are we ready un [Music] States in accordance with chapter 231 public meetings act adequate and proper notice of this meeting has been given to the public by publishing a notice in the Glenn Ridge paper Glenn Ridge voice monair times and the Star Ledger and posting said notice on the bulletin board in the municipal building the agenda and public handouts for this meeting can be viewed online at www Glenridge a public comment period will be held as listed on the agenda please state your name for the record and note that comments will be limited to 3 minutes per person Madam clerk could we have a roll call please yes Madam mayor councilor's lefts here Hughes here Moody here La here Meer here Maro here mayor man is present mad mayor you have a thank you so much we have two sets of minutes we'll take them separately um in case folks want to do extensions can I have a motion to approve the minutes of May 13th 2024 so move we have a second I'll second any discussion could you please call the all yes I may counselor's left I Hugh I Moody I law I Meer I Maro abstain five eyes one exension the motion carries thank you we'll take up the U minutes of May 28th meeting I have a motion I'll make the motion to accept I may have a second on that I'll second Madam cler roll call yes M counselor's left I H abstain Moody abstain La I Meer I Mara I Four Eyes two extensions the motion carries thank you so much Madam clerk do we have any written communic and then this evening M right now we'll open it up for comments um from the public does anyone wish to come up all right seeing none at this time I'll close the public comment period um I have no comments from the mayor so I will turn it over to counselor leco um Madam mayor thank you very much so um excuse me I've thought uh an ordinance and four resolutions this evening beginning with resolution number 8-24 we had resolved that the following claims be approved and warrants be drawn for the same uh and the uh expenses that um we would like to pay through the the various funds that are shown on the on the resolution so Madam mayor I have resolution 9824 you've heard the mo by councelor leitz do I have a second I'll second appr the motion by councilor lewitz seconded by councelor law any discussion seeing none Madam court please call the rooll yes Madam mayor counselor's leit i Hughes hi Moody hi BL hi Meer hi Maro hi six eyes no Nam the motion carries thank you um next Madame mayor I have ordinance 1808 uh an ordinance titled uh well an ordinance to appropriate pool utility Capital Improvement funds for various Capital Equipment uh in the sum of $100,000 so this is for final reading Madam mayor this is to State for the record that this ordinance has been published and posted in accordance with the statute I declare this meeting open for discussion of this ordinance and this ordinance only this being the time and place for the public hearing no uh comments from the public I declare the public hearing closed Madame mayor I move that ordinance 1808 be adopted can I have a second on that second you heard the motion by councelor lewit seconded by councelor Moody will the cler clerk please call the rooll yes madame mayor councelor Le it i Hughes I Moody I law I my I Lao I six's ordinance is adopted um next Madame mayor I have resolution uh 9-24 uh this is a resolution of Glen Ridge uh determining the form and other details of our note relating to the construction financing Loan program of the New Jersey infrastructure Bank to be issued in the aggregate principal amount of up to $1.7 million providing for the issuance and sale of this note to the New Jersey infrastructure bank and authorizing the execution and delivery of this note by the burrow in favor of the njib all pursuant to the New Jersey infrastructure Bank construction financing Loan program um so that's a mouthful good job good job all right um move that may I have a second I'll second um before we take R call I'll just remind everyone this is to undertake a systemwide replacement of the water meters within in the buau we have very faval financing uh through the state we appreciate that Madam clerk please call the r yes oh I do we have a second I seconded councilor me are seconded any further discussion please call all yes Madam mayor councilor's left with i Hughes I Moody I law I Meer I Maro I six eyeses this ordinance passed on first reading um resolution apologies sounds like we're I know we're try to get fire I having trouble locating the title page of the next oh it's about 20 pages in yes uh next Madame mayor I have resolution number 10024 uh this resolution determines the form and other details of 3,511 th000 General Improvement bonds of Glen Ridge and providing for their sale um so I I move this resolution you've heard uh the motion by councelor leitz do I have a second I'll second May appr the motion by councelor leoz seconded by councelor Hughes any discussion see none Madam clerk please call the rooll yes Madam mayor councelor Lees hi Hughes hi Moody hi law hi Meer hi Maro I six eyes no knes the motion [Music] carries and finally Madam mayor I have resolution number uh 101 -24 um which is a bit of a companion to the previous one this resolution provides for the combination of certain issues of General Improvement Bonds in one Ridge into a single issue of bonds aggregating 2,511 th000 princi Madam mayor I this resolution 10124 you heard the motion by counc I a second I'll second the motion by councel Lefty seconded by Council law any discussion seeing none Madam Clark please call the r yes madame mayor councelor leich i Hughes I Cody I la I Meer I Maro I six eyes no names the carries thank you anything else that's it all right Council Hughes Public Safety