##VIDEO ID:zhg9xC3S0tQ## Friday the 13th 2024 uh if clerk please count the role councel e presid councelor harder pres councelor foror president uh our first item on the agenda is a public hearing for item 11204 an or an ordinance to amend the code of the city of Gardner chapter 600 entitled vehicles and traffic section 24 entitled public prohibited on certain streets edel street from Elm Street to Lauren Street uh we will start if there is anyone here that would wish to speak in favor I'll just ask you stand up uh give us your name and your address uh and then you can say your peace uh is there anyone here to speak in favor of the item is there anyone here to speak in favor of the item anyone to speak in favor of the item all right is there anyone here to speak in opposition to yes you just whoever wants to go first just want me to do it you can talk hi my name is hadam Mount and I'm representing a few of my viewers um so I don't believe any of us are opposed to having parking on one side of the street we get that we're opposed to the signs um the placement of the signs I should say they are very um kind of inappropriate for the the side street neighborhood that we have um and I've lived I grew up there and I've lived there for over 20 well officially living there for the last 10 but forever let's just say and um it's just really kind it's it's an isore it's just kind of again not appropriate for the neighborhood um we'd love to come up with have more time to come up with a an option um a few of my neighbors that I spoke with they would um the one that's at the corner she just hates that it's like right in the middle of her um her yard where she looks out and it's just ugly she had suggested to put a sign at the beginning the of edel Street which would be the corner of Comey and edel and then perhaps a placement further down maybe Midway or by Wester would be the next one and then just simply I don't know if they can have a sign that Des says no parking this side whatever and to somehow make it clear that it's the entire Street and it's not just there cuz typically you would have no parking here to the curb so people know it's from there to there but if to me if you say no parking this side of the street at the beginning perhaps somewhere in the middle and then the end ones are fine cuz they're on a telephone pole um I think that that should allow for the police to be able to ticket if um if needed the other concern we have is in some cases um if somebody's having a gathering and like for my side of my part of the street which is the Lawrence Street side uh and have um my neighbor happens to have like five or six cars of their own that um they Park every weekend and then their friends come over so every weekend a good half of my property if you will just for a guide down all the way theirs is full of cars so if she would have friends over or something they definitely would be able to park on her side as she's on the opposite of me on the side that's no parking she wouldn't be able to even park her car there for 10 minutes if you will to say unload her groceries or help somebody up the stairs or whatever um because that makes it tight there and I get that uh last year she had construction which I think contributed to why this may have happened so these construction vehicles were there for several months they had to park in front of her street where else were they going to park to unload and reload and things like that again my neighbors who have a driveway insisted on parking and they wouldn't so it created this narrow throughway which the ambulance have been up and down our street quite a bit they are able to manage um and I actually my family I talked to them they own woods and they said it hadn't been an issue um and what's else did I want to say oh and so my neighbor wanted to know if she were to park temporarily in front of her home to unload groceries and things like that she said she's actually afraid to leave the car for a minute cuz she's afraid it'll just happen to be the minute that the police Drive buy and ticket her um so we're wondering if there's any kind of forgiveness or or or uh circumstance that a car wouldn't be like ticketed like if they only there for 5 minutes or or that kind of a thing um and again we're we're not opposed to that we're just opposed to the signs and try and find another solution anybody [Music] else good morning morning I 11 18 which almost across the street um my main thing with the signs and I don't care what if I do now we have a different problem we have a problem with cars going about 40 50 m hour down the street being no cars on the side where our signs are at it kind of stupid now somebody's going to get hit you know everybody go I don't go we do see police once in a while go up the street but if they want to really get some tickets out I would po a car my driveway seriously you'll probably see you know 1015 cars to buy and they're not going 10 20 M an hour and there's kids in the neighborhood which is kind of stupid I to me if they're going to put signs up put them on the sign side where people walk on the sidewalk that would be a little bit safer than putting them on the side that don't have sidewalks but uh she's absolutely right uh my neighbors cross street have eight Cs and they par them in the driveway which they kid par them in the driveway they got one C of driveway and what's holding it is like she says she can't even she's got customers that come over she can't get customers can't even get there just C all the way up that street and if a neighbor comes to that one of our houses they might find a place eight eight houses down the street so they might be able to park their car and then of course those neighbors are going to cuz somebody's parking in front of their house we have so makees sense if you can put those signs I would put those signs where there's a lot of traffic you