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[Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] h [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening and welcome to the Glenrock Middle School promotional ceremony for 2024 I'd like to introduce Sarah Newberry to recite the Pledge of [Applause] Allegiance please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank [Applause] you graduates please be seated and thank you Sarah I started my career in education over 30 years ago and since that first day that I entered the classroom in September of 1993 I have known that those of us who work in schools as teachers counselors and administrators have the best jobs in the world we come to work every day and have the pleasure of watching our students develop into the best versions of themselves as they pursue academics establish strong friendships discover their strengths and learn how to face their challenges the class of 2028 sitting before you today has grown tremendously both bill building a strong community at grms and striving to meet with success in all of their individual Endeavors as their principal it has been a privilege to witness their transformation into young people who are ready to make take the next step in their educational and personal Journeys and so tonight is more than just a celebration of all the accomplishments and achievements that have occurred over the course of the past 3 years it is a celebration of all that is to come as the members of the class of 2028 continue to learn and grow as they continue to discover their passions to set goals for themselves and to reach for those goals with the support of their friends their families and the Glenrock Community as a whole to the class of 2028 as you leave Glenrock middle school and move on to high school remember to be resilient in the face of challenges to find balance between work and play to be empathetic to those around you and to be kind to yourself as well I am confident that you you are all ready to soar and I am honored to have been a part of your journey our first student speaker this evening will be Sophia pevner [Applause] as I look onto the field one of my last times as a middle schooler I see the many teachers at Glenrock Middle School my peers and the many parents sitting watching their children graduate from 8th grade our parents remember us being children like it was yesterday in reality we are almost adults maturing quickly and enter during High School none of us really know much about high school of course we think that we know many things about high school which we do but there is one thing that we do not know how our four years will really play out High School is not only about grades it is about how who your friends are how many memories you make and how you treat your responsibilities after all these are the last four years of living at home before college and we become fully-fledged adults many of us will be worried about grades and our GPA next year but if there is one thing that we need to all realize about moving on to high school it's that we need to live in the moment we can't spend time thinking about the future and instead we need to live in the present appreciate this summer and appreciate every day that you have in the next four years in September we are entering a new chapter in our lives time flies especially in high school and we need to cherish our time there not all of us are going to Glenrock high school and are going separate ways that does not mean that friendships will break but rather they will be tested and get stronger now as 13 or 14 ye olds instead of the excitement about the new toy that we're getting the excitement about high school is flooding our veins teachers parents and siblings thank you for all that you have done for us because we would not have been able to do this without you fellow graduates most importantly thank yourselves for you have just completed three years of Middle School it was hard but we finally made it as a class of 2028 to all my peers good luck in high school and whatever comes after and above all remember to live in the moment thank you our next speaker will be our teacher of the year Mr Robert locatel thank you Mrs jando friends family members staff and most importantly 8th grade graduates good evening and welcome to the 2024 Glenrock Middle School GL graduation ceremony it is my privilege to speak to you tonight and be a small part of the celebration of your academic success it's funny when I was first told that I would be given this spe giving this speech uh I was a little shocked in fact so much so that my physical appearance changed to such a shade that it made Mrs Kellerman exclaim wow look at him he's getting red a well-deserved retirement by the way from Mrs kelman I mean engineering teachers are not well known for their uh claim to the humanities after all in fact every time I misspell something in my class I like using the line well that's why the e in stem does not stand for English but either way when I considered how much I have enjoyed teaching this graduating class I considered it an honor and I still do not a burden an honor and I appreciate the opportunity to speak in this capacity I am humbled to be able to congratulate all of you tonight as you begin to look forward to what experiences high school has to offer and if there is any piece of wisdom that I might be able to impart to you as you enter the next chapter of your academic Journey it would be to stay true to who you are you are now I know it's easy for me to stand here and say that and it's hard to put it into practice I get that all I can say to that is in Middle School in high school and now as a teacher I did not regret the moments where I was too silly or too bombastic or too much of myself instead I regret the moments where I wasn't being true to who I