e e e thank you call the meeting to thank you Mr canel will you please call roll miss calz here miss carasa here miss Carr Mr Cory here Mr Hayward here miss garelli here miss Stevenson here M randelle here Dr Robinson we have a COR thank you Daniel and Juliet will you please lead us in the flag salute 1 I pled Al of the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you adequate notice of meeting in accordance with PL 1975 chap 231 notice of tonight's meeting was mailed to the record in the original news on January 9th 2024 notice of this meeting was also mailed to the B Clerk and was posted on the bulletin board of the Board of Education Office in the administration building on the same date MMA will you please read our mission statement the Glenrock School District founded on principles of education in partnership with a supportive Community provides an exceptional education to all students in cultive resilient responsible and engage Global Citizens thank you right Dr charlson so good evening everyone we have some special uh guests here tonight we have three uh readers from from Central Elementary we have Daniel and Juliet who are in second grade and we have Emma who's in fifth grade I know in a little bit Emma is going to be giving us a report on what's going on at Central I also know that Daniel and Juliet some of the board members have some questions for you if that's okay and kind of ask you how things are going on at Central so I'm going to turn it over to so I'm curious what was your favorite school assembly so far uh it's probably the dirt bike assembly um the dirt bike assembly and the science assembly how about specials what's your favorite special gy easy one writing math and gy what what's your favorite subject reading um writing a math thank you okay I have a harder question for you you ready what would you do if you were the principal of central school I I'd add an arcade and a pool nice get puppies aade and a pool excellent great like the puppies I have one for you what do you love about Central School um that it's like big and there's like a lot of good teachers there's good teachers and good and every year we get to find new students to be friends a that was a great answer thank you and uh Emma you have a report for what's going on at Central we're curious I know the board always loves to hear um the what's going on in our elementary schools um hi I'm Emma Patrice and I am a fifth grader at Central School and today I am here to talk about what is going on at school in fifth grade we just finished our spring concert where there were multiple acts such as the fif fourth and fifth grade band and fourth and fifth grade violinist and finally the early morning chorus during the early morning chorus performance we sang the song Pure Imagination where Henry beretto played a saxophone solo in the middle of a song everyone did a great job the art show is coming up where the art teacher will display the art we have made over the year throughout the school the parents come to see all the hard work the kids have put into their Arts some of the art for the fifth graders include bird nests partially made out of clay and some clay food pop art njsla testing is coming up and in the fifth grade we have the new science test to try hopefully I will get a good score on the science test field day is also coming up and instead of the eight stations that we usually do there will be 17 with two rest stations I am curious to see what the new stations will be but I am not looking forward to getting dunked lastly for the fifth graders I am really excited about the endof the year pool party and the moving up ceremony I can't believe my time at Central is almost over I will miss central school thank you for listening thank you em the only question I have is is since since fifth grade's almost over what are you most excited about next year coming to the middle school probably the food Mr canel is very happy to hear that yes for sure we all did a wonderful job if it's okay we'd like to take a picture with you so we can um celebrate this moment so why don't we grab our our t-shirt our pins and our certificates and we're going to meet right up here in the front okay e e we always love having our readers here they do they it's always nice to see our elementary students and tonight we also get to recognize um one of our students from Clara Coleman and I believe Mr Thompson is here to help us recognize Kelsey Sheridan um who won uh first place in an Irish step competition Mr Tom Dr Charleston Mr vanest members of the Board of Education I'm very pleased to be here tonight to present one of claric Colman's finest students a fifth grader Kelsey Sheran Kelsey has been Irish dancing with Ridgewood Irish dance for the past six years this summer she plays first in age 10 novice at the rtn national championships in Harrisburg Pennsylvania she then went on to compete in November at the lanester Championships an international competition held in Dublin Ireland where they know a little bit about Irish dancing uh at the Lane St Championship she placed third in the preliminary event for her age group as well as several other top finishes in additional dances Kelsey continues to dance and compete throughout the year as well as perform at various community events and sporting events restaurants and private functions especially around Pat St Patrick's Day season in March we are very proud of Kelsey Sheridan come on up [Applause] kelse e and our final uh recognition tonight we have the 2024 Bergen County boys indoor track small school Team of the Year and we have Mr Weinberg and Miss Gallow who are here to help uh recognize our students yeah g a go e all right everybody can we hear me perfect uh just wanted to welcome everybody this is our second year in a row winning the Bergen County small school team of the year so we are very excited to be back uh I just wanted to talk a little bit about the people that are here tonight gal will interject and step in sometimes sometimes uh so we went to the season with high hopes we wanted to repeat as Bergen County relay Champions and possibly uh do some damage at the state level in uh in the county tournament we ended up coming in first place by about 12 points in the league meet uh which Glenrock has never won we came second place by one point to Hasbro and at the state level we came second place to hasb Heights Again by this time three points but don't take anything away from all these guys this is one of the strongest teams that we have had in Glenrock school history uh and I'm just going to talk about uh how they helped us win small school team of the year so starting with uh Toby Caswell Toby is a um freshman for the team and he quickly became one of the vars Runners at because he's very quick at the Bergen County uh relays he was the 400 leg into distance medley that took first place in small schools and third place in the entire County we have Jacob CeCe here Jacob one of our distance Runners uh he was part of the 4 by mile that took first place in the small School Division and also third place in the county we have Ben haor Ben has has done uh so much for the distance program he has run the 800 the 1600 and the 3200 uh at the state level at the league level and at the county level he medled in every single event uh and was one place away from making it to the state meet of Champions we have Devin Smith Devin Smith um one of our uh 800 and 400 Runners he was involved in many relays including the the uh 4X 8800 and Sprint medal the Sprint medley and 4x 800 both ended up qualifying for Nationals uh we got Harrison werley in the back Harrison um one of our uh 200 and 400 guys in outdoor he also throws Javelin he was part of the Sprint medley team and he's pretty much been a major reason why the Sprint program has been so successful uh we have Ryan wolf in the back Ryan unfortunately does not do Spring Track but in the winter program one of our distance Runners after a one-year Hiatus he is excited to be back here uh he was part of that 4 by mile team that I mentioned before and he also uh was a two mile specialist throughout the season we have Tyler Caswell who we'll talk about again in a moment but Tyler right now has the school record in the 55 hurdles uh and was in the he was number eight in the state in the 55 hurdles uh and a lot of the reason that this program has been so successful is because of Tyler we have Ethan Ryman Ethan uh was he he pretty much did it all he did hurdles he did distance he did Sprints he was part of the 4x4 team at Bergen County relays that took third place in a small School Division and they also set the school record the bur County record right for small schools yes they did yes they set the record uh we have AR Rob coar uh I call him AK uh AK is one of our uh fastest sprinters he was part of the Sprint medley team that qualified for Nationals uh he is somebody who has been dedicated to the team uh and spends hours and hours in practice and after practice working on his starts working on himself and pretty much getting to a place that has led to so much success with our Sprints program we have Leighton Kelly Leighton one of G's High jumpers uh Leighton is uh one of the best high jumpers on our team and has um in the high jump meet at Garfield he has medled and made it to the Garfield meet champions for high jump we have Caleb shim Caleb uh one of our uh throwers he was part of the shots put relay uh that got us points at Bergen County relays and he's also been a major leader and Mentor for Evan yuzon Evan yuzon is a freshman and right now is number one in the state as a freshman in the Freshman division for the shot impr it's impressive and he's number one by 3 feet so he's secured that spot it's not a couple inches it's three feet yes he has recently thrown 45t 8 in in the shop put and he is only getting better and better we have Neil saxa Neil um has been part of the hurdles crew and also part of distance uh he most recently took third place in the spring season in the 800 at the state section in the 800 he also took sixth place he was also part of the hurdles relay that ended up coming uh first in the county indoors and also Peter ranga Peter is somebody who has pretty much tried every single Track event uh out there uh he was also part of the hurdles team that um was first in the county in the spring season he has turned himself into a triple jumper discus thrower Javelin thrower and also a heror all these kids have led to the success of our program and I'm so excited to be sharing this moment with them and now I'm going to hand it over to Coach G no I don't have anything else to say oh he pretty much said it all but um I'm just thankful the kids are amazing they worked really hard all winter our program is growing we're up to 83 athletes on the team and it just seems to be getting bigger and bigger and with that success they bring success for the boys and they've been leaders to the and mentors to the younger people on the team so hopefully going further we'll be here again and again and again so thank you to to everybody thank you all right thank [Applause] you take a picture here guys hold that up thank you everyone yeah yes that is all right all right so next up we have our uh National Teachers Day and national school nurse Day so I'd like to read those first and we'll do it as we always do we'll start Miss Scar and we'll go around okay so whereas teachers make public schools great and whereas teachers work to open students Minds to ideas knowledge and dreams and whereas teachers keep American democracy Alive by laying the foundation for good citizenship and whereas teachers fill many roles as listeners explorers Role Models motivators and mentors and sure whereas teachers mold well whereas teachers continue to influ US influence us long after our school days are only memories and whereas teachers mold future citizens through guidance and education and where teachers encounter students of WI L differing backgrounds and whereas our country's future depends upon providing quality education to all students and whereas teachers spend countless hours preparing lessons evaluating progress counseling and coaching students and Performing community service and whereas our community recognizes and supports its teachers in educating the children of this community now therefore be it resolved that the Glenrock Board of Education recognizes and acknowledge the impact of teachers on our lives thank you we start with nurses yes whereas children are the future and by investing in them today we are ensuring our world for tomorrow and whereas all students have the right to have their health needs safely met while in the school setting and whereas children today face more complex life-threatening health problems requiring care in schools and whereas School nurses are professional nurses that Advance the well-being academic success and lifelong achievements of all students by serving on the front lines and providing a critical safety net for our nation's most fragile children and whereas School nurses act as liaison to the school Community parents and health care providers on behalf of children's health and whereas School nurses support the health and educational success of Children and Youth by developing and providing programs and Leadership and whereas School nurses are members of school-based mental health teams and we as School nurses understand the link between health and learning and are in a position to make positive difference for children every day now therefore be it resolved that the Glenrock Board of Education joins the National Association of school Nur nurses the New Jersey state school Nurses Association and the Bergen County School Nurses Association in celebrating and acknowledging the accomplishment of School nurses and their efforts of meeting the needs of today's students by improving the effective delivery of Health Care in our schools and shows gratitude for School nurses not just on May 8th 2024 National School nurses day but at every opportunity throughout the year thank you all right um can I get a motion to approve the defa the resolution that we just said Miss scar Miss carisella seconded by Mr Hayward Mr canels Miss calves yes Miss carola yes Mr Corey yes Mr Hayward yes Miss garelli yes Miss Stevenson yes misss randelle yes motion passes thank you all right so we're going to skip around a little bit just because it makes a little bit more sense so we're going to start with policy under General and turn over to so we had spoken about um I think the last couple of of Cal meetings bringing up policies just to uh review them and to reaffirm them and um for for here you have policy