e e e e e Mr Canalis if you can call roll please miss calz miss carisolo here miss Carr here Mr Cory here Mr Hayward here miss garelli here here miss Stevenson here M randelle here Dr Robinson here we have a qu excellent thank you all right uh Mr Cory if you could lead us through the pl of legion I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right thank you uh adequate notice of meeting in accordance with PL 1975 chapter 231 notice of tonight's meeting was mailed to the record and the Bridgewood news on January 9th 2024 notice of this meeting was also mailed to the borrow Clerk and was posted on the bulletin board of the Board of Education Office in the administration building on the same date Miss Stevenson are you able to um repeat our mission statement of course thank you the Glenrock School District founded on principles of education in part parnership with the supportive Community provides an exceptional education to all students to cultivate resilient responsible and engag Global Citizens thank you um so tonight we have uh Miss Olivia Lee um that's going to give us a student council um report uh Miss Lee is in the 10th grade and we're really excited and thankful to have you tonight good evening everyone my name is Olivia Lee and I'm subbing in for Shia today as spring break approaches students are looking forward to the weekl long break and for spring Sports to commence here are a few updates from the month of March the Middle School successfully accomplished her production of the Annie musical the eighth graders are having their scheduling meetings to discuss her future classes for the entrance high school and congratulations to the galactic pigeons High School robotics team who recently won their co-state Championship on March 1st the Glen Arch high school girls basketball team played in the sectional finals against Jefferson High School the pingpong team ran by Mr Feldman has had much success during the month of March the team is looking forward to expanding and having a much larger impact on the student body they are also looking for new supplies to help them expand the senior class is getting ready for prom and has submitted one to three songs that they would like to hear during their prom on Monday March 4th and Tuesday March 5th the glenar high school model un team attended the St Peters model un Model United Nations conference at St peters's University in Jersey City our delegation was W in honorable mention Gabel awarded to Bon mwani and Janna Joseph in the commission of status of the economic and financial committee the glenro high school DEA chapter attended States in Atlantic City and will attend ICDC the international Career Development conference in California on March 8th the boys indoor track team earned a small school team of the year for a second consecutive year Tyler Caswell from the class of 2025 won first team All County for theth 55 hurdles in addition Tyler casell and ISO seu successfully performed at the state meet championships Tyler plays eighth overall and Isa ran a personal best of 8.7 seconds and was one of only two sophomore girls to make it to the meet of Champions they both successfully ran at Nationals on the weekend of March 9th on the week of March 11th the junior class of 2025 sat in for the ngj GPA standardized testing for Math and mtic and English after a long week of testing the Juniors as as well as the rest of the school are looking forward to a restful upcoming spring break Spirit Week will commence on Monday March 18th and end on March 22nd students at the high school were dress accordingly to a fun theme assigned to each day of the week and diff between grades March also marks a month of Ramadan students observing Ramadan were offered a foodfree room during lunch they are provided with activi such as crafting paper lanterns for Eid this will commence until April 9th and that's all for the month of March thank you thank you Miss Lee do you have anything okay good so we have um some recognitions tonight we have our valorian or sorian and then I had the privilege of attending um the uh Bergen County un unsung hero recognition so we also have that tonight as well and to do that is miss gando our middle school and high school principal Miss gando thank you Dr Charleston um I'm gonna start tonight with our unsung hero I'd like to say before I start that I'm so excited to be here to recognize these students but what I will be reading are the words that their counselors have written about them tonight um so each year schools in Bergen County are invited to select students who demonstrate a commitment to the school community and the larger Community as a whole specifically considering those students who are involved in volunteer service organizations and clubs and activities that focus on giving back to the community this student while extremely dedicated and accomplished may not be recognized in typical Awards ceremonies and so is designated as the district's unsung hero this year's Glenrock High School unsung hero is Nicholas Golia Nick is not only a sincere kind polite and respectful young man but he also demon rates a genuine commitment to community service most notably he has enlisted in the US Navy dedicating the next six years to serving his country in addition to committing to military service Nick joined the Glenrock fire department as a junior volunteer firefighter at the age of 16 he actively participates in weekly drills and Nick's ability to follow orders