I like call this meeting to order notice this meeting before the inquire Carri your post Clark of the township the district website and members of the Board of Education and posted in a board of education office at 17 aiel Road Blenheim New Jersey please note this board meeting May Be video or audio recorded will everybody please rise for the flag slute of the United States of America and to the Republic which one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all God bless may I have a roll call please Mrs Fritz here M scall here Mr Gibbons here Mr gilch here M Gore here Mr Johnson Mr oon here M dintino here Mr Marks here we have a we do not have executive session so we're going to move on to the approval of the minutes for executive session May 13 2024 may I have a motion in a second please any questions roll call please Mrs Fritz yes Mrs gck yes Mr Gibbons yes Mrs gilch yes Miss Gore yes Mrs Johnson yes Mr oono yes M Tino yes Mr Marks yes may I have a motion in second for board minutes for regular board February 26 2024 as amended March 18th 2024 as amended May 13 2024 moved second any questions roll call please this is Fritz yes this is gck um I abstained from February 26 because I wasn't here and yes for March 18th and May 13th Mr Givens yes Miss kilch yes Miss Gore yes M Johnson yes missano yes Mr dintino yes Mr Marks yes this time we'll move on to public comments for agenda items only please yes can you step up your the mic please good evening Mr buildo and members of the board my name is Kelly rner six glamas Road Blackwood New Jersey I stand before you tonight as a mom and an advocate for my children and the children of Blackwood Elementary School and their counselor Kathy gogin a little over a year ago I stood before you and asked you to consider adding additional counsel to our elementary schools to support our students growing mental health and social emotional needs and the impact these growing needs have on our children and their level of success academically you saw the value in additional counselors and the impact our counselors have had on our children this addition has allowed our for our counselors to offer preventative care to our students who need it most rather than responding only to crisis moments our counselors are effectively giving our children tools to navigate social emotional and other mental health challenges Mrs goggen is the heart of Blackwood Elementary School she has been there for 16 years and has worked hard to build caring and lasting relationships with her students and their families the students of Blackwood are her number one priority and her do is always open for them when my son was moving into first grade I emailed Mrs gogin before school started sharing with her the loss of my grandfather and how it had impacted my son she immediately responded during the final days of summer offering her condolences and stated she would be available for him if he needed any additional support during the school day knowing Mrs goggen was there if my son needed her support made the transition back to school during our time of great sadness much easier Mrs gogin is available to all students her door is always open she always wears a smile has an infectious positive attitude and always offers words of encouragement she is the students biggest cheerleader and Advocate as you you are aware Mrs Goin is being transferred to another Gloucester Township Elementary School come September Blackwood has also lost their social worker when our children return to school in September they will no longer have a familiar Confidant or trusted adult in the building while I'm sure the new counselors plac at Blackwood are wonderful our children and their families will not have anyone that knows them and their needs research has shown that some of our students are coming to us with adverse childhood experiences oh I just lost my end oh I lost my place sorry that Encompass Encompass direct harms such as abuse and neglect and indirect harm such as family issues parental substance abuse or mental illness this creates significant risk for problems for our children later in life including mental health problems substance abuse interpersonal violence and self harm due to long- lasting effects interventions are essential to prevent or mitigate the impact one form of support is the role played by trusted adults in the lives of our most vulnerable children when asked by researchers children and young people commonly view relationships with trusted adults as supported supportive describing a wide range of benefits such as greater self-confidence decreased feelings of sadness and worry and better school engagement and achievement if research shows so many benefits of a trusted adult for our students facing adverse childhood experiences then why as a district are we removing Mrs goggan from Blackwood Elementary I am concerned as a mom that this decision is not in the best interest of our children and the potential negative impact this could have on our children over their lifetime adverse childhood experiences negatively impact mental and physical health across one's life these impacts can be significantly mitigated by always having support from an adult you trust in childhood having this support in place helps our children to build resilience and also reduce childhood adversity I ask tonight that we please consider our children and their growing a social emotional and mental health needs as you did over a year ago the children of this District are and always should be our main focus their needs well-being and growth should always be our top priority transferring Mrs Goen is not in the