I'd like to call this meeting back to order may I have a roll call please Mrs Fritz here uh Mrs gck is not here Mr GI here Mr Gil Mrs gilch here M Gore here Mrs Johnson here Mrs odono here miss dentino she is here somewhere she is here uh Mr Mark here at this time we're going to move on to Star students Mr buildo thank you Mr Marks members of the board of vacation members of the public um we will continue our format of this year I ask our assistant superintendent Mr tro to kind of Proctor the star student presentation so Mr tro is over to my right here um Tim welcome all you good evening everyone uh this has been an exciting time um each month as we recognize students and programs that we have going on in the district it's a great district with so many great um staff and families and children that we work with and it's a great opportunity that the board affords us each month to recognize um those events that are going on so T this tonight and this month is a little bit different um because normally we honor from specific buildings and we do have that I see we've got about half of Blackwood Elementary School here this tonight Mr fronte so we've got the certificates here that are from the board and Mr Bido he Mr fronte will give you those when the uh your time comes and when that recognition is over but we're going to start with our preschool program which we actually have in a number of buildings and so we have our preschool supervisor here tonight Nicole patango and she is going to give a little bit of over overview of our preschool program how it operates today was a big day I think I don't want to steal any of her thunder so I will stop talking but after she's finished she'll hand the microphone over to Mr fante who who will recognize the Blackwood students that are here and then at that point we'll take a short recess and if the students would stick around for photos um I know we will want to get some pictures of you for the website and free to post at the school from to commemorate your evening here tonight so thanks again everyone for coming out and Mr pongalo I will turn it over to you thank you good evening um Don't Clap yet it's all about the students um so as Mr Jo said I'm Nicole patango I'm the preschool supervisor um we have over 300 preschoolers in the district spread throughout four buildings so uh to honor our preschool star students we had to do something a little bit different um it's a little late for them to come hang out although we see a few um so we put together a presentation featuring our students taking part in events planned by our preschool Activities Committee our Activities Committee really focuses on planning events that build student to student connections as well as family to program connections so this is also a star family presentation you'll see our students working on activities focused on family bonding celebrating the diversity that's in our program and positive character building through our program-wide expectations so just give me a minute to get it hooked up and we hope you enjoy for out for for so that's just a little overview of what our Activities Committee plans throughout the year for our preschoolers today the lottery opened up so that was the referenced big day for us um we exceeded the number of seats that we have available with just Lottery entries on the first day so I think that speaks to all of that our our staff does for the program and for our students for our board we didn't want you to be left out of our um of our activities so we have some preschooler made friendship bracelets for everybody while I get those handed out I'd like to just recognize the the staff who work really hard we have a couple of preschool teachers and coaches um so our staff that are associated with the Activities Committee are standing in the back there and I think throughout the room so make sure you get a friendship bracelet they're really cute Mr fante all right we are so proud of Blackwood so we did bring everybody uh on behalf of Mrs dun and myself I would like to thank the Board of Ed ation for allowing us to acknowledge and celebrate our students tonight Blackwood Elementary acknowledges all the students selected to be members of our school safety patrol for our students to be selected to participate in the safety patrol they needed to to demonstrate a sense of responsibility commitment fairness compassion integrity and Leadership the school safety patrol helps Blackwood Elementry be a better place the expectations of the safety patrol members are high as fifth grade ERS and our school leaders they recognize how their influence impacts our school's climate and culture if you were to come to our school and would see our safety patrol escort you would see our safety patrol uh escorting our kindergarten and first grade students to and from their buses during arrival and dismissal in the morning the safety patrol is stationed throughout the hallways of our building monitoring students coming into our school going to and from the cafet IIA and back to their classrooms during the school days our safety patrol can easily be identified because of of them wearing their safety belts this means that students and teachers are aware and can recognize them during the school day just in case if anybody needs any help this commitment goes beyond the regular hours of school this year our safety