[Music] you rise and join [Music] me the notice requirements of the open public meetings act have satisfied with respect to this meeting of the mayor and Council of the buau of Glen Ridge specifically the time date and location were included in the meeting notice hosted in the municipal building and sent to the official newspapers of the township lenid paper voice m the m times and store Ledger addition to the agenda of this meeting has been posted on the official Glen Ridge BAU website the agenda and public handouts for the meeting can be viewed online at www. Glenridge nj.org a public comment period will be held in the order is listed on the meeting attend instructions on how the comment will be provided at the appropriate time please call yes Mr Mayor councilor's man here Hugh is absent Le is absent councelor here Meer here tomorrow here mayor pck is pres Mr Mayor you have a forum thank you at this time I would like to uh ask for approval the minutes of our last meeting on September 11th 20 23 I'll make a motion to approve the minutes thank you mayor a second please I'll second um any discussion see please call all yes Mr Mayor man hi La hi Meer hi Mara hi Four Eyes no names the motion carries are there any written Communications there are no written Communications this evening Mr Mayor um I have no comments this evening and so at this time we'll take comments from the public if you wish to be heard please come up and give your name and address [Music] please good my name is I would like to speak about 1796 onp 11 our so far this Council has um curious about where it came from problem to solve from we it [Music] sounds to me public out and [Music] to sorry it's up um the ordinance is up later and there's a public hearing associated with the ordinance so he was just asking if uh the it was okay to have the comments now or later that go ahead since you started go ahead normally uh at second reading the public gets to talk and they talk the time you so but go ahead okay I'm also happy to speak again at that get you the first time okay so um now only the short-term rental unit owners like myself from the proposed orance but other plan drags who rely on airs for their own families who are vising our town will also be impacted the purpose of my statement my remarks tonight is to share my perspective as a shortterm owner myself and also to offer some suggestions for possible Visions or even alternatives to the or um so here's some of my perspectives my husand and IED home in 2015 with the understanding that upon renovation of our Carriage House in the back of our property we will be able to rent it out with some Inc we completed the fully permitted renovation of our home to enable this in 2022 and we've been renting our car since June of 2022 the vast majority of our renters are actually people who have family in GL and they're visiting their children and their grandchildren or in some cases they're doing construction or short short-term renovation they need a place to stay and we found that the the people that we run to for the most part are actually people who are connected to our community um we have received zero complaints about our guests or our property we expect that this ordinance would actually negatively impact L Rich families who are attemping to visit their children and grandchildren in addition to of course impacting my own family's ability to maintain our home care and L if you look on the L Facebook pages you'll see that when people are asking about your it's because they have coming in they want to be able to accomodate more people than homes will allow this is especially for the holidays I have not seen any complaints um on the the about in our cages although perhaps these kind of complains are not broadly known C we and certainly many others have been leveraging our property to generate income it must be noted that hundreds of families and work from home and therefore utilize their homes to generate income why should this particular particular form of income generation be discriminated against particularly when a property comes with a separate dwelling Zed permanentes we live at our property and we can and do closely mon cond of our it feels like the rug is being pulled out from us we always need to a boarding leage long we were able to also generate income from par in fact that was one of our criteria for buying here a change like this being introduced now and without sufficient time toate input and feedb FY appears from myed research on this that there's five totals for rental units in our now and our understanding is that just one of them is problematic we'd like to inquire whether there maybe a different way to address the situation than a town restriction we have a few suggestions um it's okay for me to them now I will also later whatever okay um if there's a concern around the impact of the community we would propose that violations and fees should be imposed on the unit owners who do not upold Community standards for noise or contact or things along the time another option to implement a rer che requirement for unit owners so that there's some degree of vetting that short rental unit owners are engaging in another option to consider is the Banning of shortterm rentals for single family homes where the homeowner is not residing in the property that can also help to guard against violation as a last resort can we consider grandfathering and homeowners who already and without complaint have enacted short rentals this is the aspiration of will UL impact property values one might example in other sectors like a neighbor offering Noy Pian in their home a neighbor who doesn't their dog a neighbor whoow their child to B large groups of kids in their home when those kinds of situations aren't going well we don't consider a townwide ban against canons or dogs or inste we figure out how to deal with that sometimes it's a personal issue or we figure