##VIDEO ID:LZBRn7S0v7I## all right let's call the meeting for order just let the record show that the meeting be taped and video taped and will be posted to the city first item on agend approve the minutes from the last meeting make a motion to the reading the minutes and approve them as presented all in favor say I close any old business any new and here um had some Junior clinics in the club championship schedule for the next few weeks um see uh back get that thing moving um everything's going to be free some money get what we need for uh volunteers so if anybody wants to volunteer contact me shop well the kids Sig up clins andl at least get a this year next year least get start be responsible for um I'm going to be there in charge volunteers you I've asked I've asked the High School coaches to talk to their players about Tak some the high school players to come help out um you know with the young kids obiously it's kind of give some instruction stand posture kids have GRS K through 6 and 7 through 12 coup 11 25th say again August August 11th Sunday August 11th Sunday August 25th two different periods 3 to 4:30 of the young kids 5 to 6:30 of the old kids um parents are going to come have already sign their kids up sign a quick uh waiver that for over me from just [Music] C do you have so far just yesterday prob um um as many of you know I had kind of a massive St in the tournament this past weekend on Saturday scorecards for the ladies event um found out about the at the end of the event so I needed to cor scor it actually was dealt with the rules of gol as CL committee it should be corrected soed um I totally understand that Au mindset as you go around the golf course but at that point that was the best I do was do I apologize to lead uh several times very success rates tried to play Yesterday make the note um there was sort of inconsistencies regarding the women you know stopping after n and the men just waiting around I was trying to get them to may get them through n as well right but I I just feel that um you should come rather than different women are side whe no it was UL my decision I sent I sent the group down 10 2 minutes before the I understand right people said we never or I think it should have been like wait to see so we can have a consistency yeah was separate you know there wasn't a score I was hoping to get the back on yeah was a lot of people thought women thought that it was you know certain I me something came up look at the weather anybody could quit was my [Music] decision uh I know we mention to me a jar that was in the shop a couple weeks ago um that the girls were it wasn't it wasn't label the we took that down um have not got any vertification from City Hall but that's actually a lot accept uh so I told you to take it away um obviously we do have points of times where you know people will leave money on CS as a thing for the Cs um or they'll just leave the change Keep Change you know some people will Jo into the team so that 100% a coup for CHL right j i cly under guel $50 it's dollar dollar two change so but that's not there um so one two three um I also had a staff meting this past week to kind of clean up some stuff with different people you know I had 7 out of 11 people there I'm going to talk to the rest before they start just trying to get a little bit more control um a little little last about not forming the that need be for [Music] and that's more so happens we we is a [Music] lot CH but that was welled and problem um last thing I want to every fall we do a membership special where people join this for the rest of this year and all next year I think as you continue to do it there's a lot of interest joining um regardless of whether we go up our membership rat or not um I think it's something that we can roll out as early as I like to do it Monday August 26th get people some time membership um get we got to replace the people that we're not not going return every year we lose people for whatever reason and I think this still be a good way to kind of do that so um personally as far ases go I can see love I'd also love to have in some years we have done already cre early in the fall do and then allow them to pay lesser rate by December whatever I would love to see that um think lot of people in early help staff if we ripped 150 memberships in December versus the [Music] fall me it sounds a lot better that get in [Music] AUST just my now [Music] feelings no it's it's working the pass yeah and you can push it as they pay now and get this year's R in the event that we decide to go up on rates that [Music] whates does your T sheet tell you like how much the golf course is being used versus how much time it's got a utilization on there as far as I mean I look at days you know some days they upwards of 85 90% as far as times blocks sub are sub are [Music] business from 43 and that that is walk before 6 they come in check in most of Rec this is a very high volume so that'll be the only consideration to be offer the special if for already kind pass might thought on if it's already we're already using the course 100% of the time no yeah but you know individuals spe that now will take advantage of