stand for the Pledge of Allegiance the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic stand [Music] this regular meeting of the township council is being held in accordance with the schedule of meetings of the township Council established and adopted by the township Council which scheduled designated the time date and place of this meeting adequate public notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to the provisions of the open public meeting act we're using electronic amplifying and recording Dev in order to obtain an audible and clear record we request that all those wishing to speak be recognized state your name and address directly into the microphone the recording device is to be solely utilized by the township clerk's office for the preparation of the minutes and shall be the official record of the township council meeting and thir Mr Man here Mrs Al Trel here Mrs Grace here Mr Nash here Mrs Walkers here Mrs wers here Mr M we'll be running late Mr car here Mr ctis here Chief arkins here Mr M here okay next we have a public portion this public participation shall be for agenda items only anyone addressing Council may speak one time once all those wishing to address Council have had their turns they may address Council second time only if it adds to what they said earlier not repeating earlier statements it be three minutes per speaker for maximum 15 minutes good evening Denise coin chose Landon um could somebody please tell me the purpose of ordinance 0 24-12 for streets and sidewalks Street a little bit of the history there my understanding sometimes could you use your microphone please sometimes you have situations where people would set up basketball courts in the street area star to create you know hazards in kids playing and other obstructions that would go right into the street right away area so over the years I would imagine this is how I interpret what this is addressing and putting perits obstacles in Street areas courts or whatever you see them a lot them see residential okay so it has nothing to do with sidewalks it's only Street correct correct that's instructions that we put up without per okay um my second question revolves around resolution 24105 d157 for the neighborhood preservation revised implementation plan for 2024 and um I did call Regina to try to get these questions answered and she never called me back so I'm bringing them to you um because I couldn't get her uh but it says in here um that there's $110,000 budgeted for uh Community engagement and public spaces and under the description in the plan that was submitted for approval it states that um the Farmers Market uh successfully attracted visitors um to the area so I'm assuming that that $10,000 budgeted money um part of it was going to be used for the farmers market is that a fair assumption my understanding my understanding of the funding that's been going on for about twoyear process of the application for it it's a combination of residential as well as business there's probably appropriated some something $5,000 10 15 12 14 homes for reconditioning front fa there's money for businesses for the front bricking black there's a remodeling of buildings is about $25,000 remodel building that's just a quick estimate okay but I'm speaking specifically about the community engagement and public spaces part of that budget for which there's $10,000 [Music] allocated okay up thank you Mr Burns yes good evening counil Brian bursaw Drive and aerial uh resolution 24051 164 I I read the words I believe I understand what it means but you could you elaborate on that exactly what that means this is for the impr now this is the enabling resolution of the state of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for Green Acres but yes but it's required and it's relative to those two o and station is I'm sorry I I don't understand well I'm sorry I was asked to sign approval so while we're waiting for the meeting start I through theal Clauses issues just responding to question this is the resolution for the agreement that was just signed by Mr parir for the loan and the grant of the two playground equipment mberry and and um St Jes which is awesome tied into ordinance -240 which is on the agenda I hear the words you're saying uh with resolution 164 doesn't say anything about Playgrounds telling you that these are related to those playgrounds this resolution in this format came from GRE okay so it's it's we're passing a resolution enabling Green Acres to fund playgrounds is that what you're saying in order for us to receive the funds these play okay yes these two projects there is additional playground equipment that is being installed in each one of these to make it completely compant with Green Acres and so that it can be a re of these okay I got you all right so 164 is related to 165 165 refers to Al's rolls play structure it's related toates 24-10 okay because it was just it was a great fuzzy 16 doesn't say anything about Playgrounds it does under number one Mr Burns one again I got you okay thank you for your time hi Bita Joy Marson laas scata homeowners um we're having trouble hearing um what you guys are saying in the back um I just want to let you know that first um the second thing is Chief I just want to throw this in thank you very much you and your men for your hard work with the recent arrest we're thrilled third thing is okay so I was reading here gluster Township 2024 Road Improvement program and I would hope that there was at least a couple of coins in there for our road going through laasa we just recently three days ago completed a million dooll uh project that included Paving every one of our parking lots over the past two and a half years okay the Project's done but like I said the last time you don't see the beauty of the parking lots because when you pull in Via cascot is a disaster the potholes the the missing pavement the patch jobs it's it's horrifying I can't even describe it you're lucky your car gets to the parking lot never mind see the beauty that American Asphalt has done for us okay it's really real it's been repaved they've been repainted there's new numbers up it's really gorgeous but when you come into the development the road I can't even describe it it hasn't