out how to require licensing or permitting or Implement find of Standards violated overall our suggestion is to hold accountable for improper conduct violations rather than removing all rental from our town especially in situations is right there ISU short rather than implenting one and sweeping oneid all policy like this we should take advantage of our small town and Community Feld and develop a more sophisticated solution to the problem at hand we will be in support instead requirements or fees for violation of policy as we believe strongly that an out to actually be thank you thank [Music] you anybody else like you heard at this [Music] time everyone my name is from 107 I'm not so my guest I like to just support her she completely right all the arguments that she just said it I want to bring it that as well uh we read one of the unit and then very often you know we help people basically MERS who are visiting this time and we never complain and I like to ask questions why this is all a sudden being agenda this being somebody [Music] else mying place here in town and I'm back here to reinforce the fact that how critical it is that we implemented gas anding and would like you know your kind of uh your thinking about when you think you know this come decision know impl you know that uh gas so I'm reinforcing the point and I'm kind of getting anxious why it taking this long and wanted to and again and again reinforce that point that we are very much anxious myself several of as you know more than people sign uh B and so I'm not just s expressing my kind of what call my anxious desire F this once for all and as you know since our last meeting and town W for is a policy against so again that's give you an idea you know how you know all the towns that decision we should be we should be left for with a progressive CH let's make a decision thank you thank you anybody else good evening my name is Jim is um and my friend I'm here to ask you to consider Drafting and imposing ordinance on Banning or regulating gas Le flowers I'll just comment I think it's interesting on the agenda tonight that I learn tonight proper in town as public and gas St blowers affect every single house and every single Street in town so um we just ask you to consider that moving forward because it's pretty vital importance been pretty rainy over the last two weeks today was a beautiful day at 9:00 this morning gas so really appreciate your help and consideration thank you thank [Music] you anyone else want to be no we move on all right um I have resolution 144-20 23 be it resolved that the following claims be approved and warrants be drawn the same as listed in the resolution um as and the attachment be resolved that the Chief Financial Officer treasurer of the Bure of Glenridge is hereby authorized to issue the payroll the employees of the Bure of Glen rich with the pay date of October 1 2023 I move the resolution you heard resolution may he a second please I'll second thank you uh any discussion see number please yes Mr Mayor councelor I Meer hi marrow I Four Eyes no names the motion carries thanks next I am actually going to make a motion to rraw resolution number 14523 that was um if that is a resolution for our math grant the final Grant amounts have not been confirmed so we'll have to Circle back to this one I make the motion to withdraw resolution 1453 you have heard the motion to withdraw may I hear a second please I'll second thank you any further discussion seeing none on the please call yes Mr Mayor councel I law hi Meer hi Maro I Four Eyes no knees the motion to withdraw the resolution cares thanks CH resolution 146-200 um this is be resolved that except and until otherwise ordered by the mayor and the buau council the municipal offices of the Bureau of Glenridge shall be opened for the convenience of the public and the transaction of official business during the year 2023 for the following hour hours 8:30 to 4:30 on Monday Wednesday and Thursday and 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday and 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Friday this is just a continuation of the summer hours that we've had at the buau and um we have seen uh folks coming in after hours on that Tuesday to conduct business we're going to continue that and the staff has um appreciated the schedule as well and move the ordinance you've heard the resolution he a second place I'll second thank you any discussion seeing none will please call Ro yes Mr Mayor councelor man hi law I Meer hi marrow hi For Eyes the motion carries thank resolution 147-bp um and I'll leave it at that so we're resolving that the Bureau of fenri recognizes the importance of tobacc free public and private work sites and encourages businesses to aim towards increasing employee Wellness by reducing tobacco use through education of or secession of secession resources and the harmful effects of tobacco products um this will be distributed as well to all our staff I move the resolution you heard resolution May second pleas second thank you um any discussion seeing none yes Mr Mayor councel man hi law hi Meer hi tomorrow eyes carries so um you might have noticed I'm all by myself so Peter uh for Council Hughes I'm GNA pick up his ordinance but I did want to Michel is this okay I can talk about this sure uh today Mike and the chief um went to a recognition for our New Jersey safe Roots um just so folks know we have been working and we have received a grant for safe roots to school um program which will result in physical changes um to the uh walkways and and some of the roads right near um the high school and so we were recognized as a gold burrow uh which is great I'd much rather have the um construction happening on itos the certificate but we'll continue because there's a lot of great resources that the state offers and we're going to continue to take advantage of those since we have so many pedestrians both