our students Mr buildo thank you Mr Marx uh uh members of the Board of Education members of the public and Community welcome to Glen Ling Middle School uh as we do each month uh during the school year we' like to honor students that uh have deserved recognition tonight we have two great elementary schools and uh I'd like to turn the program over to the assistant superintendent Mr tro Mr tro if I forget anything could you nudge me please thank you good evening everyone welcome and this is an exciting time for us each month as we recognize some of the excellent things going on around the district in the um schools that send to the area that we are um having the meeting each month and so tonight is a great opportunity for us to see what a couple of our elementary schools are doing um just as a point of emphasis here Mr Bido will be giving certificates to each of the groups as they come up those will be passed out a little bit later we'll try to remind you again at the end but at the conclusion of the program if you could stick around for just a moment we do like to try to get pictures of all the students that are being recognized as along along with the staff members um we'll take group shots so it won't take hopefully too long and we've got quite a few people here tonight um and then we'll do a short recess and then if you want to stick around for the rest of the board meeting you can if you need to get your family home then you're welcome to leave at that point as well and about 5 to 10 minutes after the program and after the pictures are done we'll reconvene and begin the rest of the business program of the meeting so again again thank you for coming and at this time I'm going to turn the program over to our fine administrative team from chws elementary school and when you're finished you can pass the mic off to laoren [Applause] Fleming thank you kind sir good evening everyone uh Mr tro Mr buo board members thank you for this time to uh so we can recognize some of our uh dining star students at chws elementary school we have two clubs the kindness club and the terrific club before we start calling them up I would like their teachers their advisors to come up to the front Mrs given and Miss Ricker please come give them a big hand the teachers are here tonight at this time Mrs kids going to read off all of the students names when you hear your name please come up to the front and she's going to share a little bit about the clubs thank you so chws had seven Champs clubs this fall and we are just going to recognize some of the standout students from two of our club so in the kindness club with Miss Ricker their focus was on spreading kindness and spread spreading positive messages to each other throughout the school and working together to encourage others to be kind so some of the things that they did were putting notes and you'll see on the slideshow there are some Post-its they wrote positive notes on the posits that they attached to the snacks in the cafeteria and they colored some pictures with some uplifting messages to hang throughout the school in the terrific Club the idea was teamworking what does it mean to be a team and how can we work together as a team to make our community a better place and make our school a better place so those students that we're going to name tonight are the ones who really took those messages and those lessons to heart and it culminated with kids from the terrific Club working as a team with kids from the kindness Club to create an interactive bulletin board in the hallway inviting their fellow students to be the eye and kind so you'll see them standing there's the bulletin board there where you get to stand there and be the eye so in the kindness club we had Marie [Applause] D'Angelo Riley strong [Applause] Giana Wilson Kennedy Tori Gallagher and Dean Culbertson and then our terrific kiddos who join together with them were Katie Penny Brooklyn Alexander Alexander Andra dimi kahalani Manis Chu and Cecilia [Applause] Stone want to thank you all great job students are we excited nervous but both all right you can have a seat with your family give them a big hand everyone thank you very much teachers thank you all right at this time we call the great administrative team from Lauren Fleming Mr Dr Rose and I always say uh Nick you know what Mr morfeld yes exactly thank you good evening my name is Dr Rose this is Mr morfel we're from Lauren Fleming we're so excited for our fifth graders who are here today they are such a great addition to our school and just helping out we really appreciate this and it's a great honor to be able to give them some time and we presented we actually made a video which Mr morfeld is loading right now and first I'd like to call up the two advisers who are instrumental in our safety prog program each year teaching important skills for the kids and then also being a mentor for them so let me bring up Mr Emerson and Mrs rosowski let's give them a big round of applause and boys and girls we're so proud of you at this point I'm going to turn the microphone over to Mrs rosowski but excellent job good evening everyone I'm Lauren rosowski I'm a kindergarten teacher at Lauren Fleming and one of the safety patrol advisors every fifth grader from laoren Fleming if You' please come up and you could kind of make your way this way stand over here we'll move down now you'll notice some students have belts and some do not we have three different programs we have approximately 67 safety patrols this year we try to be all inclusive we have an application process we are finishing up group two so if you notice a child with a belt on this evening it's because they are in group two they finish on Friday and our group three safety patrols will start on Monday and run until June 7th Mr Emerson and I took this program on about two and a half years ago we brought it back in February you know after a few years off from Co and everything and we just love working with all the students we have a criteria we have parent communication Zoom meetings behind the scenes at 7 o'clock at night and things like that just to go over expectations and we check in with teachers every marking period because we hold them to a higher standard they have to be Role Models they have to make good choices they have to do their homework you know what I mean and meet their teachers expectations as well they have different positions kindergarten safeties in the morning and afternoon they are in parent pickup rooms third grade hallway and the bus room we really try to focus this with PBIS we are a schoolwide PBIS we've been doing that for years with our Tiger tickets and things like that and again some of the people you see up