am I wasn't being the most me version of me I came across a quote recently that I think greatly embodies this ideal to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment you all have accomplished so much in your 3 years here just know that you will continue to be challenged with exciting yet terrifying new problems to solve in both high school and Beyond I encourage you to solve those problems in a unique way that breaks the mold that helps you to understand what makes you you so with that I congratulate you again and wish you the best as you go off on the next great adventure in your life thank you our next speaker will be student sadon [Applause] H looking back on my time in Middle School FS we with Nostalgia and gratitude when I first entered Glenrock Middle School in seventh grade after moving to Glenrock I received a warm welcome which made settling into my new environment effortless before long I found myself surrounded by a big circle of friends and the sense of belonging within our school Community was just Flawless Middle School wasn't just a place of learning it was a center of activity where we could explore our interests and pursue our passions if it was playing songs in jazz band or competing in robotics Club throwing a ball in baseball or sprinting across Feld field in soccer and cross country each experience added layers of richness to my journey but beyond the extracurricular activities it was the supportive culture of the school that left a lasting impression on me teachers did more than just teach they were mentors people we could be open with always ready to lend a helping hand or a listening ear their guidance fueled our desire to push ourselves academically and strive for excellence in all that we pursued as as I stand here today on the cusp of this big transition I feel grateful for the opportunities the friendships and the experiences that have shaped me during my time here while this chapter may be coming to a close I'm excited for the new adventures that are waiting for me in the next chapter of my life with the lessons learned and memories cherished from middle school I feel more than ready to turn the page and embark on the journey that lies ahead thank you I'd like to welcome Commander Robert Steinberg to the podium to present the citizenship and leadership awards each student will receive a monetary award courtesy of grhs class of 1983 Citizenship Award winner Robert O'Shea and class of 1984 graduate Michelle bandazian OA and the O'Shea Family Foundation to demonstrate the admiration for and to further Inspire youth leadership and activism Commander [Applause] Steinberg hello everyone thank you for giving me this opportunity to do something that is near and dear to my heart as a uh an army veteran citizenship and leadership are two qualities which I greatly admire and uh am honored to be able to present these awards today even in this heat receiving the Middle School Citizenship Award is a testament to one's dedication and character this recognition highlights the students academic achievement as well as their unwavering representation of values such as integrity and teamwork that enrich our school's Community this students consistent demonstration of kindness respect and resp responsibility to her peers and teachers have set an inspiring example for her classmates while also highlighting the value she places on her education this award recognizes more than the students accomplishments inside the classroom but also characteristics of empathy and Leadership that make a lasting impact within our school and beyond our actions are representative of the spirit of citizenship showing that every small act of kindness and every thoughtful gesture can contribute to a better environment for everyone may this recognition serve as a reminder of the positive influence a person can have that can help shape a brighter future please join me in congratulating the winner of the 2023 2024 Citizenship Award Noami hashida sounds like your peers agree with us congratulations citizenship is respect for others respect for our school and respect for oneself citizenship is good character dependability and positive contributions to the community the young man who is the recipient of the 2023 2024 8ighth grade Citizenship Award is a true role model of a good citizen because he makes our school a better place through his example he consistently contributes to the classroom and works Cooperative cooperatively with his peers to produce quality work inspiring students around him to work as hard as he does our award winner motivates others by his example of doing his best his positive contributions as a classmate and member of the Glenrock Middle School Community have been examples of his strong character and determination to always do what is right this student is always on task always polite and cooperative and always stepping up to contribute positively to the goals of the class this young man is never a follower our Citizenship Award winner has strong character and works diligently while adhering to school and classroom procedures the boy who was awarded this year's Citizenship Award not only makes a name for himself in the classroom he is also a team player on the lacrosse field it is with great pleasure that I present the 2023 2024 Citizenship Award to Cole schwarzbeck [Applause] the next two awards are for leadership the student who is receiving this year's Glenrock Middle School leadership award is an example exceptional young lady who fully embodies the qualities of a student leader in the classroom she's a student that others look to when they are searching for guidance and she approaches everyone she encounters with a genuine patience and kindness she is a student who is willing to step up to the plate when others aren't and always without complaint or argument this student