all we we're we're ready to call the meeting to order two three go do it go for it nice all right we're ready all right we're ready are you able to call aoll call for Miss calz here miss carasa here miss Carr here Mr Cory here Mr Hayward here miss garelli here miss Stevenson here miss randelle here Dr Robinson here we have a quum all right thank you uh Miss carella are you able to lead us in the flag salute [Music] oh is that is just me too count turn again ready the M together 2 start pledge alance to the FL of the United States of America and to the Republic with which it stands one nation under God indivisible for the lar that's just for all amazing very very good adequate notice of meeting in accordance with PL 1975 chapter 231 notice of tonight's meeting was mailed to the record and the Ridgewood news on January 9th 2024 notice of this meeting was also mailed to the borrow Clerk and was posted on the bulletin board of the Board of Education Office in the administra um administration building on the same date copies of the procedures in effect for regular board meetings are available for the public at tonight's meeting all right the Glenrock School District founded on principles of educ ation and partnership with the supportive Community provides an exceptional education to all students to cultivate resilient responsible and engag Global Citizens thank you so much good evening everyone um hope everybody having a nice day we have some special guests today from Coleman Elementary we have mac and Ganon who are second graders and Kelsey who is a fifth grader and mac and Ganon we had some questions for you if that's okay okay so tell me um Coleman yeah you can turn it on that's fine yep so tell me about at Coleman what's uh what do you like the best about it go first I like reading I like reading I like Recess Recess what do you like about about reading I like always in the mic I like the books that I read you have a favorite book yeah which one Diary of a Minecraft zombie nice good good all right Mr recess what do we like about recess I like playing games outside is recess long enough no okay all right how much longer should we make it 15 that's fair that's fair we going ask the board members are here tonight you should should they make a decision on that yes good all right fair enough um what's one thing if you could change something at Coleman what would you change anything maybe for a maybe there can be a soccer goal a soccer goal for recess okay I sometimes play soccer all right I think we lost our pen all right and what's your favorite subject math math you like I don't have one good I don't have a favorite subject read because I like it you like them all okay well good job thank you we appreciate it I know Mr uh uh Thompson is here to to take down some notes about things that you'd like to change and back there yeah I see him back there he's ready yep um so Kelsey why don't you give us your report good evening thank you for having me here tonight I'm going to tell you about some of the fun and awesome activities and fundraisers we do at Coleman school we recently met with our buddy classes to read some of our favorite books and logged our reading minutes to reach our goal of 250,000 minutes for the reaton the fifth grade participated in our colan Cafe where we practiced our manners and ate a fancy meal with various guests from our school and Community this past Friday we had our snow tubing night at cam call which families had a lot of fun at and finally Clara the seeing eye dog that we raised $5,000 to sponsor a name has now started her training program some events we have upcoming are the fifth grade circus this Friday night the circus came to town today and we are going to have a fun week at the gym learning different acts and skills which we will then showcase additionally our school play Moana will be held on March 16th at Central School also the fifth graders will be walking to the middle school to see the production of Annie on the 14th of March our student council has also been busy holding fundraisers and events for Coleman we had Heavenly hats day in which students donated money to the Heavenly hats organization to wear hats in school all the donations are used to buy hats for people who have lost their hair from cancer we made $300 to donate we also had a food drive and donated all the food to a local food bank in Falon it was very successful and we donated tons of food we had a winter Spirit Week that was just for fun and had fun winter themes like dressing up like a penguin and wearing winter hats gloves Etc it was really fun and lots of people took part in it last but not least we have our HW Coco day on March 15th and all donations will go to the make a wish our organization these are some of the many awesome things that go on in our school thank you and have a great rest of your evening well done nice job any trustees have any questions no thank you so much for your report that was amazing thank you Kelsey looking forward to middle school next year yeah what are you going to miss about at Coleman um all the teachers and like the specials and stuff and then what are you looking forward to in Middle School um like changing classes and getting a locker and stuff nice would look forward to having you here next year U we're going to take some pictures and uh we'll invite the parents up too so let's e e if uh Norah and Hannah could come up real quick like to give a round of applause to Norah and Hannah who are seniors here who are were recognized for the Gold Award for Girl Scouts congratulations I know this is accurate but my understanding is that only 5% of the girls who enter scouting earn this ranking is that is that true that's amazing well done I'm going to share uh what they did as the highest award in girl scouting the Gold Award is earned by those who develop and Carry Out lasting solutions to issues in their neighborhoods and Beyond only 5% of eligible Girl Scouts successfully complete the Gold Award it requires 80 hours of documented work and must pass a council review board before even pursuing the Gold Award Scouts must first achieve the silver award and then com complete a senior Journey Norah and Hannah with their local troop completed their senior journey by painting a mural in the Glenrock High School library on the theme of women supporting women and they host an event with younger Scouts to share that same message that's a wonderful mural by the way it's generly spruces up the media center uh for Hannah's Gold Award she made Spa baskets for girls who are hospitalized with cancer she also created an inspirational video that is accessible through a QR code in the video Hannah shares her own personal story of hospitalizations due to a genetic condition she talks to the recipients about the importance of self-care and its effect on mental health especially when not feeling well as co-president of the Thrive Club at Glenrock High School Hannah had the club and many grhs students involved in her project congratulations to Hannah for receiving the Gold [Applause] Award I'm do for Norris Gold Award she restored a forest habitat area at the Laurer nature s Sanctuary she worked with local local nature experts and Glenrock High School environmental Club volunteers to remove invasives and to instill a care for native plants that provide food and shelter for wildlife she also LED an education workshop on wildlife habitats for Coleman School kindergarteners and created an active Instagram account to promote backyard habitat protection congratulations Nora well [Applause] done e Mr vest or sorry Mr caneles this EF right yes it is thank you Dr Charleston uh we are uh joined tonight by uh Mr Greg burns from dco Mr uh Derek Jordan from cers and uh our bond Council Tony salamini uh who represent who's from Rens they're going to walk us through the final stages of our esip that we've been working towards since last spring um and give you an update on the projects that are being considered um and up for your approval as well as the final stages so with that I will turn it over to the gentlemen e there we go good evening Derek Jordan with colleges engineering and design um as stay here to give everybody an update on where we stand with the Energy savings Improvement program um I want to first turn it over to Greg burns with dco who's our energy consultant on this project good evening everyone um Dr Charleston James the Glenrock Board of Education the community thank you for having us this evening um we've been working in the in the district now for for quite a few months so at this point we we've completed our investment grade audit so as as James said we're going to review where we're at what next steps are um and answer any questions so before I I jump into what exactly pertains to Glenrock I always just like to review what is the energy savings Improvement program or esip speaking a lot of acronyms um so just wanted to clarify so it's esip is a budget neutral Finance financing mechanism for school districts to achieve Capital Improvements so net net no increase to any budgets for this project always like to to clarify that again just to reiterate the purpose of it esip is a financing mechanism for Budget neutral Capital Improvements so as a as a school district you really only have a few options you can see esip has no tax impair impact because it's funded through reallocating your utility budget line items based Bas on our Energy savings projections and once the energy conservation measures are installed lease purchase Bond referendum both of which would have an impact on the taxpayer for for different reasons but again the E esip is the only financing vehicle available to school districts to not increase any current budgets so how does this