##VIDEO ID:g_iuK6zMkXM## e e e first the announcement of open meeting recordings any person may make a video or audio recording of an open session of a meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium subject to reasonable requirements of the chair as to the number placement and operation of equipment used so as not to interfere with the conduct of the meeting any person intending to make such recording shall notify the fa forth with all documents referenced or used during the meeting must be submitted in duplicate to the director of the Community Development planning persuant to the open meeting in public records law all documents shall become part of the official record of the meeting is there anyone here recording tonight who needs to identify themselves to the chair very well hearing none I will now read the public meeting notice into the minutes in accordance with article 10 of the city of Gardner zoning code chapter 675-1331 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in the hubard conference room 203 City Hall man Annex 115 Pleasant Street Garder to consider the definitive site plan application submitted by the city of Garder Department of Public Works 50 Mana Drive Gardener the definitive plan depicts the construction of a proposed salt storage facility located along the Westerly side of man drive and Garder opposite the city of gardener DPW facility consisting of approximately 2.96 Acres the plans were also available for viewing in the Department of Community Development planning in room 201 City Hall Annex all persons interested in this matter or who desire to offer testimony are invited to [Applause] participate okay any preliminaries before we uh invite our presenter to the floor Mr bide um I don't think so we uh we did have a development review committee meeting um I did not receive any comments from any department heads um following the submission of definitive plan um so I I guess what you see toight what we get very well sir welcome back your name and affiliation for the record uh Chris Anderson with handing engineer in uh representing the Garder DPW very good the floor is yours uh so um as was stated it's the intent to construct a new Sal shed facility at a un developed Port of property of a m drive just to orientate ourselves here we have make a drive that runs along the bottom of the page uh the further north you go you go towards West Broadway further south you have Pond Brook and the old Engish Village Development on uh end of Maka Drive uh currently the property is undeveloped it's comprised primarily of Woodland area uh there are several areas subject to the Wetland protection act as well as the gardener um wet protection ordinance uh located along the southernly limits of the property as part of this project will will not be disturbing or doing any work with any jurisdictional areas so con conservation is not needed for this project um as I stated before it's the intent to construct a new 9100 ft um structure to be utilized as the salt shed if you will uh which will be situated Prim pretty much right in the center of the property access will be provided primarily off of one uh access Drive which will allow larger vehicles uh including salt delivery trucks a WB 67 uh system to pull into the site um back into the shed area to dispose of or drop off the material and then exit out through the same entrance um it'll also be utilized during the uh sanding and salting operation uh with vehicles entering into the site uh having a loading uh area immediately adjacent to the building and allowing then larger trucks to continue through and exit back out on the make a drive uh so creating effectively a loop system during snow operations if you will um due to the nature of this development there's really no need for uh sewer or water connections um because of the scope of the project storm water management is accable uh so we're are providing a storm water system uh to capture the runoff from the overall development uh capture it treat it and then discharge it to a uh detention Basin on the south side of the building prior to discharge into um the Wetland area further off the page or off the locus um once everything is said and done it'll be loomed and seated for permanent stabilization um and that's pretty much the gist of the project if there's any questions from the board I'll be more ahead and answer them I don't have any how about you gentlemen uh the loading for the local salt trucks only to come in there going to be a ramp I understand some sort correct yeah there's a small ramp system right here that helps get the front lower up and above the uh sand trucks to allow The Dumping operations so they would share that driveway if you would on the way in correct yeah no we have a pulloff area so that a truck the the sand trucks can pull off get in there and then there's immediate Drive aisle so that a vehicle if you needed to can bypass that truck during loading with additional area for turning Maneuvers if necessary so there's quite a bit of space there right against the loading area so that any vehicle that does get in there can get in outly the pitch of the driveway is that's going to be toward the back of the building toward that this area yes yes so that will actually pitch towards the yeah the rear if you will lot line with the S cat bases to capture that run off can you more clearly Define the runoff drainage system and how it works uh so we have several deep sump catch basins uh we have two located on the Northern portion of the site uh that'll collect the runoff from pretty much the entire front or top portion of the site that'll run itself through a water quality unit for uh sediment removal and then uh be U piped to the uh detention Basin and the back side of the property um the remaining areas from the the quote unquote you know sanding driveway operations uh will be captured be via new catch Basin down right before it exits out to m a drive which which will then be treated in the catch Basin with a water quality unit and then discharged into the detention Basin uh so we've designed the Basin to accommodate uh design storm events up to the 100-year storm um and that allows for the mitigation um of the runoff coming from the site the treatment of the runoff water is nothing more than a settlement uh correct it uses a water quality unit which does oil and grit um so it's going to clean any oils that come off of the trucks or anything like that and then discharges it into the detention Basin um that allows additional more slow it to settle down a little bit quicker that's all I have Mr chairman thank you anything think from uh staff what about salt content thinking it's probably going to be a higher level of the off or anything by by default it's going to be a little bit higher than your traditional system um based on storm water management the oil the TSS removal and oil grit stuff um that's about the maximum extent that's required by the state regulation um unless it's located within a water quality uh a water supply District or other kind of more environmentally sensitive