Mr canel will you call roll miss carasa here miss Carr here Mr Cory here Mr Heyward here M mcnabola here Dr Robinson here M scarpelli here M Stevenson here M Randell here we have a quarum Cecilia and Bennett will you please lead us in the flag salute ready I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all very good job thank you very much that was the best flag salute we' have ever had all right adequate notice of meeting in accordance with PL 1975 chap 231 notice of tonight's meeting was mailed to the record in the reg news on January 3rd 2023 notice of this meeting was also mailed to the burough Clerk and was posted on the bulletin board of the Board of Education Office in the administration building on the same date copies of procedures in effect for regular board meetings are available for the public at tonight's meeting amanii will you please read our mission statement the Glenrock School District founded on principal princi of Education in partnership with the supportive Community provides an exceptional education to all students to cultivate resilient responsible and engag Global Citizens thank you very much Dr charlon well thank you as you can see we have two new assistant superintendents right here and another student uh Council representative and as I'm I first of all you did a wonderful job and we thank you for for coming tonight I was curious since I have you here how are things going at bird this year can you tell us a little bit about how your school year is going good your first minute so with Mrs hren I been learning math and reading and I've been also learning H how to do number sentences is like you use a name because I used to just do number models for the number sentence sent sentences and I love re and lunch and there's also when I go to my kindergarten teacher Costello I always give her a hug a very nice all right tell us a little bit uh I like my teacher Mrs GF and we're learning how to do like um number models backwards and uh I think that's it tell us a little bit so who's the who's the principal at at bird m Mrs craft Mrs craft and how's Mrs craft doing she's good yeah I like when we tapes her on the wall you taped her on the wall yeah did yeah I did not know about this tell us a little bit about the superintendent how good the superintendent is uh what's [Applause] that that's him I'm going have to talk to your parents afterwards cilia never ask a question no I understand yes well I'm the superintendent what do I do uh no no no one knows I call snow days does that help yeah yeah okay all right I'm I'm going to give up all right all right um well I do thank you for coming you can't go just yet because we want to hear from your student council president about things that are going on at bird so would you please share things are going well in bird we are actually doing um great things to help our school and our community like that that has gone really well and we're also starting a coat drive to help people in need because it's starting to get chilly outside also all uh people in bro Bird School not just the fifth grade teachers but every teacher really is doing a great job at teaching their kids and involving them with any anything that's going on with bird what's one thing since you're in a position of of authority there as a student leader in the school what's one thing that you would like if you said Miss craft I want this changed what would be one thing that you you're hoping to do well I would I'm hoping to do um a lot of different things really and making sure that other students would agree too like if I wanted something and I would ask Miss craft that I would make sure that it would be reasonable and that other students would agree too very good very good thank you does any trustees have any questions for our lovely students from bird tonight Mrs CRA get unted put your did Mrs craft get unted from the wall yeah okay good anyone else any questions well we thought you did a a wonderful wonderful job tonight and we have some things for all three of you um and miss miss Rondell our board president is going to pass them out and these shirts uh they will shrink in in in in in in the wash right now they're Tri XL so use them as use them as blankets and then we will uh give them out okay this is for you this is for you can I keep the can't keep that bud budget cuts can't afford that grab your shirt okay come on follow me grab your stuff let's give him a round of applause it's such a good job come on Cecilia grab your stuff and follow me e e yeah I'm not I'm I'm I visit their class so often and and they still don't know know what I do yeah I know I have a I'll have a conversation with Miss craft about this uh you know what they are like my biggest fans on Charleston in charge yeah oh no second biggest yes I know yes I have three fans so yeah the only fans the only fans um we are in a little bit of a of a time crunch because some of these students have to go so I would like to bring up Dr Lauren Daniel who's a director of special of student Personnel Services to recognize our 2024 National Merit Scholarship uh program winners so Dr yeah yes please good evening everyone the National Merit committed Scholars are high achieving students recognized for their outstanding performance on the preliminary SAT National Merit Scholarship qualifying test better known as the PSAT and msqt taken in the junior year commended Scholars represent the top 3% of test takers Nationwide this prestigious recognition acknowledges their academic success demonstrates their exceptional abilities dedication to learning and potential for future success commended Scholars often receive accolades from colleges and universities showcasing their commitment to academic achievement and their potential as Scholars and leaders in their chosen fields we would like to congratulate and recognize the class of 2024's National Merit Ed Scholars Jacob CeCe Ethan Diamond Noah Lee Elizabeth Martin Peter ranga and Andrew vincenti up y e we now have some uh athletic uh sectional uh Champions um that we have from this fall we had girls tennis and boys and girls uh cross country I'd like to bring up Mr Frank violante our director of Athletics Mr violante now oh guess we had a very successful fall season we offer seven varsity Sports and we won League championships in five of the seven uh we're very proud of those athletes and coaches we also are going to recognize tonight sectional champions in girls tennis and boys and girls cross country tennis come up [Applause] first come on girls Rebecca stadlin started off as the JV coach this fall we had some bumps in a row she did a terrific job for us uh and finished the season as the varsity coach and we kept right on winning all the way to a a close loss in the state semi-finals re would you come up and speak about the girls please uh good evening um I am the girl J SL varsity coach kind of so we've definitely had a very interesting season um but I must say my girls are fantastic they won every single one of their division games um we were uh we only lost two matches in our entire season we were state sectional Champions and they did all of that through many bumps in the road and they were very um persistent and dedicated and I am proud to say that we were very successful this year do I introduce the girls yeah want to introduce them yeah so call them up by name we have certificates for okay first all right so I'm going