here miss Carr here Mr Cory here Mr Hayward here miss mcnabola still here Dr Robinson here miss garelli here miss Stevenson here miss Rendell here we have a quorum thank you Eliza and love will you please lead us in the flag salute I pledge alce to the flag of United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all turn your mic off thank you very much EXC adequate notice of meeting in accordance with PL 1975 chapter 231 notice of tonight's meeting was mailed to the record in the ridgwood news on January 3rd 202 notice of this meeting was also mailed to the burough Clerk and was posted on the bulletin board of the Board of Education Office in the administration building on the same date copies of the procedures in effect for regular board meetings are available for the public at tonight's meeting Mr Doyle will Dolan will you please uh read our mission statement the Glenrock School District founded on the principles of education in partnership with the supported Community provides an exceptional education ations to all students cultivate resilient and responsible and engaged Global Citizens thank you Karan all right well good evening everyone um we had we have three lovely uh students from from Central here tonight and I thought we'd start with Eliza and Lev and just ask them how things are going on in Central and and I'm going to ask you a question at the end and then your answer is going to be very critical of the superintendent and and like whether or not you know who the superintendent is so we'll get to that so Eliza tell us what's going on in school right now at Central um we're learning how to measure stuff okay all right very nice and then you had a guest teacher today for math who was that Miss lroy very how did Miss lroy do with her math lesson good okay very good all right and tell us a little bit about what's going on in in your class we're almost done with um publishing a writing piece okay what's your writing piece on um you mean like subject yes GaGa ball got it very nice excellent well thank you now do you have a a favorite uh TV show that you guys watch [Music] go ahead go ahead love you got it can't decide you can't decide elza what's yours um I don't know you don't know I have a good TV show for you Charleston in charge are you are you a fan of Charleston in charge do you watch that a lot I'm sure no I don't even know that it is a it is is an international show it's well it's it's 100 different languages you're actually on Charleston in charge right now yeah yeah yeah so you're uh you're being live streamed right now to over a 100 countries I never seen it in my life I guess you've never seen yourself in the life okay all right so we're going to move on from Charleston in charge um but you did a great job tonight we thank you for for coming here let's talk to um Ken tell us a little bit about what's going on over at Central hello my name is Karen Dolan I the Central School mayor I am a fifth grade student in Mrs Lions class as the mayor Central School I helped the student council and not advisor Mrs panaman decide on school spirit days and way to give back to our community we recently had Backwards Day which was a huge success and we're looking forward to pajama day which is on December 22nd we also collected food during Thanksgiving and we are currently collecting new and unwrapped toys for families in need recently we had our holiday shop which is an event that allows our students to shop and buy presents for family and friends it was also sponsored by our HSA we are looking forward to H we're looking forward to our holiday concert this week with our fourth and fifth and early morning chorus will perform that's a wrap on what's happening in central school thank you and have a good [Applause] night does anyone have any questions for Kieran on what's going on over at Central as the mayor of of Central Elementary how was backwards day you said that we went well and then Pajama Day is coming up excellent so Karen's a student athlete right so how do you balance all your like football practices and basketball with your studies well I usually don't do my homework until I get back from Sports for some reason I just watch TV until I do it I get the motivation start good job Karen do you know Charleston in charge no I have okay well let's give them a round of applause everybody did a nice job up here and we're going to take uh some [Applause] pictures before I'm sorry L and Eliza before we go we made Elementary made this for Miss mcnabola is her last meeting would you like to give this to her okay go ahead yes very nice good [Applause] job e e e okay so um nice job again by Eliza Lev and Kieran always nice to have our our students here um we have two uh Coral presentations tonight we have from uh from Coleman we have Miss Josephine Chang who's our uh music teacher there and she does a wonderful job for our board members they're going to face here and face out so it's up to you if you want to move to the sides and and see them but uh Josephine we're all set we're ready for you when ready to come in e for should C a candle of Hope be a candle of light a beacon of Truth in a dark night Share the Light with and watch the flame grow more we give the more love will know when you another you keep your [Music] life away the flame grows even brighter the darkness turns [Music] in be a candle of Hope be a candle of light a beacon of Truth The Dark hopess Night share the with and watch the flame [Music] we more we give [Music] the [Applause] you're done okay thank you so much wonderful job we're going to take a picture of the whole group there with uh Mr vaness might want to nice job [Applause] hi [Applause] e all right I think now we have um our Glenrock High School chamber choir and trouble choir with uh Mr Helder and Miss Liss if you guys want to come up and get situated we can so we'll make a b sem and where Out start out start right back here that's good you can sh this way a little bit this way a little bit uh thank you for the invitation this evening the group that we have in front of us is our women's choir and treble choir we are performing in a concert next week Wednesday and Monday nights just