[Music] you need so good evening please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance and please remain standing for the invocation from senior Michael Manion Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep stands one nation God indivisible andice usually only say that when there's a collection but there's no collection just let us pray Lord tonight we honor many who will be promoted so new levels of leadership may they accept it with humility and insight and foresight may they recognize Lord that they come as a community in law enforcement that none of us are as good as all of us may they be great leaders who can simplify cut through arguments debates always with humility that more might understand because of their wisdom May their actions Lord create a legacy that inspires others to dream more become more and yes consider law enforcement as well as a career may they be leaders who understand that those who teach them will have been where they hope to go that to be a strong team they must see someone else's strength not as a threat but as a compliment a vision a help we know Lord that there's no limit to the amount of good an officer can do whatever rank he has if he doesn't care who gets the credit Lord you teach us by those we serve that we're saved by those we serve because every time we save somebody physically psychologically mentally they teach us something about ourselves in that action we grow even if at first we don't want to do it too tired to do it we do it and we grow because of it we know Lord when we're responsible to you we're your servants because you teach us day by day to respect each other to know that none of us has it all together but together we have it all in the words of Micah the prophet you call us to act justly love tenderly walk cly with you our God amen amen congratulations to those of you promoted coming into the community of law enforcement for the first time thank you thank you m Senor this regular meeting of the township council is being held in accordance with the scheduled meetings of the township Council adopted established by the township Council which schedule designate the time date and place of this meeting adequate public notice of this meetings has been provided pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings act we are using an electronic amplifying of recording device in order to obtain a clear and audible record and request all those wishing to speak be recognized and state your name and address directly to the microphone the recording advice to be Solly utilized by the township clerk's office for the preparation of the minutes and shall be the official record of the township Council meetings Madam clerk M roal Mr here Mrs alel here Mrs Grace love here Mr here Mrs Walkers Mrs wers here Mr Mr here mrtis here Chiefs here Mr Mel here good evening uh this evening we have a special presentation I'm G to hand this over to Chief hars thank you sir and I'd ask president Marcato mayor mayor please join deputy chief Anthony bazzi please join me also up assisting lettering Captain Mark Benton and uh Lieutenant Paul Fischer so I just want to start off we're making promotions hirings this is the official this is the ceremonial swear in of so many officers uh and supervisors sergeants lieutenants and a captain uh the mayor uh mon Senor Manion and me have been standing up here I think I can't even keep how many times for retirements over the past year and a half uh doing the ceremonies and while we miss those officers you know and and we celebrate uh their successes uh tonight is a great culmination for us because there's the next wave the next generation of leaders here in the Gloucester Township Police Department the next generation of officers stepping forward hearing that call answering that call and coming to serve this uh Township of gluster and I have to thank especially mayor mayor and Council who have the vision to recognize uh and give me and the other officers here the support that's needed to refill our ranks there's a lot of police agencies that don't refill their ranks until long after the officers retired here in Gloucester Township this governing body recognizes that it takes almost nine months for an officer from the higher date before they're out and out on as a single officer patrolling and that is a great commitment from the town from the resources that it costs but it is a necessary one so we barely skip a beat we barely we're never left under man and even for the more experienced officers that are out there it's so critical the services never laps and so I thank you mayor I thank you president Marcado and all of council uh Mr Caris who's a great partner Mr car this Township is a family this uh police department we call it the Gloucester Township Police family I see there's a lot of retired officers here and I recognize them and their service and them being here to welcome the next generation of leaders and the next generation of officers here and to the families that are here I just want to say thank you we know we recognize the toll that it takes and I speak regularly at these retirements about that and here we're on the front end of them for many of these officers that are just coming in uh to the to their careers in law enforcement it's the family that supports us it's the family that makes sure we get through the tough days and nights that we have and those troubles that we run into and so I thank you I recognize you they will be coming up here tonight to stand by their loved ones for either promotion or their swear in and it's a very important day for them and I recognize you and I thank you so you enjoy that all those family members that are here with that we will begin our uh ceremony of swearing in and I'd like to call forward Lieutenant Daniel long and his family out Lieutenant long badge number 171 began his law enforcement career in November 1999 as a class one special law enforcement officer here at the Gloucester Township Police Department he also served as a volunteer firefighter with the chws landing fire company from 1998 to 2005 he was hired here as a full-time officer on July 9th 2001 and attended the cam County College Police Academy and then was assigned as a patrol officer and a shi investigator he was assigned to the traffic safety unit in 2010 and also served as a member of our serious crash investigation team he served as a member of the awards committee from 2010 through 2018 he was promoted to Sergeant of police on August 21st 2013 and was assigned as a deputy platoon Commander he also served as an operations executive officer and also served as the deputy Bureau commander of the investigations Bureau which was in charge of our special investigations unit he was promoted to Lieutenant of police on January 3rd 2019 and served as a platoon Commander until October 31st 2019 he served as our juvenile Family Services Bureau Commander from November 1st 2019 till August 31st 2022 and then as our investigations Bureau Commander from September 1st 2022 until January 28 2024 he was officially promoted to captain of police on January 29th 2024 he's currently assigned as the Operations Division Commander some of his commendations here he was awarded a heroism award for his part in rescuing several residents at an apartment fire on September 1st 2006 his received the Police Service citation nine distinguished unit citations eight outstanding police work letters he's a graduate of the New Jersey Association State Association of chiefs of police command and Leadership program he was nominated for supervisor of the year in 2015 2022 and 2023 he's joined tonight by his wife Christa his son Danny and his daughter Allison and his mother Kathy mayor mayor president president verado I respectfully request you promote Lieutenant Daniel long to the position of Captain the police of the glester Township Police Department will be uh be my honor Chief if you could please place your left hand I raise your right hand and repeat after me I state your name I Daniel do solemnly swear you Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I further solemnly swear further solemly swear that I will Faithfully I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all of my responsibilities all my responsibilities as Captain as Captain CH in the Gloucester Township Police Department in gler Township Police Department to the best of my ability to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations Captain at this time I'd ask Sergeant Paul buers and his family to come forward as well as sergeant Gerard bobrick to come forward with his family begin with Sergeant Paul buers badge number 233 Sergeant buers is a longtime resident of Gloucester Township who earned the title of Eagle