pertain to Glenrock Public Schools so we we went through we walked every building we counted every piece of equipment that uses energy and as well as talking with James Dr Charlton and Don and the facility staff to see what's causing the most problems we look at efficiencies useful life Etc we evaluated over $8 million worth of energy conservation measures and we zeroed in on really the goals and the the top needs the district needs to achieve in the near future as part of this project so the the numbers of how everything are are modeled currently the the plan was sent to a thirdparty engineering firm actually just received approval on Friday I'll touch on that later but the plan includ included a $3.7 million project that will generate over $5.3 Million worth of Energy savings over the term of the project there are utility rebates from pscg which we will apply for and obtain for the district sent directly to the business office and and that's tabled at about over a little over $888,000 we are conservative recently we've been seeing those numbers go up but again this is on the conservative end any influx would be direct benefit to the district also with the savings we'll achieve and the new measures we'll put in the operational savings will be a little over $167,000 um that's pertaining to some of the energy conservation measures I'll talk about on the next slides then after the Energy savings fund the pro fund all the Capital Improvements the projects will be cash positive $96,000 so after all the upgrades are achieved and implemented the district would have an excess cash flow of $96,000 the this is the energy conservation measure Matrix so when I say ECM this is everything that we evaluated as part of it so everything with a check mark means it was evaluated by ourselves and Colliers reviewed with James in the district everything with a check mark and a blue box is what's currently in the plan to be implemented and everything with a white box either it wasn't available to evaluate or it was so new that it didn't make sense for the district to replace a rooftop unit that's 3 to 5 years old so those are the those are how the ECM or the energy conservation measure Matrix is broken out now I want to talk about again you can see there's 14 energy conservation measures across five buildings I want to really talk about the there's six core energy conservation measures that I broke this down to that are going to be impact the students right it's a the goal of this program is Right budget neutral financing mechanism but it's to improve the learning environment for students so first and foremost in every esip project LED lighting is the number one upgrade so you're going to have brand new 10 1/2 watt LED um lighting light bulbs that are you're you're about uh 32 watts currently so a third of that Energy savings is going to be directly related to this project it'll allow James and the district to plan for future uh any future improvements um it'll come with a 10-year warranty the ballast will be in the tube I know that's a little technical but lighting lights and ballast are expensive for from a budgeting standpoint you will not have to purchase a light for 10 years um there's also atct stock as part of this so if there are any issues Don and James and the team will have it readily available to put in a new bulb so there's no downtime for the lighting the next the the one of the high ticket items that's a big priority for the district was rooftop units so there are six rooftop units currently included in the plan there's four here at the high school middle school and there's two at bird that was based on a thorough walk through we talked with Hutchins HVAC we walked through the plan with Don we reviewed it with the district we identified six priorities again those were six based on the Energy savings calculations to make sure the Energy savings could cover the cost of those upgrades so there will be six rooftop units replaced they'll they'll be married up to the energy management system so your energy management system will also be part of that rooftop unit replacement will control the new rooftop units as well the existing but really your your building automation system or energy management system is is is really in good shape I'd say you're like 80% of the way this is going to get us to the 20 you know so if you're at the the spring baseball game and the rooftop unit goes down over the cafeteria here how do you find out so now Don James you're at the baseball game you're notified if anything happens with any of the equipment again just fixing any of the recovery items as well just making your system and your buildings much more energy efficient the next energy conservation measure are split system units so there's three here at the high school middle school that we're going we're going to replace it's again not only going to make be more energy efficient it's going to improve occupancy Comfort right the building automation system the rooftop us unit the energy management system all this is designed to improve occupancy comfort for the students next is building envelope and weatherization so this is this ECM is going to be really in areas you don't see above the ceiling there there might be no Insulation at all around the windows there might be heating losses and around the doors where I was talking to my construction manager on the way up there's doors you don't realize there's stripping underneath the doors where hot air is getting out during heating season you just don't see it so we go around we take infrared scans to see where your biggest heat losses are and then where your cooling losses are so when your air conditioning running or your boilers are running it's going to make the buildings much more energy efficient and last but not least is a steam trap replacement so this is specifically for your steam schools which is bird and the high school and the middle school here um so steam traps are again behind walls you don't see them you don't really know when they fail probably the only facility staff really knows when they fail but they waste a ton of energy your steam is just when they fail they they fail open Steam is just constantly pouring out of those so your steam your steam system at the two schools are going to become much more efficient and would have less maintenance problems so before I go to the schedule I wanted to open up anything pertaining to EIP the ECM Matrix the conservation measures all right so schedule update just to I'd like to show a full list this is so you can see as James mentioned we started uh July of last year did our audits we we've gone through all the steps we received approval from Johnson and urban the third party engineering firm that reviewed and approved our plan that's important because that's the first step in ensuring that our calculations that say the Energy savings you set out to achieve will be what you're actually going to achieve um I believe the board approved them at the the 26th board meeting on Monday um and then next step is for for myself and Derek to work with James to submit to the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities so they have to approve this plan before we can move forward with the next steps um the the rest of it starting in March you can see and I'll go to the next slide for that so there's going to be five board resolutions that Tony and Tim from W um will will'll send to James to be on your your board agenda so there's an introduction of bond ordinance so there's two ways to finance an esip project there's a lease purchase agreement and refunding bonds and talking with Tony and uh Phoenix advisor your financial advisor they're recommending refunding bonds because the rates are much better right now like a 1 to one and a half point Delta um for financing it so it's going to give you the the best bang for your buck in terms of financing so that's an introduction of the bond ordinance to do refunding bonds we have to submit to the local Finance board in Trenton so that's the approval to give the authority to Tony and Phoenix advisers to submit that application then we have to go in front of the local Finance board the next step is the acceptance of the New Jersey BPU approv Board of Public Utility approved Energy savings plan which will be submitted um to them on Tuesday so hopefully tomorrow we'll get that over to them for their review they they have some time to review it but we fully we're hoping to get that approved prior to your board meeting on Monday on on March 18th sorry not obviously not today um and then approve the implementation agreement uh for cers and ourselves to move forward and implement the measures that we discussed as well as approved to submit to the Department of Education and the long range fac and amend your long range facility plan so those will be coming up in March they'll be a few more in April that'll be to close out financing and Tony I think you're is that good you're good with that I'll open it with any other questions yeah hi um just a quick question uh at the beginning you mentioned just the project um like the project time where you said like this was the 5 million in savings was over that the the project period what is the period uh 20 years so esip financing allows you to finance the Energy savings over 20 years that's what the piece of legislation allows house thank you MH so following up so after 20 years after we're done financing anything after that is savings to the district so the reality is we won't see anything for 20 years so no so so that's a good question so as part of the BP requirements right now based on our model and our cash flow after the upgrades are implemented and the Energy savings are achieved you'll be positive $4,000 