been paved in over 45 years I'm here tonight with several members of our Board of Trustees they're here say hi and we're we're asking we've been asking for nine years now we get no we get nothing else we ask for nothing else in our development well that's not true we ask for police work we get that what I'm saying is this is the one thing that I've only ever come to the Town Council for over the past nine years if I'm wrong go but this is in this budget uh this capital budget for design therefore it will be in the 2025 for construction so it is moving forward yes okay on thiser that we just discussed our Workshop tonight so do I have like tears of happiness now or should I wait till I sit down so I don't embarrass myself so thank you very very much I this is this is beyond good news I'm thrilled to death I have Goosebumps thank you y sorry anyone else good evening irin Glen Oak uh resolution 24519 $329,000 for a run end loader [Applause] 159 yes that's what they have in there that's the price they have yes what do we need it for do what I don't have the specifics in terms of what jobs they're I'm sure it's going to be used for multiple jobs is there any way I can get a more direct answer yeah you could emailed may you could have called me but I would get that for you to get back if you like would you please I would definitely thank you next one is 24560 for a light structure system for $234,000 again I will get back to you on that one also one more well there's let me jump back to 160 this is a a multi-year project it is this year and next year and the goal is to light the artificial field at the tbaa Val complex uh this first phase will uh will will be construed of uh basically putting the eight concrete bases down running the conduit under the uh existing field doing the wiring and also setting up the P for the light okay next year we'll fund the balance of that project and hopefully have those lights up and running for next year okay that's perfect last one I got is 24051 163 same thing we'll get back to both okay thank you hello my name is Shauna C smithman I live in the SDK mbridge Gardens apartment complex on milbrook Court clementin New Jersey uh my question for the agenda items is just this that these Council meetings from what I understand are scheduled um they're you can in advance if you can make it to this Gloucester Township municipality building review the agenda items but if not you're only capable to read them while you're here is there any reason why Mr cartis can't answer the questions that were asked him of what the spending for the township that was just made because I do not have the information as I indicated Mr I will get back to him I do not have an answer I'm not going to just make something up I'm going to get it research it and find out exactly what he wants to know but the questions are public and the answer should be public also I'm a member of the public and I would like to know what the answer is as well if you answer him personally that's that that's not part of the the purpose of the meeting for the for the township Council I have no problem answering in front of the council for next Council not a problem you said you would get back to that person directly the question is for the everybody here and whoever's at excuse me I was speaking I was speaking the answer should be for everybody that is attending all the citizens in this Township that's what I'm saying well no you indicated that he could have emailed you not everyone has access to the worldwide web and quite frankly not everybody has access to the United States Postal Service as you would think um I invite him to email me invite him call me you can contact me anyway and is a person-to-person communication this is a council meeting for the citizens of this Township I'm here attending this meeting the answers to the question should be for everyone especially when it comes to a purchase greater than $300,000 that you don't have an answer for answer my name is sha smithman Mr car that was for the front Tom has it public works public work supervisor let them know they need it got the bid what is the purpose of that large purchase multiple I just don't now I told you you're not satisfied I would just like to know what the answer to one purpose for that large amount of these items budget which we had a workshop a few weeks back to open to the public that you could answer ask any questions you like about that purchase no the the people attend those meetings are not permitted to ask questions there's no public portion for workshops yes there yes there are there's a public portion but you're not allowed to question the agendas there is a public portion for non-agenda items only there is not a portion for anyone to question that conclude next we have Proclamation national nurses month whereas the American Nurses Association has annually celebrated nurses the week of May 6 through 12 as nurses week and for the past three years chose to celebrate the entire month of May and whereas this year's month long theme nurses make a difference honors the varying roles of nurses in their positive impact on our lives as trusted Advocates who ensure individuals families and communities receive quality patient care services and whereas the depth and breadth of the Registered Nursing profession meets the different and emerging Health Care needs of the American population in a wide range of settings including the front line of the pandemic and whereas professional nursing is an indispensable component of the safety and quality of the care and of hospitalized and nonhospitalized patients and whereas the demand for registered nurses services will be greater than ever because of an aging population emerging Healthcare challenges the continuing expansion of life sustaining Technologies and the exclusive growth of health care services and whereas along the American Nurses Association tant ler has declared may as nurses month to promote the appreciation for nurses your unparalleled impact during the pandemic and their contributions to healthcare and an open invitation hasht thank a nurse for enriching our lives and the world we live in now therefore be it resolved that David our mayor mayor of the tang cler and Orlando