##VIDEO ID:hEdeJKoMJHw## all right all right good afternoon everybody just real quick i' to make an opening statement I would like to call the order of the meeting of licens of commission for the city of Gardner Tuesday August 13 2024 at 4:30 any person may make a video or audio recording of an open session of a meeting or may transmit the meeting through a medium subject to reasonable requirements of the chair as to the number placement and operation of equipment use so as not to interfere with the conduct of the meeting any person intending to make such recording shall notify the chair for with all documents referenced or used during the meeting must be submitted to to the clerk all documents shall become part of the official record of the meeting commission consists of three members a quum of two members are not needed for a motion ruling for a section 14 which is a one-day license Li the local commission local rulings on violations can be appealed to the abcc within 5 days of receiving the written decision When approaching commission please State your full name for the record and sign the signin sheet here below and our agenda for this evening is as follows uh first is the approval uh meeting minutes for June since we did not have a July meeting questions comments concerns on the June meeting no no I review them I make a motion to accept them second all in favor I motion carries June 11th meeting minutes are approved and next on the agenda is the Fitness Concepts one day license request this is for outdoor Pilates in yoga to be held on August 2 2 2024 you doing concept okay we have a pretty small event this time I think we're looking at around 50 so a lot smaller than our last couple okay it's just 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. we're doing two classes and then we'll get two beverages um alcoholic or non-alcoholic it's their choice so we probably won't have 50 people drinking even okay we only have like 30 signed up right now so it's going to be a pretty small summer low key okay you said 6 to8 it says 5 to 9 just for the license yes the park opens at 5 they won't get their first drink until I think 6:30ish but they can like come and hang out set up their stuff at five and this is something you've done in the past correct Yep this is our third one of this year I believe second our third one of this year and then we did some last year too yeah and this is all taking place in the back correct yep right there park we just built a stage so we have the permanent stage where place on any questions comments concerns no make a motion approve this second all in favor motion carries this concept is approved for a one- day license take place on August 22nd at 5 to9 uh is the 29 in case it RS we're hoping no R rain the 29th right make just make a note of that [Music] please and just for the future reference uh the serving area just make sure you have a placard y just so if anybody has questions yep we always put it up there on table Perfect all right you are good to go thank you good luck all right let's see so so five next on the agenda are all for October Fest I'll just reest to the commission you guys want to do these all at once or do you want to do them individually same same I'm fine with uh doing CL them pretty quickly individually just referen them out you guys want to come on up Rick you can grab a seat over there too please three here yeah we have three Representatives here so we have we have uh uh the Elks and the Cadian club right the Elks it's the separ separ that's the thing August 31st and October 12 so okay so so Rick we'll do you first okay is that all right all right so let's go with uh quick who one day licens [Applause] all right so the first is on let's see August 31st 31st this is from 11:00 a.m. to 8 PM fundraiser approximately saying about 100 people yeah um the AL Riders okay all the AL Riders okay so this is just beer and wine y have your distributor Atlas [Applause] Gerard digit perfect okay so you have the fening area down to the water area yes which is good we on the 31st and this is something that you do the early and you'll have staff out there correct correct approximately how many of curiosity i' usually like four or five there okay okay any questions or comments from no the fence was all the way around in but the park there yes okay do you have a poli detail assigned to it like for the riders coming in or out or I don't I don't know usually the captain and everyone's on the ride too so I don't know if they have anyone there or not okay I didn't know if it was required I don't remember for no we we haven't I just know that last year some of the officers in it they were actually patrolling it as well any questions coms concerns commission anyone else like to speak on behalf of us all right motion approve motion I make a motion to approve the one day license for August 31st you get dat from it you all over Place second all right one day license is approved for the elex Riders fundraiser on August 31st 2024 from 11: to 8:00 p.m. and next is is the one day Elk Lodge wedding wedding yesing and wedding is to take place on October 12 2024 at 1 p.m. uh to 8:00 P.M approximately 100 people and wine only and this is uh same thing Alice and same thing the majority of it in house in the hall just they doing pictures and everything they want help all that so it's good to have the hall in case of rain date for yeah well everything's the wedding's outside and then the parties inside but while they're doing pictures they want to be able to drink outside so that's why we got so there's not going to be hung people outside it starts at one start the outside the party goes till 11 but outside oh I see yeah so crowd control team that's just the same type of the same staff out there corre making sure nobody's out drink it in the parking lot down the L swim in and all right all right anyone else like to comment motion we approve this okay all in favor I one day license is approved for a wedding October 12 202 1 to 8m all right all right thank you guys you're good to go good luck thank you yeah and if you if you have any questions about what uh the seasonal yeah just shoot me a message or shoot Ashley a message afterwards okay perfect right thanks have a good one guys all right yeah let me know next all right finally we are on to the October first so we [Applause] have all right so we are in fullblown October Fest mode looks like so we're very familiar with October Fest um just real quick uh can you call out your names introduce yourself real quick on who's here representing j social club hill company right two here all right uh let's start with uh we're expecting a 10:30 a.m. start and a function end of 8:30 uh for the whole event approximately expecting a thousand people is what they're saying nice weather never know see so love the map this year by the wayca at the chamber that's fantastic all right event map key so pry much the same stage in the parking lot and then the vendors there as well yeah so we have a couple vendors on parking Street as well okay um the cidery from Ral farm and um Tavern 13 it's all the same vendors as last year no changes there the only major change is um we