[Music] thank uhhuh understand [Music] [Music] good evening please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance and please you got to remain station okay I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic stands one nation God indiv andice good evening this regular meeting of the township council is being held in accordance with the schedule of the meetings of the township Council establish and adopted by the township Council which SCH does a time date and place of this meeting adequate public notice of this meeting has been provided pursu to the provisions of the open public meetings act we're using electronic amplifying and recording device in order to obtain a clear and audible record request all those wishing to speak be recognized and state your name and addressed directly to the microphone the recording device be Sly utilized by the township clerk's office for the preparation events and shall be the official record of the township Council meetings Madam cler by the roll call please Mr M here Mrs Al Troxel here Mrs Grace love here Mr Nash here Mrs Walters here Mrs wyers Mr marado Mr car here Mr ctis here Chief arkins here Mr Miguel here before we go to the public portion uh we have an estimate for professional architectural engineering Services uh for the Gloucester Township uh Park batting structure that'll be located at the GL Township community park uh this will require straw pole is there anything you want to add to that Mr cars no um other than the fact that initially um as we've mentioned before in the past we were going to locate this at Ariel uh wanting to expand it and also have some space for office in that comp in that building uh the decision was made to move it to gler community par that way you also get more use by all bus okay uh the Pedic group is our Recreation engineer so that's um so we just require a straw poll for this Madam clerk Please Mr mon yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr marado yes next is our public portion this is for agenda items only anyone addressing Council may speak one time once all those wishing to address Council have had their turns they may address Council a second time link it add to what was said earlier not repeating earlier statements there's 15 minutes allocated for the public portion each speaker is entitled to three minutes would anyone like to speak during the first public portion yes Miss [Music] [Music] coin Den Co choose Landing can I give one of these packets to everybody is this regarding the agenda it is I guess yes wasn't [Music] it okay um resolution 2406 195 involves the sale of 351 Landing Road to ferelli real estate Holdings LLC and I have several concerns about that one um the property is misrepresented is vacant on the resolutions and um it's not vacant property Mount construction's been using it for many many years to park their trucks and equipment on and there's also a building on the property which the tax assessor has appraised for $321,700 so the agendas that sent this to public auction all said that it was vacant property um apparently it's not uh also the principal agent who's the winning bidder and only bidder on the property for telly real estate holdings the person the principal agent um shares a name with an individual mentioned in the report that I just handed everybody which is the New Jersey Commission of investigation report on industrious subversion circumvention of oversight and solid waste and recycling in New Jersey and according to that report the bidder's father pled guilty to corruption and criminal charges linked to organized crimes influence in the waste falling industry and his father was permanently Bor barred from operating in New York and came to New Jersey and um started operating in New Jersey in the solid waste industry and assumed control of Central Jersey waste and recycling so I don't know if anybody's aware of that or not but that's rather concerning and then the property itself 351 Landing Road is public property and it's environmentally s sensitive property it's right on the Timber Creek and I believe that there's an active eatles Nest within like I don't know quarter mile half now half a mile of the property so um I think it's very important to make sure whoever gets a hold of this land is going to be a responsible Steward of the property and um somebody who's going to be willing to follow the D rules and regulations so my questions um regarding this resolution are um why was the property misr represented as being vacant when it's not and um were you aware of this report from the New Jersey Commission of Investigation and the relationship to the bidder and uh given the environmentally sensitive nature of the land and the presence of the ACT active Eagle nests nearby um what steps will you take to ensure the protection of the property and uh Miss Corin your time's up I'm sorry to interrupt you uh Mr car anything you want to respond uh regarding vacant property Mount was the former uh tenant of that particular property correct M yes was and there were there were two appraisals done on the property those appraisals contain not only the the ground but also the structures on the ground okay okay uh in regards to whose father is I I was not aware of that thank you very much for providing that information is there anyone else would like to speak yes Miss Andrea [Music] good evening Dina Hendry sommerdale good evening um when a land when land goes up for sale what is the process to ensure that it is recorded correctly because if construction cars are used then therefore it's not vacant to me vacant means like not used like abandon so obviously it's not vacant Mr car so so it is vacant land I don't the fire tent there was Mount construction part trucks there they vacated the property so the property is up for sale is vacant land wherever buys it it's the use that they put to it but it's vacant there's no occupancy on that property okay and with regards to preserving um the bald eagles did anybody know that there was bald eagles there we we've had a resident that has contacted us over the years regarding bald eagles and so I I don't know if there is a reserve there or Mr cars so when a resident contacts you excuse me oh oh I'm sorry I thought he was gathering no again other than the D itself overseeing something like that Township here but is it on Township land the what the bald eagles I have no idea no idea before anybody votes yes or no I would kindly um suggest that we take a look at it being that the bald eagle is um our animal for the country and it is endangered um and it is protected it is something that's serious so I would kindly um suggest that we kindly put a pin in this before voting to ensure that our national treasure is protected thank you so so let me give one response you should keep in mind that the buyer and the bid process sets the B has a due diligence period to do their own evaluations and inspections so if that is the case or anything else that proves that to them or provides to them a negative they can terminate their agreement under their due diligence period uh so that's something that's going to be L during the contract not saying that you have to not approve it you can make your decision but the buyer is still going through its thank you Mr cor is there anyone else Mr [Music] paor good evening Council Ray paor from the historic village burial good evening not knowing quite as much as those that researched this even more it would be my guess that uh there are members on this Council that have researched it even less than I have um I believe this may be an instance shaking your head did you know something I didn't did you ask them Mr paoro just make your statement sarcasm is not me well you're shaking your head while I'm talking I wouldn't do that to you I've never done that to you Mr father please continue it wouldn't be a bad idea maybe to table this do a little more research uh our solicitor seems to have some knowledge and good knowledge to this he seems to be advising on that but maybe the rest of council maybe one or two of you could make a motion to table This research a little more if not for the Eagles uh for the definition of vacant and the intentions of where this is going it's not a bad idea to table something to do a little more research it is your due diligence and hard work that gives you the best wisest and most educated vote that you can do the question I would ask is is time of the essence it doesn't seem so that you couldn't table this have Council the full Council that's getting ready to vote on this just take a look at it see if there's something in there that does raate concerns have a question because time is not of the essence it's a land sale land sales get delayed all the time titles various things that go about