okay you have all set yep to flag the United States of America to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible liy jusice [Music] in accordance with chapter 231 open public meetings act adequate and proper notice of this meeting has been given to the public by publishing a notice in the Glenn Ridge paper Glenn Ridge voice monair times and the Star Ledger and posting said notice on the bulletin board in the municipal building the agenda and public handouts for this meeting can be viewed online at www Glenridge nj.org a public comment period will be held as listed on the agenda please state your name for the record and note that comments will be limited to 3 minutes per person um Mike um I'm assuming you're sitting in for the clerk yep okay so um mik can we have a roll call I was councelor leitz is absent Hughes is absent Moody here law here Meyer here Maro here mayor mans here mayor you have a quum thank you so much so we're going to move on um for the adoption of the minutes of June 10th I do want to note for the record we'll be correcting them uh to indicate that councilors Hughes and Moody were both present for the meeting uh with that correction May I have a motion for adopt I'll make a motion to uh adopt the minutes of June 10th with that correction noted and I will second that coruption okay great um should I call the rooll yeah call the rooll thank you leovit is absent Hughes is absent Moody uh I law I Meyer I tomorrow I Four Eyes no n the motion carries thank you any written Communications not at this time mayor this time thank you any comments of the public no okay um I just have brief comments um again I want to reflect and thank uh the leadership of the staff and the council we were upgraded as a municipality by Moody's uh this past week to AAA rating um which is great news for a Municipality of our size and it was because of the reserve fund that we've been consistent with our handling of the covid funding that we received and have now been discharged off of our books um to get us through that and uh overall the the fiscal management of the bureau so again um an important milestone for our community and with that in councelor Alco with his absence uh councelor Meyer you're I'll be picking up his materials sure um I offer resolution be it resolved that the following claims be approved and warrants being drawn for the same this resolution authorized this payment of bills and payroll uh move the resolution you've heard the motion by councilor Meyer do I have a second I'll second approv the motion by Council Meyers seconded by Council law any discussion seeing none um please call the RO councilors Moody I law I Meer I Mara I Four Eyes no n the motion carries thank you and for my last Mo resolution this evening I offer a resolution 10824 for tax and Water Services whereas there exists a need within the borrow for tax and water collection Services as well as general tax office support whereas pag Associates is qualified in training and experience to provide such specialized Services whereas the Chief Financial Officer of the burrow of Glen Ridge has determined that the value of the contract contract May exceed $17,500 and now therefore being resolved that the mayor and Council of the burough of Glen rdge in the county of EX essic as followed authorizes and directed to execute a Professional Services agreement with the taga Associates LLC to provide tax and water collections services for the burrow at a rate of $88,000 per month not to exceed $96,000 in total and the Chief Financial Officer has certified that the funds are available within the 2024 UNP budget I move the resolution thank you you've heard um the motion by Council Meyer do I have a second I'll second heard the motion by councel Meyer seconded by councelor Moody um any discussion on this resolution seeing none please call the rooll uh councilors Moody I law I Meyer I Maro I Four Eyes no n the motion carries thank you um councelor Hughes is absent this evening councilor marrow um will be taking up thanks I just have two items um uh relating to social activities in town uh the first is resolution 109-20 uh whereas the burrow of Glenn Ridge will be holding a popup picnic event in the Glenn a public event whereas the event will include food beer and entertainment uh and whereas the Public Safety Committee has recommended the use of the Glenn and now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the burough that this popup picnic event in the Glenn is approved uh and it is approved for Wednesday July 24th with a rain date of July 25th uh this it's intended to be a p it's the first time we're doing this uh Jim Cowen in the rec department is uh actively and happily engaged in kind of putting it all together uh there will be music um and I think the time is uh 4 to 8:00 p.m. 4: to 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday July 24th food and uh beverages will be provided by Fitzgerald uh I move the resolution uh you've heard the motion by Council Morrow do I have a second I'll second appr the motion by Council marrow seconded by Council law any discussion seeing none um please call The rooll councilor's Moody hi law I Meer I Maro I Four Eyes no n the motion carries uh and related to this next I have resolution 11-24 uh this resolution authorizes the submission of an application to the division of alcoholic and Beverage Control uh to be submitted by uh well on behalf of two events one is we've got friends for a social Affair permit for a fundraiser to be held on July 15th at the Glen Ridge Country Club uh and the second uh part of this resolution authorizes the submission of an application uh by Fitzgerald's for a catering permit uh for the popup picnic it may ultimately have a different name but that's what we're calling it now for this uh gathering in the Glenn to be held on that's kind of a nice name gathering in the Glenn to be held on July 24th uh with the rain date of July 25th U mayor I move the resolution you've heard the motion by councilor marrow do I have a second I'll second which is a note to maybe correct the spelling if F Gerald's within with a z the Z yeah yeah that that that corrected on the on the final okay and the appli want that permit to be bounced based on the typo yeah so I I'll second with that correction please Perfect all right you've heard the motion by Council marrow seconded by councelor Meyer any discussion outside of the correction okay looking forward to it um no discussion please call the role councilor's Moody I law I Meyer I marrow I four eyes no a the motion carries thank you for handling those C coun Moody Community Affairs and public relations uh I don't have any business tonight but I do want to make mention of a really moving event that took place at Bloomfield sat uh