happen to be our rehearsal night and we're just coming over from the choir room here at the school we're going to perform a piece of music entitled how do I love thee it was a composition project actually by a high school student who went on to study um composition at bringham Young University and it won awards since then the title of the song is how do I love thee how do I love the let me count the [Music] [Applause] [Music] way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that [Music] [Applause] seems you're [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Earth [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I love you with a passion you ain't never know before [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you just ask me do we [Applause] okay we're going to invite some bases and teners to sing with us and switch over to our chamber choir the wonderful Miss lilus is going to be conducting a piece called weight in the water which is a um traditional spiritual that has existed in our country for generations and is arranged here by Alan Ki it's a very Dynamic and very exciting piece of music and I hope you all enjoy it all right can you guys see we're good Mo over a window there [Music] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the trouble the water's going to trouble the water God's going to trouble the going to trouble the going to going going going the going going going going going [Music] [Music] [Music] trouble in the in the [Music] [Applause] in [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Applause] and she cut everyone [Applause] off yeah let me to speak so we definitely want to um thank our our our Coleman and and high school um choirs for coming out tonight I did want to make an announcement that the Middle School um performance is this Wednesday at 7:00 and then the high school will be next Wednesday at 7 o'clock if you want to be entertained with some wonderful uh talented students um at this time we have one one more uh performance uh Greg James and I are going to do a barber shop quartet um I have the bow tie we're all set oh we need and Ed then Ed will Ed will join us and then everybody will leave the room as as as we thing um that's uh I'm going to delay the rest of my report if that's okay and I'll turn it back over to you all right so before we go on with Dr Charles sin's report I kind of wanted to I think there's something else that there's a lot of people in our audience waiting to talk about um so Rona on behalf of the board I want to say thank you for your service of nearly 40 years you have dedicated much of your life to improving the lives of our Glenrock children you have been an advocate for all students and this district is is a better place because of you we will miss having your extensive knowledge of the past of policy of board procedure and all things Glenrock public school but we know where to find you if we need to there have been so many changes in education and within the district since 1985 when you were first sworn in as a trustee but you have been a constant the rock of the rock you will certainly be missed congratulations and I hope you enjoy your next chapter [Applause] does anybody else want to say something I do miss car po I'll try not to cry again oh my God there's like so much in 2006 I went to my first board meeting and Rona was president and amongst others who are in the room wishing her um a farewell but um it she was part of a board that fascinated me and led me on the journey to subsequently become part of a board and sitting with various residents but um I personally want to thank Rona for her knowledge her wisdom her allowing me to call um as chenade eloquently said she was the historian I don't know who's going to live in live up to those shoes or fill those shoes but they are big shoes to fill 40 years is probably the longest that anybody has dedicated their life and service to Glenrock and having raised two children and I actually graduated in 1986 so Rona was a trustee but you guys all do the math but having been a part of the Glenn Rock Education and having raised two children as part of the education I know that Rona was a huge huge um contributor so I really do want to say thank you um don't go far um come back because we always we all say we'll come back and we do sort of kind of we never really leave um but enjoy your free time and thank you anyone [Applause] else Mr Hayward again echoing everyone's Sentiments of how valuable you have been to Glenn Rock uh and everyone a lot of familiar faces here we all know you know the policy book that better than anyone but I don't know if everyone knows you're kind of famous on the county side too that across the county all boards and I was going to mention that after that right and if we can bump that up to the state level because you've been active as a board member for the county and the state I believe State as well yeah so I mean it while this is uh end of the board for Glenn Rock here and I'm sure you'll still be involved and we'll all be talking we're grateful and I think the whole County and state should be grateful for all your knowledge so thank you thank you Miss Stevenson well as the newest board member oh sorry I just want follow up what what Ed said when I went to my board training earlier in the year I felt like royalty just because I knew her people would see my name tags that you're from Glenn you know Rona and just you've been an ambassador for our district and town for so long and um just you have a lot of respect from beyond our borders so thank you I was at with Liz at that 2006 meeting um also we have our other connection of I worked at the school where you attended as a child um and young child um and actually too on on the the county level and the state level when you mention your name you have helped a lot of other districts besides ours you know a lot you have tremendous respect from your colleagues from our colleagues from other towns and really you do know the policy better than anybody else does here um you have been an asset and I thank you for your years of service to to Glenrock um so much has been echoed here and I I definitely share in those