to introduce my girls um I have my captains I have uh edin Weissman Julia [Applause] Scotty Lily Sarah [Applause] brenick Grace [Applause] Lou Lily Cole Isabella [Applause] Lynn Jessica [Applause] LaVine Kylie [Applause] Campbell and [Applause] kiern thank you I congratula Rebecca for the way she handled it but the girls were terrific All Season no matter what happened they were there they stuck together they will reach each other and congratulations girls terrific [Applause] yeah okay next boys and girls cross country come on up pretty impressive that they both were state sectional Champions also we just found out that Anthony the boys coach was selected to Bergen County boys coach of the year for small schools come on guys come I can recognize you from the back uh so in fashion of how we run this team we're going to do this together because even though I'm the boy coach and so uh coach Gall is the girls coach we run this together and the success of the team is uh due to both of our unified efforts before you start I just want you to know the last time the boys and girls won together was in 2001 and I was actually there at the state meta Champs when both teams made it there so this is pretty crazy that it's been 22 years before this happened again so yay okay go ahead Jay I've been here long go ahead I just want to thank uh the boys and girls H and also their families for uh putting up with the late nights making sure we have the rides feeding the kids being their Ubers uh choosing to live in Glenrock and have kids at this time so that they could overlap and uh have such a phenomenal team that we we were lucky to have to lucky enough to inherit uh in terms of the accolades that the boys achieved this season they were League champions and of course our state sectional Champs they're the fastest boys I've ever coached and I think I may ever uh will Coach and they just did a phenomenal job rising to every challenge that um stood in their way and when meets got difficult they got better um and so they were just a phenomenal group of kids and I I can't say enough about their character and their their work ethic so thank you boys and as for the girls they're just as wonderful like this is a great not only great group of Runners but they're great group great group of humans they're amazing they're amazing people um the girls just like the boys were undefeated in their league we took second in our league meet still were League Champs due to some Illness but in the county race we almost upset Indian Hills which was crazy didn't think it was going to happen we were 11 app points for them I don't think anyone thought we would we won the state section for the second year in the row and then they took um fifth at the state group level made the podium the boys took fourth also made the podium so it was been a great time so thank you for everything all the the smiles the laughs and of course the success thank you so much you guys are awesome oh just so you know this fthe head every year when we make it to the state group everyone gets a Fathead Bri couldn't make it so I'm just representing Bri right now okay call girls first all right I'll yep I'll call the girls up first we have Lily McNair [Applause] yay kalista nonas Abby Mason with our trophy Abby Manley Amber Wang Jenna Yim and Brianna donatelli live and in [Applause] person and on the boy side we have Ben habler wo who was also just named second Team all County to a Shameless plug to his individual achievements uh we have Jacob CeCe trophy holder Devin Smith we have Neil sahu I'm sorry Neil sakan sorry sorry that's my fault we have two Neil two Ben two Jacobs there's a lot of there's a lot of twos uh and finally freshman Phenom Colton Johnson Colton took three minutes off his starting time and ended up on Varsity this year which is quite impressive so congratulations also Ben Razer was nominated for a second Team all County but he's not here and Ryan wolf also not here but another part of the successful boys team I would like to I'm going down here [Music] you we definitely want to congratulate all of our all of our student athletes um but I do have one more one more recognition um to to uh to speak about and that goes to um our athletic director Mr Frank violante I'm not sure if everyone's aware and he doesn't want me to to do this um and he actually threaten threatened assum me um but that being said I think he looks happy back there right now um but Frank was named the greatest football coach in the history of of New York um so Frank had coached at dobs fery um ryck and and Summers high school he has eight state championships from 1982 through 85 1989 1990 2002 and 2004 and it's hard to believe that you won all of those before I was even born um his overall record is just an amazing 227 52 and8 for a 790 winning percentage um Frank won all eight of his state championships in two different STS at dobs fairy High hired in 1974 he didn't win his first State title until his ninth season and then reeled off several state titles in a row from 82 to 85 he returned to dobs Ferry after coaching Summers high from 94 to 99 and won two state titles in his final three seasons dobs Ferry went 13-0 in his final season in 2004 and became the first team from section one and win state titles in two different divisions congratulations Frank well deserved thanks [Applause] lot of great players contributed to that a lot of great assistance we'll take a picture real quick all right yeah sure thanks before we move on I'm still trying to get over Bennett and Cecilia's comments about what yeah I I don't know if I'll get over that um I'll be visiting them tomorrow um but that uh that concludes uh my report it's always nice to recognize students across multiple grade levels for their academics and Athletics and it was nice to hear from the bird students um just about things we're learning in class and also what the student leader is trying to accomplish um at school as as president of student council so I'm going to turn it back over to to you Mr R all right yes that was wonderful I enjoyed that um all right so uh at this time I will open our first first of two public comments this is for agenda items only um you get state your name your address you get 3 minutes open up public comment at 7:27 can I make a public comment I don't know sure sure Rona mcnabola 30 Spotswood Road I'd like to make a you're getting used to this you're practicing I'm practicing no I'd like to make a public comment about how the superintendent did a wonderful job presenting all of these students to the board and the board people ahead of schedule and all that kind of thing I think it's a wonderful experience for everybody to see the students of Glenrock of which I have none in the system so I have nothing to to earn by it and I'd like to thank the superintendent for doing it thank you thank you very my pleasure I I enjoyed it my ego is beat up a little bit but I enjoyed it and I will hopefully if the board wants to we can continue that yes I know what you do if that was the best part of it I'm happy with it so um all right so seeing no other comments I will close public comment at 728 which brings us to our general resolutions can I get a motion to discuss G1 through G10 Dr Robinson seconded by Mr Hayward does anyone have anything to talk about on RG items to discuss G2 so for for the policy just give me a second here um for the eligibility of