##VIDEO ID:U2VpF9jJFgo## no that was somebody else um good morning this is the Wednesday August 14th meeting of the capital Improvement committee um couple of things on the agenda um since there's nobody in the public I we can wave the reading of the public notice um so in your packet I sent you um a revised Master list of projects I had reached out to to all the department heads and others who submit projects for the capital list um I had some responses biggest being Fire and Building um DPW had a couple changes I know engineering survey Department put just a a brief change for the most part most departments really didn't have anything to offer at this point and I think I heard that from most building right though yeah lot building had a lot um this is strictly the list I didn't highlight what changed um um I've informed the mayor that the the committee was basically getting together to um just go back through this one more time with updates and send it along to him and councel um so I don't know if you had a chance to look at it or any discussion on it but um this is what I would anticipate we be sending off unless you have the changes you want to make to be clear we're not reranking anything we're just just okaying the list we're just sending a brand new list or revised list we're not ranking it and we're not um updating the report it's just the list I love it any discussion do you want a motion yeah someone make a motion I'll make a motion to approve it second uh vote all in favor negative all right um so we'll send that along to the mayor um second item on the agenda is as we discussed the update of rating projects to be placed on the report um councilor tyros had worked on a template he sent that over to me so that's a new package I took it um with his Blessing and made some changes um I put both in we can look um I added a little bit more information mostly around the bottom block which would just be cost um and you know fiscal year because we do look at a fiveyear um plan so if you had one say you want to get one three years out you could get in the list by inserting one um so this is just open for discussion if you guys want to look at it for changes additions recommendations I like G's r yes the no offense right no no the boxes are bright darker they're nice and darker right hey I have my one works it's easier to done when you have a nice temp yeah no George's was a great start I just there there's a couple of documents available from the state on Capital planning one of them has a form so I actually um under project category added some more categories nice um we can even I Know Dan was making a note um you can add to that can change it we can do whatever we want but I thought it was a good start um and then just the cost by year um I don't know if we should have like a project number associated with it for the record um that makes sense quick comment um most if not all the stuff coming from my department is Grant related and Grant funded um you want have a funding source should yeah I'm not sure if we should actually you know kind of find out in this form or not but well my thought was and I think we talked about it a little bit at the last meeting was um you're looking for a project you're looking for it to get funded you get it on the capital list um if the funding's there it can get funded if you get a grant fund you can always remove it from the list um I think it's more important for me that it's on there um so if grant funding falls through the cracks it's still something we know yeah it's not always 100% funded through the grant typically there's a City match involved um is it worth asking on the on the template um is are there grants available or is grant funding possible actually that might be good way to do it yeah I agree um and then the other thing and I don't know if it should be read on this template is I think the committee has to rent these and so I know we have you know priority um I don't know if it's up to the person submitting the request to assign other categories of of of kind of ranking these I think it's up to the committee so I don't know if we have a a separate template or form that we all kind of you know rank these but we don't have the criteria either I did run out of time I was going to add the criteria for like what an emergency is what critical is um emergency like yeah definitions exactly um like threat to life or you know critical might be damage to property some you know there was I just ran out of time I was going to add um that way whoever's submitting this can you know it's not really a brain exercise it's just a selection but to your point is there like a policy document behind this that would lay out when we first did the capital Improvement committee when it first started out there was I'm going to say 10 ratings that you one had to do with safety one had to do with deal with the public or you know who did it impact I can fine try to find that that might be better it got tedious because we were all doing every that was why we got rid of it um yeah so we can we can talk about it it was almost it was almost too every Committee Member had to go through and rate whether it was oh as a scoring scoring that does seem a little bit yeah too much yeah I know I've seen a spreadsheet where people submitting check on the drop downs and it scores it so the committee would just I guess be reviewing those for I guess for accuracy rather than um doing all the scoring ourselves maybe you have the department head of that particular project or piece of equipment go through that exercise and then it would be up to us to review it yeah maybe well the