Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with lice for all in accordance with chapter 231 open public me meting act adequate and proper notice of this meeting has been given to the public by publishing a notice in the Glen Ridge paper Glen Ridge voice Monclair times in the Star Ledger and posting said notice on the bulletin board in the municipal building the agenda and public handouts for this meeting can be viewed online at www.glenn a public comment period will be held as listed on the agenda please state your name for the record and note that comments will be limited to minutes per person um Madam CL we have a roll call please yes mam mayor counselor Le here councelor Hughes is absent councelor Moody here La here councelor Meer is absent councelor here M mayor you have a thank mad any written Communications no there's no WR Communications all right we have sets of minutes for adoption um we could move those together unless you want yes okay then we'll then we'll separate all right can I have a motion for the March 11 2024 to approve sorry y second I second coun I Moody law Maro abstain two eyes two exensions the motion carries now separately we have a motion on the for approval of the March 25th 2024 minutes I'll second right R coun Le I mood law I marrow I Four Eyes noes the motion carries thank you so much thank you uh comments of the public to come up okay we have an observer welcome nice to see you no fraternizing um c um thank you madam mayor I would like to mention first of all that our uh next meeting on the 13th of May uh we'll have a budget presentation um which will be um I think of interest and informational uh for the the public generally uh and now I would like to offer resolution number 8124 be it resolve that the following things be approved and Warr be drawn for the same you see the uh amounts given in the text of the resolution for the various funds so M mayor I'm in resolution thank you you've heard the motion by council leitz do I have a [Music] second second thank you Council heard the motion by Council leit seconded by Council law any discussion on this resolution seeing none will the clerk please call the RO yes M mayor coun I Moody tomorrow I for the motion cares um and next Madame mayor I have um ordinance number 1804 uh entitled an ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and establish a cap Bank in the calendar year 2024 this is for final reading Madam mayor this is to State for the record that this ordinance has been published and posted in accordance with the law thank you I declare this meeting open for discussion of this ordinance and this ordinance only this being the time and place to the public hearing any members of the public wishing to be heard on this ordinance with no further comments forthcoming I declare this public hearing closed and I I I would just comment that we introduce this annually it's part of the the budgeting uh process and the the mechanics of how um the uh Municipal budgets function would you like to move that it be adopted I would like to move that this ordinance finally be adopted thank you so much I'll second thank you heard the motion by councelor Le seconded by counselor marrow CL please call the RO yes Madam mayor councelor leit hi Moody hi law hi Meer marrow I Four Eyes no knees this ordinance is adopted great thank you that's all for me thanks councilor uses absent so I Know Chief you'll provide any public safety updates uh coun Moody uh I have no formal uh anything to present tonight but given the timing of the next meeting and with our guest I want to flag that on May 8th will be the salute to Mayor Patrick who being so graciously hosted by the Colonus and the Rotary Club at Women's Club and I want to thank them and I also want to encourage all of our Municipal volunteers of which there are many and we could not live without to come and to partake in the salute Al shout out the very next day because it's not the Kanas will also have the barue F and that's the kind of thing that makes it possible for them to do the thing they're doing the night before yeah so thank you to everyone planning that including our terrific burough staff Tera and Mike so it's going to be a really nice event we haven't had it since 2016 that be nice and there and there might even be a limmer yes that's what we're hearing um it's a nice agenda um councelor law yes I have a resolution number 8224 uh Glenn rid has identifi the need to replace water meters in the barel uh the burrow is a member of the Mars County cooperative pricing Council which is a public entier purchasing system uh Glen R has chosen to purchase the water meters um through this Cooperative because allows for a streamline process and offers a competitive price due to Collective purchasing power uh the burrow seeks to purchase 2,369 water meters to be exactly various sizes uh now therefore be a res of the mayor and Council authorized the administrator and Deputy Administrator to purchase the necessary water and above quantities to count counil M mayor you heard the motion by Council law do I have a second I'll second you heard the motion by Council law seconded by counselor leitz any discussion seeing none will the court please call the all yes Madam mayor council I Moody I law I Mar I Four Eyes no the motion carries resolution -24 relates to uh Arbor Day in 1872 John Sterling Morton proposed the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a special day be set aside for planting trees Arbor Day is now observed throughout the nation and the world and the bar Glenridge has been recognized as a tree City USA uh by the National Arbor Day Foundation and desires to continue its tree planting ways ums 57 this spring that's right in anticipation of this resolution and that not therefore be a resol being council do he claim April 26 2024 as our day bidge M Mary vot for resolution you very nice you heard the resolution uh by Council of law do I have a second yes in your in the interest of your tree tree planting ways you've heard the motion by councelor law seconded by councelor Moody any discussion seeing none will the clerk please call the yes Madam mayor councelor I Moody I law I Maro I or eyes the motion carries thank you resolution 8424 relates to our field maintenance uh services and the bar for the bar's Athletics Fields uh the barel used the fair and competitive bid process the Sol uh for the field maintenance services on May 7th 2023 and no proposals were submitted uh the director of Parks and Recreation then s proposals directly from vendors and True Green of rol New Jersey submitted the lowest responsible bid uh now therefore be a resolv by the mayor and Council the true be awarded the base contract and all alternative bids for the 2024 maintenance services contract for the barrel 7,178 Madam mayor I seek to move the resolution thank you for the motion by councel law do I