[Music] welcome to the gramy board of assessors meeting July 29 2024 I'm going to call the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. we're it's a baly 68 69° I opened the window yeah could be worse the air conditioner is not working I I think it shuts down at a certain time I know it's on a timer on the remote yeah we have meeting minutes for June 17th 2024 or July that's what I meant I I was so I can okay correction July I wrote on there no you're doing the June minutes first it should be July should be July the the agenda correct but we we didn't have a meeting July 17th plus July 22nd I didn't make the agenda it's June 17th it says right here July 17th it's June 17th it is June there so you're Greg was wrong is it possible I could be wrong yes you think so you want to take a vote you didn't think so yes very much so we going to make a correction to our minutes it should be well minutes are correct what of was wrong the agenda's correct the minutes are incorrect so it's up July 17th it's June 17th Greg the executive session you have right June 17th yeah so you're one for two perfect I make a motion we accept the minutes of June 17th uh regular meeting where doota and I were at I make a second out of necessity all in favor I any oppos I have to sign this two I make a motion we ex accept the minutes of July 7 June 17th for executive session I will second out of necessity all those in favor I and I will sign Mo out of necessity and we have minutes from July 22nd [Music] [Applause] 20124 this uh Commonwealth unemployment ass assistance was a something we received last meeting yes do you have a copy of that I I will get you a copy of it I make a motion we accept the minutes of July 22nd 2024 second all those in favor I two nothing any discussion you jump right over that all the time welle accepted then we don't need discussion discussion supposed to be before I make a motion we accept the meaning of the executive session of July 22nd 2024 second any discussion all in favor I 3 Z done motor vehicle excise abatement forms three of them that's a much more reasonable number I tried three weeks fine these assigned here [Applause] [Applause] did that house up by you sell yet nope has what the house up by you sell yet no what I mean I was going to ask you not necessarily during the meeting is real estate really slow well we'll talk after okay I haven't even seen people going through it but that doesn't mean they haven't been I don't sit there and watch no you need to tell me a better stuff to do you're always on vacation that's why they were back working on it today I don't know what they're doing really we're resending motor vehicle abatements one of them yeah because we can't um um mess rules are you can't get back $5 and you can't take so this was less than $5 $325 get back so it's how much $325 we to the good yes that's what I want to work on good luck good luck to you I wish you the best [Applause] uh let's see motor vehicle excise abatement and commitment motor vehicle excise AB batment rescinded warrant and commitment and we have payroll for Michelle [Applause] we no okay read this nothing you were out on the 19th is that how this just says Friday right Friday the on Friday on a Friday Friday the 19th you're out [Applause] yes bills payable in the amount of $67.50 looks like uh summer school do we want to list those in the minutes the specific bills I'm just just asking a question yeah yeah I was just not the secretary Hampshire uh Hampshire Hampshire County registry of deeds for $7.50 yeah and then sum ma aao summer school tuition [Applause] $600 and that's just the tuition or that's everything does anybody remember what tuition was last year that was tuition I think it was the same or like 550 so this is just a course correct that's just a course I didn't know if you guys were going to approve it so I don't know what you want to do with the overnight or if you canot prove the school and is this course 5 that's course five mass appraisal for Real Estate do you have a print out of what you they offering oh but you know she has that you don't get website connection um any discussion about bills payable no I think the registry G is out of like everything that's being offered yeah for the for the schedule I think I think we got an email about that yeah I I wanted to print it out you're lucky oh yeah I don't have don't the classes offered or the is it I has has tuition gone up I don't remember being $600 before it must have yeah um I think it's U by virtue I mean everything else gone up by virtue of the fact that we're holding it at a Prov private Convention Center versus UMass yeah now Jay and I haven't been able to get more information out Jay says that uh they got into a bit of a pissing contest on camera um last year and so somebody said that's it which I think is not really probably the best response now a better response would be you know switching up a location every other year or something like that that's valid well but there's UMass Worster there's got to be a conference room there that you can use is that where it's actually yeah just outside Wester Southbridge well South Bridge is quite away from Wester South Bridge is right near Sturbridge right but it's in there yes yes it's oh so it's only it's under an hour to get there it's it's about 40 minutes to get there yeah yeah it's not too far what 35 miles so it's a nice ride my suggestion aside from the fact that it's a nice ride um are we doing this now or later all right here's the chair he's Dr yep look at the agenda done H Roy certification status Roy how's my buddy Roy has he been here since the last time we met no has he he reached out to you since the last time we met yes and he mentioned yeah so he's just checking in and seeing where we're at and I probably should have moved that down to the executive session I'm not sure for recertification well if you talk about the specifics me [Applause] oh there is more to that at the bottom under the DLS data quality okay which is under executive session so we can Circle back to that you want to read this [Applause] suly suly so do we have a copy of this dqs we're going to talk about that later on yes executive session okay so I'm going to leave this out until we get to it um what was left to free cash so overlay that's the balance from C scoar 2023 the overlay yeah so part of the tax classification you're are supposed to put money aside for any abatements or um real estate abatements that come in we don't do that in our group Chris does it so the money that's left over that he puts aside which was that 220 something, $210,000 44 if there's still money in it it goes to free cash so my question was is what's left over and out of that $210,000 and if there is is can we use that for our budget that was my question but I didn't know if I should bring that directly to him or