Marcado president of ccel hereby Proclaim May 2024 as national nurses month the the Bluster and ask that all residents celebrate registered nurses months accomplishments and efforts to improve our Health Care system and show our appreciation for the nation's registered nurses not just during this week but at every opportunity throughout the year thank you m CL next we have a ordinance a second reading there will be a public hearing for this this is ordinance D2 24-10 F ordinance authorizing the completion of various Park improvements in the township of wer County of Camden New Jersey appropriating the sum of 58651 therefore authorizing the issuance of General obligation bonds or Bond anticipation notes of the township of waler County of cden New Jersey and the aggregate principal amount of up to 146,00 making certain determinations and Covenants and authorizing certain related actions in connection with the for uh we discussed this a little bit ago it's a you know the bond for Sturbridge the parts in Sturbridge and mberry station anything else you want to add to that Mr CS we open now for public discussion my first thing is I want to make sure this is on record and this is addressed to the chief of police when I called out an incident report of a man shooting a gun at 661 oh no not about the B I thought it was the public meeting this is about this specific no that's okay any any other questions seeing none we'll close the public hearing have motion to accept the second reading for o- 24-10 Mr yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr n yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs W yes okay next we have an ordinance this is a first reading introduction - 24-11 this is an ordinance amending chapter 75 of the code of Township of Gloucester entitled swimming pools of the code book of the township of Gloucester County of Canton and state of New Jersey this amendment to the policy about public safety and clean water I have a motion to accept the o-11 I'll is there a second second Mr Man yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr sorry next we have ordinance - 24-12 it's an ordinance amending chapter 72 of the code of the township of bler entitled streets and sidewalks as discussed earlier this a permit to uh not allow instruction of the streets specifically the baseball courts uh do I have a motion to accept ordinance 24-12 is there a second call Mr yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wyers yes next we have uh W reading accepted minutes uh Workshop meeting April 8th 2024 and council meeting April 8th 2024 and council meeting April 22nd 2024 do I have a motion to accept the workshop and the council meetings second Mr yes Mrs Alber roel yes Mrs Grace Love U I'm staining from April 22nd except Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes next we have our bid report ler Township 2024 Road Improvement program I have a motion to adopt the bid report make that motion second Mr yes Mrs Al TR yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs L yes you have a consent agenda do I have a motion to accept the consent agenda Mr yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes wter Mrs next have some GT go there is two first one is from David leer 1105 Huntington Avenue glendor New Jersey 029 please provide a detailed report of why the township wants to sell the MUA the answer is provided is there is no mua is a SE utility owned and operated by the township waler The Authority was dissolved by the New Jersey local Finance board in early 20123 sale utility is exploratory sale must be approved by the Office of the State Controller then advertised for a six week period B will be received by the township based on those bids the township May proceed with the adoption of an ordinance to place a referendum on the November 2024 ballot voters of the township will decide the super utility should be sold there is no detail report of why the township wants to sell the MUA next question is what services does the Nua perform to the count citizens directly employes and contractors work for the SE utility department in maintain and operate 51 pump stations in various piping that convey sewerage to the candy County system sewer utility employees also serve the home sewer line from the area between the curb line and sidewalk on an aded basis this service requires the homeowner to sign a hold harmless agreement between the homeowner and the township his other question is if it was sold what services will the township continue to provide the citizens directly if this the system is sold to a private company the township may continue to service the home sewer lines of the residents of wer Township upon execution of a old harmless agreement and he proceeds to say I will need to know all these answers before I can vote on the S the next election next is from David leader again 1105 hunington Avenue glendor New Jersey 0829 uh he says please provide details of the reasons the township is putting the MUA off for private uh parentheses non-government sale the answer provided is there is no mua it is a super utility owned and operated by the township wer Authority was dissolved by the New Jersey local Finance board in early 2023 the sale the SE utility is exploratory the sale must be approved by the office of State controler and then advertised for a six-week period bids will be received by the township based on those bids the township May proceed with the adoption of an ordinance to place a referendum on the November 2024 ballot the voters of both Township decide the Su utility should be sold the voters of Cl the township approve the sale then by the law proceeds the sale must be used to pay the debt of the utility and the debt of the township of wer it is the intent of the township Council to present factual information to the voters of w Township so they will be able to make for decision to sell or not sell the so utility and proceed to say we need these details in order to make an educated vote when I vote on muac the next election okay next we have our public portion public participation which which shall be any item public chooses to address to the township Council anyone addressing Council they speak one time once other wishing to address Council