patrol volunteered their time and effort to the Martin Luther King Jr Day of Service working a multiple working on motle service projects in the spring they will par participate in the organization and facilitation of the serial drive to help those who are less fortunate by supplying breakfast foods to The unforgotten Haven uh before I recognize our students I'd like to recognize our teachers who Mentor this fantastic group and that is Mrs Roar and Mrs Dash I'm going to ask I'm announce all the members of our safety patrol if they can come up and kind of work down in front and uh side by side and we'll save all the Applause for the end okay we have Mila Boyce Napa asinine we have Avery mashki Salem Austin Hernandez atib Kabir Victoria Risa kada James Melody McLoud pton mcneel Monroe Myers Nicholas McIntyre Midel a jetun moi aen Bushra Gabrielle Scardino Mason King Brandon Foster Josiah Vasquez Sophia gimenez Hayden O'Brien iraim barite Christian Holland Janessa Brown Delaney Henderson Madison Carly Kate Keith immani Jennings Temperance dedrickson kisi Lor and Ava cabria and that makes up our school safety patrol all right we're going to pause and take a couple parent pictures uh right after this we're going to get you your certificates and we're going to take pictures in the back and thank you I'm going to turn it back over to Mr tro thank you again so we're going to have you guys we're going to take a short res take a few photos you got some cookies and refreshments in the back if you'd like and then in about 5 to 10 minutes the board will resume with the regular um session for the night board session for the night so thank you again for coming out congratulations students thanks for all the work that you do and have a great evening we're to start one minute I'd like to call this meeting back to order may I have approval of minutes for executive session December 18th 2023 January 8th 2024 January 22nd 2024 may I have a motion please so moved any questions roll call please this a regular meting executive executive three executives you have any questions this is as amended correct no that's only regular should be for your two no January 22nd should be as amended as amended yeah according to Mr L thank you according to the solicitor according to you okay according to me U Mrs Fritz yes um Mr Gibbons yes Mrs gilch yes m m Gore yes for December 18th yes for January 8th abstain on January 22nd noted Mr Johnson yes Mr Donal yes Mr dintino yes Mr Marks yes may I have a motion and second for regular board minutes January 22nd 2024 so moved second Mr Marks this these are as amended um Mr Gibbons on 7.3 a voted no on check 131 uh 910 and Mrs odano uh abstain on check 131 936 thank you may I have a roll call as amended please uh Mrs Fritz yes Mr Gib yes Mrs gilch yes M Gore yes St Mr Johnson yes M oono yes M dintino yes Mr Marks yes at this time we'll open up public comments for agenda items only miss hry speak into the microphone atar lot one day and the Middle School uh we were a lot of us were talking maybe would be to have less interruptions in the student schedules and maybe go a half a day on Wednesday the 12th in February I have conference in the afternoon and then and in the evening and then Thursday would had Wednesday we had service on Friday Thurs and then all Friday Monday and then the confer were the following see how if you're looking at 2425 the conference on the 21st I'm saying let's move them back to February sorry my fault the first week just something to think about Patty can I make a recommendation sure can you email Mr buildo all that information so we can look into it I think I I know surve that went but I know was a lot of discussion surve think inters we had we had Wednesday and service Thursday Friday Monday we had a half a day that Friday it's just another Interruption which is trying to make things more routine for the students less Antion thank you Miss Andre hi good evening hry um I have a couple questions it looks like there's a head custodian that's resigning this we we was there an exit interview conducted can't say specific on this situation but if you want to talk about exit interviews generally go ahead we can speak about exit interviews on our old business Mr long um when the board takes action on the resignation I am I would have to ask Mr marado if a exit interview was conducted but the administration's in the throws of processing them I can't answer whether he did or didn't okay um you have two uh two one on also resigned um are we doing exit interviews is that a is that an item on the agenda it is yeah exit interviews is on the agenda be on old bus resignation is it'll be answered on Old business it's fine to answer it can yeah we're in the throws of doing that yes so start something that's starting yes okay um for declining of the position there's several do we know why deining position to work in this a district you want me to answer please I I don't know are we asking them like you know if somebody doesn't want to do something why did he not to I would have to inquire with the human resources department is he here who's here like is the human resources um my next question is um the invoices are we paying their benefits there's a line item that says benefits theenda I haven't seen that invoice we pay them as a vendor I don't know how they detail their bill what number is that on the