FL flag of the United States of America in accordance with chapter 231 open public meetings at proper notice of this meeting has been given to the public by publishing a notice in the Glen Ridge paper Glen Ridge voice monair times and Star Ledger and posting said notice on the bulletin board in the municipal building the agenda and public handouts for this meeting can be viewed online at www Glen nj.org a public comment period will be held as listed on the agenda please state your name for the record and note that comments will be limited to three minutes per person madam call please yes Madam mayor councelor leitz here Hughes is absent councelor Moody is absent councelor law here Meer here Maro here Madame mayor's president Madam mayor you have a quorum thank you so much um may I have a resolution on the minutes of the April 23rd meeting I'll make a motion to approve the minutes of April 23rd second I'll second yes mad mayor councelor leit I law abstain Meer I Maro I three eyes one exstension the motion carries thank you madam clerk do we have any written Communications there are no written Communications this evening okay um I have two proclamations that any comments from the public okay oh sorry I'm looking right at you I missed you please come up and state your name I looked right that's okay apologies thank you this is my first time doing this perfect I was very involved with Bloomfield um but obviously I not that I care more about these kids but I got attached to them very fast um can you see your name for oh I'm sorry Maria gualter thank you I'm a crossing guard in front of the high school yeah I love my job even though it's the hardest post um I'm asking if you could please make the sign that is on Ridgewood directly in front of Woodland that says no turns uh 7:30 to 8:30 and then 2:30 to 330 make it bigger yeah or glowing in the dark or something because nobody sees it people actually go around my hes I see that in the morning yeah okay yeah yeah we walk by um also people if you can put a sign that says no U they're making urns right on my walkway the white L on Richwood when they come off of Woodland or everywhere today a lady parked in front of the post office and squeezed between the curb and my cones okay worried about the kids the car came on the opposite side of the going this way CU you could only make the right yeah some guy came on the other side to make the left I jumped in front of iump in front of and he would not move I made he backed up the other way I have a picture with the kid that he almost is right behind the car so so I know you reported this to Sergeant Parago or Sergeant cut right no that was the other guy that tried to fight me the other got out and came close to me and I told him he need to back up so so motorist okay this is another one okay um but the signs did you let them know that because I thought I heard talk about that either Sergeant Cuts or Sergeant Parago oh they told me about that in the very beginning oh okay so we'll work nobody sees it I me I see so we'll work with with uh DBW see also um there's a speed limit 25 nobody sees that either it's on this side like the side of the high school if there's anywhere we could I know you're not going to put a pole and put it up there or nobody sees it they're doing 80 mil hour and it's not the cops doing their job job that whole area is also slated for improvement within the next few years with the grant so that's why certain I even talk to the bank because they're not supposed to be parking the bankot it says purpose only and the guys just he said they they sled me face to do they park there when they come out they're coming out the traffic is coming around almost then the kids are running droing off kids they're in the park in the bank parking lot parents picking up their kids I mean it's for Bank purpose only and I try to tell them please be careful start sing Cars it's of my business but the bank told me you know I do something about I said I have nothing to do with that but they're coming out of the parking lot people are turning kids are acoss running across the street okay I'm just you know it's an accident waiting to happen and I don't want of the kids get hurt they called me mama so I'm attached to yeah no I definitely have seen really app it thank thank you for sharing thank you is there anyone else I think we might have some after yes we'll keep it open after our special Proclamation okay so I have the first Proclamation on National Gun Violence awareness whereas every day more than 110 Americans are killed by gun violence alongside more than 200 who are shot and wounded and on average there are nearly 16,000 gun homicides every year and whereas gun homicides and assaults are concentrated in cities with more than half of all arm related gun deaths in the nation occurring in 127 cities and protecting Public Safety in the communities they serve is the mayor's highest responsibility and whereas Mayors and Law Enforcement Officers know their communities best are the most familiar with local criminal activity and how to address it in our best position to understand how to keep their citizens safe and whereas gun violence prevention is more important than ever as covid-19 pandemic contines to exacerbate gun violence after more than two years of increased gun sales increased calls to