have a second I'll second you heard the motion by Council law seconded by councelor leitz any discussion I would just comment how appropriate it is that these resolutions deal with the grass the trees and the water we do it all you got it all on your committee rich month with a lot of love and care um yes the cost of of maintaining our healthy environment here um seeing no other discussion will the clerk clerk please call the role yes Madam mayor counc I Moody La I the motion carries thank you so much and just finally I want to mention about the number of people from staff very that's great I know um you guys spent a lot of time working with our contractors and uh Consultants to try to make our B fields as best as they can so we appreciate that um counselor Meer is here uh tomorrow uh nothing for Planning and Development tonight to share sure just a few things you know you love it this is the thing everybody actually waits for uh household hazardous waste day oh yes is uh is May 4 May 4 this is at the Essex County yard we'll do a uh email broadcast um this is is May 4th between 8:30 and 400 p.m. the Essex County Fleet yard or their DPW yards on uh 99 West Bradford AV just a quick note do not please don't bring they cannot take anything unlabeled so if you bring in a mystery can of something they can't take that for you second stick a label on it yeah um secondly latex paint latex paint is not weight it can be dried and put so they will not take that um there's many other things but those are kind of the standouts and then batteries um they do not take batteries um your standard uh um Durell batteries that you put put in there those are no longer but the great news is our local DPW takes rechargeable batteries that's a new program the municipality offers so those are just the kind of the things not to bring you can bring all all the other usual pesticides um oilbased paints propane tanks pool chemicals um oh they are taking lithium in nikad batteries fluorescent bulbs um fluorescent bulbs yeah gasoline kerosene cleaning fluids car batteries this is a good one your old fire extinguishers yes wow I have yes um driveway Ste getting better by the minute um iosol spray I I see this is the one that everybody loves household has his way so you're you're describing my basement yeah I just wanted to lead off with that one because just a heads up and that's always a very popular day so we'll we'll push that out we just received that communication a synthetic oil considered yeah same thing synthetic like motor oil y um just a few more items uh mayor the budget the proposed budget is on our website and uh not to spoil all the hard work of the finance committee and Council Council lefts but the Pres a is there too people want to get a before it's formally presented just to kind of to uh walk through it I encourage you to do that and then lastly the meter project that um councelor law described we'll be going house to house to house to replace every water meter throughout the burrow and the Residential Properties uh two inches and Below uh it's time to they're they're wirelessly red and those radio heads they have a fixed battery light we're going to be going in there setting up appointments first going in there changing that meter and then uh inventorying what is the water line exiting the house between the house and the street will be inventorying that as well so we're we're a bit aways from that this is just the first step but um often times when these projects start people say Hey you know everybody's very suspicious of somebody calling and flyers and things this will be legitimate and we will put out a communication to that effect um but that's the extent of my uh my thoughts for you today an important project for public health reasons and also um just having more accuracy in the understanding if you have a leak and the bills so it's it's really important to operate this thank you mayor I have no report sorry uh we've just been ramping up our pre-event planning for event season which is quickly approaching um just uh kind of laying out the events we have coming up uh May 18th is the ARs Festival May 24th is the Rhino ROM which is a Friday before Memorial Day we have the Memorial Day Parade on May 27th our annual Bike Rodeo on June 1st the logger run on June 9th Sunday and the sunset Classic on June 27 um additionally I'll be uh myself along with uh Chiefs from all the towns that were issued the grant for the uh automated license play reader will be attending press event with Congressman Cheryl on Thursday in North Poley that's all I [Music] have know it's a lot ofs thank mad CL no report this even yeah of course since we're mentioning upcoming events in town I would like to also mention on behalf of the library that on May the 4th at 11 a.m. is the grand opening of the new Young Adult Space uh in the uh Library this has been funded by the uh Library Bond um it's a it's a wonderful new addition new uh study spaces uh spaces for books spaces to Lou and there's new work areas that are enclosed so it's it's just really like enhanced it even more as kind of a hub yes yeah made it a little bit more Flex space it's great Flex space and a bottle filler oh right a bottle filler the bottle filler water found bottle filler they they they canot besides this beautiful space upstairs and making this Flex space they added a bathroom downstairs outside in the library alov in excuse me the elevator alov area and um attached to that is a water fountain with a bottle filler it's the little things that that's the stuff that's the stuff people love they you know and in interest of cleaning your houses and supporting the library day everybody loves Shing April so that'll be Saturday April 27th season I don't think we need a police pres for that one but we'll see um thanks David um any anything else uh any new or unfinished business um again any comments from the public all right don't be shy don't be shy yeah on this Phil Johnson Place um got the shredding day at Central School on Saturday we've got the Joseph K collection drive at the high school on Saturday and the rake and bake at Gardens on Saturday so all three all at the same time so clean out your house and then go get and then clean help clean up premum card I guess one thing just on you talk about noise and things like that um getting near the time of season where we're lucky to have our windows open overnight I'm on a we're on the south end we have Saturday garbage collection and we really appreciate anything we can do as have stop the garbage collection at 5 a.m. maybe shift a little bit later so we can sleep on the weekends I don't know if that's in the contract I know there's noise regulations but anyway just a just re if you could you they that be pushed back so we can sleep on the weekends that would be much appreci thank you comments uh coun Marie do you have a [Music] motion e