##VIDEO ID:igNKkhzHBeY## one we start just in Cas the [Music] a oh here we go all right let's call it into order uh first on the agenda is a request for certificate of compliance there are none um but I'd like to also introduce to every every body Justin en right as our new conservation agent uh he's getting his email everything all going and getting caught up I did give him a bunch of files that we got from the previous agent so we just hand that off tonight so I'll have plenty of reading to do tonight and I'll test them in the morning so um Doug Dylan did give us a nice presentation of everything that he has touched and cleaned up before and he started as well so there's probably 60 files on there or folders so thought it would be good for you to catch up and I appreciate that you did it so and I have the same one so if you call me and say go ahead and you know open this up and what is this mean I I can literally dive into the same thought folder I downloaded that online so you'll have to maintain it after but at least we can look at the same thing sounds good all right first uh of a notice of intent is the garden of Conservation Commission hold a joint public hearing under mgl chapter 131 section 40 Wetland protection act the city of garden Wetland protection ordinance unn 10 followed by BR engineering on behalf of Roy copin for the construction of a single family home at c k Road this is a continuance um going back to 722 through August 26th uh there's nobody here uh to to present they did um send some new drawings and some new Communications on 68 but uh right now from what I understand it's in Zoning for review so that'll be pushed out so um we're going to hold off on it we'll make a motion to um continue to the September 9th meeting so all in favor the next of those of intend is the guard of Conservation Commission hold a joint public hearing under mgl chapter 131 section 40 the waterlands protection act of the city garden protection ordinance on not inent followed by David Ross Associates for Mr Robert laier for the property located at 122-112 wampo Road South with Mr laier and I discussed this morning uh where we stand um currently and he had asked for a continuance so would sound like to make a motion to push out actually hold on before we make that motion we did get some communication from an butter uh that's the communication I sent out there we went that's what you have right here um so make sure that you guys just understand it read it uh did ask laier to present some more information and he does have this letter as well so let's just make sure the record state so we could get those two Communications from the letter we have any questions on those Communications so push it out through September yeah we like to make a motion to push that out to September 9th motion second second all in favor the next on the agenda is the G Conservation Commission will hold joint public hearing on bgl chapter 131 section 4 the white lands protection act the city of Gardner Wetlands protected ordinance on no 10 prob allpurpose storage Gardner LLC represented by Christopher guda Field Stone Land Consultants on work for of parcel ID x22 136 8-4 9-8 at 143 Colony Road the project ENT of existing storage facility including seven storage containers four of which are located within the buffer zones of the boarding vegetated Wetland this is d160 0664 this is also under a violation enforcement order it's a continuance dating back from 722 uh this is the first time that I have not heard anything from the applicants U the last I did talk to um Fieldstone they had the um some of the um um Sil fencing up uh my or controls are in place um he said that nothing has been done out U on the site to date and I guess sounds if you guys tried to get out there you couldn't get through the gate is that what I understand yeah okay maybe if you guys can take a ride out or go with Justin and see he could to look at at some point but um nobody's here I haven't heard any communication which is unlike them they us really good about communicating he either calls me your emails yeah um so let's just make a motion to move it to the 9th and you guys here someone the second second all in favor so it's going to go to 99 under new business is the nature turil update I understand you guys went out there you went out there as well can you just kind of give the commission an update y so we went up with representatives from time Bond um Greg frosi who's yeah very well known in doing things with in relation to Wetland science and um it seemed as though everything was finishing up so far as preset up um as far as erosion controls they hadn't fully completed erosion controls at the time but they were just finishing off the back end of the staing um and we were going over the rep reprication area that um that they were going to put for that was needed by the GP um we also got a small amount of Correspondence being just a letter for the responses to some of the submittal that were required as well as a list of some of the shrs that they were going to be proposing as putting into area itself the all in of the ton oh you all if you get out there when you take these site Vis just take some pictures send them on to the commission because sometimes we don't get out there I know that DAV is Main and we're all kind of scattered around so if you do just send some pictures out to us when you do that if people can get out there and take some pictures of the Roos you control and uh I would check back in every couple days until they get going but I want to make sure that they're maintaining those controls absolutely um we've had some crazy storm we yeah um and during the discussions when we were going through this we talked about um a preon meeting did they have the prr meeting yet you guys go that I just want to make sure somebody we went to a meeting yeah was yeah well they should be giving us we want meeting minutes for any meetings that they have and they should have given them to you already and also they need to give us an invite which is in our our requirements to Pro course so we can trct no Pro cor you not use proor and everything um I haven't used it youve heard of it yes okay so the um the engineer is supposed to give us that invite once it started so if you could reach out and ask them for that that' be great and U send me that link to the invite I can show you how to use it if you want you C you a couple bucks an hour give or take there's some video just I can send you that will show you how to use them it's really easy so um we also we ask for a schedule which we normally ask um so can you get an updated project schedule too get an updated project schedule and it might be just because they now that they've done the award the award controls that might be their um it's probably a baseline that they're looking for and they got in place they can update the schedule but you know we're looking for um complete you know when they're actually physically start Ro controls are in place we're looking for the you know the Milestone dates when they're going to start section A BC maybe a logistics plan that correlates to the schedule so that's some stuff that weally look for the U the re erosion control was there right there by where they took out the G rails yeah but and they got home