work as a valued teammate and perform Under Pressure showcase his dedication to learning how to assist with this important life-saving volunteer organization furthermore Nick has dedicated 5 years to volunteering with top soccer illustrating his compassion and commitment to assisting children with disabilities Nick is also an active member of various clubs at grhs including Relay for Life IC and Pathways all of which give back to the community Nick's passion for helping others and his extensive involvement in community service make him an outstanding candidate for recognition as one of Bergen County's unsung heroes and we're all proud of him and his accomplishments so that's thanks to miss [Applause] poio our next Honore is our salutatorian who has the second highest GPA after seven semesters in high school these these words are from Miss Calderone Virginia is an exceptional student at Glenrock high school she has taken a rigorous course load throughout her High School career and has maintained excellent grades in all her classes she is highly motivated engaged and an Innovative student who has an incredible thirst for knowledge in addition to her High grades she also has many achievements to be proud of Virginia has been class present for all year four years of high school throughout her time as class president she has organized many events for her peers one of her most not notable events was organizing a book drive to help a library in the Philippines this book drive was extremely successful at the high school and even extended to our elementary schools and a local church the book drive is still ongoing and Virginia is working towards making this a lasting Community event after she graduates from high school this shows extreme dedication to her community and peers Virginia has a strong passion for business and debate she showcases her passion for both by being president of both Deca and The Debate Club Virginia has had a truly amazing experience during her years years in the DECA club during her sophomore year she competed in an entrepreneurship team event and made it to the State Career Development conference where she placed in the top three during her junior year she competed alone in the entrepreneurship event and earned first place at the district level and then went on to earn second place at the state conference this achievement led her to be a finalist for the ICDC competition where she placed in the top 18 Virginia's passion and dedication to the field of business and deca is truly unmatched addition Ally Virginia shares that same passion for debate she has been part of The Debate Club for all four years of high school throughout her time in Debate Club she has seen many competitions where she has won second place multiple times and placed in the top four in the North American debate opal cup she also founded a four-week introduction to debate program at the Glenrock Public Library her achievements truly showcase her dedic dedication and commitment Virginia Yang is the definition of a well-rounded student she has excelled in her academics while also being active member of the Glenrock Community she has shown growth leadership dedication and passion in all areas of life Virginia is kind and compassionate with an incredible passion for knowledge she's interested in studying economics and political science and we have no doubt that Virginia will achieve great things in her [Applause] future pi [Applause] okay and our last Honore is our valedictorian who has the highest GPA in the senior class after seventh semester in high school um and this dedication was written by Miss April Malone uh so Daniel Rani is our valedictorian Dany is gifted in many areas so much so that I am in awe of his humility and modesty academically Dany is a force to be reckoned with he has taken the most difficult classes Glenrock has to offer and excelled to know Dany is to know he loves science although stem classes are where his interests lie he has also branched out taking advanced level courses across all subject areas Danny genuinely loves to learn Beyond academics Danny also serves as a positive role model and quiet leader amongst his peers I can attest to his willingness to help and support those around him demonstrating his compassion and thoughtfulness Dany has paved the way for students and makes a conscious effort to continue to smooth the path for others furthermore Dany is creative in all aspects of his life he is passionate about theater and has been a member of the theater company since freshman year his commitment to the G rhs Theater Company didn't go unnoticed as he was elected to the executive board this year where he worked hard and hand inand with the director Dany also has chosen to share his Passion by volunteering as the assistant director at the Saddle River Youth Theater similarly he volunteers with science rocks where he goes to our elementary schools to teach children and share his abundance of love for everything science Dany is a dedicated and vital member of our Varsity debate team and model UN in addition to holding leader leip positions in Alliance Seven Elements and Key Club Dany truly is a go-getter never shying away from hard work and always striving to succeed in the many goals he sets for himself Danny will be attending the University of Chicago in the fall and we can't wait to see the great things that he will do so Daniel arani our valedictorian you're [Applause] okay so that uh concludes my report