can wait if you bought a house you know that things don't always happen on time it's just not a bad idea one of you two of you make a motion table it talk about it amongst each other find out from whatever resources that you can make the best educated choice that you can rather than voting with either a quarter or a half three quarters of information get the full information on intentions Direction definition of vacancy especially our American Eagle American bald eagle please consider that one one of you two of us maybe think that this can wait for another day it has no amount of urgency that's all I'm asking be a good representative because you you represent us all equally he heads the meeting and a vice chair but he all have an equal vote i' I'd ask you to consider tabling it take a look and and make the best and smartest choice for not only the people of clester Township but for a great American symbol thank you I you just thank can I question you reiterate what you just said process because B basically the bid process one of the as aspects of the bid process is once the a successful bidder as we have here gets a bid that's that's approved and accepted the uh advertising notice that the governing body has an obligation to approve that or reject that bidder for some reason it's not satisfied with the pro uh process or the bid price uh so you're only all you're doing here is authorizing the acceptance of the $1.6 million for the vacant land now the bid process uh and successful bidder contract is the successful B A due diligence period to go in and inspect for any reason that that they determine whether it's environmental or whatever they can make a determination that it's a negative to their purchase so all you're doing is authorizing and approving the $1.6 million bid and authorizing contract and it gives the buyer his due diligence period if this is an issue it's going to come up uh with the buyer and ibly be given notice since it's been presented to council that this is a question and they'll do their they'll do their due diligence and make their inspections thank you is there anyone else so that's not our respons all you're doing is authorizing the acceptance of the $1.6 million and authorizing the Contra what that's correct and they have their right during that period to make a determination to reject it uh if they make if they find reason thank Co choose Landing um as far as uh only voting to authorize the $1.6 million bid um this was went out to bid two other times and the minimum bid was $2 m3500 and the bid was decreased to 1,600,000 so that's something everybody should keep in mind before you vote um and I'm not sure if there's some emergency to where we have to sell this property for $1.6 million seems to me we could sell it for a lot more if we didn't have to sell it right away um the other thing is as far as the uh bidder doing his due diligence um to make sure that you know it's property that he really wants I think the township should do their due diligence to make sure it's property that should really be sold to this bidder thank you thank you is there anyone else that like to speak that has not spoken yet miss hry miss Andre will be our last [Music] speaker good evening Dina hry Summerdale um from my understanding there was construction vehicles there today from that company so how is it vacant if there's construction vehicles today on that land ctis they're permitted to go on that site and to to look at the property they're no the the the company that you said had vacated has gone Mount Laurel Mount is well I believe Mount is still vacating they had probably close to 150 vehicles on that site so so it's not vacant yet it's in the process of being vacant I believe that right now it is in the process of being vacant so then therefore it's not completely true that it's vacant because it's occupied somebody has given notice that they're leaving so they are still responsible for such things it's not vacant it's still occupied correct I guess the way you're defining it but for the bidder that bid they bid on that partial property as a vacant property land it'll be vacant when they take possession of it okay um and does the township owe any due diligence to ensure that there are National Treasures such as the bald eagle that reside in our Township uh there was property Jason to the Nike now Nike base and jems Landfield of a thing called swamp pink Mr burn you know about that and there was developers over time that tried to develop near that area but because of swamp pink which is an endanger plant uh they were not able to move forward with it so yes we are we recognize when there's environmental issues awesome and then when the company does their due diligence is there um like a second sh uh pair of eyes to ensure that what they see is what is actually true like what if they say no everything is hunky dory and you're like no I heard that there was a bald eagle there so is there like a counter like double signatures double set of eyes double everything to ensure that what it is is what it truly is I'm sure I'm sure someone will call DP if they haven't already which they have but correct and that knowledge is now being presented uh to the governing body uh that means it's going to be from this governing body to the potential buyer as they do their inspection that's an area that's going to be looked in perhaps by the uh Township as well as the buyer to make a determination before they go forward that they're and spend dollars on their inspections they're going to make sure there's not a a national issue that would prevent okay and then do we really need this amount of money right now like can we not can we all vote no so therefore we don't capitalize on this money so therefore we can make sure the B Eagles are good so let me respond thank you for your pleasure I respond one thing Miss Henry real quick so I'm no ornithologist I am into part photography which I'm admitting this publicly but U Bal Eagles are not dangered as of 200 just so you know well thank you so let me make one comment though because there was a allegation before that there were two uh this was the third bid the prior bids were higher bids uh that's correct we went out this for three separate times the first two times when the price was higher no one registered no one was present on the bid process am I right Mr ctis you are correct so when we uh rid a reassessment of it and came up with a more realistic value from an appraisal point of view we put it back out for bid again that's when we had the successful bidder now the only thing you're doing here is meeting the requirement of the bid notice where we told the successful bidder if you're a successful bidder the council within 60 days or thereafter will do a resolution authorizing the contract that means you're going to set forth the four corners or perimeters of this legal aspect of the contract giving the them the right to do their inspections and due diligence for their period to determine if there's any deficiencies thank one question how long approximately has this property been on the market we of the year we were out twice yeah this was the third bid process thank you okay uh W the reading Sentiments of the workshop meeting May 13 2024 and council meeting May 13 202 24 and May 29th 2024 have a motion please I'll make that motion on the question roll call please Mr M yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs R Mr Mar I abstain on the May 13th meeting in Workshop I had a work meeting and May 29th yes bid reports I have a motion please I'll make that motion second on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs yes Mr yes Mrs Walter yes yes Mr Mar yes next is ordinance second reading public hearing uh Mr Man you reached out to me before giving the meeting regarding ordinance 0-24 D13 I'd like to make a motion to remove this ordinance from tonight so we table that your motion table y you any additional information on that addition housekeeping m' is there a second roll call please Mr yes Mrs Albert Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr Mar yes to table next is ordinance 0-24 D14 second reading there will be a hearing B orance authorizing the completion of emergency repairs for Ser utility system in and for the township of bler County of can New Jersey appropriating the sum of $300,000 therefore authorizing issuance of General obligation bonds or Bond anticipation theree to the township of bler County of Camden New Jersey in the aggregate principal amount of up to $300,000 making certain determination and Covenants and authorizing certain related actions and connections with the forgoing uh this is for various improvements and repairs to the township sewer utility system uh they're not limited to force me and bypass pump improvements