a year four just $4,000 $4,000 correct and and then that'll be funded anything that is excess savings is completely the benefit of the district so the amount that's going to be bonded is that the 3.7 correct okay and again if so we're modeling at the advice of your financial advisor modeling a 3.75% interest rate they just got recent bids around 3.5 so again that could go down some of these numbers may change based on the better the Improvement of the rate so when we have to go through the refunding bond process that I talked about there to get the official rate they have to Tony and Tony and your financial adviser has to sell the bonds to get the official rate which is what we're in the process of of looking to do just another quick question um will this qualify for The Debt Service Aid in in the no okay because uh because ESO So it's b so we we did a baseline I want to get into the we too much we did a baseline Workshop says the district spends about $850,000 a year on electric natural gas water sewer so what what esip is is a reallocation so the The Debt Service would go reallocate from the electric natural uh natural gas line items to fund the esa project so by law that's why you're not allowed to to get that servicing for it m all good thank you thank you very much thank you for your time good evening everybody thank you very much so that concludes my report um we will move on to Personnel items all right so just sorry I I have one last question at this I'm sorry this project uh is this beginning right at the end of May when this be begin as early as May June and Implement sorry sorry uh the we can be we once we issue the bonds uh we will then have the funds in house um and we can begin our implementation it is expected between eight 12 to 18 months for full implementation of all items okay so these projects will be going along along with the other projects that we have correct okay thank you correct but to that effect a lot of this timing is going to be also through the school year on a second shift okay all right barring no other questions we'll begin with Personnel oh No Just couple of things for discussion it's more informational so as the board's aware the school doctor um has resigned and we went out for an RFP and we didn't get any applicants so we're going to go out again for an RFP and then um send it specifically to some applicants that have just recently been recommended to us so our hope is to have someone on the agenda in May but Dr bully will be able to finish out finish out the year and there'll be an interview process with staff members involved and so on um the auto slotting uh building based substitutes so I thought I'd share that because um as as the board's aware we have two permanent substitutes in each of the elementary schools and um the plan right when when we got those eight was to have them assigned to an individual elementary school but also to float as needed so for example if there were no absences in one District I mean one building then the those two can go go to another Elementary building it became uh it's just difficult because the system wouldn't allow us to do that so we've been doing it basically at night the principles are working on it um so what Lori was able to create with ESS was an auto slotting so the first absences would be automatically assigned to the permanent Subs versus having to do it manually so it's a way for us not to double up on getting uh substitutes because sometimes they'll slip through the cracks so the first eight slots to per building will be filled by the um by the Perman Stu so I thought i' just share that it was a long process to get to auto auto slotting um under a new business we have a job description Greg yeah so talking with Lori Babin and looking at job descriptions uh we found that some of the job descriptions that we currently have that are on the books are are fairly old and so we're looking at going through them and kind of the the target is things that are more than 10 years old uh maybe we should be revising so as an example I know that the job description for a a computer teachers from 2007 right well that computers have changed in 17 years so maybe we look at that and that doesn't mean we're redefining jobs it means we're making sure that what we have is is accurate so we're going to be looking at that over the next um over the next many board meetings looking at each of these so the first one that we wanted to look at uh is the maintenance job description which you have in backup and and if you noticed I don't think it was typewritten but it awfully it looks awfully close to typewritten um it was 1981 is the last time this this job description has been updated and so we we wanted to start with that so you have't in backup the the old and the new uh we couldn't just Redline it because well we didn't want to retype the entire thing from scratch because we don't have it on file anywhere as as electronic document so so you can see there there are minor updates um but we wanted to bring it to you it will be on on the agenda for approval at a future board meeting all right on to policy please so we have a lot of uh policies for for first um for first reading tonight um I thought I would share with the board um just a couple of things in the community just as a reminder because we don't get policies as frequently maybe as as we have in the past but there are three types of policies with the organization that we uh uh contract out with stra asme mandated recommend amended or suggested so just as a reminder to everyone mandated are those guides um that are required by federal and or state law monitoring audit requirements agency guidance high level of importance uh to protect the health and safety of students and staff so the board is um when it's mandated has very little wiggle room to make any any changes to that and if any changes were requested we would send it to our attorney for for review then there's recommended and tonight there's a couple of recommended um uh polic policies and those are um those help guide boards should they and they should adopt them based on best practices but they're not mandated and the board has flexibility and making more changes with recommended policies and then there suggested policies was there are none on on this uh agenda and they could be revised to suit our local our local needs um so I'm happy to go over uh all the policies um and read what the the rationale is for the changes um or unless you have specific questions there's one that the board has to make a decision on that's a a policy P 2411 that's guidance counseling that's a mandatory um uh policy and just I'll just share the revisions in this policy provide additional details regarding student access to adequate counseling Sur uh services and the comprehensive Equity plan which all districts have to have requires a board policy to substantiate uh making U compliance making so there were four um four choices there for the board we met with our staff for policy 2411 and a recommendation was uh the first uh Choice there be conducted entirely by teaching staff members certified as guidance Personnel is the board okay with that was that was that the recommendation from the state or from you for the option that was a recommendation from us and what's the rationale behind CH choosing your recommendation we wanted guidance uh personnel only to to deal with that non- guidance good all right any others okay no other questions on policies no other questions all right any items from governance I see none instruction and programming I thought I'd share with the community we have almost 100 uh kindergarteners registered um already which is well above what we had in in uh last year I think we were at like 67 to 70 and I think we're at 98 as of me walking over to the meeting so we'll certainly um we'll hit 100 soon and we'll make an announcement uh we'll see if we get up to what we expect to be about 185 kindergarteners uh in terms of sections we are budgeting for nine sections of of kindergarten next year the third section in terms of the rotation this one would be at Coleman so the other three buildings would have two sections and Coleman would have the ninth section in terms of Elementary sections for next year as the board's aware Hamilton has we added um four different grades grades uh one through four at Hamilton so next year we'll have 10 sections districtwide um in grades 2 through five and we'll have nine sections in kindergarten in first grade and that'll be um that'll be our alignment for next year we still um when new students register especially in in grades next year right two through five would go to most likely 99% of time to Hamilton because those are the smallest class sizes as we know we've had that discussion uh before um and just so the board's aware we are getting um I think we're up to seven first graders coming in uh and and then I think two third graders already so there are people registering for for next year um and how how many uh did you say you're anticipating for kindergarten maybe about 185 looks like so for instruction program we have um couple one thing did to update you with old business and another new thing that that I wanted to talk to about so when I was talking last just last week one of the things I mentioned was challenge success the the program that we're using at the high school and I wanted to give you a more detailed update about what's what's going on with that who who's who's involved in what are we doing so as you may remember in August August 28th you approved um challenge success to conduct professional development workshops data collection surveys on-site visits coaching sessions conferences Etc with District team members on improving student