best interest of our children and will prove to be detrimental please reconsider this trans transfer and allow for Mrs Goen to remain at Blackwood to continue to be a safe place for our children please put our children first they need Mrs gogin and the strong relationship she has created with them and their families thank you thank you any other comments hi good evening W and Mr um I'm Angela lamort I'm a teacher at Blackwood Elementary um so let me start by saying that Blackwood Elementary has been my home for the last 20 years I love my students I love my family there we are a very unique bunch at that school we we connect with each other we lean on each other support each other and we celebrate each other it's where my heart is it is my home and Kathy goggin is a big piece of the puzzle that holds us all together a few weeks ago we learned that our beloved social worker Tammy Dash was being transferred to another school though this was de devastating news for our staff we understood that her superpowers as a social worker were needed elsewhere our immediate thought was all right well we still have Mrs goggin but no we heard we are losing both of our Rockstar counselors our students are in more need now than ever before for their charish counselors at Blackwood think of the child who this is going to affect the child who relies on the connection and relationship they have built with Mrs Goen as well as their families and is now left to start over with someone new someone they do not know our students so heavily rely on Mrs Goan and her outstanding ability to coach and support them through an array of obstacles every day talking is talking a student with racing negative thoughts through their feelings helping feuding friends work through their problems and helping students see the good in themselves when they're feeling less than or being the comfort that so many students need when they do not know how to manage their big feelings the list goes on now Co times were certainly tough but in my opinion it sort of Pals in comparison to now we have a whole new wave of emotional challenges that our students face every day and because of her they become better versions of themselves the Ripple effects of transferring both of our counselors is going to be felt and it's going to be substantial and the students are not the only ones who need Mrs Goin like I said before she is a very vital piece throughout our family puzzle aside from acting as a crucial part of the inrs process providing valuable advice and feedback Mrs gogin is our beautiful friend the way she is able to bring our staff together through tough times guide teachers with challenging students and be a listening ear if you should need it I cannot tell you how many times I have been to Mrs gagan's office to talk about my own students or my own children at home and struggles that I've personally gone through we faced many challenges in the last few years and she's been there every step of the way guiding us to be our best selves and being the glue to hold us together she's nothing short of a rockstar guidance counselor and Shining Light and we are all truly blessed to leave her sorry to transfer both of our counselors out of our school we have would have would be a would have a profound negative effect and no disrespect I like the like Kelly rer was saying I'm sure our new counselors are going to be wonderful but they're not going to be a familiar face for our students and I think we can all agree that having Mrs Goan remain at Blackwood so that she can show the new counselor the ropes and allow him or her to get their feet would be the obvious answer there's no one better to Mentor a new counselor for our students and their needs so I am sincerely begging you to hear me and really take my words into consideration and hear our please we would not be we would not all be here on our first day of summer vacation if this wasn't something that was truly truly meaningful for us so thank you thank you any other comments I speak as an employee of C you speak however you'd like I'm sorry you can speak as either I can yeah whatever you want to speak okay you'll be next b' that's fine all right I'm an employee of gler Township Public Schools for 37 years um the reason I'm here this evening DJ oh I'm sorry Dorothy Hope h delayo d l a yo uh the reason I'm here tonight is because I suffered last fall uh a sudden illness and it came on to me five weeks after the school after school started so by the first week in October I was out I was in the hospital for 26 days and I had to remain home for three and a half months on uh medical leave I came back I currently work at Union Valley I've been there since the first day we opened um I was at waser Township school for my first 10 years in the district and I work at L I worked at uh Lily school for four years and as I said I've been at uh uh Union Valley since the first day we opened now I came back and um I wasn't 100% but I'm G to say I was definitely 80 85% I work in the library at Union Valley currently and I've been there several years in library now I work with Joanne lucer the librarian I came back and the second day I was back uh I started to have to work in a hostile work environment and uh I was being harassed now this is never happened to be before in my 37 years um the harassment started by Joanne lucier but Mr marado did quite a bit of harassing also um years ago I worked the summer latch ke program and I was in charge of the trips and the uh um kitchen now I had split duties and I did it very well I had a lot of responsibilities is this about the counselor the agenda item or is this about because