repairs at or Road Pump Station and C improvements and repairs at the Glen o Pump Station We Now open up the public here anyone wish to speak on this matter Miss coin the time is unlimited during the hearing for an ordinance but you're limited to five minutes at each time Denise Queen choose Landing um at the last meeting the first reading of this ordinance um I asked if the township was going to borrow money to complete this and Mr cartis said it would be up to council as Council decided as to whether or not you're going to borrow money for this $300,000 we have not had that discussion no when will that discussion occur Mr cartis um you can make that decision anywhere up until the point of time that you adopt the 2025 budget which is when um next spring probably April May maybe even June of next year so if the council decides to borrow this money does it come back in front of the public at a council meeting again believe it would yeah you believe so or it would I believe it would okay all right thank you is there anyone else seeing n we close hearing I have a motion please I'll make that motion second on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr MC yes next is ordinance of first reading introduction there will be a public hearing at the second reading ordinance 0-24 D15 Bond ordinance authorizing the completion of various Park improvements in the township of bler County of Camp New Jersey appropriating the sum of 69,000 to $246 therefore authorizing the issuance of General obligation bonds or Bond anticipation notes at the township bler County of C New Jersey in the aggregate principal amount of up to $ 69,3 46 making certain determinations and Covenants and authorizing certain related actions in connections with the forging this is for completion of various Park improvements in for the township but not limited to the improvements to Laurel Hills and Woods Edge playgrounds may I have a motion please motion second on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs alel yes Grace yes Mr Nash yep Mr wter yes Mr yes Mr M yes next we have our consent agenda any council member like to have any item removed please speak up yes no no you're going to staying later on not not not now okay don't worry we're good uh um I'm asking for resolution 194 to pull that off uh to amend the consent agenda 194 uh yes 194 have a motion to amend the consent agenda and take out 194 I'll make motion to amend thank you is there a second second okay on the question to amend the consent agenda we're moving 194 and accept all the the others is there a motion there's a motion second thank you on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs yes yes Mr n yes wter so yes everything the bill list oh well whatever you want on the bill list it would indicate check up so I'm stating on the bill list um 24-29 and consent to the rest W yes yes do resolution 34 resolution of the township Council of the township boster accepting the 2023 audit of the township of boster uh we received the completed audit there were no findings to that Mr car Mr cartis is there anything you want add to that I think the uh the office and the CFO did an excellent job appreciate it thank you very I have a motion please I'll make a motion there second second on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes wiers Mr M yes we have have three GTE go access emails our first email is from David leader at 11:05 Huntington Avenue glendor New Jersey I was reading the book The History of Gloucester Township and I just read that the clerk records minutes from the council meetings I can find the minutes on the website would you please provide a pointer to how I can read those minutes Dave leader and he provided his phone number uh Mr leader he can access the the clerk responded to him via email on June 4th he can access the adopted Council meetings through the township website following the pathway of visiting the gler township site on the township homepage scroll down to the missal clerk box it has a picture of the township building once on the clerk's page they can scroll down you will see council meeting minutes by year you can also click below the link to be taken straight to the page on the website which is a mpal Clerk's link and she provided uh additional information should be any questions to contact thank you n any problems there that they have filed complaints about I didn't haven't got to that yet I haven't got to that yet you jump the gun there we go you jumped the gun all right our next one's from David leader at 11:05 Huntington Avenue does GL in glendor does glosser Township have signs a state please don't drive like your kids please drive like your kids live here no uh the not the municipal does not have it there's a specific program in Washington Township however those signs are sold privately online um the only signs is recommended for Traffic Control purposes for municipality are those that are approved by the New Jersey manual on uniform traffic control devices standard highway signs having additional messages uh signs message signs can cause confusing and clutter for drivers to process while they're driving and are not generally recommended uh there is no scientific study that the police department is aware of that these type of signs are affected in speed or traffic control his next question or statement one should we put up on Station Avenue at the glendor elementary school a lot of traffic there is coming offroads with higher speed limits and nobody does 25 mile per hour even at the school the GL Township Police traffic safety unit has been notified of the complaint they begin a traffic complaint process the information been forwarded to them they will contact Mr leader for specific information uh can another one another one should be put on on High Street as far as regarding the signs the businesses on the black horse bike use High Street with their trucks and exceed the speed limit uh the gloss Township Police traffic safety un has been notified of Mr Le's complaint and they'll begin a traffic complaint process uh his information has been forward to them they will contact them for specific information and lastly could the police patrol these areas for Speeders more the traffic safety you has been notified the complaint they'll begin a traffic complaint process and their information has been forwarded to them and they will contact Mr leer regarding that our last uh eov is a ly one from Fred Hill at 25 steeve and Drive glendor New Jersey uh is Council aware that the Gloucester Township ecological Center known to council as our bulldo 6 3 Acre Island that drains 100% of all its storm rain water directly into Timber Creek via their masonry head walls and coverts that lead directly to are and are built illegally extending into Timber Creek state property has covered their entire 63 acre Island again to be clear the Gloucester Township e ecological Center is located on what essentially an island surrounded by Timber Creek with the biggest concentration of tons and tons of oil soap leaves and very toxic grass clippings in our state that the Gloucester Township 2023 winter Community newsletter says was dumped there by the 24 towns and local commercial contractors to sit on our Gloucester Township ecological Center Island and piles being turned and mixed every two weeks so the rain can wash all the toxins from the huge piles of oil soaked leaves and highly toxic grass cooking directly into Timber Creek in violation of the law so on June 6 the Los Public Works supervisor uh Mr brone conducted inspection along with d uh this approved Compost Facility uh with a Canam County Hazmat representative their inspection was conducted due to a complaint uh to the D by Mr Hill no violations were found and we were expecting a copy of the official report from the Canam County Hazmat unit next question why would you post in your recent summer Gloucester Township community newsletter picks of very very very toxic grass clippings in the street next to the curb as part of an article saying how very very very toxic grass clippings now are as a result of all the long treatments fertilizers and sprays used nowadays and how its law grass law I'm reading as it's written law grass clippings must not be left in the street as it's against the law to allow calls or direct any toxic grass clippings to be allowed to enter our storm drain waterways and still think you can get away we're running a business called the Gloucester Township ecological Center that washes all the oil and toxins into the Timber Creek from the 24 local towns and public commercial contractors oil soak leaves and very highly toxic grass clippings the Gloucester Township ecological Center allows to be dumped in our town on an island that 100% of the Island's rainwater runs into