but I wanted to give uh um the students and their families this is an opportunity if you don't want to stay it's a good time to go before the board gets to its business all right and Dr Robinson I'll turn it back over to you all right thank you very much Dr Charleston all right at um 7:15 if I can have a motion to have our first set of public comments uh Miss Carr and seconded by U Mr Hayward and so we're open to public comments at 11:15 p.m. if you could please state your name and your address and keep in mind that you have 3 minutes at the conclusion of the 3 minutes you'll hear a ding just to alert you as well as um my verbal request to uh be concise thank you I start just press the uh yep I can start can you hear me yes I can hear you okay good evening my name is Bashan I live at 50 Chadwick place I have three kids in the school system a 12th grader a 10th grader and a fourth grader in Coleman I'm here to talk to you about the uh snow day that you have some I think I understand that you have some wiggle room uh in and I want to talk to you about the fact that as a member of the Jewish Community uh we were a little bit sad to hear that it wasn't to our knowledge even considered uh to leverage uh the additional day to enable the Jewish families to celebrate Passover with their families Mr Hayward I know specifically you came to speak the same evening that my wife spoke she spoke a little bit after you and I thought that there was an understanding of the uh by the board here about the really the importance of sending a really really strong message that the schools are welcoming of the Jewish Community I can tell you that my kids oftentimes don't feel welcome by the things posted online by other kids by the swastika uh incidents that have occurred and I think it's just a missed opportunity it is such an obvious thing to do I just I'll leave you with a couple of just facts that you may be aware of Passover is the first of the three pilgrimages uh for the Jewish people it's an important holiday after the the Jewish High holidays okay it's a time for family as you may know there's preparation that needs to be done ahead of Passover giving that Tuesday the 23rd that first day which is usually when people have their second seder given that as a time for family especially for those that have to travel would be very considerate of a large population of Jewish people that attend the school system and another thing I want to make you aware of is that in the past Passover has been taken into account so we're not really sure I understand that there's a there's a big distance between Eastern Passover but it's difficult but now we have this golden opportunity why throw it away and the last thing I'll and I'll just leave with this again I don't I'm not sure this board fully understands how loud of a voice it has when it makes decisions like this making the right decision which I think is a very easy decision is going to speak very loudly about how welcoming this board is to the Jewish community so I urge you just please make the right decision I will tell you I got a note from Dr Charleston I'll tell you I was a little disappointed it was very laconic it was like listen this is a board issue I'll pass off your note to the board not even a listen I understand and I'm going to try to fight for this or I'm going to try to make this happen I'll just say and I'm happy to share the email we can do better let's be welcoming let's make this a place where we all want to live together thank you thank you SGI 131 Fair Mount Avenue Glenn Rock uh I'm here uh regarding the last meeting uh when I came here where you guys passed 40 B4 five and six uh just wanted to see that or say that uh the four board members who are against that they still have the opportunity to raise the motion and you can uh you can see how it goes and my second request is what happened last time to avoid in future can someone raise the motion here to add the public comment section to the cow meeting because these things will slip through we don't want to make this kind of mistake again because Community is your biggest stakeholder and communication needs to be crisp so that everyone understand the process and you guys stay out of trouble it's a thankless job so I hope you guys can add that meeting uh public meeting to the beginning of the C thank you thank you are there any other uh comments from the public at this time thank you if you can state your name and your address dear members of the board my name is Lilia Nissen my address is 253 Glenn Avenue I am a resident of Glenrock for 3 years now and coming from New York City I'm a little disappointed in your decision to Omit Passover this year I think as a Jew who's now practicing this is a little undermining of the Jewish Community we've discussed it among several of my fellow Jews and I can't speak on behalf of the entire Community but from Those whom I've spoken with I can definitely assure you that the sentiment is not positive from your decision uh regarding the snow day and um the other thing that I wish to add is we've considered multiple options I hate speaking in front of audiences I apologize okay understand that there may be some conflict in terms of use of these extra snow days however it appears that there's some sort of nomenclature that's come into play for instance there's a second Easter Sunday and that's Easter Monday now and that's a little painful to hear from our fellow neighbors um also there's this