words even at my own um new member orientation uh it was mentioned that you were definitely a Trailblazer and Ambassador um not just for our district but across the state and I think that sentiment is shared everywhere that we go um just thank you again for everything that you've done for us and for being like a shining Beacon for um an example of what a board member is uh capable of and um thank you thank you I just want to also here we go um I want to thank you for all that you've done for the Glenrock schools I want to um I know this is Bittersweet for you um it's bittersweet for me too I'm happy that you are you know going to be have a little extra time on your hands but you will be missed uh sitting here right next to me um you know you've always spoken your mind you've always um had a strong opinion and did your research on issues we may not have always agreed but we always respected each other's viewpoints and we always worked together and that's really what I'm going to miss the most um is having you here and working through issues and really helping to move our district forward so um you will be missed greatly but I know your number and I know where you live um and I want to just thank you for all of your you know mentoring and Leadership on this board throughout these years thank you thank you Bron I'll I'll keep it light I look forward to you sharing your three minutes at public comment thank you thank you and before I let you say anything I'm actually going to open up a public comment for anybody that wants to speak um it'll just be on Miss mcnabola so if you would like to speak come to the podium name address you'll get three minutes okay can you hear me can you hear me okay well first um I'm Judy Jacobs I live at in glamrock do have in my address s Clifton Place I forgot um but first I'm going to read on behalf of Randy blumberg okay so Randy wrote I have covid and can't make tonight's meeting would you please read the following to Rona which is what I would have said if I could attend Rona you deserve a hell of a lot more than a plaque Proclamation or what it what it is that you've been being offered this evening I hope you're getting a medal as well you've been the stalwart of the Glenrock board of education for these past 35 years as a former board trustee as well as an active parent participant I relied on your countless times I relied on you countless times for your historic knowledge of our school system and for your fair and thoughtful consideration of all matters concerning our students staff and parents Marty and I as well as our children Sarah and Alex along with thousands of other current and former Glenn rockers owe you our gratitude for your tireless contributions towards our successful education system so here I am recovering from covid I raise a glass to you and your happy and peaceful future most sincerely Randy blumberg okay so my notes honoring Rona when I walked into the voting booth at Central a few weeks ago a feeling of bitter sweetness fell upon me as I realized I would no longer be voting for RONA to serve our community on the board of ed it was something I had done proudly each time she was up for reelection Ron Rona was the Catalyst I'm such a wimp sorry um Rona was the Catalyst for our family to live in Glenrock as she was is fiercely proud of our schools and the education that my children and yours would receive living here prior to buy buying our house in town Ben our eldest was in private kindergarten and we were forced faced with the decision of what to do the following year Rona was so adamant that he could not attend school in that District that she tongue and cheek of course said he will live with me before going to school there what any loving Nana would say that same love respect and reverence to the value of education is what has fueled her commitment to her 35 years of service here Rona leads quietly and wisely whether president or member she always looks at both sides of the issues before making a decision she is honest caring giving and selfless she leads by example and inspired me to proudly volunteer in our schools as an active HSA member I am sure that she has inspired many Rona leaves this board with big shoes to fill however her humility would never allow her to think that way I encourage the future boards to seek Her counsel as her wisdom and knowledge is vast I actually propose that a non-voting position as board historian would serve you all well thank you to Rona for making Glenrock a better [Applause] place uh good evening my name is Sheldon hburg I'm uh uh 86 Central Avenue and a former Trustee of the glenark Board of Education and a former president um I'm here to speak uh on behalf in favor of of Rona um uh Rona um You Were My Mentor uh I when I decided to run for the board uh I I asked around whom I should speak to and and your name was universally um put forward put forward um and I'm I'm glad I did um even when we disagreed and we we had some disagreements Through The Years uh you always and always put student achievement as the first uh on the list and and I always respected that um um I I think that uh you have um given this board of education uh the the soul that it deserves and uh I thank you for that and uh you will be greatly missed U and I I for one want to thank you for for that um be be well uh retirement is good uh you you just have to decide what you're going to do on Monday nights now and um but I I think that uh we're we're in good hands so thank you [Applause] Rona thank you shene my name is Andrea I'm at 21 Forest Road and I've had the privilege of knowing Rona for 25 years as a friend it's been in honor she is one of the reasons that I moved to Glenrock I have three graduates uh who from start to finish finished here and are leading very successful lives um and I just want to recognize you and say thank you you're the reason we're here and breathe and I just want to recognize those 40 years of service and I thank you very much on behalf of my family and many families in Glenrock thank you [Applause] my name is Judy sherik I first met Rona at Eastside High School in Patterson New Jersey and at that time I was so impressed with