Committee thank you mayor uh the count the Public Safety Committee met tonight uh we went over a number of ongoing uh traffic related issues one on Sunset Avenue where uh our engineering firm has done a study uh we have uh been coordinating with the township of Bloomfield looking to put a stop sign somewhere along uh Sunset Avenue we're still waiting for Bright View our engineering firm to come back with their final report uh we're looking at Forest Avenue and sunset or alternatively Stonehouse and sunset or both we don't have a determination yet um we also uh looked at um the intersection of Glen Ridge Avenue Highland Avenue and Belleville avenue that that whole area in there but specifically on Glen Ridge Avenue if you're coming whatever direction is from Montclair down towards uh Glen Ridge and there at the right at the end there's a very sharp turn almost a 90° turn and we've had um a series of traffic incidents there so we've done a number of things to uh visually enhance uh driver awareness in that area we put down squares if you're if you're driving along you'll see them and it just um they they sort of sort of pop out and it gives you kind of a sense that the street may be not as quite as wide uh We've added a parking Lane I believe it's on the east side which kind of narrows it down even further which is a traffic cing device and we've used Optical speed bars I think is the word I call them hash marks uh but it's additional striping uh in that area to try also to alert drivers that there is a potentially un safe area there certainly at speed um in addition uh the the chief uh and the town will be uh updating our safe routs to school this summer in anticipation of school reopening then in the in September uh we are looking to install the red orange posts that you see here along Ridgewood Avenue um at Ridgewood Avenue by Carteret um we recently installed a stop sign uh at Clark and Hillside on the south end um we still have some issues of people who are coming that must be like Southbound on Hillside making the right hand turn on a oneway street uh at Clark they still do it drivers do they don't get the message so we're going to be putting up um uh do not enter signs on post but low lower down we have signage but this one we're going to try and really make it apparent to to drivers um and we're going to hope that that works uh we had um Bike Rodeo at Central School on June 1st the logger run uh was just last night it was terrific uh for anyone who was there the weather couldn't have been better and the turnout was fantastic and uh the times were really fast the winter ran like a 430 mile for 3 month M it was did that wow was that your time Peter I was I came in third in my age group wa which is not that I finished that was my goal it was like my longest run of the year so I very and then the the lead program which replaced the Dare program in the schools took place the graduation took place on June 5th at Ridgewood Avenue School there was a ceremony games were played with the children uh and an ice Chuck was was sponsored uh this program uh addresses uh issues in the schools drug awareness bullying self-confidence and the like and officers abrahamson and sett were there um and we're going to be kicking off I this is the second year operation chill right is that right uh where officers are encouraged to interact with uh students and to hand out free coupon uh when they see something not noteworthy so it's just way to get involved so that's that's it for Public Safety Committee report tonight I have four resolutions tonight these are all the same type these are renewing uh liquor licenses uh for the various for the four locations that have the first is resolution uh 10224 be it resolved that the application of Ridge Bottle King Incorporated uh their liquor license be renewed move the resolution you've heard the motion by Council Hughes do I have a second everyone wants a second I hear you all in favor we're good cheers you've heard the motion by councelor Hugh seconded by councelor Moody uh any further discussion seeing none Madam CLK please call the r yes madame mayor C Le hi Hugh hi hi law I Mayer I borrow I six eyes no the motion carries thank you uh next is resolution 103 uh 24 this is to renew the uh liquor license for the Glen Ridge Country Club I move the resolution you've heard the motion by Council Hughes uh may I have a second I got this one I knew you've heard the motion by councelor who seconded by counselor law any discussion none Madam clerk please call the RO yes Madam mayor counselor's left I Hughes I Moody I law I Meer I Mara I six I no the motion carries thank you uh mayor next is resolution 10424 this is uh to renew the uh liquor license Mayfield Tavern Partners trading as F gereral 1928 uh I move the resolution you heard the motion by councelor Hughes do I have a second I'll second well we'll go wrong you heard the motion by councelor Hughes seconded by councelor Meyer any discussion seeing none Madam clerk call the role please yes madame mayor councelor Le hi Hughes hi Moody hi La hi I laa I I the motion carries thank you uh and finally mayor I have resolution 10524 res the application of mecap Incorporated trading as the Glen Ridge Pharmacy and Liquors uh that we renew their liquor license approve the motion by councelor Hughes do I have a second I'll second the motion by councelor Hugh seconded by councelor Maro any discussion M mayor I just want to say every year we have these resolutions and I'm always reminded of the famous whiskey speech given in the state senate of Mississippi in 1948 uh which went more or less like this if by liquor you mean the poison that rips families apart impoverishes children and leads good Christian