on December 3rd 21st 2023 and by posting on the burrow website and filing of said notice in the office of the municipal Kirk the zoom Access Link for viewing purposes is posted on the burrow website this is a regular meeting of the board this time I would like to have a moment of silence and a flag salute I allegiance to the flag the United States Amer stands andice all thank you roll quot please don't Mr capoano here uh councilwoman salmon is excused chair greet here uh miss vagio here Mr nearad is excused Mr Barkin is excused Mr McCormack here miss biano here miss hay here and Mr buers is excused okay at this time if everyone has had an opportunity to uh review the minutes of the April 24th meeting um do I hear a motion I'll make a motion I'll second that all those in favor I opposed hearing no motion carries um okay we have a an application we have two applications actually by the same representative um and at this time I would call um Mr mink up and maybe introduce yourself and give us some background ah yes please [Laughter] sorry is good evening Christopher minks from Russo development um I'm here on behalf of our Affiliated entity uh South Avenue urban renewal uh LLC and South Avenue urban renewal to LLC uh the development redevelopers and development entities that developed Garwood station phase one and then phase two uh what we're here for today is hopefully a brief appearance good to see everyone on a nice summer evening but we shouldn't be long uh the intent of the application is simply to achieve a goal that was set in motion probably back in 2018 which was as part of our phase one approval for Garwood station the burrow asked if we could do something to enlarge or to assist in enlarging the fire department parking lot so as part of that we ultimately through numbers of iterations of site plans and then phase one approval and then phase two approval we we uh preserved that obligation which was that at some point in time we would not only expand that lot but then in order to facilitate the burrow having ownership of that expanded portion and not have a split title we would simply subdivide that that uh lot seven which is a a part of the uh property that we own for phase two uh giving the town then a deed to that subdivided parcel so it could be merged with the fire department parcel uh during negotiations during discussions there were a number of questions raised as to the propriety of doing that the methodology of how that would be done uh NE necessity for consideration and and it was raised I Believe by uh Doug Bartels and perhaps by Mr vegra that there's a vestigial piece of property that the town also owns it's lot three we own lot seven you need a part of lot seven you own lot three and there's a portion of lot three that is logically and Doug will explain logically part of our property for phase one so bigger Minds than I decided hey a simple swap you take the little vestigial piece of lot three so subdivide lot three you subdivide lot seven give the town the of the parking lot that we developed for you and it's part of lot seven and that resolves concerns or questions about consideration about you know why it was done and and it makes a lot of sense so we have a plan that identifies the two subject Parcels post subdivision what's coming to us what's going to the burrow and I have with me Doug Bartels uh who can just quickly walk you through it provide the actual testimony as opposed to me continuing to talk and uh ultimately though the purpose of our being here today is just to put that in motion make it happen and on your approval we will then prepare the subdivision Deeds we already have a Subdivision plat prepared so it'll be uh perfected by both recording of the plat as well as recording of Deeds so no matter who looks where they'll find that the burrow in fact was given ownership of of its the balance of its lot and this little piece of lot three was transferred to uh South Avenue urban renewal the the original Urban manal Redevelopment Anthony so with that I'd like to call Doug Bartel our chief engineer to just give you the very good the lowdown on the picture thank you and if you would just uh reiterate your credentials certainly Douglas Bartels I have a u Bachelor of Science and civil engineering which I achieved from uh New Jersey Institute of Technology in 1998 been practicing civil engineering for the last 26 years including uh being licensed in both the state of New Jersey and the state of New York uh since 2003 2009 respectively my license is in good standing in both I was the uh engineer of record and testified on both applications uh several times and as chair as the board I I that's accepted as a as credentials thank you uh you may proceed you just explain the exhibit um yeah we do have the one one other thing just to interrupt uh we do have to swear you in yeah do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do okay thank you sure so this is an aerial map of the two projects ver Mela Garwood on both the North side of South Avenue and the south side of South Avenue uh on the North side we have block 401 lot 101 uh as well as a small lot which Mr minks referred to at the corner here at the northeast corner uh which is lot three and is owned by the burrow um lot 101 contains 23,26 Square ft lot three contains 635 squ ft the subdivision which is highlighted in red on the map is a transfer of 321 square feet from lot three to lot 101 which would result in a new lot 101 area of 230,000 square feet 5 or 23,5 68 square feet and a new lot three area of 314 Square ft lot three is a non-conforming lot it's undersized so this subdivision will further reduce that size but it's essentially an extension of the RightWay of Center Street so there's little um zoning impact from that isang correct come 101 but this little triangle the upper right corner one that is the current lot three correct so lot three actually straddles the retaining wall that forms um the sidewalk that runs along Center Street as well as a portion of sidewalk that is on the verm Garwood