membership and always slows down in September told down my first year and it's wild it's the best time of year it's the best weather but I don't know if it's people who have Summers off or people who take time in vacation and they play long golf but come September there is just it is so it's that course is every kid plays sports sports teachers go back to work I see I look at 50 teachers every month forc force force force weekend you know I've been watching the weekend tea time they each day um I don't think this that much issue with people not getting block they may not time [Music] but people I kind of talk to that are interested in the fall stuff I don't think there's a lot of full right now off talking about the restri levels where it's 75 [Music] [Music] 775 that's it me I have a question follow from the last meeting um here but we discussed um had some sort of clothing yeah I wasn't here I was fors po shirts for the staff because the and any on that corre I would say that's the I get right forane it's right now I have 11 employees I've got two more employees that are prob to be starting in September I'm also going to be looking for a couple more reti couple more employes as well I'm sure I'll lose a couple um I know on my personal thing that I'm certainly there I'm not there 7 days a week I am 5 6 days a week and different Meads with different staff members that are also there multi multiple um so talking about get price on a couple shirts well personally I don't want to wear two shirts for the whole week myself and so I think get t-shirts t-shirts yeah we're going to get a uniform yeah I mean I'll price it that's all I mean I just think it's a bigger clothing yeah you probably need more for two or three people the majority I [Music] get you got a guy [Music] would be my concern that [Music] okay logo [Music] 7 days a week orance so 7 days a [Music] week thanks Dan for getting this stuff junior golf going um we can I don't know if you can add it to the current tournaments just place last year's list next year M tournament you can throw in a placeholder so when I go when I schedule next year I always this [Music] year oh yeah either way just pict on some way as well and [Music] uh it's um it's ation season before we lose our Hired Guns the young men um we started today a te we're going to roll through te's quickly um use those plugs like we did last year on that right side of seven and rough um use quickly those things pretty much old um and then we're going to start on fairwork spots dead spots of fairworks five um um a and overseed aggressively um Fairways like that got crushed 90° for 2 months no good standing water in the low spots when it's 90° no good it's called wet um disease disease disease so you going see the airs out there you see know yeah yeah are flying um and again before I lose the young men um we purchased a new utility vehicle uh Tor Tor but the John same thing we have three of um we we purchased another one the basically the way we operate is like we have to have a bed on the back of that vehicle um golf carts just don't cut it our staff has been borrowing golf carts from up top trying to do jobs um and with early morning play we used to send out one guy to cut cups two trash cans team lers people are seeing off at 4:30 in the morning now I got send a guy on the front guy on the back two vehicles so used to be one vehicle so um um that was just under $10,000 but um that's an utility vehicle we're waiting on right now we paid for but we're waiting on um that I think four or six weeks but those guys say that to pushing themselves but think to show up tomorrow um cuz it's not really it's not like a special build John Gator it's a very generous St it's just got to get it and they're not going to ship it out by itself they're going to wait until they get two Fairway mowers and 10 and snow um and it all out so um I've met with one contractor in regards to the car half project I'm not even going to say the number out loud cuz he threw a dart I threw a dark dark thrown um it's a lot um we basically just looked at it for the back L um we're still asking a whole lot of people who who golfed on a regular basis to give me some input as far as where paths would make sense and where they wouldn't make s from the standpoint if we hit a t- shot we don't want balls flying all over the place and so there's a lot of moving parts to that project um it's heavy lifting it's going to rip course AP part we putting big vehicles out there um the Enders old would be awesome to as um but it's a tricky property to do a problem to to do a project like that and as a result price goes up um so I've met with one contractor local guy um I'm probably going to beet with 100 more just to see um but that's obviously something that then goes to purchase in City Hall and how we pay for it is John Richard and do we Bond over 5 years do we lot to think about 9 at once 18 at once three at once um but again when you guys are out there think about how you get a car bath from one t to you know the connection that goes up to 2 um so do you meet with like a for design you could we could you'd have to pay a fee for that I'd rather just lean on everybody