know what I mean not there's not a lot of traffic on as stre even just the people that live there basically but that's all I wanted to say I'm I'm opposed to the thing uh I don't like them I a handicapped daughter my daughter drives um ules for Woods ambulance been doing a long time cuz I've asked my da she go they just don't know how to drive that we have no problems with the ambulance I the ambulance are pretty big fire trucks we talk to them we have a little thing where they come over once a year they have a we hold a barbecue stuff for them they have no TR trouble at all going up there with the ambulance fire trucks I've been here 9 years and seen any problems there's plenty of room for everybody to get by so I think they should take the signs and maybe I hate to say it but maybe put them down to the mayor's neighborhood we don't want neighor we just have your name for the record sure I'm Joy laj o i e thank thank you I don't have very good speaking skills okay so I'm just going to throw this out there I live at 124 edel we've lived for about 12 years if I have somebody over there's no work for them to park I feel guilty parking in front of her house instead of my own my daughter was in town for a week two weeks and it was really hard to have an extra car in my driveway and try to get around it versus have being able to park on the street that's my con concern okay can we have your name please Amanda cler 124 thank you okay 121 is there anyone else that wish to speak in opposition else wish to speak in opposition I have two texts I have one from Bailey Burpee uh who I believe is on 109 yeah they sign I by the way uh his messages hello this is Bailey Burpy resident on edel street I also oppose this ridiculous parking ban on one side of the street situation it's supposedly for emergency vehicles which have never had any issue which makes me think someone on the street just repetitively was complaining about cars being parked in front of their house I don't think other people should have to suffer when the house that I live on has five cars our neighbor also has five vehicles and we have know where to put them unless we walk 40 ft down the street uh feel free to call or contact uh as well as um his wife Mary Burpy uh also reached out and said she does oppose one side parking it makes difficult for elderly relatives visiting and is a strain for families with many cars our street is not one that is frequently traveled such as downtown and as I have mentioned we did not have issues with my mother needing an ambulance along with my nextdoor neighbor who recently needed them prior to her passing um again that was Brian and Mary bir speaking in opposition is there anyone else wishing to speak in opposition we just have one more so um a neighbor that was further down the street it was a young boy cuz his mom wasn't home not young like 18 um and he had said that he doesn't like it because there is a house further down um 26 Ed it's duplex that the they always have lots of people and they're always parking so they're on the side that you guys are removing you know saying no parking but he's like now I have strangers parking in front of my house and it's kind of creepy it's basically what he said so um again obviously you know it's it's an issue and if need be would like to you know before you make a decision or something like that let's try and up with the solution if possible that's the other recommendation I have thank you anyone else wishing to speak in opposition then the public hearing section of this meeting is closed uh I am going to take the next item out of order we will actually discuss this ordinance 11204 an ordinance to amend this code of the city of gardener chapter 6 vehicle and traic 24 entitled parking prent on certain streets street from El Street to laurren street so now we've had this public hearing and actually back from some of the residents um Chief would you like to give any input on us which I'm sorry on the Ed Street do you have any input here again I don't have a particular issue with it um obviously we wouldn't respond to any complaints that come in um as for speeding vehicles um I have not received any um emails or anything regarding speed vehicles I would encourage you to contact me directly um and I will sign officers down there do traffic I I hear from councilor Teo con pretty regularly and I I I try to address every matter that I can um obviously had you know Staffing like anything else I can't dedicate an officer to the neighborhood um but calls permitting I can certainly assign them down there for um traffic enforcement sit on wife sit on the p and morning have our coffee or whatever I don't want to keep I understand your point give go but I don't want to keep the Home Police Department they're going say this guy say call no not at all sir what what we can do is we also have a um a traffic a trailer a speed monitor um we can certainly put it down there as well it's it's a usually a a Notifier for people who are driving um I will say this I mean I think you'd be probably surprised to some of the speeds um 30 30 m hour in a in in your neighborhood looks very fast looks very fast and unfortunately it is a 30 m hours Z you can't it's it's state regulated um so I just I'm like that just gave me another thought back whenever when the speed limits used to be 25 in residential what happened no it's 30 it's it's by State law it's 30 can you as a city change that like for stre like that there was a procedure for changing um there's like inter I think um it might be like the town of mayard or something I believe they had the entire town cuz it's such a small and and it's very thickly settled there is a procedure for it i' obviously have to speak with the the highway department director and come up with a plan or the city engineer but um you know there is a procedure for that but um under the master general laws speed