her intelligence her creativity but mostly her sense of humor she is always smiling and she always makes me laugh and smile so I came here tonight from Connecticut 2 hours with the traffic to be here for RONA I wanted to say congratulations for all your years of dedication and I know you have affected the lives of many many children in this area may you go from strength to strength I love you sjii 131 Fair Mount Avenue uh former trustee um I think first first of all I want to say thank you because most of the time people who come here they never say thank you but the other adjectives that you can find four letter words I have heard everything and the other thing comes to my mind is in uh encyclopedia if you want to get the board ofed education history of this of this town she is the one from the state from the Bergen County she knows everyone everyone knows her and she knows the history of the district which is very critical for us going forward so I support that creating that post um teaching and training I start from there uh when I joined the board I was just joined the board with lot of uh like you know I'm going to change this I'm going to change that that superintendent got to go that teacher needs to go guess what nothing happens like that so I learned that from Rona uh she put me on the policy the most boring committee you can have but I learned how to read every single word and that that's what make this District great from uh bullying from gender equality and so on all those uh policies that we worked on she made me read every single word and how a single word translate into many different facets it's amazing so thank you for teaching me that uh you always gave unbiased advice you never ever influenced me to vote this way or that way you presented the facts and I always voted uh you know the way I thought you and I sometime just did not agree but you know that's the coaching I got uh and you have influenced other board members one is back so thank you for that I also learned how what to negotiate with teacher Union in good faith I think that was very critical important for this District to keep the teachers superintendents happy that's what make this District stronger um you and I and rest of the board uh always put Student First their education their safety and always work for the special education the people the kids that always you were a good supporter I think I hope after she leaves the other board members fill that Gap because we need to provide a strong education for every single child in this District uh you also taught me what to look for a CSA when you hire a CSA so thank you for inviting me I think having this opportunity to come back to the live show of Charleston I'm enjoying it uh what else uh we made some uh big decisions on 45 million referendum that was the biggest in Bergen County those that day or those days so that was good um I can also write a book about uh how to get rid of a superintendent if you know what I mean so that was good learning uh yeah uh your dedication to the school district will always be remembered no matter where you are your guidance your um always appreciated by current and previous board members uh and last thing I want to say I fully support renaming orway to Ori and Rona and uh one guy who is missing here I don't see here is uh the guy who got $5,000 to his pension it's the internal joke so so thank you uh for everything and I look forward to see you meet you for coffee and lunch and stay healthy thank you everyone for your [Applause] time hi Sandy Stern 37 go re teres we don't know each other but I have watched you from the gallery for probably the last 15 years so I feel like I know you now I watch online and whenever someone wants to know the answer to a guidelines or a policy question I'm always like just ask Rona already like um but what got me out to the board of ed in person atam my sweats um today is just to say Thank you so many are looking for the next best the new but they're so much value in institutional knowledge and yours will be missed you are open to all ideas you're a good listener you're a support to our Jewish students lgbtq students students of color you listen to what families and students need you have progressed this is really the part it got me out of my sweats you've progressed where needed and you've anchored where needed and so I think that's incredibly beautiful and intuitive of you and I just wanted to come and say thank you for helping take care of our kids all these years [Applause] hello Angela V 74 walren I just wanted besides all the thank yous that I could offer to Rona uh we have been in this school district for I was doing the math 21 years maybe 22 I can't remember in all those years I knew that Rona had call her ID and she always answered the phone when I called so but thank you Rona always put the students first and she helped my children succeed and go on to have wonderful careers and succeed in college so I wish you the very best may God bless you each and every day thank you [Applause] Rona hi my name is Rebecca Jacobs s Clifton Place um real is what you guys all know her by but I call her Nana um she is my grandma and I grew up here in Glenrock I'm getting emotional um I grew up here in gunrock and I went to gunrock high school and gunrock middle school in Central and I graduated this place 10 years ago I wanted to share a quick little blip of what she did for me um obviously a great grandma but um even more I was um given an IEP in high school and there was my mother who sat next to me every single IEP meeting but she was right across from me and in a very intimidated few minutes that we would sit with the teachers who were discussing my uh difficulties with math and science uh Rona or Nana was right across from me making me feel a lot more comfortable um through all the help that she gave me and advocated for me I now uh work in Corporate America I have a really great job making shoes for all the women of this country and I really uh credit that to all the help that she gave me so thank you for all you did for Glenrock and all you did for me love [Applause] you Dr Charleston Mr canels members of the board my name