Cemetery this Saturday um with special recognition to the Belleville Historical Society who was otherwise doing work in the cemetery to restore some monuments and came across first one uh gravestone of a black uh Civil War veteran and endeavored to restore and clean that headstone and find out more they reached out to the Bloomfield historical society and found out that there were four other grave sites for African-American Civil War veterans in the cemetery uh of those four of them are actually on Glen ridgeboro L and they restored and cleaned all of the headstones but one site was unmarked and in recognition of the fact that they've discovered this the week before juneth they being Artisans one of them in fact being very well known he did all of the engraving for the 9911 Memorial uh the Essex County 911 memorial they worked to fabricate a historically accurate Civil War headstone and do the engraving and they installed that last week and they held a small ceremony on Saturday morning that Council Meyer and I attended and uh the swiftness with which they decided yeah to do this the care that they took um was really really remarkable the craftsmanship the care the attention to history um and history that would otherwise be lost I will just note that um private Sloan is the name of the the James a Sloan of the 24th USC infantry and the 100th anniversary of his death will be in July and this will be yeah he died July of 2422 so wants to shout out it was very moving and the fact that these individuals took such care and uh acknowledgment of the history of that site and of that moment and and of what they were doing uh and were able to pull that together in a week yeah um is really notable so we'll be marking this uh letting the B you know burough residents know more about the history in their own backyard we'll Endeavor to disseminate some more information about that and just to that that's um the same folks that held us uh Gold Leaf or yes 911 memorial the one by the by the yes yeah yeah yeah that guy he said that he was actually at one point many many many years ago was going to clean the one above the library and he put a ladder up he was going to take it down and he didn't realize how it was attached and he quickly was like so he he they you know had done a lot of work he himself a prisoner war in World War I Germans yes yeah wow yeah it was so he's quite if you have an hour sit with him he's got incredible just really his his background is are incredible all of them I was so impressed I don't know yeah they were great so thank you for sharing that that is all for me tonight uh Council of law yes uh resolution number uh 11-24 it's the approval to submit a Grant application and execute a grand contract with the New Jersey do for the mayis Avenue Hamilton Road Spencer Avenue Improvement project now there be it resolved by the mayor and Council uh formally approves the Grant application the amount of approximately 600,000 uh for the above mentioned project uh be it further resolve that the mayor Deputy min administrator and clerk are hereby authorized to to sign the grant agreement and that their sign signature constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions of the grant agreement and approves the execution of the grant agreement U Madame mayor I seek to move the resolution you heard the motion by Council law do I have a second I'll second heard the motion by Council law seconded by counc Maro any discussion seeing none please call the rooll councilor Moody I law I Meyer I Maro I Four Eyes no nay the motion carries resolution number 112 d24 uh Public Works say determined that there is need to replace all Residential Water meteors in the barrel uh Rio Supply as a Cooperative purchase agreement with the mors County cooperative purchasing Council uh now therefore be a resolve that the mayor and coun of Glen Ridge uh do hereby approve the purchase of 2369 water meters in the amount of 72325 50 Madame mayor SE to move the resolution you've heard the motion by Council law do I have a second I'll second approve the motion by Council law seconded by Council Meyer any discussion on the resolution seeing none please call the rooll councilor Moody I law I Meer I Maro I Four Eyes no knes the motion carries thank you and finally resolution number 13-24 which is related to the previous resolution except it relates the installation of the water meters uh barel Glen Ridge seeks to replace 2369 water meters the barel used the fair and competitive bid process the exclusive bids for this project uh National metering service of Carney New Jersey submitted the lowest responsible proposal in the amount of $323 40 now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and Council that National metering Services be awarded the water meter replacement project um Madame mayor I seek to move the resolution you've heard the motion by Council law do I have a second second appr the motion by Council law seconded by councelor Moody any discussion on the resolution seeing none please call the RO councilors Moody hi law hi Meyer hi Maro I Four Eyes no n the motion carries thank you that's it thank you counc Meyer parks and wck no update this evening thank you no update councilor marrow Planning and Development none tonight um Mike Mr Z Kelly do you have any updates or comments they uh mayor again I just want to acknowledge that that great um find at the cemetery the other day just just so just came together so quickly and such a just a really tremendous part of history that was developed there and then be to your point uh with our Moody's upgrade um mayor and Council you've stuck with Matt myself and kind of working through four years of uh very interesting Financial challenges to say the least and um just sticking with us in our discipline and not not tempting to go down paths that we encourage you not to go down it's really paid off and uh the the the financial analysis that was done and our interview process they they really appreciated our discipline and what we're doing and uh all the work I mean this when I started 20 years ago we had $250 in our Reserve fund um so uh Mike rol laid the found work the ground work with um the council through time and uh got us to where we we we should be and I just want to thank everybody through all that timing it doesn't happen overnight and uh so I just want to acknowledge everybody involved with that yeah well thanks to everyone um our priest nothing to report nothing to report run oh so that classic is Thursday night tra I saw the sign up in near Brenson Street I thought that was great placement smart Okay um I don't think we have any new or unfinished business any comments of the public seeing none counselor Meyer make a motion to adjourn all those in favor I I thank you very much