Timber Creek um we're not sure about the basis of this complaint uh the photo in that uh newsletter was showing placing grass clippings on a curb saying that it it's legal there when it's placed on a cur uh when will the winner of the 2017 mayor's green sustainability award Gloucester data center the mayor talks about in a GT Facebook page Facebook page post and several GT YouTube videos be finished and what stage is it presently um that was never built it's not new in for it you have anything to add to that uh and the 63 acre solar panel form that the mayor said in his video is in post from 2017 that will surround the Gloucester Township data center will that be the 68 acre gtmua Gloucester T ecological Center that currently surrounds the proposed Gloucester Data Center listed on the GT website and is that the only 63 acre lot I see on the tax map that surrounds where the Glouster Township data center is to be built at 400 Glen Drive the data center was not built are the gler township ecological Center and GT mua the same entity uh we do no longer have a MUA is a utility the MUA was dissolved in 2023 will the Gloucester Township ecological land be included in the sale of the gtmua as they are the same physical address if so What Becomes of the gler township ecological Center none of the buildings the grounds or the Compost Facility were included in the potential sale the sewer utility will you please read out loud in the next public meeting post post my open letter link PDF the mayor requested I emailed to him that again in an open letter to council mayor about these above issues with the gler township ecological Center uh this is 25 Pages worth if anyone wants a copy we will provide that we'll email it but I'm not going to read 25 pages of documents did Council know that the reason oil soak leaves and very toxic grass clippings are usually sent by most towns to landfills or to trash the Steam incinerators not to run off in New Jersey waterways because that is illegal Township is aware and we're complying with all DP regulations in any part of the mayor or council's actions to attempt to sell the gtmua that they reveal the Gloucester Town ecological Center gtmua site has a BAL Eagles Nest on its property since 2015 or that its immediate State and federally protected active Timber Creek bald eagle nest and forging areas that supports the Timber Creek gtmua Bald Eagles Nest Township's not selling the the GTM has been dissolved into utility the physical property that remains with the township uh we are selling we propos selling the system not the property that I stated earlier the township does not monitor the B Eagle population at Timber Creek it is clear in the mayor's Gloucester Township ecological Center video he posted on the GT website Facebook page and YouTube channel a few months ago vividly describing the gloss Township ecological Center in detail that he's very involved with its operation are there any concerns with him trying to sell the gloss of Township ecological Center and GTM to his real boss as his real job is Chairman of government governmental relations for the company trying to buy our gloss Town ecological Center gtmua American Water Company uh he has recued himself nego negotiations um Mr Hill does not have his correct job description at his employer how much do you think it will cause the GT taxpayers to fully clean up and remediate all the pollution the glosser township ecological Center gtn has washed directly into the Timber Creek there are no violations involving in the D approved compost site uh in Timber Creek and when it's fully safe and remediated can you turn into a green Acres facility a safe distance from the Eagle's Nest but so the public can see enjoy that can TI to the Blackwood bike path there are no plans to convert the D approved complex site into a Green Acres facility are the houses along Fourth Street in glendor near the Gabriel Davies Tavern Zone to have crushed stone driveways where the loose Stones end up all over the street and sidewalk or must all those residance driveways be concrete like most of the driveways in that area and are trucks and trailers and cars supposed to be regularly parked on the grass of these properties the township will view with the township engineer and we'll also have code enforcement if you can provide us the specific address code enforcement we review any complaints you have with that uh that's the end of our GTE go access email we'll now go to our public portion the public portion is for 30 minutes uh the public on any item that they want to address Council There is five minutes for each speaker uh the speaker can speak twice once again it's 30 minutes Mr [Music] paor good evening again Council Ray from the historic College of Ariel um so this evening you passed uh ordinance 24-14 uh that you may borrow money and it may come up again um it looks like around $300,000 for sewage uh repairs when the early discussions were going on about you guys dissolving mua um we all understood as you did it was $6 million that you called Surplus that we refer to uh more so in money reserve for such items so now that you have confiscated that six million spent about half of it it should be that you have somewhere in the neighborhood if if not three million slightly under 3 million um of that resered money that the MUA originally had held for such repairs my question I guess goes in just the realm of common sense so you got cash in your pocket and you got to repair it's got to get done and you're going to go take it to a put on a credit card our credit card basically um can you tell me what the current rate is when you Bond what the percentage rate is on the current bch Mr car is that something you can answer we have not permanently financed in some time now I would say probably three four years so um my knowledge of what the market is on permanent financing I would say somewhere around 3.5% maybe four at the high side I don't think you'd see much at three because I know that in the past you know I've given your your kudos to when you have refinance bonds at a lower rate which saved us all money appreciate that what's the what is the approximate commission uh that a broker would make uh when you borrow that kind of money is there a percentage or just a nut that they get when some when you borrow $300,000 that get 10% cut what's the cut that your BR broker gets for that kind of a that kind of bond when you say the broker whoever it is that that broker your your bond so what if it were if it were 300,000 the way I would borrow that money would be through an issuance of a note and that might be a couple $100 it would not be much if you're talking about a permanent financing which would be in the millions uh could be an issue when it's up to $25 million 20 million 15 million there are various uh agencies that receed funds from that uh Bond Council for example find fun CS I was doing my best not to name any names so you you know what I'm getting auditor would get money advertising fees a lot of people make money there's a whole list in the back when you do a permanent financing there's a book not to cut your time there's a book on that financing that lists all the ordinances that are part of that permanent financing there's a sheet in the back that lists all of the professionals and what amount of money they received from the issuance and and again it just it just doesn't seem to make any sense you walk walking around with a pocket of cash and you're going to swipe our credit card again and not only do we pay an interest rate on it but a lot of people get paid when you got that money right there in your pocket that you took from not took uh that you procured Council just said they had not made the but that was reserved money for that you already got the cash why you consider bombing money but let me stop there because there's something more important than I need to address in a town that's not used to having um much in the way of what's going on in a lot of cities towns and States across our country cler Township has never ever really had any issues with a lot of things that going on not only in our country different states in the world those Township I must say is is a nice place to live expensive place but it's a nice place to live we don't deal with that on a really really good event cluster Township day um for the second consecutive year some young people came here and some that were here and misbehaved and a fashion that is just what is becoming a trend I can't tell you how much I appreciate the Gloucester Township Police Department the chief and everyone up and down who foresees these things is prepared for these things and is ready uh when these young people are coming into our town and let's be honest and I don't care who I offend I never