big and small in town that we need to uh take care of so I just want to mention that on behalf of the Public Safety Committee which Toms M Hughes chairs um then I have an ordinance and a resolution for him so I have um Mr Mayor I have ordinance number 1795 an ordinance to repeal and replace um chapter 10 uh 16. uh 020 stop intersections designated for final reading Mr Mayor this is the state for the record that this ordinance has been published and posted in accordance with statutes iar the meeting open for discussion of this ordinance and only this ordinance this being the time in place for the public hearing would anybody like to be heard on this ordinance with no comments forthcoming I declare this public hear close Mr Mayor I move that this ordinance be finally passed May a second please I'll second thank you you have heard the motion council person n seconded by council person oral pleas call Ro yes Mr mayor council St hi La I Meer hi Mara hi Four Eyes no names this ordinance is passed um on Final reading and adjusted thank you the last item I have is resolution number 148-80 be it resolved that in accordance with the statute the mayor and burrow Council approved the raffle license application for an off premise 50/50 raffle submitted by Glenridge PBA to be held on December 10 2023 at 226 Rich Avenue Ive the resolution you heard the resolution mayor a second question I'll second thank you any discussion seeing none will please call rooll yes Mr Mayor councelor stand I CL I Meer I Mara I Four Eyes no Nam the motion carries thank you that's all I have thank you coun yes Mr Mayor resolution number 14923 this relates to some Emergen emergency work that's required for a portion of the retaining wall and stream bed in Tony Brook uh the work is required to project protect adjacent properties immediate action must be taken uh whereas uh RNR construction of Chester New Jersey submitted a proposal the amount of $51,100 the necessity of public bidding and funding for set emergency repairs uh Mr Mayor I seek to move this resolution I he a second please second thank you Michael do you want to say anything on this particular resolution um I think you know C speak for with by Tony's Brook um at the bridge at Clark Street where right in the proximity of the pool uh there's some stabilization that needs to happen to the retaining walls on either side of the BR the B actually owns that portion of those retaining walls and that very small portion and um we need to take some immediate action through the properties immediate to secure and maintain the properties immediately adjas to that and our hope is on Wednesday to get going on this project if it ever stops raining we'll get in there thank you yes councelor n hi La hi Meer hi Mara hi Four Eyes car all right you yes I have resolution number 1 15-23 and this relates to the public works department uh looking to purchase a new 2023 John Deere Gator rais the question is what's a 2043 John Deere Gator it it's a piece of equipment that is uh used for snow plowing for sidewalks as well as uh parking lots um the equipment will we purchased from John Deere out of North Carolina and it's a Cooperative agreement in place with the educational services Comm of New Jersey uh now therefore to be a result of the mayor and Council of bur Glenridge uh due hereby approve the purchase of the new 2023 John de gator in the amount of 37,5 so Mr the the resolution heard resolution second please second uh any discussion see them please call yes Mr Mayor councilor's nams I la I Meer hi Mar hi Four Eyes noes the motion carries thank you mayor do you have something um the only thing I wanted to update folks on is I know there's been a lot of conversation about fields and um access to Fields I I want to commend Jim uh Cowen he managed to work with Essex County and secure some permits for field time with a new practice field at Glenfield Park which is Turf so I thought that was a fantastic news given the kind of the current situation in our town and so we're going to continue to research other options and Alternatives but want to let folks know that we have uh have obtained some permits for the fall and I'm sure Jim will be aggressive with going after fi time in the spring as well so that's my main update this evening Mr Mayor thank you Council La thank you mayor um I do have ordinance 1796 for a second reading and um public hearing uh this ordinance as you know prohibits the short-term rental of housing for less than 30 days uh it requires a short-term uh rental license to be obtained as an application and a process process that's uh outlined in the ordinance um I guess just by way of background to answer your your question how did this come about um several residents did approach individual council members and then came to meetings uh in June uh July and August um and over that time uh we did separately because of residents approaching us individually with concerns about um individuals you know showing up on their street with suitcases not you know coming in and out much more uh uh I guess trans transient population people just coming and going um they did Express concern for you know their livelihood their kids their you know neighbors with people coming and going um so uh we did direct the uh our director of planning and and development Eric deline put together a draft ordinance which our Planning and Development Committee separately met and discussed over the summer um the residents did come I I don't know I would say there were they were from kind of the same neighborhood but there were I would say two so are you aware that there are two other airbnbs and single family residences on the south side that are not really associated with Carriage Houses if you actually Google Airbnb um okay yeah so there's I think there was some concern from residents from those particular ones so I mean it was uh discussed and brought up we did I don't know talk