agenda on the bill list the agenda or the bill list it wased online agenda je can you take a take a minute and look into that and report it back to us with that thank's not the Billa all right just give us a opportunity to look at that thank you thank you anyone else I see none we'll move on to the reporter L Mr long thank thank you Mr Marks my items were discussed in the Clos session this evening I have nothing further at this time thank you report of superintendent Mr buildo thank you m thank you Mr Marks members of the board I'd like to ask for consent resolutions for items 6.2 through 6.6 m thank you may I have a motion a second please so moved second please second any questions roll call please Mrs Fritz yes Mr G yes Mrs gch yes M Gore yes Mr Johnson yes Mr odonnell um I'm going to need to abstain on 6.6g 3705 2273 3746 yes on the balance numbers yes3 Mr Marks yes reported a business administrator yes asking for the board's approval of 7.1 through 7.7 and as you'll note we did uh we did have both December and January's Financial reports are attached may I have a motion a second please so moved second any questions um I do I I hate to keep sounding like a broken record um and I'm not sure who at this board table is in ag grance um have we done anything any kind of um looking into other options for Brett denovi and Associates this is a lot of money and I just feel that we can bring this into the district somehow but I think we need to have a plan and I would really like to try to get a plan together so that we can maybe bring our own people in instead of using an outside vendor I say it every time I did vote no on this check for the longest time not because I didn't want the children to have services in my mind I was trying to prove a point um I don't want to sound like a broken record but I think we need to look into this it's a lot of money going out the door and we can have our own people people here so I don't know if anybody else on the board agrees with me I responded every month that you bring it up special service is going through it we're trying to get our own people in it's an ongoing process that we've been doing I think we need to really ramp up our figuring out a goal or a process in order to do it so we just can't deny kids Services kids that need Services we have to provide them and until we can get people in here we have to I understand that but I'm is not the only company we use great mines no I I understand that but I just feel like we do not have a plan we need to get a plan what if we trained our own people we don't I think from what the background that I've heard on it's very difficult to get the people with the shts to do it well you mean as a trainer we would so we would need a trainer if we opened it up to all our AIDS contracted and not and in um non-contracted tell them during the summer when they're not working we could train them then as a group have them certified is Dr here because she can just answer this because I know we go over this all the time would she be able to speak on it Dr Martin Dr Martin we're talking about Brett denovi and a option to have an inhouse program Dr Martin I I don't know I guess you heard me I know I bring this up every month it just I just feel that we need to have some kind of plan or something set that we can maybe go to the outside look for people I'm not saying it's easy to find I'm not saying that but if maybe we open it up I know we tried to before it's just a lot of money and I just feel if we had our own people in here we'd be able to better um have hands on on them then we do of an outsider so we do have a plan and we do have our own program the problem is is that you can't afford them we right now we offer 21 to $25 an hour for someone with an RBT certification we've only been able to secure one person with that offer and the only reason why we're able to secure that person is because they are resident of Gloucester Township their children go to the school district and they are committed to supporting the population because they've been doing it for over 30 years and they're committed to our community the other problem is we just interviewed someone we interview people all the time the position is always posted and just this week Mr O'Brien and I were turned down because we offer we didn't offer but the person was making $31,000 a year plus full benefits plus tuition reimbursement we cannot compete with that in terms of our um one-on-one age just regular positions there are no applicants Erica and Kevin have interviewed about 150 people just this year we do probably anywhere between between 10 to 15 interviews a week and those are outside agencies that we're turning away because we don't have applicants we do not have applicants for teaching positions we are recruiting we're calling colleges I'm writing emails to heads of departments and sending profiles and anything that you can think of we're trying resources are extremely Limited there are no seats in out of District placements right now the children that we determin eligible for services there are some children who haven't even been enrolled in school because we can't program for them so I'm actually sending people to their homes and working with them as a partner to find an appropriate program for them the type of child that is coming through nowadays are way more complex have a lot more