well-being engagement and belonging so this is kind of what we found at the high school that would that would match the the work that we're doing with ruler at the middle and elementary school we didn't think that ruler was the right fit for for the the concerns that we had at the high school level so challenge success as as you recall is about elevating student voice and implementing research-based Equity centered strategies that improve student well-being belonging and engagement um the well-being belonging engagement are intrinsically connected and are critical to Student Success it's not just academics we talk about that a lot here that we're supporting the whole student uh they believe that schools have potential to play a major role in youth mental health by providing a positive safe and affirming environment for students so that's the the group they they're out of Stanford and I know the district has done some work with them in the past so let's talk about what what they've done so far in September uh the challenge success team established uh was established in the district with representation from students parents or Guardians teachers and administrators so this team uh received some training from challenge success on it um but mostly put together this this group to kind of coordinate the activities and things we're doing throughout the year in October we sent out a St student survey and a parent Guardian survey um to kind of get get a feel of what's what's going on what how are people doing what what you know the questions were things like how much do you sleep at night and how stressed are you about school and and that kind of of a nature of of where are we how how are we doing um and then in October the teachers and administrators attended the challenge success fall conference where they received a lot of training and started kind of unpacking that data in November through January the challenge success team has attended coaching sessions with with the challenge success folks and are identifying areas in the school that have high levels of well-being and low levels of well-being through the lens of each stakeholder group they've been reviewing and analyzing that student data survey data and in February I mentioned it I think yes last week that they completed the I wish campaign completing the following three statements I wish my teachers knew I wish my parents knew I wish my peers knew um The Challenge success Le aison just last week presented or was it this week I'm not sure I think it was last week last week presented the results of the student survey to students in two different assemblies grades nine and 10 and then 11 and 12 she asked the students to consider their definition of success to predict how the high school students responded to questions about sleep belonging academic engagement to offer suggestions for ways that we can address student stress levels um she also share information about Trends in the high school survey data as well as the research behind the Wellness in indicators students were provided with a QR code leading to a survey that would ask them their ideas about types of changes in the school would benefit them and she'll be offering a webinar for parents and Guardians next month more details will follow so they'll be sending that out to to high school parents soon uh the challenge success team internally met to review the student data from the iwish campaign they brainstormed the how might we questions about how to make meaningful change and they're in the process of gathering additional feedback from various stakeholder groups so they're doing a lot of stuff behind the scenes right now and we're hoping to see where does this go the first year is very much about collecting data seeing where we are talking it through and and um I'm excited to see where it moves on we've seen real nice success with the ruler program with the implementation and it's a it's a yearslong program it's not an overnight quick you know just do an assembly and we're all we're all moving on from there problems good yep um so uh the last thing I have for new business for instruction program is uh something I think I mentioned last week but I'm not sure um uh if you remember back in the fall we joined a Consortium with our title three funds for elll Learners um in the past we have not collected that money because it was a very small amount and you have to join a Consortium it's it's kind of a sticky Wicked so we have this year a little over $99,000 from that for the grant which we applied for and got we used some of it for supplies but I've been holding off on spending the rest which we earmarked for professional development um until uh Kristen Gomez arrived at Hamilton because as you know um our policy says that any students requiring special needs programs will be assigned to the elementary school that can fulfill that need such as ESL and special placement so we're identifying Hamilton as the school where we're going to really focus in on ESL so over the course of the next few years um as new students enroll that need ESL Services they will be assigned Hamilton as a school um and as the kids age out of the other elementary schools we we won't have a population there and what that allows us to do is we can have one of our ASL teachers in one school not driving back and forth between all the schools and we can really establish a better pushin model of supporting students in their classrooms in their General classrooms doing content specific work rather than just pulling out and kind of Dashing all over all over the district um but what that what that entails though is a little bit of a shift in the building to think about how are we serving these es ESL elll now the state is calling MLL multilanguage Learners um yeah it keeps changing and there are reasons for it I understand that but it's it's a hard to keep track of um but what we're looking at is um how can we provide professional development not just for the the elll teacher but for the general education teachers in the building right so that they are feeling supported so that they're not feeling like we have all these students here and it's I think it's about a dozen right now um it's not it's not a high level but as things change it might it may become that so we want to make sure we're staying ahead of that with the teachers making sure that the General Ed teachers and the the elll teachers are working together collaboratively and so I wanted to wait until uh Kristen Gomez was hired or whoever was hired so that that new leader could coordinate with this and move forward so that's where we are today so I've been working with um Dan fishbine who's the acting supervisor that we have overseeing elll um to plan professional development we've reached out to a few different consultants in the area we've um interviewed them and and talked about kind of what their vision is how they would work with it and the one that we are going to to move forward with next time I'll have a name for you at the next agenda um is really we're we're about working with because it's less about uh professional development for second language Learners we have an expert on that we have a couple Experts of that in the in the district it's more the work that we have another consultant for example working with special ed about how do we get teachers working together professionally sharing resources planning together supporting it in that way so she her strengths are much more in coordination of professionalism than it is just like waeda testing and you know ESL specific things um so we're excited about bringing her on um it'll be something we're probably going to continue next year start laying the ground work with that but really what we're aiming for is bringing the teachers on as as a team to design what is this going to look at look like at Hamilton right I think two often I remember as a teacher I felt decisions are made elsewhere and we have to pick it up and figure out how to do with it right um in the classrooms and and we really want to shift that and continue shifting that as we've done elsewhere in the district to the teach are helping create this program what is it going to look like in Hamilton what is it going to look like for these students here what is it going to look like in Glenrock and how are we coordinating that with the work that we're doing at the middle and high school and the ESL staff and population here but uh so that's that's where we're headed you're going to see on the agenda next time um approving this and using the title funds to do so any questions okay m garelly i I actually want to go back to challenge success a moment so we I know they had the assembly and they did talk about um sleep for the students I know oh I'm sorry so they did have the assembly and and I know that they did talk about sleep I did get that out of my daughter actually that's how I knew it was last week um so I'm just curious you know given what the three of us attended down at school boards about later start times I know we're just Gathering data but it'd be interesting to see those results and then to tie it into possibly later start times for our middle school high school kids thank you for i' was gonna ask the same thing and I was curious if there were any trends that you saw that came out of it that what will we be hearing about or can we learn about I haven't actually looked at the data the team is working on that now so I don't have any of that to present to you I just have the what we've done so far I'm hoping that by the end of the year yes we're going to have have that data to be able to share thank you for special services yeah so I have um excuse me a report that uh Dr McKay um unfortunately couldn't make it make