suicide and domestic violence hotlines and an increase in City gun violence and whereas in January 2023 Hada Pendleton was tragically shot and killed at age 15 and on June 3D 2024 people across the United States will recognize National Gun Violence awareness day and wear orange and Pendleton and other victims of gun violence and whereas the idea was inspired by a group of ha's friends who asked their classmates to commemorate her life by wearing orange they chose this color because Hunters wear orange to announce themselves to other Hunters when out in the woods and orange is a color that symbolizes the value of human life and whereas anyone can join this campaign by pledging to wear orange on June 7th the first Friday in June in24 to help raise awareness about gun violence and by wearing orange on June 7th 2024 Americans will raise awareness about gun violence and honor the lives of gun violence victims and survivors and where as we renew our commitment to reduce gun violence and pledge to do all we can to keep Firearms out of the wrong hands and encourage responsible gun ownership to help keep our children safe now therefore be it resolved that I mayor Deborah mans declare declares the first Friday in June June 7th 2024 to be National Gun Violence awareness day I encourage all citizens to support their local community efforts to prevent the tragic effects of gun violence and to honor and value human lives thank you I know we have our supporters here did you want to offer any comments um our community thank you good evening I'm John wman I'm a long time resident of my wife and I have been here for 32 years we raised three boys here um and on behalf of every town for gun safety and the Essex County chapter of M action we thank the the council and mayor for issuing this Proclamation and for your support come by here in Ridge we're going to continue to wear orange this scourge of gun violence unfortunately continues in our state and across the country uh you read some of the statistics about gun violence in in the proclamation I'd like to highlight just a few more U as many of you know guns are now the leading cause of death for us children by homicide suicide and unintentional shootings as a grandfather of four five and under this strikes pretty close to home tragically in 2023 there was the highest number of unintentional shootings by children since 2015 411 shootings resulting in 157 deaths and 270 injuries uh you may have also heard that nearly six out of every ton 10 gun deaths are suicides what you might not know is that children between the ages of 10 and 14 had the fastest growing suicide rate of any age group over the last decade in 146% uh you may also not know that and perhaps our friends in law enforcement are aware of this guns are being stolen from cars at triple the rate they were 10 years ago in 2022 on average at least one firearm was stolen from a car every nine minutes and according to the ATF gun theft is a significant source of guns that end up in the hands of criminals um so while we should not have to live in fear that gun violence claim the lives of our friends and neighbors and family members um the uh the activists who are uh fighting for gun violence prevention is growing too our movement uh we and Mom's demand action and many other other organizations uh in the area will continue to educate organize Advocate and rally for safer communities um there will be a big rally in fact on uh June 7th in Summit perhaps this might be something we could po if you tomorrow we can ask you how to get more involved for our community so just in conclusion I want to thank you all again for um the proclamation for all you're doing to help us in the environments uh in in L rid in the area we thank you very much for your for supporting this life saving Mission we do have some lature if you want to us thank you MERS I think anybody would be interested we also have yeah and I know Mike um we are we have some plans at the municipal building to commemorate so on the on the 7th we'll illuminate the tower in Orange oh that yeah we're gonna light the light the light [Music] yeah you come it's nice to thank you so much all right so before we get to the next Proclamation I'm going to take a point of order and just say we're so glad to see Tommy here it's just really we really appreciate it um and it's also appropriate that I say um we had two great events councilor Moody would normally mention this in the buau um our arts and ecoair a couple weeks ago and the Memorial Day parade and our DPW does so much to make those events happen and make them special and it's amazing and we're here to honor the director of the DPW so I think it's just very appropriate given that we're in like high activity of town events and you guys are on call along with our Police Department um to make sure those all run very smoothly so I'll read the proclamation and then I think we're doing like a a mini roast roast yeah I just want to like warn you yeah and I have like one so um so whereas William Bartlett was born and raised in Vernon by Richard and Kathleen he graduated from Vernon High School where he was active in football and whereas on May 23rd 1994 William Bartlett began his career in Municipal public works when he was hired as creational maintenance worker and whereas bill has rid risen through the ranks