limits are set by Statute okay um so that changed well no it's been quite some time because we get a lot of complaints on Betty Spring Road oh yeah and Betty Spring Road 40 m hour Zone that's insane well I I I understand because it's so it the structure of the road yes but it's still it's not a thickly settled Zone there may be one area that's close Narrow Street but yeah it's still it's still um you have to have houses within uh 200 ft of each other for a qu mile to justify a 30 mph Zone and a lot of those houses are spread a little bit further out there um but I understand I mean as for I can certainly bring the radar trailer down there I can have officers sit down there when they can um but please I encourage anybody to contact me directly regarding any speeding complaints or for your counselor and he'll reach out to me as well it I I don't have a problem with it I just I I hope we understand that I can't just put all the time um I will definitely get what I can down there as for the parking my understanding is you need 36 ft of road to have parking on both sides 10 ft for the travel aads and 8 ft for the yeah um again this is your neighborhood I'm not I don't think it's necessarily right for us to dictate or me to dictate if you don't feel it's an issue or a concern I mean we have received complaints on it yeah um yeah and my only concern would be you know and again large I mean a cruiser can get through there but my concern obviously you said there's no issue with ambulances fire trucks are a little bit bigger right um you know again I would hate to see granted this access from both sides so but I would hate to see anything you know happen that we couldn't address because of tra a parking issue um but I don't really have opinion sorry pleas conversation to try and like a a dialogue to try and go back and forth and say hey well how about this or can we have some other restrictions or like you don't have five veh or I don't know unless it's a party or something I think you're going to find this in most neighborhoods um it's changed everybody has a vehicle I know right and and I think it eats up a lot of the the real estate on the road very quickly yeah um I I understand and again I'm not sure if you have a driveway why you wouldn't use it but that just my opinion I guess on it um some of them are now like they got to do Tandem and sure that stinks for them but don't buy the house though I that's call I had parked my truck across the street one day for a few minutes where I ran across the street and uh the neighbors actually called the police up because I said I was hindering traffic I was poed on them I said a sidewalk we're getting that but they just a matter before well it's a tip for tap neighbor there's going to be a different type of trouble in there but anyway I I understand the concern um and again if they have to live in the neighborhood um I you know we can sit and talk about an alternative I mean I don't know is there's certain section of the roadway we could we we could make parking on one side or I'm just throwing options out there I don't know what what would be viable or feasible well now that the deputy chief is back he's back I would any motions if we wanted to refer this back to the traffic commission so that they can have a meeting and anyone available can come and happily discuss with the traffic commission who put this before in first place okay I have any motions make a motion the traffic originally discusses and brought one more time it's going to go back to I'll second that okay got Sor all right we have a motion by councel har seconding by councelor Heath to refer this item back to traffic commission for study you guys just for what do you care it's just the signatures people that here today I yeah we will take of course I forgot to make a copy but you know ran out of the house anyway there you go now if you can put it into today's minutes and then we'll put it in referral to traffic please um uh so we have motion by counselor Harden second by councelor Heath to refer back to traffic for studying report all those in favor I I I opposed motion passes the ad will go back to the traffic commission and we can have a further discussion on okay motion passes mean the sign meaning this item is now back in fir of traffic to see if we can have come with the solution if they can yeah adust this solution okay does that mean they'll reach out to us or Mees that work yeah okay we we'll make sure that you guys are notified there's a dial got it thank you all right uh next item on the agenda is item 11349 app by E ATM LLC for license to deal in secondhand articles at 677 tiany bulard inside Walmart uh Chief no issues long-term business thank you thank you uh have you do you know if there's any issues tax ons this usually that's what we get for tell you I'm sure um if you can before the next meeting just let us know if there are any issues City usually the CL will tell us if they're in good standing as far as ta okay uh waiting on that I can still have a motion uh to [Music] recommend oh yeah I'll make a motion to recommend um or refer this to the full Council as presented second a recommending for approval approval to the full Council by councel hard second by councelor he uh all those in favor I I opposed motion carries item 1135 an application by Gardner 10 Incorporated for a bowling alley license at 560 West Broadway I no issues with Mr and again if you can uh just let us know before the next council meeting uh that said in light of getting that information have a motion I make a motion to refer it to to the council has presented for approval second by councel Harden second by councel Heath to recommend approval to F councel all in favor I I opposed motion carries uh any new business motion to uh adjourn so motion by councelor Heath second by councelor hard to adjourn all in favor I opposed motion carries thank you