understanding that other holidays um may not be celebrated and that may come into Conflict for instance June 19th isn't being celebrated either this year so it's not just limited to Passover there's other holidays and other communities that are excluded because you've opted to extend spring break or how shall I say extend Memorial Day and while I understand that it is based on your you know best interests and you are elected to speak on behalf of the community there is a minority that you should take into account and it's quite disappointing that that Minority is not being heard today um secondly I wish to propose an alternative in the event that you have already committed these days and that alternative is that you excuse the children who do need to observe these holidays at home and you permit them that absence without it being an absence and uh those are my comments thank you appreciate your [Applause] time thank you for your comment hi good evening um my my name is Becky W I'm at 185 delmare Avenue in Glenrock I'm a mom of a third grade boy at Coleman school and I don't have anything formally prepared but um I also exchanged emails with Dr Charleston over the issue of the unused emergency closing day and my fight to have it move towards one of the days of Passover Passover my sentiments Echo Mr Bashan and many other in this community I attended the standup against anti-Semitism event event when Mr Hayward spoke and I really felt the love and support from the board um for members of the Jewish Community like myself so I just implore you to reconsider how you're going to use that day and put it towards Passover which many of us in this community value and celebrate thank you [Applause] thank you sji 131 Fair Mount Avenue as uh you guys know I've have served on this board for 12 years and I I see the sentiment from the Jewish Community our brothers uh but I think this is the another opportunity to explain the process to the community how the calendars are made why it cannot be done because you have one or two extra snow days it has happened before to us where we gave two two extra snow days so I think this is another opportunity for the board to communicate to the uh to your biggest stakeholder the process uh that will keep all of us out of trouble thank you thank you barrowing no other further public comments um we will move on to our or we'll close the public comments all right all right so 724 if we can close public comments can I have a motion to discuss ourg items G1 through2 Miss Carr seconded by Miss Stevenson any comments on the G items please miss Carr forgive me because this is a little long but I want to start out by publicly thanking my Trustees for the support um as a member of the Jewish community and a I prepared my words as a member of the Jewish community and a trustee of the Board of Education I feel conflicted by recent events related to our decision regarding emergencies um days and have prepared comments I would like to share with you all I recognize that the Jewish Community is not a monolith and perspectives can vary widely among je among Jewish individuals this is my perspective our Jewish Community is in pain the hurt is multifaceted on one hand there's a deep sense of Sorrow for the loss of life and suffering experienced by both Israelis and Palestinians many Jews know well the history of persecution and grapple with the anguish of seeing innocent civilians caught in the midst of violence simultaneously there's been a profound sense of betrayal and isolation in the face of adequate support from the International Community and even from some quarters where support might be expected witnessing The Selective Outreach or silence in response to to attacks on Israelis as compared to the widespread condemnation of Israel's actions feels like a painful dismissal of Jewish lives and concerns moreover the resurgent of anti-Semitic rhetoric and actions am amid the conflict intensifies the hurt and fear within the Jewish Community whether it's online hate speech physical attacks vandalism or discriminatory attitudes anti-Semitism reminds us of the enduring reality a bigotry and discrimination there are many layers of complexity to our feelings that we feel acutely so I am disheartened and disappointed that our decision to extend spring break is being manipulated to look like we the Glenrock Board of Education are not supportive of the Jewish Community by you not using the day to give the students the day off for Passover it was a little over a week ago on March 7th that 300 about 350 members of the Glenrock community the Glenrock Jewish Center the Glenrock Town Council the Board of Education all came together to support us and denounce anti-Semitism we as a local community are healing from Rifts that happened as a result of global events and learning how to coexist with peace and respect in the here and now in the community we live and educate our children in to learn that Channel 7 News came to our community to bring negative attention and sentiment to the members of this committee based on the decision we made in good faith feels like an attack on another Community I belong to a community that decidedly does support its Jewish members I know I sit here I'm sorry that there are parents of children who are truly upset who are upset I truly am but I need to be clear that we made the that we made the best decision we could based on the needs of the entire Community regardless of the reaction to the decision