Scout of the Boy Scouts of America Blackwood troop 77 in 1998 he began his law enforcement career after completing an internship with the camic County prosecutor's office while attending Rowan University in 2006 he was selected as an alternate rot candidate and attended the Camden County College Police Academy from July 10th to November 20th 2009 and was hired as a police officer with the Camden City Police Department on January 11 2010 on May 5th 2011 he was hired as a police officer here with the Gloucester Township Police Department he's been assigned as a patrol officer and a shift investigator and he's a member of our Incident Management team on May 3rd 2019 he was assigned as a detective in the juvenile Family Services Bureau he was promoted to to Sergeant of police on November 11th 2019 he has served as a deputy platoon commander and as Deputy commander of our investigations Bureau it was officially promoted to Lieutenant of police on October 8th 2023 and is currently assigned as a platoon commander in the patrol Bureau second platoon his Awards includes seven distinguished unit citations and seven outstanding police work letters he's a graduate of the New Jersey State Association Chiefs of police command and Leadership program he was nominated for police officer of the year in 2015 and 2019 tonight he's joined uh by his fiance Melissa his parents Paul and Barbara and his stepdaughters Isabella and Abigail Sergeant Gerard bobrick badge number 192 Sergeant bobrick served as a volunteer firefighter for the choose Landing fire department from 1998 to 2015 he was hired as a park ranger police officer for the New Jersey State Park police on May 18 2002 after attending the Cap May County Police Academy he was hired as a Gloucester Township police officer on September 13 2004 he has been Serv served as a patrol officer and a shift investigator he was a member of the Gloucester Township Police Department Honor Guard from November 21st 2005 until October 31st 2019 and he served as the our Honor Guard Commander from August 1st 2017 from until October 31st 2019 he's been a member of our crisis negotiation team from February 1st 2010 until January 18th 2018 he was promoted to Sergeant of police on April 29th 2013 has served as a deputy platoon Commander the support services Bureau Commander an incident management team leader and also as an Operations Division executive officer he was also assigned as a member of our departmental recruiting team he is officially he was he was officially promoted to Lieutenant of police on January 29 2024 and he's currently the platoon Commander for the patrol Bureau forth platoon his Awards include a bravery citation two merit awards three life saving Awards six Police Service citations and 11 outstanding police work letters he was nominated for police office of the year in 2011 and was nominated for supervisor of the year in 2022 is joined by his wife Ronda his daughter Julia his son Adam and his nephew glester Township police officer patrolman Andrew St story mayor mayor president Marcato are respectfully request to promote Sergeant Paul buers and Sergeant Gerard bobrick to the position of Lieutenant of police for the Gloucester Township Police Department if you could please place your left hand on the Bible raise your right hand and repeat after me I state your name to solemnly swear swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the jersey and I will bear true faith I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established the government in the United States the United States and in this state under the authority of people under the authority of the people I further solemnly swear I further solemly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all of my responsibilities all of my responsibilities as Lieutenant as lieutenant in the glester Township Police Department Township Police Department to the best of my ability best of my ability so help me God so help me congratulations should conat I'd like to call up Officer James Walden detective Thomas Ritz officer Randy Pierce and officer Shane France and their families please come [Music] forward I'll start with Officer James Walden Jim started his career with the Gloucester Township Police Department as a class one special law enforcement officer in 2004 he also served as a CL as a class one special law enforcement officer for the Ocean City New Jersey Police Department during the Summers of 2004 2005 he also worked as a security officer for the ca County College from March 2006 until being hired as a full-time officer with the Gloucester Township Police Department on January 14 2010 upon graduating from the Cy County College Police Academy he served as a patrol officer in the patrol Bureau on January 3rd 2022 he was assigned to the community Rel relations unit as a community relations officer it was officially promoted to Sergeant of police on November 15 2023 and is currently assigned as the deputy platoon Commander for the third Patrol platoon his Awards include 10 distinguished unit citations and nine outstanding police work letters he's joined tonight by his wife Jen his daughter Autumn his son Colin his parents Dave and eileene and his cousin Sergeant Joe mcdevit from from the clementin police department welcome tonight sir detective Thomas Ritz was hired as a Gloucester Township police officer on July 17 2006 and upon graduating from the Camy County College Police Academy he served as a patrol officer on the on a patrol platoon on the operations Response Unit and as a shift investigator he was assigned as a detective on July 19th 2018 serving in the retail left unit and later in the intelligence Services Unit he served as a member of the Special Response Team from January 19 2015 to September 21st 2022 he served as a member of the awards committee representing the New Jersey Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 206 from 2019 until present he has served as a trustee of f Lodge 206 and is currently assigned as the sergeant of arms of the lodge he was officially promoted the sergeant of police on January 1st 2024 and is assigned to the patrol Bureau as a deputy platoon commander on the fourth platoon his Awards include a bravery citation 15 unit citations two Police Service citations and seven outstanding police work letters he was nominated for police officer of the year in 2011 and 2017 he's joined tonight by his wife Megan his daughter Ava and his son Tommy officer Randy Pierce badge number 265 officer Pierce has served and is currently serving at the rank of Staff Sergeant with the New Jersey Army National Guard he has served here since November 6 2006 with the 328th military police company headquartered in Cherry Hill New Jersey he was deployed to Afghanistan from 2011 to 2012 and his most recent deployment was to Guantanamo Bay Cuba from February 2020 to June 2021 he's a highly decorated soldier earning five army commodation medals nine Army Achievement medals the National Defense service medal Afghanistan campaign medal with two stars the global war on terrorism medal the Army Service ribbon two overseas service ribbons Armed Forces Reserve Medal the humanitarian service medal the NATO medal and an air assault badge and he was awarded the New Jersey Army National Guard soldier of the Year award in 2009 he was hired as a Gloucester Township Police Department by the Gloucester Township Police Department on July 14 2014 and has been assigned as a patrol officer a school resource officer and most recently our one of our lead instructors in our schools he is a member of the gler Town Police Honor Guard since September 19th 2017 he's also assigned as one of our designated Marksman observers on the Special Response Team since January 1st 2018 he has served as a member of our Awards committee from 2019 to 2024 and he was officially promoted to Sergeant of police on January 1st 2024 where he's assigned as the patrol Bureau Deputy platoon commander of the first platoon his departmental award include three distinguished unit citations six outstanding police work letters and tonight he is joined by his partner Jo and his mother Joan officer Shane France badge number 275 also Fran has served as a volunteer firefighter with the Cho Landing fire department from 2009 to 2016 he worked here at Gloucester Township Public Works as an electrician's helper from September 2012 until 2000 July 2014 he began his career in law enforcement in May of 2013 when he was appointed as a class one special law enforcement officer for the Gloucester Township Police Department on July 14 2014 he was hired as a full-time officer with the Camden County police department and attended the Camden County College Police Academy he was hired as a police officer with the