non-resident of Resident non-resident students to board is has three choices to take the two big ones are F1 and J1 visas after meeting with with our administrative team um we recommend that we would accept them we currently do accept uh I think it's a J1 student we have uh we have in the past an F1 um an F1 Visa would be someone and we've talked about this in the past that would come here but would actually pay tuition and as you know we're looking to try to bring some International students just a couple a year that would pay the full full full tuition rate um so our recommendation is is for us to at least have that in the policy doesn't mean that we have to accept um F1 uh students the other one is the timeline of when the board would uh moving to or from the district so in in meeting with uh our our registar it wasn't always as as clear as to when we when we find out that someone is moving out of the district can they finish the school year if someone moves out and I'm making this up in December and they're in third grade do we let them finish the year or have to move out so in talking with the administrative team our recommendation is that if you move out prior to March 15th then you should go to your new District unless you're a senior then you could stay and graduate right and that would the senior would privilege would be really for the whole year no matter when you left but if uh if you moved out April 15th we would allow you to finish the school year and then start in in your new District so you need to come up with a date and we came up with a date of March 15th it is a board decision but as the recommendation of administration does anybody have any comments on the March 15th date Dr Robinson um one the Visa aspects I think that that's that's that's great um increasing the diversity of our students and having like shared learning experiences I think is um definitely of value um for this District as for for um the March 15th date um I think that's an alignment kind of with the marking period correct so that that would be a good transition Point um if that's the case and I'm in support anyone else Miss mnol um in the in the uh F1 of course a lot of F1 visas are also uh athletic visas they come over specifically for athletic reasons um there are a lot of course njsia rules to follow that I think if we have somebody coming over for athletic reasons uh when we do the regulation we should mention uh things about if you come over for you know if we're if we have such a great cross country team and a c a guy comes over to join the cross country team we should be aware of of that regardless of whether they want to pay for it or not as far as that goes uh as far as as the date goes if if that's what the administrative uh group wants again the person who leaves on March 15th can choose to pay the salary to stay to the end of the year so that would be fine yes anyone else Mr cour aligning uh with Dr Robinson's comments about markting periods the student leaving entering a new program was Al leaving a community study partners and other things that they might be leaving uh behind so it's I think it's it's a generous you know thoughtful policy for us to be able to let them continue through that period of semester is a big thing in high school specifically so that's you my support of the idea I agree Miss Carr I I I've kind of questions on other areas I support the F1 J1 um um but I have other questions on the other part um domiciled what it what if what is the definition of domiciled and is there a certain percentage of domiciled that has to be in Glenrock to to attend at no no cost to the family so a student really can't be domiciled in in two places so wherever they're determined to be domiciled would be their home District so if a student is you talking about parents may have been divorced and they're living with both correct yeah so generally there's a court order or almost always there's a court order that says that the that the student um custody is split but the student is domiciled with mom who lives in Glenrock and the student would stay there or the student is domiciled with Dad L P and lakes I I really wanted to ask that um so that everybody is aware more so um with regard to the senior it stipulates that you have to be here two years years prior to your senior year is that new I don't know if I ever knew that before no that's been in that's been has okay and then um that was I think that was it um yeah that was and yeah that was it okay all right anyone else no we'll make we'll make those changes there'll be a clean copy for the board of on on December 11th to to adopt it so G2 is just the first reading right now G2 is just the first reading yes all right so seeing none Mr canels Miss carola yes Miss Carr yes Mr Cory yes Mr Hayward yes M mcnabola yes Dr Robinson yes Miss gelli yes Miss Stevens yes Miss renow yes motion passes thank you all right that moves us along to our business resolutions can I get a motion to discuss B1 through B3 Miss scarpelli seconded by Miss mcnabola does anyone have anything to discuss on our B items Mr I just wanted to point out B3 to the community in case they haven't noticed that we'll be approving um having an outside uh organization do an assessment of our security needs so I think that's in obviously in line with our goals but I other than that I think it's actually a great thing that we should be focusing on so thank you for bringing this forward yes anyone else all right see none Miss carasa yes Miss Carr yes Mr Corey yes Mr Hayward yes M mcnabola yes Dr Dr Robinson yes Miss garelli yes Miss Stevenson yes M randelle yes motion passes thank you all right that brings us to our Personnel resolutions can I get a motion to approve P1 through p19 Miss Carr seconded by Mr Hayward does anybody have anything to discuss on r p items no um I just want to say P1 that you know good luck to miss tahan she's been really great it's uh Central and bird so I just want to say good luck Mr Cory P10 wanted to take a moment to thank and recognize volunteers we have three volunteer coaches for our winter sports and that's part of what make all those teams so good very true thank you Mr Corey all right seeing none Mr caneles Miss carasa yes Miss Carr yes Mr Cory yes Mr Hayward yes M mcnabola yes Dr Robinson yes M scarelli yes M Stevenson yes M randelle yes motion passes great all right um that brings us to our Hib resolution uh can I get a motion to affirm our hibs from our November 6th meeting Miss mnol is seconded by Miss carpelli um just call that Miss carasa yes Miss Carr yes Mr Corey yes Mr Hayward yes M mcnabola yes Dr Robinson yes M scarelli yes M Stevenson yes M randelle yes motion passes thank you um that brings us to our vandalism suspension and Hib reports for you to view and then this brings us to our second of two public comments this is for anything um I will open public comment at 7:38 same rules name address 3 minutes we have someone okay um Euro Bertram 136 Harding Road um I've been coming every now and then to ask you for things um and as usual I'm here to ask for things um so we had fall Sports everything went well um my daughter played on the volleyball team yay they did well and I have two kids in the marching band they did the marching band is growing um and we go to all the football games we sat through the rain uniforms got soaked instruments got soaked we still played um and we have last year we only had