of crew leader Field Supervisor operations supervisor and in 2013 was promoted to Supervisor of the public works department where he currently serves and whereas Bill William has dedicated himself to learning growing with each position and is a true example of a dedicated burough employee William is looked upon not only as a colleague but a mentor in the public works leadership whereas William Bartlett is known to answer every call question and email with a smile and can solve any problem the burough throws his way during any type of weather and whereas on May 23rd 2024 Bill completed his 30th year of employ here at The Bu of Glenridge and we are grateful for the years of dedication and service to the buau of Glenridge and the Glenridge public works department Bild continues to proudly provide now therefore be it resolved that due to William Bartlett's dedication and commitment to the Bureau of Glenridge I Deborah mans the mayor of the bur of Glenridge do hereby thank and commend William Bartlett for his service and dedication to the buau for over the past 30 years and here I Proclaim Wednesday May 29th 2024 to be William Bartlett day in the burough of all right so before I turn this over to Mike and then we can have an open mic um I have to tell my this only happen last week two weeks ago um someone was at our house and she dropped her entire set of keys down the sewer down the storm drain and we could not get them out I had like a kitchen magnet I called Bill he was there within five minutes opening up the storm drain um and it was and we he they scooped him out and um we were so thankful and had like everything she owns on that car so um that's just the typ of bill will do he's like you know what I'm finishing something up I'll be right over and he was like right over and he knew exactly what to do so that's my bill bar and I think that just goes to one small example of uh uh Bill I know you have no patience of being here right now and you'd rather not be here right now but that's really too bad so I invite all of you to share a Bill's story because I know he would love to to be here longer so feel free to join so Sir William probational Public Works employee what have you learned in 30 years from being a public probational Public Works employee some of the things bill has learned don't call in sick go to a Yankees game and get photographed and be in the newspaper Bill's also learned from his supervisors 30 years ago is a very different world than how the operations worked back then Bill learned from his Foreman if a front end loader is on fire don't jump out of it and let a rolling burning front end loader Cascade through the yard you should probably turn it off and then step out of that that that machine Bill learned from his foremans you probably shouldn't drive a 5ton machine across clay tennis courts he learned from his his Foreman if you're holding a pul saw and you're standing directly opposite that person with the p saw and they say you better move or this will drop on your head the chainsaw might drop on your head so this is The Benchmark that bill came in at and this is where we are 30 years later um um bill and his crew we know you call our money in the bank uh Bill stop answering your phone while you're in the bathroom it's embarrassing I can tell you're in there right but what that is goes to is his phone rings he answers it um we know bill will be there Tommy Chris at whoever we know the crew will be there and they're at that level of service that bill is instilled in all of them just get it done get in get out keep moving and that's that's what they live every day and that comes from Bill 100% comes from Bill and Tommy and the entire crew there um they know when we have an event you know Bill and I've where were we Friday or was um Friday was the race then it was the ecoair and then it was Memorial Day these are every every time making sure things are right and the crews are there to make sure we adapt move on and get it done to the repr representing our town at the the the finest level um and again that's that's from Bill's leadership from the community um everybody knows him everybody all the department heads know if we call Bill and hey Bill could you find the time to do this he'll find that time and uh I just want to thank you Bill for your years of service and putting up with me bothering you five six seven times a day and uh I appreciate you and I appreciate not the entire DPW staff and uh everybody that works together here so thank you Bill thank you does anyone else wish to offer a few remarks the time yeah I'll uh yeah speak for a moment here but um uh just want to tell everybody and I think it's obvious but how fortunate we are to have somebody like Bill running our Department of Public Works uh I've worked very closely with Bill over the course of the last couple of years as well as the rest of the team and you know Bill I just admire your dedication your can do attitude and just the leadership that you exhibit you know on a daily basis so on behalf of the entire Council um I do want to thank you and hopefully we'll have you for another 30 years yeah I would was just going to say after the parade I'm thinking there must be some weeks where you are here seven days a week months where you are here I hope not but possibly almost every day with the