really did um it was a warm day for hoodies and masks and if you maintain to want to come into our town and create problem you don't want to be identified I was thinking of what we could do that would not violate their Liberties and their constitutional rights we have cameras in our in our park I don't know if it's feasible where our police officers at both ends where the trees and the fences are um could do this just a thought maybe for a future ordinance uh upon them arriving at our location they want to be masked and hoodied up so that they're not on camera from the second they arrive at the park maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea think about something in the realm of take your hoodie off take your mask off 10 seconds let us get a quick look at you and you're going to put it back on anyway otherwise do we have a violation of the constitutional right privacy and what have you but just the mindset that they've had to expose face upon arriving at our park uh if there's a way to do something like that to get into their minds that maybe that they're up to no good or maybe something happened they created this problem but we've never had these problems and for the second consecutive ER Police Department was there and uh and we handled it but most admirable about all of that is that our Township is not doing like a lot of other towns there's consequences and our Police Department is going after them and continuing continuing to go after them so that these young people know or whomever because apparently one was a grown adult who decided to do something stupid um that we're we're still coming for you and there's going to be a price to pay for that so my hats off to our Township and extremely tip of the hat to uh the chief and his police department for a job well done in hopes that we can deter this from happening in the future thank you thank you Mr pador Mr Burns good evening counselor Brian Burns from sawwood drive and aeriel good evening good evening um real quick on an agenda item that piece of ground that was appr for sale I wonder know what that is currently zoned we can find that out for you I mean I I could look on the map so um the main question this evening was I reached out to the marriage last time I was always before you um I brought up the closing date for the Mary and Hayes properties and no one really knew and I reached out to the Mary family today and they're waiting for a date U from the title agency and Mr Carlin may you will be involved with that process uh correct and we're we're shooting for the end of this month on A's Mary uh Green Acres is still investigating okay is there one other property um the representative for Green Acre said there's three properties in gester Township didn't understand your question Mary Hayes and there's one other property right now we're dealing with Murray and Hayes Hur Murray had I think two tracks okay hay is one so yeah one is Kudos you guys because the risland bridge had a lot of hurdles to get over and I think that was like five or six years so this is about two years which you know as a bureaucracy goes and working with the state and everything that has to be dealt with it's it's it's pretty good um and I wanted to plan to seed this evening it's like I always I feel like I feel guilty for coming up and going can we get one more thing um of course it would take money but I want to plant the seed and you know I can do light work because it would cost money but how about like a cluster Township Nature Center EnV study center what an asset that would be to the community and to our our school system you know we're within the township itself you know residents and students would have the opportunity to to explore and experience nature and and you know really get into this this beautiful natural resource that that's being preserved so obviously you know I would like feedback if you're willing to say anything but you know I just wanted to plant that seed this evening because there are grants there's grants available there's there's money that's can't that would not be taxpayer money to you know to do something like this it would be one one heck of a of an asset particularly when you can say there's a super fund site one of the most toxic sites you know in New Jersey maybe the country and yet here we are across the street you know making making amends for things that we shouldn't have done in the past but so feel free to comment if you just say Thank you Mr Burns that's fine but I I wanted to plant the seed this evening and uh you know I mean if somebody came to you and said here's the money to do it you know we had one years ago yeah I was on the U Blackwood Lake committee and we got the fish ladder and then we cleaned it up all over that section where the lake is and then across the road there's a building there and we started to clean up that building to make it a educational uh Nature Center for uh the classes to come to and uh I don't know if it was ever finished I I was no longer on Council so I don't know what ever happened to it but it's a great idea I well thank you for your comment Brian is there any uh location that you have in mind um it would right now it probably wouldn't work because you would have to be involved with the easement for the El company they have that easement that runs off a Hicktown Road um you know obviously there's little Mill Road which could take residents down in between you know the Trump Golf Course and and the properties that are being reserved that would be an access area and there is an area down there that unfortunately was torn up with ATVs where there is no exist existing vegetation so you wouldn't have to disturb a lot of of the area at all but it's you know it's one of those that if if you're sold on the idea yeah that's that's the first step and then we can investigate what would be the best access but you you already have that paper Little Mill Road already there so that would be a possible most logical easiest place for Access thank you right thank you and I do appreciate you know following through with you know the Murray and the hazes and that's to me it's a big deal for the township it should be a big deal and it should be on uh the Revisited master plan I went through that the other day and there was no mention of that you know it specifically talks about preserving you know sensitive environmental areas stream corridors and I was kind of surprised that L on the bridge property which is already preserved is not on there and the upcoming properties are not on there that would certainly be an asset to yeah the review has not been approved yet you know it's open for public comment tomorrow night but that's certainly something it's going to be a feather in the cap to cler Township and should be on that that revised Revisited Master Plan before it gets approved okay thank you thank you Miss [Music] smithman hello good evening Council my name is sh C smithman I live in the SDK mbridge Garden apartment complex on milbrook court TR 1341 Blackwood clemon Road Apartment 341 clementin New Jersey 08021 hyen 5673 it's also hyen 5536 sometimes it comes up hyphen 5669 and I have no idea why it's also written as 341 Milbridge Road clemon New Jersey 08021 even though I live on milbrook court uh I'm still having complications with the address to my apartment um I have gone to the local Gloucester Township Police Department for that matter I have never spoken to Chief Harkins who attends these meetings I've never spoken to him on this that matter either outside this door or in the police municipality well um is today still June the 10th 2024 yes it is the workshop earlier was closed it was canceled and the Redevelopment entity meeting yes was canel uh while waiting in uh outside of the municipal building see there's a there's three exits out of the parking lot for this municipality and the police Annex it's that correct one on the I don't count exits but I guess one here vehicle exits from this lot there's three there's one at higher Lane and Choy Road and then there's two more located on chy road is that correct yes yes okay well uh the mid exit out of the parking lot for this municipality there is a small island type of concrete slab it has on it what appears to be a a covered grate um I don't know it used to hold there seems to be several other located throughout the property that I did notice um it appears to have water inside of it I don't know if it's a it's if it's a type of well or if it's a type of sewage um the squares of concrete that protect things from going in or coming out of it are are broken I placed a a rock over the one and I placed a water bottle inside of the other there was two of the section of the the colander type of contraption that it is like I said it seemed to be sealed