Gloucester Township Police Department on January 11 2016 and he served as a patrol officer on November 6 2018 he was assigned as a k9 Handler and served with K9 Zeke his partner until canine Zeke's retirement on January 23rd 2024 he was officially promoted to Sergeant of police on January 29th 2024 is currently assigned as the patrol bu to the patrol Bureau where he serves as a deputy platoon commander of the second platoon his departmental Awards include four distinguished units citations and four outstanding police work letters he also serves as a trustee for fop Lodge 206 he's joined tonight by his fiance Tara his sons Dean and Shane his daughter Kirsten and his brother Gloucester Township Police Special law enforcement officer William France mayor mayor president Marcato I respectfully request you remote these four officers to the rank of Sergeant of police for the Gloucester Township Police Department if you could please raise your right hand and place your left hand on the Bible and repeat after me I state your name do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey state and that I will bear true faith I will faith and allegiance to the same aliance to the same and to the governments established and the governments establish in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people people I further solemnly swear that I will Faithfully I will faithfully and partially partially and justly perform justly perform all of my responsibilities all respons as sergeant Serge in the Gloucester Township Police Department dep to the best of my ability so help me God congratulations [Applause] to see congratulations I'd like to call officer recruit tyreq Campbell badge number 334 patrolman Ryan Carr badge number 338 patrolman Patrick Osborne badge number 335 patrolman John Stanley badge number 336 patrolman Kayla Walton badge number 337 patrolman Alberto Soo number badge number 339 come forward with all your families much find your L [Music] one I'll just take this moment to just again these these are new officers to the family members here tonight I know this is all new to you guys the officers that got promoted have gone through this enjoy this moment your loved one worked very hard to get to where they are tonight we're very proud to have them it is a great influx of talent and dedication that we've seen from all of these officers so thank you for your support of getting them here now whether it's through the police academy whether it's through other agencies we are glad to have them here tonight with us and by by extension all of you have become part of this bler Township Police found so welcome I'll start with officer patrolman tyreq Campbell badge number 334 Tariq started his career here in law enforcement as a class one special law enforcement officer at the Gloucester Township Police Department in April of 2022 he was hired as a full-time officer with the Gloucester Township Police Department on April 24th 2023 he attended the Camden County College Police Academy basic class number 85 and gradu uate on September 14th 2023 he is currently assigned as a patrol officer on the first Patrol platoon his supervisor Watch Commander platoon Commander Lieutenant kbry said this event quote trollman Campbell exemplifies humility and a strong work ethic in his approach to his duties he displays a genuine eagerness to learn and continually enhance his skills and knowledge within his profession his commitment to professional development and his dedication to serving the community reflect his admirable character and integrity he is joined tonight by his parents Stephanie rod and his sister Taylor welcome trollman Patrick Osborne troman Osborne is a graduate of ruter University earning a bachelor's degree in Psychology he was hired as a Gloucester Township police officer on April 24th 2023 he attended the cam County College Police Academy basic class number 85 and graduated on September 14 2023 trowman Osborne is currently assigned as a patrol officer on the second patrol platoon his supervisor Lieutenant fir said of him from day one patrolman Osborne has always shown a strong passion for his profession he excels in his interactions with community members which are always positive and impactful he's joined tonight by his fiance Marina his son Vincent his mother Gloria his sister marama his future in-laws Miriam and Walmer and Uncle Edmund Vincent welcome trowman John Stanley badge number 336 he began his career in law enforcement as a glester Township Police Department class one special law enforcement officer on May 14th 2018 18 on September 14 2020 he was hired by the C County Department of Corrections and served as a corrections officer he was hired as a full-time police officer with the Gloucester Township Police Department on July 24th 2023 he attended the Camden County College Police Academy based at class number 86 and graduated on December 14 2023 where he received the Firearms Achievement Award of the academy patrolman Stanley is currently assigned as a patrol officer on the second patrol platoon his supervisor platoon Commander Lieutenant Byer said of him patrolman Stanley has displayed an exemplary work ethic and continually seeks to expand his knowledge his patience and calm demeanor will Foster a positive image for the residents of Gloucester Township he's joined tonight by his wife Christina his daughter Zoe and his mother T welcome officer Caleb Walton badge number 337 officer Walton began her career in law enforcement as a Gloucester Township Police Department class one special law enforcement officer J in July of 2021 during her time as a special officer she was nominated for the prestigious special officer of the year award in 2022 she was hired as a full-time police officer with the Gloucester Township Police Department on July 24th 2023 she graduated from the cam County College Police Academy basic class number 86 on December 14 2023 officer Walton is currently is assigned as a patrol officer on the third Patrol platoon her supervisor Lieutenant pach said of her officer Walton shows up to work every day looking to make a difference in the township of glester her dedication to service is noticeable as she continues to learn and improve every day trowman Walton's calm Dem meter and willingness to help those in need is an asset to the Gloucester Township Police Department and the community that she serves she's joined tonight by her parents Kim and Ken and her three brothers Chris Kenny and Patrick welcome offic Ryan Carr badge number 338 troman Carr is a graduate of Timber cre High School class of 2020 I really feel old he was hired as a police officer with the Gloucester Township Police Department on July 24th 2023 he attended the Camy County College Police Academy basic class number 86 and graduated from the police academy on December 13 2023 he's currently assigned as a patrol officer with the patrol first platoon his platoon Commander Lieutenant crry said of him troman Carr's dedication to learning is evident as he actively engages his field training officers with insightful questions demonstrating a genuine thirst for knowledge multiple training officers and supervisors have taken note of patrolman cars compassionate nature recognizing it as a Cornerstone of his approach to policing he is joined tonight by his grandfather Russell his grandmother Susan and his father Ryan welcome officer Alberto sto badge number 339 officer Soo began his career in law enforcement as a class one special law enforcement officer on April 1st 2016 with the camon County Police Department he was hired as a full-time officer with the Camden County police department on June 5th 2019 and attended the Camden County College Police Academy on April 3rd 2023 he transferred to the pens Gro Police Department in Salem County he was hired by the Gloucester Township Police Department on January 15 2024 officer stto is currently assigned to the fourth Patrol platoon his platoon Commander Lieutenant bobrick said of him officer SoDo came to the Gloucester Township Police Department with experience from other agencies and he lends his talents to achieve to set goals while it is sometimes difficult to blend into a new system of doing things officer stto embraced his new beginnings and is open to this new experience in the Gloucester Township Police Department is joined tonight by who's not here it CH got you so you're joined tonight by your friends his uh fiance and his daughter were unable to detend because of illness joined tonight by his friend Christina ASO and his friend Kelly Hall welcome folks mayor mayor president marcata respectfully request you swear these six persons in as officers of the Gloucester Township Police Department if you could please raise your right hand