it tonight but um wanted me to share out some of the things going on with special services so for the child study team currently all levels of the child study team are working on student uh program projections for next year programs levels of services and related services are being discussed with the majority of students and parents at the RP meetings the board remembers on the uh the budget uh proposed um is one special education teacher and we had said we think it's going to be Elementary School this is the process that that flushes that out so that's when we'll know exactly what building we'll need that teacher in um some work a workshop offered to parents was learning strategies information sessions um this was for Middle School and High School uh parents it was via Google meet teachers presented on the purpose um highlighted elements of the curriculum discussed what uh a day or week looks like and learn learning strategies it was offered um for one was offered for High School uh parents and one for Middle School parents uh this past month also um Elementary is going to offer um a workshop called uh executive functioning tips for at home that's on March 6 at 7M uh so on Wednesday this Workshop will provide parents with at home strategies tools and resources focused on topics such as organization time management a attention and uh study skills um there was one other Workshop that they offered um last week Elementary prek developmental tips for at home two of our speech language therapists and our occupational therapists provided strategies to assist with the sensory and speech language needs of children this session was to be targeted for parents at preschool and kindergarten aged uh students to provide strategies and activities for at home use and there were about 12 uh parents um in attendance so I think it was a good turnout and the last piece I have um is just uh under responsive teaching strategies and co- teing we've talked about Jan Le a lot uh this year she's working with our elementary schools so she's made visits to our elementary schools and the middle school and high school working with teachers on both responsive teaching strategies and co- teing she'll be coming up here on March 19th to grade 6 through 12 and that concludes special education excellent any questions all right uh for management and community so um this is uh uh I i' shared with the board we have two I'm sure everybody knows this we have two remaining um emergency closing days we were we budgeted for three this year um and obviously we've only only used one um so I I I I shared with the board that you have an option of not doing anything right and waiting until we get through the next couple of weeks um and then decided and in April what you want to do or I think if you're going to get back a day you can do one in April and keep the other day in your back pocket just in case and make a decision in April for May if that makes sense so uh you know there's some options for the board uh but you do have two days looks like next 10 days are going to be warm so you'd have to have a late March snowstorm I don't think it's happening so I think you're safe to give one back if you now to discuss it we could we could publicize that um this week and then the board would vote on it I March 18th but the community would know that you were given this dat back in April okay so it's up to the board all right do you have any recommendations um for a date that you're thinking well what I what I had shared um in meeting um with uh G and um graa and really the entire admin team uh was at uh April April 1st after spring break could be one but there's other days too so that that could be a suggestion and then I think the board traditionally has given back the Friday before Memorial Day as the second day is I think I think last year we had the discussion of Friday or Tuesday and the board um I said Friday and that seems to be the majority of the of the people we spoke to okay all right um any questions comments about that before we go on to the action BL item all right oh are we well we need to I need to know what they yeah an idea I mean so again I think the board has two choices do nothing and you can wait till April and you have two days that you would give back in May or you can decide that you want to give one back in April April's a long month right there's no days off you could decide then you decide for that and then keep the other one until and give it back on Friday of Memorial Day Miss randelle I just I support the April 1 get back and then hold the one day I agree I I think in to quote the young man who started the meeting um that's more recess time so April 1st should be off ston April 1 off is fine giving it back now M car um I would support I don't know my mind is so loud um I would support April 1st only if it doesn't affect Central School circus week because I know that that was cited so if Central School is supporting they're still working I should have an answer by tomorrow so it's I'm sorry won't be a problem you don't think I don't think it'll be a problem but um there's still we're going to get a final answer so if it is a problem we'll revisit it that that's the only conflict was was that yes so I would rather look alternatively approve April 1 pending the outcome is Central thank you all right all right Miss carella yeah I have the same comment as Liz um and I'm just glad we're talking about now because I know parents and families appreciate having the heads up and I do think it'd be pretty cool to keep it a secret and make it an April fools prank then will really be loved by all not the funest Mr Cory just no no pranks but just approve it okay all right so what I'll do with that is um we we'll measure twice tomorrow uh with Central if everything's good then we'll uh we'll publicize it right in that way and but the board won't vote on it until until March March 18th but uh we'll get going on that if there's an issue then we'll revisit all right thank you and the climate survey um okay I'll I'll uh I won't spend a lot of time on this one uh but I'm happy to try to answer questions uh this we had talked about this uh at the last meeting just wanted to kind of dive in a little bit deeper on the uh the New Jersey climate survey that's affiliated with with Ruckers um so as everybody's aware we ran this back in October of 22 we want to run it in April of 24 um I think that uh I would just share some of the domains I think would be important um at the end of the day the the the survey is designed to support district and school level climate Improvement efforts and give us data on that we've done some of those things uh since we got the results back October so some of the the domains just so everyone's aware is for students only they have questions that are focused on a student sense of belonging so students perceptions that they're valued for who they are and feel feel connected to the school Community that's basically the domain again that piece is just for students there's three sections for staff that focus on leadership support organizational resources and supports and collegial support then there's one section just for uh uh parents and care caregivers which is perception family support and engagement perceptions of support and engagement of parents caregivers as well as perceive quality of relationships between staff and uh parents and caregivers and then there are um uh several questions that go to everyone right um uh academic culture and classroom practices supported staff student relationships supports for student social and emotional learning behavioral expectations negative student interpersonal behaviors pro-social student interpersonal behaviors student voice and involvement and sense of physical safety so uh very similar uh domains to last time uh we'll run that April uh 8th um through uh two weeks so probably um you know sometime in in mid to late April we'll end it and then we'll have that data hopefully by June should be quicker turnaround time all right so as long as the board's okay there's no resolution needed to to run it um as long as no board members have any concern concerns we're all set ready to go I do have a question um did they ever get back to us with regards to the results from the other schools yeah no so they still don't have that to share with us okay so at least for us we'll be able to compare the 22 one to this one at least it's something because it was a good question when they presented last year was like how do we know how our scores are if we can't compare them to to other schools so uh at least we'll get this comparison okay thank you all right and our uh Grant yeah so we try not to have action items on a cow but this is a a time sensitive thing so we found out um about a grant opportunity the New Jersey teacher climate and culture Innovation Grant is what it is um I said it's a short time frame the the notice of Grant opportunity was on February 16th and um the application is due on March 14th so it's it's it's a quick turnover here uh the grant is is um meant to so districts are supposed to develop what they call ppge policies programs guidance or equivalencies and these ppge should be to reclaim teacher time to reduce administrative paperwork and other tasks that burden teachers and that can be shared and replicated in other districts so we are to design Implement and measure those ppes explore Innovation Innovative improve teacher climate and culture Empower out standing educator so that's kind of the gist of this and we have to um the like I said the applications are due March 14th the funds must be spent between May 1st of 2024 and December 31st of 2024 so the whole whole time frame of this whole thing is is rapid you know not like Esser