here and obviously this is not everyone some people had conflicts tonight but leaders in our school and as a mom of a middle school and high school student as well we hope that they will bring these skills to the middle school there are so many clubs Student Government Street team and things like that that everything they're learning with us in fifth grade they could bring on to the next level and Beyond into adulthood so here is Mr Emerson hey hello everyone uh we're going to finish up with a video where they're going to highlight some of the things that they've done throughout the year uh but we just like to say thank you to Dr Rose Mr morfeld for all your support uh a big big giant shout out goes to the PC in our building um they provide stickers for our safeties to hand out um I don't know if our safeties know but we going to dve and Busters later on this year for a couple hours during school Time come back for pizza it' be a good time uh we' like to thank uh Mr capana who put together this video our Music Teacher as well as safeties uh you guys are fantastic you're Role Models you do a great job uh and all the students in our school look up to you so you make our school just an awesome place to be every day thank you and Mr morfel I like I and they help they help us clean up our so they they help us get quiet when we're a little so like in our clroom our work they paper us a sticker they help they help us by doing what we need to do and they also help us telling we should they want to be a safety I like being a safety because I like helping the kindergarteners and second graders and first graders with anything and they really cute because it can help other four graders graders and graders other to know like what and how to act because I like to you can use the skills for when you grow up so I can help others for they I like being a safy because every single day I get to help the kids out and those of the kids are very respectful it is important to have safeties just in case kids need help with their homework or something that they need help with I like being a safety because I get treated like an adult unlike my sister I like because show that you have a lot of responsibility taking care of kids I help thers do their homework and they do right because it shows how to be a ro model and it shows how to show respons I like being like to call the meeting back to order may I have approval of a minutes for executive session February 26 2024 so moved any questions roll call please Mrs Fritz yes yes Mrs gck yes I don't think she was here um Mr Gibbons yes M gilch yes Miss Gore yes Mr Johnson yes M Tina yes Mr marus yes may I have a motion second for regular board minutes February 26 2024 second getting ahead of me any questions roll call please Mrs Fritz yes M gck yes Mr gibons yes Mrs gch yes M Gore yes Mrs Johnson yes um Mrs ganick I think you should abstain from that vote due to your absence of last month's meeting if you can switch to obse I abstain yeah I didn't think she was here uh Miss dintino yes Mr Marks yes we're going to move on to public comments for agenda items only and just uh both yeah both yeah yeah both and these are just action items that appear on the agenda thank you I see n we're going to move on to report of solicor Mr long I have nothing at this time Mr Marks thank you Mr Builder report to superintendent thank you Mr Marks before I uh continue and I I do apologize to the board um but uh I do have one item I like to add to the agenda this evening if the board would so indulge it uh under the agenda 6.4 a uh 6.4 a um is for um field trips ordinarily field trips would just be superintendent approval but there are certain insurance reasons and we cross a body of water um this is a trip to the philate art museum it needs board approval so it has been something we can confirm with our insurance agency so um if we could add to 6.4 a uh on March 22nd is the day of the trip uh it is for Glen Landing Middle School students uh they would be seventh graders and they are going to The Philadelphia Art Museum and uh so if that's something that the board would permit to add 6.4 a would be as amended may have a roll call sorry just informing just informing the board with that so before we move for forward under u under 6.1 uh this evening I'd like to uh uh bring up uh for a presentation to the Board of Education uh essentially the midyear um assessment of the uh student safety data results and we have our supervisor student special services Grant hilderbrand so Grant uh welcome and oh yeah you already hooked up microphone all right I'll shut mine off then I don't really know where to stand in the middle everybody so um good evening everybody I just want to do a brief summary of what this report is um the Department of Education requires each School District to submit the student safety data system report twice a year my office collects the incident reports from each School building and submits them to the Department of Education this report focuses on suspensions that have occurred between September and December that involved arson assault computer trespassing damage to property false public alarm fights kidnapping robbery extortion sexual EX sexual contact substance of offense uh theft criminal or simple threat trespassing or weapon offenses um the handouts which were over there uh they reflect these incidents and it's broken down by the schools uh couple things I wanted to add the police notification it should say police notification instead as it says police involvement um what that really is is we had to inform an SRO when these incidents has occurred so it's not the police coming out to the school every time or informing them and if the SRO needed to take further measures they did um just looking back last year compared to where we are this year with this last year we had 65 total incidents uh this year we had 45 total incidents uh last year the middle schools had 45 incidents uh this year they have 25 incidents and the elementary schools went up one last year they had 20 this year they had 21 so thank you all hey Grant you hold on one second any questions from the board Mrs Johnson go ahead Mr Belo under 6.5a tuition oh I'm sorry we're just talking about grants report any question on grants report only okay I'm sorry no okay um Mr hildbrand I appreciate you coming out thank you for uh we will see you again when you have the back half of the statistics from January through June 14th correct September of October we'll see you okay all right thank you grant thank you nice job compile on that so I'd like to ask for a consent resolution Mr Marks for items 6.2a through 6.6 uh K as in uh again 6.4 a is as amended so moved second