I'd like to call this meeting back to order may I have a roll call please here Mrs gck here Mr GI here Mrs gilch here Miss score here Mr Johnson here Mr Donald here Mr dintino here Mr Marx here at this time I'm going turn it over to Mr Bell and Mr tro for the teacher recognition thank you everybody I just want to let you know we are going to be going out of order from the agenda tonight we're going to go immediately into the teacher recognition program for this year so uh with that I'm going to go join Mr tro who's to MC the event welcome to Glenn excuse me and melon Middle School good evening everyone uh this is one of the best nights of the year when we get a chance to honor some of the excellent staff that we have here in Gloucester Township and uh we see them here tonight as well as many of their colleagues here to support them as well as their family and friends and so again we thank you for coming out and um it's just really great to honor them as I mentioned earlier earlier we're going to begin with the educational services professionals so we have two honores that we're going to honor and honores when I call your name if you can come up and then I'll read just a really short excerpt from some of the things that were written about you um by the people who nominated you our first Honore for Education Educational Services professional is Sam Hughes from she's a counselor at aiel elementary Sam has a talent to make every student feel special her active role with mental health makes her a wonderful addition to Ariel School congratulations thank [Applause] you I had mine all laid out nicely they're in order she's the first one there you go [Applause] our second honor is also a guidance counselor Carrie marzani she's a counselor at Union Valley Elementary School Carrie makes a positive impact on the lives of students and staff at Union Valley her humor lightens up even tough situations so congratulations thank you and now we'll move on to our teachers of the Year our first Honore from Blackwood Elementary School Kate [Applause] palestini Kate palestini is a driving force in education diving into all curriculum initiatives her upbeat attitude and constant smile lifts the spirits of her students and co-workers [Applause] congratulations [Applause] congratulations our next hore from choose Elementary School Jen Dyer Jen Dyer has been a dedicated choose teacher for over 20 years Miss Dyer is considered a teacher leader who is always giving 100% into her daily lessons [Applause] congratulations our next honory I don't believe is here tonight I think she responded she was going to be un able to make it but just in case Lisa Kelly from glendor elementary school we can give her a round of applause we will make sure to get her uh to get her award to her we'll drop that off tomorrow our next Honore from Gloucester Township Elementary School Jam ly gold third grade teacher Jam ly Gold's classroom is always buzzing with learning Jamie Lynn's personality makes her an inspiring teacher and a selfless colleague [Applause] congratulations and our next Honore from JW Lily School Michelle McCarthy third grade teacher Mrs Michelle McCarthy is described as the most joyful person in the halls of JW Lily School her passion for academics and social emotional learning is contagious [Applause] congratulations from luring luring Fleming Elementary School Mr Aaron CAPA Aaron Capa is a talented master of Music his commitment to nurturing his students many talents provides platforms for various artistic Expressions congratulations and from Union Valley Elementary School Heather Hagen special education teacher Heather Hagen is admired for her many behavioral interventions Heather successfully manages her class with the utmost compassion congratulations and now our Middle School teachers of the Year from CW Lewis Middle School Marjan mzuka CW Lewis teacher leader Marjan mizuka has provided her Insight intelligence and integrity to our entire District over the last 18 years Marge has been an essential part of student and teacher achievement running the school's National Honor National Junior Honor Society while also being an active member of the njaa congratulations from Glen Landing Middle School Mora McGarvey Mora McGarvey is described as a hybrid Ela teacher using both new and old teaching styles to maximize student achievement MOA is an advocate for all including colleagues serving as a building union representative congratulations uh I believe also this person was unable to make it but we will do a quick double check from Anne Mullen Middle School Cassie Gorman and she she had said she was going to be unable to make it so we will make sure we honor her again tomorrow and drop that off to her for our final Award of the night it is our honor to announce this year's District teacher of the year Ariel elementary schools Miss Ashley Richards about that yeah okay so you did get the biggest the loudest applaud us I think too I know a lot of people parents teachers and staff members all admire kindergarten teacher Ashley Richards for many reasons Miss Richards is described as a kind understanding and loving person as a teacher Miss Richards utilizes a variety of methods keeping her students organized engaged and on task she motivates her kindergarten students with interactive activities and pep rallies her colleagues are amazed at all of the school functions and committees Ashley spends time with it is my pleasure to award Miss Ashley Richards as the 2024 Gloucester Township School District educator of the Year