the July 22nd 2024 meeting of the g board of assessors is called to order at 6:05 with Bill and Greg in attendance and Michelle clerkin did you try calling him yep no answer M to roer is looking for an AB Butter's list I sign that a couple days few days ago maybe a week ago sign R what's he want to do I didn't even want properties in South Hadley their planning board wanted it oh okay order vehicle warranty commitment for $ 47,9 one4 welcome to a new fiscal year motor vehicle warrant and commitment for $ 34,43 22 people don't realize how exciting this stuff is be giving back money Michelle can you send me an electronic copy of this thank you uh motor vehicle excise abatement warrant for 202 3 um 74 44 that's a gross signature Michelle yeah just a random FYI that uh signatures does not list bill and I signing motor vehicle excise abatements on the agenda oh probably on to is there just one here yes well I Sig you could probably update that but I don't know off the top of my head but maybe you do how many exercise abatements um applications there are I think there was 45 just letting you know you can do it 45 did you go up to me I was in on the cas for a week with all my kids and grandkids perfect whereabouts at Dennis P right on the water same house we rented two years ago very nice only this year wasn't much better than two years ago and all the grandkids are two years older so they're a little bit noisier you understand oh God yet 7 years ago we rented a place on the Bayside of um a town down on the cape and it's not worthy because at the time my youngest granddaughter was 5 months old and she got bit by horse fly and had an allergic reaction to it y did it blow up like a softball that's something that you won't forget yeah and all of the EMS on the cape are seasonal employees oh no so if you live on a street that has the same spelling as some other street that gets a little dicey and the only thing that helped the entire situation was the fact that my son-in-law's a cop and he know how to handle the situation than yeah so picture she's got to go to the hospital and of course they're going to keep her for a little while and Samantha and Brian bring her home and the next thing you know we're cleaning the house top to bottom once again we've only been in it almost a day and that little girl is not going outside for the rest of the week hello Dakota good how are you yeah think okay well right now they're signing forms but I'm going to put you on speaker he sucks on TV what can I say he sucks on TV can you say any SS can I say he sucks on TV just remember on TV that's why I'm asking yeah Dakota can you hear us I can hear you you can hear me okay I need another pen I'm sorry so Dakota because I'm on TV I can't tell you what I think of you right now very good that make you feel doubly good he the does that make you feel doubly good yes com from you yes we got 45 45 motor vehicle excise abatements wonderful can I say wish you were here you can it but I'm not we in Maine currently um seago Lake oh okay what lake seago lake oh you're about a half an hour north of little oy Lake little OAB lake is that where you go yeah that's where I have a cottage with my with my siblings yeah he has yeah it's in it's in East Water borrow it's about a half hour you're about a half hour north are you going to Arcadia say that again are you going to Acadia uh no not I'm here no you suck in there done that you hiked all the trails huh Dakota yeah are you hiking say that again are you hiking how many of these things we have 45 and all all three was one right do they have lobster up there or no not in the lake usually you know where you get it they take it from here bring to Florida too if you want there yeah that's crazy if you wanted a random FYI you could explain to him that a Butters list for South adley property do you care about a Butters list that we signed I'd be more than happy to have you sign on my beh it for Mark D roers repeat that again Mark D roer it's 460 amris road but it's in South Padley and it's for the South H planning board Mark used to live on amher street for many years right and then he moved back there to the family family house and that's why bill is here I can't write your name I don't write as do tell that's a shocker Michelle this is tons of fun I know that's why I was hoping that we didn't put it off for another week I'd have like yeah oh my God a lot more it's a process cou I can count for 15 know pass that how long you going to be up in Maine I'm coming back Wednesday okay Miss you're asking okay just uh Curious okay now chap partial release of chapter land for thef flam you can't sign that anyways right right correct is that because land haded to be added to that one parcel or no neighbors the backel be right Michelle's time slip Bill Porter so what what are these cult they somehow weren't in sent in previously we haven't had a meeting in about a month hold so nobody this was submitted back in May right but it goes with the time sheets oh that wasn't in May shouldn't have been in May I submitted this May 8th then we missed it in June so I mean I don't really care it's just been sitting around yeah it's been in the folder okay do you know if this can is going on last years um budget I don't know should be how do we do that because both of these were done last year right it