e I like to call this meeting back to order may I have a roll call please yeah this is britz here Mr G here here Mr Johnson here Mr Don here M dintino here Mr Marks here may I have a motion a second for board minutes of regular meeting June 17 2024 special session meeting June 26 2024 second any questions I have a roll call please this is fr yes G yes Mrs Gil yes Mr Johnson um abstain on 626 yes on 617 Mr yeso yes yes I open the floor for public comments for agenda items only I see none we will report to move on to report of solicitor no reported this thank you reporter superintendent Mr buildo good evening Mr Mars ladies and gentlemen of the Board of Education good morning members of the public uh Mr Marks if you could uh allow me to make um some minor edits um I will be quick um the first item would be under 6.6 a would actually be uh instructional appointments which is the um detail um the first item which is um the second row from the bottom Jonathan BR he is a new appointment um The Physician will change from second grade teacher at Blackwood Elementary to fifth grade teacher at um Blackwood Elementary no other changes so instead of second it'll be fifth uh the second item I'd like to read in the second and third items i' like to read in um again this is an instructional appointment the name is Mora Cullen uh Mara will replace employee 5631 she will be a resource teacher at Blackwood Elementary School she will be step 1ba at 6091 and the effective date will be September 1st of 2024 assuming all the paperwork has been completed again and the final thing under instructional appointments is the addition of Annabella lenain Annabella replaces employee number 5541 Annabella will be a second grade teacher at Blackwood Elementary School step one PA 6091 with a start date of September 1st 2024 assuming all paperwork has been completed and the final item under 7.7 D and that is on the main agenda 7.7 B under my section these are employees who are paid for by federal funding specifically title one uh so at the top of the page under D there employee number 3433 uh put a strike through the entire row that person will be paid for uh with current expense funds in Li of that please add employee number 5750 with a salary of6 $ 6,291 perom and the percentage of salary paid for with Title One is 100% And that is all the edits Mr Marks thank you so with that said I would ask uh the Board of Education to consider oh we'll come back to that good St that's a come back on the superintendent um there'll be the changes we vote on my report sorry Mr no I was getting momentum on the edits to theend all right um thunder so should have like thrown a shoe out or something so tonight we have uh our district supervisor of student special services Mr Grant hilderbrandt and Mr hillbrand is here to give a brief summation of um what some of the things um a specific thing that happens in in his Department uh this would be for last year I believe that the results had already been sent to the Board of Education correct yes correct okay so go ahead gr um so one of the things my department is tasked with is doing residency issues um and unfortunately we're coming more across more and more of them um just as we're I don't know it just becoming a a problem it seems like um people are coming from our local school uh communities and they are sneaking to our school district using false affidavit false address um family members and we are tasked with doing those investigations so I just want to do a brief overview of what we found this year uh we looked into 175 different cases this year that is roughly the same as we had last year um within our district that's a kid going to we'll just say choose and they should be going to luring Fleming uh last year we had 10 this year we found 23 students that were doing that so we had them transfer last year we had 61 students that resided outside of our district that were using our schools uh for an education this year we found 103 and we had them transferred out last year's savings and the savings is uh calculated by the New Jersey administrative codes formula and that's basically days what the tuition rate was uh grade level they're in program that they're in all kind of combined together in the date that we had them transfer out last year savings was $35,000 $600 this year it's $786,000 340 um number of active investigations we have right now is 10 we have some that are kind of pending and we have a list that is already to go come September that we're going to be investigating right away um our other school staff do a great job of letting us know if they see something let and uh send us a request we look into it try to get on it so I'll take any questions when anyway Grant I have a question how often are the tips from members of the public or even other school staff to just come by you um able to be active upon and how often are they whereas the crow flies accurate um 50% it's probably above 50% to be honest with you sometimes we know it we just can't get enough evidence to do it and then it just kind of pens and we just keep investigating it a lot of times we do get accurate information but then their circumstance changes that they know that they are being looked at and they are being investigated so they do what's right and they say oh no we're going to transfer out or oh we're just going to go to this school or they just find another loophole around it but we stay on top of it we look into it and if we can we ask them to leave right so once again if you reside in Gloucester T we certainly want our schools to educate those children but if you don't um that is why your department does a wonderful job job with the uh detectives that we have and um three4 of the million dollars is quite a so I just wanted the board to know that yes thank you thank you guys good job by your staff that's a considerable amount of money from year to year keep up good work thank you okay all right M bildo we'll start back over yeah I should have started with you grant Better Sound B so um yeah thank you Mr Marks if I could have a consent yes ma'am good evening Mrs Johnson how are you sound better I think even compliment great good job Grant good job thank you for coming um Mr Marks if uh board would consider a consent resolution for items 6.3a through 6.6 M as amended please may I have a motion a second please move second any question questions I just have a question where is Benway school that's me I just never heard of Benway I so oh sorry child was placed there without us being notified he was fine here their parent decided that they wanted them placed in residential out of their home didn't tell us and we happened to find out and we had to scar and find a school for him and it's way up in North Jersey somewhere and he's a little guy North Jersey okay a lot of virtual viral tour and we finally were able to make the decision where he was most appropriate so it's residential then he there so he needs to stay there until I guess his mom decides that she wants back so this $4,035 that's per what that just seems like a small amount to me that was only for the of the school year because that's a bill I believe that's the first bill I think he went in May and that may have only for like the last