add their turns and be address Council second time only if it adds to what was said earlier not repeating statement be a five minute per speaker for a total of 30 minutes okay I'm have this on record but um W Township police came at 11 sorry Danny Paris 507 milb Road uh in the milb apartment they us live in straford but I moved into Mb I gave my son my house and my husband died okay um 11:23 115 2023 um I had there was an incident about three or four of or five of my neighbors pulled into the police department about a man who shoots a gun off at apartment 661 two years ago in Milbridge Apartments the man actually threatened a lifeguard at the pool and was uh thrown out and got in trouble the man has been living there for two years and when the police came okay they came to my door knocked on the door and said how can you hear a gunshot down at 661 I'm 57 so I know and I I have no hearing aids and I don't wear glasses so I'm been very healthy all my life thank God I hereditary I have a good family and I was a health and exercise science Professor I did free training for the police academy free for the prosecutor's office for 20 years and trained all the police recruits I also did free 10 years for Jennifer mclaughin who was here undercover drug track task forcing for the police station free I was embarrassed harassed degraded and they were supposed to be wearing their body cans so to make a long story short when the police came to my door they knocked on my door after they went to the house and said are you a racist I said am I a racist no I'm Jewish I have two African-American children then I'm babysitting for a week because my friends are away on vacation I'm going to tell you straight I don't lie I'm God-fearing I don't date I've been I've been single for the last since 2018 so the officers I'm not going to name them because I just want this un record okay because I am going to go to a criminal attorney and I'm going to give a civil suit to this Township so this officer okay with another officer detective that I trained at the Academy was there and he said Dan just don't mind him I said fine so next thing that happened was they took me in a car and drove me around and asked me to point out the building I pointed out the building and his cars I said two years ago he had he had an altercation with the lifel okay when I went back I get out of the car and another police officer comes up in the middle of the street with all my neighbors outside I was a professor at C count college for 50 years holds up a tablet and says to me are you going to kill somebody or kill some are you going to kill somebody or kill somebody else or are you going to kill yourself I said what's this all about why are you doing this to me okay so that went on after that he comes up to me and he's says if you ever do this again and call in about a gun four other people called in that day four other people and I'm going to get the records for that no I get a false report back nothing happened from the camcorders nothing happened it was a false report and 20 different police officers came back and forth and back and forth I get a bill from tnos metal helmet mental Wellness but that wasn't on the report I get a bill for $25 that day 115 I called the president of Twin Oaks she says I'm so so sorry my whole life was actually in front of everybody that day I have three Witnesses what was done to me okay I have the whole report what was done to me there was lies I don't know where the camcs are but I'm going to have an open report I want the open report from the cam cars Chief uh of police and Sergeant Dockery they send it up to the prosecutor's office who I worked for for 20 years to have it looked at there was nothing on the camcs where did the cam quarters go the body cams go I'm just asking when the body cams went did they disappear you don't want to mess with me because the reason why I fought the book ad bookstore for 20 years all of them came County I got rid of them after 10 years I fought the m and I got rid of them so I'm not playing with this because you ruined my reputation and I don't like this the other thing I wanted to bring up is the gems landfill I called up uh the woman who was the town's Clerk and I asked her when the last time they tested the water out there CU it's aqua water and I'm calling aqua water because that's a very very contaminated site underneath it so I want to know when the last time since 1982 when you put the cap on when that water was tested that's all I wanted to say but I'm glad I put that on record because now it's going up to my criminal for the township and for here palor good evening Council Ray poor from the historic village of Ariel let me start off by saying belated happy Mother's Day to all the mothers in the room we we could never thank you enough for all that you do for us um the one thing that I was a little curious about um is Mr cis's response to Mr exin was regarding sending an email uh in for questions of monetary value whereas you guys in Council are voting for that um could not Council have answered that question as well being you're voting for it that would make it look like at least you know what's going on that the administration's handing down to you that you're voting on it just would seem a little more sensible than to have the administration explain that he couldn't answer because he or chose not to answer whichever the the case may have been regarding that because there's no email but maybe for the future if you're voting on it maybe one of you guys could step up and answer that question especially when it bomb's a lot of money the other uh question that I also have is uh regarding the MUA and um not picking on you but very well written and rehearsed answer that you gave that the MUA is not not the MUA anymore we're referring to him as utility you destroyed the MU but it was formerly the MUA you dissolve them so let's at least presume that you know what the people are talking about when they send that email in and not just sidestep it to repackage it to what you guys have created by dissolving the MUA that being said your answer was uh regarding the MUA and moving forward in your hurry to try and sell them um that you had dialogue back and forth