with concrete two of them were broken someone dropped their keys in there they wouldn't be able to get them out and it appears to be sealed or if a child was walking and tripped um I don't think a child could necessarily fall inside of that but kids do like to put things into holes um especially when they hear water at the bottom so anything that you one in there it seems that that's why it was sealed that's located right here on this property how would you identify that section Mr cartis can you have Public Works take a look at that section is there anything else Miss thank you thank you Miss coin Denise coin choose Landing um can I ask why you pulled what resolution 194 that was placed on a previous agenda so it's a duplicate okay so it was already approved correct okay um back in February there was an amended lease agreement that was approved with Central Jersey waste and recycling can somebody tell us what our relationship is with them yes they are trash haulers they pick up your trash I thought that was uh Interstate Waste Solutions name change correct Mr cars I believe it started as Sala then it became Interstate or Central and now it's it changed the ownership so who did we sign an agreement with would been I believe s defer to Mr car I don't recall but if they if they merge with other companies and change the names or your leas would still stay with them same entities providing the service they just merged with other companies so our trash contractor is Central Jersey correct SC M picking up the trash yeah I mean there's nothing changed with regard to the services the pricing everything is the same as it was when it was bid okay but it's Central Jersey that's why we have this amended lease with Central Jersey there are trash contractor very well may be I don't have that in front of me okay and the uh property lease is being um changed from n 9005 Hicktown Road and 1729 aerial Road that's Public Works is it not that is okay so the lease changed the leasing rights from those two addresses to 71 Landing Road 71 Landing Road is a building it's not an address it's just a building there is no tax record for 71 Landing Road I was told 71 Landing Road is actually 401 Landing rout so are we leasing only the building and not the land Mr Caris [Music] um is that that the uh lease they change the location where the vehicles exctly they were staging the vehicles where they were staging the vehicles it went from the old Public Works building to the what I refer to is the old mua okay that's that's what that lease is right so is it the building or the property or both it is the building they're they're leasing uh area within the building so that they can do routine M maintenance on some of the trucks inside the building correct okay inside a garage area all right because they were using the garage of Public Works correct that's correct so they're no longer using the garage of Public Works that's correct okay all right and um isn't it a common place when you have a resolution for a lease to put the block and lot number on the resolution Mr car it's probably on the lease agreement if I had that information but as long as that proper address and it's identified could be in the resolution it's not not a detriment if it's not there okay and my last question does Mount construction have a lease with the township for using 351 Landing Road they asked to vacate for my understanding and that was months ago but they've been there for years that's correct they were there on the release agreement with the old mua GT mua then uh they were asked to vacate and terminate their lease it just took them time to move their storage Vehicles out of there which township permitted them to do that so they were paying rent to the MU that's cor so for the agendas that listed 351 for public auction it said the purpose of the township wanting to do that was to restore that property to the tax rolls so if we don't sell that property can we continue leasing to mount that's income from the mount to the township is it not yes the township will make that decision for some reason it does not so does anybody know how much they paid to lease the property from the UA I can tell you that their original lease amount was very favorable to them very favorable and then that was amended over the last year Mr cars correct their monthly rent would you like to share that I don't recall the spe specific number I believe I don't I don't want to throw number okay it was under it was in the low was close to 2000 maybe or 1000 a month yes and then that was amended once um the MUA was dissolved correct we did move that number up so thank you m coin Miss hry Tom you can provide that LE that lease amount that they were paying to us we appreciate good evening Dena Hendry sdale last meeting I had asked if the um the team knew that the desire to sell the MUA and you stated that there wasn't a meeting yet um has there been a meeting for the team cars I'm I'm lost by the she's referring to the employees of the are you is there since you brought that up yeah was there a subsequently was there a meeting correct no there was not okay so maybe it works a little bit differently with the sewer company but I know if we were I'm in the apartment industry and if we were going to sell a property and most likely those employees would be out of a job um we would have a meeting with the team to let them know what our intentions are hey we're going to put this property up for sale and we don't know if the current owners if it goes to sale would keep you or not so we prepare them how can the team the MUA effectively do their responsibilities if there is not clear communication of what could happen I mean that's not good leadership are you referring to the GTM yes you referring to when it was GTM or who who they're working for now so those 30 out people there has no been communication with them to let them know what your desire is so whoever is their their leader whoever is that leadership role should have a meeting with them to let them know hey come November there is a chance that you may be out of a job we don't know what's going to happen for them to just do their work stay in and day out and not have an idea and to be in the dark is not fair all of you have are in roles and in employment wouldn't you want your leader your boss to communicate with you to say hey this is what is going to happen or this is what could happen for nothing to happen and to have crickets and to be r go silent is complete disrespect to the people who work in this Township so when will a meeting take place off exploratory I understand such things sale and if it did sell if it did get voted on in favor at the on the referendum in in November nothing would change at that point the change would not occur until sometime mid to late 2025 understood but then we would have more knowledge about what's going on rather than speculate and throw things out there that may not in fact be true okay but what I'm saying is once I you know leadership says Hey listen we're going to put a property up for sale it may go up for sale we may take it off the market we let the team know we have clear transparency there is no transparency and that's not fair I disagree with I disagree with the timing I think the timing of it is when that referendum goes on and when and if the the voters and the taxpayers of gluster Township decide whether or not they want to sell sewer system or we can we we can agree to disagree I'm saying disagree you're you're within your right what I'm saying if I was leading the team I would have a meeting with them to say listen Council just voted to have the desire for bids just want to let you know like what's the harm of saying that you owe them that the leadership of the MUA owes them that and you're not giving it to them and that's disrespectful to the people of this Township not only the workers but the residents so can you think about having a meeting so therefore it's transparent so therefore they're not walking on eggshells that bu is not because you don't have the specifics of the plan and that will come about when you know that you are or you are not are you the leader of the MUA am I the leader of the MUA are you leader of of the sewer utility there is no mua okay are you the leader of the sewer utility the director of sewer utility I'm the business administrator okay so then so then I would ask that person that director of the sewer utility to please have a meeting with them it's not nice and it's not fair again as a former Union president if I would have done is I would have had the shop St call and request a meeting to find out what's going on that's what I would have done it's not our responsibility I always took it on as the union it was the Union's responsibility to find out what was