weather with events with if there's a a crazy storm your crew is always there uh if it's a snow event I mean we have the best cleared streets in the town and I I've never seen you get upset either I mean you're very calm so I really appreciate it as well and I think everybody in the community does as well thank you anyone else Phil Amer um I find Bill very irritating he tries he tries to out shine us every chance he gets uh when I want him to say no certain things he to but uh no it's been obviously a pleasure working with you bill um I mean these races it's just yeah bill can we get it done we don't have to say more than that and it's yeah done um just makes it very easy very easy to work with his guys obviously respect him his guys do whatever he says um it's just it's been a pleasure and you know wish for the best thank you say something G thank you thank you thank you keeping everything for us it's been awesome we had one of those Pian that get pass down to every every household it cost more going was option that's a St a I I'll try not to do that just a quick quick word about Bill of course the recreation department and the public works department work hand in hand all the time and I appreciate bill because he's a gentleman and he tells you the truth you can do something he'll tell you you can do it you can't do it he's going to tell you you can't do it and in this business that's really appreciated I know I'm always going to get straight shot from bil so much apprciate all right I guess we have to let you off the hook we need a picture we're definitely doing a photo we gotta drag them up short that would be thanks guys thanks for coming thank thank you all right we're going to continue with the rest of the uh meeting but if you guys want to go out and uh Cate forward to having Bill Bartlett day tomorrow [Music] I oh in the New York Post was a picture of another Public Works employee at a Yankees game with the sleeve of a public works shirt the guy you're you were out sick as well yeah you're not the only one you never met Tony char tell you what what I did what wrong with this [Music] guy's the street he go come over don't act like he go to whistle I said right here he go you know how to blow I said hone I can blow real good can you okay so we're on a hot hot [Laughter] sorry maybe we'll get more than two viewers yeah we're holding steady at one right now all right oh my go all right with that you just your mic oh apologies thank you all right we're gonna turn the meeting over to council uh thank you madam mayor and uh first of all I have resolution number 911-2410 and the other uh fund amounts that are listed in the resolution so Madame mayor I I move the resolution you heard Mo by councelor Le do I have a second I second you heard the motion by councel Le seconded by councel law any discussion seeing no disc discussion Madam cler please call the RO yes Madam mayor counc I law I may I marrow I for eyes no need motion um and uh next Madame mayor I have three ordinances two for fin reading one for first reading um so first I have ordinance number 1805 uh this is a bond ordinance re-appropriating $824,000 including $823,000 movements in and by The Bu of Glen Ridge in the county of Essex New Jersey um Madame mayor I have this ordinance for final reading Madame mayor this is to State for the record that this ordinance has been published in posted in accordance with the statute I declare this meeting open for the discussion of this ordinance and this ordinance only this being the time in place for the public hearing with no further comments forthcoming I declare this public hearing closed Madam mayor I move this ordinance be adopted a second you heard the motion by councelor leitz seconded by councelor law will the clerk please call the RO yes Madam mayor councilor Le I law I Meer I Mar I ordinance is adopted um next Madame mayor I have ordinance 1806 uh this is an ordinance establishing titles for nonunion and other employees at the buau of Glen Ridge and fixing the 2024 maximum annual salaries and other compensations for those titles uh I might add including uh crossing guards such as the very conscien crossing guard who uh commented our meeting this evening so Madame mayor I I move ordinance 1806 for final reading Madam mayor this is to State for the record that this ordinance has been published and posted in accordance with the statute I clar this meeting open and for discussion of this ordinance and this ordinance only this being the time and place for the public hearing seeing no comments coming I declare this public hearing closed Madame mayor I move that this ordinance be adopted thank you I have a second I'll second heard the motion by councelor Leo seconded by councelor Marrow will the CLE please call the RO yes mad mayor canc Le I law I Meer I tomorrow for eyes ordinance is adopted and finally Madame mayor I have ordinance 1808 an ordinance to appropriate pool utility Capital Improvement funds for various Capital Equipment uh this is in the total sum of $100,000 and Madam mayor I move thisin for first have a second a second is there any discussion among the members of the council seeing no comments forthcoming will the clerk please call the RO yes Madam mayor councelor leitz I law I Meer I Mar I Four Eyes noes this ordinance is passed on first reading I refer ordinance 