finally if it helps those who are feeling un un supported disappointed or angry at our decision families who celebrate Passover may choose to keep their children out of school as an excused absence it is a state recognized absence please know that it will be recognized thank you thank you Miss Carr are there any other trustees that would like to make a statement Miss carella it's hard to follow that I just want to say thank you so much for that's a lot of courage and heart went into that and I just appreciate everything you just said and how you represented us and thank you to Mr Hayward for representing us on March 9th um I want to make it clear too that my vote won't i' make prepared more Mars but they weren't as good as your so I'm just going to cut to the end and just say that you know I recognize that it's an emotional time for our community and my vote for April one is not a vote against anyone I've always have and always will have deep personal appreciation and respect for all religions and cultural observations so thank you thank you Miss carisella are there any other trustees at this time that make statement okay I'll make my statement um so Glenn rock is a very diverse Community um this is also a very diverse board one of the most diverse we've probably had um historically for this borrow uh the njsa 18a uh 36-14 through6 um and as well as the njac 6A 32-8 point4 um has a list of religious holidays um that are permitting pupil absence from the school um and in this list you'll find perhaps somewhere around 180 different holidays um that are recognized uh for observance for any uh pupil and and their family that want to um to to take part in religious ceremony um I'll even read just a a tad bit so whereas the law provides that any student absent from school because of a religious holiday may not be deprived of any award or of Eligibility or opportunity to compete for any award because of such absence students who miss a test or examination because of absence on a religious holiday must be given the right to take an alternate test or examination uh to be entitled to the Privileges set forth the student must present a written excuse signed by a parent or person standing in place of a parent any such absence um because of a religious holiday must be recorded in the school register or in any group or class attendance record as an excused absence it goes on um a little bit further um and so the district's um board of education does have the right to add any Bonafide religious holiday to the list for its own schools um however considering the diversity of our community and our current Community um and the history of traditions that we are currently maintaining and the desire to have as many instructional days as possible we take the school calendar very seriously there are many other holidays that are occurring during the same period um when I say the same period as spring break I'm talking about within you know a month on on either end um that actually fall into this njsa and njac um codes uh our spring bake is is not being taken with the intent of observing any particular holiday um you know for some that observe um Good Friday or go to church or for some that use Good Friday as uh a secular day to be absent from class whatever the choice is it's not specific to the determination as to whether uh we have spring break or not um actually in in terms of this is my fourth year on the board and uh some years this conversation does come up in terms of whether or not we are um you know like where does Passover fall where does this holiday fall where does e fall where you know which days are we taking how are we going to um do that and it's very very complicated because um while maybe the the country overall um has a a a Christian world view um specifically in the United States um we are increasingly more diverse as time goes by and making sure that everyone feels that this is an equitable process is a great challenge for this board as well as every board within this country um so the extension again the extension of spring break is not being considered on the basis of its effects to any particular religious observation All Families within our district have the opportunity to observe religious holidays of their choosing in addition to the ones that we currently observe federally or by long-standing tradition uh calendars have been reviewed by this board as far back as into the 1990s as far as we could um look in in in the records that we keep and sometimes Passover happens to fall within the spring break Peri period sometimes it doesn't um no student in this District should be discriminated against or deprived of any award due to the to their specific religious um observation be it Passover or any other particular holiday if the community would like to petition the board to consider District closure for particular religious um holidays in the future we discuss the school calendar annually around November or December of every year um and and with regards to this particular give back day for this no day um we evaluated the decision for many part many reasons like as to whether we went uh April 1st or other days we um did get some impact from uh the educational Administration and what days would be um impactful for the schedule as well as decreasing um absence for for events that could not be rescheduled uh for example on the 23rd it's an act there's an Act date that's already been scheduled and for for any um Jewish member of