##VIDEO ID:pK1rtPQBt9A## I'll put a little United States of America godice in accordance with chapter 231 open public meetings act adequate and proper notice of this meeting has been given to the public by publishing a notice in the Glen Ridge paper Glenn Ridge voice Monclair times and the Star Ledger and posting said notice on the bulletin board in the municipal building the agenda and public handouts for this meeting can be viewed online at www.glenn nj.org a public comment period will be held as listed on the agenda please state your name for the record and note that comments will be limited to three minutes per person Madam clerk we have a roll call yes mad mayor councelor here H here Moody here La here thank you very much can I get a motion for the minutes of July 15 20 um 24 meeting so moved I have a second second Madam clerk Will May Hood I eyes the motion carries do we have any written Communications yes a few for you this evening May um I have a notice from the um Department of Transportation notifying the B that we will receive an allotment of $200,000 for ARG and M Street reserving project um I have a letter from the president of Freeman Gardens actually it's an email um respectfully requesting that the B reconsiders the use of Luci Alum ammonium Cobblestone gutters along with some reasons why and I also have um a letter here from Professional Engineers um with a hard copy of the Department of Environmental Protection application package for a flood Hazard area verification and this is going to be in regards to um three properties in Bloomfield 675 to 699 Bluefield 14 stage streets and4 for R development that's um the school oh yeah it's the school next to the church the church of school yeah that's going to be a Redevelopment area yeah I've been wondering about that okay that concludes the correspond okay thank you very much any comments from the public seeing no public close that um the only comments I have is to thank our staff and Mike and all our staff for their storm response um again we had very high levels of rainfall in a short period of time which led to some high-intensity um flooding events very localized in town um that we're still cleaning up from so but thankfully uh it sounds like everyone was safe with that I will turn it over to Council of thank you madam mayor excuse me I uh have some resolutions ordinance this evening beginning with resolution number 118-24 um this is to uh to pay the bills resolve that the following claims be approved and warrants be drawn to the same and the list of funds um from which the amounts will be drawn so Madame new resolution 18-24 you've heard the motion by councelor lewitz do I have a second I'll second the motion by Council leit second seconded by Council law any discussion seeing none on Madam Clark please call the RO yes Madam mayor councilor Hi H hi Moody hi law hi motion and next Madam mayor I have ordinance number 1810 an ordinance to appropriate Capital Improvement funds various Capital Improvements uh and Equipment um this is from uh funds that were generally budgeted previously now being specifically allocated to Public Works improvements vehicles and equipment and vehicles and Equipment also for Public Safety this is in the amount of $150,000 mad mayor this is for the record published and posted in accordance with the statute I declare this meeting open for discussion of this ordinance and this ordinance only this being the time and place for the public hearing with no further comments forthcoming I declare this public hearing closed M mayor I move that this ordinance be adopted may have a second on that I'll second approve the motion by councelor leid seconded by councelor law Madam clerk please call the RO yes councelor Le i h i Moody I law I Four Eyes this ordinance is adopted next Madame mayor I have resolution number 11924 to refund and overpayment of property tax you've heard the motion by Council Le do I have a second second you've heard the motion by counc left seconded by counselor Moody any discussion on this resolution seeing none Madam Clark please call the RO yes M mayor coun hi mood I motion and finally Madam mayor I have resolution 120-24 uh this is to renew the uh agreement between Glen the township of Bloomfield Board of Health for public health services so I move resolution 120-24 you've heard the motion by councelor leco so I have a second enthusiastically second agree we appreciate their services you've heard the motion by Council leitz seconded by Council Moody any discussion outside of we appreciate um this relationship with Bloomfield and the help they provide to our residents seeing no other discussion Madam Clark please call the rooll yes M May hi hi hi law hi motion carries thank you that's it that's it for me okay Council Hughes uh thank you mayor uh the Public Safety Committee uh met this evening uh during the meeting weed ongoing active traffic complaints of not I think I reported out of this on the last time um Forest Avenue and Sunset Avenue the study results are in and we will be putting in a four-way stop and speed HPS at Forest and sunset but this will be a 2025 project um it's back to school time and uh we we discussed uh the plan with both the chief and the Town Administrator as to the plans for uh gearing up um later I'll have a I guess it's an ordinance for salaries for no probably an ordinance or a resolution right for crossing guards and an increase in pay so we're I'm happy to report full staff for that we're trying to build a bench for addition uh members on that team and then U Town Administrator presented uh a plan for additional um flashing signs for pedestrians blinking LED stop signs and some additional schools signs and schoola head signs so there's a plan in place to try and increase some signage uh throughout the B so I think we're well well positioned uh at this point in time for the back to school season uh and I have two resolutions I have resolution 12124 whereas the buau uh has to appoint adult school crossing guards and whereas the chief is certified that the adult school guards listed in the attachment meet the requirements whereas the chief has indicated that such adult school crossing guard are required and it's in the best of the bur to appoint them now therefore resol by Council that the adult school guards listed an attachment a for the period of September 2024 to June 3025 with the salary as follows 1850 hour mayor I moove the resolution you've heard the motion by councelor Hughes do I have a second I'll second you heard the motion by councel Hughes seconded by councel LTZ okay sorry is there any discussion on this um resolution seeing none Madam clerk please call the RO yes Madam May Hi H hi Moody hi law and may I'd like to summarize the next resolution this is a resolution authorizing various raffle licenses 5050 Raffles etc for the banon school all to be held on October 21th 2024 at the country 55 brid Avenue I move that we approve the applications for these approve the motion by Council Hughes to have a second all second approve the