and regulation 7510 which talks about use of our school facilities and the fees associated with with uh with them um so I thought it might be a good uh opportunity for the board to consider whether or not they want to change those fees leave them as is table this for a future discussion um it's up to you so the policy and regulations are in front of you and I'd open the floor for a discussion does anybody have any initial comments I know that um the town has increased the rental fees I think we should just stay um consistent with them it'll stop some over use of our Fields if we stay consistent with both um so that would be my recommendation they went up to $200 this is not this is like for camps and out of uh like offseason stuff not just like our town sports that's my so so are you saying stay consistent if they've raised it to their fee we should match it just equal that is what I'm saying I agree with that anybody have any thoughts on that no all right I guess we can move on is just if I could just ask for clarifying is this just for the the turf fields Mr Rell this is for all Fields uh I think it's does say all fields in there um it does have uh for Fields there's baseball softball lower low the lower turf field and the football or multi-use field I think those two Fields you would want to change from $100 to $200 per use just that just that change that accurate so for the board that would be under Fields this would be the regulation lower soccer lacrosse Turf the high school uh location at the high school would be $200 change from 100 to 200 and the football multi-use field Turf would be to change from 100 to $200 those would be the only changes is everybody okay with that does anyone have any comments on that it would be for voting on it tonight or no what we would do is you could you could sit on this for a little bit and then we would bring this up at the June Cal for first reading and then you would vote on it at the second meeting and then it would be in effect yeah starting July 1 basically yeah if anyone has any anything to say all right all right so we can move on uh imp all right we have a number of things to discuss for instruction and programming today we brought a bunch of our friends to come and talk about it so the first um thing up you see on the presentation there is um we want to talk about sixth grade seminar and to do that we have Miss jando and Mr cusac all right uh good evening Administration members of the board um Paul Cusack supervisor of instructional educational technology and media center so tonight I'm going be talking about sixth grade seminar it's going to be a new sixth grade offering in the Middle School um there we go so what we're looking to do is engage students in activities that increase their soft skills we're looking to create a quarterly course that helps to transition the students from elementary school to Middle School um helping them to understand more about their own learning styles their learning process and the ways in which they do different things so we're looking to do is Foster for them a sense of agency and selfefficacy to help them understand how they learn and the benefits of different skills that they have that they can use in the classroom part of this is going to be exploring interests and goals that they have and the way that we are going to do that is we're gonna have three main areas of focus so as I said this is a quarterly course it meets for roughly 45 days we do have a drop rotate schedule so that drops down to 33 .75 classes or 33 or 34 classes depending upon the marking period so we're going to break it into really four different parts these are the three parts that we are going to have taught in the class first one digital citizenship they do get this in the media centers in the elementary schools and we're going to build upon this what they're already doing with the excuse me Bill that Governor Murphy signed in January of 2023 for the digital literacy standards for the state we're getting a jump start on that so the state is working on the standards that will be released but we're going to get a jump on that through this course so they're going to talk about digital citizenship and all the key factors that go along with that we're also going to talk about media literacy so there's a lot of content out there students are great if you give them a computer or an iPad to scroll through it but we want them to be able to understand what they're consuming and how they are consuming it that's a very important part of media literacy and the last part part is going to be metac metacognition and executive function so as we talked about different learning styles self-regulation critical thinking skills and building upon those soft skills that we talked about in the first slide that fourth part is going to be guest speakers so as we break it down we're going to have roughly eight class periods per section in that first part which takes us to 24 class periods we're going to have an introductory class reflection class at the end so we're at about eight class periods nine class periods left we're going to have guest speakers come in different members of our school Community to talk to students about different areas we can have school counselors come in Wellness Center counselors the team leaders each sixth grader is on a team something new for them that they don't really know about so we can talk about teams with them members of the administration we do advisory in middle school so we can talk about things like that and then also having student leaders so we have eighth graders who are student leaders who help out the sixth graders with their transitions so bringing them in and having them talk as well so there's a lot of different areas that we can touch on through this sixth grade seminar so how do we accomplish this this will be a one quarter course as we talked about it will rotate in the class periods with the world language classes so next year there will be the three World languages this will be the fourth course that the students have in that World Language rotation so it fills that spot we saw an opportunity and we said this is a great area for us to engage in something that students need um it's going to be taught by our middle school high school media center specialist so it would be two periods out of the day it's Project based a lot of classwork in class and to relieve anxiety on the students it's going to be past fail so it's not going to add any extra anxiety or stress to the students of a grade it's going to be a past fa because we're talking to them about how they learn so that's our projection for introducing a student seminar to our sixth graders that they can learn about how they learn digital citizenship media literacy and then get the opportunity to have guest speakers come in something that they really don't get to have throughout their school experience so it's a great opportunity for us to engage in a new style course and I think that that is yep that's the end of our seminar presentation questions have any questions thank you very much not a question but um just thank you I think it's Innovative um I really appreciate the um thoughtfulness that went into identifying the areas of need and I'm assuming as things evolve you'll be able to be flexible on that down the road and what's important but definitely I know a lot of what we see even with the hibs around um digital literacy this could be very impactful for lots of those kids and wishing I didn't have a sixth grader now and he was coming in next year so thank you I agreed it's a great addition thank you thank you all right next up is Dr Charleston talking about some course enrollment numbers or is Dr Daniel talking about that so we we don't uh in backup for the Board of Ed you have your um a spreadsheet there that talks about classes that would be combined classes that are under 15 that are running we're happy with Dr Daniel here and myself we could answer any questions um that you may have um we are running some classes as you can see that are less than uh uh 15 um generally those are are AP there are again some classes that are combined but we're happy to answer any questions as per policy um Administration is to share that with the with the Board of Ed so this is that opportunity okay so next up is social studies scope and sequence we want to revise that a a little bit and Mr melli is going to come talk about that plan good evening thanks for having me um so a few years ago when I first started here one of the first things that I was looking at when it came to the scope and sequence in the high school is I noticed that the three courses really operated very independently of one another so we had world history us one and us too and currently as you see up on the screen um that's the flow that we have that that was pretty traditional when the state in the '90s had put in the mandated two years of American History um there wasn't necessarily a lot of um intentionality around looking at themes across these different courses or essential questions across these different courses um the teachers did do a pretty good job of trying to align the skills and since I've been here we've really worked collaboratively um I've work with the Department to try to strengthen that um but one of the things that's continued to come up vo mostly from the teachers um and something that I definitely noticed myself is that there were a number of concerns around the order that we were currently teaching the courses in so um since I've been here we did revisions on world history as I had talked about a couple of years ago we made it more thematic in n9th grade um and then just this year we did a major Revision in um us one and us2 where basically it's more of a two-year sequence of courses of all of American History rather than you take one class and then transition to something else um and I think that with those revisions and the teachers working more uh collaboratively on a much more intentional level because they had all written the curriculum together so whether they were teaching those classes or not we had everybody come together to work on it we started to notice that there were these concerns that were sort of already lurking became a little bit more obvious um the first I would say that that really jumped out is that the jump going from social studies 8 which is an untracked heterogeneous Middle School class to then go up to um AP World History as an option for some ninth graders was a really really big jump um it is having taught AP World History myself for many years um as we all know advanced placement is a college level class and so even though we are teaching it to high school students just the demands the pace the amount of work the level of analysis and nuance that's part of it it's just it's a completely different ball game and our students and our teachers to their to their credit are hacking it but sort of coming along with that one thing that was unveiled this year when we partnered with challenge success was we gave that student survey in the fall and one of the questions that students had to answer um was about their level of academic worry and one of the things that showed up in the data that was particularly interesting is that if you looked at ninth graders and you on a scale of one to five one being not feeling worry at all five being feeling very stressed out and worried the average n9th grader without any AP classes has a 3.69 out of five which is I think something we could talk about as a separate issue but not necessarily right now however when you compare that to students in n9th grade taking one AP class that went up to a 3.93 um and the only AP class that freshman can take at Glenrock High School is AP World History so there's a definite jump especially when you compare that with 11th graders that are only taking one AP class you see it going from a general 3.77 no APS to a 3.83 so just looking at those numbers I mean I think it it does make sense that juniors in general are a little bit more concerned about their grades they're getting closer to college the college process is sort of lurking on everything but looking at that differential in ninth grade was something that stood out to me and in looking at the data um the other thing that um in talking with teachers regly um that we're teaching 9th grade and in 10th grade is that the students that were going from eth to uh CP world history and then from CP into honors there's not that like extra onramp right so they they're still not necessarily building that skill to go toward an AP class a little bit later on there's it's sort of if you look at the scope and sequence it's a little strange that we have world history college prep and AP and no honors and then we go backwards sort of to CP and us one honors and then again to honors CP and AP in 11th grade um and then lastly with this revision of the standards in 2020 for for the njsls there's a lot more nuance and a lot more complexity in world history just what the standards are asking of students is much higher level it used to be much more about cramming and as much content as possible and now it's about much more depth so with that over the past year and conversations I've had with the high school social studies department and the 8th grade social studies teachers we would like to propose the following revision um basically what would happen is we would take the classes as they're currently written and we would just switch the order so we would start with all students would take the same heterogeneous 8th grade social studies eight and then rather than going to world history in 11th grade they would go into us one so they would go into college prep or honors so that would still exist as an opportunity to get that um higher level course but the jump wouldn't be nearly as high as it was for freshmen um 10th grade we would keep the same three levels College Prep honors and AP US so the first AP class that students would be taking um in the social studies Department would be in their sophomore year we actually already do offer some AP social studies electives we offer AP Psychology and AP Human Geography that are options for sophomores so um there would be sophomores that would be taking apus I think it would be a little bit more developmentally appropriate um and it wouldn't eliminate any opportunities to take AP courses because we're just switching the order so it's not like kids are then getting missing an opportunity so to say to take a certain number of AP classes over the course of their uh High School career then we would go to world history in 11th grade and what we' propose is to add an honors