demonstrates a commitment to her learning and curiosity in each of her classes going above and beyond to ask deeper questions about the content and ensuring that she is always submitting work that she is proud of this student demonstrates her ability to lead outside of the classroom as well as a dedicated member of the Glenrock Middle School student leadership group our leadership Award winner is a person person her peers can always rely on she shows tremendous character and a willingness to help any of her friends and her classmates wherever she goes please join me in congratulating the winner of the 2023 two 2023 2024 leadership award Kelly stari [Applause] and finally the young man who is the recipient of this year's leadership award is described repeatedly by his teachers as influential respectful and well-mannered he exudes the qualities of a respected leader through his decency towards his peers and also by his show of gratitude to every teacher every day his Earnest enthusiasm for Learning and his conscientious approach to his own education make him a role model for other students our Young Award winner takes initiative he focuses others in his group to complete tasks serving as a spokesperson to communicate the needs of the group he demonstrates a strong commitment to academics and always maintains a cooperative and focused work ethic on Independent and collaborative assignments this student's desire to learn and is Pleasant a meter have influenced not only his peers but his teachers as well with a positive outlook this young man is more than ready to take on challenges not only in the classroom but also in his extracurricular commitments with his church and in playing lacrosse and skiing this leadership Award winners respect knowledge and commitment can be observed his integrity and mature presence in the classroom have served as a role as a model example for our students it is with great pleasure that I present the 2024 leadership award to Ryan brunetti [Applause] congratulations to all of these four outstanding young people I'm going to go off script for a minute I just learned that Eileen Kellerman is retiring after so many years serving our town and our schools and uh I want her to know that we appreciate her love her for everything that she's done for our town and our schools and our students and she will be missed thank you our next speaker will be student Elana [Applause] danziger sixth grade me is like a stranger to the person I am today at the very start of middle school I didn't know what to expect so I set a couple rules for myself the first of which was that I should never become someone I'm not just to blend in eighth graders used to look so big and scary to me I could never picture myself as one now here I am at the end of Middle School I've thought about how much I've matur and grown over the years and how far I've come from being my little sixth grade self then I see how much I have to go and realize I've barely even lived my life the future is scary and that's all right a new era of my life is beginning and who knows what it will hold change happens with yourself your friends your family and with the environment around you relationships will evolve we will find the people that help us Thrive and let go of others that are holding us down we will will try new activities explore new interests and meet new people as we navigate life we will discover things about ourselves that we might not have known before as opportunities appear take risks and see what happens what's most important is to not let anyone or anything Define you or your limits to me Middle School was a time for exploration exploring a new school new people and a new me high school will be a time for me to search for my interests put myself out there and enjoy the adventure I hope you will never be scared to take risks or make mistakes because those are the things that help us change for the better thank you for listening and congrats to my fellow graduates our final student speaker will be Courtney [Applause] diamantis throughout my years at grms I have experienced things that I would never have gotten involved in without this school for example I've enjoyed singing my whole life but because of our Glenrock Middle School musicals and all the teachers involved I wouldn't have found my talent or love for musical theater I think plenty of students can relate to that in their own way with the sports Arts music and more that Glenrock has provided for us I found my years at g at Glenrock Middle School extremely influential in my life now and I think my appreciation will grow even more as I Advance through my life everyone has always said that middle school is the hardest time in your life and right now some people might agree or not all our Middle School experiences are different every single person sitting here can tell a different story about their time at middle school but I think everyone can say how much they've learned from their experiences both good and bad from my experiences I've learned to be resilient and have pushed through hard things you can come out of middle school knowing maybe now or maybe in four years that you can face challenges but that's not all that middle school has taught me I've learned practical things like proper study methods and correct ways to focus on my learning and now I find learning a lot more enjoyable because it does not stress me out I mainly want to thank our amazing teachers for this because that is how I learned these tools the eighth grade teachers were there to support teach and just respect us even though we weren't always the best students these people spend their time and and Life Learning and listening to teachers to teach us everything we need to know with good teachers we learned so much at grms our teachers have also taught us more than just history and math