one color guard and we came here and asked for a coach because that one kid stood on the field proud as could be and waited her flag but she had no instruction this year we had five still no instructor so poor Mr wasik said okay I'll try to watch over them but he has a whole band Bandon Color Guard is open from 7eventh grade to 12th grade which means we had seventh graders all the way up and I think the oldest one we had was a 10th grader and they're swinging the the flags around not really knowing relying on YouTube videos and whatnot to try to figure figure it out they have to come up with routines they have to learn how to twirl they have to come up with costumes I made them bows they asked me to fix some things I would try to be there for them but they really need an instructor we've been told that there's been a internal memo kind of saying hey anybody interested but we really if I'm coming to you now for next year these girls work their butts off and they deserve somebody to take care of them so that's one thing um also the band is growing and our uniforms are very old we do a band camp in the summer the band parent associ Association has been paying for a drum line instructor all of these things you know we the band is like the face of the school when we go to football games so it's a little bit embarrassing when we don't have the right equipment are we our uniforms are in tatters so if you could I don't know if Mr wask needs to put in the request or if parents can put in the request but a little more love and care for the band would be really nice so that is my big ask is the color guard instructor and maybe a little more funding or like I don't know a little more backup for the band so that's all I have thank you thank you yes so will um thank you and I'm a big big supporter of of what Mr wask has done over these last couple years the band certainly has there's no doubt it certainly has grown um and that's in part to the leadership but also the students and the parents right takes a takes a village so to speak um over the next couple couple of weeks I'll I'll find time to meet with uh Mr wask and come up and develop a plan going forward whether as we work through the budget process and things like that we'll make sure that he's involved in the conversation and and we'll see what we can do but we definitely want to see our band continue to to grow and Thrive so thanks for sharing that thank you very much all right seeing no more public comment I will close public comment at 7:42 that brings us to Old business do you want to start do you want me calendar I really don't want to talk about the calendar um actually I'd like to bring Bennett and Cilia here to talk about the calendar um because I just didn't yes they would have a blast with that so in front of you is the what I took away as a consensus from the conversation from uh in the backup I'm sorry but in the electronically in front of you um Rona do you want a hard copy here give us to Rona you sure okay um so just going through this through this quickly uh the uh students would start on September 2nd which is a day after uh Labor Day there are 19 uh student days in September with September 23rd and 24th which would be off for rashash Shana in October we have 21 student days with October 2nd off for yor and October 20th off for dwali Columbus day is October 13th that would be our traditional half day for students and a PD day in the afternoon for staff we get to November that was the decision that the board really had to sit down at the meeting uh at our last meeting and decide what to do with that Monday and Wednesday of teacher convention and election day that November 3rd and Fifth and the board came to consensus of of having that uh entire week off we know that once we added those two days off it would add days back to the end of the year and then we know that Thanksgiving is on the 27th and 28th so that's 13 uh student days in November and if I didn't mention it before it was 21 days student days in October in December um it would be 17 student days we would come to school on Monday and Tuesday which is the 22nd and 23rd um I neglected to mention that the day before Thanksgiving would be a half day obviously and then on December 23rd um we traditionally when it's that close to uh when it backs up like that or connects right to December 24th the 23rd is also a half day I think in next year's calendar it's not a half day because it's like the 20 22nd and I think you know it's not connected to the 23rd right that makes sense whatever so frustrating with this and then the the board decided that we didn't want to bring students and staff back in January uh at all got the whole month off um on January 2nd so that Friday so that's that that was another day we had to add to the end of the year that's 19 student days in January in February we would just have February 16th off which is President Day it's 19 student days in February March is a long month March is no days off it's 22 student days the reason for that is that the board wanted to start spring break with that Friday uh April April 3rd Good Friday and then have the following week off which gave EAS obviously that would be Easter Monday off Passover Falls over that next week um and it gives an extra day off during spring break so you'd be off the 3D all the way through through the 10th that's 16 student days then you get to may you have uh Memorial Day uh on the 25th that's 20 student days then we would graduate um on uh June 24th which is 18 student days that uh in this calendar is 184 total student days so you have two snow days built in if you used more than two snow days then you would take those off of April not with Good Friday obviously because that's a holiday and then you would start with Monday April uh six and and so on through them but the 24th would be a hard a hard date for for graduation to get to the 187 teacher days or excuse me it would be less it' be 185 because we the two snow days teachers report on the 25th the last day at school and they report on the two days the Thursday and Friday before um Labor Day so that is the calendar you have a list that I put in back up and then this cleaner version of my scribble um for the calendar um so again the calendar is a board decision um but this seemed to be the general consensus of that what I would like it's not about me but what I would like is for the board to reach consensus tonight if possible so we can share a clean pretty calendar um for the public as an appendix at the December 11th meeting to view no voting then the board would vote on the draft at reorganization if that makes sense over you all right does anybody have any comments about Mr Hayward first comment is this is not for next coming year it's two years away correct reminder everyone so there is time to talk about it um other than that I agree the only thing I might change is uh if we ran out of snow days I might take him away from the following Friday and work your way backwards instead of the Monday but other than that I like everything else about it all right that way it keeps a nice week yeah on the calendar that shared with us January 19th is not marked as yellow but on that's Mark a king day but on the other sheet where you have it listed at the days I believe that's a day off looks like yeah 19 you counted 19 which is right I counted right you did count right okay want to make sure because I