difference between emergency critical in high I think should yeah just yeah you need it today do you need it in two years or five years it's basically yeah I think George said he had definitions um I think that would be something that could be attached to this when it goes out you know send out a PDF to department heads and you know here's a definition of of that so you know check them off accordingly thing but yeah I mean if we want to clean that up and um I would get rid of location if it's a fire truck is it you know it's just I would try to make it stream L as possible yeah I thought a little bit about that too George I mean where does it do we start ranking based on Ward it doesn't offend yeah I put it on there that way we can pull it out and see what fits so yeah I'm I'd be in favor of getting rid of that because let's get yeah unless we're going to use the data for some decision there's no point in collecting and to your to your point about priority um the way we did it last cycle to it almost seem like we had Department PRI like the Departments ranked the priority too I don't know if that's something um because at what point is you know all of them are highs and then that doesn't really help us make a decision would be and that's why I was kind of saying you can have department heads or people submitting do their own ranking based on you know known scores and then the committee would have to then kind of review that because I know everybody's going to rank them favorably for themselves and you kind of have to wa through that so this gets down to I mean you could just put um when is it needed now like being said now two years five years yeah there not needed for within the next five years say emergency critical or low I mean emergency high and low yeah just put behind it emergencies need it need it yesterday highs need it in the next year I I think the time is relevant because everything it's not on the list unless it's a priority right so then when not change it to priority is immediate two years 5 years work say that again immediate two years 5 years or whatever D said now and just uh maybe instead of vehicle change it to equipment vehicle slash equipment yeah just night pick says the DPW with a lot of equipment needs a lot of equipment needs going to run up get the contract oh I must have forgotten project type had a yeah I was wondering what we would did you have definitions I did I never added them so it mustn't have been important I think it was I was basing this off the Westboro template too and they they separated out category and type I don't remember the difference I don't think it's necessary if you I mean if you had definitions where someone because it's ambiguous right we've got a description um we can take that out too I'm pretty sure once we get a form together and then use it it'll be changed after first year the second year that was my thought more information added to since we're nitpicking um rather than having the project description and justification Side by each I'm just thinking for two one one below so you can just type it in I was going to do thatb just like Dave said I actually thought of it yesterday that's weird it's almost like we work together scary my mind works like his that's scary yeah um yeah I think that's pretty good stab at this um I think I I'll clean this up I'll send it around you guys if you you know see anything let me know but I think we can run with this I don't know if we need to take a vot on it we don't really have a final product yet it's a um and then I guess if you want you and I maybe kind of look at a rating system and how we go about doing that as a committee how do we want to look at I'm use pier and we have a intersection with lights but you need a design to go you need a design first and then the project cost later construct how do we want to do we want to look at this any different because if you just put a a million dollars in there it's going to scare but if you put 200,000 for design well that's that's what you do down here you put it in design and then but in this oh U you know what I'm saying cuz when you when the auditor sees a million dollars he's going to get scared but if he sees $200,000 for design like is there a way we want to approach that differently well would you have two lines on the capital list construction 2026 I mean does design 2026 construction 2027 same project slightly different description almost like under category where it says stud design or yeah just break that into the yeah I think if we got one forms he can submit for the study design for 250 and then yeah they could say you could do it both ways you can put it all on here or you could do two separate forms but I think it would then be the committee separating it into two line items um I mean from my finance look at it it's like okay Project's a million dollars but that's worth three years okay first year is 250 okay maybe free cash can find that all right next is 500,000 is that a loan or maybe Grands or something like that so yeah to to let divide it up I think that's great think I would like to see it that way so it's broken down on the bottom though right that's estimated cost by year yeah and I think if you had a project you know rebuilding replacing a bridge and you have design study design construction you could do it all on your your project form but I think on the list you great you kind of separate it same project with you know construction design and then separate by I I just think for John that's typically how I do it anyways right yeah ORS if it's your office and you want to submit one form for each to make it let the committee