congratulations so again uh we want to thank everyone all of our teachers so of them here tonight for the hard work that you do and as well as all the other Professionals in the school district your ex ex excellent examples and emulate and represent the quality of Educators we have in this great School District so we're going to take a short pause I believe we're going to take a photo in the back um group photo of all of the honores principles if you want to jump in there as well to um to as part of that photo and we'll take a picture of all of you in the back we'll take a short recess and um thank you Mr tro for being the Master ceremonies I do want to briefly send the um I guess the evening back to Mr Marks for a moment the board still has some unfinished business while they do that the photography that Mr tro spoke of will be happening so Mr TR I appreciate that and uh all the award recipients every year we've been doing this to recognize we have just hundreds and hundreds of great Educators in Gloucester Township it is uh difficult to pick 11 and ultimately one but we have a great record here of outstanding Educators I appreciate all the hard work all the way back to before September 1st and all the way through now May 13th we have one month and one day left everybody so let's make it a quick one month and one day thanks for coming out Mr Marks thank you m buildo before we move on to the to the business portion I would like to take time to thank the teachers for everything they do for this District thank [Applause] you may I have a motion and a second to return to Executive session second roll call please this is Fritz here this is gck yes Mr GI yes this is gilch this Gore yes this is Johnson yes this is odonna yes this dintino Miss marks yes want to call this meeting back to order may I have a roll call please Mrs Fritz here Mr gck here Mr Gibbons here Mrs gilch here M Gore here Mr Johnson here M vono here M dintino here Mr Marks here may I have a motion and a second for executive session April 22 2022 or 2024 second who was first k any questions roll call please Mrs Fritz abstain M gck here Mr given yes Mrs gilch yes M Gore yes Mrs Johnson yes M vono yes M dintino yes Mr Marks obstain may I have a motion in second for board minutes so moved regular meeting April 22 2 2024 and public hearing at the budget April 29 2024 so move second any questions amended yeah M Mr Marks we need to amend um April 22nd um 6.3b 114 uh policy 1140 um and policy 5570 Mr gibons voted no and not abstained on that thank you roll call please Mrs Fritz abstain um for April 22nd and uh yes for the public hearing for the budget on the 29th yes for both Mr Gibbons yes Mrs gilch yes Miss Gore yes Miss Johnson abstain on 429 yes on April 22nd noted Mr Donell yes M dentino yes Mr Marks obstain on April 22nd 2024 yes on April 29 2024 Mr merky yes that roll call was for those minutes as amended correct just want to make sure if it's in the record yep Mr M I'll hand it over to you for a few changes you have on the agenda good evening everybody thank you for waiting it's been a long night I do have some changes on the agenda so bear with me uh if everyone uh could under 6.6 a uh in the superintendent's uh [Applause] report uh there is a staff member listed Gina Morales third grade teacher um eel is incorrect uh M Morales will be um uh going to Union Valley Elementary School under 6.6l uh the superintendent recommends the approval of recommendations for employment of staff for the 2425 school year I'd like to amend uh the superintendent's recommendations to include employee number 1050 um to the list of recommendations for employment staff next year and finally I do have um a resolution that I need to read in it is lengthy so please bear with me I will try to go slow um this would be 6.6 Q 6.6 Q reads as follows the superintendent recommends the approval of the abolishment of the French World language program whereas the superintendent of schools has consulted with their recommend recommendation to the glossal Township Board of Education that for reasons of economy and based upon program needs is necessary to abolish the certain positions in the Gloucester Township School District and whereas the board of education has determined that for reasons of economy and based upon program needs it is necessary to abolish certain positions and whereas the board of education is legally permitted do to do so in accordance with the provisions of New Jersey States states annotated 18a 28-9 and where as a result of the elimination of these these positions the board of education is required to terminate the employment of certain individuals holding these positions now for the now therefore be it resolved by the Gloucester Township Board of Education as follows one the following positions in the Gloucester Township School District are hereby abolished World Language French teacher and Mullen Middle School rural language French teacher Glen Landing Middle School the abolishment of these positions shall be effective as of June 30th 2024 the employment of non-tenured Staff currently holding the abolished positions be and hereby terminated effective June 30th 2024 superintendent the board secretary authorized and direct to take the necessary appropriate actions with respect the abolishment of the positions and to notify the affected individual of the termination of their employment in said positions thank you sir I'll leave that out there's any questions we want to handle as questions during this portion Public public comary agenda and that's