which was I don't know five years of grant money um so this is quick we can request uh based on our district size up to $200,000 and um the money is is really what we're going to be asking for and primarily what they explain as far as what you can use the money for is for paying staff for their time for committee work for release time for management of a group things like that to develop strategies to implement these strategies to train one another things of that nature so that's kind of what we're looking at so we had our initial meeting of various administrators on on February 23rd third to look at this and see where would we focus what what are some areas that we we think we can improve as as you know last year we did a lot of work with educator bandwidth looking at what are the things that are are sapping our teachers bandwidth um we looked at lesson plans we looked at paperwork we looked at email we looked at various other things and and um so we're we're continuing this work we're continuing to look at at where it's going the three areas that the committee really identified as areas that we're going to put in our grant funding um application here are streamlining assessment and tracking to Target student support so for example right now we are looking at in language arts the sixth grade language arts scores on the State Testing are lower than other grades and so we're looking to see these students they had some of them had BSI in elementary school but the sixth grade teachers don't necessarily know that right because there's no like central place to look to see who had what interventions at that other school right and so that is a I believe a timec consuming task for a teacher to find what happened where did it go how did how are we bridging between schools even within a school if I'm a fourth grade teacher how convenient and easy is it for me to find that information what if the teacher that had that student last year isn't here this year she's out on leave or something how do I find that and so we're looking at ways to streamline that and streamline the tracking the assessment we have for example with um with students with IEPs a program called IEP direct the same company runs something for like inrs tracking well let's look see if that's going to help us save time that might be something so we're we're going to start looking into that um especially at the middle and high school one of the things that's very timeconsuming for teachers is managing communication uh especially emails to parents it's it's very timec consuming and it takes a lot of the that is a lot of the administrative paperwork that is on their shoulders that is important we're not denying that but also is something on top of them in addition to planning and Grading and teaching so we're going to look at ways that we can uh manage that better um help teachers manage that better maybe community outreach as far as how do we how do we help teachers out with this you know that we're looking at that and then the third thing that we identified as an area which is something that we hear a lot uh and and and it's very real especially the elementary levels is amount of prep time that they have they have basically six six prep periods a week and they're teaching five subjects a day right so like it's a lot so we're trying to look at Innovative scheduling especially with maybe some of the specials teachers or with with other creative things that we can do to kind of free up some some of their planning time um maybe implementing intervention periods so that they can plan for those we're looking at those kind of things so these are the three main areas that we're going to be applying for in the grant um we've met a couple times we've divided up the labor we have our our grant going to be the individual pieces written by Monday March 11th is our goal I'm going to put it all together between now and Thursday so that's that that that week so it's it's a quick time frame and I I'm bringing it up now because um we need we need a board approval to apply for the grant so just like you approve applying for the title grants um I need I need your approval for that tonight so you can see that there is an action item down below um that I'm going to ask you to consider all right right so um motion to discuss G1 Mr Corey seconded by miss carpelli any questions or comments M scarbelly I just want to thank you for looking into grants and and really trying to find other ways to fund things that are beneficial for not only our students but our teachers so I appreciate the efforts that you're putting into this I know the tight um turnaround time so um yeah I support it thank you Miss carella yeah same thank you um it sounds like there's a lot of really important work that could be done with the grant so I'm very hopeful we'll we'll be successful so thank you for doing that okay okay yes uh thank you thank you um I need a oh can you can can you please call R thank you Miss calz yes Miss carasa yes Miss Carr yes Mr Cory yes Mr Hayward yes Miss garelli yes Miss Miss Stevenson yes M Randell yes Dr Robinson yes motion passes thank you andoun to fiscal management yeah before we get to James with Delta Dental we um wanted to talk about the acceptance of the grant to prek Grant right James right so as I shared with the board on on on Friday in the update these grants are crazy but um the other Grant we got for prek the board had approved in January the the final eligible costs which allowed us to start the process and move forward um and then uh we had another uh letter of that we have to accept the grant so this will be a resolution on the next agenda um which is just checking the box and then we can click the final button and ewig and then move forward with everything so uh that'll be uh on the next agenda as one because you might be surprised surprised if you saw it I wanted to explain it and James we'll turn over to you for Delta Delta Dental and then I'll take over after that um we've uh our benefits uh uh representative uh contacted us last week uh they completed their negotiations uh with the various Dental carriers um and we able to get our current carrier Delta dendel uh down to a 3% increase for the 2425 fiscal year and a 0% increase in the 2526 fiscal period the 3% in 2425 matches what is in our budget um and uh we feel it's a pretty good offer uh from Delta so that'll be uh up for your approval once we receive uh the final paperwork uh from uh the insurance carrier all right I thought I'd just go over some of the changes uh in the draft budget that I had shared um with the board it's in backup for you um as uh I'm sure everyone's aware state aid came out um this past Thursday uh we got an additional $32,000 $292,000 in the general fund and $10,000 in in debt service so there were some changes based on what we had shared when we presented the budget back in at the February Cal um so line item for capital reserve changed a little bit um it went from 200,000 to 362,000 that's where we use the majority of the increase in state aid um we created also with that um additional state aid a maintenance Reserve in the amount of 100,000 um the uh the the budget also includes um in capital reserve right the additions of the cool play infill infill and the the permanent lights so for the board there um the total uh proposed capital reserve projects is $4.9 million uh dollars um and again that includes uh prek expansion uh the lower turf field replacement with the cool fill and the permanent lights the High School Middle School culinary room High School Middle School roof which is a rod Grant the Coleman roof which is a rod Grant um and then year one of the elementary sink and counter cabinets and then the high school gym exterior concrete stairs so again if you count the roof projects your total is 5.4 million um and then your total capital budget is 8.1 million and this includes what we just spoke about the 362,000 capital reserve deposit that's in the proposed 2425 budget what it does not include the 88.1 million is just whatever you would sweep in in terms of surplus at the end of next year um we wouldn't have that right now so your remaining capital reserve is 2.6 million and that includes again taking out all the proposed uh projects there were a couple adjustments we had some additional expenses that came in when we got the budget uh uh the budget uh chapter 44 savings tax adjustment is 11,000 uh We've appealed this in the past um and we hope to get the 11,000 reinstated and if we do we'll get that um we'll add that to uh either Surplus or capital reserve depending on on when we get the approval and then we were also charged $1,000 for a student um that was going to attend a charter school uh but wind up changing their mind they're enrolled here in the high school it was someone who transferred in uh but because they originally stated they were going to stay in the charter school when the budget software came out we got U $18,000 forced expense in the budget um so we're working on whether or not that can be reimbursed first or we just won't spend that money because we don't have anyone in charter school and that money will roll over into Surplus in June of of 25 uh couple changes with the financial impacts um so when we first proposed the budget um it was 3.4% increase in the tax levy it's actually went down a little bit with the increase in state aid to 3.38% and um we usually wait until we do this with the April uh presentation or for the public hearing but the combined general fund and Debt Service increase right so your general fund is the tax levy is a 3.38 um but you have also have Debt Service which is your previous referendums if you combine those year-over-year the increase is 3.25% so a little bit less than