should have been encumbered right did is there anything we need to sign to do that no um I think um I'll have a conversation with Mrs Leonard um about these my knowled it should be going in there and they're anticipating us to be submitting knowledge to them as they come in you need to sign that one that's yours I can note on there that there should be for fisal 24 right well the difficult thing was that you were out um the end of fiscal year 24 yeah last week made made a bit of a snafu of it I don't know how they're going to handle it yeah but this early may all right I don't I don't care I don't need this what's this must be left over um your time off request yeah so on the bottom I didn't take yeah I didn't take that 12th that Friday right I was here right okay so I just wanted it to be noted that you saw it um you can keep this separate somehow um you maybe need to put that in the minutes that what uh the 12th yeah July 12th I didn't take Friday July 12th um Michelle did not take the time off that we approved say that one more time I can add it to the your you you'll add it to what you're going to send me okay thank you thank you uh bills payable ma dues yeah you guys should be getting yours in your email that from The Mao does there you get my when today no oh it's $75 a year now yeah those guys SU you should be getting one of these in your email I I lost you Dakota I haven't noticed it have you did you get one I have not looked Dakota so if I get one bring it in here I think umot you lost to huh mhm you you lost him good girl you're back com I he could yeah you're gobbly okay I do have your email oh he's gone how can you tell he's gone oh right screen is blank Kathleen Castello MAA o school is in Southbridge why is it in Southbridge they didn't like the way you Mass handled it last year so they moved it oh I should put the date on there it is the 12th to the 16th of August say again 12th to the 16th of August so you'll talk with cat I'm going back to that c those two cicles they were both last year so yeah you'll talk with Kathy yeah um I know that she did not handle bills because she wasn't in to work um so Chris should have handled them which doesn't mean he has I understand that is she back to work yes oh we have a budget for June June but not is there a copy yeah there's one for each what's put into the budget what happened on this first line um this is a notice don't know what we want to do about this um the date of the school is August 12th to the 16th and where are we at concerning the workload in the office are we up to date so it's not at you Mass this year no I'm not really crazy about Southbridge but that may be because I'm spoiled so Michelle are we up to date on everything that we need to have done in this office no I don't think we'll ever be well we're going to be up to date we're going to be we have to be um my thinking if we're is if we're not up to date we ought not to be attending the school is this a required one of the required courses do we have a list of the courses that they're offering is it all week long it's all week long it's should be on those emails yeah do you tou emails do we have a copy of that that's the only one I made I didn't know how many to make which courses have you taken so far Michelle I have taken the 101 the 200 the five um six but you haven't taken 102 no so there's a ma101 for when you first start the assing that's the D course that's done and I did the 101 for the io okay and when is this course the 12th to the 16th yeah where are you in in your opinion of getting stuff entered into the computer for for the for the year that we have coming up these need to be put into the system these and these and they should have been before August 1st those are the new buildings the larger dwellings and garages and so March 1st is like nine eight or nine eight or nine days away uh August August you said so is now what you're talking about August 1 those should be in but I don't know who if Rory is coming in or doing the August 1 or if that was Ryan I thought I thought it was Roy I did but but I didn't get the impression that he would necessarily be in August 1 but he would like him done by August first right um your best estimate without straining yourself how long is it going to take you to get into that stuff I don't know because I don't know how much is there until you guys go out oh so there's some that we haven't even gone out on those you need to go out and visit most of those have gone out on you yes hi Dakota oh see yeah hold on hear me I can hear you yeah can you hear me now loud and clear so these have been visited by you I just need to get them in the system and these are the ones that still need to go out and these are next year that don't have to be okay so the one that Greg's been out on those still have to be entered yes those I'll be working on tomorrow because I had to get those done now there's less than 10 of stuff that possibly needs to be visited but in each case none of those buildings are complete the ones that you looked at and the ones that are left you saw you went through the ones that yeah oh okay none of those are complete okay so necessarily they don't have to be in for the sake of a and most of the stuff that I went out on and visited none of that's complete okay then that will be a lot easier than if they're