place your left hand on the Bible and repeat after me I state your name I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the government's establish in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people I further solemnly swear that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all of my responsibilities as a police officer for the Gloucester Township Police Department to the best of my ability so help me God congratulations to you [Applause] [Music] again you guys can take your seats thank you stick around we're going to get some pictures officers remember this remember that time goes by very quickly through your careers enjoy your time here at the gler township department and don't forget always do your duty and also have fun okay have fun with your fellow officers right mayor mayor I ask you to come forward thank you again for the support that you provide to the gler town dep officer Soto please come forward I almost forgot s s here so one of the traditions we have here at the glosser Township Police Department is we welcome a new officer upon their graduation with the police academy uh with some uh with our mission statement that tells about who we are and what we're about but we also have the tradition every officer upon graduating the police academy and in this case uh this is Officer SoDo obviously graduated the police academy many years ago came to us from the pens Gro Police Department so we're taking this opportunity to uh present him with his challenge coins he receives two of them that are engraved with his badge number there specific to him and for whatever he wishes to do with it so I at this time proudly present that to you I also present to him every officer uh we we give every officer our glester Township police mission statement and it reads we the members of the gloss Township Police Department dedicated ourselves to the community in which we serve we recognize our badge as a symbol of public faith and accept this as public trust and hold it true to the ethics of service as part of our goal we will continually to strive to protect the lives and property of the citizens of wer Township preserve the peace and Order of the community Through the preservation of crime and apprehension of criminals be sensitive understanding and responsive to the needs of the community Foster maintain a positive Public Image of the police department within the community interact with the community by getting organizations leaders and citizens involved in the total law enforcement effort and to be role models to the children of the township to teach them to resist temptation to do wrong and to build a relationship based on mutual respect and Trust we will constantly seek to achieve these objectives and ideals dedicating ourselves to our chosen profession which is law enforcement this is honorably presented on this 11th day of March 2024 to officer Alberto stto badge number 339 in recognition of his commitment and serving the community of Gloucester Township congratulations officer and we encourage every officer to hang it in a prominent place nearby where they may be getting their uniforms on but to always remember the dedication and our mission and our mission statement so congratulations and welcome now mayor Mar thank you uh thank you Chief very much you know by now I think all of you have memorized the oath just we did it so many times tonight but uh thank you for being here uh this evening and let me first offer my congratulations to our new officers and officers you may have heard me say this before but I truly believe you are joining one of the finest police departments in the nation and I thank you for your dedication to our residents and for the talents that you bring to this Police Department you know the chief said he was feeling old let me tell you something I think almost every officer chief that was uh promoted today I think I swore in or at least most of them I swore in swore in as patrolman and Patrol officers uh like 10 to 14 years ago so I'm really feeling I'm really feeling old tonight but I congratulate all the officers that were promoted and thank you for the talents that you bring uh to this department and for sharing those talents with our younger officers this uh this this department is full of leaders and I thank Chief Harkins and the command staff and every single police officer in our gler Township Police Department for what you do a day in a day out and I tout this department everywhere I go and and I uh meet other Mayors throughout the country and we talk about the programs that we've initiated he uh that other departments are now replicating certainly there's a reason why other departments are doing that because we're doing something right and we're doing something good and it is absolutely making a difference this department is part of the fabric of our community and we are going to continue to make sure it is with the leadership that we have and the dedication of our men and women in this department um let me just also say thank you to the families that are here today it is I can't thank you enough for the support that you give uh our officers um that makes a big big difference uh and believe me uh you know we count on you so thank you uh for being there to support our officers uh as as they grow and and and move uh up in rank uh it is vitally important and so I just wanted to on behalf of our Council say to all the family family members here today A big than thank you for that support So Chief thanks so very much I appreciate your leadership uh and everyone here today thank you for being here to support our officers and to support this uh this department thanks and have a great [Applause] night [Music] all the officers that were sworn in tonight if you can come forward for a [Music] photograph thank you have a good night [Music] what notice [Music] [Music] right no they will T he's not actually making too [Music] I see her first [Music] just room is open than I know I know he noticed so sorry chistopher do you want to get in it and what about your other brother oh I'm not I'm not I'm just a soccer player been falling asleep great any you want anybody [Music] else outside conratulations [Music] Dr [Music] [Music] sir do it work yeah okay than [Music] for [Music] go out the hallway I'm take group you guys look here it is right here okay here it is there's the official the official right there here [Music] Dre said mam clerk have the roll call again please now have the first public anyone wish to speak on any agenda items please raise your hand n close the first public portion we have a resolution resolution 24384 this a resolution to exclude the public and discussion of exed subject matters uh we have two issues one is a personal issue and the other is an issue a legal issue we'll probably take approximately 10 minutes can I motion to go into second all those in favor youing that no you don't apologize get I was to you no good good see you thanks thanks good job I'll be back hey chief sir yes sir white noise machine it's not enough when someone starts level we have up with service do me a favor tell me what deep that is I can't see it I have toar glasses yeah seees maybe she don't without I you can see with gles how are you good to see you thanksfully we would have heard that hopefully heard my only other concern was in anothere like structures yes so it's just that's part of the normal yes probably blow over the wind anyway [Music] good thanks for staying on top of everything really appreciate it you know need anything right on any other projects that'll move for hopefully they'll be happy you know [Music] 11 do I do my part passing along just to keep the nice guy yeah are you here yeah you do zoning you go Z if you have a you're right so if you're by right do right [Music] [Music] sometimes so you're one so that c number the broad I got that's good prate session for something and they're coming [Music] [Music] back so John [Music] what uh 11 a little bit nor done I know you didn't work the other one did you the one that went oh yeah you did I know same watch [Music] that's ni my she's [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] we today [Music] people TR [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] okay hope e [Music] not sure jacket huh no no [Music] [Music] e [Music] for mod got [Music] [Music] come Mrs Al Trel here Mrs Grace love here Mr Nash here Mrs Walkers Mrs wers Mr M here Mr ctis here Mr Miguel here the Personnel matter that we discussed in Clos session is still continuing and uh the other matter regarding uh transaction real estate is still moving for we'll now go to uh the bid report can I accept the motion on the bid report second on the question roll call please Mr Min yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs gra yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr Mar yes wave the reading except the minutes of the workshop of February 12 2024 and the regular session February 12th and February 26 2024 I have a motion please second on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Al chel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr Mar yes next is the ordinance the second reading there will be a public hearing ordinance 0-24 d04 ordinance of the township of gler County of canas state of New Jersey providing for a real property tax exempts that is predicated upon a veteran's disability this will provide an exemption from Real Property taxation on property owned by a disabled veteran for a 100% service related disabled veteran and also establish the effective date for the applicant seeking this tax exempt status now open up the public hear anyone wish to speak please raise your hand seeing n close public hearing B have a motion please I'll make that motion thank you on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs yes Mr Mar yes next is ordinance 0-24 d06 in ordinance of the township of gler establishing certain fees for the SE utility as part of chapter 51 of the code of the township bler County of Cen and the state of New Jersey this sets uh fees for the utility uh to bring up to note the sewer connection fee has increased uh per edu We Now open up the public portion hearing anyone who would like to speak on this matter please raise your hand Miss Smith check thank you Chief you're welome good evening Council my name is jness C [Music] smithan I live in the SDK milb garden department complex on milb court for ordinance 0246 this is the second reading for this and this is for an increase in the fees that they're charging well we there's fees that are established uh for the sewer utility uh the one glaring or more prominent of the fees is the sewer connection fee has been increased this is sewer connection for the residential and businesses in gler Township that's correct uh Does it include the storm drains are they considered part of the nothing to do it's connection con the connection fee so you have a developer uh who's starting a development there that connection fee but you have a commercial property the connection fee that's what we're talking about when we speak about connection up in New Jersey if I can finish thank you just trying to have you not needlessly explain something to me that I already understand the residential connection I grew up I had a septic tank when the municipality came into Victory Lakes in Cecil County New Jersey um the Williamstown Municipal Utility Authority requested everybody we we had to connect to the municipality everybody had to abandon their their septic systems and if you did not connect they still charged you I remember I had a child and my mom left I had to pay them I had to pay it so thank you for explaining that prop I did not know if the municipal utility Authority since it's no longer active in laer Township New Jersey it's no longer an authority correct it it's simply a utility so for this ordinance 024 06 this utility when it was explained at the previous Council meetings when they dissolved the municipal Utility Authority they described it as it includes the storm drons so there the request of this ordinance for the second reading Does it include the storm [Music] drains when it was a part of the municipal Utility Authority for bler Township Miss Smith this in this ordinance there is no mention of any storm drains we're talking about uh sewer rates and Sewer connection fees and fees um form fees for the utility how much would it cost to complete a form for this util if you're doing a filing fee if you have an application fee it's a $1,500 fee if you have a filing fee $500 to review $3,000 a fing fee of $250 another filing fee um for review cost and then there's a review fee for $2,500 this is what you're charging local residents no this is this is uh mostly it's developers that are doing in commercial developers that's per resident for their per connection not per resident we're talking about commercial residential developers so homes commercial and residential they build homes also it is per connection per connection you're charging for each form that's what this ordinance is about anything Chang there anything changing in this in this ordinance is the actual the connection fees connection fee itself which was, 1600 and is now based on a computation by the auditing firm uh and the amount is $2,224 79 per Ed so it went up $100. 79 it went up from, 1600 yes it went up $100 it did not go up $1,100 that's not the ma it's 600 and change an edu is an equivalent domestic unit domestic referring to residential any connection and your VOE is whether or not you're given permission to increase these fees and you don't know whether not includes the storm drains does not include the storm drains storm we has nothing to do with s well it previously it did this is a SE youtil is there anything else utility keep saying thank you Mr car M smithman your time is up is there anyone else that like to speak on this matter miss smithman you can continue hello mik Council my name is Shauna C smithman I live in the SDK mbridge Gardens Department complex on milbrook court building 19B Department 341 for ordinance 0246 is this ordinance only pertaining to the contractors and their licenses is it only pertaining to the builders should the public be made aware of this increase in cost because it will ultimately affect the people purchasing businesses and homes in Gloucester Township it's a large increase while um it's being responded back to me as though it's only in the hundreds of dollars it's hundreds of dollars per form to be completed that's just administrative paperwork it seems as though the connection fees also increased which will increase the cost of a home it will also increase most likely the cost of a homeowner to repair their home or to make a change I mean it if it costs that much to install a sewage connection they might want to increase the standard size of that connection should there be any growth for the building if it's a building or even a residential home rather than having a a 34 inch or a one inch sewage line to to leave I don't know what they actually are forgive me I'm an inside Jour of enironment not a plumber but they might want to increase the standard size so that they don't have to do it twice um that's a large increase in rate not to mention you changed who is charging the money it's no longer coming from a governmental agency it's no longer coming from the Gloucester Township municipal Authority is coming from the Gloucester Township utility which is it's a different entity which means the pricing is not stable do you have to advertise this with the public at all yes we have to advertise there's a public hearing that's taking place it's an agenda item and this is a public entity So when you say it's a utility yes it's it's a utility under gler Township the same Council dissolve the Utility Authority that's correct we absorb that and and it's part of the utility and one of the first things that you're doing with this utility with this Township municipal utility you're increasing the rates it may not be double the amount or by $1,100 but $600 added to a $1600 fee that I'm terrible at math so what is that it sounds like a very large percentage of an increase it's not quite double but it it's still significant increase is there anything else you like that did the pay for the council increase to where they could make it affordable for yourselves let alone for the people that reside in Gloucester Township no it is not is there anything else thank you counc thank you is there anyone else close the public hearing I have a motion please I make that motion there a second I'll second on the question roll call please Mr M yes Mrs Albert Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr n yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs W yes Mr yes uh next is our consent agenda any council member would like to have any item removed please speak up hearing none I rain a motion to accept the consent agenda as presented second on the question question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Al yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr Mar yes next is our regular agenda resolution 24395 may I have a motion please make that motion for second on the question roll call please Mr question yes I I do have a question for Mr car if I can okay uh I look I've asked questions in the past about the budget and I know a lot of us have asked you questions and I just want to know I let you know I appreciate your time but I