men and women to the depths of degradation then I'm against it but if by liquor you mean the oil of conversation the philosophic wine and the thing that puts a spring in the step of an old man on a winter day that I'm for it that's my position I will not Bunch what he said it's definitely the latter very very eloquently seeing no uh further discussion Madame clerk please call the rooll yes madame mayor counselor's left with with I use hi Moody I law I Meer hi laa I six eyes no the motion carries thank you so much that councilor Moody um Community Affairs and Public Relations Committee um I'm will nothing no resolutions or ordinances I will report that the uh committee met this morning yeah um and it was a good discussion just general operational procedures for Town Communications kind of taking a scan of the upcoming newsletter which was very successful and the next issue is about to begin compilation uh looking at our kind of cadence of eblasts and you know how we disseminate and whether we want to differentiate between events and Community News versus kind of business and emergencies and you know just kind of looking in general about you know web performance and and videos and how in a shrinking local media non-existent local media Market we keep citizens informed and uh very grateful to the committee and to everything the town staff tries to do in that regard uh Peter stole my thunder just a little bit in a shout out on the Nipper uh Mile and the loger run and a big thanks to the police as ever those are really disruptive events and they keep everything running really smooth another shout out also for uh the foot that was the 12th annual and then it was the fourth annual rubing roses at Freeman Gardens which has quickly become one of the town's favorite kick off of the summer events and really highlights a lovely space in our town so that is my report tonight yeah oh and congratulations graduates that will also disr town next week but a good way next Tuesday um yeah lot's going on in June and I appreciate the committee meeting we always here we always are trying to do better with Communications um given our capacity so we appreciate that uh councelor law I'll turn it over you for Public Works yes uh resolution number 10624 where as National Fuel Oil Inc of nework New Jersey is a Cooperative purchase agreement with the state for the purchase of diesel fuel uh whereas the bar of Glenridge is expected to purchase approximately $140,000 in fuel in 2014 2024 and whereas the Chief Financial Officer certified the availability of funds for this contract from their current fund now therefore be it resolved the mayor and Council to hereby certify the purchase of fuel from National Fuel Oil Inc and a director of Public Works is hereby authorized dur purchase agreement uh mam mayor I seek to move the resolution approve the motion by Council of law do I have a second I'll second approve the motion by Council of law seconded by counc Meer any discussion seeing none Madame Clark please call the roll yes Madam mayor councelor left all right CES I Moody I law I Meer I Maro I six eyes no names the motion carries fuel for the spirit fuel for our V feel I need toic quote now after c l over there reading up in my history clearly um C Meyer anything from Parks and rck Parks Rec will be meeting on Friday so I should have a report at the next meeting to kind of make some plans for the latter half of the Year knowing um keeping up with the fields and addressing trying to get ahead of any potential issues we appreciate that thank you councilor Mar thank you mayor I'll third sh shout out to all those involved in the logger run including our great uh Public Works staff who did an awesome job uh as well as the volunteers um the ambulance squads Sportsman's League were there uh Chief your troops were all there they did a fantastic job on their electric likes as well as they're always great to see um and so that was just a great event the proceeds benefit the Glen Community Fund 100% of it proceeds uh from the race another volunteer organization uh and those monies go to support or organizations that provide uh Social Services to Glen Ridge residents so uh those monies go to support our am ambulance Squad um and neighbor to neighbor Network which uh is the Bloomfield Social Services organization that provides emergency assistance to Glen Ridge residents so um the the event is a fun event it highlights our beautiful neighborhoods and um raises money for a good cause and yes the weather was beautiful and the event cleared up pretty quick too which is always good all right so I have two ordinances uh tonight for second reading uh the first is ordinance number 1809 uh which establishes a requirement for inspection of rental properties for lead based paint under current state law all rental dwellings constructed prior to 1978 must be inspected by the municipality uh this ordinance codifies state law and establishes the requirements and fees within our buau the inspections uh are will be conducted through a shared services agreement with uh boom field fire department um that we uh is pending is pending but uh they've been providing the services for other of our Sheriff's services so uh Madame mayor I introduce the ordinance for final reading Madame mayor this is the state for the record that this ordinance has been published and posted in accordance with the statute I declare this meeting open for discussion of this ordinance and this ordinance only this being the time and place for the public hearing seeing no comments forthcoming from the I declare this public hearing closed uh Madam mayor I move that this ordinance be adopted may I have a second I'll second you've heard the motion