between Township and the com controller's office I would like to know at least in some summary what uh what's transpiring the dialogue between you and the com controller's office I would like the council to answer first and then the administration so I want to know what you guys know I know what the administration knows I know there was a brief discussion this week um I'm sorry there was a brief discussion this week with the controller Mr I'm defer but I wouldn't make a comment before the township has engaged an attorney so any discussions can't hear you any discussions between the attorney for the township uh which is uh represented to the law firm of Falin dfield and wood any discussion between the uh attorney and the comp's office right now would be under attorney client privilege until such time as it moves out of the controller's office so the com controller usually will question a Township that uh for accountability and things of that nature so lead me to believe that it's not going as smooth as you guys would like and that makes me happy um I also am interested and if it's not attorney client privilege also I'd like to know if the Pu is has any involvement in what's going on with your wanting to uh sell off the former mua now as util is the Pu have any active role in this what PP all the same no you want me to answer yeah go ahead if you want no go ahead so so the discussion that I had with Mr Mar last year about potential putting the uh the SE utility P sale dealt with determining what the value of it is which nobody knows what the value is at this point it seems to be a lot of people against allowing the public to know what that value is and then to make an intelligent decision based on that information and then vote on that in a referendum so it seems to me whatever I'm hearing here what I see it now on is an attempt to suppress the public govern why would why would you not want the public to have an opportunity to know the value and then to make an intelligent decision well it's I'm glad you brought that up I stand here before council tonight to ask you what guarantee you will give the people bler Township that this will go on in a referendum that there will not be some attempt or some loophole that will allow you to bypass the people loss to Township and do away with what was a well oiled machine if there's that much of a SP and that is a guarantee that the people of Closter Township we don't want you sell it at all but we'll get a say if it goes It goes to referend guaranteed guaranteed glad to hear that thank you and again ladies happy Mother's Day good evening Council my name is Shaun C smithman I live in the SD K Milbridge Gardens apartment complex uh number 341 it's located on milbrook court the address is written at least two different ways I'm still having complications with that um I did hear a congratulations to the glester Township Police Department for a job well done and I also heard somebody having some discrepancies with the way that their performance is um when it comes to audio or video recordings that are still fairly new to um law enforcement they don't always necessarily need to be warned in order for the local police and detectives to have a really good understanding of what actually happened there are some things though when it comes to the members of the community the public that lives here the citizens like myself uh you you do need to speak directly with with them such as myself when I had things that I tried to bring to light with the gler Township Police Department it does cause some complications for both the people that live and you know try to work within the community I I cannot return to work I'm actually being forced to not be able to return to gain full employment because I cannot get my credentials properly put back in place I have no criminal record I there's really no reason for it but I have heard things like this before where uh there was an instance where a man was in in a vehicle and a there was a local police officer also in a vehicle they they came in like is this perpendicular when it comes into like a 90 degree angle at a is that perpendicular yeah he he pulled into a four-way stop sign and the officer pulled in also at the same time and the officer gave a like you know a motion for the vehicle to continue ahead of him and then as soon as he went through the intersection the officer pulled him over and give him a ticket and he asked the officer he said pleas you know why is he riding the ticket he said that he did not come to a complete stop so he was at that Crossroad um you know while it doesn't seem to be very significant in life it seems to happen quite often where you know there was an agreement for the person to move forward uh but then he wrote a tickets and he didn't come to a complete stop well the officer was right there you could see that the intersection was clear um I think that's called entament is it not like if not to be um completely definitive and uh like just brass on the rules need to be followed exactly but when it comes to certain things it it can turn into that so these things need to be discussed and looked over because if there's an illegal situation going and the police tell someone to to go ahead yeah especially something like a four-way stop well if they knew it was illegal and they didn't discuss if they didn't discuss it with the roads streets department they didn't discuss it with the other citizens anything they could go and then penalize them for it sometimes the penalty is not always a ticket it could be much more severe than that um does council agree with that type of situation that the part the authority having jurisdiction of the situation motions and tells them to go ahead and then writes them a ticket saying that oh they didn't go ahead the right wrong way they didn't do it wrong the correct way way and that holds them fully liable because he con as something like somebody being arrested maybe not always necessar to the channels of the law man does council agree with that is that is that this Council SM I have no comment on the incident I didn't see it I we taking your word for it I I have no comment for it well say somebody stole somebody's identity and the police were involved and the