intense needs um I even have a profile of students and that I was sharing with Mr tro that I've taken the names off and just to give you a description and I can give you a copy of it so you can see the complex needs of the children that we are servicing I'm on the telephone every single day with the psychiatrist or an outside provider trying to support families who are extrem extremely overwhelmed and the needs are vast and we we're really at our capacity in terms of what we're able to support at every grade level and thank God we have the preschool programs that we do because we're able to do more for more children but when you walk into our self-contained preschool classrooms you have children who are functioning at anywhere from 12 to 18 months no language no Mobility um and unfortunately uh they they're struggling and they're three four and five years old and our preschool teams are maxed out in terms of their ability to service the volume of referrals that are coming here we don't know where it's coming from but when we speak to our colleagues everybody is in the same boat we're meeting collectively as directors uh in Camden County taking on our own responsibility of troubleshooting brainstorming we have um out of District I just planned a huge fair for all out of District programs to come to one location to tell us who their target population is how are they servicing and what is it that we need to do to access Services because we're struggling we do not have access access to neuropsychologists because pediatric neuros pychology has dwindled the weight lists are significant um and then just recently inspir just opened an Autism Diagnostic Center and I don't know how I ended up on the on the phone with this young lady but she happened to have one of our children in her office tearing it up as we were on the phone and she was asking me for help so I don't know where this is going and we are being very smart about our resources but here's the funny thing about Brett denovi and associates they don't charge us what they charge other people that's first and foremost we have a really good relationship with them because they understand our position they understand that this is not our desire that we prefer to have our own people we don't have the ability to service the needs of the students if you come and do a field trip just in our special programs there are students that are in those special programs that are significantly impaired they're the ones that used to be in the out of District placements when I worked in that environment the other children who were in the traditional autism type program they're now included they're in the regular Ed education programs getting services and doing very well but the children who were servicing are the children that can't be serviced out in the special programs and even still with that our number is huge because we can't meet the need and neither can they and guess what they can't find staff but one thing about Brett I will say is his people work collectively with us they take our lead they're constantly training if we say that something doesn't seem right or whatever they check on their people they're checking IEPs they're making sure that a students needs are being met and if they need to train they train we're not charged for that our bcbas can't manage the volume that they have now so having them there with that extra support is tremendous the other piece is if there's someone who's absent or if someone's not working out they will replace them and they will give us a substitute the other agencies don't have the access to that and we can't even if someone's out they don't get Services these are all services that we're legally mandated to provide right and we also have to demonstrate and show progress so historically sure we could have done this way back when when I started in 2012 we were TR constantly training we are still offering and we still have the ability to train but that's not the issue the issue is nobody wants to get the crap beat out of them 247 they don't want to be spit on they're not running down the Halls they're not get don't want to get punched they don't want to toilet children and then the medical fragile students that are coming in that's a whole another conversation so we're in this Crux in society right now that since covid I mean and we analyzed our data and our numbers in terms of eligibility ility have not gone up so that's a credit to the district and the programs that we have here so we haven't had this huge influx of students needing special education it's just the intensity and if you look at the numbers Mr tro just ranom from 2014 we had 1288 students today there's 1,75 if you look at other districts they're way more their numbers are higher and ours are not but it's the intensity that we're struggling with and then it's for those students that are not classified you still have all the mental health components that we're struggling with also that's draining our resources so you know we're always open we're always well I mean I will recruit young people to come in but we don't even have substitutes and people will tell you they're sitting here because they're volunteering to a extra period to cover for a leave or cover for absences I have a social worker that's gone out of maternity I have nobody to replace her I'm doing IEPs and that's not my