about it at several meetings we introduced the ordinance um can I can I ask Mike a question though I what's on the books right now as it relates to Carriage Houses obtaining permits and that sort of stuff I guess I'm just not familiar something I didn't even consider um when we were kind of having these internal committee conversations so Carriage Houses are listed permitted use in our our one single family Zone and the Carriage Houses are permitted subject to certain criteria they have to sorry do we need to open the public proced yeah into the public hearing and then with the council MERS and then then open it back up okay okay apologies for out of process so I will introduce ordinance 1796 short-term R rentals for it second reading uh this ordinance prohibits shortterm rental of housing less than 30 days requires short-term rental license to be filed in the building department on an annual basis to permit the use of a resident bedom or unit to be leased um language was added after our last meeting uh where an issue was raised with respect to certain film permits uh either being characterized as short-term rentals are requiring a short-term rental so we did add uh an exception to the ordinance to permit our Administration to give that permission without having to come before the C there are uh certain instances where an individual can um request an exemption from the requirement for such things as you know Renovations home renovations where where they do uh need some sort of shortterm rental um so this is the state for the record that this ordinance has been published and posted in accordance with the statute I declare the meeting open for discussion of this ordinance and only this ordinance this being the time time and place for the public hearing so is there anyone else other than our first speaker that would like to address uh dis ordinance well may I if we is this a Time appropriate for well I even have a given take but I want to make sure that El public I want to hear from them first okay okay so is there anybody that you have to come back out okay now have call sorry in front of the microphone so question I have is is there in the orance a requirement for permits to be issued foral not less than 30 days um uh subject to certain exceptions such as if there's a film permit if there's um renovation so something I'm curious about I don't know procedurally the ordinance is still up for revision um but might it be possible to um permit people who are doing this and then rev or suspend those permit if there's a complaint or violation I mean one of the things I would I I just suggest is maybe we just take a pause on this for voting for final passes for tonight given kind of new information as as coun marrow mentioned we've heard from Neighbors of some other ones in town who was not a positive experience and they single family homes and occupants aren't there or it's not being used as a single family home so we have other issues regarding um kind of safety issues with respect to how the house is being used and and who's living where so um as well as the Maring issues so it's really a different issue than exactly so maybe we can just like Sol a very nuanced problem and perhaps there's a way develop I mean yeah and I think in general though we do want to have something on the books this would be a law in our town to address the issue and whether or not we can figure out the nuances we know a lot of towns are looking at this it's really complicated um that might be worth us just taking another look at it um internally before we do final we did make some revisions based on comments at the first reading so that's it gets introduced and then there's two we you know period before we do a final adoption so we can yeah I I think I just like to look how this it's something I didn't even consider how this lines up against what's already cified as it relates to the carriage Hees regul ation and make sure we're in we're in alignment there from that perspective so addressing that short-term Rental process and know past experience I've had some experience in this like some of the codification it makes allowances in certain cases if the owner lives on property from a rental allowance so I think we just need to look at it in comparison to what's kind of already on the boooks yeah the only thing I know uh you you talked about yours I mean if you want to approach us afterwards or I just want to better understand like the physical like understanding of a carriage house but there's other physical um things happening in the house that are or it's in a multif family area or something that is I'm not articulating it very well but like one of the concerns was a single family house being turned into multiple units which we didn't know about and so I want to flag that as something something that's a concern for us because that is having people live that might not be appropriate in like different spaces in the house and that's just exactly and so that's what we're trying to get at so if that's what's happening if anyone's listening in your house like you know that's like that is our intent is to make sure people are safely in homes and you know even if it's short term or in in and that there's someone you know owner occupied and present is the other issue that came up so I want to give you some broad policy things that we were trying to address with this seems respectiv this is a onze fitall solution and you know there are probably multiple examples within our town of you know everything is perfectly decode fully pered the owners are there they're checking on what's going on zero complaints we've been doing this for over a year now and just haven't en any challenged I think that the problem with a lot of the people that came to us on this ordinance were that they were uh very on tender hooks because every time it seemed that they went out of their house they s saw new people they didn't