[Music] good evening I'd like to start the meeting with a call to order and we'll start with a roll call vote of members bill John here Carol I think you're muted Carol okay there we go H here thank you Wendy Heather here Cliff I know Cliff is here with audio Yeah I'm here thank you larly I know L Lee was here a minute ago so I'm sure she'll be back um I don't believe Jim is joining us tonight yes I'm here Jim oh hi Jim sorry do you prefer Jim or James Jim's fine thanks okay hi thanks and myself okay and we have um I'm happy to say one of our Irving reps is joining us tonight Jennifer icorn is here hi Jennifer hi there how are you good I'm glad you could join us thanks for having me appreciate it yes yes it's great okay now I have to read all the official information here for the meeting for governor Baker's order suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law Mass General Law chapter 30A section 20 the public will not be allowed to physically access the school committee meeting members of the public can access the meeting via monu Community television broadcast the extension of the emergency open meeting law Provisions were signed into to law as chapter 20 section 20 of the acts of 2021 the school committee reserves the right to implement additional remote participation procedures and will notify the public of these procedures as it is practical too the option for public bodies to hold meetings remotely until March 31st 2025 has been signed into law by Governor Healey as chapter two of the acts of 2023 any members of the public who wish to join the meeting May do so by asking accessing the link to be found on the gmrsd website it can be found under school committee notices and agendas for upcoming meetings and it will have tonight's date Jane can I um just comment that John iringer is here also and he was not named oh I'm sorry did I miss you John thank you Bill thank you I can't hear you John that's oh okay I okay good I think I did say here but okay thank you I guess I missed it thank you though I appreciate it it Bill thank you um we are also live streaming as well as broadcasting on mctv and a recording of the meeting will be available on mctv and the district website if you are in the zoom audience please keep your camera and the microphone off thank you we'd like to welcome any visitors who are in the zoom audience this evening we've not received any requests for public participation but if we had this would be the time for someone to take that opportunity and since we haven't we will move on to upcoming and school committee attendance at events Brian so far still nothing new I'm not sure if anybody has anything to add but um the summer food programs will continue through August 8th um not this I'm sorry not the summer food programs but the um summer programs summer school programs will continue through August 8th new teacher orientation will be held on Friday August 23rd Monday August 26th is the first day of school for staff and Thursday August 29th is the first day of school for students in grades 1 through 12 do any school committee members have anything else to offer not as likely in the summer I'm sure thank you um superintendance report I don't believe do you have one this evening Brian I don't have one this evening no since you're officially on on vacation you can y thank you um business and operations Joanne okay here I am so I just wanted to give a brief summary of where we are with the budget for fiscal 24 and just talk a little bit about fiscal 25 because I know there's still a lot of confusion about the budget and how that works so we are still working on closing out fiscal 24 you have four cleanup warrants in your pocket for approval today any purchase orders that weren't completed you know for instance we might have ordered supplies and the supplies were not received yet then those purchase orders get rolled into fiscal 25 and we're able to spend the 24 funds later so we'll spend those down over the course of the summer but we'll be able to close out fiscal 24 based on what we know on purchased orders so in fiscal 25 I know that there's been a lot of things during public comment or you know out in the community that we've heard about the budget and I I just feel like maybe there's still some confusion about the budget and how that is worked so you know every year we try to build a responsible budget together we do that and you know it may not meet everyone's needs like you know people may not be happy about the budget but we do what we can with the finances that we have and we do it to the best ability that we have to meet the needs of the students so you know we have to acknowledge that some there's some local concerns about the budget but I think some of them are referred to under Staffing of the budget but what it is is understaffing in the buildings it's not because we didn't budget for positions it's because we hadn't been able to fill positions in the past so with the Staffing concerns you know we've had the negotiations for unit a and Unit C made it hard to fill positions you know people were leaving and it was just really difficult time and without the new contract we couldn't fill positions because people couldn't wouldn't come to work for us at the lower rates we really needed the new contracts at the higher rates to be able to hire people so once that happened you know the year was half over and we still tried to fill these positions but there were vacancies all year people are absent sometimes so we have absences and then it's hard to get subs and so all of those things lead to looking like they all lead to it looking like we're underst staffed but we're not understaffed because of the budget we're underst staffed because of the Staffing so we're working really hard to fill those vacancies to build our subpool and you know we hope to monitor absenteeism and you know have a really great year another one of the concerns that I've heard is class size and you know we had that elimination of the fourth grade teacher in the Paras in first grade so I have a class siiz chart there for you on my report and these are estimates right now for fiscal 25 so our estimated kindergarten for fisc 25 at Hillcrest is is pretty