the population that wants to um observe their religious preferences it is absolutely encouraged for you to find the opportunity to take care of um njsa and njac to make sure that you are able to sit for these tests and sit for anything or be part of any that you um that you feel uh you are missing out on um because again this is an inclusive community and we do appreciate these kinds of discussions that we're having um um so I I mean that is that is my general summary after spending a lot of time reading case law looking at historical records for our district talking with the many trustees talking with uh many U members of the community and if there is a process that the community determines is um significant for adding uh more um observed holidays and for our district calendar then that's definitely something that um should be presented to the board perhaps in a more formal process outside of um of of the give back days do you take any questions by the way um so we we we don't we don't have give do that but I do encourage you to email us after this and then I you know we'll be happy to respond to you typically within i''s say within 48 Hours you respond I I I will I I I will I will respond I responded to you Miss nisson and I will respond to you Mr Bashan if you if you do send um emails and um so that closes my comments any other discussion on uh G Adams all right Mr caneles if you could take rooll Miss calz yes Miss Carisa yes Miss Carr yes Mr Cory yes Mr Hayward yes Miss garelli yes Miss Stevenson yes Miss randelle yes Dr Robinson yes motion passes can I have a uh a motion to discuss B1 through B12 Miss garelli seconded by Mr Hayward um M sorry I'm B1 I'm going to be abstaining that that goes with um my exstension for that that that's to submit the the budget correct yeah I'm going to be abstaining um I'm sorry I totally missed that today but um it's because I'm a conflicted member and there's it's a contract year um I'm not sure how that plays into the budget and because I don't get privy to the numbers and also it goes hand inand with my exstension from the the uh lights project so I can't very well vote on a budget if I abstained so but it doesn't mean that I don't support the budget I I I appreciate itk you sorry I meant to tell you that we are having the public um meeting so it's totally appropriate thank you any other comments on our beat items oh Mr Cory yeah in regards to B7 I'm I'm pleased to see that our administration's taken efforts to improve the long you know the the facilities here right we we bring our kids into safe buildings we bring them into energy efficient buildings for sustainability and what I see here is a a plan for fiscal responsibility over uh decades to come and L A lot of hard work behind it so I appreciate the efforts and just wanted to express my singular support on that so thanks thank you for your comments Mr Corey any additional comments Mr Canalis if we could take roll please miss calz yes Miss carasa yes Miss Carr Yes except as noted Mr Cory yes Mr Hayward yes Miss garelli yes Miss Stevenson yes Miss randow yes Dr Robinson yes motion passes can I have a motion to discuss our P items P1 through P1 Miss carisella seconded by miss scarpelli any uh particular discussions on P1 through1 Miss Carr just want to wish um Mrs Ziza and Mr ficacelli um best of luck in their their next Journey um while my to my children did not specifically have them um I know they were highly um Reg Ed they are um going to be in lost to the district and I just want to thank them for retiring um and after all their years of service to Glenrock very kind words thank you Miss car Miss Carelli hi I was just going to Echo what Miss car said about um Miss Aiza and Mr feli and wish them the best of luck in their retirement U my children have had Miss Aiza and she's been wonderful so I wish her the best um unfortunately my kids inherited my own deafness so um they they are not musically inclined and they have not uh had Mr pelli but um the other comment I wanted to say for P1 I just want to abstain as it relates to me that's it thanks thank you miss scarpelli any additional comments for p items Mr Canalis if we're able to take roll please miss calves yes Miss carasa yes Miss Carr yes Mr Cory yes Mr Hayward yes Miss garelli Yes except as noted Miss Stevenson yes M randelle yes Dr Robinson yes motion passes thank you and we have you see our vandalism suspension hi reports attached to the agenda all right and at this time we have a public comments section two of two at 7:40 we can open up for a second set of public comments please state your name and your address and you have 3 minutes okay I want to go back to the ifak Bashan 50 Chadwick place I want to go back to what you said you were reading off uh the history of we went back all the way back to 1990 what this board fails to recognize Miss Carr Mr Hayward uh Dr Robinson and I would read all the names I don't have the time these are unprecedented times there wasn't this level of anti-Semitism okay at the time and you are making a statement by choosing to not give the uh Passover holiday as a break and you can say that you're not making that statement but you are making that statement and it's an unprecedented time if you remember in Congress we had three presidents of universities sit up there completely clueless uess acting completely clueless very similar to the way this board is sitting up here as if this is regular times we are not in regular Times by saying yes