counted 19 days in January I just want and I agree with Ed about taking off if you have to do more than two snow days backwards backwards makes sense yep car uh I was not at the last meeting I apologize but I will not be supporting a whole week off in November I don't think the data supports the data with regards to attendance supports it um I'm going to say like I did I remember when I said in the beginning of this year when we were discussing for next year's calendar the only reason why I did supported this that for that the week off is because of dwali and it was only one day um so it did not make sense for to open the building but I mean our our job and our responsibility to educate and with this calendar I just feel that there's too many days off in November um and I'm more concerned about the fact that we have we're offering one day off between January 5th and March or April 2nd which is a very long time to be in school um it's really a long time for these students especially the younger ones so I will only support the calendar and I can be the loan which is fine um if we take those M that Monday and Thursday or Wednesday off November and add a day or two in in February um so and or March I'm not sure I mean since we're giving such advanced notice but um um that's what I'm looking towards so it's fair just so that you are cut up with our conversation I'm sure we were presented with all of the attendance data and it is pretty supported for those to be off um not that they have to be but that's the the consensus was on the board um yeah I I I didn't I saw the numbers I to me I didn't I mean yeah it is what it is I get it but that just again doesn't really matter with regards to attendance it's more of my bigger concern is that 10 weeks so then the other thing I was going to say to you is last year when we did the thought exchange people are not for a February longer Break um it's two days instead of one correct it's not the week off and yes I do know people don't want that week off but again I mean even like a day off here and a day off there for just you know a mental health break you know we're coming it's the flu season it's it's coming off the flu I just that's my concern so I just don't want to see a week break in November become routine in this District okay that's so miss carisella so I'm sorry I also missed last week um I did want to share as Le liaison to Hamilton Mrs pry did share um that on the Wednesday this of you know the last November break uh I believe she said that there's 300 about 300 students in the school and 100 were absent so she did share that a third of the school which for that that Wednesday at least thank you for that Miss mcnabola since this is a 2005 calendar and whatever whatever is approved is approved is fine uh I'd like the school to notice how many people vote by mail or vote early for election day originally we gave the election day off when it was a presidential election day because we felt there were a lot of people that were coming and voting and that was when you could only vote in school now a lot of people are voting by mail uh and whether and 25 is not going to be a presidential election day uh so it's something to to think about um it maybe early enough to approve the calendar and then reapproved when when it's looked at again and people that are going away are going to go away anyway as we know um so it's just something to think about for the future that maybe we could give the uh President's day off if that day is off but other election days are just election days yeah I shouldn't say that but ask a question I would love I would love for the voting to be out of our schools well that's what I was going to ask um this could be a complete rumor or something but I believe at one point I heard that um it was the recommendation maybe a security recommendation or the police department or something recommended that the school be closed every election day so I'm going to give a little back history for those who weren't on board Dr Valente did ex tenuous research on trying to take um the elections out of the public schools and she even had conversations with the houses of religion but part of the problem was they are not handicap acess accessible um and the cost to do it outside of the public schools was at that time not something that the district the Board of Education it was willing to go forward on am I right Sharon and Rona so um we all supported taking it out of the disip but it just is not feasible it's never going to be feasible in this town unfortunately so you know yeah we I guess we'll see so and then back history to why we switched to closing every um every election day was because there was a threat at Hamilton and those kids had to be evacuated um and so we said for safety we we won't do this um but I agree with Rona here I think at some point we really need to reevaluate giving off on Election Day when it's not presidential if we do have more people that are doing absentee ballots right in not going into the boat and voting early um because I think once we eliminate that day we can go back to having like most districts Monday through Wednesday school and then we don't have to have that break and um we can kind of work the calendar a little better but yeah I'm not thrilled with this as I said at the last meeting I like the original one that was presented but you know the calendar is the calendar but I I'm not I'm not fighting for any of it so whatever anyone wants it's fine by me I I also Echo the the election day with early voting I think as it becomes more common place that people are voting early whether you're going to a voting Place early or mailing it in as I stated the last meeting I don't really like the whole week off either um are is there data or I'm sure there is data and I know you're not going to know at the top of your head but what's the attendance like this week at school being we were off on Thursday and Friday and people may be traveling for for Thanksgiving if that's something what is it typically and I know you can't have it off the top of your head Wednesday might be Wednesday before Thanksgiving the last day before winter break the day before spring break are always similar to what the um the teacher convention breaks are no more no less on the data so any day before an extended vacation is going to be P lower attendance right okay yes Mr hward just to say it on the flip side if we don't use the snow days do they get added on to Memorial Day we usually uh have those conversations that's generally what we try to do that's what right so in theory I know I agree with you the long break or the the long lack of break from uh whatever it is through whatever it is but at least that's a couple extra days if the weather holds or if it doesn't they get those days out yeah but I'm I'm not willing to take a gamble on that because it is a true it is a true ramble I mean you know and no school district has gone virtual with their snow days yet so it's not even as a good thing right because then they get the day off so you get your day right it's like anyway yeah I I hear what you're saying and though but well if we do use the snow days then we have the days off cor but yeah well right but we won't know that until right well your calendar would not have any break in that time either the original calendar had zero breaks for anything so well the original calendar had them getting out