an agenda item we'll move on the public comments for agenda item only yes sir yes please my name is Matthew blinsky I'm a resident here u in town I have two daughters that go to this school first and foremost I think you owe everyone here an apology for making us wait 45 minutes after you got done telling us it was going to be 15 minutes I think you would all agree that's very professional we have young kids here that have to get up in the morning and we're here to support their teacher and their coach and I think it's extremely extremely unprofessional with what you guys have done for everyone here and especially to that man man's been here for 29 years and now you're telling him he has no job I'm a teacher myself I don't understand that I don't understand that the guy coaches multiple Sports he cooks around here he's in this Renaissance what makes it what's going to make a young person want to come here and teach when you're going to get rid of them in 29 years can somebody please please explain that to me because for the life of me I don't understand it we have lots of people that want to become teachers and my question is is why because you're going to turn around you're going to kick them to the curb are you kidding me this is unbelievable we just announced that we're we're cutting we're cutting positions and we have board members up here that we're laughing immediately after that's not a good look it's not a good look we were literally waiting you told us we're going to be here back in 10 minutes and we're waiting for 45 minutes somebody please explain to me why this man is losing his job can anybody explain to me I'm sorry what was your last name sorry uh balinsky b e l i NSK k y first name is Matthew I live at 19 77 Pine Street in cerville New Jersey 08081 Mr balinsky Matt welcome and Mullen sorry you and your team were here so long I will take responsibility it was a lot to discuss we were talking about whether we were or were not going to renew certain people next year so I didn't want to the Amendments that I just read in do affect staff but I don't think I know they don't affect tonight anyone that you may been referring to behind you okay you understand that so so we're good there so the program of French which why that existed that's uh that's a long longer answer that was um abolished because it is very very difficult to get um those resource French teachers to acquire and stay and we have had over the last four years very difficult so one of our schools the entire year has not had a French teacher we have had proliferation of more more Spanish as our world language so with some changes in um the amount of minutes that fizzed has next year added minutes coupled with the difficulty in getting French teachers and concentrating on Spanish that was the decision to in the budget get away abolished French so you're saying that said person that we're all here for is not going to be losing their job correct correct okay that's all we wanted to know then all right I appreciate that thank you thank you sir yes sir good evening my name is Robert Diamond I live at 40 bellw Avenue in the aerial section of the township uh I was also an employee for 26 years I was here from 2019 until just this last January I watched Mr Flickinger come in at 5:30 in the morning to prep for Renaissance yes I let him in the man never bothered me and he busted his chops for the children I'm here I have a grandson here um I have custody of and I'm trying to teach him to be a man of character and with a man like that here I know that he's getting it from other places than home which is very important to me the man is qualified for many things I understand working here that you have a big financial responsibility but if he's qualified for something here please put him there he deserves it works for these children period And if my grandson grows up to be half the man he is I'm going to be lucky I've had enough thank you thank you sir any others she's back there back right Dina can you stand up thank you I see come on up all right uh Dina Hendry Summerdale good evening uh I'm glad that we have this rectified because that would have been a sad day um couple agenda questions the board's going to be not uh voting on the school board meeting uh schedule for this upcoming year do you know that there is seven meetings that will fall on a council day so that means residents like myself myself and hopefully many others we'll have to flip a coin to see if are they going to go to a council meeting which they may have a issue in this Township um and you guys are all members of this Township so I really urge for all of you to vote no because why should you not be where you should be at our Council meetings knowing what's going on in our Township that's number one number two um looking at um the resignations did did we we cuz I feel like I work for you guys with you guys uh did we do an exit interview to see why they decided to leave us there's two teachers that are resigning at the end of the year I'm have to Res oh it's um it's on the agenda orl is here because he's not at the council meeting why don't you finish okay um and then also um it looks like we're terminating or not renewing a bunch of one-on-one AIDS are we having budget cuts like why are we not renewing one to one8 like don't we need staff um so um if if need of question of where to find it in your agendas um I believe is on either page 34 or 35 um and it's a list of terminations um of non-renewals um from one to one aids to Title One AIDS a lot of Title