level so what that does is I think I think number one is it democratizes AP World History a little bit more it gives more students that are more prepared an opportunity to take an AP class in their junior year um it also gives more students an opportunity to take higher level courses because right now that honors level is missing in the freshman year so we'd be actually adding an honors class that we don't currently um we don't currently have um like I said students wouldn't be precluded from taking a certain number of APs we wouldn't be offering an apus one anyway we can't um the way that the College Board allows you to offer courses you New Jersey requires US History to be offered over two years you have to have two years of it to graduate the College Board only allows an AP course to be one year so most schools just count that as the second year so you take the test at the end of the two-year sequence um it doesn't require a major curriculum revision just a sequencing change um and of course teachers are going to have to tailor maybe some of their instruction if they were used to teaching US1 to sophomore is maybe thinking about what that looks like for freshman um and then the other thing is just in my conversations with people in my position around the state because of that 2020 revision of the njsls there are a bunch of other districts that are starting to consider this or that have moved um to this scope and sequence so um when I first broached this with the um High School social studies department at a meeting it was unanimous excitement and enthusiasm for it every everybody was on board in fact they said can we do it in September um but it would be a little bit of a jump because we had already started the process of course selection hadn't had this conversation with all of you but I wanted to make sure that the teachers were on board first um so the proposal is that next year we would go ahead with the current eighth grade would take world history the way that we've been doing it um it would be in the 2025 2026 school year when it would change so as you see up on the screen um current seventh grade would be the first group with us one in ninth grade and so it would be when the current sixth grade is in ninth grade that the sequence would actually shake out to the new sequencing as we have it um that was basically what you would see is a couple of years where we would have to double up on um teachers teaching us one and then teachers teaching us2 um we would sort of pause offering world history college prep for the two years on account of the fact that we'd be trying to get the sequence straightened out but in conversations with the department and with Mr Lando one of the thing things that we would like to propose is that AP World History we would still want to run as an elective in those two years that we're not offering it as part of a graduation requirement so you can't double dip like right now kids can take um biology CP or Advanced bio and then they can go on later and take AP Bio but you can't necessarily like have it count as both right we're in that same position here if we're not off offering world history as the graduation require AP World as the graduation requirement for world history we can offer it as an elective so basically over the course of those two years we would offer AP World for students that hadn't yet taken it so if anyone has questions or anything I'm happy to answer them any questions Melly um thank you for this i' I've always been doubtful of freshman taking AP classes especially like you said there's no really on boarding for them um but I mean guilty is charge my daughter is currently taking it I didn't let my older kids take it that's another I'm digressing anyway um so I do like the new SE SE sequencing I like the fact that as freshman year there is the option to have an honors level class for these students that really do need a little more challenge when they reach high school so I appreciate that um and then I'm curious to see what will happen to the AP scores the future when they're not taking it as freshman as opposed to taking it when they're maybe a little more prepared for it so I I really I think this is great and and I support it and thank you and just on that to to respond I don't have the numbers off the top of my head I do know that largely though across the country AP World History is taken by Juniors and seniors and so it'd be interesting to compare what that data looks like in comparison so I appreciate that thank you and having kids that are in college that have gotten credits for AP most of the universities don't accept it unless you get a four or five so if we can get those kids to it's valuable for the students to have those classes when they get to college so credits thanks anyone else this was great Mr Marley thank you so much very supportive thank you Mr merley and next up we are going to talk a little bit about high school final exams and that is Miss jando thank you thank you for having me always a pleasure to be here um I wanted to talk about final exams and uh the recommendation that we've come up with I think collectively as an Administration as our teachers and as our students as well um so in the fall um I met with the teachers in the high school and I gave them a survey about a number of different topics and one of those was at the time we were talking about midterms and finals um and on the lyer scale 78 of them answered about what they thought and one was that exam served no purpose and the five was that they provide valuable data about and and experience for our students and you can see here um that the large majority of our teachers when we look at the numbers uh felt that uh that exam exams were valuable you see the four and the five at that 73% and so on down the line so um we delved a little bit more into those conversations throughout the year um and so the feedback that is summarized here from the staff members you can see is largely positive about their thoughts about bringing back exams we did do away with them um during covid um and we haven't brought them back yet um so you can see here their thoughts preparation for the future keeping students engaged in those last few weeks or that last month of school thinking about what they know across the year or across a semester helping them to develop better um cumulative test taking skills learning more about what they're learning and how they're learning um and then giving them different uh formats of exams to give to uh assess their knowledge in different ways um at the bottom you see the one drawback that they noted which was adding to Stress and Anxiety potentially um but again those are things that we have in house where we work with the kids if we eliminate that all together it doesn't give the kids an opportunity to start working through that um so a couple of uh great quotes from our teachers um you can see here it's about going on to the next pathway um a lot of our students are going onto college um and our teachers are expressing the idea that in doing that without giving them the experience of taking a cumulative exam here we might be doing them a disservice and if they're not going to college there are also opportunities for them out in the workforce or in other areas Pathways that they're exploring where this type of preparation is also important um we're talking with our teachers about the different ways that we can assess students um and that again these are different data points that help us understand not only their learning but our teaching um and then again learning to cope with those nerves learning to manage your anxiety and your stress around something that can be difficult can be very important not just for college but as we all know um in life I've spoken with the students in my principal advisory committee the ninth and 10th grade one in the 11th and 12th um and as they've said to me well nobody's dying to take an exam right nobody's like nobody's like yes an exam um but they're also on the flip side of that understanding that it is valuable for them um they talked about the idea of different subject areas assessing them in different ways um and then they also talked about the idea that it should be worth enough to make you study but not enough that it crushes your grade and your spirit so um and they also were hopeful that if we decide decided to move forward with implementing exams um that we could have some sort of test prep because they've never experienced that especially the kids who are going to be seniors to suddenly have this idea that I need to now do this without any prep was pretty daunting for them so they were in favor of that um some of their com comments you know definitely stressful but will I be prepared right is it something that I'll be ready for in the future back to that idea of different ways of learning not just that we're memorizing the information but we're finding different ways of assessing what students know um and then as I just said having a way to prep for that or review ahead of time um was definitely something that they're interested in uh so the recommendation moving forward was that we do bring back final exams but final exams only and not midterms and finals and the rationale behind that is that it's the content that we want to see what they know but it's also really the experience of taking the exam um so the proposed guidelines would be that they would have an exam um in every course except for PE and health that comes directly from the kids they told me that they are assessed in PE throughout that they run the mile um and they do the beep test and all those things they so they did not feel that they needed to have that as well um and they also felt that that would give them of an off period if they don't have an option for studying um each course will give a common assessment and that's in line with the work that the supervisors have been doing around authentic assessment and Common Assessment so each course us one English n that would have a common assessment that is the same across all of those sections um semester one courses since we're only doing finals would a lot two class periods because we're envisioning 90 to two hour exam 90 minute to two hour exams we're looking at 10% for the total and then students who sit for the AP exam will be exempt from the final exam um because they're achieving that same goal of having studied a large amount of material for an exam they have to sit for the exam they can't just register for the exam so that'll be a Nuance that we make sure they understand um the goal here would be to give students a varied experience and types of summit of Assessments some of the work that our teachers have already been doing in small groups by department is talking about the format or formats that make the most sense for their discipline so they've done that small group work that initial planning period um so for instance some history teachers were meeting together and they were talking about doing dbqs and essays because that matches the authentic assessment that they're doing in the class um performance-based assessment might happen happen in science where they're doing an extended lab and they do some analysis there so the long-term goal would be that every subject area would give something different and then across that whole Spectrum students would be getting a wide variety of opportunity to show what they know uh our key takeaways are that we all believe that ex exams can be beneficial they would focus on content and experience um we would have the those vared assessments that I just discussed we're still talking about exactly what the schedule would look like there'd have to be considerations for seniors um I know that there's you know conversations around the new contract so I don't want to say that we're ready to do it one way and then we'd have to change it later on but again it's 90 minutes to two a two-hour block or exam and there are a number of different ways that teachers have proposed to do that so I think if we have the go-ahead ultimately we could determine what makes the most sense um and then we would definitely be looking to provide the students with that transition period of having that prep work and that prep period that they're looking for um so that is that if there are any questions I'm happy to answer them I want to thank you for this presentation um and thank you for speaking to the teachers and for the kids to get their feedback on it and getting their buy into this because exams they are important me I see with my own kids some of my two older ones took exams my younger one didn't but College also does the exams in all different ways there's a lot of group projects there's individual testing so this is this looks wonderful and I'm really I'm happy to see that final exams are back because they do provide um they provide good information for everybody and it is a good life skill for the kids to have so thank you agreed thank you thank you anyone else just I concur I think I'm excited that they're coming back so thank you for doing this and I like the structure it seems like very well thought out and a lot of um stakeholders were considered so I appreciate that thank you thank you anyone else Mr Cory I just want to say you were answering my the questions in my head as you were going through the presentation so that was fantastic like the semester one Logistics that's a problem that comes up it's something you managed it's this seems well thought out and I wish everybody luck thank you anyone else so what we're going to do is this will be uh added into the program of studies yeah um and then uh they'll go over it with the students and staff um in September so everybody's prepared for it for next next year and in terms of developing the schedule again we'll we'll start we'll tackle that once the contract is approved by the gr and the board and then um that'll be added into the program studies as well but for the the existing freshman through Juniors and eighth graders you will have final exams next next year um and you can thank Mr your yeah that's right that's right yes congratulations thank you I'm gonna point out their peers [Laughter] who thank you Mr trando all right the next presentation is about daily announcements at the middle and high school and that will be Mr qac again good evening again um I'm going to be talking a little bit about daily announcements uh for the Glenrock middle school and high school so we have a proposal here we go um what we'd like to do is have the students produce daily announcements that are then posted on our YouTube page and these are made by the teachers in a home