we have an opportunity to give Passover as a day to our Jewish students also by the way to speak with the non-jewish students to explain yeah we honor other Traditions as well we care about our Jewish families here by choosing not to do that in this unprecedent time that's not the same as any time from 1990 to today you are saying basically yeah times change and the we're not really going to do anything that we can do even if we can do a small thing we're not going to do it why I don't know why because of the the reasons that you stated please listen last thing I'll say to you I've been a board member too believe I've been a board member at the Glenrock jewry Center I know know how hard it is for the board to come together and say in a closed room we really screwed up on this one I know it's very hard for a board to do that but sometimes courageous boards can go back and say wait a minute we missed something we made a mistake by the way it's a great example for our kids it's a great example for you to go back and say even a set of adults sometimes don't understand what they're saying and not saying I urge you you take don't miss this opportunity with a bunch of Bubba mises okay which is grandmother stories make this change stand with the Jewish people of your community as we have stood by everybody else black lives matter every group you can imagine the Jewish Community has stand has stood by now is the time for this board not just to send Mr Hayward with a prepared speech take a very simple an take a very simple action that shows you mean what you say thank you good night I didn't call Channel 7 or any of that nonsense that was I really care about this community and the poor decisions are thank you for your comments sji 131 Fairmount Avenue Glenrock uh thank you for your uh courage listening to the community concerned and thank you li excellent um my last comment before I go is uh last time when I was here I was hearing the the finance uh report from uh superintendent uh while I was on the board we always have our business administrator present the financial I just don't know why it changed I think we have a very capable Mr James uh there I would recommend our business administration should be presenting those numbers thank you thank you for your comments are there any other public comments at this time okay orley goldfeld 72 Delmar Avenue um excuse me I just want to say that what I find so troubling is that I've as I've said before it feels like the board just makes decisions without getting public input um I saw that happen with the give back day Dr Charleston I watched the video so many times he presented the fact that there was a give two days to give back he said he spoke with the G Jr G AA they recommended April 1st you all went around and said April 1st and then the next day a message came out from Dr Charleston it's going to be April 1st I don't believe that you listen to the public I believe it's your responsibility to listen to the public I agree with Mr ory about how you should have public comments before you take actions and I would hope that as trustees who are entrusted with acting in the public benefit of of this community that you would take into consideration public comments before taking actions we do not have the the privilege of seeing whatever packets you get in advance we don't know what it is that you're considering all we can do is React to what is done in public and so I would hope that you would take that into consideration that you would have more discussions that you would explain yourselves and that you would listen to P the public before making important decision decisions thank you thank you for your comment are there any additional public comments at this time if not at 7:47 we will close public comments okay uh any items for old business Mr garell so I don't know if this falls under old business but would have sound like a broken record um last week when we had the middle school high school had the later start time I'm going to speak from experience because I do have a high schooler it was like a different child just having I know we would never start school that late but I really would love for the administration to consider maybe look into a later start time time it it really made a difference I know like I said I know we can't start school that late but just 20 minutes might make a difference in some of these kids getting to school um so that's I know we brought that up before so that's why I just wanted to mention that on all business thanks thank you miss scarelli any other old business items broken record number two I I completely support it we you all know we went to the presentations um in Atlantic City during the boards and um there just seems to be a lot of evidence around how beneficial it is for um the emotional health of our kids and um I did also see it directly in my children last week or this week last week yeah thank you miss carisella all right um under new business our uh next meeting date is April 8th um I'll will also say that you will receive an email from me um with regards to our discussion Retreat um um and identifying um a potential date um probably in April sometime if that suits um at this time I would like uh I'd like to call a motion to adjourn our regular meeting and go into Clos and no um action will be uh will be taken U so we're not going to come back into uh public session all right Miss scarpelli seconded by Miss calz right all in favor I I thank you