One AIDS um so that's quite concerning especially that we have raised taxes to hopefully support our children so I'm done all done y okay I can answer a piece of the question before I give it over to Mr marado um title one is not local funds so no one voted for title one that is a federal entitlement Grant and um those um entitlements have lessened in some of the schools so if we don't have the commitment from the federal government unfor unfortunately some of the jobs that paid Federal money paying for them we have to let those staff know they're not being renewed now they're may be a chance that in other openings you know we we agree we need staff members I agree with you but where they were funded the source that's not there for next year so they had to be told okay but other than that the answer I thought you I thought you said I know but I I quick but there's three onetoone AIDs that they're not renewed don't we need one to one AIDS were they all tie to one no it says what there says one to one AIDS and there's three of them I I don't know that answer specifically tonight but Mr marado maybe will shed some light all right Mr marado Mind stepping up here please so one question Mr marado was about two resignations in regards to any any individual that resigns or retires from the district the day after the board meeting an email sent to them to ask them to participate in a Google survey uh they're never requ they're not required to do that and that is held in our district office and human resources in regards to those title one if I could just add to what you previously stated superintendent the title one a were informed that uh this is Project funded and if there are funds available that we will repost those positions and they have an opportunity to fill those positions again in regards to one one a that they're not being renewed that could be for performance or or attendance or whatever it may be uh but the department of special services and curriculum can inform our department whether they choose to renew an employee or not thank you thank you any other yes sir Jeff Emerson Lauren Fleming uh GTA vice president and grievance chair uh my question is in regards to the discipline code of conduct um can I ask whose idea or who's uh who decided to make these changes and was there a reason that the elementary Endor Middle School discipline committees were not consulted with this good evening Mr Emerson um part of the um District's policy uh is to uh review it annually and so I know that the policy committee and um many many people contributed to a complete overhaul as we know the discipline code and there were several months of it um in its new new imy this new document and to get out ahead of um certain things that are put in like student um handbooks um last year we put out those handbooks with knowing that there was going to be a change down the road and then there was kind of uh inconsistent of sending messages out so um um information was gathered from um School administration and then we uh notified the board policy committee hey we should take a look at this these are some of the things that they've seen um building to building they all had an opportunity to share um they didn't want a complete overhaul per se but they did want some of the things that just did not um make sense um in there moving forward so those that information was shared with the policy committee and a lot of the tweaks were considered and that's why it's under first reading this evening okay and is there a reason that the Elementary Middle School uh curriculum it wasn't purposeful but I I I do I will take a note and you know this is something we do want to take a look at each spring so if there are thoughts from school safety teams um I certainly would welcome to get them and then in turn get them to the policy committee like a synopsis of them so maybe we can talk that's all we can do in between the readings correct sure and my one question for the uh teacher enforced behaviors it just says in a given marking period would that entail that each marking period that student behaviors are white clean if they have a referral and it starts again Fresh The Next markting Period you're talking about the three and the five right yes so they get three offenses by a teach or five overall but uh in a given marking period so would it be WIP clean each marking period I don't know if that's or could we in somehow possible add a window besides I think the happens like the last J that it's like right so potentially you could have four referrals the last week four referrals the next week potentially and no consequences for for administration to be notified you could you could I think that's something that we could probably tweak between the reading um I think the spirit of why I was three and five is that you may have um student that has the attention of particular staff member and then you could um um have that individual get a consequence somewhat rapidly whereas the student may have that that poor behavior and then try to exhibit in your classroom my classroom and and other colleagues and like wait a minute you know talking out talking out and then that's why that five cumulative as far as it going over into the next markting period I think that we uh we can take a a look at that and do a slight revision before the second reading but I would have to get that information to uh Miss Gore she's the chairperson of that committee and have the policy committee consider it thank you all thank you sir Mr pler good evening Kevin