site up on the top of the retaining wall so this that we retain is from the retaining wall into us correct the exactly and that is the portion that Garwood is deeding over to Thea of the triang right okay good very good the red piece that is is logically already on our property by you know optically so it's that was The Logical Vision right correct so uh on the south side of South Avenue we have the second phase of Garwood uh rmla Garwood and we have uh lot 101 in Block 403 this is formerly known as is Lots 1 through six and 19 through 22 this contains 76,000 Square ft we also have lot 7 which is where the firehouses as our neighbor and that contains 12,500 Square F feet um so this transfer um consists of TW um sorry 2700 square feet resulting in a reduced square footage of lot 101 to 73,3 Ft and an enlarged square footage for lot 7 to 15,200 sare Ft um lot 7 actually consists of two um current um non-conformities minimum um open space and maximum building coverage are both exceeded currently so this subdivision will actually reduce those uh non-conformities by enlarging the lot area again we own red now correct we're taking the red piece off of our larg correct so lot this this piece that's being transferred this TW um 2700 square feet is essentially the Westerly parking spaces in the now constructed fire department parking lot as well as about half of the drive B so again the logic is OPP it belongs to the parking lot correct right operating as the parking lot this is just to enable us to record the deeds and record the flat to make that corre yeah thank you okay very good um I'll ask if anyone of the board has any questions the only question I have is this one application or is this two applications so we have to vote twice am I correct saying that okay what I can see we have to vote twice technically yes but yes just want to make sure that when we yes do something that we have to do it twice one for Vera one one to do lot three and then one to do lot seven I would lot 101 into yeah 101 said we're actually subdividing 101 and 403 to add the piece to seven you C right okay I just I just want to make sure that when we do this because I don't have any you know I don't have any questions since since we've been looking at this these two pieces I remember this I think it was one of my suggestions why don't we just swap those you know way back you know and um so I'm glad that it's finally going you vote to approve lot Three swap first because if you take my property you don't give me that well that's exactly what we were thinking about doing quite honestly I mean you know um at this time at this time what I'm going to do is at this time what I'm going to do is I'm going to close the uh close this part of the meeting for the board and I will open it up to the public who are representative here and um just for simplistic uh ways um I'm just going to open it up for both both uh of these applications because they are jointly one application in essence but we have to vote separately on each one so with that I will open it up to the public any uh any questions of these Witnesses seeing none I'll close that thank you rich rich did you have a question I guess my question would be years ago the intent was nothing in which we're seeing today the questions of that little corner property was in question but it was never deemed that at this point we would swap what you did for the fire department for that piece of land with that being said I have no problem with that but being on the record I don't recall that that was part of the if we want to use the word deal okay I I appreciate your sentiment and your concern but it most certainly was not a construct of the developer it was something that was discussed multiple times in both rounds both and that was part of a resolution that we had come up with yeah so we we we certainly didn't take a flyer and and honestly our presentation would be different we would be coming asking for that consent not just asking for the approval of what we understood to be an arrangement that was already pable not only to this board but also to the council so you know sitting up here representative of the Barrow I have to ask certain questions and you know if it's people are paying attention it's being recorded they're listening to what I asked and I'm glad that you answered it the way you did so thank you thank you very much great okay um with that uh do I hear a motion and we're going to we're going to do two different motions on this I'm going to do have a motion um a request for a motion to um to as stated um accept uh this this exchange um for case PB 24- 03 and that's um for uh the the minor subdivision to merge a small portion of lot three into lot one3 1.03 subject to the subject 101 yes can I say uh subject to the deed being sent to the attorney um our attorney and to Victor vegra correct and the plat pl's going to need to be signed as well so absolutely and the plat and just to be clear Mr chairman it's they're both Lots 1.01 they're different blocks so maybe we'll make it just to be clear it's block 401 lot 101 that's what lot the portion of lot three will be merged into okay and the subdivision on the on the south side is subdivision of block 403 lot 101 that piece going into lot seven I just we can't just use what I want it might okay understood all right I'll make that motion with that um like with those stipulations Amendment I'll second that okay roll call please I I I yes yes I I okay motion carries thank you and now we'll jump right into um the second uh case which is pb2 24-4 and that's 435 South Avenue um and that's again minus subdivision and as just explained I'll leave that stand on the record um so that we can proceed with a a motion subject to subject to the same stipulations as the prior motion I'll make that motion I'll second that okay roll quot please I Mr capoano I chair greet I miss vagio I Mr McCormick yes Miss Bianco I and Miss hay I okay motion carries thank you very much folks Chris it was good look good seeing you again CHR uh yeah we're going