large it's one of our larger classes so our class sizes are estimated to be had about 20 students per class but in kindergarten we have the kindergarten Paras there and then in first grade our estimated class size is at 14 right so much smaller but no Paras in first grade although at Hillcrest we do have about 20 Paras among all of those classes for IEP needs at Sheffield you can see the class sizes for grade two will be 17 for grade three will be 23 for grade four will be 21 and grade five is 16 right and so it's grade four that we had that elimination of the teacher but even still that class size is smaller than the grade three class size and then Gil you know we can't do a lot with the class size at gil but if we're at least trying to be comparable you know you can see that grade four Gil's class is 20 students right so it's pretty comparable to the number of students that'll be in grade four at Sheffield where we did eliminate that teacher now when we look to fiscal 26 and we know that there's a large kindergarten class we're going to have to look at putting first grade pairs back because that's a large class again so that's something that we'll have to talk about that bubble teacher you know that that grade four bubble of a small class is a bubble and so that is going to move and so the number of teachers in each of those grade levels will move with the smaller class so it's not like the third graders are going to go into fourth grade next year and they're only going to have two teachers among them right they'll have the three the two teachers will be in probably in fifth grade where that smaller bubble is so another issue I heard is that people would like to see the year-end balance or Surplus used to support the fiscal 25 budget and so we've we've already done that right when we were building the fiscal 25 budget we talked about the anticipated Surplus and fiscal 24 which allowed us to use more end than we typically use so you can see our end in fiscal 23 we use 250,000 in fiscal 24 we use 400,000 and in fiscal 25 we use 500,000 we're going to need to start bringing that number back down again because if we don't have a surplus to put in there to use then we can't build a budget using that because we're going to hit another a cliff you know we're going to come over a cliff if we use too much of the endd all at once and we don't have anything filling it back up so and then I just want to talk a little bit about the budget and how amendments and budget approvals work so Regional School District budget is established by a vote of the school committee assessments are sent to the towns the towns have a town meeting they approve the budget and that finalizes our budget and that is the budget that we need to operate within for our general fund so once we've on we've closed fiscal 24 then we submit our documentations of the Department of Revenue we get our end certified it's not until after that end is certified that we can do anything more with the end right we can't spend it we can't have any needs that can be filled with end until it's certified at some point after October but let's say we were to amend the budget if we amend the general fund budget which would be increasing indd or increasing assessments to the towns we would have to have a two-thirds vote of the school committee to approve that and then it would go to the towns and they have 45 days to vote it even if their assessment is staying the same and all we did is use more end they still need to have an special town meeting and vote that budget now if we if the change in the budget is in circuit breaker revolving or in um school choice revolving something that doesn't increase the overall budget then it just requires a two-thirds vote of the school committee maybe we're using more end and we're having Less Irving tuition you know whatever those things may be as long as they balance out and we haven't changed the general fund budget then we don't need a vote of the town but we do need a vote of the school committee and so you know from time to time we bring you transfers to adjust things in the budget but overall you know the budget can't change at this point so I know you know there's there's people out there talking about changing it but what we really need to focus on is filling all the vacant positions that we have and there are quite a lot and so we are working hard to do that and getting everything processed so we can have people in place when students return that is all I have for you tonight thank you Joanne does anyone have any questions for Joanne and anyone who would like to see that information can go to our website and go to tonight's agenda and this um document will be attached so anyone's welcome to read it if they'd like to look at it again thank you next we have school committee reports we has something to say I'm sorry okay I couldn't see that yep I we can't hear you is your volume all the way up on your computer I know mine wasn't [Music] be uh you're muted now Wendy it's coming up as mute when it's not muted there's static somehow is there something interfering maybe I don't know enough about to be much out sometimes if you go out and come back in it helps Wendy you probably will have to go out and come back in and reboot the machine and we'll hold off so uh Wendy can make her comment for hi Wendy go ahead and try for Jane while we're waiting I'd just like to say I think that the Surplus is based on endof year calculation where the um contribution from end is made at the beginning of the year so the two are are unrelatable in essence as it relates to the this year's budget for last year's budget at least that's how I understand it thanks Bill so the balance in end at any given time like right now the balance in end is based on the year and balance of fiscal 23 and prior and when we were building this budget we knew that we were going to have a surplus in fiscal 24 because our choice and Charter numbers had really declined significantly and so we knew that that was going to replenish the fiscal the end at the end of the year so we could use 500,000 we were comfortable knowing that money would get replenished when fiscal 24 ended so they're it goes into the same pot it's just