job thank you Dr Martin thank you Dr Martin any other questions roll call please Mrs Fritz yes Mr given I'm going to vote no on Check 13228 Yes on the balance 132 let me just 13208 1322 22 220 thank you Mrs gilch yes Miss Gore yes Mrs Johnson abstain on 132 223 and 132 353 yes on the balance one the last one 1 three 132 353 thank you Mr Odon yes M dintino yes Mr Marks yes any old business Mr buo I do I microphone I do I was uh earlier Mrs Henry was asking about exit interviews I'll go back to that good evening Mrs Hendry um the administration's been working on uh a a revisit to establish a questionnaire employees who exit the employee of the board uh the board's going to get information more information in my weekly communication to them but the effective date uh I did confer with Mr um Mar today March 1st will be the day that all employees exiting district will receive that questionnaire we will keep that data um and discuss it in the Personnel committees um number two a year ago I spoke to the Board of Education when Mrs K who was a very good administrator here around our food service department uh about the growing problem with um our food services department and the non-payment of breakfast and lunches at the then time I told the Board of Education a year ago uh that the annual um amounts of money that food service pre pre um covid were $4 to $6,000 a year last year Midway through the year those just in the 22 23 year it had been $40,000 when I announced it to the board tonight I'm letting the Board of Education know again this is a continuing growing problem it is currently according to Mr moli a $18,000 problem through the board of education for people who aren't uh they are not eligible for free and we certainly um you know students and families that can afford it we certainly do want to feed them breakfast and lunch on either the free and or the reduced lunch price programs uh but these are specifically um parents that don't qualify and are not paying so um there's more information I will be bringing to the board of education on attempts to recover those amounts and AAR I just wanted to bring it up again A year later uh and uh I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge uh Mr tro and uh certainly the preschool program here in the district it is uh a great program and L Township Public public schools in this board should be proud of it and I would like to remind the Board of Education that we service about 400 students but there are over 200 students that can't get into the program we do not have the space and um I know that Mr Marks has heard me the board has probably got their ear holes bleeding that we need some space and I think that we're going to work together collabora and try to find something to uh make our wonderful program even better so that's the old business Mr Marks Thank you new business Mr Mr Marks can I ask a question regarding something Mr Bido said sure um so 7.7 B is a corrective action plan uh for Food Services yes dealing with money it is okay so tell me how that correlates with the $108,000 that is outstanding from students that's a great question Mrs O'Donnell is quite ironic that you bring that up um during uh I guess the the tail end of during Co and the and the in the Years just after the Corona virus both the Federal Department of Agriculture and the New Jersey State Department of Agriculture uh it was like a tsunami of money and resources that both of those agencies um gave to all participants all alas in the state of New Jersey and Nationwide uh to essentially feed anyone and I know that both this District did a great job um our food service our ladies were out in bitter weather feeding people I know that black R Pike partnered with us and that continued on and for the years after I guess the threat of covid students that were technically under formula to pay either for breakfast or lunch did not have to pay but the co the federal government government certainly signaled that hey that program is ending and I don't think that people have quite gotten or I'll be delicate we need to improve the communication um okay but isn't the correction action corrective action plan because of too much money it's too much money that was predicated when they had programs and so they have money in their essentially the Food Service bank account and there is a federal formula that says you cannot have more than three months worth of your receipts but the amount that the the war chest that was created from covid is so enormous that you we are going to that's why we have a repeat finding this is identical to a year ago we had too much money Food Services Department we take some of that money to pay down the $108,000 like why don't they balance out it's not that is not a qualifying thing that you can do you can and and the food service department has been doing this along with last couple business officials they are as far as Capital Improvements serving lines ovens dishwashers flooring systems we are um going to spend that money rather quickly I think Mr mcco will we have $700,000 we're going to spend shortly yeah there's there's we we spent over 400 last year and another 700 this year in in equip we cannot use it for um students okay so tell tell me how the $108,000 that's not being paid by families negatively affects Food Services when we have an overabundance of money two years in