Flickinger teacher of Allen School I have two things first I'd like to thank all the people that came out tonight to support me I truly appreciate [Applause] it whether I'm valued by those not in the building is not important to me the fact that the people I come in contact on a daily basis come out I've touched our life in some way to make them come out here tonight so to me that's why I'm here that's what's important so once again thank you and there's an agenda item on there has to do with a retirement from someone at Mullen school who not only has been glosser Township teacher of the year in the past but Camden County teacher of the year and they've been here since day one and done a lot of great things for this building and I would just like everyone to recognize Miss Patty McBride on her [Applause] retirement there you go hi Amber Dugan CW Lewis um so I'm going to return back to the discipline code following uh Mr Emerson uh when I was here last month we spoke about uh assaulting a teacher and adding it to the code um however I did not see an actual assault added to the paper are we going to add it or is it there and I'm missing it what we're going to do is I'm going let give Mr bildo a minute to see it's in there if it is not in there it will be put on for second reading Mr B can you make a note of that please you you good evening hello um I'm looking at um administrative A50 on page 13 right but it doesn't actually say assaulted it says a threat of violence but I was actually hit so that's what I want to put in like an actual assault clarification line I think that's the intention but let's clarify a little further I see your point um physical threat I think that we say physical threats 50 yes but being threatened and being hit but but the point is not a threat could be physical threats and or acts right a violence we could add simple words simple effect yeah and and acts which unfortunately you suffered I apologize hope you're feeling better I'm fine but I just want to make sure it's in so we yeah very good good thank you put that tweak on the second reading um unless board wants to do it tonight no do it tonight second do a second do it on the second reading all right second reading oh actually um for to be uh plausible to get out for for the student handbooks wouldn't we want to make that change this evening but it's so frustrating I understand but if we do first and then June 2nd we want to get to the printer that's F so you want to make that change tonight is oh the second's five right yeah okay that's sorry it's been yes ma'am late okay it's your turn hi I'm Tara loo um I came here to defend Mr Flickinger and I'm happy to hear that he will still be still be here um but I figured I would still give my lasting impression um so 28 years ago when Mullen opened I was a seventh grader here um 27 spring seasons ago I was on Mr flickinger's first ever softball team here um I might cry I'm just warning you that's a loud um so his very first season was my very first time playing for him um his love for the game intensity and motivation and dedication is something I will never forget something I've always admired about him take your time I've always tried to instill those same values life lessons and skills in my players that I learned from from him all those years ago I've coached Varsity Softball travel ball now Town ball for aerial too um and when my aerial softball players finally got here to Mullen I was so happy to hear that Mr Flickinger was still here and that he was still coach ing softball and I couldn't wait to tell them there was girls that I played for him and I was so happy and actually surprised that he still remembered me and the player I was all those years ago I love when my girls still come back and they tell me the stories that he tells them about me I can still remember playing for him so clearly all of it from the intense practices to our championship games he counted on me to be his lead off to get on base to steal bases he believed in me he saw the potential in me and he pushed me to be the best softball player I could be and I went on to start varsity as a freshman at glester Catholic where I was first team All State and ended up getting a full division 2 Collegiate scholarship I attribute a lot of My Success to the start I had with him as my coach next year my daughter Jamie will be a sixth grader here at Mullen she has followed in my footsteps and also play softball and nothing would make me happier than having her play for a coach that I respect Ed so much and loved playing for I want that so much for her I can only hope that I leave the same lasting impression on my players that he has left on me when I heard that his contract wasn't being renewed I was devastated and I knew that tonight this is where I needed to be I loved mullon I have great memories here the best memories I had amazing teachers many of them who are still here which is cool um and I had one heck of a softball coach and with all his years teaching and coaching at Mullen Mr Flickinger deserves to go out on his own terms and I am glad to see that now that is happening as a teacher myself I know how hard it is to find good teachers a lot of the best teachers we have are the ones that have been around the longest so thank you Mr flick and thank you the board of education for hearing me out tonight thank you any others I have none we'll move on to repor of sester that's all right good evening I true Lawrence I'm also an employee here at Mullen school and I have to say I have absolutely enjoyed