replenishing what was 25 thank you Joan Joan is it correct to say that it the word Surplus is really a misnomer because it's not really a surplus it's money that you you you sometimes anticipate using for the actual building of the budget right like in other words you spend the money you know Surplus to me means it kind of sits there and you can use it for whatever you want but I'm understanding what you're saying part of the building of the budget is anticipating how much of that money you can spend in order to put the whole budget together is that correct yes so like when we're in when we're building the budget I mean we have to build the budget assuming what we know for school choice and Charter for instance right so what do we know is happening in school choice and Charter for the expense side and that's an expense that we need to build into the budget those numbers are strictly estimates Because the actual cost of those students is who is attending school during that fiscal year and so right we've already built a budget for fiscal 25 with choice and Charter out anticipation fiscal 25 hasn't even begun yet but we've had a budget those numbers in their budgeted for six months now so fiscal 25 is going to happen and anything could change people could move you know different different people could be on school choice than we're on school choice at the beginning so we need to anticipate those things and so there's always a possibility of having a deficit or a surplus and you have to work a deficit and you you know but a surplus is okay if it rolls into end to replenish the fund that you just took 500,000 out of to right buil the budget so if you don't do that you could end up short right and if we're running you know if we're operating fiscal 25's budget and it doesn't look like there's going to be any kind of a surplus we need to bring that $500,000 down in fiscal 26 we won't be able to use 500,000 from end because that'll right to a cliff at the end of fiscal 26 and then fiscal 27 there'll be nothing you know next to nothing left so we really need to be careful about those balances each year right thank you can you hear me now Jane yes yes okay well I just wanted to clarify about open positions we have open positions we're going to fill but the positions in question I.E the Paris for the first grade at Hill Crest and the fourth grade teacher at Sheffield are off the table at this point because they're they're not um the they're not uh I don't want to say not necessary but not um you're correct okay um there's also been some I've gotten some questions about a bcba for the high school I don't know if that's happening but is that included in the positions we're trying to hire for just for clarification that is not something that is budgeted as a position but we have it in the budget like for contracted services so if we're able to find a person to fill that position instead of using contracted Services then absolutely we would fill that position perfect thank you so much I appreciate it appreciate that thank you Cheryl app I mean Wendy sorry reading the name but all right thank you anyone else okay thank you um moving on to school committee reports the first is the warrant subcommittee met yesterday and we approved the five warrants that are listed and if it's acceptable once I've read them all um someone could move them as a group and we would approve them the first is fiscal year 24 cleanup warrant the the number on that is 3482 dated 630 2024 in the amount of $143 183 cents the next is also a fiscal year 24 cleanup that's an a meaning bills that are submitted electronically that's number 3483 also dated 630 2024 and the amount of $ 44,46 to20 the third is another cleanup warrant for fiscal year 24 the number of the warrant is 3484 dated 6:30 2024 as well for the amount of $266,900 97 and the last is a fiscal year 25 accounts payable warrant number 3501 dated 724 2024 in the amount of$ 7,668 30 I'll entertain a motion to approve those as a group so moved Heather hea Heather thank you second second okay I think I heard bill first and any discussion about the warrants all the warrants in detail are again contained in our packet and can be accessed by anyone who would like to read them if no discussion we'll take a roll call vote Bill yes John yes Carol yes Wendy hand Wendy gave a Thumb Thumbs Up thumbs up thank you hea yes Cliff you can talk that I think Cliff's here on audio Lori Lee thank you yes sorry thank you Jim yes and myself yes yes thank you uh and the policy ask for John ask for John again I heard John I didn't hear cliff C I think you have the same problem on your computer that Wendy had your your microphone in the settings might not be turned up or turned on is that mine no clip oh Cliff yeah right because I think he's still on his phone probably C there's some Arrow right beside the microphone where you can select what microphone you can use okay we'll move on the policy subcommittee work will be discussed during the regular business portion um moving on to the business portion we need okay oh there all right thank you um we need to appoint the school district physician and that information is in your packet what's in the packet is actually uh just the the school physici um job description what basically what the responsibilities are but the individual um is Dean singer who's been our school district physici for a few years and um so I'm requesting that the school committee vote to uh reappoint Dean singer to continue as the school district's physician okay I will entertain a motion so moved I think that was Lor Lee Lor Lee thank you second ah that was a tie who's first Carol were you first let's go with you Lori and car thank you any other discussion of a reappointing our school physician I believe Dr singer was our physician last year was that his first year no I think it was he was during covid I remember yeah I think his first year was mine I could be about that but I think that the co Year may have been his first year with the district that sounds correct by the time to start yeah I I went I looked at that document and it I looked through the list of his responsibilities and would it is it accurate then that he's doing that for the stipend