any questions yes um under 6.5a tuition uh the first one reads uh for Yale School East in the amount of 5,000 97627 I don't know what that is but if I had to guess it is either a student that did not spend a lot of days at Yale and Andor it could be um an extended school year fee I don't know I don't have the tuition contract in front of me okay because the effective date is February 20th so I could look into it and get back to okay thank okay I like to know that as well please any other questions favor roll call please but the tuition for the balance of the year would certainly be a lot more than that because uh the other student uh that started February 12 at Yale School West is 35,000 okay there you go okay thank you so the student only attended a few days so that's why the amount so low okay thank you okay roll call please thank you Dr Mar Mrs Fritz yes Mrs gck yes Mr GI yes Mrs gilch yes M Gore yes M Johnson yes M dentino yes Mr Marks yes we're going move on to report of the business administrator yeah I have a lot on here uh asking for the board's approval and I guess I will definitely take questions um from 7.0 through 7.7 p may I have a motion a second please move second any questions roll call please Mrs Fritz yes Mrs gck yes Mr Gibbons yes Mrs gilch yes M Gore yes this Johnson abstain on 7.7 B check number 132 555 and check number 132 633 yes on the balance noted Mr dintino yes Mr Marks yes we're going to move on any old business Mr buildo Mr Marks a a couple uh com comments had come up um at last month's uh meeting um one was relative to the implementation of an exit conference conference or um survey for staff leaving us and so I want to let the board know I did put this in a note to the board that that was implemented about a week after um the February board meeting so now all employees have an opportunity uh to have um um comments on their exit from the district um there was also a parent who spoke of something called Paul's law and Paul's law uh is has to do with students that are epileptic and it is a state statute that all employees um are subject to that so we have modified our staff training and um I want to thank the U various unions I met with the Union presidents and asked them to um you know support three particular trainings one of which was Paul's law that is active as we speak um it was being um trained within the transportation department under a separate uh training thing they have because uh certainly drivers want to be prepared but I think all of us need to be prepared for for students that may um ever suffer you know an epileptic seizure or or an event so I want to update the board that that training is underway and I expect to have most staff um gotten that training before the end of the year wonderful thank okay thank you um and that's that's two bits just the um um exit survey for for staff and Paul's law okay new business buo um I guess uh under new business I'll try to at least state that a couple comments have also been made about um students bringing bags to school and to try to look at our uh dress and grooming policy and in addition to that um some people have asked uh to look at some of the policies I'm pleased to report that there will be a policy meeting this week Mr Marks and um so items that have been brought brought up uh the report card issue is also being discussed so uh students bringing bags um into school as part of grooming and the report card issue that's come up a few times in public meetings so are going to be discussed by policy wonderful thank you that's all thank you we're going to move on to public comments yes please step up the microphone please just you Mrs good evening Dina Hendry Summerdale um one of the old business um last meeting somebody said that they were going to look into the question that I asked about the Brett denovi and the benefits on page 32 of the agenda I haven't received anything about it because on page 32 of last month's agenda it said that uh Brent doovi and then there was a health benefits line and I had asked um if we are responsible for paying the health benefits for Brett denovi does anybody have can can we get that information by Friday please there yeah it's a separate line so is that something that we pay we're paying as as part of our bill there is a heal POR in the detail bill it may be in the detail bill but it's part of the total package so it's not it's not separate to it's part of the total package oh okay because on on the agenda from the 26 there's two lines it says um services and then it says health benefits so then I ask you know do we pay you know are we responsible the district responsible for the health benefits don't sep but Mr MCO is it possible for you to review that and and could we reach out to missry this week by the end of the week please if Mr hry if you don't have by the end of the week email me please no problem thank you thanks any other comments I see none we're going to move on to board member comments I like to congratulate students yeah I would like to say I thought the programs were really great and the I um the bulletin board that was so cool so congratulations to all the students Alto that I don't want to get longwinded but yes they are that the kids were great and it looks like the kids really enjoy having those safeties in there and helping them so yeah so we are doing good things yeah I'd like to also congratulate the star students but um I was just uh speaking to Dr Martin was about I think it was last week maybe the week before uh they had a uh special services meeting with uh you know parents to inform them about the program and a lot of stuff and I know a couple other uh board members were there and I was just telling her it was a you know was very informative uh for the parents and I wish we had recorded it to be able to put it out you know to as information for the public for later on but that was all thank you for coming out thank you any others I'll peeky back off of uh what he just said yes it was a very very well done presentation very informative um a lot of information and just all all around very well put together thank you thank I agreed to that also any other comments I want to congratulate all the star students that is a program we brought back what now miss buildo two years ago yes sir that has really become enjoyable for this District watch the kids on the the TV screens is really cool The Pride they take and what they do so I'm really glad that we do that it brings joy to me showing up to these meetings and doing the duties that we do I like to thank everybody taking time to come out tonight everybody have a good night May I have a motion to adourn all in favor good night everybody that