is Pat Fletcher and while I don't live in Glenrock I spent 24 hours a day 7 days a week for 14 years here with Rona in a variety of different ways and while it's been mentioned that Rona has influence so many board members as a county member a state member as an administrator that meant that she was responsible for so many dysfunctional board meetings that I attended did however I think what I learned from Rona is to listen to people and to reflect before action and I will always appreciate that thank [Applause] you all right seeing no more comments um I'll close public I hate to follow all this up um I didn't realize this was the public comment period in general um my name is just fona just forona be back all right so seeing no more public comment uh I'll close at 7:50 um and I'll turn the mic over to Rona I I wrote a few things out because um I don't remember things as well as I used to uh but as everybody knows I did Run for the board in 1985 um my older son was in eighth grade and my younger son was in third grade so I certainly understood what was going on in the school system I was president of the Coleman School HSA at the time and I attended board meetings and I thought I could do better which was I think I've been disturbing the kids I I I just lost my spe I don't know how to write on these things somebody's going to have to come over to my house and teach me how to write on these things okay um first I want to thank all the board members over the years for for being great board members because no matter whether you think you're wonderful at one meeting and not wonderful at another you're all great board members for being here you learn the rules as sanjie had said you learn the policies and you understand them and I have good faith that board members in the future based on what you guys know will learn the same things I also want to thank all the administrators and staff in the Glenrock School District they have always been very kind to me and have always treated me with great respect I include a lot of teachers and people who are now retired including Patrick um it was always interesting I as you know I had Polio when I was two years old and part of my head said I could do it all I'm a double double type A personality I guess and um um at one point I was coming to a board meeting and Patrick said to me and I and the board meeting was upstairs and I was walking up the stairs and I fell on the stairs and Patrick flat out said you're taking a wheelchair period you know that's the end of and I that was the story I started to listen to the people who were listening to what was going on in my life um as many people know I've been president of the board and vice president of the board and um some of the things that other people had mentioned I was president and vice president for Bergen County School boards and every time you move up in the state you get to meet more and more people and you learn you know you go to a board meeting you say boy that board was really dumb I hope we don't do that on my board you know things like that one of the things that I really enjoyed doing was going to uh the New Jersey school board's meetings and being a group leader originally I was a teacher to begin with so by teaching new board orientation and Leadership and advanced sportsmanship it was exciting and that's lots of times when people see me they see me from that and they say where is she where is she because I I did that for about 20 years going down there and and teaching board members the one piece of uh thing that I don't think anybody on this board did was I was appointed to njsiaa which is the uh New Jersey and Scholastic etc etc Association I got appointed there because somebody said would you like to go to a meeting and I said yeah because I don't know what it does so I went to the meeting and I learned what it did I served there on their executive committee for 15 years and I became president of the executive committee down there and I'm now a great supporter of njsiaa um but I had to learn it in order to do it and that's that's really kind of the bottom line for everybody you really have to learn before you can actually do um being on the Glenrock board has technically been the highlight of my life uh it's taken up almost my entire life but uh I really don't know what I'll be doing afterwards I do know in the snow I'll be sleeping when you guys are trudging here for meetings or waiting for the the comment is school closed today I'll be sleeping I'll tell you that much um at the end of every meeting that I went to for school boards I gave out a pin and the pin had to deal with what we were learning about whether it was leadership or have these pins for this board of education because I know that this board are the group that's going to serve the students of Glenrock and the board me it says that you're a school board member you don't have to wear it to meetings but every now and then you have to kind of look at it and understand that as a group that's what you all do together uh we have individuals and I and I also have a new one for the newest board member that will be coming on in January because I want her to consider that she is of course another one person one vote member of this board uh I want to thank everybody who came here uh to wish me good luck you're probably all going to forget about me when I'm home I'll be I'll be sitting waiting for you to call me except for Sanji he'll call uh except and nobody will call but I'll be there so so I want to thank the entire board for being uh an excellent board to work with and I want to thank the administrators who are here I'm really proud of the Glenrock school system uh I think it's going to be the best school system without being written up in any newspaper I think we all know that Glenrock is the best schools that we have around thank you all all right on behalf of the board and Glenrock uh school public schools this is a flaque all right we're going to take just a five minute break let Rona say goodbye to everybody and uh and then we'll come back in five minutes can I have a motion to go back into public Miss Carr signed by miss magnola all right so we will