there's a second public portion this is this portion is just for the agenda so there'll be there's G to be a second portion for any item that's not on the agenda or on the agenda so do I have to stop speaking if you you there will be a second opportunity for public comment for any item thought we were speaking on behalf of the guance counc which is fine since that is an agenda item tonight that's what the first public comment section so I should stop speaking and speak later on if it's not about that then yes thank you okay I'll do that all right that right microphone's yours good evening um I'm Janice reala and I am a parent of two children at Blackwood Elementary um so I'm going to just start to the members of the Gloucester Township School Board I'm writing to you today to address your decision in having Mrs Kathleen Goin guidance coun transferred out of Blackwood Elementary School Mrs Goin has been an integral part of the Blackwood Elementary family for many years and has touched the lives of so many of our children in extraordinary ways as a parent of two children who attend Blackwood Elementary I can speak firsthand of the positive impact Mrs Goen has made on their lives five years ago Mrs Goin helped my oldest child Victoria transition smoothly into Blackwood Elementary when we made the decision to enroll her in the GT public school system and out of private school having Mrs gagan available and reachable made my then six-year-old daughter feel comfortable calm and safe in this new environment that she was not familiar with as the years have gone on my oldest daughter continues to speak to Mrs Goin daily on a number number of situations which she encounters as a tween girl trying to navigate her way through conflict difficult friendships and situations which has which have made her feel uneasy the guidance Mrs gagan has provided to Victoria has been extremely beneficial and valuable especially now as Victoria goes through another transition into Middle School the advice lessons and guidance which Mrs gagan has provided to Victoria is invaluable and she is irreplaceable as my second child Gabriella begins to navigate her way through Blackwood Elementary as a younger student Mrs gogin has helped her understand the day-to-day of Blackwood Elementary and has fostered an engaging Open Door relationship with her Mrs Goan has developed this relationship with all the children at Blackwood Elementary her open door policy and ability to create a safe space for the children to speak freely and openly has established an environment where the children know they will not not be judged on decisions or mistakes which they have made and has alleviated many of the pressures which our children face and feel today transferring Mrs Goan out of Blackwood Elementary will have detrimental effects on our children they will feel a great loss for someone they love someone they feel comfortable with and someone they have grown to view as a family figure this loss which the children will feel from not having accessibility to Mrs Goin will in turn have negative effect a negative effect on them both mentally and emotionally the children will compartmentalize and restrain their feelings on issues and situations which they would normally seek guidance from Mrs gogin on and in turn make decisions based on adolescent emotions that lack the sound and mature advice which Mrs gogin would provide at this time I respectfully request that you reconsider your decision to transfer Mrs gagin out of Blackwood Elementary and to place the children's best interest and wellbeing at the Forefront of your final determination I thank you for your time and for providing me with the opportunity to speak thank you any other comments I see none we're going to close we got one sneaking up hi my name is Melissa Peterson um I have one student at Blackwood and I'm sorry but I didn't I didn't you know write anything down I was just gonna speak from my heart quite my son is autistic and he's been at Blackwood for several years now and during covid we lost two family members who were very ingal into my son's life so with his special needs as it is already having Mrs goggin there having her having been able to call her and say Will's having a really bad day he really misses my mom can you please talk to him today being able to do that means so much as a mom um so I'm respectfully asking you changes hard for anybody but when you take a a child with special needs someone who he trusts who he comes home and says Mama guess what I talked to Mrs Goin today and having him so happy makes me as a mom happy it makes my job easier I'm respectfully asking you to reconsider because she means something to not just my family but so many other families so just please thank think about our kids cuz our kids need her thank you thank you any others we have none we're going to close the first up wait wait wait couple more couple more okay throw hands up my name is Britney Peterson my son my wife just came up and spoke to you so he has been in Blackwood since he was three years old and during covid he unfortunately got transferred over to Ariel and we did not have a good relationship with counselors there he did not trust them he would not talk to them having Mrs Gogan and she's known him since he was three they have that trust they have that relationship and yes he is autistic he has special needs and whether your special needs are not having that trust in a counselor somebody that you can go and talk to and know you're not going to be judged is extremely important as I went through it when I was a child that I went through many counselors that I did not