going on and request a meeting with management to find out information and that's what I'd suggest that they do okay excellent thank you thank you is there anyone else would like to speak yes Mr delar you be our last [Music] speaker good evening Council John delari 28 Cedar Creek Drive in Laurel Springs um ton of constructions been going on through Glen Oaks uh over the last year right now Cedar Creek Drive where I live on right now I think I'm on a Speedway the Autobon people are like qualifying for NASCAR on this same thing going down Lincoln Drive um Pioneer South Jersey Gas the water company everybody's been in there tearing up the roads uh mainly Lincoln Drive we used to have 25 M hour speed limit actually painted in the road that's been paved over all right we never had one on Cedar Creek if we could do something to slow down these drivers we have kids in the streets um we did have police presence there last year for a good day and I noticed that within one hour of me coming over from work four Speeders were pulled over all right I I know we can't control them all the police can't be everywhere right I mean we got our kids out there my grandson plays out there we have to do something to slow down these cars John as you were talking Chief was taking down your information your address uh you're still here not we get T and get as much detailed times things like that get sounds great thank you so much thank have great V our second public portion polling directors Chiefs just a couple things to report first uh Mrs uh alright Troxel what happened at Blackwood Lake back when Hurricane Sandy hit wiped out that whole and inside of everything because it's in a flood Lane that's what happened there um regarding Milbridge Apartments uh I police department has no control over the addressing uh we have no problem with 911 it's all set Statewide the peap so we've never had any problem responding there so I can speak for the Emergency Services that that's uh never really been an issue for us with be addressing um I want to just uh inform Council a couple things um we're aware of concerns about EMS from a post that went out from the iff local 3249 I think it was on uh Sunday and uh um I checked right away with our Emergency Management coordinator swack um when I became aware of the social media post uh the social media post as I read it was just saying how busy they were there was a high call volume for EMS and some crashes and things in speir was fully staffed we had three ambulances and a supervisor working uh it doesn't take much to take up three ambulances uh if you have multiple people in a car crash for transports uh so the mutual Aid plan which is done every single day RMS is constantly even going to other towns helping each other and uh so there was no concern they were within uh normal operating uh parameters calling for the mutual Aid um and uh but I believe some of the uh posts that were or comments were uh taking it a Direction so I just want to let Council know we looked into that there are procedures in place that if there is an EMS shortage um that uh they would they have to notify us both the Camy County alarm room and in Spear and whatnot we have procedures some trip wire things to to notify us if there's an issue um speaking I'll get the Gloucester Township day but to say um that evening uh inspir um you know enacted their emergency plan they had normal EMS Services we had them prepositioned here just for a normal Gloucester Township and even they moved up additional resources out of their location in milville so there was actually a six ambulances in Gloucester Township ready to go plus countywide enacted a uh an EMS task force it's called which draws resources from all across the county uh for EMS services gler Township day obviously was uh a night like we haven't seen um we had more officers on duty that night than we typically did um this is not a phenomenon that we're as we're seeing because Saturday night uh pens sawen had to cancel their fireworks um we sent officers a contingent of officers of mutual Aid up to pens sawen uh they canceled their event um we're seeing the same types of behaviors uh that uh uh was seen here in Gloucester Township again uh we're we're very good at handling the kids and things like that and the the issues that we run into we've been but this was different with the type of people that came uh I appreciate the the words of support from not only council members that have reached out to me I know Mr pador I appreciate his comments uh and reaching out but just so many other people that have uh reached out and uh there's literally we're still going through uh hundreds of hours of surveillance body video um it went on uh and and the amount of people that came uh through ride shares and drop offs um was very difficult for us because we were moving along they you just couldn't take them anywhere and it was a decision that we made to put them in that parking lot and try and handle them there instead of chasing them through Glen Oaks or Rose gate and things like that um but uh the officers all uh responded I couldn't be prouder of any all of them both the mutual Aid that we received that plan we had a plan in place um we enacted it very early before we had serious problems so that we had uh even more officers but it just continued to um you know the hostilities that the officers endured uh the things that were said to them uh the uh the fights that were happening right in front of us uh even as we tried to inter act and uh and and I I watched officers jump in middle of a crowd to break up a fight and stop someone from getting uh seriously hurt as as you heard we are we've identified we made actually 17 arrests that night as we calculated just the fog of the battle that was going on we were releasing people and getting them we made 17 arrest that night um by far only three of the people that we arrested were from Gloucester Township the rest were from outside the area um we have since made additional arrests um even some of the arrests that made that night charges have been upgraded uh as we uh watch and and go through surveillance and body cam video uh we're determined on as best that we can to hold people accountable uh and we're going to continue to do that we're going to continue to put out as we get evidence uh we've had many people reach out to us uh um and give us information and we appreciate that some of the the uh plans that we had to gather evidence so um but moving forward um you know I've already the mayor was uh very supportive he was at the command post the entire time during the incident um we were communicating and uh we immediately had meetings this week Mr ctis was part of uh and and the uh scholarship committee and uh you know I I gave my uh in my input on it is that uh um listen I've think we've had this I think it was the 41st year and I came to the very first one as a teenager I had friends at lived on Cedar Creek and I remember when we had it so through 29 years as a cop I've worked many of these and uh I it's very clear to me we should not let this them determine how we live and do things so um I'm in favor of having a Gloucester Township day uh again I don't like to let uh um thugs like that take charge and win over our community uh whether we make changes or not times and things like that we're discussing but uh we we have to this is such a great event for the scholarship committee so much planning is put into that people like uh Debbie Carr and Dick Holland had that put their time and effort the whole committee I just just mentioned those two um we can't let the these other people determine how we're going to do and live here so um we're determined to continue to keep our Traditions going we may have to change it we're we're looking at all different things I can tell you that uh this trend is not it's not held to Gloucester Township and even some of the comments that I see the township getting trashed or or that totally totally inappropriate totally uncalled for the people that came here to cause that disturbance um it was organized through Tik Tock organized through social media it's very hard to monitor that stuff um but we're working um assemblyman uh Hutchinson's office I spoke to um Senator Mor Ary immediately and uh there is there's a bill that's being developed with to support of New Jersey State Chiefs because it's happening all throughout the state and the region for enhanced penalties and I'm working the mayor is working with that to try and uh come up with some solutions to hold people accountable so I just want to give the word encourage it was yes this negativity happened here but it was very proud day for the police department our plans uh no one was seriously injured um and we're going to continue to find out what else we can