a row that we need a corrective action plan for like tell me the negative that comes out of that 108 well can I speak like an accountant simp do you understand accountants simplify it you have uh operating expenses and then you have Reserves and as long as the food service has these reserves that were built up from the time of covid they're not part of your operations of buying food and selling it to kids on an annual basis it's just a huge savings account that they're saying hey you have too much by our formula spend it down or you're going to keep getting WR up written up by the audit I don't know if I'm making so we can't really buy food with that money that's just sitting there you can't take the $118,000 from your savings account and throw it over the current operations I appreciate that but I'm not making the point is is it financially solvent yes it's doing very well they work very hard in that department it's a different principle I'm bringing up tonight that the rapidness of it gone from 4,000 to 40,000 to 100 next year could be 200 yes sir we got to slow the train down yes sir all right thank you do we have a plan for that I'm going to be bringing some things some some suggestions to the Board of Education yes Mr Johnson we did but it's not perfected Mr dintino I want to I want to do some things that you have to be very very careful because there are there are laws from the Department of Agriculture that in my opinion favor the parent or Guardian they don't want food shaming and things that are nonsense we've heard about from other districts we're not going there but if you should be paying you know for breakfast and lunch that's the expectation of this District Thank you new business um not at this time no open up the public comment you gotta look around come on up the microphone is yours one of isow he brings lunch every day to from home but the Lunch Ladies as Lely as they are allow skinny to buy snacks and he's run up5 and told I wasn't going to pay it he had one of the ways is not allowing the kids to buy snacks like it's not lunch it's not it's not breakfast like the snacks they shouldn't be allowed to buy snacks I mean I can see aack has 45 you know there's but .75 and now I get a Noti it's not too cool but any uh I do apologize for no need he doesn't need it as you all know I am in support of this whole entire district from the teachers to the students except for own who like to snack um and especially our support staff which from my understanding NE iations are starting which is um pretty exciting and I really hope that it's in favor um of our support staff but I have a couple questions um because I did do a post in our Township page um and it's come to my attention that it takes a 10 month secretary approximately eight years to earn about $20,000 and a custodian takes about 11 years to reach $4,000 and s years $4,000 um some of these individuals there is no progress or pay increase in certain steps um which is disheartening I would like to understand why is that case um along with noticing that there is also sometimes that support staffs have to take down step if they want to progress which is also disting because you your you shouldn't have to you know take down your steps um and then speaking to some individuals my understanding Loosely is that these steps are for the years of service or experience that one may have um so why is it that somebody would have to decrease steps if they want to progress okay so let me try to fill in some gaps here on your question if you have a uh par professional this example who's at step five and was 10 months and now has an opportunity to be a 12 Monon secretary in the main office and you want to know why do they go from step five par down to say step two as 12 month secretary in the same realm like from par to par or cial staff sta not changing there's we don't have a practice of having people on the same category dropping steps but if you go from say a parot to a higher salary say that I was giv the example why would it be step two step two as say the secretary is still going to Garner more annual salary than the par was making okay and it's just I it's a system I inherited from multiple boards and other superintendents but that is a practice of putting them with a raise on the guide of but you're saying five five say five years why don't they get five years as a secretary they because they were in a different um position it's all negotiations it's yeah so there's not like a set policy or anything it's just kind of like an Unwritten rule there it's happened so often it's a practice I would say it's a practice and past practice you can turn around and find out how strong past practice is what people seated there tonight it's it is for all intents and purposes close to um something that either side has an expectation of meeting management or Union Yes that they would drop okay um that's all I got thanks okay thank you any other okay no change we always do amend we'll have a conversation about that that gold we'll change it probably five more times before okay happens my next question is in in regard to district policy 5511 it's the dress code I know it was changed back in June of 2023 but we to in um carrying of bags with the students coming in WWA bags Target bags Walmart bags shop apne these students are carrying these bags throughout the day we used to have