to take a a quick three minute break right now so once we get that go you good we're good she's excited now [Music] she make hey Dad got okay I think we can uh we can come back to order okay with that that uh we'll proceed to um to the ordinance review which is uh something that uh that Kathy has been no no that's is the stor I'm sorry I take that back this is the storm water review U and this is pretty much a a state run um program that was handed out to the to the towns barrows to uh to tailor to their own town but basically it's something that we're required to do we can't just make changes arbitrarily so um it's kind of we have we they need to have a vote on it from our our burrow um and that's what we're here for yes so chair um the council did introduce it at our last meeting very good um it passed unanimously and as you said it's something that Mr disco worked on uh with the bur attorney that basically is just a template from the state basically said this is what you need so and in support of that the planning board will come to a vote tonight um I'll make a motion to accept to make a recommendation um to Burl councel I just want to approve it consistent and and it's consistent with the master excellent all right there's my motion do I hear a second uh roll call please uh abstain I I yes yes I I okay thank you motion carries and um we can Mo we can continue on to um an interesting uh discussion on um on something that that Miss fagio Mrs fagio has been working on diligently has done in my opinion an outstanding job and that's the review of the final draft of the developers assistance package which everyone has received and had uh been requested to comment on if um if you did have any comments on what she had done up to that point and submitted it back by December um by June 17th so with that Kathy I'm going to throw it over to you and uh maybe you can just uh give us a rundown thank you chair um I did receive um information and feedback from uh Steve Varan um um and I did make those changes that he wanted and you received those changes um via um I think Adele sent it on the 19th or 20th to each board member right yeah something like that um um I made those changes they weren't um his his changes weren't so much of change this and change that he it was it was a wording more than anything else um subsequently um when when Mr Baran um I received the email from Adele you know with my latest changes he did find one change that that I did not make and um it's on page three um not not number three the three eyes one three it's it's um the it's on the uh residential um uh variance um information sheets and it's on well it's on well there's no page number there's a there's a triple I on one and then I forgot to put a page number on this one so it's it's the filing instru filing instructions for a residential bulk a variant page two or two um under under uh under uh flexible C variants he had me take out the wording on the second sentence pass the past the citation of uh 40 55d 70c to he he suggested that I take out the wording of of a of uh of of uh better uh than the applicable uh zoning regulations he felt that wasn't necessary who's to say what is better I agreed with him um because it's it's says after that um uh that uh that the burden um is on is on the applicant which is true so I felt that you know Steve knows the stuff just like most of us here do you know like we do here so I didn't think that was a major change and so I took that out other than that it's exactly the same that you received um um at the prior meeting you know no no um via um email uh from Adele on either the 19th or the 20th I'm sorry Adele I forgot the date the 20th yeah okay it's it's all the same um the other question um can I made all the other changes that we discuss at the meeting um um at the last meeting in in um April and and the other item was whether or not I could make it fillable and I can um and the mayor um said to me at the last meeting that you know um um like working with a staff to you know put this up and everything else like that so I will you know I will do that and um as soon as this is done with um then then we could move uh forward with it but I I um I work long and hard you know many hours on this but it was fun for me I liked like it was back when I was working you know I haven't worked in six years so it was just gave me something to do but well that's how you chose the the product is is excellent very very well done thank you um with that do I have anybody who I'm sorry oh I was just going to say yes the public information officer will help work with you okay in terms of getting it on the website as it as the website is now we're we we're looking into doing some reorganization on the website um that's going to take obviously a little bit of time as everything does but in the meantime we can put this on the zoning Planning and Zoning Landing site just to have it up there okay thank you okay um I want to thank everybody else who you know who helped in this um a Endeavor anyone have any uh anything to contribute to or to uh make make reference to on this uh I would just like prodct put out doing this for not just us but for the bur and you know you say you haven't worked in over six years but this looks like a lot of work well done thank you very much okay um at this well so at this time I'd like to have a a motion to accept um this uh package as specified um and that's for the development assistant package I will make the motion to uh accept the development assistant package I'll second this okay roll quot please I hi hi yes yes yes okay motion carries thank you again thank you again very much you did you did really an outstanding job at a lot and you can tell it's a lot a lot of work that you you put into this so thank you but it was fun in a way yeah wow well done had to buy software um okay uh Adele do we have anything else to discuss tonight um chair if I could I just wanted to discuss and also maybe bring Gabe into this um because there's been a lot of emails going back and