1808 to the municipal clerk for the purpose of statutory publication and posting yes M mayor thank you finally Madam mayor I have resolution 92- 24 um this is a resolution to appoint uh James priz as the buau tax and water collector I move resolution 9224 you've heard the motion by Council voice do I have a second I'll second the motion by Council Le seconded by Council Meer is there any discussion on this resolution seeing no discussion Madam court please call the RO yes mam mayor councelor I la I Myer I Maro I Four Eyes no knes motion carries thank you all right thank you um councelor Hughes isn't here so councelor Meyer is gonna um take the Public Safety Committee I not right I do not have a public safety update I'll defer the chief on that but I have ordinance 1807 an ordinance titled parking restrictions on Des amending parking restrictions on designated streets Madame mayor this is a state for the record that this ordinance has been published and posted in accordance with the statute I declare this meeting open for discussion of this ordinance and this ordinance only this being the time and place for the public hearing seeing no comment forthcoming I declare this public hearing closed Madame mayor I move this ordinance to be adopted have a second I'll second you've heard the motion by Council Meyer seconded by Council leitz Madam clerk please call the RO yes M mayor counselor leitz I law hi Meer I Mar I this ordinance is passed no this ordinance is adopted perfect thank you um and Madam mayor I have resolution 93-4 uh this resolution authorizes social Affairs department for an event in Freeman Gardens and herl field great I move the resolution you heard the motion by councelor Meyer do I have a second I'll second heard the motion by councel Meyer seconded by counselor Maro any discussion just to point out that there's EV also at the Women's Club these are all all three events okay all three events I know the freeing Gardens is well attended food trucks a great music and uh to be followed I guess by the logger run uh that benefits the Glenridge Community Fund on June 9th so we appreciate and we will be once again enlisting the glge police department and the Department of Public Works sure Eric will be there yes showcase for our great town thanks to these efforts of those who support um I think I've lost track if we had a second on that don't think we had a second okay I'll second perfect for the motion by councelor Meer seconded by councel Marrow any we have the discussion um um see no further discussion please call the ro hi La hi Meer hi marrow I Four Eyes no names the motion carries thank you um counil Moody is absent tonight on Community Affairs but we've heard a lot about the different events going around in town councelor law yes uh Madame mayor of resolution number 94-248 ction of solid waste uh two bids were received and open on May 9th 2024 uh the Suburban Disposal submitted a lowest responsible bid for solid waste collection now therefore be it resolved that Suburban Disposal of Fairfield New Jersey be a w the contract for a three-year term for rear yard collection of solid waste to the amount of $2,158 th000 uh Madam mayor I seek to move this resolution the motion by Council of law do I have a second I'll second you've heard the motion by councel of law seconded by councelor Meer any discussion on the resolution seeing no discussion Madam clerk please call the RO yes Madam mayor councilor's Le I law I Meer I Maro I for eyes no the motion carries resolution number 9524 a um a similar resolution but related to uh the collection of recycling materials uh two bids were received and open on May 9th 2024 F basso Jr rubbish removal submitted the lowest responsible bid for the collection of single stream recyclables now there for be resolved that FBO junor rubbish removal of Irvington New Jersey be awarded a contract for a 5-year term for the collection of single stream recycling material uh Madame mayor I seek to move this resolution you heard the motion by Council law do I have a second I'll second a motion by Council law seconded by counc any discussion on this resolution the only thing I'll add is to say thank you to Mike to Kelly for starting early on getting these bids there's been a huge variability and Spike and cost across multiple municipalities across the state for both these services and Mike got out in front of it and we were able to fairly reasonable B considering what's happening in other town so than you and finally resolution 96 that I have to call the RO yeah no further discussion Madam clerk please call the RO yes Madam mayor councilor left I law I Meer I marrow I for eyes no the motion carries ready for me yes okay uh resolution number 9624 uh Department of Public Works determined as to purchase a new 2024 Ford F250 XL truck uh neelson Ford of martown New Jersey as a Cooperative purchasing agreement with the state of New Jersey uh now therefore it be resolved by the mayor and Council of Glen Ridge uh do hereby approve the purchase of the new 2024 Ford F250 XL truck from neelson Ford in amount of $ 76,1 18.50 motion by oh motion I just want to say I was move the resolution you sir thank you youve heard the motion by law a second I'll second the motion by Council law seconded by counc any discuss hopefully Tommy is back driving the new truck yes by