continue with with Dr charon's report um just uh I don't want to repeat everything that that people said but uh forona on on really on behalf of administration um the teachers students we do thank you for for everything and what I I would say is and this has been mentioned by a couple people out there uh and I and I said this probably in my interview but we make decisions that are in the best interest of kids and you've always done that and I think when you do that you you you can anger anger people out out there um but if that's your North Star I think that's that's the most important thing so I I I appreciate all of your support I know we've made some tough decisions over the last four years um and it's been it's been nice you it's always good to work with a trustee that that just cares about kids so thank you all right I should no you're good s around yes come back next year so let's uh I'm going to go over the the the calendar yes and I know that um Miss hren has been running up here to to try to get a better look at the calendar so um this is like this is um we've talked about this at a couple of meetings so I'll go through this quickly and then uh the board is not is not voting on on this calendar tonight uh this is a draft they welcome public comment on it this has been shared with the gr and graa Leadership um and uh uh this calendar would be on the reorganization agenda on January 8th to be approved as a draft so that people can start uh making uh plans or at least getting an idea of what the board will do and then the following year the board would approve it so let me go through this pretty quickly um and then Keith if you have to move it up and down I'm just going to start and go by month um so we have the first day for students would be the day after Labor Day starting after Labor Day uh the teachers uh their two PD days would be that Wednesday um and Thursday in in August the 27th and 28th uh in September we have on September 23rd and 24th we have rashash Shana so the district is closed when we get to October we have yam kapor and Dali on the 2nd and 20th uh the one thing on the 13th is our traditional um afternoon PD for staff which which is contractual and that would be an early dismissal for students the board of education is continuing with uh the idea of a fall break as we know on uh November 4th and November 6th and 7th those are the election uh election day and njaa Convention so the board um in this upcoming calendar excuse me in the 2425 calendar uh we have that week off so the board wanted to continue that with having having the third and fifth off as a fall break Thanksgiving is is obvious with the half day before when we get to December we have conferences on December 3rd and 4th those are half days for our elementary students uh the interesting thing with uh December into January obviously December 23rd is a half a day and then we start with our winter break but that Friday in January uh 2nd the board had convers or discussions about uh not wanting to bring students and staff back on January uh 2nd on that Friday so we would come back on January 5th following Monday obviously Martin Luther King is off when we get to February we have a three-day weekend for um a President's Day the board does go back and forth between three and four day weekends uh but this one would be a three-day weekend March uh is just a half day on March 9th which again is contractual for the that's the grea PD uh afternoon again students half day in the morning excuse me half day and then PD in the afternoon the change for Spring Break um was different than what the board traditionally does we have Good Friday off which is uh April 3rd and then the following week traditionally the board has had the week off before Easter but we've had several requests for that Easter Monday off and in addition um the week of uh um April uh 6 is has Passover so it worked out well with the calendar for that and then in may we have obviously uh Memorial Day and then when we get to to June uh we graduate on uh June 24th which is a Wednesday uh and the last day for staff would be uh June June 25th um it's a little late this the this calendar does have two emergency closing days built in if the board or if we were to use more the difference that in this in this calendar is that we would start backwards we would start with April 10th the last day of spring break would be off and then work backwards from there um and uh the reason that we're getting out a little bit later is again the fall break and also that January 2 uh date that that we're adding and in addition having the extra day off in spring break so that alone is four days in the calendar right so that's kind people are asking why we're a little bit later uh and that's it I'll happy to take any board questions on that okay and then seeing none so we're going to jump to um the uh program of studies and Mr uh vaness and I are kind of going to go back and forth but I'll turn over to you Greg if you want to start sure so for this year for the program at studies there aren't a lot of significant changes um it's a little bit more cleaning up and and adding a couple courses but nothing nothing major so in English um the main thing that's happening is we're going to remove a couple courses from the program of studies that haven't run in in the last many years so one is the modern drama literature and uh it last ran in the 201819 school year each year we've had in the last couple years two or three students requesting it so we've just not run it so we're taking it off the books because it's not it's not one that that students are interested in taking right now these are all English 12 classes so they have some options there but nobody's opting for them the other one that we're going to be removing is um English 12 Mo of Shakespeare it last ran in the 1415 school year so it hasn't run in a long time it was sort of replaced by the modern drama literature which nobody wants to take either um so uh the mo of Shakespeare uh last year and the year before we had two students requesting it so same thing it's just it's not a high request and part of that is because the English 12 Humanities and the