room type setting for the students during the class day so what this does is increas the amount of visibility for school activities and achievements currently we have announcements that go out over the PA system every morning so at the start of that first block at 7:50 when class starts you actually have about two to three minutes of announcements so if I teach that first block I've now lost two to three minutes so what we're looking to do is build in time in that day when the teachers can then play that so it gives us a centralized platform where all of our announcements are located so if someone wants to miss something all of those announcements are available showcases what our students are able to do and empowers the student voice because this is a student-led production just like our famous world famous show Charleston in charge it's one of our student Le Productions um it also Fosters that student wide engagement in community bringing everyone into what we're doing and it provides students with that real world learning experience of what it's like to work in a TV studio and produce a Daily Show so how do we go about doing this on the left you can see our current 58 minute schedule starts at 750 day ends at 256 58 minute schedules with four minutes of passing time what we're looking to do is take one minute from each of the blocks and put that at the start of block two the reason we put it at the start of block two is seniors who have option come in at the start of block to and that's when the daily attendance is taken so what we would do is that gives the teachers time to take attendance it's a seven minute addition to that block and it also gives them time to play a five to six minute daily announcements that the students produce so all we're doing is taking that one minute from each class so it's seven minutes total but as I said earlier two to three minutes from that first block is already being absorbed every day for announcements so we're really only moving four minutes at this time so this is what our schedule would look like and as I said these are Middle School and High School announcements so it's not just for a high school students it's to build that entire sense of community we're one building we're all in the same space we share classrooms we share teachers so it's one building that we're going to be representing so how do we go about doing this um when we move forward it will be for the 2425 school year we're looking for about 12 to 18 students that will sign up for an independent study so it'll be a semester's class that will be held throughout the whole school year so how do we accomplish doing that if I go back to our schedule you'll see in the new schedule there's a block Zero from 728 to 7 uh from 720 to 748 28 minutes if you double that it's 56 minutes which is one under that 57 minute schedule that we're looking for so the class will meet during that zero period for 28 minutes they'll produce the announcements part of it will be taped live in the morning part of it will be field packages that are already produced by other classes so it'll be a combination of everything from our media program students will have designated roles we have executive producers segment producers onair talent and what they will do is produce that Daily Show that goes out so these students will in 2425 signed up for an independent study as I said semester course that runs over the full year in 26 will add to the program of studies as a daily announcements course that will also be semester course that's run throughout the full year so what we're going to watch now is about a 2 minute 20 minute production um it does not have the Pledge of Allegiance which will be done every morning and it doesn't have what I'll call segment five that's the second to last part of the presentation this is where we would preview different things that are going on in Glenrock just give me one second before you hit play thank you uh so some examples these were student generated ideas Mondays could be Mondays with Administration Tuesdays could be the TV music media drop where they talk about different things that are going on publicizing different pieces of content that have been created uh Wednesday weather terrific Thursday highlighting staff and student achievements of different things that are going on acts of kindness academic and athletic achievements and Friday could be what's going on around Glenrock for the weekend publicizing different events not only with the school but in the community itself so we're looking to build that larger sense of community so this is a brief presentation of what [Music] this good morning Le middle and high school I'm your lead Anker JY and I'm your co- Anor Casper wusi and you're watching gr News Today is Monday April 29th 24 and it is a day two in the rotation schedule and now for your morning announcements the grhs photography students work will be showcased at the Glenrock library from May 4th to May 27th there will be an artist reception hosted by the friends of Glenrock on May 5th from 2: to 4 p.m. all are invited to attend this event and enjoy the amazing artwork on display seniors please check the schoolly page for athletic scholarship applications please print these applications and hand deliver them directly to Mary Wallace in the high school gym no later than 3 p.m. on May 6 2024 no applications will be considered any questions contact Mary Wallace via email at Wallace M glenrocknj.org the next meeting of the ice Club will be Wednesday May 1st at 7:30 p.m. in the wellness center check the club schooly page for more details please contact Mr volcano with any questions and to wrap up our announcements we have a tasty treat for you courtesy of the cafeteria on May 3rd we will be serving breakfast starting at 7:30 a.m. it'll consist of freshly made waffles with a variety of yummy toppings for you to enjoy so definitely check that out [Music] now for some sports congratulations to the varsity baseball team for being one of the four undefeated teams left in North Jersey a huge shout out to our girls lacrosse team on their amazing senior night in a 10 to9 Victory against mville great job ladies and boys lacrosse our senior Panther Parker dup scored his 100th Career Point leading to the team to a 134 win against Riverdale out a boy Parker and finally make sure to votee track star Harrison wartle for being nominated for athlete of the week let's go Panthers before we sign off do you want to get your story on gr news Well we want to hear from you scan the QR code below and let us know what's good in and around our community please check schooly for any updates of announcements and don't forget to check us out on social media you can find us at Glenrock media on YouTube Instagram and Tik Tok this is Julia ly and I'm Castor mjusi thanks for tuning in have a great day Glenrock go Panthers [Music] so that's our proposal for daily announcements for the 2425 school year question first Mr kusac I do want to thank you for taking off Charleston in charge because I cannot watch myself on on TV so is much appreciated previewing the next episode of Charleston in charge was the segment five yeah but we did take that out I used my my superintendent uh Power and said please take that out I I I yeah it's hard for me even though my biggest fan is here um I still can't do that but I do uh before we get to any questions um as the board's aware in the community um this it the the TV uh Studio was part of the referendum we're we're we've been expanding it um you know every year and I think this is really another big step forward uh for our students we have a wonderful teacher that's running the program um Mr Cusack and and Mr yando are also doing an outstanding job in in mentoring and moving the program forward and we're excited about um the opportunity this this presents for our students so thank you for putting this together thank you anybody have any questions comments so I I love it and you know I'm a big fan of all these Productions um and the students and and completely agree about building Community my only question would be if there was an opportunity to do it a different time um kind of a proponent of starting later in the day so having the kids arrive earlier I didn't know if there was more of an opportunity to do it at lunch or after school like instead of the morning I guess and uh one of the ideas that we've had in addition to playing it in the morning is to have it in the air teams on the TVs with closed captioning throughout the day um so I don't I don't know if there's a a way to right now to do it in the middle of the day but that's a way that we could incorporate it throughout the day you know a lot of what we some of us were hearing at um recent um board trainings was about just the benefits of a later St time improving academic mental physical outcomes so that's just why I raise it if it's just you know like the late night shows sometimes record well I guess not the day before but I just didn't know if there was an opportunity to record the day before later in the day versus them coming in first thing in the morning oh for the stud oh the students making the oh I see you're saying I love the change to the second block and having it run there I think that makes a lot of sense okay sorry I more about the the students have um I don't know I mean it's so this a media Club versus a course issue right and this is we're looking at this running as a course so the issue with running it during launch is that um depending upon the drop rotation day Miss V schedule she teaches both middle school and high school so she's teaching during on certain days during both of the lunches and then for after after school you run into students with sports other activities and things like that so again it it would be something where students would be signing up for it so they would be understanding but it's definitely something we can talk about so I think the um this is the first step in getting live announcements to our middle school and high school students and a learning opportunity for our for our our children um so we wanted to to tape it first uh so record it live and then later I think in the future um there's potential for it to actually run live during that block right we're just not we're not there yet we hope to get there soon but I think for at least this upcoming year um this gives our students the best chance for success in terms of running the announcements I just want to say that that I I agree with Stephanie's concern we sat through several presentations down at school boards on the benefit of a later start time and I know that it's a trend that seems to be happening in New Jersey and not to take away from this because it is wonderful I just wish there was a way to do it that it wasn't 7:20 in the morning because their research backs up the fact that kids need more sleep whether they sign up for it or not I mean they still get if they could have a not a 720 class time I think that would that would be for for the best interest of the kids thank you m scell so theoretically speaking if this board or Administration ever did move to starting the school day later this would hopefully not be at 7:20 maybe it would be at 8 o'clock so that would also move too so um I'm glad that it's voluntary and not everyone has to be here at 7:20 that was that was nice to see because when we got the presentation we didn't have any of the details of what was going on um but I would hope that we could you know slide it back if we ever got to the point where we were able to adjust our school day St time thanks anyone else kin I just want to say I think it's a really exciting development and I'm excited to um see you come to fruition and hear about this from the kids in the community because I think they're going to love being on YouTube and having the chance to be in front of camera one of the things that the kids have said in my meetings with them is that they really are craving and looking for ways to feel more connected and their idea wasn't this in particular but it was what are ways that we can highlight more of the things going on in the school the sporting events the other activities so I think this feels a need that they're expressing as well thank you and just for my point of view kids tend to get up when it's something that they're interested in and these seem like kids that really are interested in this so I don't think it'll be a problem either way so thank you all right so next up is another group of people to talk to you about stuff uh we're moving to Old business so these are things that we've talked about a little bit in the past a month ago I gave you a preview of a presentation about elementary phonics programs and I told you that this month we would have some more knowledgeable people coming in to talk to you about this so we have Ed Thompson we have Christal lroy Kristen Gomez Sher cres and Rebecca tell to talk to you about our update for phonics for the PA oh hi good evening that's better um my name is Chrystal L I'm the principal at Central School I had those Cuties here this morning I mean this this evening um so we're just going to give you a quick update and I am in charge of talking about the timeline so this started almost a year and a half ago in January when we had initial discussions with Elementary principles the literacy code the K12 supervisor and teachers February the committee met with teachers from all four buildings March through June we kind of did our own professional development learning about lots of different programs from that we decided to kind of shift the pilot to K3 only at this time and November to December we chose pilot teachers and we just chose um had those pilot teachers trained we had two um programs that were chosen Sunday and phonic first we had them going on in each of the four schools K through three from January to current they are finishing out the year teaching those programs the committee met teachers principles to come up with a decision and we have made that decision and are looking forward to the professional development and pushing this forward I'm not going to tell you what it is because the people behind me are going to although you can read it so in addition to the body of research that supports the value of explicit phonics instruction in early literacy development our teachers were also expressing a need and desire to find an implemented program that would increase student transfer of Knowledge and Skills to decode and end code proficiently we knew that this meant finding something that would allow teachers to deepen their understanding understanding grow pedagogical approaches and be responsive