areas which this is not it's important to remember too that this is enclosed similar to the existing salt shed so everything's stored undercover yeah which leads my next question the the drainage systems that accommodates the the roof runoff yes yeah the uh the roof has been considered impervious so there's no hiding the runoff coming off of it if you will there's no runoff coming off of the roof is that no I'm not it's it's it's considering all runoff coming off of the roof and is that going into is that being piped on the ground into the drainage system uh a portion of it there's a small portion up in the front that by default of grading gets bypassed around the uh Basin but the majority of the roof is getting captured and no I was also to say that uh the majority of the paid parking area or loading areas will also be pretty much captured so there's very little runoff coming off of the property that's not being treated so how about Landscaping I mean is that the green area is that going to be grass is that going to be maintained is that going to so the lighter green area up here will be just pretty much all grass okay that's all I have Mr CH I presume the DPW will be the ones tasked with keeping that in good order yes they will as much as they can as best they can right understood anything else J no I have nothing lighting is there going to be any Lighting on the site so I'll answer that if I may um there's no pole lighting proposed um if any lighting it may be um like a single uh building pack on the the shelter probably for inside if they're working at night and just on that parking area so um we we had considered not even having an electric service in there but we think at least one light or one light on the shelter just a point into the parking area not parking area yeah if you're loading at night imagine some equipment's fairly well lit up um but just to have something um on it to add a little extra yeah okay that's all thank you MH all right if there's nothing further then at this point we will invite public testimony is there anyone here who wishes to be heard in favor of this definitive site plan is there anyone here who wishes to be heard in favor of this definitive site plan is there anyone here who wishes to be heard in favor of this definitive site plan hearing none is there anyone here who wishes to be heard in opposition to this definitive site plan is there anyone here who wishes to be heard in opposition to this definitive site plan is there anyone here who wishes to be heard in opposition to this definitive site plan um Mr chairman um what is this discussion on I just what in the door this is the uh salt shed okay I would like to speak an opposition very well you're invited to speak name address for the record please sure Paul the mail nine well as Road um this uh salt shed um is uh too close to the wetlands um this area I believe is currently all trees um it is so close I I've already seen the map um it's very very close to the uh Wetland um which uh feeds the Yoto River um I know this still has to go before the concom um I plan on being at the concom I plan on opposing at the concom um because we need to protect the wetlands um where the present salt shed is now they could remove it and replace it but um this particular area of the DPW and Salvador um they both have encroached on the wetlands there and and we really need to look to protect um the wetlands and the OT Riv so I am an opposition and I will um take every opportunity I can um to see see that do do move forward thank you is there anyone else here who wishes to be heard in opposition to this definitive site plan very well hearing none I will I'll take a motion to close the public meeting May I have one make a motion we close the public he motion may be seconded to close the public meeting by voice please all those in favor I those oppose the public meeting is closed thank you first thank first and second Steve [Music] PA all right uh to keep us on schedule we will take a 2-minute recess before we begin our regular meeting we are in recess e e I'm going to convene the regular meeting of the gardener planning board first item of the business is approving minutes from the July 9th public meeting make a motion we approve the minutes the public meeting public meeting yes sir I have a second second any discussion all those in favor by voice I I those opposed the July 9th public meeting minutes are approved next up our regular meeting from July 9th I have a motion to approve the minutes make a motion we approve the regular meeting on July 99th and a second please a second very good uh motion made and seconded to approve the regular meeting minutes for July 9th any discussion very well by voice all those in favor I those oppose regular meeting minutes are approved new business definitive site plan of the salt storage facility city of Garder DPW seen the presentation we've asked questions do you wish to approve it or would you to discuss it more Mr Cormier the uh information that we received uh site plan review was from the engineering firm and States about the uh wet lens and how it sits on maner drive and whether or not we read it into the record or probably as far as what uh the environmental people say about that piece of landing and building on it you're referring to there is no proposed work within environmentally sensitive areas as part of the project even starting off in the second paragraph if you would and then right right straight through it pretty much wraps it up but project okay I apologize I'm I'm having a hard time getting a handle on where are you're going well I don't understand it probably leads up to the last paragraph of that letter where it comes in the proposed project mhm is not anticipated to have any negative impacts on the environment or surrounding neighborhood as previously mentioned there be no proposed work within the environmentally sensitive areas as part of the project in all salt part products will be stored within the structure away from the elements okay I'm following you now and also as part of this development there will be no work performed within jurisdictional areas of the Wetland protection act and Gardener Wetland protection ordinance correct okay so what would you like to do gentlemen move to approve the cell sh the definitive motion made plan for the salt storage fed shed yes facility I'll second that we have a motion made and seconded to approve the definitive site plan for the salt storage facility on make a drive uh for the city of gardener DPW is there any further discussion very well let us vote by the role Mr Schwarz yes Mr Cormier yes Mr Cormier yes and I'm also a yes definitive site plan is approved moving on we have no old business unless you have any uh up for us I don't Mr chair very well anything further from any of you [Music] gentlemen next meeting Tuesday September 10th at 6:30 p.m. sound good yeah that's good make a motion move to ajour Second motion made and seconded to ajour any discussion hearing none by voice all those in favor those opposed we are adjourned thank you very much