know who they were they didn't know why they were there etc etc so they felt very uneasy in their own homes and that it was their fear and their concern especially with their kids and things like that that they had an opportunity to find out who was there we felt we didn't want to do away with it uh but we wanted to establish a a minimum time period so that there wouldn't be that huge turnover during the year in other words if they can turn it over every month that's 12 times a year if we say 60 or 90 days that's a fraction of that so people get a little bit more um used to seeing people but I think that that's one of the things that we're going to have to deal with and we did so I just want you to know that that is a big factor in what kick this thing off the parents and children ourselves that go to our school you know it would be very concerned if that were the situation that's not our situation and I would think our average gu stay with us for three or four nights and almost univers they're visiting family there and family people themselves just the experience we described doesn't match what our experience was in we would suffer and I think that if we banned all of these types [Music] of thanks for bringing it Forward on thisin short up give your name um name and address um I'm not sure what like different things are happening my understanding is somebody had issue argument someone that was saying it was somewhat unruly um death with this seeing multiple people come in and out I mean we have Retreats at our house for employees that have to stop I that's different people come in have meeting drink sometimes I is that going to be okay nobody these people are sometimes we have cars coming I thought that was okay to do um I think we're just trying to articulate to you what we heard from the residents and I understand your perspective I don't want to speak for those residents but you had indicated you didn't know where this came from so we're just trying to sumarize for you what they told us there were many of them came out over three separate meetings you know this was my understanding this from one place there's only you know um so I [Laughter] youing right now I think I think there absolutely has to be somebody living in this home and it has to be used according to what the zone property is like that's the issue the issue is not somebody running you know from what I'm if you don't like people coming in and not seeing people on the street I biger lot somewhere else I mean this is the New York City area like I'm inside CH curtains thank you so that's helpful no that's we appreciate it um so you know I I'd be in favor of not doing a final passage tonight and and just looking at this one more time and uh you know there's some other new I think information I think how do we procedurally we just don't um we would make tomorrow you would make a motion to um table it okay yeah table Yeah lay it on the table and uh for further consideration unn time at this point one more point she's in charge us so um I know was also you had mentioned before like this kind of came to as surprise to you into this meeting so I kind of wanted to take a moment um as the clerk it's my job to um follow the statute as to how we present this to the public so and I think a lot of the public is not really aware of how this works behind the scenes um so basically for any ordinance um there are two readings of the ordinance so it it's always discussed at two meetings um and the way we disseminate it besides um by law required to publish it in the newspaper so it was in the blend paper but we also realized that's an Antiquated um that's just a requirement that we have to do that the state says um but we do our um agenda is posted on the website uh usually when it's a Monday meeting which is a Monday meeting the Friday before and we also send out a last email so maybe if you're not signed up for the town emails that's a good way to get your hands on the agenda and then you would see that when this is up for discussion again um it may be the next meeting if it takes longer for behind the scenes for the Committees to kind of discuss and pull out um how they want to make amendments proposed amendments it could take two meetings um so that's kind of how how you could find out and you could also always stop in or call you know call the chch office um would absolutely give you information but that's the easiest way for the public to kind of understand when it's happening and why it's happening um there's also a requirement of how long there has to be between the first reading which is when we introduce it and the um and the public hearing so we have to have a certain amount of time from when we notify the public that we're doing this to when they can come and speak so that also is kind of taken into consideration as to when um the ordinance is uper second reading thank you so much you're welcome yeah I think it's something that maybe a lot of people don't understand the whole process of it and why it is and why it's different so the other things that you hear us discuss say um this evening our resolutions they're more minor they're not laws of the Town we're more like policies and procedures and they're only discussed once um for purchases they don't have to go through this uh laborous process that the that ordinances have to do to be modified thanks ter thanks ter I mean I would say would probably be if we're going to have a separate committee meeting it would not be ready for the next meeting which is in two two weeks and the other thing I was going to suggest is it possible for you to email your comments because they were you know quite concise and well put together if you could email the council or CA I can give you my email address and you can send them over and I'll get it to all of them yeah so I will make a motion to table uh the second reading of ordinance 1796 for further consideration uh you