went down Parker last year like halfway but halfway to the end of Parker I guess you could say down to Garden Pizza we're not doing that this year we're staying at the lights um outside of you know right there on ground or whatever and then the um Chou area where it says West Street right there uh it's usually a license for the L sometimes we bring it usually we bring it back up okay but we wanted to keep it open this year because we wanted to put another station down there um to serve at and put in a couple more vendors after the chair we think you bring in like an ice cream truck or two to fill that space it's usually an empty space during the festival wanted to kind of make it out a live space this time after the chair so the Al's going to keep that same tent that they put in the middle of the bo all the time yeah we have a tent up in the parking lot across the street and then yes we'll have the one right in front of the store as well so these vendors in front of Mackie Park where we bunched them all together down right they were all going to be on the side of the road right there yep okay yeah they that kind of last year they didn't like that they wanted to be near to the they F like they're too far away from all those so we're we're they're all like I said same vendors but they're all more cond this year uh last year if I remember um you had a like a jersey barrier setup here as well so would there be Jersey Barrier set up there to PR like right in this a I know there was one here by the road but you put any one here or is this just going to be wide open so people can still the plan was wide open is that is that fence still up around around so they built a fence as well there's a wood we saw that yep okay my question is what's to prevent people from walking past this no alcohol Signa so Stacy we can move that D barer that was at the start line to that because now we're going to open up this Street area we we do just just trying to make it easy for Gard PD and you know they have control making sure people AR walking around cuz before they had to come over down pass guard and pizza now they need to make sure that that nobody's W pass that you we always have like two security guys down we have nine Security Guys we always have two there making sure nobody goes into the intersection um but I mean sure yeah I think we're going to I we I think we did we shut it down we did shut gr down before we we've done all different things be honest and um this year like I said it ends at the light so whether we shut down the road going straight through or or we let people go up and down for the only um another thing added to this year which I know they have approval already from the police department is for their route is that run for a beer so they're going to be running on gr Street earlier in the morning but they're done by 11:00 okay so we can always put in I don't think the J varer might be an issue for the run but then it that's yeah that's what she like do that okay so that's one change over last year the this area here and then you want to put serving down here yes that's the so you have the Cher Lo basically starting like around this Arrow right and goes down and then after the chair we shut usually it's this is shut down and this is the rotary correct there another V okay so the rotary is actually here and this is split so so the rotary after the chair you'll still reopen the rotary area correct it'll just be this area that's up here it's usually dead space and that's okay with yeah the traffic's a little messed up without the rotary but if the rotary stays open I think that's that's perfectly fine yeah that that was kind of my concern is theend going to be closed down or is that open but if that's this space that's after that then that's fine yeah makes sense to use it not going to speak for everybody but it's an open spot M all right so that's change two and else um Garden of police dep do you guys have any questions or comments or concerns regarding detail um um no I talked to Lieutenant chowski just before this um I know we'll probably have two if not three details you know walking around from the entire time during the event um so we'll have we'll have that's what we did last year was a little confusing because we had two others down toward was a Johns down that way right didn't we during the day and then they could shifted up at the toward the end of the day shifted was that the fabulous they had you guys had a 10 at too oh is that going on this year too is that is downtown I don't know yeah so the whole downtown will be shut down oh okay yeah so yeah we'll have probably our community placing team down there but we have other guys specifically set for just for theer for those at least I would say at least two probably three that's enough N I would I would say yeah yeah that was that's the biggest thing and then you're done at 8:30 so last last serve is 8:30 or you guys usually shut down a little earlier at 8:30 is when we make people drink and Report now okay we'll do us till like 7:45 8:00 okay depending all right and CER out right out the farm that's not part of this one's not part I mean I can represent that's I just wanted to make a note of who's here who's not here just so we're I know that um you know I help me so I can answer any questions if you have any questions about them they did come last year and then I know decanted has never to come to a meeting usually Colin us to represent the camp but I can represent that station um they W able to make it I'm not sure um about t 13 I expected them to hear that theyve again did this event last year do L of events with the city so Tavern 13 did say they weren't going to be able to make it today but if they have any you have any questions I'll definitely relay those along and okay can look at that well they they applied to just beer l to make sure that it wasn't full full everybody should everything all right so just to just to make a note we have a representative here from Cadian Social Club just your name okay and we have a representative here from moonh Hill Brewing and cider at Red Apple Farm all right um uh not here is representative from deed wine truck and T so any other questions comments concerns on October Fest anyone else like to speak on behalf of October test okay here a motion for the approval for these vendors I'll make that motion second all in favor I all right motion carries so we have the approval for cidery Red Apple Farm we have the approval for C Social Club moonh Hill Brewing and we also have tab 13 and de candid wine truck and for October Fest which is taking place at September 28th 2024 from 10:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. motion is approved thank you good luck thank you we all have our Rel know the good yep good call thank you very much thank you thank you thanks guys thank you take care all right uh any whole business we like to discuss any new business no quiet what's that everything good from the home front yeah yeah we've had no issues with anybody ja didn't really anything to me but I haven't really heard of anything from any of establishments or bars so great make a motion that wej all in favor at 453 oh