of $6,000 yes that's that's approximately what what's budgeted so the Consulting is just intermittent okay thank you so we have a motion we have a second anyone else have any discussion of that in that case we'll take a roll call vote Bill yes John yes Carol yes Wendy yes thank you heather yes Cliff yes Mar Le yes Jim yes and myself yes thank you um the next item that we put on will be continued later but we added in a copy of the current school committee goals as we mentioned at a previous meeting um I hope everyone will take the time to take a look at them because by later this fall once the district has um updated the district goals um we will then work on our school committee goals using theirs as a guide yes Heather are we going to be doing like any sort of Workshop to work together through these that's a good question I'm wondering what people might like and can I make a suggestion that we well that people look at it um so switch from smart goals to fast goals they're particularly good for organizations because of the transparency and the um what's the f I forgot what f is hold on I have it pulled up here oh frequently discussed right um which I think is really important when you have goals um as a group to check in on them and I'm not saying we talk about them every week or anything but I don't know I just if you want to look into fast goals I think that might be a nice little transition it's not a dramatic change but I think it's an important conceptual change Heather if you wanted to share anything with me I could I could push it out to the committee okay that'd be great could you tell me where the fast goals term um it's I believe it's from mit's business school um I I have I I was just looking up goal stuff in general for school committee um and that just popped up so I will send you there their articles on it because I believe the term smart goals comes from desie it does and that's why we've used that type it's not terrible it just it does lack reviewing um which I don't love and I really like that there's transparency as well with the others and so I mean it's they're pretty similar I it's very it talks about specific it's it's frequently discussed ambitious specific and transparent um you know smart goals has turned into kind of jargony stuff I don't know how effective they really are and I think that checking in and making sure we are making strides towards our goals is is pretty important thank you and if we do if we do decide to stick with smart gos we can determine what we want the reporting structure to look like right so it it doesn't have to be you know twice a year it it can be um a much much more frequent so that's another option I agree you know I think the public wants to know and you know we should know you know um what you know what is happening how are we moving although sometimes it is hard to measure because some of the goals are pretty um lofty right and they're not something that you know they're not tiny little Snippets unless we break the goals down into yearly goals and they're actionable and and very very tight then we could certainly check in Brian could provide information from us as soon as he has information thank you heather also I so I had been reviewing some past um learning lunches that went over goal setting for school committee members and I found their books and so I mean there are a whole bunch of resources out there with some um sample goals as well from other schools and and it to be honest it looks like sometimes we're biting off really big chunks that maybe we can even um distill into something that just turns out being important as far as outcomes and and key results things like that so I I'll send I'll send Brian a bunch of stuff and we can pull from desie and we can yeah just think about how we want to go forward that's all thank you thanks anything that you send along I'll share with the committee and that's why we' put it on a couple of times so people can look at it we'll look at some other information and then perhaps by the August meeting we could discuss whether we want to set aside a portion of a meeting we're already having to just work on that or do we want to schedule a separate one in the fall so people could also think on that any other discussion on that at this moment okay thank you um the next item is an update on reviewed policies and this is just information about the new title one information that's come out um I think Bill's going to give us just a bit of general information about that because we don't don't have the exact necessary wording to redo our policies practices handbooks Etc quite yet yes it's really Title Nine we're talking about not title one I'm sorry yeah Title Nine and Title Nine is in the interest of um communication I've set this up uh title N9 is generally focused on educational inst entities uh but it's based on titles six and seven from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 except that those two acts um or those two titles I'm sorry relate more to Simply discrimination due to sex and then discrimination in employment due to sex whereas Title Nine says essentially that no person in the USA shall have on the basis of sex be excluded I mean shall on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any educational programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance uh Title 9 initially got set up in or started to be formulated in 1970 it was approved in 1972 and specific regulations were signed into law by Gerald Ford in 1975 the two objectives uh looking at Title 9 specifically avoid are to avoid federal funds supporting discriminatory practices in educational programs and individuals effective protection against such practices it was to ensure that male and female students and employees of educational institutions are treated equally it certainly came about in most people relate it to activities for women um trying to bring them up to speed with and equality with what is given to the men uh particularly in our educational institutions but it also protects employees of those educational institutions um the practices are discrimination based on sex Color Race religion or national origin over time considerations of what constitutes