in this room who's been Golf Course for their whole life and say I know every single person hits there drives on Saturday it's number 7 you're crazy that kind of stuff you know what I mean I you know the course design for sure have great input that might be mostly Aesthetics um where to hide and stuff like that there just not a lot of real estate out there to put our PS that AR going to be impacted to say pleas um great example is number 17 the only place you're putting it is on the right side up a crazy slope like that and Guy your girl hits decent drive up there and start B starts rolling times that by 300 people on Saturday so um we've got to do a lot of homework before we even consider doing something like that and uh we're we're going to start meeting with the pump house um contractors so that everybody's on the same page before we do that and T basic November we ripped that b apart put back together take pull the other bu at the same time and just yeah as you can see all the up we're still experiencing a lot ofation that's all I have is tops of grass yeah it's called Italian rye grass okay and it's horrendous and I have the kids go out there with knives you D to toss in the fairways to grow faster yeah the mower the real mower can't cut it after it gets a certain height so it knocks it over so the kids out with knives Anders it's ugly I hate it [Music] yeah I mean I I spot for him certainly and just leave right out of there any other questions coms M well I would just like to bring we zo buy not just food and alcohol not just in the restaurant but through the golf course to remind everybody in TV Land out there that no outside alcohol is allowed to certainly if you're in the tournament you can't be given away alcohol under money so the sport selling alcohol and competing always head on where they have a Lial license and you know similar to MRA going to a restaurant any social Gard which I want to and popping a bottle on the counter every from the outside and drink it in there I can't do that the same you have to look go [Music] course keep plugging we need that guy there it would be a bad situation if we didn't have a restaurant then there done that um and he's stringing himself out working a lot of hours he uh he helps us out a lot by running that restaurant and there's days where Lo his money comes from the territory but if you can bully some of your friends out there to go up and have a drink you keep him along longer and then probably help us get the golf course cuz without him you have no restaurant without a restaurant you have no golf course I you yes but I just have issue well it's the music the music during tourament I [Music] concert conert but music you can it all over and it's and it's difficult it's distracting and I think the other thing is it distracts the the golfers from coming up to the um the death they really can't chickchat you know you mention that to him no I haven't let's start with him he's reasonable say hey you know the ter at list to asked me many many many times about the music told this a weo this past weekend there isn't one person that mentioned music music mention that this is the first [Music] time I'm not I'm not doubting the the carry of it but the first time we and to the point of turnament versus not tourament we have all the time it was I mean point that doesn't bother me I'm always un with it but I know others up there you're playing the Club Championship and there's music up there down to 17 you're chasing shot and check so you know if it's the scramble that's one thing bother me I've never said anything it doesn't bother me whatever I H seot I know other if Uncle Dan was still playing they'd be an Max flying stop all the cars from blowing their horns 140y to the ambulance d That's a thing I just found out every single time they drive down five they got from the horse's mouth true [Music] there's not like a reason they do it just Prett boring yeah we're doing the youth that's [Music] great right so let's go over the [Music] financial the month of July look like the uh all the expenses for the month of July looks like just the first week of [Music] revenue toal revenue should be50 I say I've turned I've turned in three more weeks I'm I'm missing this does not reflect about 60 70,000 the last two that you did yeah the last two are not on here yeah I should have given four weeks already the previous two were on here but the last two really low for 2 weeks 38 38 is really low for 2 weeks I think that's only one week it's possible that maybe [Music] only maybe yeah usually they're about 30 to 40 every I think the last I was 35 36 so expenses total of 42,000 he's also encumbered about 35,000 with [Music] [Music] expenses so me from that standpoint that see only extraordinary ility vehle house much noral expenses the [Music] Prett good any [Music] questions a motion to approve [Music] financials you know the only other thing that I will mention revised budget that's the final budg I submitt 827 867 [Music] s [Music] down to do ear September 9th [Music] the budget a motion to motion second say [Music] get up there you're going to feel the air already changing you see the 10day forecast