police told somebody else to go ahead and let them take it and then as soon as they did they arrested because then the police aren't liable anymore for their involvement even if it was a small portion of it they never actually discussed it with the person whose identity they actually stole to see if any type of compromise could could be had they just didn't want themselves to be in trouble would you agree to that to do the illegal thing the correct way and then to just get somebody else come in and let them take the arrest and fall I have no no comment thank you anyone else Mr Burns good evening Castle Brian Burns again solw Drive in aiel um I was just checking for updates on the mar and Hayes properties um Green Acres purchase either Mr Carly May or Mr cartis any updates nothing new on my side this is the last recollection I had I believe it's moving along GRE ACR seems to be satisfied with the Bas it's moving I saw some emails today from Jesse back and forth um again I believe it's moving for okay um I was in the field today with representatives of us fish and wildlife and D land use um I don't know if you guys are aware but there is actually a lawsuit with the D and penon Builders you familiar with that okay this is information I like to share with you so my my research shows the penon is a established builder in the township um he was the builder of Little Mill of states or hidden Mill I'm sorry hidden Mill of the tow houses there and he violated Wetlands protocols way back in 2003 and this litigation is still going on at the present time um he is being sued um for the amount of half a million dollars for his Wetland violations um with that in mind and and my passion for preserving our natural resources I was curious if Council has any vetting process for Builders who want to build in the township given situations like this where you know they're being sued now because they were not in compliance with land use uh you know policies and variances that were given is there a vetting process for Builders that you can look at their past history and if they have lawsuits from the DP or other blemishes on their record can say we don't want you in the township do that that's actually a 454 page report you can go online you can find it I I read up to about 250 so far all the respect to your knowledge and experience I don't think anyone on Council can answer that just by reading the caption sure and then says in close please find a case information statement order the show cluse verify complaint brief exhibits and proposed form of order regarding the above caption matter which is in order to show cost unless you know what certifications and attachments are that question really can't be answered well I I understand but you I don't want to bring in 454 pages and a copy for everyone question I guess my question is does council know that penon Builders is being sued by the D I did not know that okay well you know that now and you should be aware of it and you know I am passionate may maybe obsessive with preserving what natural resources that we have and Council should be aware that there are builders that you know don't follow the rule and the D doesn't have the manpower to go around every single site in the state where construction is Tak place and monitor and enforce their policies Unfortunately they rely on the Integrity of the Builder to do that so this goes you could look it up it's 454 pages I went I'm up to about page 250300 now and you know it it bothers me that this takes place in in the Township in which I work so hard to preserve what natural resources we have left has there been a ruling on this case yet no this not guilty of anything as of not yet I'm sure you appreciate I'm not I don't know what he's about I know he do development and all when these developers come before your local Zone you are playing for they come with engineers and environmentalists they put out their facts sometimes when they're in their development the developer maybe causes a spill or flow improperly or whatever that's not something you can say planning board is going to know that this developer is do that not only developer testifies but Architects Testify the engineers Testify the environmentalists testify so that's playing toward the all those type of information right right my my question is is there a vetting process for Builders to look at their past history to make sure that they don't have any blemishes on their record that could impact your community I'm assuming there is none well I'm bringing this to your attention because maybe should pass a resolution that Builders will be vetted going forward so if they have blemishes on their record maybe we say you know we don't want you building an our community we'll find somebody else thank you for your time this is queen Denise coin choose Landing um just to follow up on Brian's comments uh penon have been named redevelopers by Council in a number of development areas in the township so it's not like that's only useful information for the planning board they come in front of council and as to be named redevelopers and have been so I think that's pertinent information for Council also um and as far as these resolutions for spending half a million dollars on equipment that we can't get answers tonight as far as what the equipment is for I find it very concerning that this was approved d by all you guys half a million dollars on equipment and nobody knows what it's for so we had a a capital budget meeting we spoke with all the supervisors of of these departments and they had a detailed breakdown of what instan is and what they're going to be using the equipment for we went through hundreds and hundreds of pieces of equipment so can you tell me what this is for it's used for baseball fields it used used for Road repairs what is what is used for B field John de just yeah I'm not an expert per se but they use that for many different projects across the community across the country okay what about these snow plow snow removal side loader and a drive Cab in chassis yeah that is for recy recycle both of them yes okay okay well those would be useful answers to somebody who's asking what you're spending this money for but to hear you should have emailed me like