Arts course um students are liking so um we're going to to continue with that the course requests for that are are strong we have um we have enough sections to to keep running that all students will be either enrolled in contemporary fiction or AP uh English language and literature um or the humanities in the art so it's it's it's working out they have some options there um but we're just kind of cleaning it up taking out the ones that are are not not being requested by students um and we'll think about offering other things in the future if we if find find things that that students want to take and teachers want to teach the other language Cleanup in the English Department is um in the state and I think through the nation um a lot of people are moving away from using the terminology English language Learners to multilanguage Learners MLL instead of elll because um well these kids are learning multiple languages at the same time right they're not just learning English so um so we're going to be cleaning up some of the language in our program studies to to go along with that shift that the state and and the nation are going with for math um really really the only change is in our where most of our juniors are taking um courses so the currently they can take um pre-calculus Advanced pre-calculus or honors algebra 3 defferential calculus those are the three options and we're going to be offering a new course next year um first was um available in the country from the College Board which is AP precalculus so they started offering it this year but we we held off our year for for various reasons uh but we're going to offer that next year we think students are going to like that um be another AP course that students can take um and fits into our sequence fairly nicely so what that means is that we're going to we're going to eliminate the honors algebra 3 differential calculus and turn that into the AP Calculus class we're going to change our Advanced pre-calculus to be honors pre-calculus and then we'll still offer the regular pre-calculus so we'll still have three levels for students to take they'll be just realigned to to those courses instead of what we currently have um and we'll see see where that goes if we want to keep the three levels moving forward but it's what we have now and um and we think it'll serve our students better um and that's really it in math did you want to talk about business or you want me to keep going I'll I'll take over um so for uh for the the business electives as you could see we're proposing to revise um marketing too to entertainment and and Sports Marketing and as you can see this marketing too declined um and so uh entertainment and Sports Marketing would be uh we think very well received by uh um students the other piece there and I'm not going to go through as much detail as as as Greg as Greg did but for for financial literacy two things one is the admin the admin team looked at creating a summer financial literacy course that we would teach our our teachers would would do just felt like there wasn't enough time but we wanted to give the students an option in the program of studies uh to take it um through virtual school as you could say just a way to open up the schedule for students not they don't have to they could take traditionally in in in school like we offer but um that's that that would be an option for them um for science you could see for the AP Physics uh one and two um just updating the topics of study that's going to be more in the in the course description and you can see the physics numbers have really gone done done well and we anticipate that that continuing um you want to do the next one sure so for our 21st century courses meaning engineering we currently have pre-engineering a and pre-eng Engineering B and we're going to change that up a little bit that pre-engineering a is going to be called foundations of engineering and we're going to adjust the curriculum a little bit and then instead of pre-engineering B we're going to have which is a single semester elective we're going to split it into two different semester electives which is um one is Robotics and technological design and the other one is rapid prototyping and Manufacturing it gives students an additional semester so if they want to take another semester of engineering we can um and I I mean there's high demand for these classes kids are kids are really really into it right now so we want to go with that and then the last one with um Visual and Performing Arts some minor changes we're going to add honors B and and honors Orchestra to the program of studies we already have honors choir right and so we're just making this pair with with that as well it would be run concurrently with the other one you know he and I could be in the same Orchestra but it's he's in his fourth year and I'm in my third so he's in the honors course now so we're just changing that to to match what we have already in choir um and then just some a little bit of verb changes in in verbiage changes in the descriptions of some of these things and uh the last bit is uh fdu concurrent enrollment for the art history class we're going to be allowed uh providing that for students so for the program of studies uh it would be at the second meeting in January on that agenda for for board approval so we're still working on it but we're happy to take any questions that trustees have on the proposed uh changes I I just have a quick question or comment um with all these changes do you see an issue or are you anticipating more staff requirements in particular with the engineering if we split it into two semesters I'm not saying we shouldn't do it I'm just asking have we you know what does it look like as far as Staffing well the way we're going to staff we don't see that but I I would anticipate the following year needing and that's just I think even if we didn't do this that's you have to be candid a really great teacher that people are flocking to and so I always say students vote with their feet and so they're this teacher is already has overages and so I I see us having to duplicate him right and doing that so in the future that I mean and