a policy before the one that was approved in June number 13 on the old policy pupils are not permitted to wear carry book bags and Idol shoe bags of any sort during the school day I really security issue with we don't have metal detectors at the doors okay and if we're going to let the carry bags why don't we just carry their book bags all day long okay they have their little W bags they have their Walmart bags I'm not shop bags the other day what's happening is the students are bringing their food into our classes and when you're not looking they're reaching into their bags pulling out whatever might next you know you have all over the place not to mention they can bring any paralia that they want whether it is metal not metal whatever I think we need to go back and at that carrying the bags too really has become a and I can't go through the bag okay iag like the check bag yeah like use in the food store when you bring your own bags now so Patty can I ask you a question you you you you were twisting that into 5511 they're bringing it's not like a bag of clothes that they're bringing in they're just bringing in bags and there's no other policy this this phenomenon is fitting into right now it's a problem Safety and Security it wasn't 5 it was gone it was G okay and I this is the first year that really have done it since I've been in they've never been allowed to cover to car bags it really ISF issue and security issue throughout the building they had to carry their books now they have their R bags I saids bags and bags come in and they put their Lunes in their cell phones their speakers headphones whatever you want to put in okay I agree app thank you any other yes ma'am parent of a special education student I just have a question special education students receive additional funding from the state or federal government that deemed regular students wouldn't receive yes so that would also help pay for their one ones and things like that so there should be additional money for those students versus regular students correct there are additional resources for special needs students yes okay um also little with Dr Mar's assumtion of special needs students saying the AIDS are getting hit bit spit on things of that nature my son has been in this district for a year I have not heard that he has been a special education student since he started school I've never heard of that is that happening in our school district yes there are students that do present there are students Mr Savage that Pres present a lot of difficulties at times I don't think that Dr Martin was trying to impune your child or do some type of broad brush but there are um more and more challenging I think Dr Martin did say that the students that are coming into our our district and she mentioned even other districts have more severe issues and yes do they result sometimes being physical yes and yes do our teachers do our AIDS um take take the brunt of it yes and that's unfortunate we have a set to protect students son stud absolutely support students that mayavi issues this is the first honestly to that so now as aent I'd be concerned for my own child safet well I I think that you may have heard it by now if there was an issue in that classroom however when a student saying this case is is more physical that doesn't necessarily mean that they also can't suffer some type of consequence um but there's also legal protections for students with special needs and there's manifestation hearings of whether or not that that Outburst is part of their deficit and and I know it's I don't want to get too technical but I think I think our teachers and our staff in this District your son's fortunate to be in a special needs program here they they always first and foremost are making sure their classroom environment safe and along with that are offering great instruction so I think you know on the whole your child is being protected I have another question all of our staff use law all done their Epsy training that is required by the state of New Jersey I don't know that answer tonight I asked I have to look into it I don't know the answer to that okay thank you thank you any other yes um several of my colleagues have brought up the idea ofs and I guys discussing it I justed verification ofs at about 22% of verifi report cards I know I sat in on numerous conferences where parents had not looked at the report cards Mr mol and then thank you any other I see n we'll move on to board member comments I do I'd like to congratulate the students that were inducted into the junior National Honor Society at both Lewis and at Mullen school thank you any other piggy back on Mrs Johnson congratulate them and congrat rulate the students that were here tonight for the safety patrol in Blackwood thank you any other I'd like to congratulate the star students um I'd like to thank the preschool for the bracelets that they had made for everyone I'd like to thank Dr Martin for the uh detailed explanation so that a lot of uh board members um are aware of what's going on and what we've been doing in Special Services meetings and congrats to the uh New Jersey I'm sorry National Junior Honor Society as well thank you any others I'd like to thank everyone taking the time to come out tonight have a good night and see everybody soon may I have a motion to adjourn all in favor hi thank you good night