motion by Council Hughes second it by Council lewitz any discussion seeing none Madam Clark please call all yes M May coun i h i Moody I eyes no the motion carries thank you mayor that's all I have thank you for that report out too um councilor Moody do you have a report um I don't have much of a report except because we're in summer schedule uh it's impossible to believe but we have not met since the popup party in the Glenn and it was uh a real success for something that came together rather quickly um my compliments to my fellow councilman Hughes on generating the idea but real to Jim C and uh to the police and to DPW and to Mike for kind of taking an idea to animate one of our open spaces and to bring our citizens together uh also want to give a little shout out because last week Freeman Gardens held a salute to their volunteers on Friday night and volunteers are indeed the lifeblood of this town and I want to add my thanks to them I think that's about it for we'll Circle back to you later uh Council of Law Public Works I just wanted to Echo the mayor's comments regarding the the responsible public works as well as our Police Department storm last night and hopefully it'll be the last one the season but I got it so we're just getting started appreciate the efforts there but uh that's all I have to report tonight no councelor Meyer is absent today um this evening but um I do want to mentioned she's been working with Jim Cowen and graa to get everything ready for our fall Sports um and making sure there's Fields uh available for every single uh Team uh and uh that's that's no small feat so we appreciate all their work on that all right uh celil Maro is absent this evening but Planning and Development has um committee has two ordinances so we're GNA ask councelor Moody to take those up please thank you madam mayor uh first up I have ordinance number 1811 uh entitled trees uh for first reading just in summary uh the New Jersey D has implemented new storm water rules that require municipalities to regulate removal of trees we have a longstanding tradition of doing this on our public land in particular through our shade tree our very successful and award-winning shade tree commission um so this ordinance does two things it kind of tightens up and reaffirms our commitment to our buau shade Street trees and it introduces a new framework for trees on private property um so this establishes a permitting process for the removal and replacement of trees on private property it establishes an application fee of $1100 for each replacement tree that is required 100 will be placed in an escrow for two years to ensure uh that the trees uh remain in good shape a permit will not be required for any trees that are deemed invasive or hazardous by a private licensed tree expert so mad may I introd um may I have a second for that introduction second is there any um further discussion amongst the members of the Council on the or only that I think Mike zelly is really to be complimented for all of the work that that you've done on this thanks for everybody for working with this so this is uh again coming from the state um so you know we had to take something and make it work for our community to took some time but we got there thank you seeing no further comments forthcoming will the clerk uh please call the role yes mad mayor I on first reading I refer ordinance 1811 to the municipal clerk for the purpose of statutory publication and posting Madam may I have another ordinance this evening I have ordinance number 12 uh entitled salt storage for first reading and similar to the tree ordinance this is just all part of a Statewide effort to improve storm water management and the heels of things like last night I think you recognize how important those issues are um this ordinance requires that so D is now requiring that each municipality adopt rules some regulations regarding the storage of any deicing materials that are on private property I will note that there is already a framework that the bureau operates under uh very careful management of any deicing materials that are help in our yard this extends that to private property um to ensure that it does not get exposed to storm water this ordinance establishes requirements for the storage of salt and other solid deicing materials on properties owned or operated by the burrow IE privately owned properties including residences except for one and two family structures located in the buau of Glen Ridge to protect the environment public health safety and Welfare of the community due to the residential nature of the buau and the compact development of commercial properties there are few if any properties this ordinance will impact um may I have a second to the introduction of the ordinance second is there any um further discussion amongst the members of the council seeing no further comments forthcoming Madam clerk please call may I this ordinance is passed on first reading are before ordinance 182 the municipal clerk for the purpose of statutory publication and Fa thank you councelor moody for taking those up um any comments let's see Mr zelli any comments sure um mayor I just like to again thank everybody for working together last night as quickly as that storm rolled in is as quickly as it rolled out um which left the cleanup to uh require All Hands pretty much everywhere and the police and Public Works just worked hand inand in locating identifying and resolving the various issues that it went through the night and um Public Works through the day cleaning up and uh hopefully that little bump we had at 5:30 is the only um only thing we'll see for the rest of the day uh but they're ready and I just want to thank everybody again for working that we didn't have any power outages and um no trees came down so feel pretty good about it thank you mayor yeah John I have no report now Chief uh the only thing I have is uh school's open September 3rd and that brings with it a lot of children on the road in on the sidewalks uh cars in the road so please just if you're driving drive carefully especially during school hours clerk you've been training for upcoming elections we appreciate that I have been training for upcoming elections and if there are any um college students that are going away to college and wish to vote they can still come by and grab a vote by mail application and they can put their college address there and get their ballot mailed to their college if they are interested in voting we've actually had quite a few oh that's great I'd love to hear that that's terrific um yeah and I also mention look out um we're going to have some Joint Communications with our um friends at the board of ed on the start of school um because and thank you to the police and Mike for working through those um to make sure we're educating drivers as well as the students um Tera I don't think we have any new or unfinished business no okay and um last time for comments from the public seeing none um I'll close that councelor La I'd like to make a motion to uh Jour thank you