on the 18th that's what I prefer and we did have school on that Monday and Wednesday of November we added those days because we can't graduate on a Friday so we pushed it back the next week that's how that CH change but it origin the we inch so yeah while that calendar fantastic either I did like the fact that we were done agree 18th I agree but I would like even earlier but I'll take the 18th anyone else Mr Corey I I just want to compliment my colleagues here that we listened to the community and we nobody could really understand why we had to graduate on a Thursday and we've been able to move that so that only happened because we stopped and said well why are we doing this and we it's one small change in a body of discussion here um and thanks to everybody for bringing up the election day issue is why we're closing in the middle of a shortened week that that combined with Dali certainly made it harder in the past but um if you notice every two years there's new technology when you go to the ballots so we should be reviewing this conversation every time that that changes and see exact as Rona pointed out this issue that we have is changing around us so while we may have to make a long longterm plan for two years from now we might be able to see that three years from now it doesn't need to be this way but nothing we know today is going to change that problem right now I agree with you and just one quick thing this calendar that we're talking about we approve as a draft in January we don't approve it approve it until a full another year so it's another board can change yes Miss car so Dr Charleston I mean not be willing to do the research but it won't be anytime soon but the the attendence are the in following up on what Rona says because it really does bring a valuable very valuable Point um to determine over the last two years the non-presidential on it's really actually since yeah Co um had and changed the whole party voting process um that would really helped me determine if I even support election day off because as I think we're all sitting here we're all willing to be you know to compromise but I'm a data driven person and I'd like to see how many you know do an advance voting or mailin so that maybe our schools are safer yeah and and not you know willing to look at security differently I mean we are hiring a company to come in and look at our security now maybe that could be thrown in as well sure all right all right thank you yeah that's great so but as it stands now um without that extra stuff and because it is a draft are we okay do we have consensus on this being the pretty draft calendar yes yes okay I mean yeah for now corre correct because it's only the draft and then the for another year that is correct okay so we have consensus Dr Charleson all right so we'll have a clean copy um it'll be the public will be able to view it and I'll have our director work on that yeah I don't want to I don't want to muddy the waters and so I don't I just want to make a statement so we don't have a conversation um that's okay uh but as the board may be aware uh there are there are members of the community who want the District closed on primary day as well out of fear of security issues um you may or may not be aware but when people come in to vote um your pole workers are going into the building where the kids are right to use the restrooms and things so while we have security personnel there the people who had expressed concerns and you're on those emails that we get um felt that that's not adequate and I remember at this table here having a pretty spirited conversation that the security wasn't good enough and that the people weren't there which wasn't which wasn't uh accurate so I would just caution the board about whether however many people vote remotely mail in or whatever you are still undoubtedly going to have people in your building on Election Day regardless of whether it's PR presidential offseason or whatever um um election so just something to to to to to think about um so I just want to just kind of just share that information and I'll end with this to cbody knows Dr Brett charlon is a 12-month employee Dr Brett Charleston can take vacation so I'm not I'm not like I could take vacation in September if I want so this is a board calendar so the board can make thec ision this is that's where I'm at uh but I will draw this up cleanly I'll get it to the board to review and I'll add I apologize I know I had it on the list but I'll make sure that Martin Luther King day is in there and um we'll back out for spring break if we use more days starting with April 10th and work our way backwards that's kind of seeing what I got from everybody okay what's next so um I wanted to share with the board that uh we got basically three uh Three Rod grants um we had shared previously the high school roof High School Middle School excuse me it's the roof right above us um and the Coleman roof uh those we got paperwork on to say that we got them so good good for Glenrock um the state share for those projects for the high school middle school roof is 160 8,217 for the Coleman roof is $141,600 combined basically $310,000 our share of that for the high school middle school roof is$ 252 Coleman is 212 for about $465,000 again that'ss 6040 split what we also got was the prek expansion Grant um and I think people are are are trying to figure out how we got it to be honest with you I gotten calls from several superintendents that said how did you do this can you help us and sure I don't know how we did it right but we're one of 30 that got it and go Glenrock so the state would give us $869,000 um for that and our share would be 1.3 uh million that total project cost for that alone was 2.1 so at the end of the day with and and and the prek expansion Grant is essentially a rod Grant it's just focused on on prek expansion the local share for all three would be 1.7 million the state share would be 1.1 million for a total of 2.9 um9 Million um we're still waiting for like a letter that says you got it but everybody else Governor Murphy said we got it and it's in the newspaper and everybody else says we got it and schools are calling saying we're got it and we also are getting calls from vendors asking us to buy furniture from them for the prek ground so um that's that's that's coming down uh down the pike uh the the prek expansion Grant um in particular so I guess more to come on that as we get official notification but I did want to share with the board that 1.1 1.179 million is a good chunk of change for the district um our share is at 1.77 million so it's a lot of money coming in to give you what I think you need which is two more classrooms in the elementary schools you need those classrooms there's no doubt you've seen the letters people are concerned about class size throughout the elementary schools um and it also helps meet the learning needs of our most atrisk students our youngest students so if the board moves forward with the project for the prek expansion you'd have two preschool integrated full day classes right now you have a preschool integrated half day you have about three or four students in the AM and three or four students in the pm here you'd be able to expand that bring in general education students um then you'd have your preschool disabled class which is currently housed at at uh at Coleman if you ask me to make a guess on this I would would