you got to be kidding this is on the agenda for why are you telling people you should email excuse me but why are we responsible to email you to get answers on something that's on an agenda for approval resp it's not an in-depth response it's what's it for it's half a million dollars what is it for there are a lot of get you all okay but if it's on the agenda you should be able to provide the answers also shared with the Civil ility they'll be using that okay but it it's troubling when somebody asks these questions and they don't get an answer and then you all got all you guys approve it you don't know what it's for nobody got an answer it's already been approved and now we're getting an answer you guys voted just to approve it before anybody knew what it was even for half a million dollar okay that was certainly the appearance okay and to continue as far as the MUA somebody sent in an eov and asked questions regarding why it's being sold okay I understand you may not be able to give a detailed explanation tonight but give us a clue that's the number one question why are you selling our sewer utility why jie why do you want to sell it you're not exploring we're exploring why why should why why shouldn't you why should you is the question not know what the value of the system is how are we should they not have a vote it's my five minutes can I finish my question please see I want to finish my question we want to know generally why the township is exploring selling or sewer utility and for you to say that the public should know what it's worth worth how are you using fair market value are you using Book value how are you Val valuing our sewer utility and the reality is if I lived in a house and somebody came to me and said I'm gonna value your house at a million dollars and they gave me a million dollars for my house and they told me that I could stay in it but I would have to rent it back and I would have to pay them $20,000 a month to live in my own house that was bought and paid for what difference does it make what you're going to sell it for we don't want to sell it so so the question is why is Council considering selling off our sewer utility why generally why are you doing that we are exploring what the value is of the SE utility as an asset we're doing that for all of the public for all of the voters for all the taxpayers and that value then will be plac on a referendum if it's approved and if it's approved by the by the C controller's office and it moves that far ahead that it's a referendum on the November B it will have a question it will have a value and then people will make an educated a a decision on their own they go into that voting group and they fill out that mail and B and that's what they have a right to to do and if they vote no then you are correct it should not have been so but if they vote Yes then maybe it should have been so you didn't answer my question hear that question that wasn't an answer to my question it was gaslighting it was not answer to my question be the last speaker good evening Council thanks for the opportunity to speak uh my name is Kate Delaney I am the South Jersey organizer with New Jersey food and water watch we are a national nonprofit and we do a lot of work about protecting Public Water Systems including Wastewater systems and I have the uh Good Fortune to connect with many residents here in Gloucester Township who are concerned about the potential sale of the sewer system and they have good reason to be really concerned um I'm very concerned to hear a lack of answer as to why you're exploring this I'm just saying you can do it is not a reason to do it um and there's some info I would like to share with all of you and also with everybody in the room um so again New Jersey food and water watch part of the national food and water watch We believe that public systems need to be protected for a number of reasons um because it is a public asset because it often means the loss of local union jobs um and also because it means higher sewer bills for residents this is inevitable when systems are sold private corporations are responsive to their shareholders so they're in the business of making money um so I want to share some stats that we came up with at food and water watch after very extensive research um so again speaking to the higher sewer bills that you would be putting upon your residents um the two largest investor owned Utilities in New Jersey charge 2 to 3.5 times as much as glester Township charges a typical household for sewer collection Services households in nearby communities with private sewer systems are paying 171 to 27 to 276 a year more than Gloucester Township households for sewer collection service Gloucester Township charges households $46 a quarter for SE sewer collections service this is $184 a year New Jersey American Water currently charges a typical haddenfield household 2958 a month or 350 5 a year nearly twice as much as glester Township charges and the company is currently seeking an additional 50% rate hike that will bring the annual sewer collection bill in Haden field up to 500 $534 a year Aqua New Jersey charges single family houses a six a fixed sewer rate of 30 3835 a month or 460 a year 2.5 times as much as glester Township charges for sewer collection service so this is really going to be shackling your residents with a much higher sewer bill and again you know to Echo the questions Denise has raised I don't hear a good reason being um expressed as to why you were doing this why you're selling a public asset I've seen other municipalities try to do this simply to plug a budget um a hole in the budget or to avoid raising taxes but this is not a good answer again it could mean the loss of local jobs which is something that hopefully you're concerned about and I think you know the elephant in the room is that of course your mayor David mayor works for New Jersey American water in the government relations role um so clear conflict of interest and finally and lastly since you did say that the local Finance board um dissolve the MUA um I think it's important to note that it began here though right it's not like the state jumped in um I had the opportunity as well as other residents to look at reports about