by counselor um marrow seconded by councel left goit Madam clerk please call the go yes mad include me please yes Madam mayor leit i Hughes I Moody I law I Meer I Maro I mayor mans I seven eyes no names this ordinance is adopted thank you so much thank you uh the second ordinance to be introduced for final reading tonight is uh ordinance 1796 this ordinance will prohibit short-term rentals for a per period of less than 30 days it establishes a requirement for an annual rental license and sets forth the requirement for the annual rental application for the license to be completed uh as was stated at the last meeting uh with the intro of this ordinance uh with the council and our committee reorganization occurring in January of this year the prior draft ordinance on this uh subject matter was taken up by the new committee uh including Council ccor Hughes and Moody uh and we worked quite closely with Eric deline our uh burough director of Planning and Development it was decided fairly early on uh in one of our meetings uh that a public hearing was in order to explain and to provide a framework on how matters involving zoning appropriate housing and land use are to be considered uh the committee worked with uh Eric deline and putting that presentation together uh it was held on March 20th he did a great job I know all of you sitting here tonight I think were there uh and it included a burrow of our it included a review of the Burrow's master plan which guides uh our development of land use and housing it included a review of our existing zoning districts and maps in the buau and permitted uses uh within those zones and a review of Carriage House requirements in the buau The Carriage Houses are essentially our accessory dwelling units within the bureau um public comment was welcomed and heard and very well received at that presentation um so following the presentation in the review of comments received the draft ordinance was revised it was reviewed by our burough Council and counselors here tonight uh it is presented uh tonight for a final reading M May sorry I don't know if any of the others okay I would just say hats off to the committee was a really thorough job well done and pulling together uh the public hearing so we we all learned a lot and I'll just say I mean as the new newbie um I was a very thorough I was really pleased with the process and I was glad for the opportunity actually to kind of crystallize some of our Town's goals and to really look to the master plan and it is supposed to be a touchstone for things such as this and it was nice to see us kind of bring that to the public uh as well so thank you I would agree as well and thank you councelor Maro for your efforts and you know the rest of the team and think my committee and and Eric did a great job as well but I think a good part of the process is that we did get feedback from people that weren't in support of the ordinance and it really forced us to take another look and to challenge what we were thinking and I thought the public hearing was just a a wonderful event for people to express their feelings and uh I I think as at the end of the day as a result of feedback from the community the public hearing and this entire process that we went through I think we have a better resolution than we have before so well done was probably one of the most thoughtful uh I don't know processes that I've participated in so thank you agre mayor just State for the record that this ordinance has been published and posted in accordance with the statute I declare this meeting open for discussion of this ordinance and this ordinance only this being the time and place for the public hearing seeing no comments this coming I declare this public hearing closed uh Madame mayor I move that this ordinance 1796 be adopted may I have a second on that I'll second approve the motion by councelor Morrow seconded by counselor Moody Madame clerk please call the role yes mam mayor counselors leovit i Hughes hi Moody I law I Meer hi Maro I mayor mans I seven eyes this ordinance is finally adopted thank you so much s on that and to our community for all their input we really appreciate it okay um Mike is attending to um a personal matter so we will skip over him uh John do you have any um I have no report report okay chief I have no report we covered a lot in the public safety yeah just so you know we get all our information from the chief so we work very closely um Madam Clark no okay thank you uh thank you also for helping the election run the election another smooth election in Glen Rich did run very smoothly so we appreciate that nobody yes um um another uh open public comment period for members of the [Music] public hello Jerry M 27 applon road uh I was going to say it was uh I think a year ago that I gathered with a group of Neighbors in the backyard and talked about the need to um introduce ordinance regular name shortterm principl um it's been a long haul great to get you and work with you uh the the public hearing was an incredible experience so thank you for all of your hard work and Associate to know how the town works and um have constantly done a great thing for City thanks thank you thank you we'll put your name in the hopper for future appointments you seem very you seem very Civic minded so keep that in your mind we have any open committee spots man I'm already thinking about it um I got my start on the planning board any other comments I mean everyone here could well we've already got those too but we'll get the [Laughter] rest um all right so you know their comments councelor Moody do you have a motion for I have a motion to adourn all in favor great that's it thank Youk you thank you than you you guys