all brand new and done yeah they're all they're all brand new um maybe one has an occup or completion which is like a stupid little building so far this year I've gotten two occupancy right per right which is all we care about for the sake of the August 1 deadline so Roy should be and Ryan should be happy I'm hoping um so over and above that what needs to be done uh personal property needs to be done New Growth needs to be starting to get entered on the worksheet that's for year end um exemptions I need to start getting together those need to go out but those can be the end of September they're not du until October 1st um chapter land applications I need to start getting thinking about because those need to go out but those aren't due until December 1st so that's just on my list um just did the exis and there's a little bit of odds and ends that I need to work with Missy on like um so we have this property from JNL on it's on the agenda okay um non buildable lot yeah so he split up land and buildable Lots but where it's located because it's a water protection area instead of the 40,000 it's 60,000 and so these are non-buildable lots so he came in asking we can put it back into chapter land and he has enough acreage to put in chapter land but because he just took them out I don't know what the state's going to look at that if he has to wait the two years before he's eligible for the chapter land discount or if he's not I don't know though right so that I need to talk with that's just a yes or no question yeah okay what else um so um Dakota 56 haris Street that's the one you wanted to go visit right I'm sorry say that one more time 56 Harris Street yeah but last time I thought I message you sent me earlier last time we at a meeting Bill had or maybe they had questioned why we have to go back out when Bill was just recently out there for a cyclical or a building permit I believe I can't understand what he's saying yeah did you go up to 56 haris Street for a building perit I just didn't know you actually wanted to physically go do you remember it no without see I guess I think we had a brief conversation we kind of left it as is but um my thought is first of all I can't go to it seeing that um I sold that property years ago okay okay the previous owner um and two I I think had questioned it um I think the own the wife maybe questioned why we need to come back out is that correct um I don't it's been a little bit Yeah they they gutted it and they wanted to make sure that everything was done but I didn't know the Yeah the more happy to accomp someone there but as a secondary not a primary second um if either one of you would be interested in doing that more happy to to do so as in hanging out with you yeah that's right are you high right up alley I'm looking for the card now and I don't see it oh now now I've got it is this the one that where they uh added B Martin house oh okay full gut Restoration in addition to my knowled oh this is where I met the owners out there I met the owners on a site okay there's discrepancy with the owners and what our property says property card says versus what's really on site now so heating systems and other things I believe yeah yeah are you ser and I don't know it has own ccle it was cold when I walked in here it was cool I think all right we're posing the question to bill right now uh um while bill is looking at this at that the discussion of an MAA school in Southbridge um for this year would cost $129 a night for a hotel which would absolutely bust our meetings budget um I'll be honest with I think moving forward I assume they're not always going to be an amor I think that's something we to look into a little more maybe when right it would have been nice if we had a little heads up from them um I'll be honest I don't know where South breach is the course accreditation this afternoon so they they're not really on the ball my opinion either but I think I would prefer to put off that MAA school at that cost would you have I I think it would be inappropriate at the same time to ask us to foot $129 a night without knowing that ahead of time but that's just me that's open for discussion which is what we're doing your thoughts Michelle your thoughts I know that Kathy and um the Town Clerk and the tax collector um they go to school and they go away for the week so and I didn't know what money we had left over the cyal that may help fund that did we lose you Dakota still I didn't know if we lost you again I'm to you okay um so I just didn't know what was left in the budget so that would be a minimum of 4 days correct right four nights yeah yeah cuz you don't I don't think you stay Friday like we haven't gotten the full agenda yet right what course would you be taking when you're there I I'm not quite sure which one yet modified that okay I think I think that's everything email the only deal they say they put yeah I'm GNA ask 2022 tomorrow yeah um that's not there's no permit for that okay well maybe there is it says replace existing stove um but we already have them down for two chimneys of one of the chimneys is actually back in 1978 I guess we could change that to 22 2022 this is more for you and then who knows what that does to the value they don't care if the value goes up right I'm sure they don't no that's what they're I think looking for most of