the sewer system and you know it's operating well so it's this is a needless sale so I would encourage you to really put your residents first and not to sell off a public utility and raise their bills and I would encourage um residents to get informed and to know that this is a bad deal thank you for the opportunity to speak good evening Council first I want to uh extend our appreciation on behalf of the men and women of the Gloucester Township Police Department we lost um a real icon for us and for the community last week Chief John STL Steyr uh who is Chief of Police from 1992 to 2006 passed away um we buried him last week and uh I just want to thank all the uh outpouring of support that we received um from the community members I know the family appreciated it I Know Chief STL Steiner spent a lot of time in this room every Monday night I know Miss alright Troxel Mr CIS uh Mr Carl Amir all experienced uh his uh true leadership so um you know we will continue to mourn him and remember him and honor him as a as a great uh Community member here in Gloucester Township I also want to invite the public as well as counsel I know you're aware we'll be uh we're celebrating National Police week this week and uh we will be uh having our annual Awards night this Thursday at 7 pm at Timber Creek High School in the auditorium that event is open to the public and we certainly invite all to come and uh here of all the great work as we honor the uh men and women that are getting honored from the Gloucester Township Police Department as well as Citizens uh and some other uh law enforcement officers from other agencies that have contributed uh to the well-being of this community and uh so you'll get uh firsthand uh to see and hear uh some of the great work that these men and women of the Gloucester Township Police Department do all throughout the last past year and uh all the uh the sacrifice that they they do and and put their lives on the line every day for the good of this community and uh so I just want to invite the public 7 o'clock Thursday Timber Creek High School as we celebrate uh our annual Awards night thank you have a good night I just want to say Happy say earlier right and then Happy Nurses Week and happy Hospital week to all our nurses and Ali professionals thank you have a great night great week this is condolences to family chief he a great Chief blessed in this Township to have many really good Chiefs of police and that's why we called the community lots of churches uh I went to my local fire companies it's called the tower ladder 82 hous I had never been to one before and it was very interesting um they bought a new ladder a new truck and they push it out and then they said all the men push it back in I looked at this truck and realized they couldn't push this truck in so one guy one gu is in the truck he's actually put it in reverse and the other guy's just sort of wish a they not really and then at the end they have a little celebration and and it was just a wonderful event every I even got to meet the person I don't know if anybody Santa but I met Santa's double let's say who comes every year on the truck around our development and I'm not sure if he goes to yours or not if you live in my town in my area and uh they throw candy canes to us and they wish us a Merry Christmas and uh it's just a a good fire company and all the fire companies in this town are very good they're very efficient but there's a fire de there I had a fire in my house years ago when I lived in glenheim they were there within not even a minute and a half and they saved my son they saved me and they saved my house so once you have a fire in your house you never forget it and you always appreciate the value of firemen and policemen because they were so everyone have a good night I hope you all had a good Mother's Day Mrs Grace love yes happy uh National Police Week and condolences to um great one for our Township um Happy Nurses Week month and thank you for being servants for our patients and our families and friends taking good care of them two nurses here in Council tried to nurse my mother this weekend she was sick and I just I'm amazed on how you all do such great work um so thank you again for all that you do um and I want everyone to have a great week thank you for your input tonight um thank you for your input tonight and allowing us to have more insight in things that we do we'll take all those things and research a little more so um I want everyone to have a good night and again happy you know um hope you all had a great Mother's Day weekend with your families and friends um thank you very much Mr H just want say thanks for coming out guys have a great week Mrs Walters I hope everybody has a great week thank you for coming out and put your giving us your input thank you Mrs Wen thank everyone for coming out thank the police for everything that do on fire um ler Township the Hockey Association finished their Nationals we this Sunday uh a little smaller of a tournament than it normally is due to the National Organization issues that are happening um but gler Township did take there were eight divisions gler Township won three of those uh teams from Pittsburgh were there they won two of those tournaments um Marlon was there there were teams there from New York and then there was a team of um misscellaneous players because they're one of the towns that they're having a little disagreement with so the players wanted to play so they came in independently not part of their town so that they could play because that's what it's all about um so I was glad to see that and they actually won a tournament so they were very proud of themselves saw it on Facebook and um hopefully they can work through the disagreements that are happen within the National Organization but um always a good job and the league does a great job with their players and that's why it's grown so much um and we've taken a lot of players not taking a lot of players have come over from other towns because of the coaching and the way the league is run here um so I I like them I like the way they run the organization and they do a great job for k um and thank everyone for coming up have a have a motion to adjourn second in favor a great it's