such discrimination and harassment have evolved especially as a result of litigation so in that vein most recently in 2019 a decision called the bowo decision was given by the Supreme Court of the United States in that they addressed homosexual and transgender grievances discrimination based based on sex includes discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation is a summation of what they uh thought it is applied equally to interex persons this is um discrimination we're talking about it is applied equally to interex persons who are people born with variations of sex characteristics that don't match either male or female bodies where for example some people may be born with some organs but not other organs so it's hard to it's certainly a hard situation to deal with in March of and the bowo decision happened in 2019 uh it was actually a case in Georgia where a uh someone who declared homosexuality was subsequently fired and in a couple of related cases there was a transgender issue who was also fired so all of those things came to the four and the uh because different um circuit courts ruled differently on the issues the Supreme Court got it and they ruled in favor of the transgender and the homosexual parties in March of 2021 a memorandum was issued to federal civil rights offices based on that bowo decision and this has led to further delineation of Title 9 regulations to be enacted August 1st 2024 in a couple of weeks from now the whole doc the document the current document the revised document they call it an amended document nonetheless uh is said to be 1,600 ages so we have not looked at it um we have yet to see a comprehensive explanation as to where we are or need to be at this time the district feels we are currently in in compliance with reg the regulations as we know them today and lastly I just want to note that people may wonder how is title 6 and Title 9 connected and they are connected through through common sex discrimination Juris Prudence so each one of them um definitely for uh prohibits sexual um discrimination in whatever form it comes to be and that ends my dialogue thank you thank you Bill that was really helpful um so we are currently waiting um we checked with the um our Law Firm the dpri law firm and someone there is currently working on appropriate wording because with something new that needs to follow particular guidelines we do look to them and when I checked with the office a week or so ago there was somebody there working on it now we also would expect masc the mass Association of school committees will give us a version of appropriate wording before long we just don't think it makes a lot of sense to work out our own wording in advance and have to change it so we wanted to let people know that we had looked into it and um there also have not been the information that's come out even in that large document does not apply to sports yet that they're waiting for and there are some particular states that are um pursuing law suits against the federal government for this new title 9 work so there is some there are some things in the works for that Jane who is the Title Nine coordinator for the district I did [Music] know I think Brian sorry I walked away from my computer to grab a paper across the uh across the room uh our Title 9 coordinator is our director of people Services Karina whist okay okay now will she be doing training or something for the staff on the changes to the to the regulations we need to take a look at how um I don't know if it will specifically fall to Karina um it'll start in my office once we get the information from the attorneys the first thing that I'll look to do is um update the various staff and student handbooks change the information to make sure that we have the correct the correct language in there uh in general when that comes from the attorneys and then depending upon how different it is it may be as simple as a summary that we do as part of the convocation days um it may be something that we need to send out and uh ask principes to do at a staff meeting depending upon when we get that information so yeah if if if there if there is substantive changes beyond our existing practices um then we'll have to take actions there too but I Carol as you know from being in Massachusetts yeah it you know we're fortunate in that um like first got to the district one of the first things we did was to make sure that we had gender gender neutral U restroom facilities in every building and so that was sort of the last step that the district needed to take but we were in so hopefully we're ahead of the and simply need to update documentation and uh just providing hopefully Min minimal information because these uh students and staff who fall into these newly added categories have already effectively been protected by Massachusetts law yeah yeah I would anticipate there might be some updates on forms and things like that that the language might be a little different but nothing major probably since since within the last years the districts all had to update their their processes yep yes and we uh the information we got also said that there could be wording that might need changes in contracts but we'll certainly look at that as well once we get the specific wording again I feel we're really up to date but we'll double check and make sure I know the advisories that I was working with they they really discussed having a pretty tight reporting uh process um you know that involves the Title Nine coordinator and and also looking at situations where if depending on if there is a a gender particular gender um a need to have more like a a male a male compliance officer and a female depending on the circumstances so those are all things that I think we will disc discuss once everything comes in I just was curious what the district's process was now for overseeing Title 9 because it's a very litigious law and you know we're just beginning we're just beginning to see the the beginnings of it and so one of the things that um I want to keep an eye out to it for as well is whether or not there are any changes to you know um who would be the primary investigator uh that in every one of those circumstances because