say you wouldn't look to implement this until September of 26 James that's how long it would take right just because of the way the grants work and all those other fun things that happen I do think I I my recommendation is for the board to seriously consider the prek expansion grants much cheaper serves population of our students in need when I say much cheaper it's much cheaper than adding on a wing to Coleman you know how much Hamilton cost right um and it's not in any way shape or form uh unique uh to uh have prek classes in high schools and middle schools in fact it's quite common um and we are in the process of setting up uh uh trips for our teachers to go and visit some of those schools in Bergen County that have them bris is one Northern Highlands I think is the other one and so on so we'll we'll we'll visit those and get more information um and share that back but uh looks like congratulations we got the grant good job um I guess does anybody have any questions all that no I I just want to say um thank you for saying you're going to get some more information on that because I know that's a big decision we have to make whether we want to go forward with that expansion in our high school or leave it intact in the elementary school so I appreciate the fact that we will be getting more yeah data and information regarding the project so thank you anyone else all right so now we'll move to our Workshop experiences so yeah if you've got one that you want to talk about you can talk about it we'll try and stick to like one a trustee did you want do you want to start Miss Stevenson sure I went to actually two workshops on starting the high school at a later time um Liz was at one with me um which was really an overview pros and cons from two different districts with a pediatrician Dr mandom Who was there um he's from Princeton he serves on the njsiaa as well um he was excellent did an excellent presentation on on the benefits of it it'd be great if we could maybe invite him for a future meeting to present to the community at a board meeting um and then the second one I went to is with the chadam superintendent and um Stephanie and Sharon were at that one and he really went through the whole overview on how it works in chadam um I can share with the whole board if you'd like the pictures of the slides that I took from his presentation and you know he made a point to say or how I took from it I don't know if you took the same thing from it that it from his data that he has from surveys for the kids the mental health of the students is better he attributes it somewhat to the the later start time but to also other things that the district has done which is what we've done here we've done little pieces and it to me it seemed like the extended the later start time for high school finish the puzzle on for students mental health and overall well-being um you know he we don't have busing which makes a huge difference because in a lot of the districts with busing it added a whole different layer to it that we don't have to worry about and I don't you know they were talking it was like 20 minutes or a half hour later a day they took some time off of the they do the drop ad rotate like we do you can steal time through that um for athletics you know it's a big concern it didn't they already left early the the sports teams for some of their meets or their games but I'm not sure that area to me I think they travel further to begin with you know I know from time to time here football team has left early wrestling lacrosse has left early only for my kids playing those Sports cross country apparently but those are usually State games or County games where you know it's not every week um another issue with that also became if a Coach was at the elementary school getting them at a class at the high school they the teacher didn't miss the same class but the kids always missed it but you know there's always going to be given take with something and if you know overall to me from what they said in chatam and knowing somebody who does work in the chatam school district it's really been a positive thing for them so it's something that I hope that we can have further discussions on here thank you m well that was my big takeway too I should have gone first but um you know we talked to Mike the superintendent afterwards I'll so extensively and he did share that um to the busing like you mentioned was really the biggest um roadblock for them so he said if we don't have that that it's kind of a no-brainer um our schedules do align a lot with the drop schedule and I would just um you stress that piece you know I know you mentioned it but even when students are missing it likely wouldn't be the same class because of the drop schedule they also shaved a little bit of off lunch and they also have the science labs that we have at the high school level so there was a lot of similarity ities that think that would make it work and um he did share though wasn't really I don't he says he gets a lot of emails and comments from parents and other stakeholders and this was an issue that he didn't get negativity from once they put it into place so it was I know popular and well received um the other one that I went to was a firearm safety task force report um and what I liked about it is they emphasized curriculum and programming as a way to um get ahead of potential issues so I just hope that we continue to F you know I'm always proud of what we're doing and what we're highlighting what we're incorporating and I felt like this reinforced the why we do it so I really found that um that that kind of seminar very very helpful overall I'm very proud of our district we talk to a lot of people yeah going to those will make you very proud Dr Char and you guys good job except for Chad does anyone else have anything Dr Robinson um so I I attended I attended three um I would say three General um sessions um that I found were different from the ones that are mentioned here one was about security um and ultimately the state talked about what options that they have but we know that their timeline is um not really congruent with what we need as the district so I think we're already you know blasting ahead on that with regards to our security assessment um we uh I went to a a bylaws um a bylaws session board yeah board bylaws um and that was mostly interesting in that I love you guys like I uh some some districts are not able to actually get those words out so that that was uh that was a moment um another one one was about um uh it was a superintendent that was talking about U like effective communication with the board and things like that and um there was a board handbook that she generated that I think would actually be beneficial for um for this board and so I'll see if there's something that I can do with that information and translate it into something that um I can present to um to the trustees here just to kind of get us like in like understanding of the annual Cadence and um and you know like generally what what what things that we're expecting when you know like the things that if you've been on the board for a while year after year you know what's coming when um however maybe as um our institutional knowledge is changing um that this is something that we're able to set up for the future that would make um uh the information you know last a bit longer um and then finally it was just about