heard suest may have a second please I'll second thank you any further discussion on this cler please hold yes Mr Mayor councelor s i La I Meer I Mara I the motion to table this ordinance until a further date is carried thank you uh next I have resolution 143-30570 a procedural uh documentation issue that relates to uh the road uh do Municipal AIDS project um New Jersey Department of Transportation Awards these uh has to be awarded by October 21st 2023 but based on their review time the project will be advertised beginning on October the 4th with a bid date of October 19th uh it's anticip ated we will award the contract at the Monday October 23rd council meeting the grant amount is uh 572,000 376 the roads proposed for reconstruction are Glen Ridge ad Sherman ad and Ary um I move resolution 14323 you have heard the resolution May a second please I'll second thank you any further comments see call R yes Mr Mayor councilor Dems hi La hi Mayer hi Mar I Four Eyes no the motion carries thank you this time we pick comments with the administrator department heads thank you mayor um you're you're going to scream when I say this but it needs to be said uh again regarding automobiles please lock your cars please don't leave your key Bobs in them please lock your doors we've seen this time and time again and and uh people are just making it easy for these things to happen um our vehicles are then from this area then being removed and then used to commit problems elsewhere and it is um a problem that just going to is going to go away the chief and the may have said this over and over again so I feel it's my turn to say it um it it just keeps happening Winter's coming don't leave your car in the driveway idling you're just leaving it unlocked it should just going to you know you're creating an opportunity for being removed again um so again we we we just had an Essex County mayor's call this is brought up again this is a problem that is consistent so I'm asking everybody again please lock your cars very simple bring your key fob inside and lock your back door without your keys on your kitchen counter so that i' just like to reiterate that on a um on a um a better note I'd just like to thank Chief and our Deputy Administrator and the police department for our um safe roots to school recognition we received today and um it was it was great to see that and just to let you know the safe roots to school Grant regarding the improvements in and around the high school area The Crossings the Ridgewood Avenue Crossing and all the crossings all the way to Clark Street we received a grant through that it is a f Grant I feel like we're going through the same process if we were building a nuclear plant in Glen Ridge um it is unbelievable how much paperwork we have to go through but by going through this paperwork they fully fund the project they fully fund the um inspections and they fully fund any cost differentials from the time of the award till now so it is coming it is just is it is it really coming it's brutally slow as long as it comes through yeah we we are in the process but I feel that myself uh Bill baret and public works and er could get that out there every weekend and start building this a little bit a bit farther along but it is happening we are going through this process and um it it is just um it's a very long process but we we're very excited to see it happen um and we're working throughout the town elsewhere to do further pedestrian improvements and Analysis um so I just want to keep the public up to date same with the traffic lights of the county received Grant approval for similar program so they receive you might have seen some uh data collectors the little cameras out on the systems that's the county Gathering the uh current traffic pattern data and then they will use that in their their their design process um as they they utilize similar fundation and uh that's all I have for now thank you mayor mayor mayor can I throw one more thanks to I say to the chief um as well as the board of education for opening up Rin Avenue School and support of um Temple near to me recently for their Russia sha and Y Kipper Services there was a last minute hiccup with a location and the services on both days were attended by near five or 600 people on very rainy days so there were really definitely not any more options so I appreciate the town's uh kind of quick action to support that from a community perspective so John Mayor I have no report yes Mr Mayor I just want to remind uh residents to L like so my thunder but I fig reiterating it is not a bad thing so um I just want to also report out on the parking ordinances from high school which we recently revised um it's been extremely effective uh we've received no complaints um so it looks like it's working and I just want to thank the uh CL High School staff and students for their cooperation in this um it you know it's it's just been a dream over there regarding parking and makes our job a lot easier so and then also we have uh we're participating in community ycpr training at the Women's Club with the CL volunteer ambulance Squad we have one more day available on Friday there was a glen announcement that went out that has the sign up link on it if you want to attend um and then finally as part of safe groups we started a tra officer position uh carago um just want to report that began on August 7th and to date he's had 300 motor vehicle stops 57 traffic details um over 100 summons is issued so he's he's out there working and hopefully making the street safer so uh and thanks again also for the response with all the traffic monitoring especially during the um School times and the additional signage and and posting around town and kind of some quick attention to that as well at this time we'll take uh comments from the public if anybody wish to be heard see no one um Council you uh yes motion to adjourn all fa all right thank you