to their student needs all while providing a structured scope and sequence consistent across the district from this we developed the goal of identify a cohesive research-based phonics program for all elementary schools when forming the phonics word study committee it was important that voices from a variety of stakeholders be included the elementary school principal surveyed their staff for interest based on those results they worked together to form a committee that represented the broad spectrum of students that we serve this committee is composed of general education teachers from kindar through fifth grade as well as Elementary special education teachers reading Specialists and members of the child study team after forming the committee we met several times to review program materials and meet with with Consultants ultimately a decision was made to Pilot two programs in kindergarten through third grade for the 2023 24 school year we'd like to thank everyone on the committee for their hard work and insight especially the kindergarten through third grade teachers who participated in the pilot this year they have welcomed multiple observers into their classrooms throughout this time and have provided us with constant feedback good evening so the committee considered about seven different programs including fundations hegerty uh 95% group spellography Sunday in phonic first um we scheduling permitted our teachers on the committee join calls with reps from the various companies to get an overview of the programs uh learn about the PD the materials Etc and based on those presentations as Rebecca shared Sunday and phonic first were the two programs that were chosen phonic first is a multisensory systematic structured and sequential phonics based program directed at at risk struggling learning disable dyslexic and elll readers uh hits both the tier one and tier 2 levels teachers like the phonic first program for the multisensory emphasis as well as the PD provided uh teachers uh that uh piloted that program learned a lot about how to teach phonics even apart from how to use the program itself and the PD requirement consists of 30 hours self-paced and product and practice based the Sunday program also systematic and structured is Orton Gillingham based it's a multisensory program uh strategies are built in it's a k to 5 program uh even though we're going to focus on the K to 3 next year teachers like the scope and sequence and the lesson plan structure the minimal daily planning for for teachers and the lessons available fully online the PD requirement for Sunday is one full day and it's product based so why Sunday when finalizing our programming decision we wanted to ensure that we picked something that equips students and teachers for success Sunday system Essentials is a simple and effective way to bring multi-sensory phonics instruction into the classroom it provides straightforward and explicit instruction through lessons that are designed to support the national reading panel's five components of reading additionally its frequent data collection helps teachers quickly identify students that could benefit from additional support which could take the form of small group or onetoone instruction what's more Sunday allows Learners to understand the interconnected of reading spelling and writing once our Pilots um programs were up and running in our um K through three classrooms we started to get feedback from teachers and you'll see on the right of the of this slide um some of the themes that came up when we um asked for feedback from our pilot teachers um was that they almost immediately started to see transfer from the phonics work to students reading and writing they also noted that once they were able to get um through the initial learning of routines for each of the programs students really took to those routines well um they they adopted them quickly and students started to actually like the routine and kind of predict um and liked that part of their day and part of their schedule um a lot of our teachers noted and commented on the easy imple implementation um the minimal prep that went along with Sunday um and also high levels of student engagement um so we're going to talk next about the professional development that will go along with the adoption of this program as well as what's next for teachers and students in grades four and five um so our timeline roll out for our um phonic program in grades K through three is that we will train all of our K through3 teachers on the Sunday program um and we hope to implement this in September of 2024 um our goal is to train all of our home room teachers as well as well as our special education teachers and our four reading Specialists um Sunday actually has an intervention piece to the program um and we are looking into how our special education teachers and how our reading Specialists would maybe use that as an additional resource to provide specific and tiered intervention to our students who are either at risk or already identified as needing more support um the professional development um that we plan to have or provide will be hopefully take place on the openings of school um and it will be with a consultant from Sunday and hopefully be on site to provide that um in addition some of the things that we spoke to committee members as well as as an administrative team spoke about in terms of um how to successfully successfully roll this out um one of the things we want to do as we wrap up this spring is do a training audit audit of all our teachers and grades K through three as well as our special Educators and reading Specialists and what we mean by that is to just kind of take um an audit of who has what type of training we're L we're in a lucky position where many of our teachers already have some level of multisensory reading um training whether it's 30 hours or some even have two years worth of a certification um so we really would like to go through and decipher who has what type of training and then design the Sunday training based on that audit um our phonics committee members who piloted this year um and also contributed to the selection of the program would also be available and part of the ongoing professional learning that we um plan to provide um Sunday itself provides ongoing support throughout the school year um in the form of online courses and other other scaffolded support that we can design along the way um we also discussed having regular District based supports such as grade level meetings um cross District visits from classroom to classroom where teachers can go into a colleagues classroom and watch the program play out um and then also Sunday comes with a nice um a built-in component of for assessment so once we get up and running um an idea would be to also hold grade level meetings where we're looking at data in real time and talking about what areas in our instruction and in our teaching could potentially be areas for further professional development so we've talked a lot about what we're going to be doing for our K3 teachers but our four five teachers were among those who are most enthusiastic about getting a phonics program into our classrooms um but as as you all prob I've said this before the market around these products is changing really fast and right now there are a lot of offerings K through two there are a whole bunch that go up to three um but there there are far fewer that roll all the way to four or five they start becoming more tiered interventions right like a lot of these programs offer tier two tier three at grades four and five and so what we decided was after reviewing all those programs last year and our four and five teachers being on those calls nothing nothing felt quite right to them just yet and so we said we're going to put a pin in four five for now and let's roll out for K3 and do the and do the pilot with K3 and so that was what we did um the plan for next year is to just replicate that pilot with four five because even in a year the market has changed quite a bit there are more products available and now with the PD that our K through3 teachers have gotten and will be getting we're going to have a better idea of what our four five students and teachers are going to need um so we're basically going to replicate this year's timeline with fourth and fifth grade we're going to review programs over the summer we're going to continue to review programs because that's kind of already started we're going to narrow it down and plan the pilot We'll order supplies we'll arrange the PD September through December and then ideally we'll begin teaching with those pilot materials in January in 4 five just like we did with K through 3 we will definitely pilot snde in 4 five after seeing how it went in K3 and seeing how much our teachers liked it and how much our students liked it um we decided that it makes sense to to if we can adopt a single program K through five that would be ideal um but if it doesn't work for 45 we're open to that too and so we're hoping to Pilot at least one other program to see to to sort of comparison shop and see what else is out there and see what might work for our our students and our teachers um the costs for starting the program are already budgeted for they were budgeted for for the 2425 school year we projected these costs back when we started started ordering these materials if we stay with Sunday for 4 five um there's no the price does not go up based based on grade so it's the same um Sunday is an entirely or almost entirely online system so the the model is subscription based based by on teacher and classroom that assessment piece is built in that data Gathering is built in um and so there's the the yearly fee of like renewing um there's the PD that we'll pay for at the beginning of the year and potentially throughout with Sunday if we decide that we need it and then if we roll it up to 45 the costs will be the same for 45 but we'll budget for that in this year for next um thank you guys very much if you have any questions about any of this I've got a whole team of people who can help help me answer them um but we're really excited to get this get this rolling for our students and our teachers thank you and thank you to the whole team um a year ago they came more than a year ago they came to me and said we we need to start talking about this more seriously and so I put them on it this is this is our team so if you have questions about it uh this is phonic is not my world I was a high school teacher and this is their world so if you have questions now is the time to ask them again not a question a comment um just thank you thank you to the entire Team Echo of the things that were shared earlier um I a huge fan of whorton Gillingham so I love to see that that's the foundation that the kids will be learning from I think it's going to be beneficial for everyone U because I believe and maybe this is a question uh learning sens through sensory multi-sensory helps all kids it doesn't so it'll help the atrisk ones but then everyone can learn that way so that's why it's a nice kind of marriage in the classroom absolutely thanks thank you anyone else thank you very much thank you is there anybody next thank you very much um and and I also want to thank as they said the committee of of teachers that have put in a lot of time on this um I've been in a number of the classes to observe this and see how it's going I saw some phonics first I saw some zai and uh they had a they had a parade of people coming through their classrooms to see what's going on so we really do appreciate their openness and they're they're willing to work with us um and and I appreciate all of you coming out tonight those of you who are done you know run obviously um we have a few more things here Mr mlli is going to come back up and talk about no place for hate and uh then I think he will be excused for the night too so we're we're getting them out of here hi again thank you um so as you're aware we began the process last spring of exploring partnering with the Anti-Defamation League to become a no place for hate school um being a no place for hate school is a one-year designation so essentially what happens is um there's a committee that is basically driven by students where they look at and assess culture and try to promote inclusivity they look at anti-bully buling um and really looking at respect for schoolwide activities that affect all students so the whole idea is to design these activities and really do what we can to um make sure every student has an opportunity to engage in conversation around these themes um when Mr J Lando and I started putting together a committee um at the end of last school year what we were really trying to do was tap into the good work that was already happening here we didn't want just another initiative we wanted to try to expand um and really unite a lot of the ideas that students already had um so ultimately we have a committee that is made of um administrators community members faculty members and students and the student committee is representatives from the Asian Culture Club the Jewish Student Union Alliance the black student union the social justice club and the Middle School peer leadership group um and essentially that group of students has worked together to design a series of different activities that were schoolwide over the course of the year um some of the highlights include in the awing you can see there's the no place for hate pledge that all students um in the middle and high school signed and we've got their signatures up basically saying I will stand up and not be a bystander in the face of hate or bullying um we had a lesson analyzing the legacy of Martin Luther King day um and students debriefed in small groups um for seniors it was in their health classes and for um 6 through 11 was in their social studies classes um and in June what I think we're all most excited about is we're hosting um for students um what we're calling the community fair so ultimately students from all clubs in the school were invited to host a booth as well as with Community organizations that work toward inclusivity and Justice um so groups such as cran and Glenrock Pride were invited the League of Women Voters um the religious communities of Glenrock where they would host booes to teach students about their culture the mission of their organization um and so that is slated for June 6th and right now we already have a good group of um uh both external groups and student clubs that have signed up um and on May 22nd we have a contingent of students and faculty that are going to NYU to the Anti-Defamation League's no place for