working with Mr Flickinger over these past 20 three years he's an amazing man um but I have a question in regards to 6.6 e 6.6 e is um a $33,000 event cost for a trip to Florida to Orlando Florida for um let's see effective leadership training and so I'm questioning that I mean you're my board of education and $3,000 is a lot of money to spend to send someone to Orlando Florida for 4 days to me that would be a vacation I would hope that my board of education would rather spend that money to help one of our support staff people people who can't afford to have Comcast cable or people who have to frequent the food banks in order to put food on their table I'd just like for the Board of Education to reconsider spending $3,000 to send someone to Florida for a training especially for effective leadership training which to me should be skills that were required in order for the person to get that position and I would like for our Board of Education to consider some other options some cost effective options to help that person get the Le ership training that you feel that they deserve without spending $3,000 on it okay thank you thank you do I have any others I see none reported a solicitor Mr long please I have nothing at this time Mr Marks reported a superintendent Mr bildo thank you Mr Marks members of the board I'd like to ask for a consent resolution for item 6.1 through 6.6 Q as amended may I have a motion I second please so moved second any questions yes sorry um Mr B the um code of conduct that the teacher was questioning what will be the consequences for assault of a teacher can you tell me what that says and will it be the same um it lists 850 lists suspension 5 days parent conference police contact and a required Behavioral or Psych mric evaluation prior to the student readmitting okay perfect thank you um on that same thing um I don't I don't I didn't open my computer I'm sorry page 16 of the attachment um M2 talks about a code of conduct committee and some of those people were crossed out um not all of those people no I think all of the people were crossed out as to was going to be and it just says committee MH can you tell me what kind of people are going to be on that committee where they're coming from it did say um I want to say that it said teachers um community and all of those things were crossed out so who will be on the code of conduct committee obviously the policy committee right well the policy committee would be and I don't want to speak speak for policy committee members who are here but the gist of it was that it was somewhat detail they still wanted in spirit a committee to be formed to get feedback to make tweaks Mr Emerson spoke tonight about hearing from a stakeholder group teachers hearing from security um committees within the building which I think is a good idea but at least if I'm capturing correctly Mrs g m Gore that they want they still want the committee they just don't want this the specific um things that were previously listed Okay cool so who's going to be on the committee I don't know at this point I think that the board the chairperson of the policy committee might assemble that next spring that would be my hunch so the policy chair will be in charge of the committee putting the committee together that's only my suggestion but think it's logical yes we could change that between the first and second readings if I just I just figured it was something that was known but I I mean it's fine I got it okay that's all my questions thank you thank you any other questions we have a roll call please Mrs Fritz yes to all except I abstain from M as in Mary 6.6m yes sir yes noted uh Mr gibons 6.34 57 again I am also voting no on 6.6 and Q noted Mrs gilch yes Miss Gore yes Mr Johnson I'm going to abstain on 6.6 L the following numbers please 2080 1968 5572 1408 6208 4556 and 20 37 voting no on 6.6 p as in Peter yes on the balance noted Mr odonnell uh one second please oh my so I need to abstain on 6.6 H 3396 6.6g 59 I'm sorry 599 96 6.6 L 3705 2963 2273 0217 3746 0593 3396 5996 59 I am a no on 6.3 C 1140 5570 9323 yes on the B you have that written down great I didn't do that slow enough felt like it took forever you did I'm just all over the place I got you I have it um Mrs dentino abstain on 6.6 f is in Frank no on 6.3 C yes on Mr Marks yes we'll move on to the report of the business administrator Mr Mary yes uh asking for the board's approval on 7.0 through uh 7.7 uh e may I have a motion in a second please so moved second any questions uh yes I do I apologize for giving you you this at the last moment however on the bill list please on page 17 check number 13366 for Home Depot and it states Municipal custodial supplies is that shared services possibly can yes we do build the the municip ality for um for paper and for uh supplies could be for that I would have to check on it actually yeah if you would please it's $1,385 24 which sounds sounds about right okay thank you that was my question that sounds right any other questions I have a roll call please uh Mrs Fritz yes Mrs gck yes Mr gibons I'm going to vote no on 7.7 e 7.4 F no on a b e and G and yes on the balance so on 7.4 7.4 a 7.4 f a a b e and G here okay Mrs gch yes Miss cor yes Mrs Johnson abstain on 7.7 C check number 13399 and 13384 yes on the balance not to Mr donnal um I am voting no on 7.7 E I am abstaining on check number 132 843 I'm pretty sure that's the right one um and yes on the balance yeah Mr dintino yes Mr Marks yes any old business Mr buildo Mr Marks we've had a member of the public