just one small thing about um the miscellaneous office comps how many are there was in section J Budget there were there were two I don't I don't have the location one I think was police um um internal I think it might [Music] been and other one I'm not sure that there were two there were two for that I 8900 yeah it was 89 I wasn't sure it was one I thought that was pretty high that's why I ask thank you so we have the first and the second on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs yes Mrs yes Mr yes Mrs Mrs W Mr M yes we have three GTE got access email first is from Joe Allen at 13 bis Court cville New Jersey at the 2 hour and 6 Minute Mark of our last council meeting Tom Carter said that the residents are buying additional recycling bents on Facebook today a resident said he called bler Township for an additional bin and was told bler Township does not offer a second bin even if the resident pays for it many others chimed in to say that they were also denied is there a new policy that prevents purchasing an additional can there was an understanding with the GL Township mua when the authority was the former GL Township mua in the township that additional recycling cans were available to purchase for a fee of $10 each in fact it was uh s out it was the yellow uh cans at the time for some reason the G St mua discontinued the sale of additional containers effective immediately residents can purchase an additional container for a fee of $10 per container that includes the pink with the black top uh containers our next question is from Samu at 18 Elizabeth place at the last council meeting I asked why we were borrowing 160k for recycling carts since 2019 I was told by Mr Carter it was to accommodate all the new homes as well as to allow people that needed two cans to purchase them if that is the case why residents complaining that the township is stating they cannot buy a second can since they're not in stock uh I addressed that with Mr Allen's comments with Mr sweet uh effective immediately people can purchase residents can purchase a second can for $10 Samu from 18 Elizabeth place with the third eov and that is do we know what the Surplus is from last year yet if so what is it no we do not we're still working on the annual financial statements the state gave the township and extension to March 22nd his second question in addition do we have a time frame as to when the actual budget will be ready the state provided tach extension to April 22nd to introduce a budget that concludes our G OV access emails We Now open up the second public portion this is for 30 minutes each speaker is entitled to five minutes uh once everyone's spoken that speaker can speak a second time only to add what they said earlier Miss hen good evening Dina Hendry sommerdale good evening um unfortunately we missed the first public portion because there was a traffic jam in the hallway um so I'll ask it now um with regards to today's meeting agenda when was it posted um on the board for everybody to see any private answer was how which board um this board was this morning when we opened at what time um 910 okay so the board in my office the court board on my office it was posted on Thursday in addition to the front doors in the event anyone walked up to the building the agenda would be available to them so the front door the front door it's still there actually on your way out you can look it's right on the exterior door okay the agenda it's also always boosted and has has been in my office on the court board to the right when you walk in my office this board is just for this evenings okay it's also available um to anyone who would like it in my office okay excellent um being that I couldn't ask uh for the first public portion um I was going to ask that with the agendas is for the council to vote and take action is that correct yes okay um I was going to ask that the I strongly urge that the action items that were voted on on Monday February 26 uh 2024 be completely void voided as the agenda wasn't posted for the public with adequate notice either online or on the township building and did not follow the open public meetings act um I was able to do some research and we followed the open public meetings Act is that correct yes we're required do we follow it like to a t we have a solicitor here that helps guides us yes okay um in the state of New Jersey even if the dates for the regular meetings um have been established during a reorganizational meeting and provide um public Advance it is still necessary to post the agenda each regular meeting especially when there's action items to be voted on in the open public meetings act requires that the agendas for the public meetings made available to the public in advance to ensure transparency and to allow public participation therefore regardless whether the meeting dates are predetermined posting of the agenda of each regular meeting is essential particularly when there are specific items requiring action or decision-making governing body with the open um meeting act requires the notice of regular meetings along with agendas to be provided at least 48 hours in advance excluding weekends and holidays this notice must be posted hold on uh in designated public place and feasible on the public body's official website additionally if action items are to be voted on they should be included on the agenda as stated you are to hear with the open uh public meetings Z islands and any additional local ordinance or resolutions regarding the agenda posting to remain compliant with the law um I went on to the township website and looked at the ecode360 and couldn't find if there was an ordinance or resolution that stated that gler Township is doing anything different if I'm interpreting this of my research wrong please provide where where we are in full compliance com you can provide me that information say that again can you speak into your microphone you can provide me the information you just refer to give it to the clerk she'll give it to my office and I'll do further research on it response wait a second say that again if you provide the information that you just CED apparently you have a case site or some other statutory site you can provide that information to the clerk's office I'll retrieve it from the clerk's office tomorrow I'll do further research and then I'll be able to give you the response but if you're a solicitor shouldn't you know the rules and regulations in the law you're talking of an exception that just s an exception there has to be further research to see if there's any exceptions to that so I'm not going to give you an answer until I see the research that you did so that I can respond so within recordings or according to the ACT does the agenda need to be posted within 48 Hours of the meeting right but there might be exceptions to that because of what happened to the township it was posted it was an error electronically however that was so in order to respond to what you're saying I but it wasn't posted I came give you an answer until you provide me the information thank you Mr kmer thank you Miss Henry is there anyone else Miss [Music] Smith hi even Council my name is sha C smithman I live in the SDK mbridge garden department complex on mil Brook port hi councel hello there was a ceremony for uh what is it swearing in of officers today that that was nice to um to see thank you for coming I do appreciate you attending actually I didn't make any additional I appreciate you attending the whole meeting thank you well actually I tried to not go to the squaring in session I went rather to work on a a police file that I had tried to attend to attend to earlier at the glester Township Police Department uh because I came to go to this glester Township council meeting today of Monday March 11th the year 2024 um I'm told that one hour prior on the first meeting of each month there is typically a work session prior to the council meeting the work session would begin at 6:30 p.m. and the council meetings typically begin at 7:30 p.m. was the work session cancelled yes it was canceled it was posted on Thursday evening on the Township's website um it wasn't posted at the door the door has a posting that the zoning board meeting scheduled for Wednesday is canell but it didn't mention that the work session was canceled you had to enter the building and be told by one of the um persons at the front desk area um had access to a website where was cancelled and another persons did not so it was very unreliable so I took that time they said that there was a swearing in ceremony I thought it was going to take place at 6:30 it did not apparently it started at 7:30 when this was Township council meeting began is that correct so the ceremony started