to keep the board uh arrest in the other things like our our Foods uh is through the roof uh in enrollment our TV media is through the roof in enrollment I those programs you know the board has invested in particular in TV media um is really doing great and so I mean evidence by my TV show award-winning um the yes um I got to yeah I have to figure out my audience I think better um and so uh yeah that's any other questions all right so I guess I will open up public comment this is I guess now our second of three uh name address 3 minutes I'll open it up at 8:21 good evening my name is orley goldfeld I'm at 72 delmare Avenue Rona thank you very much for being the CPAC leaz on um and uh speaking with us and hearing some of our concerns and bringing them back to the board um I'm here tonight about the proposed calendar for the 2526 school year um as Dr Charleston mentioned the spring break would start on April 3rd which is Good Friday and then go into the following week Passover starts actually on the evening of April 1st which is the Wednesday beforehand um most people in this area traditionally um observe Passover the first and second nights which would be the night of the first the night of the second um and so I would ask the board when you're considering approving the calendar to think about um the Jewish students who would be learning an important lesson of helping their parents prepare for Passover and participating in the saders without having to go to school the next day um and so I would suggest as an alternative if you want to have that six day block um start the Monday before Good Friday run through that week through Good Friday and then the following Monday for Easter Monday so people are not rushing back to get home from their holidays but um I'd appreciate your consideration of that thank you thank you all right see no more public comment close it at 8:23 brings us down to our general resolutions can I get a motion to discuss G1 through G11 Mr Corey signed by Miss mcnabola does anyone have anything on our G items to discuss this car I just I just wanted to clarify I'm sorry I didn't send an email um on the ski club substitutes are required but it's multi there's three different chips are the ski club I know in the past has gone on Saturdays but I'm assuming because they need substitutes it's going to be during the school day a Friday no I don't think it's going to be during the school day it's probably just a mistake of having this sub okay so just let's correct it and when uh well if they're going on a Saturday they would need need no but but you have it asteris I understand that but there's nothing but you won't need a substitute require right so take out the aster okay okay right anything else oh Mr Cory just a comment of thanks on G10 just noting the generous donations of organizations and families they're associated with the school and look like to be the co-curricular Glenrock youth basketball league contributing that's uh that's communicating with our community so glad to see that breaching both ways agreed thank you any other comments comments all right seeing none Mr canels Miss carasa yes Miss Carr yes Mr Corey yes Mr Hayward yes Miss mavola yes Dr Robinson yes Miss garelli yes Miss Stevenson yes Miss Randell yes motion passes thank you all right uh that brings us to our business resolutions can I get a motion to discuss B1 through B7 M mcnabola seconded by Mr Hayward does anyone have anything on our B items to discuss M carella uh just on B4 I will be abstaining as it relates to my reimbursement check and then all right go ahead Miss carova yes Miss Carr yes Mr Corey yes Mr Hayward yes Ms mcnabola yes Dr Robinson yes Miss garelli Yes except as noted Miss Stevenson yes Miss randelle yes motion passes all right our Personnel resolutions can I get a motion to discuss P1 through p7 Miss mcnabola seg by Miss garelli does anyone have anything to discuss on our P items all right seeing none Miss carola yes Miss Carr yes Mr Corey yes Mr Hayward yes Miss magnola yes Dr Robinson yes Miss garelli yes Miss Stevenson yes M randow yes motion passes thank you all right that brings us to our hi resolution can I get a motion to affirm our Hib decisions from November 20th Miss garell second sry miss mnet Mr canels Miss carola yes Mr car Miss car sorry yes Mr Cory yes Mr Hayward yes M mcnabola yes Dr Robinson yes Miss carpelli yes Miss Stevenson yes Miss randelle yes motion passes next is our vandalism suspension and hip reports for you to look at and uh next is public comment second of second talk about whatever you like um I'll open up public comment at 8:27 all right seeing none I'll close it at 8:27 does anyone have any old business no old business right new business our next meeting is reorg January 8th um anything else for new business we'll miss you not will be weird I just want to say at the end of the meeting that I want to thank the entire Glenrock board who's sitting here right now because you have the job of taking the calendar the this the that and to bring the students forward I was looking at the changes in curriculum and I was thinking of how many changes we've made over the years and are we doing the right things for the kids and I'm sure we are I'm sure each one of these things is going to be fine some kids are going to say I don't want to do that we'll work it out you know I so I just want to thank all of you for uh putting putting up with my to-dos you know getting me my cookies getting me my soda doing uh everything you could to help me out uh in the many years that I've been on the board and I want to wish Dr Charleston a very successful superintendency here it's it's been a good one to start I want it to continue to be a good one same thing for uh our assistant superintendent of which we never had one for a long time and I fought for it way back when and we didn't get one and again a business administrator other than Mr render connect who can handle the rest of the board I want to thank him as well thank you no applause no no all right well I need a motion to adjourn the meeting I'll adjourn the meeting seconded by Mr Hayward all in favor I meeting adjourned happy and healthy to everybody