week or so of school get in July that was a week yeah a week a week yeah yeah because come July it's a new school year so I don't have the contract for that okay so imagine no can't thank you any other questions I had a I had a question on um 6.4 e uh this was for the mentoring I had Patty McBride as on the thing but I felt that she was retiring and then I I had another question too that said that the uh the members would all be tenured but I didn't I thought everybody on that list tenured that was in the um the mentoring program py told me she's not leaving um that's that's clearly a typo why don't we withdraw I um f from 6.4 and I will bring don't we withdraw 6.4 ke and I'll bring it back in the month of August okay thank you I thought maybe I missed something I didn't know with that document or just that one I mean it is but I'm not all right my apologies okay so can I get an all in favor to withdraw 6.68 or 6.48 yes yes yes I all right any other questions may I have a roll call please Mr sprits yes um to everything but I'm going to abstain on 6.5a noted Mr gibons uh yes Mrs gch yes Mrs Johnson yes Mrs odonnell I am abstaining on 6.6g the following numbers 3705 0593 yes on the balance just antino yes Mr Marks yes we'll move on to 7.0 recorded of business administrator Mr M yes uh asking for the board's approval we're table on uh 7.1 and 7.2 they're for June um once we close the year out which is probably going to happen um next week uh you'll probably have uh June and July and August so we're asking for approval of seven b no bill 7.3 secary Sports and trans oh I'm sorry okay through 7.7 uh J as amended with the table correct correct may I have a motion a second please second any questions I have one for 7.5 f um I know Mr O'Donnell I brought up in the past about the buses being donated and I was wondering if it was a possibility or of thought of maybe trading with the uh Pumpkin Festival to for like a spot to maybe have a job fair for hiring in exchange for the bosses that was just a com yeah like could we put up with you know we're we're looking for uh you know for staff and constantly have jobs out there could we ask them to have a spot for a job fair table at no call yeah at no cost not be I do um I will uh speak to the main stage people and I'll try to report back to the board we cable that for now no we just giving them the bus I think we stop the right I just want to make sure everybody was oh [Music] yeah any other questions oh the so I did have a question on a bill for uh Remington and Vernick for um fire alarm that we use Johnson don't they have their own like engineering firm that we needed to use Herington ver for some sort of fire what was that about that we needed there's a lot of bills for Johnson's on there and then there's RT johnon Services existing fire alarms in every school um we're replacing fire alarms at three schools and remon and vering did all the engineering for that two different two different services so they Johnson won't do the engineering for stuff that they're going to install they're once once the once the units are become active in September will turn over the monitoring to Johnson who's installing them it's um not Johnson no chaming electrics inst okay I think that was the question Johnson's s so Mr McCoy the the engineering the architect of the schematic the plan for the new Fire laom system I think that's what Mr Gibbons was going to REM that was R&V correct yeah once they had this is what Glen landing's new system should look like then the actual controls are all Johnson product correct they're not Johnson they're it's a seen system is it and then once once they turn over it once we possess it once we possess it then Johnson maintains it from that point forward yeah there was lot there was a lot of bills from Johnson's on there and then it's all fire and and that then I saw that Remington and verick Bill for ready to certify the systems for next year you know not know the Seamans in that question would Seamans you know gift us the engineering work I think that's you know probably no yeah very too much gifting going on well to be fair I mean to be fair I mean fire alarms are replaced in the building went every five decades oh they they last for 20 30 years yeah well that's what we should do so the one we're taking out kind of original probably so I didn't mean to jump in there but any other question talking any others may I have a roll call please uh Mrs Fritz yes Mr Gibbons I have to look and see something here okay I umum I'm a no on 7.7 H uh and on uh check number 133702 13 3 807 134 032 yes on the balance those are NOS on all those nose on those yes okay Mrs gch yes Mrs Johnson yes Mrs oddon um yes I am um I'm begrudgingly voting yes on this one check but I am hoping that we do something different come September because it is out of control the amount of money it is so I'll say yes M dintino yes Mr Mark yes move on Old business Mr wo uh not this time new business I just want to let the Board of Education know members of the public that on Friday um early in the morning um company by the name of cloud strike became prominent Cloud strike um shut down all but five airports in the United States um as of Friday morning and it also shut down U Banks I received a phone call from one of my sons who works at a very large bank and they weren't even allowed to log in he called me and I subsequently uh woke Mr Wells up out of bed sorry Steve I was concerned for the district and whether or not we had Cloud strike fortunately Miss Wells had a very good answer he indicated that uh we went with the other guys so whatever the other guys was Steve you made a prudent decision and the district did not have anything penetrate as far as the security risk correct yes all right so I did look into it and that was a great answer so that was my new business Mr Marks thank Ste at this time we'll open up the public comments we have none we'll move on to board member comments I'm I'm I'm sad The public's not gonna talk to us tonight but okay what Mr Bido talk um thank you Mr Hilder BR for your uh report thank you Mr Wells for your hard work and thanks for everybody coming out any others thank coming out go ahead I just want to say that uh thanks everybody for coming out thanks uh grant for job well done Steve I also uh hooked my head in at the job fair in the afternoon and then the evening and I was quite impressed with the amount of people that came out so it was impressive that's why I went um the afternoon when I was riding by and I said oh Dorne I did call Mr buildo to see if it was something that I could pop my head in know and I did and everybody was uh very well interviewing and it really was well-run um so I just want to say thank you for that and I think that was probably one of the larger ones from what I understand that we've had so kudos to everyone that uh was involved in all that so just wanted to say that thank you any others I'd like to thank Mr Wells for going with that other guy what a big savings we'd be a mess thank you I like take take the time to thank everybody for taking the time this summer to come out and sit with us be safe everybody have a good night May I have a motion to adjourn please all in favor thank you guys good night