if one of you wanted to ask or we never done that have we never done I mean how much are we really talking about I have no idea only he knows [Music] yeah we've certainly we've certainly survived without it yeah survived isn't even the right word got along without it yeah but it'd be good to know right I mean you're going to need that overlay number for but tax purchases but Chris does that right yeah so so why are we duplicating what he does she wants to know what's left to see if we could use it if we needed to that's what Michelle's asking for the balance so we know what was left over that went to free if we needed it but we certainly can't spend that kind of money it's it's no it's that's not the balance that was the beginning balance I understand that yeah oh I I agree I'm just saying what she's asking I think the answer would be and if I were the town accountant and Town Administrator the answer would be if you need more money that's the purpose of folding money into free C right make a separate request to pull it out of fre cash I think it's irrelevant yeah well I was just thinking but it'd be good to know what the number is just for whoas we're going to eventually know that number anyways or for school I think we probably have to ask for it but I'm certain he doesn't have that number yet either the balance correct what exactly did you want to use it for in our budget just if we needed it for school or meetings or other things that may fall short we we can't use that in our regular budget that would far exceed the 3% inre it's only for abatements and exemptions but once it goes to free cash we would have to put request use it as a free cash no free cash the town specific request for free okay but it was just a question receed receive you get the did you understand the answer yes okay it automatically goes back into free cash I mean any time that if we fell short like we did last year we could make a request but it has to be I mean we've done that I know twice once being last year we need we go to the finance committee right well has to be seen fit to that's twice out of 27 years 27 for you only 21 for well it's important to know we had a new chair right two chairs are sitting on our new they were donated from the collector's office cyclical inspections fiscal year 2025 these are completed if they're highlighted or outstanding if they're highlighted outstanding if they're highlighted that's for this year now yes 25 we are welcome better late than ever to the new fiscal year so the size of the freaking new construction is unbelievable so I mean we tend to do these either in the fall or in the spring but she's just given us a list of what streets okay so we're fully caught up at this point so I updated what you just did and then I just highlighted of what's coming up so this is proposed for 25 this just I only see one street on here that's very long all the rest of them are pretty short that means you only want the long one school street so we'll give that to you schroll Street's got some nice traffic on it and Greg and I'll split all the short streets good guys I don't know if you'll be able to fit it in in between your vacations all right okay received we've got the password for our email is there a reason just this top one is multicolored well because she these are copies that's probably the original yeah that's the original oh they didn't come out on this yeah we don't have a color copier and they came out pretty bad which is your what do you want back the top one you going to keep one the top one did you want to keep one I'll take one if you may want want to copy it up so you can take the color copy one you sure yeah I'll look at him come [Applause] [Music] fall East Street South Headley is construction that could just be backland that's on us yeah I don't think I think it I think it was a a little ranch that was for sale do you know anything about the south street or Bachelor Street ones the first two The Bachelor Street 173 that was a bank owned yeah it's across from Greg yep and the other one the other one South Street was a short sale okay so all the other sales is prices are still not very many of them but they're selling for more than what we got them assess for they're um yeah South Street was a short sale and okay uh Bachelor stre was a foreclosure so s School Street went for 650 that's a new construction isn't it School Street seven School Street was one seven School Street no that's not a new that's that's the one next to forge Pond yeah yeah that's what yeah yes now that's that's an existing house yeah it's the one that next to forge Pond yes yes the old cook house any questions 231 chck Street okay no rer 56 Harris Street [Music] updates so if that house was this an updated card is what what I don't understand what this means so if the house was gutted and redone completely do we change the date I have no idea how to the computer does that we don't do that well she could feed in the effective dat we can okay it's gutted we can update it so it's now as of all right I don't think the house was totally gutter it was renovated but I'm not I would not use the word gutter okay the way it was described to me okay when I when when I went through it with the with the what you describe gutted as to me gutted means you go right you take go all the way back to the studs y take sheetrock off and everything goes right back to the studs that's gutted and then once that happens then we are allowed to change the the year build well I don't know how this changes I don't know if this changes automatically or we actually manually change it we override it okay okay from my perspective from the way I was told this was not guttered it was certainly renovated but it wasn't cuted okay I just wanted to put that question out there it's a great question Haven been in it it's a great question been in it um how's the value as it stands now it needs updating so the value is not this is not updated no I don't think so it from the with the with the renovation plus the increase in value so they're both in there it went from 328 to 511 it's a little more accurate that's pretty good ide yeah right but I have to change it to electric and stuff and that's my fallback on effective year built if we're in the ballpark of the value then to me and I could be wrong there not much Reon to change it no a good good point so is this your question that was my question oh and that might not always be the case it's like maybe 50% of the case um but changing the effect of your bill will get it up to the value that we're looking for that concludes the regularly scheduled meeting you have anything else for us before we go into executive session 628 yes I'm out of here reading at 28 to go into executive session to only come out toj the meeting me right now we just fly what time did we start this meeting 605 605 wow