hate end of year celebration for uh lower New York and Northern New Jersey because we have gotten word that we officially will be designated a no place for hate school for the 23 24 school year which is very exciting so um really I need to applaud all the committee members and especially the students because it's been their ideas that we've just helping we've been helping to facilitate and come to life so um I have to also of course thank Mr Lando because we've been Partners in this um and again the kids because they've really been driving it thank you and Mr merley we we want to thank you because you've been heading a lot of these things and doing a lot of really good work for the school so thank you very thank you appreciate that thank you Mr merley okay so next up to talk about challenge success and ruler is Dr Daniel good evening everyone I just want to provide you an update on our Challenge sucess and ruler program so as you're aware ruler program is our partnership with Yale University um it's based in the elementary and the middle schools um last year all faculty and staff in the elementary schools were trained and the program was launched into the classrooms this year parents additionally receive monthly reviews that's of uh what's happening in the classroom and the lessons and how they can Implement them in their home in early April the Elementary School counseling team hosted a mini ruler evening at Central School where parents um from all four elementary schools were invited to learn more about the ruler program and then they br branched out into smaller groups where they learned um specifics on the mood meter and the classroom Charter this evening served as a mini event we're going to host a larger event when the new school year begins where both parents and students will be invited the Middle School faculty and staff continue to work on learning the ruler approach and they will also plan their roll out this summer into the classrooms for next year so our challenge success program is our partnership with Stanford for the high school the team is comprised of the administration uh members of the teach uh the teaching staff students and parents the goal for challenge success is to prioritize well-being engagement and a sense of belonging in the community parents and students were surveyed earlier in the year some of those categories included health and stress academic Integrity parent expectations and homework load the students refer their CER uh survey using one of the five pilot plans that challenge success provides we chose the I wish pilot students were surveyed I wish and they had to answer questions on I wish my parents knew I wish my teachers knew and I wish my peers knew with the data from that survey the challenge success teams um are looking through the themes that would help focus our plans to suggest some small changes in our community just about two weeks ago members of our challenge success team went to Boston for the second Conference of the Year during this conference we collaborated with other schools that are partnered with challenge success some that are are in their first year just like us and some that have been working with challenge success for a number of years so we were able to collaborate with them and learn about some of the practices that they have been implementing and how we can kind of strategize and Implement them here as well thank you Dr Daniel any questions thank you very much thank you have a good night so we are going to go out of order a little bit again because we have one last presenter here and we want to get her home if we can and that is Dr McKay to give us an update on prek and Elementry autism program and then we'll return back to Old business with my last presentations unless Dr McKay would like to wait and and you would probably get on around 9:30 I will do what I'm told okay [Laughter] um hi everybody um so as we continue to plan for all of our programs at all of our levels over the course of the spring um it has come to our attention that we will have a change in our autism program numbers and in order to make it more evenly distributed with those numbers it's going to necessitate a splitting up our K2 autism class um so what the plan is is going to be taking that class our current full day preschool class will house our kindergarten population and then the current class the Kad 2 will actually become a one to three class and then our third and final class that houses our upper level elementary students will be 4 five um additionally we will be able to make our halfday preschool program a full day um this will allow the students to have greater access to an increase of time for instructional programming activities and related Serv Services they'll have an increased amount of attention and time to their individual needs and have a more consistent daily schedule within uh the following year transition to kindergarten um and finally just a quick update last Tuesday we hosted a parent Guardian information session for Rising grade six and nine parents um teachers CST discuss the programs and services at each of those respective levels and I'd also like just to thank our teachers CST Victoria and Michelle G Orlando for being such wonderful resources that night so any questions thank you Dr M appreciate your patience and thank you for everyone who presented tonight I think Dr Daniel I think you're done right have a good night we appreciate it okay thank you very much back to you Mr V yeah I have three more things or two um so last month I talked with you some about uh multi-tiered system of supports mtss I put some documents in backup so you can remember what I talked about um basically we we talked a couple of the folks with uh phonics we're talking about tiers of intervention it kind of is is part of our ver vernacular now tier one as you recall is is like for all students Universal support for all students tier two you're getting much more targeted some students small groups things like that tier three is much more intensive intervention um one of the the aspects of the MTS model mtss model is is that the there is built in the assumption that students are going to need intervention it's not an abnormal thing it's not a this kid is broken kind of thing it's a normal part of learning right just like we build buildings now with with ramps for Wheelchairs and for Access for everybody we assume some people have access problems have physical problems have physical needs we we assume that students have learning needs right we build that into to the educational program so that's a a fundamental part of the the tiers of instruction that we talk about and and our good teachers do that all the time our teachers are doing that all the time I see that I see that when they're pulling small groups I see that when they're doing extra help I see that when they're doing a lot of things and what I talked with you a little bit last time is when we're looking at this mtss across the district we're looking at systems we're looking at systematizing it so that that is built in all the time for all teachers and all students and we're supporting teachers and students in doing that so I described last time the appreciative inquiry which is a a strength based approach that we're using to look at what we're doing well what do we see happening well in the classrooms what do we see uh working for students what do we see is is going well and we we did a lot of work with that with my administrative team they worked with their staff we did surveys we did we did a lot of of that remember if you if you remember last time I talked about discovering and dreaming and designing and Destiny so we're starting in the dreaming phase we're starting in the designing phase and and as far as like what we want it to look like it's what I was talking about before a system right a system of supports for staff with clear roles a system of supports for students a strong system of assessment and reporting of progress so even he some of the about assessment today when we're talking about final exams when we're talking about uh co- teing when we're talking about the departmental work when we're talking about aligning social studies so that it's it's we're really understanding what students need assess as part of that so what we want to do and our first steps for the fall is really kind of focus on a couple things at the elementary level and the the first thing is to look at scheduling so there are a few things that that we really have been spent quite a bit of time over the last month or two on this is that we want to make sure that schedules are consistent from building to building if your student is at Coleman or your student is at Central you're getting the same the same educational structure same number of minutes of instruction same number of minutes of intervention or BSI or whatever it is that is and so we are working on what should those numbers of minutes be what is Equitable what is right how do we make sure that we're getting the same thing across the district one of the things that we hear all the time from especially the Elementary classroom teachers is there just isn't enough time right there isn't enough time to prep there isn't enough time to provide interventions there just isn't enough time and so we're looking at ways of being creative with time right we're looking at ways to get teachers more prep time so that they can plan for these interventions and support for students and we're looking at ways that we can build it into the class schedule so that there is time set aside for intervention periods so it's not by happen stance but it's by plan right and so we're looking at some of the other things that have been in teacher schedules um and making sure that this is what we want and then it's consistent from building to building grade to grade even within the same grade in the building one of the other things if I think about I want teachers to be able to do these tier one interventions with all students I want them to do um what you know be flexible and meet the students needs they need time to do it they need time to prep and they need support in in how to do that and so the other big shift that we're looking at is how do we provide coaching to these teachers currently we have two coaches in the district for elementary we have the literacy coach we have the math coach if that means that one coach is working with all of the teachers in the district doing math or all of the teachers with the district doing literacy that's 120 I think it is I can't remember off the top of my head I think it's about that and we think that we could shift that model to being much more of a a school-based model much more of a team-based model so that each school we have a team of people working together to provide interventions to provide enrichments to provide coaching to provide another person to to support students so we're looking at shifting that around um the same goes for you've heard me talk about it that we're looking at the edges I think we're doing a great job in the middle most kids are getting what they need but some of the kids are struggling and some of the kids are gifted and talented are getting enrichments but what else could we do with them and we think that if we brought that gifted and talented program into that team based model in a building it would really take take on New Life as well and support those students in in new ways in different ways so and then the last thing that that I want to talk about is um no I'm sorry that's that's where I left off on that so we're looking at as you have in your in your packet really talking about eight teaching positions right now so we have currently four media specialists in the elementary schools and they currently run the media center they do Media Center lessons you know with uh with students literacy lesson types of things and they also do the math basic skills instruction the math BSI we also have those two coaches that I talked about and then two gifted and talented teachers who each serve two buildings so they're split between two buildings also the gifted and talented teachers do the g&t pullout for those kids who are identified as gifted they also push in and do an enrichment period with classes so they'll go into a class once a week for nine weeks and then go to a different classes once a week for nine weeks Etc um and so every class gets that once a year for nine weeks and then one of those g&t teachers does our sixth grade math advancement we have a handful of kids in that this year I think it's five or six and next year we're looking at probably nine or 10 is is what we're looking at so what we're what we're proposing is changing some positions here so that the media Specialists the four of them continue doing the media centers continue doing those literacy pieces but they also are now going to do the g&t pullout and that enrichment period many many libraries over the last decade or two have turned towards kind of maker space enrichment technology things like that you heard Mr cusak talk earlier about the digital literacy standards that are coming from the state um they they're responsible for that and we think that with the enrichment period living there we might be able to provide a little bit more prep time for the classroom teachers not just once a week for nine weeks but but maybe more frequently than that we also think that as I said before if the person in the building is doing gifted and talented they can be collaborating with the other GI with the other teachers more often I'm working with this child in the G program here are other enrichment things you can do we're in the building we're together we're colleagues um might be a little bit more flexible and supportive of gifted and talented for the coaches and the g&t teachers we want to create a new position there' be one at each building that would be Elementary coaches that we're calling intervention strategies coaches so their job would be shifting from that literacy or math coaching to how do we support this how do we support intervention how do we support tier one supports in the classroom be part of that inrs team be part of the how do we support them with tier two and three coordinate with special education and with the special Leed teachers in the building be a person in that building to coach a team of people that are working with the kids I think I've said this before but if you think about like an athletic coach you could have you know Mr Weinberg who was here before he's the coach of all of these people right and coordinating the team and getting everybody on on the team but you also could have an