at 7:30 because at I won't give you the exact time but at approximately 7:25 p.m. I was at the watch de wer Township at 1265 choose Landing Road gler Township New Jersey 08021 sometimes 08012 depending on what piece of paperwork you're looking at uh that's where I was and then I since I had gotten the information that that I could which was that they could not assist me uh I came to attend this Council meeting this evening and U there was a swearing in session for police officer so congratulations to everyone and thank you counil I have a question there's a there's a contractor that does a lot of work I noticed everything from the bicycle path from E sham Road from Oak Avenue to e sham Road and then there's also the I tried to take a note there was a more information on the pickable courts that were being paid for with funds from boster Township New Jersey who is the electrical contractor that you're employing to do that work because I did I do recall councilman hutches in Pre former councilman hutches in mentioning that he was insisting that there were lights and electricity placed in there I'm going to continue on with my suspicions that there are members of this Council or employees of that are soliciting the glosser township funds to participate in the fraud of my stolen identity they're trying to replace the funds they Resto a stolen identity are trying to replace close to $100,000 using these funds so my question is since I was previously an inside joury en wieman who is that electrical contractor that is performing that work for one the bicycle path from Hill from what is it Oak Avenue to Eve sham do you recall that I wouldn't know the electrical contractor is I'm sorry at this point I can provide that information the pickle ball I can provide you that information at the next meeting I believe with the pickle ball court was that done in house that that electric that was um so we can have lighting no I believe it was the conduit was uh was installed from from the outside contractor as part okay if we can find that out we'll find that out provide that to you affiliated with it also excuse me I'm sorry the you can find out who is Affiliated also with it well I find that there are many contractors that will push a minority in front of the ownership they will place either a woman or a ethnic minority in front as the owner but the actual electrician the business being conducted is through uh not a minority okay well thank you Miss smithman there anyone else would like to speak yes sir good evening could somebody explain what is perceived by the township as far as um posting the agenda what are you basing what the requirements are on your end to post this uh to make it available to the public yes yes post it on the website uh within 48 Hours of of the meeting okay is there anything else thank you anyone else would like to speak that's not spoken yet miss Andrew good evening Dina Hendry again uh Summerdale so if the agenda wasn't posted on the website 48 hours before the meeting last meeting why did the meeting take place there was business that had to be conducted there was an opportunity for people to review the agenda um from 12 o'clock on uh we asked you had asked a question if any if we were going to table that um none of my colleagues objected to moving forward our solicitors here uh to provide us legal guidance and we move forward with the agenda we also had an extensive Capital hearing budget as you were here and attended that so if if the rules are that is to be posted 48 hours in advance and it wasn't posted then how could we conduct the meeting we it wasn't posted by law right is that that's how I interpret it it was posted from what I understand it was an electronic failure where was it posted in the normal process of the it individual company that post all the posting so we took the physical steps to do that but somewhere there was an electronic failure as I understand it and that's why it wasn't said out there as you brought to the attention of the chch office here at the meeting and Council here at the meeting so I brought it to can you let me finish please yeah well my time is unless if his time is unless if my time is going to be paused is pause hry then we're just GNA let you speak when you're done speaking we'll respond respond to it if we like to so you you this is public comment it's not a public Q&A you're not going to let Mr carer finish and that's how we're going to proceed so you have three minutes and 22 seconds left of uncensored uninterrupted conversation okay so can you put resp2 because it says 3:17 no I'm going to please start the clock I'll give you said 322 I'll give you five seconds more oh excellent so I brought it to the attention of council that it was was n posted for the public to view and we still went on with the meeting if everybody who is sworn as a council person knows what the rules and regulations are of having the agenda posted for the public I don't understand why we went ahead with the meeting yes I understand that important information had to take place and had to be voted on but we didn't follow the rules we didn't follow the law so how can we say that we are transparent in our government if you guys are not following the rules and regulations that is set byly not me and not you by our government our government of New Jersey and the federal government ad you no we're gonna let her talk oh I have a question that's no we're going to let you just Pride your comment we'll speak after you done your time my God okay anyone else would like to speak Miss coin Denise coin chose Landing um at the beginning of every meeting you read a statement stating that the meeting's being held in accordance with the open public meetings act and that meeting was noticed properly so if the meeting isn't noticed properly and the agenda isn't posted aren't you supposed to state that instead of telling everybody the meeting was noticed properly we provide notification there was an error we addressed it at the last meeting uh we held a meeting and an open public session not behind closed doors there are people who had copies of that agenda earlier in the day it was also posted on our website uh none of my colleagues here Obed to moving forward with having the meeting again it was conducted in an open public form my question was wasn't the statement at the beginning of the meeting supposed to be modified to indicate that the agenda it was known by Council that the agenda was not posted in accordance with the open public readings Act I guess I could have modified it maybe an oversight on my part isn't that a requirement open public meetings act for you to make that statement as to whether or not the meeting was properly noticed or it was not and I believe that there's a separate set of rules to follow if the meeting was not noticed properly Mr car do you want to answer that I apparently the information that's been talked about earlier in I'll do a response to govern thank you the information I just said I won't do it off the cup because uh if the statute is clear what it says but the intent was to publish the intent was to post it's there's a failure somewhere I want to research that as would AFF that so I just can't give you an answer until I do some research and how long does the public have to follow an appeal I can't you don't know how long the public has to call an appeal you want me to submit an answer I get that question to the clerk and I'll prepare an answer for the Govern so you don't know what the amount of time is that the public has to appeal not without doing any additional review so you under these circumstances that's what I want to look at from what you're citing and what happened at the last meeting so if you provide that uh and if you want research tell clerk what information you have that I can look at what your statement is now and I'll communicate with the clerk and do research on so under normal circumstances how long does the public have to appeal without the special circumstances I I can't I can't answer that question I read circumstances thank you Mr Nash you had a question NY can you tell us was it posted in any other public area on the website it was posted on the court board in my office 48 hours before um on Thursday prior okay is there anyone else a Miss Smith hi good evening Council my name is Shaun C smithman I live in the SDK mbridge Gardens apartment complex mil Brook Court I had a a police case opened um for possible fraud it was a 23 hyen 27404 I only bring it up at Council because previously um ler Township police chief Parkins said at several different occasions that he had my information with him at these meetings so I feel it it's not unreasonable for me to bring it up during the public portion