know hey we want this separate projects on the list yeah but what I'm saying is it's going to be broken down down the bottom anyways right so but the committee in the in the said committee the mayor and the council won't see that they'll see that so they W see the breakdown they'll see the numbers I think if if I'm the one preparing the list I'm going to take those individual things and list them separately in the list together but in the description I'll indicate whether it's design construction and then cuz then they're together you see them the total cost is in there so they just see the total one the first yeah each call yeah okay just one last thought about the note you have on the bottom of your paper R about grant funding y um every now and then I look at Facebook and how don't we get a grant for that everything so are we always going to check that box because who knew there was money for a dog park this grant funding for everything School than no it's a metal mix that was more of a donation from than a grant what's the difference my point is everyone thinks there's grant funding for everything yeah sometimes there is sometimes there isn't I don't know ours is not to figure out where the money comes from ours is to say here's the needed projects and they try to figure out this is true could you would you have a box saying has grant funding been applied for because I can for the Middle School roof it's not emergency but it's critical a little above high is it grant funding maybe if they fund it right we've applied twice now yeah I we don't have to put that on there right George said it's or Scott said it's superflous information yeah well maybe it's not for the committee if the committee's ranking projects I'm not comparing you as guy it I wouldn't call it that because if department head is ignoring a potential grant for whatever reason um the committee could you know not recommend that project because you know you really hadn't done your due Dil TR to get for that project and don't forget too I think with the the upcoming process we want to sit down and talk with the people submitting needs so we can talk I me we can talk about France did you check it off you didn't check off France available you you looked into it I think it's a waste if you're going to do it on a piece of paper that you're submitting that 8 months to a year that you might get get funding there might be a grant that comes available one might Disappear by the time you fill that piece of paper up so I think it's might be a waste at the time of purchasing the vehicle or facil that's when you would look for Grants I think that would be on and for me I just the first thing you would look for is Grants that's how you want to go funding grants then you go down the line because if there's a grant to me that kind of jumps at highest priority because that's what you want you know you don't not want to put the money on the taxpayers well directly you know what I'm saying great so to me I don't I mean think that's why Community Development has a seat on the table I think it's in the ordinance that the community development director is here because that's where most of the grant funding comes from yeah so he has his eyes on this and hey you know what there's a possibility for gpg but the thing is like the I'm going to use the city hall bathrooms the city hall bathrooms has been on here for 12 years if we filled form 12 years ago and said yeah I look for Grants what difference is it it doesn't make a break what we're doing which leads me just hacking this thing um is there a reason for justification that the committee will use versus description oh yeah I mean does that kind of description and justification I mean we can do it all in one and just say describe your produ project and you know justify your justify the need to Dan's Point like the form's not easy to fill out yeah I mean we can just combine that all into one clean it up I was going to say yeah you could just get rid of those headings so describe the project and explain the priority and Rob I just brought template not that we have to Ence they use project as either a asset replacement New Capital asset or building expansion repair like that sort of thing so it's like one level click down from category okay yeah might be apparent in the description I was going to say the description is going to cover mostly everything I think westbo started with a good template but we don't need to replicate it all right so I'll combine that into one section and I'm we will not put a question about should have a check box is it for the children well I thought about taking this too and making it a fillable form to make it easier for everybody oh yeah yeah I know you get the check boxes on check but I think I can make it you know put text boxes and stuff in that we can lock the form and we can talk about it later so would we made this an access database where it just Auto populated your Excel sheet that would be does anyone at this table perhaps the person who brought it up have that expertise we'll dive into that I've heard of that I could I I'm sure I could always get UE to assist with that I have no again just to to D earlier point that the way we can do this without making the same mistakes of a decade ago and they had a template and they it was two cumers two cumers as department heads are there is there sections that you would expect to be here that you don't see that you'd want to provide or I I don't think so find out after year one we'll find out after year one that's okay I don't think we have anything else on the agenda guys want to wrap it up second favor good work