individual coach I am a shotput coach right working with one kid and I think our model right now is kind of working on one thing at a time and I want a coach that's working with a team that we're all working together a group that I'm in their their tagline is something like the smartest person in the room is the room right so let's let's get them in a room and let's let's work on building those teams in each building is what we're looking at that Coach would also have to do would have to pick up some of the student work that the the other folks are doing right now so it looks like the the best fit for that would be the B math BSI um which also makes sense if I'm working with a kid who needs math intervention I can also work with that kids classroom teacher right and we can coordinate we can all work together as a team and then one of them would pick up that sixth grade math advancement and it would probably be at one of the schools that has a smaller population so that that the balance is there so that's where we're looking um our next steps on this for elementary oh the first step is we have to get the right people there we have to get the people in the buildings we have to build this out we don't have a lot of the details about exact minutes and who does exactly what and other people might need to pitch in um but we have to design that together right I don't want to be the person outside designing something and telling people exactly what and how and where it's going but we need to work on this together but the first step is getting getting the people there getting the positions defined getting this in order um we will continue to work on this together moving into that Destiny phase of how do we Empower how do we learn how do we adjust how do we improve last time Dr Charleston and I both said that this is going to be a multi-year process looking at mtss and building this out um but the first step is getting getting the team together getting those through um and then you can see some notes about middle and high school you heard some of that talking about differentiation strategies assessment practices department meetings middle school teams we've been talking about that a lot we'll continue with that and then as a district we're going to start turning towards those tier two and tier three interventions right how are we really meeting um outside of the classroom before they're going off to be a special education referral how are we supporting how are we meeting their needs so that's it in a nutshell happy to take questions on it um thank you for that um my question just and maybe you maybe you haven't maybe it's not really a big question but I'm just wondering into this proposed structure who do these individuals like report to I know the principal is in charge of the building but I know you also said we want to make sure it's kind of the same throughout the district so how how are they going to be reported to so the media Specialists will continue to report to the actually they they the media Specialists currently report to Mr CAC and the coaches currently report to me and it would be the same okay um the difference would be g&t also reports to Mr cusac and and we would be redefining that so they would be coaches anyone else Miss Stevenson so the new the intervention coaching positions they're going to be working with the staff and this with coming up with strategies like if they're part of an inrs team and they'll be working with the kids just for math BSI just okay y so they'd be working with both yeah they may need to numbers wise they may need to help out a a bit with the g&t right but predominantly it would be the coaching the teachers and the math BSI then the media Specialists would they be given training in g&t teaching or PD because it's a little right Abol so the the plan is getting this moving this spring working with with all of these folks figure out all the unknown knowns and the known unknowns all of those kinds of things figure out what we need to do over the summer bringing in folks to do PD curriculum writing for the enrichment all of those kinds of things absolutely and then the coaches just one more question are they a part of the G yes they are okay anyone else right all right I have two two more fairly short things under new business um first one is middle school science books so I mentioned this a while ago because you approved earlier this year a team of Middle School teachers to look at some new textbooks and the reason for that is that Inspire science the text that we use now it's a subscription model and it expires this year I think it was a five or six year uh purchase and so rather than just renewing it we wanted to look to see what else is out there so Mr Valentin and a committee reviewed looks like four programs Inspire science ey science amplify science open S Ed and uh they narrowed it down to a couple amplifying openai Ed and chose openai Ed by the name you might guess it is an open source software so it is um it is available at low cost to districts which is kind of nice so we're going to be piloting that next year it did have a it's aligned to the Next Generation science standards it has an a rating from Edward reports um it's an open educational resource and um the program materials and downloadblurred on May 20th and then the last thing that will also be on the May 20th agenda um Dr Daniel sent me um some groups some group work for the middle schoolers that the counselors have arranged um we've done this at least the last two years I think of these Middle School groups so there are two that they're proposing one is a leadership group for seventh and eth graders um it' be six weeks long to promote leadership qualities self-discovery those kinds of things and then there'll be a sixth grade group for incoming sixth graders it's a three-week group about a confident transition into middle school so I I know that the counselors have run these in the last few years and they're they're very well received actually we have parents and students asking already are they are they going to run it again this summer so we'll have that for your consideration on the May 20th agenda as well any questions comments Mr actually seeing the Middle School summer group made me think of what we did last year I believe with the um the summer reading we got away from two years ago and so so I'm wondering and Mr J was gone but um bringing back finals is there and you don't have to answer this now because I just throwing that's that you wasn't on the agenda but um is there a thought in in mind for some summer bringing back summer work for the kids in some capacity we have not talked about that lately but it it's something that will come up especially for as you said summer work not somewhere reading we'll we'll be working through that soon y yep anyone else all right so all right this means we can go backwards back to um Personnel yeah so and most of these are related to me which is why I'm commment Dearing it um so what's that off I am that's right I'm on a roll um so the first two so these job descriptions that we're we're looking at um for May 20th so you know that we've been working over the last several months at just revising job descriptions that are that are outdated or old so the first two on here are those so that's Elementary counselor and school nurse um they're just they're old so we had Dr Daniel work with her staff look over it what is the actual job that they're doing now it has changed over time and these are more reflective of that so therefore your consideration for for next time um just to update it so there's there's nothing uh nothing connected what I was just talking about there the next ones are all connected to what I was just talking about with mtss so the first one to revise is the school library media specialist and there are really two revisions to that two significant revisions the first is to add to the middle school high school job description the seminar class that Mr cusac was talking about before because as he said that person will be the one teaching it so we we added that and then adding pardon me to the elementary portion of it the gifted and talented in the enrichment um BSI is something they've been doing for the last number of years but it's actually not in the old job description so uh it's worth updating and making sure it's clear there um the next two which are new job descriptions one is the intervention strategy coach that I talked about so there'd be one of those in each building and that includes as I described the coaching and then also the math BSI perhaps helping with g&t the next new one this is a little quirky so bear with me it's a new position Middle School gifted and talented teacher all right we're not really changing anything Middle School gifted and talented we didn't have a job description for it we had one job description which was gifted and talented teacher and it was mostly written to cover Elementary stuff and didn't really include middle school stuff so we re wrote it as a middle school g&t teacher that is currently two teaching periods that we cover through an overage actually two different people have overages for for that so it will remain covered through an overage and we've defined what the middle school g&t job looks like that's why it's a new position but a job description but it's not it's it just didn't have one before under abolish we have the elementary lit coach and the math specialist um those are the job descriptions that we would be abolishing because we're replacing it with the strategy coaches and then it also says abolish gift and talented teacher that's the old one that was bad it was sort of written for elementary but not really and so Those portions of it that were Elementary are incorporated into the New Media specialist job description so please read over those uh they are there for your backup and we will be asking for your approval on the 20th thank you does anybody have anything I I'm just assuming that all the people that had those job titles was aware what we're doing here tonight I have talked with all of them or the principles have talked with them okay great thank you yes they they did not find out because they were on the agenda no I I spoke with um I spoke with most of them and um others others were spoken to by either Mr Cusack or their principles Dr Charleston I'm all done now all right M relle so we put in uh in backup uh the it would about a month ago we presented the district communication plan which was a board of ed goal um so now you've had that for about four weeks uh we would like to put that on the May 20th agenda for approval um to cement that the board has met that goal for the year so if there's any uh edits or questions or comments um please let us know so we could uh either have a discussion or put that into the plan but we would like to have this on the May 20th agenda for approval do anybody have any comments on the district plan sorry I have one comment I I don't know if it really fits here but I just wanted to raise it is there an opportunity to include in the plan some kind of I don't know rubric or track or something to let people know I feel like we talk about it often when you have a concern who to go to but oftentimes people are like go to the board of ed with this issue but we know that they're we really not the first step so I don't know if the communications plan is the right spot for it but if we can somehow put a little road map on like how to address things um also yeah so I'll certainly talk with the director community relations about incorporating that it is on the the district website it is on the board of education page the board policy of chain of command um in all of my years in administration no one follows it um whether it's it's uh it's you know front and center or not but um we uh certainly can see if we can include that in there or even highlight it better on the on the District page right anybody else nope all right I think that brings us to Mr canel fisal management thank you so if you remember back when I was appointed theba we had to uh petition the uh Department of Community Affairs to extend the qualified purchasing agent status that had been here in your previous ba uh for one year um unfortunately that one year wasn't enough to get me to July 1st so we asked them for an extension for two months they gave us an extension for another year so you'll see that on the next uh agenda that there is an appointment um under the existing statute that allows uh districts that had a previous uh qualified purchasing agent continue with those bid thresholds the second thing you'll find on our on our agenda uh for next Action meeting is a new um HB HP Notebook lease and that is for our staff and staff and uh uh Administration here at the high school and middle school um it was budgeted for it came in uh flaton uh so we're in good shape there moving forward I think it's 190 uh notebooks uh for approximately $269,000 over four years you'll also find on our next Action meeting uh the renewal of our agreement with ESS for substitutes and AIDS uh some major changes um is that our AIDS will be receiving a 3% increase over to 23 24 rates they'll also be given three sick days um all other terms are consistent all of these terms have in fact been included in our budget including budgeting for the three6 days when we're going to have to get substitute AES um our sub agreement with ESS really saw no material changes from this year um we will also have uh the award of um uh a a roofing contract under the rod grants uh actually for the roof that is just above us where we sit um we are doing it under a Cooperative Contracting um and the bid came slightly over I think we have to make up something like $8,000 uh but it will be for the most part a restoration except for a complete rebuild I believe on that end uh of the room so we should be in fairly good shape there and that work will get done uh during the summer um and if you remember from the last time we talk our talked our other Rod Grant which was for the Coleman school um which saw a change in scope it was initially thought to be a restoration it's winding up to be a complete replacement and so we have to get our engineers and what have you involved so that's probably going to get punted to next summer next item that we have to talk about about is um our alio subscription so as as you all know we're in the process and the the last stages of transitioning to Genesis schoolfi um however our our uh provider of our Erp has decided um and the paper supports it that we don't have them on a fiscal year basis but we are a subscription they are a subscription service so as of