come and ask about some of the buildings uh for Brett denovi and um so I'm pleased to report that um there was a discovery that uh what was thought of as invoicing was really another section of the agenda called transfers but I do believe that the member of the public and the business official have conversed and I'm hoping that that issue has now been satisfied thank you um new business but if it isn't then Mr McCoy will continue to dialogue uh new business I do believe a member of public and I just uh kind of just want to take a little bit of a uh Veer um for the last several years uh Patty McBride and I have um had a very um good relationship it has been contrary to what you may see in public tense Kurt um and she has been a very good Steward for very good uh and vibrant Association and always seeks the best for her members um we have had very blunt talks and um you know I just want to wish her her retirement all the best because I know that she's going to take this new canvas of hers and make it her own and make it special so Patty thank you for all the things you've helped for your members thank you for your service here at to gler Township Public Schools and I wish you the [Applause] best is it we'll move on the public commentor way Mar mooka teacher of CW Lewis Middle School resident Stonegate court and first vice president and negotiation chair of glester Township Education Association on behalf of my associates in the association I would like to we would like to congratulate Patty on her upcoming retirement Patty has been a teacher for 38 years and Gloucester Township has been lucky fortunate to have her here for 28 of those years she made a difference in thousands of teach students lives in addition to her teaching responsibility Patty has been an integral productive member of our association she started out as a rep an association rep she moved up to uh first vice president negotiation chair and she held that position for five years for the past seven years Patty's been our president she has been nonstop working on advocating for our members she is diligent F she completes she goes through follow through very you know she follows through and gets back to us with things uh let me see what else she's exceptional and she's truly caring and she's been our president and she's worked countless hours for our for the betterment of our members uh we will miss Patty we wish her lots of luck and we will miss her dearly thank you thank youis H what you got uh Dina Hendry Summerdale um yeah yes I received a response uh from Jean uh regarding my uh question about the bill list but I also did reply to him on April 24th and I still haven't received the response back so I'll read my email to freshen your memory uh it said and I also cced uh Mr Bilbo as well good afternoon thank you for taking the time to research the following I'm sorry I caus confusion as I'm not well versed on the difference is it possible that you can kindly elaborate on the transfer as I am confused transferring funds from health benefits to pay for services question mark whose health benefits question mark and I still haven't received a response before I get a response what is your protocol when a person whether it is a staff member whether it's a parent whether it's a vendor what is the protocol for a response back when you get an email uh you should get a response back so I will look into it and make sure no like is it like 48 hours is it like two days is it three days this was on the 24th that's unacceptable I feel that the ministration should do their best chance to get back to you as soon as possible with some conditions absolutely two days I 48 hours I think it is sufficient you know like I have a rule if you email me after 3:00 you're not getting a re responds back right I got the same rle that yeah it is what it is but I mean I was kind it is a valid question I am I am not versed his his thing Miss Henry I spent time this morning reviewing the commented on the last two board meetings unfortunately you indicated it was the bill list that you indicated Brett denovi in the term health benefits after review by me and my staff it was not the bill list that used all these terms it was the transfer list it's not paying Brett denovi for the benefits it's the transfer of funds to the extraordinary Services line for his fees we transfer funds from the health benefits line to the extraordinary Services line I circled the transfer list at attached and I also provided the bill list for your records please confirm that you're in receipt of this email have a nice day that was on April 23rd uh then responded on April 24th it's a valid question I am not versed I am your normal mom who tries to be involved and tries their hardest to understand what's going on but to dismiss me is unacceptable also I didn't attend last meeting do we know what happened to the public comments are they being put on the agenda being that it was missed because there were public comments for meetings and they they weren't there I did look at them have we updated it no I did look at them that was that was the um discussion about um the the amount of debt and in the cafeteria that's when you spoke up about your son o buying something um yes but there was also meetings where there was public comments in the SE second public portion and they weren't recorded after you um in other two meetings I only looked at one I only looked at the one you you mentioned and it was you talking about your son um buying something or something like that no but also in the