forth about um finalizing and or approving the CEO for verela 2 we we um Russo does have the co for veran and as you know the council did pass a resolution with it there's been a lot of back and forth um about any sort of conditions and things like that for the except C of the co by to sign off from Harbor um is are we at the point where um we should be moving on [Laughter] that okay every other it there were some questions regarding as per condition from phase two repter have put um in the resolution there was no requirement of the style design all so there are Russo out the plant doers um yeah there they'll be once they landscape it'll be nice but they they don't have it and I think you know Victor and I were talking I think be a good opportunity for maybe having an art project where local president or School P it's right now it's just a white baster but you know maybe we can have or something to in terms of what was actually required they are providing what's necessary was requirement for that so yes they are they Dy okay there were a lot of items that there was a lot of conditions okay and and just for the rest of the planning board's knowledge one of the other things was because we did talk about it at the last council meeting The Pedestrian signal the county finally did give approval to put a pedestrian crosswalk on South at the intersection at West um and part of I mean I think we even put it in the resolution for the co uh for the First Co for verela one that they would I think it was in and install it's technically on the verm 2 you know site plan I think or or what you know Redevelopment plan that they agreed to but um they have agreed to purchase and install that we will the burrow as we had known we would be will be providing the Ada ramps for it but they will be doing the signal excellent so are you looking for a motion tonight from the planning board yeah I don't know if we ever really if I I don't think we have to now we need it but question anything before we just talked before the resolution that you did on verela one we didn't discuss it here first secondly I mean like after it was passed yes we discussed it but it wasn't our gig yeah I I just want to make sure we're all on the same page honestly just so that I know there is going Mr near ISM here um but I know that the Planters were an issue um but you know maybe you can have the um the um what the um what do you call well can I what are they arts arts thing do it what are they Landscaping in there they're planting in there or they're just plopping down the Planters they are Landscaping okay is there anything going or red light I I'm just have I'm always bad at picturing these things um it's just a South between vermel 2 parking lot and Municipal parking lot that we know where they're going to be placed they the idea was to place in front of barl Hall okay okay yeah not not my wheelhouse to see how it looks yeah okay all right yeah Maran pedestrian signal is it similar to what's onenter yeah there's people yeah it's just the it's not um it's just the push button um you know the Flash I believe that's what the it's the same one yeah yeah they call um and then we would have the the Ada ramps okay so my question is is that what we're voting on tonight the projectan walkway no no we're not doing we're not voting on anything tonight this is just notification of that they've completed their requirements to get the CF do anything with that thank you because that was part of the resolution anyway so yeah we did our thing yeah we asked for it back then yeah yeah yeah and and we had um and on on another note something totally different now um there's an ordinance proposal that we had requested of uh Harbor consultants and that's for the expansion and reconstruction of residential homes um and with that um Harbor Consultants did in fact um draft up a uh a proposal um in the amount of uh $3,575 um to come up with criteria and Gabe correct me or or jump in anytime you want on on this basically new green infrastructure to provide you know more opportunities for green infrastructure research other other doing and find the best criteria where you new homes you know sustainable but also criteria and Kathy also mentioned there couple recommendations for master excellent excellent yeah there was there was two so with that um would we need a uh a motion on submitted for these funds so with that I'll I'll submit that uh that motion to uh to provide um funding up to $3,575 to Har consultants for development uh of a ordinance proposal to expansion and reconstruction for residential homes can the uh recommendations of of the master plan to conform to the recommendations of the master plan yes um I made the motion I'll I'll second that okay roll call please mayor blumenstock I Mr Capa biano hi chair greet hi Miss vagio I Mr McCormick yes Miss biano hi and Miss hay hi okay motion carries thank you and uh yeah so we'll look forward to seeing that drafts perfect thank you Odell um mon should have some a working draft I say that's great for feedback all right Adele is there anything come down the pike uh not that I'm aware of no there's nothing currently in the office okay thank you and when is Technically when is our our next meeting uh July 26 I think there's a good possibility we'll be canceling that okay so it's a good possibility that the July later in July meeting will be cancelled okay all right um any other discussions from anyone on the board for any subject that we haven't roached as of yet no it's raining outside yeah okay um well with that um do I hear a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all those in favor I I post hearing no oh one other thing before we before we adjourn I do have to open it up to the public just routine seeing no public here I close that portion motion garies we're returned thank you thank you thank you thank you two subdivisions an ordinance review and two subdivisions six years in the all right this is a record I have to I have to make not so is it just that they never okay thank you thank you e e