trust until I found one that I did taking her away from these students is going to have a detrimental impact on their mental health it is going to show them that they cannot trust adults and that's not what you want you want them to be able to trust the adults you want them to be able to go and talk to their kids or talk the kids talk to their teachers talk to the counselors and have trust in them and by doing this you're taking away that trust you're taking away that confidence that they have in the adults that are supposed to have their education and their well-being forr in their minds and by doing this you're not please please reconsider what you're doing and the impact it's going to have on our children and our future children thank you hi I'm Kathy Goin I at least wanted to put to the name that we've been hearing um so first I wanted to just take a minute I did not expect this at all um this is I just finished my 32nd year with cluster Township I taught for 17 years 16 years I'm sorry at Ariel as a special education teacher which I loved but I knew that there was something more I wanted to do and I wanted to be a counselor and I wanted to reach the kids that I could see as a teacher needed it the most and I knew I could do it and the last 16 years have been an incredible journey that I've been on and I'm so grateful as you can see from the support that I've had but this transfer was not one that was voluntary and to say shocked was not even the the the right word i i to me you can't move a veteran counselor in with another veteran counselor who who is superb by the way at Union Valley and I love her but you're you're not leaving anybody at Blackwood and for those of us that know Blackwood well uh you know I have DCP andp come in the law Guardians office come in every almost every day and they're hey Kath that's how much I work with the state I work with these kids I work with the families we work well together it doesn't make any sense to me this has not made any sense at all this is this is not just my home but I just keep thinking of these kids and I and I've already reached out I mean we've been out what one day I've already reached out to dcpn P because I already had some emails from them this community at Blackwood these kids I've built these relationships with for 16 years and it doesn't make sense to pull me from a place where these kids come in every day it doesn't matter what kind of day I'm having they matter these kids matter they are everything to me and to move me doesn't make any any sense I'm just hoping that you'll take a minute and reconsider moving me and leaving me at my home with my bab I say babies with my babies these are my kids these are the they're my babies and I want to stay where I know I'm needed the most thank you for your time thank you any others we're going to yes please don't be hesitant speaker but um my name is Emily kudmi um my son Mason is going into fourth grade and he sees Mrs gogin he is obsessed with this woman when I tell you my son I'm gonna get emotional he loves you so much Mrs Goan he is a foster child that I adopted almost three years ago and he literally told me today when I told him about her potential leing he goes who is gonna help Mr fante Patrol at recess because he needs help and he has a they have a walkie-talkie and they they they're the best people there and I what are we going to do she can't leave you have to do something and I said going to this meeting tonight I'm gon to try to get up the courage to talk but we transferred from Township and um I went through a divorce and he is like I said a foster child he comes from a tough background of seeing people constantly coming and going out of his life and for her to leave would just tear into shreds completely honest so please reconsider oh my God I'm sorry take your time thank you thank you any others we're going to move on to reporter Lister Mr long I don't have anything at this time Mr Marks thank you reported as superintendent Mr buildo good evening Mr Marks Mike Mike good evening Mr Marks thank you for that uh members of the Board of Education I do have a singular change to the superintendent's report canot hear me can you hear me now good evening everybody members of the board I do have a singular change to the superintendent report under items 6.6 a uh there is on that attachment the name of Abigail Connor I believe it is the last row on 6.6 a and am I doing that correctly 6.6 a a she has withdrawn and declined the position so if you could just put a line through that last row that is the only change to the agenda and then I would ask the board for consent resolutions for items 6.2a through 6.6 W as amended may I have a second please second any questions yes I do um please under 6.4 BNC super superintendent recommends the approval of homeless students for the 2324 school year along with the homeschooling students is that a um why are we doing this now school's over you talking about b b and c b also 6.4 B is it does say none n correct but it it also says 23 24 is that well for B we have none for B saying the date the date um I'm I'm questioning 23 24 or is this for 2425 uh that is a good question homeschooling homeschooling I'm gonna say it's 23 24 and that's just homeschooling that we need to approve uh for a student but school is out so that's the end of the year the contracts yeah the timing is is for these contracts it's it's merely a ratification Mrs Johnson just because any parent has a right to Hom school yes they just have to notify us and we have to just approve it so I think this was late fair to say late notification okay okay that's fine thank you thank