what we had thought thought it'd be down to three maybe 3.29 um and for Reference last year the combined increase was 3.75% so again the tax Lev is 3.38% % but the year-over-year when you combine that with Debt Service is 3.25% and that's um that's an update with the budget happy to take any questions or listen to comments okay any questions or comments okay none at this time so just uh as a reminder I'm sorry I should have said this before but on March 18th the board will approve a draft uh budget to be sent to the county and then on in April on April 29th we'll have the public hearing to approve the budget okay can I ask a question is now when we should make any comments about the capital reserve projects or should we wait until we're about to vote on them when are when are those comments I think we'll make the comments when I um call for a motion okay and then we'll just do all of that at the same time so round it out thanks so we're good you're ready for motion yes so I would just um ask for a motion to move B1 through B15 and then get your second and then discussion and then go from there all right we can do that all right um I need a motion to discuss uh B1 through B15 Mr Hayward seconded by Miss Stevenson all right Miss garelly okay so I guess I'll start um thank you for this uh my comments are relating to B4 B5 and B6 which is the um lights for the turf field okay so uh after our last couple meetings and further thought about these projects um given the cost of the project and the impact it will have on our capital reserve account going forward I just can't support doing this um the Administration has outlined future projects which are not optional and those projects are the upper turf field and track the possibility of updating the Press Box the Hamilton parking lot which is part of the original expansion plan that we have not addressed um and we have the sink replacement which is going to continue for the next couple of years along with the prek playground and the bird School playground the estimated cost for all these projects is uh will far exceed the 2.7 I'm rounding up million that will be left in the capital reserve account after we approve all these projects so in my opinion the lights have not been demonstrated to be a need for our school sponsored programs so while they would be an enhancement to them and to the community in my just my feeling as a trustee I have to prioritize the district goals and projects and look at the long-term Financial impact so as of this moment I cannot approve the lights um but as I understand it the lights is a standard Alone part project that can be added at a later date if we find it necessary or we feel comfortable with the monies that is left thank you thank you m r um so I am in support of all the proposed capital projects including the optional cool fill or cool play in fill and the lights so I know some trustees are worried about uh the community buying with the lights hopefully everyone satisfied I know I am satisfied uh now that we have received zero emails in opposition after multiple public board meetings discussing the project a press release multiple social media posts speaking with Rec advisory boards speaking with our High School coaches speaking about the projects at HSA meetings um as we are all very well aware the community when the community is against something we know about it um and the only emails we have received are in favor of the lights if we approve the turf Expansion Project the current solution of portable lights will need to be removed however with the increase in use Sports particip ation over the past 5 to 10 years it's clear that our students are benefiting from the additional usage those lights provide however those lights do not allow for games LaCrosse or any High School sport activity or Club because they are locked by the Rec Sports and the quality of the light is not adequate the gas generated lights were a Band-Aid but I believe the constant use of those temporary lights is the data I would need to be certain that our students are using that space after dark they're also using all Fields throughout town that are available and there is still more need I believe if we do not make the decision now we will follow suit with the town realizing we do need the lights and spending more money in the future I believe not including the lights will provide to be a mistake as our community continues to grow as for the finances I trust Dr Charleston and Mr canel when they say we are financially sound moving forward and I think we all need to realize that our community I think we do all realize that our community is growing but we have planned we continue to look forward um I don't think that this is the most important thing that we have done tonight but I am in support thank you Mr rendel Miss Stevenson Sharon said it so much better than I could but I I agree with her and I agree with her reasoning and I really don't think that the community was a as aware because it's the residents whose property AB buts up to our property that I think have should have a bigger say in it than somebody who lives across town it's not going to directly affect them but it's also for the financial Force side in planning so I I do not support them all right Miss Carr so as I stated the last time I stand by my exstension and the reason for my exstension is while I am not wholeheartedly opposed to the lights it's not as Sharon said it's a want it's not a need and when I look at the needs of the students in this District it's not a priority um coming from what um the projects that are planned over the next few years I'm not sure if we're financially um secure and being able to do the needs as um for example the Hamilton school parking lot is a need it's not a want um the fact that we haven't um the process I was not comfortable with we had two meetings where um you know some people comment to some people don't um we were just given these projects maybe a month ago which is really not enough time to gather the data um there was data that was asked for that was not that was not given I'm not sure if the um the use justifies the expense and um as I said you know the fact that the residents weren't informed um via any sort of notification um I'm not comfortable with so and finally for the m fact that it can be done down the road and the only difference in the cost would be the times and not anything else like conduits or anything um I will be abstaining thank you thank you Miss Carr Mr Curry thank you um I'm I'm looking at all of the items on on our list and I'm very glad to see that we're fixing things like stairs to me those are non-negotiable uh when I saw the condition of those I'm shocked that they are still in what what one piece is left I I have to acknowledge the rapidity that that our board acted in Pre uh last month to repair the U curtains we did a fantastic job with approving an an unplanned repair which quite frankly should have been inspected a long time ago that only brings my concern that we have other things that we're now doing a good job of finding identifying and we can have the opportunity to budget for um the field is in certain disrepair know it could be expanded Pro properly and I'm glad that glad to see that there's seemingly unanimous support for that I what I don't see is you know a long range facilities plan that's the that's the document that we put forward and we we budget for that's how um that's how we enable our Administration to be able to make uh make the job for the board five years from now 10 years from now have an easy decision of how do we how do we spend this uh these funds had we planned for those in advance I would love to take uh something like the lights and see a Bonafide use case a bit more data than what we've had in in short discussions over the last few meetings um which was thorough thank you very much I wasn't here last uh last time and U be able to consider that after we've been able to consider all the other Capital expenditures that are coming in with obviously growing student body students number one we have to put them in the buildings and we there's a lot of work to be done in order to make sure that these buildings are large enough so for those reasons aside from the fact that I'm fully supportive of everything else that's on this budget uh at this time don't feel comfortable moving ahead with the lights but I'm beyond the static and almost disappointed we've waited this long to fix some of these other things so thank you for bringing these important issues forward that's all thank you Mr Cory else okay anything all right anything anything uh uh you know didn't write my remarks down which I wanted to so apologize I I am in support of it but I've taken everything um that I've heard really um under consideration and I appreciate everything that's been raised I think that this has been a great um opportunity for us to share information and different perspectives from Neighbors to finances um in the end um I am comfortable um Mr Canalis with what you shared about our for house moving forward and being able to complete the priority projects that we've identified um if not for that I probably would be more like let's wait and see but I um also appreciate how we're raising it now talking about now so we can start it in June so that it's ready for next year um and I did see what happened with the town with faor and um I didn't want this to kind of be like that so now that I feel comfortable with finances I'm supportive of the project of RA all right thank you miss carosella all right good all right um my comments are as they were uh last meeting um I do think that the lights are um a good a good repair for right now cons oh I'm sorry oh I'm sorry yeah a good enhancement