time the truck I hope he's here before the truck is here yeah Tak I get these vehicles yeah I'm hoping for Tommy's return before the vehicle um Madam please call the RO yes Madam mayor councelor left I law I Meer I Mar eyes no motion carries that's it thank you um councilor Meer do you have a parks and Report um just to thank the gr came in earlier and spoke with the council so I wanted to thank the gr board all the volunteers commissioners um they read us a stat that about 86% of the children in this town cycle through the glenbridge athletic association I know it's on a volunteer basis so on behalf of the council thank you for your efforts in continuing to evolve the organization and support the the youth in our town so yeah it was great to have it was a great presentation I thought very well done very well yeah there there's been some tremendous change and some tremendous leadership within that organization so it's was great to have them uh give us an update so we'll look forward to a continued partnership with them and that's all I have with you yeah thank you for your committee work with that thank you counil Moro thank you mayor I have uh two ordinances to be introduced for first reading this evening uh the first is ordinance 1809 and ordinance establishing 1536 inspection of lead based paint in certain residential dwellings uh this ordinance establishes a requirement for inspection of rental properties for lead based paint under state law all rental dwellings constructed prior to 1978 must be inspected by the municipality uh this ordinance codifies state law and establishes the requirements and fees within the buau the inspections will be conducted through a shared services agreement Bloomfield Fire Department uh that was entered into earlier this year mayor I move the ordinance um youve heard uh do I have a second for the introduction of ordinance number 1809 I will second any uh discussion among the members of the council seeing no uh further comments um will the clerk please call the rooll and include me in the Roll Call yes Madam mayor councilor hi La hi Meer hi marrow hi mayor man I eyes ordinance pass on first reading I refer the ordinance 1809 to the municipal CL for the purpose of statutory publication and posting thank you and next uh the second ordinance I have to be introduced foring this evening is ordinance 1796 an ordinance establishing chapter 1744 it's a Prohibition of short-term rental property of the burrow code uh this ordinance will prohibit short-term rentals for a period of less than 30 days it establishes a requirement for an annual rental license and sets forth the requirements for the annual rental application for the license to be completed just by way of uh with the council and Committee reorg in January of this year the prior draft ordinance on this subject matter was taken up by the new committee uh councilors Hughes and Moody um working with Eric deline the Burrow's director of Planning and Development it was decided that a public hearing was in order to explain and provide a framework on how matters involving zoning appropriate housing and land use are to be considered uh the committee worked with Eric dine in Pres present together it was held on March 20th it included a review of the bureau's master plan which guides development of land use and housing a review of our existing zoning districts uh and map in the buau and permitted uses within those zones uh it also included a review of Carriage House requirements in the buau uh at present the carriage house is our accessory dwelling unit uh within the buau a public comment was welcomed and heard at that time and following the presentation and the review of comments received uh the direct ordinance was revised it was reviewed by buau councel and our counselors here this evening and it is presented tonight for first reading mayor I move the ordinance for first reading I have a second I'll second is there any um further discussion among the members of the council I just want to thank um the committee uh for working through uh this and being a very thorough with the community input and um consideration in getting to a final draft thank you see no uh further comments forthcoming will AER clerk please call the rooll and include me in the roll call please yes Madam mayor councelor leit I laaw I Meer hi Maro I mayor five eyes the motion uh this ordinance is passed on first reading I refer ordinance 1796 to the municipal clerk for the purpose of statutory publication and posar anything further no nothing further thanks um Mike any comments uh again I'd just like to commend and thank Bill Bartlett for his service to the community we had some great events um over the past couple of days we have left up the pool is open on weekends right now until school is out of session um if you drove by this weekend there were really full swing um this weekend was great great to see it um operating so well and of course bill and I were there today just kind of putting the icing on the cake and getting the last few little details uh over the finish line and um we have logger run I think is really our next event coming up uh this summer but again just uh thank you to Bill and uh the entire Public Works crew and Public Safety pulling off these events have really really after all these years together um really jelled