Communications and I think that um you know I'm excited for our um communications director um and uh I learned just a little bit more about the role and how it's been used in other districts and so um it'll be interesting to see how how that helps us here thank you anyone else will say I went to one I went I went to one on social media I thought it was amazing and it goes hand in hand it actually well whatever the words I want to use but um what Dr Charleston was saying with um in the weekly about the rebranding at the bottom it was all about that and then I went to re re Recruitment and Retention of staff and I was very disappointed because the professional that they had did not know any of the laws in New Jersey and yeah know it was and so while she was trying to give recommendations to New Jersey trustees she really had no idea what she was talking about so it was a little disappointing so that was it and then I went to the one with Karen so that was it all right well two for three terrible for for teachers I went to the legislative panel that was um Teresa Ruez um OS scanlin and Simonson he was from down South Jersey there's something in the legislature right now legisl legislature right now waving The Residency role of living in New Jersey in order to teach in New Jersey you're you have to live in New Jersey and there's talk about waving that during the teacher shortage so that could help with recruiting you know recruiting teachers so that's something to you know write your legislators about luckily we have lots of interest when we put out applications but um all right so the only well not the only but the one I was going to talk about was about therapy animals dogs in particular everyone knows that I love this and that I went to this one um so basically they made it a policy and that covered their insurance cost of it their super owned their two dogs um they come to work Tuesday Wednesday Thursday they have a schedule and a routine uh one of the things that I thought was really interesting was they talked about um how the kids communicate um differently with the dog so they talk a lot about consent uh which is a really great thing for kids to talk about uh with the dog it's are we are we both in this the dog as well as the the kid um and the kid can be uncomfortable or they can be comfortable but they have to sort of Express that feeling uh they also tend to be more vocal when they have a dog near them so they're hearing more truthful and more accurate uh information so anyway it definitely seemed I think this super said that it increased their yearly cost by $87 to have two dogs he does own them though so that was part of it um yeah I was like therapy chicken we did not talk about therapy chickens but anyway I thought it was great so that was that's all I have and my computer died no it didn't okay um all right oh oh yeah so I went to um three sessions um I think actually the most meaningful one was the later start day one I came in halfway through because I was at another session about board governance and how this District actually has a governance committee and um it really is in place to kind of keep everyone on task so it doesn't fall just on the board president to follow through and so they seemed that it was really an effective way for their board to function um better uh so that was a very interesting um presentation but the later stte really was very very impactful um it was mentioned there too that there is something down in the legislature about the start date the start time being delayed too so you know this as Karen had said to bring back I think is something we should be talking about because we may have to do it anyway so why wait if we can accomplish it um ahead of the curve um the one thing the superintendent chadam did say was that while they just adjusted the start times for the high school you know because they their middle school wasn't aligned we could do both um but he his message to the community community was that you will have a high schooler who will benefit from this so while you may not be benefiting right now as an elementary parent with this schedule and their schedule is a little more disruptive to the elementary parents than I think our this District would have to do because we don't have the busing you know he made it clear that your children will eventually benefit from this change so and this is a whole moving going throughout the whole country too because I believe it was in that Workshop where Florida and California both have it state law you cannot start school before 8:30 yeah so two very different states in different parts of our country have already adopted this so it is something I mean and the research does back it up Ian it'd be best to have an expert come speak about it but yeah it do yeah miss m yeah can I can I ask a question of those of you when can you tell me what time did the school School used to start and what time does it start now it's literally a half an hour difference it's a half hour difference yeah do you know what time they got on their school bus well see that's the thing right so yeah so so they one school district was saying that they their kids start as early as like 6:30 depending on when you know when you are on the route and everything but honestly you know and that's why he said it wasn't well he he also had a lot of costs that were involved with the busing which so it didn't work for his district and he also had he um um sending receiving districts but chadam yeah yeah it was High Point High Point because they're busing in uh send and receive but the my takeaway again what they all said is because there's no busing in our district it's almost like a no-brainer for us should it should it move forward in in you know reality but having no busing is just a major plus no bu but it was literally a half an hour it was like a half an hour delay time they started um so chadam started at 7:40 and they changed it to 8:10 I think and then it ends at two it ended at 235 so they had 55 57 minute periods moved to 55 lunch went from 56 to 54 and the science labs were unchanged at 27 minutes now they start at 8:20 and they get out at 3:00 I can send you pictures of the slides that I took thank you yeah all right you know he was trying to recruit us to move to Chad that did come out oh no but Ser no he did he did say he would send us I think the presentations are uploaded on to the website so we can maybe grab them from there too all right yeah go too um does anyone else have anything about school boards I'm really glad everybody went I'm a big fan of training so keep it up um do you want to talk about your 75th safe return to school plan the next meeting um we'll vote on for the 25th time the safe return to school plan it's mandated as part of the federal grants there are no changes but um it'll be an appendix um just wanted to share with you that'll be voting on it again uh and then we'll submit it hopefully yep every six months is it really forever no hopefully one more year maybe hopefully it stops but Welling we will never implement this plan we will never do anything with this plan but we will submit it so we can get our grants check um all right so our next meeting is December 11th that's the last of the year um everyone have a wonderful Happy Thanksgiving can I get a motion to adjourn Mr Corey second by Mr Hayward all in favor I meeting adjourn be safe Happy Thanksgiving everyone