for for right now um we have the ability to upgrade a field significantly and put lights in um I'm speaking as you know one member of nine um on this um and looking at some of the comments on the Facebook looking at the emails looking at the discussion that we've really spirited we've had quite spirited discussion about um this this item um and so taking all of that into account it feels like a it still feels like a good time to do the lights um you know as as my personal belief um I've been assured that that we do have uh the adequate funds in the capital res serve in order to do the other projects that were listed um including the parking lot and things like that um with um a healthy balance left over of I believe you said around two two million 2 $2.6 million to be left over after those additional items are completed um additionally I've also asked about the long range facility plan um which is a required document for us to file with the state um so that is something that the state requires us to update um and so if that is something that um board members would like to view that's something that we can always do um in the future sure um and I guess on that note if the barring any other comments then we will take rooll all right Mr caneles Miss calves Miss Carisa yes Miss car abstaining on B4 five and six supporting everything else Mr Cory uh voting Yes except uh four five and six voting no Mr Hayward yes Miss garelli no on B four five and six yes on everything else Miss Stevenson no no on B4 five and six yes on everything else that was a no one four five and six correct correct yes else M Rendell yes Dr Robinson yes items four five and six pass at 53 all other items pass 90 uh there was an exstension oh sorry okay thank you um for leaon um I know that I owe um the assignments and I've been under the weather for this past week so I apologize um and not getting that out um I'm going to send out an email actually tonight uh just to confirm the emails that uh everyone has kind of sent me as to their preferences um and then um if you can confirm with me that those are um that those are things that you think you'll actually be able to do then we can uh go from there any questions about that okay all right and then barring no other questions we can open up our public comments for agenda items only um first to be open at 8:19 p.m. please state your name um followed by your address and you have 3 minutes at the end of 3 minutes you will hear um a a just a sound just as a reminder to um wrap up your comments I appreciate that thank you sanjie Ori 131 Fairmount Avenue I served with you guys for 12 years uh before taking my retirement I came here with a very positive uh you know mindset but what I just saw here that you guys did not give us the opportunity to speak about those business B4 b56 and you voted you just took my like you guys don't care about as as a taxpayer to me as a superintendent and the bus business administrator you should have been aware that you should have given the opportunity to the public to speak before voting on this standing right now here if I say anything it means nothing you guys already voted you didn't give me the opportunity to speak address you guys why you should not vote Yes or why you should vote no it's a very shameful thing that just happened here 12 years never we never ever happen let it this I'm very upset with you guys right now but let me go ahead uh I was very supportive of all the project except the lights I did not see any any data that prompted this sudden capital investment no one shared that uh we have multi-purpose field already with lights did someone investigate into the scheduling issues that you guys were having that prompted this investment my other point is the temporary lights were there to help soccer clubs you know soccer clubs uh because of the fav field renovation thank you to the mayor and councel the favor field will have lights so those teams will not be here so your usage will go down dramatically why are you not sharing that information when 33% of the board of trustee like four members I think voted no you guys didn't even care about that and I was taking some notes I think that shows the lack of governance on how does how you guys are selecting the projects here I also see and I have faced that uh the lack of transparency you guys did not give us the opportunity to vote I'm not sure if there's some sort of grouping is taking place among the five board members and they don't care about other three or four board board members who have their different mindset if something like that happened you should give that three to four board members who are against it why this is a viable solution I don't think that opportunity exist or at least I witness it right now I came here to tell you guys maybe some other uh Boe investment you guys can do uh majority of there there are lot of kids here who don't take contact Sports there are golf the badminton there other things um you could have buy the property next door to Hamilton School there's a huge traffic issue there we have proposed this one before Board of as a board of trustee you have the power to do that I I I don't think you guys are looking into it there's 62 plus units are coming in this town even if you go with 50% of the units have a kindergarten going or schoolo students you guys won't have space in next 2 years I don't care what kind of demographic report that you might have it will be wrong and Mr Brett uh you know Mr charlson you won't be here in 2 years we'll be stuck thank you thank you for your comments any other uh public comments even thank you if you could please state your name and your address and you have three minutes Len bookbinder 58 crestto Drive 50-year resident of Glenrock the soccer Field's my backyard here's two of your lacrosse balls two of many lacrosse balls that I get in my backyard every week damag my house you have a 30 foot net I guess soccer balls over that net um the Lights I've been talking to a few of my neighbors already about this and well hopefully it won't go through but uh I've got pictures here of the lights on the football field lighting up our houses over here um that's fields the field is nice flooding is not nice um me along with two of my other neighbors have gotten since they built that field the flooding has been incredible in our backyards we came grow grass um I've got pictures and video from years ago when they built the field of basically it was an Olympic side swimming pool they had a big rainstorm um so there's still a lot of flooding going on over there even with the very nice drainage they put in um I've also got pictures of damage I've got from my house uh holes in um screens um dense and aluminum sighing from the uh lacrosse balls uh soccer balls I get them constantly those fields are used approximately 16 hours a day at sometimes I get woken up at 600 in the morning of kids adults playing soccer lacrosse everything and they go till 10 10:30 at night I posted it on sometimes on Facebook too hey look 6 o00 in the morning that's what I'm waking up to um the field I I think it's big enough I probably has to be redone I know the artificial turf has to be redone every couple years or every 10 years or something like that but that field has being used I would say a lot a lot of days about 16 hours a day um I've seen people at all different hours there even when lights are off they they've been there and even in the winter time I've seen them shoveling snow out of the way so they can play soccer um which is you know it's a great Sport and all but um I want to know the people who are using that field are they Glen Arch residents are they paying to use that field it's a beautiful field but we now have to pay for it to be redone are they paying for it they use it um you know there's probably a lot more I could say I've been up since 4:00 this morning so I'm a little tired but uh I just I said I've been talking to a few of my C my uh Neighbors about this and they all feel about the same way uh the noise uh swearing a lot of kids are sitting there swearing on the field they're sitting there just hanging out by the goalpost which is basically my backyard my next door neighbor's backyard and uh it's going to be a little sickening the lights the generator you know it's it is annoying but I think you're having those bigger lights the big flood lights like you have here I can show you the pictures they light up my backyard I'm over here and the lights are over here so that's another thing I think we can spend money more places you know I tell people about Glenrock how the education system top 3% in the state which is beautiful it's fantastic um which I think putting more money towards education not Sports is good but they don't need that field lit up all night um favorite field just got redone then go put down there just not as close to some of the houses as some of these are if you can um if you can wrap up your comments I appreciate them yeah that's that's really about it I mean um I can show you some pictures of the holes the of the on my screens from lacrosse balls also there's two very large trees on the high school property in my backyard with very large branches that have fallen and are sitting dangling in trees and uh these kids who go and hit to get the soccer balls and stuff one those branches come down on them I don't want to see what's going to happen thank you Mr B I've got pictures of those also if you're able to email them to the board that would be appreciated yeah I can do that do you have okay thank you thank you all right at this time I would like um to make a motion to adjourn the meeting Bing no other items um Miss carisella and seconded by Mr Hayward all right all in favor I thank you for