do and uh yeah we're not we're not going to let let them get away everything that we can do uh to hold people accountable we're going to do so um if if Council has any questions about any specifics please uh I'm here if you'd like to contact me later I just wanted to let you know and thought you would uh need that update as to where we're going and what we're doing the officers are all doing well not seriously injured we're very lucky that uh we didn't have uh um more serious injuries with the fights that we were witnessing there so okay thank so much thank you Mr Miguel nothing to add thank you uh so this Friday night we have our last Field of Dreams game it's on the schedule anyways our last field dreams or maybe a possibility of making up a game or two I want to thank all the coaches the volunteers the Buddies the players the parents it's been a great season it's amazing how fast nine weeks goes by uh when you have your season from the time it's we we plan it to the time it's finished uh it's great it's a great opportunity for uh for everybody to play the game of baseball I just want to say Chief I'll Echo some words you know GT it's a GT D is our biggest fundraiser for scholarships uh committee for uh the students of losser Township and it's unfortunate that some Knuckleheads did decide to come into this Township and and try to ruin it and there's no doubt I feel 100% confident that we will be able to adapt and flex to this uh it's unfortunate and uh you know how's the saying go uh mess around and you'll find out even though words got mess around another four-letter word but uh one thing I'll talk you to a uh police officer this Saturday uh like I said this Saturday and uh the comments that him and I were talking and he said the the police what they did not only just the police officers but the specials he was extremely impressed by the specials and how they just immediately jumped in and and took action so uh kudos to them kudos to uh the GT everybody in GTA you everywhere I go people want to talk about it and I'm extremely proud of our police thank you very much everybody have a great night and great week this Al drel I I want to reiterate exactly what you said I I was at the cluster Township day in the afternoon like 3: to 6 and I was talking to the police and I got the impression that the police were prepared in case something happened they about the teenagers they sort of uh they knew so preparation is everything and I'm very proud of what you did I really am um I live right down the street and I heard all the siren and I thought boy those drones are really popular found out later on that it wasn't the drones at all it was a bunch of thugs that decided to uh try and ruin our day but thank God that you said that we are going to continue it because it is a vital part of our Township to give those scholarships to the kids in our town and to have roster Township day as a community day for everyone so I'm very happy about that and I also went to the farmers market and I have to tell you I had the best Jersey tomatoes from that farmers market that I have had in years they they were I believe they were organic and they were so good and their peaches just like well if you get a sloppy chin when you're eating a peach you know that it's a good Peach and I bought a half a dozen of them for myself and I think I might have one or two left but um so if you get a chance go to go to the Farmers Market on Thursday it's a it's a good event to go to and thank you all for coming and thank you for all your comments Grace love Yeah I want to Echo the same comments um and that we celebrate traditions and that we should never let anyone step in front of our Traditions um and put fear in front of that so I want to thank the police department for your hard work I was out in June um um gloss Township day earlier um than Miss uh uh Troxel and so I left a little earlier so when I heard of the incident was I was concerned but I remember being there earlier and seeing all the officers out um very friendly and doing what they always do you know um always putting people first and not you know mishandling anyone so I really appreciate how professional our department has always been and continue to be in any incident that they have and show a lot of care and concern even though they do so have a tough job to do and you have to lay down the law and I'm glad that that is happening because you think twice before you come in glosser Township um and ruining anything that we celebrate and um enjoy this Saturday we have our first juneth celebration um I will be there and it's a very similar event to um Fourth of July and any other holiday that we celebrate and I'm glad that we're going to continue um with those things as well it's a new event for for us but again um I'm glad that our officers are there and keep us safe and I am also 100% confident that um we're going to be there um enjoying ourselves having a good time and our officers are going to be there to Serve and Protect US like they always do thank you again and have a great night carollyn that's from one to four correct the time has changed one to four yes Mr Nash yes same thing Chief want to reiterate you guys firsthand were excellent I have no doubt that you're going to continue to provide the protection to the township that you have so thank you to you and all your officers and uh thanks for coming up Mrs Walters um I want to thank everybody for coming I want to thank everybody for their comments and their concerns um that we can make our neighborhoods and our area safer I want to thank the chief um again I was up there that night um the leadership that you had showed um demonstrates what um a police officer is and what a chief is um to everybody and uh the character characteristics that your police officer showed the not giving in to them the other ones fighting when you guys were obviously outnumbered but the Controlled Chaos as I call it um you handled with no fear and um it was it was impeccable so I appreciate all that you do um and I hope all your officers stay safe and I thank you for continuing looking into those who did cause some of the chaos and disruption um because instead of just letting it go so I appreciate it and everyone have a good night this is Winners I to wanted to make the U comments made by one of the council members thank to the chief to all the men and women of the police force they do an amazing job uh keeping everyone safe in this town I was not at the GT event but everything I heard um was positive about the police and the way that it was handled by our Township so thank you to everyone and have a great night Mr M I want to thank everyone for coming out this evening ter you stole all my stuff that's sorry the chief was in the midst of it because I was next to Jim and I see the chief in the middle of all of this stuff and as Tera said leadership starts at the top and he wouldn't ask anyone to do anything that he wouldn't do as he was in the middle that so thank you very much Chief and your leadership resonates and trickles down to the rest of your staff uh I want to thank the GL scholar committee for putting that event on it was a beautiful event uh scholarships were provided that day there was music and people enjoyed the day it was marred by some Bad actors and one of the disheartening things that I saw online as people share videos and mischaracterize our town and talk about oh we you don't only just be for Gloucester Township residents we've always been an open Community that's saying like if something happens in Wildwood or Ocean City we're not allowed to go to Wildwood Ocean City because we're not from there uh but we will get better we will figure out this this is we're not immune to this as as we saw in Ocean City Wildwood pens talkin um and we we will move on from this and we'll have an event this Saturday there'll be a wonderful event celebrating juneth for those who don't know about it explain what it is and how it came about um so I want to thank for those those people that organized it those who worked at gler township day uh or police public work and the committee the Scot committee spends the entire year working on that um I organized the 5K That's my kind of involvement with it but there are folks that their heart and soul or intoed as for that committee and uh this hurt that hurt that night and but we'll move forward from it so I want to thank everyone for for their work that day uh again juneth is this Saturday uh June 14th uh movie night this Saturday trolls it's going to be in the park uh it starts at dust so probably like 10 of nine so uh if you want to please uh please enjoy that movie night um that we have uh with that Iain a motion to adjourn is there a second all those in favor have a great evening everyone are you GR