since it's not an agenda item the financial statements that are being provided to me by a company that does a lot of business in Gloucester Township claiming to be caring for your residents South Jersey Behavior Health Resources operates out of pensan Township on the Clen ad I don't know if they changed their name since I filed this leash report or what but the financial statement paperwork that they had been handing me that shows a fiveyear retroactive Social Security disability insurance to the max for five years retroactive benefit when that was supposed to be deposited they claimed that it went into an account without my name honor without sh sh smithman they said only my social security phone my social security number uh there's much more that I've been trying to report um the gler township please close that case most recently I still have not let this go I've been continuing filing the fraud allegations with the Social Security Administration because it's it's Federal even if glester Township doesn't think so it's Federal and uh I went to make a request from the company that receives these benefits on my behalf through a computer glitch is what made the initial report or the initial transaction take place question it asking to see evidence of how it was a glitch and how it was corrected they said no that they just wanted me to put the funds in my own name and I said absolutely not that's a very large amount of money in federal funds I want to see how that happened and how it was corrected before I allow you to do anything with that amount of money and my name it's been close to five years since they have been not answering questions not answering phone calls um claiming all my actions as psychiatric symptoms which is threatening to either medicate me against my will or institutionalize me so I've been very calmly attending these meetings getting to know gler Township a little bit more Chief Harkins from gler Township New Jersey Police Department actually carries my information on his person to these meetings while I have never spoken privately with no I don't you have said that you had had my information with you at these meetings claiming that you wanted to have a sidebar type conversation I said absolutely not most recently when I made this request for funds I asked for a new statement from South Jersey Behavior Health Resources of the financial benefits being deposited on my behalf into their account if Chief Parkins investigates this he would say at the bottom of all the previous Financial L ledgers which I provided to the glosser Township Police Department there's like a type of computer address like it has a location it says client funds for SL all this information the one that they just handed me has my information they only handed me one page the last page of the financial statement and that information is no longer on the bottom it's just a piece of paper now almost like they changed the business itself but the money is still there but the only identifying information on that page other than the information which they claim is pertain CH to myself is my last name smithman with my first initial S so um I'm asking I'm not permitted to demand anything I'm actually not even permitted to know my own rights it's something with the psychiatric um illness type of diagnosis um people can and do whatever they want to those patients I'm trying to add to that case to have it reopened since the new paperwork that I was handed is different it it doesn't have the same information on it I need the assistance of the local police department to bring it to a prosecutor they're supposed to give it to a detective and you bring it to a prosecutor that would prevent a lot of extortion that occurs to innocent people prosecution is not extortion is that the proper protocol you should go this is a legal matter and you should go through the police department thank you thank you Miss smth is there anyone else Miss coin Miss corn will be our last speaker of the evening Denise que she's Landing um I'd just like to state in response to Mr Nash's question that the building is closed Thursday night until Monday morning so an agenda posted in the clk's office or any place in the municipal building really does the public no good thank you thank you that we close the second public portion polling of directors Mr nothing to rep Mr ctis nothing Chief Hans again I just want to thank Council for your ongoing support thank you for the ceremony tonight uh I'm already getting feedback how much the families appreciated this being done in front of the community so thank you very much for all the support Mr Miguel Mr Chief you had mentioned at the start of U the ceremony that this was the Next Generation and you know I got a chance to meet and work with a lot of the officers and uh there's three of them that stood out and Caleb I remember my first coming counseling she was there special I would talk her everything that I got here and then Tyreek uh played little leag on S Le Sons I remember little boy were talking about it he was a little boy tonight and then uh Ryan C he graduated with my son and my son were close friend so you're absolutely it is thank you everybody Mrs alel I did my heart good to hear so many of the new officers graduated from C count police acem college and it's a wonderful Academy it's one of the best it is the best in South Jersey and I'm not sure if it's still the best in New Jersey but in my mind it is so I feel very comfortable with these new Young recruits that uh they going to do an excellent job because the training they received was just pal G did a great job as usual and thank you so much for your hard work and thank you for working thank M Grace thank you so much Chief and congratulations to all the officers and we're in women History Month I'm so excited and Sisterhood month so and have have a great night everyone Mr Nash yeah thanks Chief you you on a great Department show some great gu thank you very much have a great night Walters um thank you everybody for coming thank you chief for um the ceremony it's very nice to see the officers and how they PR into so it's very ni I hope they stay safe and the chief it's always a great night when you get to see those events and congratulations to all the officers whether starting out their careers or just advancing have a great Mr M uh before I prime my comments clerk do you have anything to add you ask other directors I know sometimes you have some things you like to address is there anything else um no okay okay thank you very much uh I want to thank everyone for coming out today uh Chief congratulations to uh you and your department uh the promotion of our officers uh and our new officers um the Old Guard is moving on I keep telling them stop retiring U hang in there Chief I hang in there with you okay uh this past Saturday uh Mr Mon and alright TR and I attended the black with fire installation dinner and with any volunteer organization over the years you tend to see uh people volunteer fatigue people stopped doing things because they feel like they're the only ones who are doing this over and over again uh there was one gentleman that was honored I've known for many many many years um Rich Jones uh who is now a commissioner with the black fire company but also was a a paid firefighter professional firefighter uh and he was celebrated for 50 years of service to the Blackwood fire company so congratulations to to Rich Jones and his family um for their service in regards to the uh public comments um the public portion provides for public comments as a practice for many many many years uh Council has tried to answer questions to the best our of our ability and provide a dialogue if a question is being asked and counsel or one of professionals tries to answer that question please allow them to answer that question interrupting them uh again it is a public comment portion um and we tried to provide that dialogue but if individuals continue to interrupt our professionals we're just going to let those individuals just make their comments and then we could respond at the end of the meeting uh when we write our comments at the end so I ask those that if you do have public comments and you ask questions please allow the individuals up here or the professionals to respond if you're asking for a response thank you with that Iain a motion to oh before we do that we're celebrating women's history model uh two weeks from now nominations were due today uh we have an outstanding group of individuals that were nominated we'll be honoring them at 7:30 at the may excuse me March 25th meeting with that entertain a motion to adjourn there a second all those in favor have a great your one have a good night have a good night guys