more over the staging area I would assume they'll bring them you know as they go along yeah it makes good point the other thing they were supposed to give us is uh contacts which should all be in proor but if they're not going to start that they should so give us a list of contacts because if we have one of those quick storms that we just had and there's a fail in erosion controls they need to have that a list listed somewhere so should probably give it to the to the city and yourself maybe post it on site in case there's a breach um I don't really have anything else I lose this on here what are these grounds this is uh that's okay yeah that's last week uh anybody else have any other new business they want to discuss yeah we still y Justin do you have any business you want to discuss um nothing nothing no yet yeah uh under old businesses still the open order on 170 M Street um we did reach out to the mass Dam safety and D they did send out some uh additional correspondence to the property owner and we help a follow up but we're going to leave this on here it has to be on for a year for the actions that we're plan on taking to board so as of right now you said that they were some equipment around out there no work being done just par which he can do to his right okay um nothing under professional development but Justin if you do see some classes that you want to take uh I know CR you were taking the conservation the commission how's that going yeah I took three out of the five it takes a while and sometimes they don't offer the passes you need yeah but that's what some of those nice fall spring conferences are for you know it's a long day it it is a long day but you get everything done almost in one go and I think they offer py style so you can either do it person or virtually when they do offer in So yeah so if you see anything try to let us know as we can uh what you want to take you know what the impact your work schedule would be what the costs are if you could send that out to us that way we can be prepared to next but we encourage it as much as you can and I know that um David and I G A bunch of classes over the years at Ho Cross um the previous agents we've all gone a big group of us W one year so definitely take advantage of those if you see something at all MC or otherwise a lot of good stuff there yeah there is lot of free yeah y um 123 Road I need to get up there the I know one you you can send an email to Fieldstone it's Kevin at Fieldstone or GDA Chris guda and just ask them when we get out there and take a look to see uh how the RO controlers and we want to conductor cuz normally you know the other people it was always something in the office you can call but there's nobody there yeah all right that's all we have on the agenda I know a couple other things that have coming through emails but nothing's been on the docket so far so we'll we'll let them rest until they come before us anybody in the audience have anything Steve um hold on I got you hold on Steve yeah he be you he was here first the elementary school have we closed out what we need to do for the Wetland replication at the bottom of the hill have they got their stuff in and has that been Pro for being put in so it can be monitored as far as I'm awure yeah if you could look into that just to make sure um but if you go up the road to the the school on the left they were doing some uh Wetlands replication I believe so um what we need to reach out is a if you look in the folder there's a facilities director at the schools been could to communicate with Wayne is it Wayne way Anderson yeah that's right right yeah Wayne Anderson and just see if you can kind of take a look as far as the wrong stuff yeah put stuff in well they they got caught doing something they used the wrong seed they didn't use the they they specified the with Wetlands mix um and they submitted on that and then they changed it to something else and said it was an equal but they didn't on the new so we said no way okay so they they had a meeting last Wednesday on the financial part and basically cers is their JW associate who's the architect and they're looking to close out in the next month or so so before they can close out don't sign off on any anything over there until you talk to the commission person because ultimately they're going to have to get approval of the ordering conditions yeah yeah they have to sign off we'll have to go out and do a conductor side before we can sign off but just but that doesn't necessarily have to be done before they close out I don't want to close out until they're done if you close out then you lose all recourse true yeah done I've asked a 100 times what retainage is left on that job and I get zero response like I'm an idiot if they paid all the retainer job shame on the city so I know the game they've got a lot of money left over because they didn't spend but left over in our budget is different than what's on contract we can have City funds but if they paid retainage out 100% And if you pay retainers down to a certain percentage they're better off taking the hit and losing the little a little bit of retainers off moving on so I don't know where they are nobody's giving me the information can't ask more times well I just want to do it right yeah and I think they are honestly trying that the last round um they did a good job they had that new guy come out the engineer remember he brought he came before us and he said he'd help us and he has he's come to it so sry what got um just to make an official poll to then V 827 Green Street what do we know we don't know anything because it hasn't come before us okay let me throw you in then um since since there's no um active um ordered conditions um they did submit a plan to the Board of Health um that has been signed off by Michel Blondo for um an upgrade to fix the system that has failed so he signed off and see you know the thing is I'm surprised there's no communication from the Board of Health and the Conservation Commission because um here are two uh boards and commissions that should be um working together and um I have more knowledge than new folks have well there's been there's been communication I I got I asked for you know an update they said that really short you know like hey it's we're aware of the situation that's all I got okay but um nothing actually can commence until they get a new New Order of conditions now correct uh from what I understand I I haven't got that much information on it but I have I'm working on it okay I had as much improv was I've been given so right right right I'm standing on top of that and what I learn I share with with the commission here yep thank you appreciate it anybody anything else no nothing nothing K good we didn't make a motion to keep going with 170 mil Street until next we can vote on good call okay consistent with the yeah you know I got to get them back on we used to have a whole list here but good thank you bring for bringing that to my attention can someone make a motion to continue M Street to the 9th of September I'll make that motion all in favor thank you K all right so would like to make a was end tonight's hearing great you're go I'd like to make a motion to conclude this meeting so just second a motion second all in favor thanks everybody [Applause]