and and works pretty seamlessly and thank everybody for that on a not so fun note today or that last week we received um notice from the Essex County Board of Taxation um ordering a revaluation by the end of 20 27 so still ways away but we will have to re re do a full revaluation of the Town what that means is we have to inspect every every property and give it a fair a market value um assessment to do that we have to enter each home to do measurements and uh based on market conditions assigned values to those homes right now the numbers we have on the books versus the market that ratio we're about 70% of the market price um so when we dip below 80% the county typically orders it so we knew somewhere or another that that order was coming on the good side you know is that since we are ordered by the county we can Finance this over five years so we do not have to come up with that4 to 500,000 in one year's budget so more to come uh I just want to get out there and let you know kind of put that at everybody's radar um so we're not increasing the pie we're just making sure everybody's paying their market share of that pie so it's not as if taxes are going up it's just we're making sure everybody's assessment is represents the fair market value and that's um to come on that it's a long ways off but we do to start um being responsive to the county yes thank you mayor thank you mayor I have rep mayor uh so like Mike said we have the logger run this coming no June 9th uh Sunday June um uh Sunday evening June 9th uh so expect road closures as normal and then we have our bike Rod Rodeo coming up this Saturday June 1st from 10 to 12 at the Central LA school or Central School uh it's open to all residents whether you ride a bike or not um I know we call it the Bike Rodeo but we if kids have Scooters or whatever they could ride the same course so uh you know we encourage everyone to come out okay Madame mayor just to remind everybody a week from today is primary election day and polls will be open um from 6:00 a till 8:00 pm all polling locations um are open as usual um at this point there's no more everything's closed you can't register V you can't change your party affiliation um if you still have your vote by mail um ballot they can be placed in The Ballot Box um in front of the municipal building or any of the other ballot boxes within the county are they doing early person voting they will be doing early in person voting yes okay that's yeah um we have uh new of business that councilor Meyer is going to take up sure um I offer resolution 9724 for 1B dmhas youth leadership Grant whereas the governor's Council on alcoholism and drug abuse established the municipal Alliance for the prevention of alcoholism and drug abuse in 1989 to educate and engage residents local government and law enforcement officials schools nonprofit organizations the faith community parents Youth and other allies in efforts to prevent alcoholism and drug abuse in communities throughout New Jersey whereas the burough Council of the burough of Glenn Ridge County of Essex state of New Jersey recognizes that the abuse of alcohol and drugs is a serious problem in our society amongst persons of all ages and therefore has established Municipal Alliance committee and now therefore be a resolved by the bur of Glen Ridge County of Essex state of New Jersey hereby recognizes the following the bur Council does hereby submission of a strategic plan for the Glen Ridge Municipal Alliance grant for the fiscal year of 2025 in in the amount of $ 13721 26 and the burrow Council acknowledges the terms and conditions for administering the municipal Alliance Grant including the administrative compliance and audit requirements I move the resolution heard the motion by councelor Meer do I have a second I'll second the motion by coun seconded by councel lewitz any discussion on the resolution do we thank Nancy McMahon once again 100 times 100 times over talk about volunteers making Glenn Ridge Run yes 100% um no further discussion Madam clerk please call the RO yes Madam mayor CIT hi law I Meer I Mar I Four Eyes no the motion carries thank you I'm G to open it up for uh comments from the public again if we have any public members I see someone making their way we play a little theme [Music] music hi pH Johnson 55 commend the council to bring ordinance 1796 back for first reading the shortterm shortterm rental ordinance I think it's reasonable step we should be taking in the town appreciate the council bringing back forward and looking for you adoption ordinance 1808 the U expenditures for the pool I see it's recommended $100,000 to purchase equipment in a vehicle I'm just requiring what is what are the needs of a pool for the town pool for a vehicle what vehicle be considered and what alternatives were you considering instead of purchasing a vehicle for that's for full-time use throughout course the year for the um so the uh Public Works and Recreation staff um are in need of a a replacement vehicle and so we're booking that against the pool see that we don't book time or any other stuff so rep place a um uh small little GOC it's a little SUV it's dedicated for use forol inception for parks and general great question I than seeing no other public comments can I give motion to adjourn I will make a motion to adjourn thank you all in favor