they taught us real life skills like public speaking in our debates and presentations or proper note-taking skills based on articles or books these are all things that we learned that we learned and we will use in high school andb on Glenrock Middle School is a time where we learn so much about yourself and your peers this is not always easy for everyone but luckily grms offers a support system and a safe place where everyone is welcome I would like to thank all our teachers for everything they do for us and the school is very lucky to have an amazing group like them congratulations to our congratulating class of 2028 thank you at this time we will begin the presentation of the certificates Mr Charles volcano and Miss Allison gch will announce the names and Miss Regina Scotty will help pass out the certificates [Applause] Jacob abolc sidon [Applause] i l Jane El BAGI Alyssa Alexander Ido alen Caroline ammerman Gregory Appel Ella [Applause] aami Lucas ashkanazi Nar avanesian [Applause] moo Aang Sarah [Applause] Beck Julian [Applause] Barry Ariel Bashan Daniel bet Luca Fiji [Applause] William barard Reena Bertram Tristan Bishop Timothy bayanov meline blown Richard Brennan claraa brov Benjamin Brown Gavin Brown Ryan bretti Michael K fedus Ben carisella Emily cenita [Applause] Emma Kavanaugh dimma series Aiden [Applause] Chan Cadence changen Kenneth Chong Aiden Cho [Applause] Kaylin cair Riley [Applause] Crow Cassidy Daly Alana Dan zigger Matilda dve [Applause] Emma Davidson Courtney diamantis Emma Deluga Brennan [Applause] donatelli ariela [Applause] duuk Lyla Edwards [Applause] miles [Applause] Edwards Mia Finelli Mia Jack finle Bridget Finn Nina [Applause] Fischer Sarah Fox [Applause] Kaden Gallagher Jack Garrett Brandon got Kenneth Gibbs CLA Genie Isabella grenberg Morgan GR Christian katowski Emma hos Grant Haley Holden halian Joshua Han Z haraguchi Sumi hasagawa Lily HW Henry Hawkins Nomi hayashida Michael Hayward Grace Herman [Applause] Jaden [Applause] Holtz Maxwell Horwitz Kylie win Joseph isoldi Gabriel kafafian Evan King [Applause] oron cat sidan James [Applause] Kelly Logan Kim John clar Ashley Kim Olivia Kim yenna Kim don't go Yen stay Alex [Applause] Clayman Anna [Applause] kachel Sarah krasnopolski Sarah meline KPS Victor kubasek [Applause] Ariana kulish Matthew Caroland enar laav kathlyn Loro Nathaniel Lee s bin Lee Cutler Kyle [Music] lurman Samantha lebenson Dalia Lipson viina linchuk Piper Lombardi Brendan Lopez Wesley [Music] [Applause] main Marshall Maloney Sam Mason mikos McAllister Tucker McCarthy Eddie mgoi ready to go mgy Eva [Applause] Maguire Violet Maguire Sophia Mian sopia Su mahatab Luke Meltzer Emma Miller Linley Mitchell Alise Morel Gavin Morley Siobhan [Music] Murphy Ian [Applause] Nemitz Sarah Newberry meline olenic Lon Oran Elena Ori Amir ozal Hudson pack Quinn Palumbo Chase Paradise way to go Paradise cydney paresi [Music] [Applause] Perez Sophia pbar Lauren Panini Emma Pala Nathan [Applause] plesnarski Sasha [Applause] Pollock Franchesca pooie Dylan parisma Alexander keto Kenny [Applause] Rodriguez Aden [Music] Rooney Satie Ryan aayushi sadani anth sain moo Samu William Sanders Brooke s loafer Isabella satanovsky [Music] [Applause] Alina son Isaac Schwarz Noah Schwarz Cole schwarzbeck Brayden Scott Camille Sears Matteo [Applause] Serrano hung UPS shim Elizabeth shulin Max silok Sophia skirko sopia Charlotte smart Joshua Smith Jackson [Applause] Zone Jack spiter sarth shiram Kelly starik sheira [Applause] stolzenberg Hannah storing Jack tarant Ruben tishko Luchia Tyler [Applause] Cooper Mia vakari Tyler [Music] vagnone Julian bassi jul Milan Von gallamore Sonia verbina Edward Wagner Madison [Applause] Wang Maddox srub Lily weant Madison wise William wise Sha washenko Sasha Yankovich Sasha Lena Yim Joshua Yu Sophia yova it is now my pleasure to introduce Nar aanin and Nomi hayashida under the musical direction of Mrs mcara [Applause] [Music] I've heard it said that people come into our Liv for reason bringing something we must learn and we are led to those who help us most to grow if we let them and we help them in return well I don't know if I believe that's true but I know I'm who I am today because I knew you like a from as it passes the sun like a street that me a boulder halfway through the world who can say if I been changed for the better because I knew you I have been changed for [Applause] good it w maybe that we won never meet again in this lifetime so let me say before we part so much of me is made of what I learn from you you be with me like a h on my heart and now whatever way our stories end I know you have re ritten in Mind by being my friend like a ship off from his morning ring by a wind of the sea like a sea Dro by a sky bir in a distant wood who can say if I've been changed for the better but because I knew you because I knew you I have been changed for good and just to clear the air I ask forgiveness for the things I've done you blame me for but then I guess we know there blame to share and none of it Seas to matter anymore like a as it passes the like a the who can say if I've been changed for the better I do believe I have been changed for the better and because I knew you because I knew you because I knew you I have been [Music] changed for good [Music] [Applause] thank you for being here this evening I present to you for one more round of applause our eighth grade graduates the class of 2028 I wish you all the best in the future I'll see you a lot of you tomorrow and next year for those of you who are moving on we also wish you the best our eighth graders will now perform their recessional out and you can greet them for photos thank you again for being here we really appreciate your support [Applause] [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] four pages here yes sure of course I remember thank you for being here we always