you any other questions they have a roll call please let's Prince yes Mrs gck yes Mr given I a no on 6.6 I for the following um employee IDs I'm not exactly sure which one she is but if we have like a staffing issue moving counselors around I think that's an us issue not the children's issue that they need to deal with so employees 6492 5648 0337 6414 4014 I think covers all those csor transfers repeat the last all the csor transfers correct yes 6414 and 4014 uh yes to the balance M gilch uh yes 6.6 I 0337 no um 6.6 rest yes on the balance 0337 right yes okay Miss Gore I'm a no to 6.6 I for 0337 yes on the balance Mr Johnson a no on 6.6 I with the same numbers as Mr Gibbons and yes on the balance so Donald ditto 6.6 I I'm a no on all the counselors being moved all of them um oh I have a bunch of abstentions I'm sorry um I am abstaining on 6.6g 3705 2273 0593 6.6 Q I am abstaining on 3396 no on the counselors yes on I'm I'm still reading my notes yes on the balance Miss dintino I'm G know on 6.6 L yes on the balance Mr Marks I am a no on 6.6 I employee number 0337 yes on the Balan so uh Mr M by my count uh the motion carries except for 6.6 I employee 0337 that motion did not pass with that specific employee I also want to change a vote is 0337 is that a counselor yes okay I had forgotten a 6.6 L that's a no a no yes you know me too I'm sorry you're allowed to change votes 6.6 l no as well my apologies I have notes all over this piece of paper it's a hot mess it's like below average for you it's that's bad so L still passes but that one transfer did not okay reported a business administrator Mr mcy yes moving on to mov on to item seven I are 7.0 through 7 7 Q asking for the board's approver from 7.0 through 7.7 Q may I have a motion a second please so move second any questions yes um 6.5a the buses for the junior Police Academy Mr Bido has there ever been conversation between you and maybe the chief or Gloucester Township in general regarding shared services we we put a whole lot of money into SRO we donate a whole lot of things to them and then we have to pay for signs and it's a little frustrating that it doesn't go both ways this is for the buses for the um kids so it's it's just a little frustrating to me that the it doesn't go both ways give and take a couple months ago we approved we had to pay for a bunch of signs that the township did for us which are also in the benefit of the public so just a little frustrated has that conversation ever happened is that a conversation that maybe we could have good evening Mrs odonnell there has been uh a an initial meeting regarding shared services in the township Not Just Between the police department but the Public Works who made those signs um and our district as well as blackor Pike Regional School District um that hasn't um uh taken a lot of steam behind its sales as of yet um but I do think that we can rekindle that conversation um the focus here tonight is I know that the junior Police Academy run predominantly with our students in it so I was trying to support our students by that resolution I understand we also you're making a you're making a separate issue yeah we donate we donate a lot and so to get to get we do but I will also say that when we do have different events um at any of our schools when we need temporary lighting Public Works provides that temporary lighting shows our head custodians how to use that we don't get a bill for those lights and they are outdoor events at middle schools Blackwood Elementary had it in the fall um so there is um some give and take out there that people don't know about but I think to continue to have that conversation and to maybe put it all down in writing on what everyone does for one another might be prudent appreciate it thank you that's all I had thank you any other questions the uh I had a question on the uh HVAC position are we anywhere with an HB position we have Peterson again with Bill for quite a bit uh good evening Mr Gibbons it's very difficult to acquire and retain uh anyone that has lure for HVAC we continue to post and we do continue to acquire but um Private Industry is very competitive on what they can offer uh different people so it's it's uphill at this point but we continue to try when we don't have our own staff we're forced to use private vendors like Peterson any other questions may I have a roll call please Mrs Fritz yes Mrs gck yes Mr Gibbons I am a no on check 133 382 and yes on the balance Mrs gch yes this SC yes Mrs is Johnson I'm going to abstain on 7.5b 7.6b and E and 7.7 letter O is no then check number 13382 is no check number 1339 six abstain check number 1335 abstain and 1362 I'm sorry 133 624 no yes on the balance sorry Mrs Johnson did you say you voted no on 7.70 yes okay and what was the first check you voted no on uh 13382 13 three three threes 13338 threes okay now that makes logic okay thank you Mr O Donald wow my brain hurts um okay I am abstaining on check number 133 551 I am a no on 133 561 yes on the balance stentina yes Mr Mar yes want to move on to Old business Mr buildo No Time new business h no this time we're going to move on to public comments yeah ma'am you start lead off y lead us off pick up for you left off all right I'm going to pick up where I lo where I left off you're gonna have to excuse me a little bit because public speaking is not one of my um best things that I do but um I am Dorothy H Deo and I work at Union Valley Elementary I've been with the district for 37 years as I said earlier um I was in the hospital uh back in October for 30 27 days I'm sorry um I took ill very suddenly um uh the early part of October and I came out of the