this stuff is not going to affect the value because it's it's Min splits Min splits is actually going to reduce the value instead of central air you know you and I know um yeah that's one thing be talking to Roy about look at I think i' I've answered all those questions and or Ryan yeah I can't imagine Ryan's aware of that but I think that's everything so um we're going to table the MAA old school until we get more info when do you have to have that in by Michelle I don't know I'll talk to Kathleen tomorrow and then I'll send you guys a message if if I get a hold of her and we received the budget for June the end of June and it doesn't look like there's anything encumbered for Reva got remember to talk to yeah I'll let you talk to her you have more influence than I do you you think so huh you're silly no that wouldn't show up in any of these articles well wouldn't it show up this reval would have been down here under in cumbered it probably has something to do with the general fund oh subtotal of one assessors I'll find out though or you can call I'll send you in to talk to Chris I'll talk to Kathy tomorrow but you can or I can have send you to talk cuz I'm the chair I can send anybody where I want okay so we have but I I'm just a peon I can deflect it back um the Commonwealth of Massachusetts unemployment assistance what is that all about just receiving something it says that we should give preference to those who are on unemployment but I don't know how we would know that I don't know how we would act ask that yeah see well thank you very much yeah it's because you moved what you did before you blocking it obviously I'm a chair I can say stuff like that all right received that and it really doesn't make any sense so what are we supposed to do anything just received I'm taking uh Michelle out of her work copy of the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission assessment for the town of grany does that come out of our budget yes no do we have a line item for that preb budget um $1,143 36 that's money we get do we have a line item for them no we get that money yeah that's actually that comes straight to me tax classification from Chris as acting chair I think that comes to me and if it doesn't it should so where are we going to get this money from from the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission oh we get it or we we give it to yeah we get it this is a receiving yeah it goes on the we can buy paper Gateway yeah so this is just an announcement yes but it would be curious to know where it goes why wouldn't it go towards meetings there you go it goes to blueberry pancakes we've already done that we're not doing blueberry panc Dakota did you hear we got money from the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission we get it every year do you know um if we're able to use their services or just they're just giving money we can always use their services we could always ask for their services which is not to say that they have the Personnel to assist us cyclical inspections is that what this stack hear is about um yes I'm just asking a question for the sake of Dakota Dakota just because you can't see it we have a half a dozen or more cyclical inspection cards um that we have to discuss oh I see this is um we're going to skip over those until we lose you unless you want to hear them we're going to do them in executive session um JNL properties non-buildable out we're going to table that yeah yeah Dakota did you hear about JNL properties splitting up into lots that are not buildable to my knowledge I want to say there yeser rather and after everything was divided um I believe that I believe that um he was commissioner I'm correct somehow Miss planning and it went you know on and on and on and right so according to Michelle those need to be 6 acre lots 60,000 or 60,000 excuse me rather than the 40,000 rather than 40 so we've tabled that um because there's no action required by us moving on CI Technologies and GIS yes so that is the going forward with putting the maps and property cards online do I go forward with that now yes yes okay going forward that's a technical term so I got to add that to my so I I don't I think doing some of this stuff is a higher priority yeah you know I'm not saying that's not important but this yeah it's just going to go on my list Mass Department of re DLS notification of property tax exemption approval where is that that's uh this email from Ryan Johnson what's a PRC property record card okay oh we have a spre oh that's um comments from Ryan yeah we just got to talk about those at some point yeah um we will table that until our next meeting um correspondence with Ryan concerning our classification of property real estate speak of next meeting do we want that next Monday night yes Dakota you're going to be available next Monday night the 29th yes you already posted a meeting correct not for the 29th only today okay and board of assessor password is still ongoing correct you don't have it got a few times maybe I dare say there's a disconnect on why people don't understand why we don't have access to our board assessor email um but somehow or another that needs gets there um other than that we're going to be exact enter we're going to be adjourned from here um regular session at 6:50 and entering into executive session