we're such a small district and fortunately we haven't we haven't had to do it over the last several years we haven't had to do a title n investigation per se um but there all those roles from the investigator uh to the decider to the coordinator and and how those all work are really designed in our district on a case-by Case basis so for example you know if there is a uh an ISS potential issue of sexual harassment depending upon what building it in typically that building administrator is usually the the primary investigator um so that's one of the things that I'm going to keep an eye out for is are there any changes to the process or just the the parameters of those now protected by the title so yeah because you know gets a little tricky if the if it's a staff member accusing an administrator right right the typical person to do the investigation it sounds like would be the Principal but that the district has to just be able to Pivot yep and decide you know and what you know what are the roles and I don't know if that's going to involve you know training um some specific people that you know you might you know want to call on um because I think that it it's usually where people get districts get in trouble is in the procedures yep and not following the procedure right it's not usually you know the actual situation itself or you know just it's really it's procedural so gotta be sure we're tight on that thank you Bill yeah I just want to um add to that that in extreme cases the uh decider and the investigator and the title 9 coordinator can all be one person but I'm not sure that that's advisable in any situation thank you anyone else so we will be updating that as soon as we get the information and the policy subcommittee is is definitely ready to go ahead and work on it as soon as we see what we need to work on which ones thank you uh the next item we're going to uh look at some of the policies we have reviewed and if Heather doesn't mind going through those for us it's a second reading of one group and a third reading of the other which will involve a vote for the third reading yep if you click on the links it should open you right to a spreadsheet on the pink readings tab um the first section of the rest the second half of section g and H changes are ready for third reading and vote I mean we can and then instead of continuing after that you can the um three D Financial policies below the pink line are our second reading so we're only voting on The G's and H's but D's are to review one last time okay um does anyone need any summarizing of that it's pretty much again references that needed to be changed updated language some legal references um cross references things like that it was very minor but it was important to get everything up to date yes okay let's look at the second reading first because that's the order that it is in the business part of the meeting the second reading is just as Heather mentioned the three DS which deal with purchasing purchasing Authority and procurement requirements those are just clarifications so far and those we will vote on at our next meeting third reading of the ones that deal with medical leave political activities Personnel a lot of it's basically uh Personnel area anyone have any questions about those I will then entertain a motion to approve the group of G and H policy that was L thank you L thank you second and second I believe was Carol correct yeah any further discussion of that is this time if someone would like to no I don't have a I just had a process question just so so um we're we're using Mas sees language is that what what we're doing okay so okay because I was gonna ask if if if at any point our legal council reviews any changes in policies but I guess I would assume that they they are vetted by legal counil at masc and if we had any question about something we would I'm sure run it by our attorney correct yes Heather yeah that's true um this section however is things like changing commas periods um yeah student child to student yeah it's very small small changes for the most but you're right Carol we do if there's any question masc has a full-time lawyer working on the wording with them and we also refer it to ours if there's anything as in the case of the new Title Nine which might be different we refer those directly to the law okay that's perfect thank you uh when I opened the second and third reading it seemed it was the same document yep I keep them in the same place so is not to confuse anybody you can just see from the dates um I keep it stuck at the top first second third and vote readings and so you can tell from the dates where we're at with each section but instead of sending you because we're kind of um doing we're at a different stage with different ones I just felt like keeping it all on one page makes it pretty clear so we're just voting on above the pink line today yes and then the columns that You' set up with the dates in does help people like me to remember which is which and where we are that's helpful any other questions or comments okay in that case we have a motion we have a second I'll take a roll call vote Bill yes John yes Carol yes Wendy put your thumbs up okay I did see a yes I got it Heather yes Cliff yes than you lur Lee Yes Jim yes and myself yes thank you um we do not not have any new minutes that we need to approve this evening if you have agenda requests uh just a reminder our next meeting is not until August 20th and in August we had decided to just have one meeting so people wouldn't have quite as many during the summer but if you have any requests please send them to Bill Brian or myself and other than that I think it looks like we can adjourn once we have a motion in a second some moved Heather moved and L Lee seconded am I right sorry it was me J okay thank you Wendy thank you any other discussion of adjournment think probably not that isn't usually a big topic to discuss that's the rules I to ask all right in that case we'll take a roll call to adjourn Bill yes John yes Carol yes Wendy yes Heather yes Cliff yes Lor Lee Yes Jim yes and myself yes thank you all and thank you Jennifer for coming this evening again for having me have a good night bye a great night