hospital and I had to stay home for three and a half months so the whole ordeal was four and a half months long uh when I came back to Union Valley uh needless to say I wasn't welcome with open arms um they were all my friends before I left and when I came back I may have had three or four I suffered harassment hostile work environment it was bad um I did seek an um counsel and she told me what I needed to do but um so I'm here I'm presenting this to uh the board because needs to be spoken about not everything in this Township is is run on the up and up needless to say but um um as I said I suffer harassment hostile work environment uh it started with this ricado and uh it went down to Mrs Elwell uh Joanne lucer in the library the library and I work in the library and uh a few other people that were piling it on me and um I had to have several meetings I was called into uh the conference room I was called down the township and I didn't deserve any of this I'm Rec I was recovering from a very s serious illness and uh they had to put more pressure on me um I know Mr marado wants to get rid of me uh that scem back from over 10 years ago when I worked some relat King and I worked that for a good 25 years I was in charge of the trips and the uh kitchen and I was the highest paid person there and uh what had happened is Mr micado came on board when Cheryl Barker was there you know she was she knew I was a right arm girl Mr Mado CH retired Mr Mado came on board and he just wanted to clean house and he wanted to start with me and so we split my job into two um he made it very difficult for me to keep my job he told me I can fire you if I don't like the color of your eyes that's how it all started but um you know I I applied being my job was split in two I had to apply for both needless to say I didn't get either um so my job with the summer latch key was over uh Mr Mado likes to uh harass people he likes to show who's the boss and I've seen it done many many times but um you know beans I took sick in the fall I really saw it being done I'm being called into the conference room they're putting the pressure he's putting the pressure on me uh you know to retire this that and the other I'm going to say when I'm going to retire Mr marado is not going to tell me I came back I had to be at 80% capacity uh when I left there a week ago every bit at 95% capacity the harassment not only came from Mr Mado it came from Mrs Elwell it came from Joanne lucer the librarian Mrs uh lucer oh I'm sorry Mrs um Elwell you know we were good for friends when I came back you know like nobody's talking to me other than like I said three or four people I'm being ignored um it it's not it's not good to go to work every day when you're trying to work under these conditions and then I was told by Mrs luer that three books in the library weren't shelled properly well being there 177,000 books and you got three kids in here when I'm away on medical I would definitely say there's more than three books Michelle um it was they were hit me from all directions um it was it wasn't good and I had to take days off I had doctor appointments and so forth I took days off Mr Mado wanted me to fill out the FMLA forms I had 103 sick days accumulated I didn't need to fill out a fors and that also would have given him the opportunity to look at my medical records and seeing what my medical problems were and therefore boot me out because of that I wasn't going to give him the opportunity being he got rid of me with Sumer latki a number of years ago Mr Mado is not a good person to have his Personnel director um he is he feels he's the king and everyone else is down here um it's not good it's not good at all um I just wanted to say that I'm going to stay I'm not going to stay in the library I'm going to go in the nurses office I have the most seniority in that building I'm going in the nurse's office I already stated this at one of the meetings I tape recorded the last meeting I am I I have seniority in that building and I'm going to say where I'm going to go I'm going to stay in that building for the reain remainder of my career which I say it's about two years um he is not going to tell me where to go and he's definitely not going to fire me and I know that's his goal um he has put me under s much stress since I've been back he needs to go not me and I guess that's all I have to say right now thank you thank you for your time any others yes sorry don't I was late championship game kids blew it uh DEA Hendry Summerdale um I have a question what does IEP stand for individualized education program oh that's a good one um so my son has an IEP um for reading uh he's going into the sixth grade I know the child reads on a third grade level but this kid can do math like a champ he can do math like no other he scores in the seventh grade in in the fifth month he was actually flagged for being an accelerated math I would think because of our test scores in math we would encourage and champion and and somehow Foster a way that a kid who could do math like a champ who could struggle in Reading could be in an accelerated math program I was told and not not asked and not having an IEP meeting somebody made the decision for me and for Hunter which the IEP team includes the parents if I'm mistaken that Hunter can't do the accelerated math program because he has an IEP in Reading n du the kid can't read I know that he knows that but he works real damn hard for it he should be able to be in an accelerated math program with that he needs to read a freaking word problem not be told that he has to be in general education for math or that if he does the accelerated