file um currently in the process of doing that just let us know before you finalize any of those Cas some of those could have implications yeah yeah I'm not sending in anything like at the registry checking at the reg conditions and then I'm saying okay do you have this one it's at the registry one that some of these I remember they're not how long ago yeah um are we still doing new business yep or or old whatever yeah uh what's the Le on Paca Street uh Pac Pond what one p one the back side of it they were going to do do the work and they decid they weren't going to do work are they going to which one the U land trust the other side of P yeah right where they had the project and the guy went B belly up right oh the condom he talk no no I don't remember I'm sorry just headed Keys Road Keys Road ke what's the latest nothing they're done yeah that was I called Allan we gave him the PO I haven't heard that so I I'll fill you in after all right all right any have anything new no anybody in y have anything no tellone to make a motion to end tonight's hearing motion made someone have to second that motion I'll second it no second second it I'll second it all in favor good to go thank you Norman