June 30th uh that would end our subscription in July 1 we would have no uh Financial package so obviously we there is no way we can close the year and audit all by June 30th so what we um in conversation with our Auditors and internal staff we figured that by September 30th we can have um our books closed for the year as well as our audit completed so an extension of 3 months will run us an additional uh $8,800 they're going to charge us by the month um if we need less time we can certainly um you know try to get a refund but I think uh I think that I think it's kind of cooked at three months and if we needed more we certainly could extend it but I don't see that being the case um so that's what what I have under fiscal management um let any questions or comments move on to operation Okie do so on under operation so this is a little uh it's really innocuous but it can can get a little complicated so in our long range facility plan we're required to have a list of projects that you anticipate doing over an extended period of time and what those initial uh long range facility plans were populated with were with Evergreen projects such as roofs boilers Paving cement work and then the idea was was as you had projects come up you would add a new project once it was completed take off the project but that Evergreen base of what a school district needs to do to upkeep its buildings kind of remain the same when we did our last uh major amendment to our long range facility plan which was when you guys approve the Hamilton uh expansion all of our Evergreen Base projects were taken out of our um long range facility plan so what we've done is is in all of the projects that we've added for this coming summer we've all added them to the by by your resolution added them to the plan but what we would like to do is to reestablish that base and what that does is it allows us to begin to save money for those items through the capital reserve so when we add these items to our project to our longrange facility plan as open projects we are not committed to doing them the estimates are very loose um the ones that we'll talk about you know came we're just conversations between myself and our auditor and our our architect and what they are is really a means to allow us to save via the capital reserve because you can't have more funds in your capital reserve then you have open projects on your long range facility plan so the kinds of things that we're going to be adding are roof Replacements uh in the buildings that don't have them currently in the plant we're going to add boiler Replacements uh in the two in the one school that doesn't currently have it in the long range facility plan we're going to add some parking lot Paving we're going to add walkway Paving and we're just going to do some general uh a general allocation for any types of abatements that we would have to do so when you add it all up by building you come to a number of $5.25 million which will then become part of that Evergreen base and so then we would just move forward where when we add a project we add it to the list when it's completed we take it off the list but the base will always be there it's somewhere around $6.8 million after some funding matching that the state would do and that will be more than enough for us to save in our capital reserve for few fut projects so on the next agenda you'll notice that we will have uh a resolution that puts these generic non uh nonbinding projects onto our longrange facility plan that's a lot of words to really say we're putting stuff on a plan so we could save for them and whenever they happen we would then have money in our capital reserve to cover them so are there any questions on that that's that was a mouthful nope good all righty so talking of mouthfuls let's talk about where we are with all of our capital projects for this summer uh so we'll start with our home economics room uh so we opened uh bids on May 1st and we are happy to report that the bids came in at $525,000 versus 655 that was budgeted for construction um and the 525 includes all three Alternatives so for a savings of13 $3,000 we will have the base bid plus all of the extras that we asked for which were the islands uh the uh clear cabinet uh panels and the solid surface thank you the solid surface countertops so we're we're we're really excited about that and we hope to um award that at the next meeting uh in May next project is our PK uh expansion so if you remember that's being broken up into two phases the first one being the abatement and the demolish uh phase and then the construction of the actual preschool we opened the bids on May one for that phase uh this bid was not quite as advantageous to us um the bid came in $29,000 over and which was a cause for much concern um and what we believe is the reason for the overage um is that you can't go you can't view a bidder could not view all the way up to the ceiling deck and there's a lot of ceiling down there so that uncertainty We Believe has led to some of these bids being a bit um higher than we had initially uh anticipated but if we look at it from a on a net basis right we're down 209 but we're up 130 on the home economic room so you know we're just short about that what is it like $79,000 and in the bid that will ultimately win there's a $50,000 contingency which we may be able to recover uh as we don't think there is as much work as they think so we won't have that change orders to cover the 50 so I think we're going to be around $229,000 in the mix we'll find it some way uh probably in phase two um where we'll be able to um you know really uh you know make a decision where we can save some money and that's not in the abatement phase which I think we're all generally in agreement that we don't want to uh you know cut that type that kind of work um the only other thing to report on the PK expansion is that um our Architects have been in discussion with the local building officials uh just so that when we apply for permits or what have you that there is as little um misunderstanding or delays as we're working on a pretty tight uh schedule uh there have been a coule two I believe questions that have surfaced and our Architects believe uh that they're certainly be able to be worked out with the building official um mostly due to ESS um and uh and use of the space um where we just I think on Friday we issued a letter establish lishing our our position on both points um and we're just waiting for the building official to respond back we can then go to uh the fields uh the lower field um on the turf and light so on the turf we believe that we um are going to probably not go out to bid but use a co-op vendor um the specs are actually with the co-op vendor as we speak we hope to award in June um however when the architect submitted his plans uh to the state we also issued them to the municipality and we received notice I guess it was last Thursday that the planning board would like to have us come before them and present so we are going to be submitting by the 8th hour application to the planning board the hope is to be on there June 6 six th meeting um and after that point they have a period upon which they can make comments and then um again this is a courtesy review um we can either accept their comments or not um and then we hope uh if all goes well to be in a position to award the uh Co-op contract to the turf provider in uh during our last meeting in June which would then get them started um sometime after that so around the July 1st uh time frame and that would allow us to be completed by that initial time frame of August 12th that we had initially established so if we're on the planning board for the 6th we are on schedule if we're not on the planning board uh meeting of the 6th then we're probably not on schedule um go ahead I just I'm just curious what does the planning board want you is it for the lights or is it for the chur the planning board submitted uh that they want us to um present on all three projects the turf the lights and the stairs at the back of the gymnasium they have not given us any uh indication as to why it's certainly within their purview to review those projects um and they have chosen to do so okay do we need we don't need to notify any of the neighbors there is notice requirement okay thanks all right so that kind of hits the turf uh so the lights um we reviewed the uh building specs last week um I'm happy to report that in terms of spillage on those lights at the property at the property line there was no point where there was more than two candle feet of light at the property line so that'll even diminish even further as you get to to the actual homes um and many many locations uh on the plans it was much lower than the two uh candle feet so we're pretty excited about that light poles um we have a finally have a number they're going to be 80 feet high they are going to be led um and with you know a a a a when I spoke with the architect he said that the spill would be less than what is currently out there on the uh portable lights um so and we also uh agreed that the project will include some uh lighting from uh the two paths that go to that lower field so we'll have um lamposts coming from like the the athletic entry uh to the field and then going to the side street there'll probably be ballards to be less intrusive to our our neighbors there um that's all you know trying is going to be worked out in the specific and final drawing so the Hope here is to uh get our bid proposals out and hopefully uh open the bids before our June meeting and then hopefully to award at our June uh meeting June 24th that is again same caveat with the lights as the turf if we're on that June 6th meeting we believe that we can get to where we said we would get where all of the work other than the erection of the posts and lights would be done before uh August 12th and then the final installation of the lights would occur after the fall season but again that is based upon the the results of the planning board meeting and which one we get assigned to uh similar story on our gym stairs um the gym stairs we hope to open our bids uh later this week on the 9th um and assuming we get through our planning Board review uh we God bless you we will award uh in June and and and move forward there we also had out a painting project that was not part of our capital budget but was part of our uh regular operating budget where we were going to do I believe it was 31 classrooms uh this year and that was going to be continued for the next three years to where every elementary school classroom would be painted um when we TR we thought we would use a co-op uh vendor however when we went to the co-op vendors we uh encountered a $330,000 uh increase in price over what we had in the budget so we decided to do was to uh write up a a a painting bid um and so we issued a painting bid I believe it was last Friday it was advertised um we'll open it on the 17th and we hope that what some competition and some non- Coop uh vendors uh bidding that we'll be able to bring that price in a little bit lower um I I can say that just by today it's only been out there uh really for one business day and we've already gotten about five or six uh requests for the bid packet so um I'm hopeful that we can uh bring that number down um lastly uh we have our uh sinking cabinet project uh which you uh graciously approved uh the vendor at our last meeting at our last meeting sorry um we have submitted a a a a purchase order to the vendor and the vendor has reported back to us that they are ready to take shop measurements they will be in District on the eth to do that after school um and they believe we will be completed by the opening of school so good news there um and then the last thing that I it's not actually on actually it's before my last last thing uh Advocate we we will have our Advocate renewal um Advocate if for for for those who need a little reminder is the uh contract monitoring company that sits on top of our Aramark custodial uh contract they monitor all of the payrolls they monitor uh the effectiveness of the programs um and uh each year uh we renew Advocate and the good thing about uh our deal with aromar is that the AR Mark contract actually pays for the advocate fees so it's a no no cost to the district um it's included in the in the contract uh The Advocate relationship will be particularly important next year as it's the last year of our arach contract so we will be putting uh the custodial Services back out to bid at the end of next year so we will be strategizing with them as what is the best way to proceed and then finally some good news um uh our boosters uh would like to do a uh a pav fundraising project over by the snack bar um they are uh ready to donate uh in values uh somewhere in between 20 and $25,000 um what the pavers would do they're going to pave uh put together an arrangement of pavers if you're looking at the snack bar over to the left it's a 26x area they'll have larger uh uh pavers and smaller pavers and in the middle of that area there will be a 12T by 12T uh logo uh that is going to be um painted and then bonded onto the actual pavers and then each of the bricks surrounding will be open for sponsorship uh by the community so uh they're pretty excited about that and um that'll be on the next uh agenda as a donation fee to accept um I would ask if if there's anybody who intend who's not in favor of such a project to just let us know because we'd like to give them a little bit of a heads up so that they could start moving with their vendors to ensure that they have um the materials and the workforce in place to do this over the summer so if there's any disagreement in there if we could kind of have that now so we're all good yeah perfect so I'll let them know that they're good to proceed and they'll start locking up services and we'll officially accept uh at our next meeting and that does it for me all right all right so next I'm going to need a motion to affirm our Hib from April 29th can I get a motion Miss calz seconded by Mr Hayward you Mr Miss calz yes yes Miss Carisa I'm going obstain since I wasn't at that meeting is that okay say that again I'm sorry I'll upstein because I wasn't uh at the meeting Miss Carr absent Mr Corey yes Mr Hayward yes Miss garelli yes Miss Stevenson yes Miss renell yes motion passes thank you are there any leaon reports a week ago probably not um all right so next up public comment for agenda items only open it up at 9917 name address doesn't look like it we'll close it at 9:18 it changed um all right so I just need a motion to adjourn Miss calz seconded by miss carisella all in favor I mean the J