math program that he can't get the help that he needs to read the program how are we encouraging our children not just my hunter but all the children who can be not well in one subject but brilliant in another it has to have some sort of way that these children are nurtured and cheerlead to be at their full potential so therefore we're not holding anybody back whether it's hunter or any other children in this District so I'm asking you whoever is in charge to kindly see how can we encourage kids to be at their full potential that they that they test to be there and yet still support them in their IEPs so as you said I means individualized educational plan IEP team includes the parents that decision was not made with me and that's a shame and that's also against the law I thank you for your time thank you any other comments M Bri um I just want to say thank you for listening to these Educators in the situation that they were faced with with Mrs Goen I also like to thank you for voting to ratify the contract we worked hard on it and it is a good contract and I'm sure that the members are pleased and I ask that you as you move forward that you continue to listen to the Educators when when it comes to the education of the students and what their plan is in the school buildings I thank you for your time thank you do I have anybody else would like to speak we'll get you we just we just want to give everyone else a chance and then we'll come back to yeah nobody else speak you'll be the last speaker T night yeah ma'am you're good your turn I'm sorry this is uh I get I'm that kind of person uh when I did not return the FMLA forms uh Mr micado told me uh at the meeting that I had to return them and I said there's no reason to return them when I have 1036 days and I didn't for another reason also because I don't need anyone in this District basically Mr Mado to look at um the FML a forms they had to be returned to him nobody needs to know my medical problems except me and my doctors um and I knew that he'd be looking at them because he got rid of me for summer LOD KY and I know that's his goal to get rid of me again also uh at the last meeting when I was recording it he said he was going to put a note in my file and I'm I'm saying to myself you go ahead and do that because he wants to make sure that he gets rid of me by the end of September a bad note of my file which I don't have any but he's going to make sure he's going to get rid of me and that's not going to happen so I just want the board to know what I have experienced the last three and a half months since I've been back and none of it's been good I've been ignored by Tracy Elwell by the whole office staff except drall um I go into work every day it's it's not a pleasant work environment nobody could go into work the way I have been the last three and a half months of school um that little that little click in the office needs to be broken up um but I am definitely standing at Union Valley I did nothing wrong thank you for your time thank you ma'am we're GNA move on to board member comments well I'll just say I had a really great time at graduation I went to Mullen is there any Mullen people here that song is amazing that's all um what's really cool is the principal talked a lot about the day Awards and how the kids just supported each other so massively and then we actually saw it at graduation when they were giving out Awards and every single kid no matter who it was they were hooting and hollering for each other it was it was a really good time I I do love to go to Mullen thank you that's all I have you're welcome any other comments I just want want to congratulate all the eighth graders that graduated I had the pleasure of going to CW Lewis it was a great graduation and I'm sure the rest of them were great but congratulations have a great summer be safe and we'll see you teachers in September and thanks for all you do thanks for all your help we do appreciate you as well as support staff we I thank everyone that's in this District can I go again after everybody else done yeah any other comments I want to say congratulations to all the uh eighth graders graduating um and fifth graders moving into middle school and thank you for coming out and have a great summer any others I wanted to say congratulations to all the eighth graders also I also was at Mullen school um the speeches were great and the kids did support each other um when the choir was singing the song the um music cut out a couple times and the kids just clapped them in Rhythm and they were really great and they were so proud and it was really wonderful experience so congratulations everybody have a great summer and thanks for everybody for everything they do yeah I'd like to congratulate I was at Glen Landing um and once again those kids they they were topnotch um thank you for coming out um enjoy your summer have have a safe one and we'll see you in September thank you any others yeah you got one more over here you're going to be our last speak I'm just gonna gush a little bit more but I think the board does need to know that Mullen girl softball won the championship just saying I'm not bias or anything but they it was such a great game I thought it was going to be a no hitter but I think it was Cherry Hill came in and got a couple hit it was a great game but they won the championship so I think the Board needs to know that thank you you're welcome I'd like to thank everybody for taking the time to come out tonight enjoy the beginning of the summer we'll see everybody in September everybody good night May I have a motion to adjourn please all in favor thank you good night