April 18th uh agenda the minutes on the second public portion there's no comments look at the video we'll look at that if you don't get an answer you feel in a Tommy fashion put me in that email please 48 hours please thank you any others we have none we are going to move on to board member comments I'd like to um say a couple things first I want to congratulate all the teachers that were honored tonight um very well deserved I also want to thank all the teachers in this District all our staff for the job that they do every day to make our children have a safe haven here at school from the top to the bottom um support staff without the bus drivers we we all need to work as a team and I just want to thank everyone for that um Patty congratulations well deserved we are going to miss you you have been an ingal part of this an Molen you've been an integral part for your um Union and you always came and you were an integral part with the board so I just want to say thank you congratulations best wishes and joy and I was also in attendance at the Leo awards at Glen Landing this program is an awesome program and I just want to congratulate everyone for the Leo Awards so it's it's a great program and it's what it's all about the kids so just want to thank everyone thank you for coming out and sorry we were delayed um hopefully we won't have that happen again thank you any other comments I do go ahead um I wanted to congratulate all the teachers that were honored today it's great to um see all the teachers being honored and um I don't know you Patty but congratulations on your retirement um and I wanted to thank all the people that came out to support the teachers that we have here um and through the bottom of my heart I really um love all the teachers and all the things that they do for the children here so um it's really great um that we were able to um you know do some things tonight um to make sure that things were good so um thank you everybody and thanks for all the work that you do here every day thank you any others y I'd like to congratulate all our teachers of the year and also congratulations Patty you will be missed any other um yes I have some stuff um congratulations Patty um thank you for your years of service to gluster Township Public Schools um I did not realize that last month we voted on another important retirement that I think should be mentioned Mr pildis who has graced us with our his presence here to keep us on track with the calendar um I didn't see him tonight I'm kind of sad because I want him to know that I appreciated him coming to the meetings um and I appreciate his years of service um I also want to congratulate all the teachers um and I want to thank the public and especially the people in the back of the room the kids who came out um to support your teacher I'm I'm only sad that you guys didn't speak because I think the most powerful thing in these meetings is when the kids voice their opinions but I do appreciate you being here I also just want to tell you that someone I adore very much just finished her very last game of college softball um my son's girlfriends whatever um so I'm glad you guys and just what she got out of it was so powerful and she just did this whole post on Facebook about how softball changed her life and made her who she is so I if you guys love it stick with it look at them they're all nodding stick with it um I also wanted to apologize for being in the back so long um we needed to take that very seriously I also apologize that no one came out and didn't say to you hey they're going to be 15 more minutes they're going to be 15 more minutes um we did we didn't want to cut that short we wanted to give it the time that it needed to have a conversation about it was extremely important um and thank you all for coming out thank you any other I just wanted to thank everybody for coming out and congratulations to the teachers that were recognized tonight and uh I'm going to Echo what Jen said that that was a a needed time so apologize for the delay but we wanted to make sure you know this man had his job over here and congratulations Patty on your retirement what's that thank you I wanted to say congratulations to all the honores tonight um congratulations to Patty I've worked many years doing the contracts with you and it it has always been um very um back and forth we've gwn but we've gotten everything resolved over the years and I appreciate all that you've done um I did want to also um apologize as Miss odonnell had stated Mr balinsky had come up we used to actually have our uh executive session in the middle of our meetings and we changed it I believe when I was President some years back we actually changed it to the beginning of the meeting because we didn't want people to have to wait and wonder when we were coming back out again so um we didn't want to make any pre premature decisions so we did need the extra time so I do apologize as well it's not something that usually happens but I want to thank everybody for coming out thank you any others well I want to congratulate again our teachers wonderful what the teachers of Year love seeing that in the district I also want to Echo what the rest of the board said about the time we took in the back but it was much needed time that we needed to take didn't want to rush anything of that magnitude Patty congratulations I'm jealous can't wait for the day I can retire enjoy it have the best everybody thank you for coming out and good night May I have a motion to adjourn all in favor [Applause] that