[Music] 6:05 welcome to the grany board of assessors meeting we are calling into order at 6:05 pm thank you yeah minutes from March 4th 2023 I make a motion we accept the minutes of March 4th 2024 I second all in favor I I any oppos two zero you don't have a signed copy of us do you just get that next thing for bu and he's off that's a better number so your truck has a bltch i don't no I mean not anymore thought we had a got parents here thank who's that got be a friend of yours oh yeah must be anything out of the ordinary with these don't forget to tell need so much fun this is here so all the fish is going to be on GH to fair but they're better show up they think they volunteers for they don't they don't mess around over there except for the fact that there serving as a contingent they were about to move in someplace else actually iconic com it's always been that's what I hear needs to be there historical landmark did I sign nomination papers for you yeah we at one of our meetings okay I just want to make sure because I don't remember it make it sure that I should make sure that you're you're aware of what you're signing our meetings well I signed a bunch of nomination papers oh all your friends yeah all of them March Madness get your bets in now what are we betting on every single team are you dating those or yes wow you thought it was just a pretty face right sorry what system do we use for the um our Billing System so are we integrated with the collector now orze TI radar is that the new system or is that the what we're using before point point okay we're no longer using Point nope now V I like the handwriting it's interesting yeah just good as M it's better than bills no argument there vial warrant and commitment um what's his s here on your time card that was the 20th 366 oh cuz if you look at the 10 2367 22 that Friday the 8th okay yes pink is the warning committee yep yep thank you you not done yet sweet we have a request for change in hours for the office oh we have to sign it actually we have to sign do we I think we just have to take a B on sign anything she want it signed from us probably so you remember signing it and seeing it that was di at you you remember take your picture signing it so you remember I we don't signat p there you are man thank you you are going to post the well that's no change in the office hours anyways just your hours yeah um Roy has not given us an update on the recertification quote um so I don't have the formal HP yeah I don't have that I did talk to him and he that's only plan on working with us we just don't have final documents it will state exemption application not concluded yeah I had it on the agenda of the posting but Ted yeah what question is do we move ahe with vision have the cards printed to PDF saved for Associated documents and can we commit to CI Technologies so we could start the process of putting our cards online uh in the sum of $6,000 that was the question that I had asked Chris and then you said you and I got a question from CI asking if what we're doing so so I put them my whole okay so can this wait till the new fiscal year um I know it's a 2020 five question yes finishing S I wasn't going to say that but it's close enough I'll let you have it yeah um condition not a condition but we were cited for it um I assume it's going to come up again so I can respond not heard you say something yet that I understand eggs are white yes Browning so I guess I'm asking her can we can we hold off on the vision transfer PDF printing them and adding to the associate this we talked about this two medas ago yes the 950 the 6000 I was asking her do she's asking us we're kind of asking each other at this point can it wait till July one right for the new fiscal year or does it need to be done right now and I think that answer that question is it can wait till July one I think it can wait till July 1 I just want to make sure that we're all on the same page so when I talk to C I can let them know that I think it'd be easier for us if we did July one yes um I have a followup question um do we have a contract for um printing them the cards to PDF from Vision no it's not in the contract we were invoiced do the didn't you show us an invoice last two meetings ago yes we have the contract that we're working with them yeah but you mean specifically just for yeah yeah this specifically is not in that I asked them okay would they normally print a separate contract and and the reason I asked is obviously we're concerned with the accuracy of the change over right and how long it takes I don't know the answer to either one of those questions I don't know how long it takes them to convert it to PBF oh I don't know how long I don't think it takes very long right but I would yeah I don't know everyone spend $950 the one of the relatively easy questions particularly since we're going to be uh deal with this on July 1 with Cai um that those should mesh as smoothly as possible and I don't know if Cai has ever worked with vision y but they probably have yeah which leads to the question of what are the mechanics of this occurr does it take two days does it take a weekend when it's offline so I know vision and do we have to check during the transfer we're going to be offline yes but I can have them do it after hours okay they just need to have access to the system um which they would normally have any well I it seems to be discrepancy that though yeah because they can get in but they can't get into our the annex f it seems so I've been asking them to Vision to do a report for um the certification Y and they keep coming back to me saying they can't get into our server so I I don't know where to go anymore with that because I was told that they would have access she's telling me they don't have access so I don't know okay but she's going back and forth who at vision is telling you that you don't have access right now her name is Karen Karen yeah and when you get a moment before we leave tonight I'll me per pH yeah I'll print email yes as long as it's got a phone number on you're saying you want a contract for the 950 we do have a contract for that so what do you want what do you want to receive sign it yeah we signed it two minut ago well I knew we had to sign um well we signed it with the assumption that we're going to if we needed it now we can if we needed it the there was not very right and as we see here right now we don't know how long it takes I assume it doesn't take much time at all no but I'm not going to assume something like that but we have to rely on and we have to rely on the accuracy it's going to be I it's going to be like I think a day they told me like overnight right overnight is better than a day yeah so it's it's going to be so they got to put it into PDF form right and it's a file that stays online and then CA goes and grabs that file and transfers it to their system now it's going to take a while for CI to get it all said and done but for vision it's not so do we have any idea how long both of those would need take um I'd have to back to my notes i' venture to guess if it goes smoothly versus running into issues but there's no reason to think it's going to go smoothly even though they guarantee you it does right but as long as we're contracted for a price you know right sure there's some loophole in that however yeah but we're not going to be down when the CIA gets the transfer we're going to be down with Visions in there you can't have multiple users in Vision at the same time they need to grab the whole database and nobody should be in it aling it okay yeah which is why i' would be really happy if they could do it over the weekend or overnight rather than almost all the so they were colonies so uh does Karen understand that's a good question that uh we're looking at July one she's got a now um Karen is the person who's trying to do a report for me for the certification okay and trying to get into um our Serv she doesn't know anything about the has she had difficulty getting into her server before yeah someone someone from Vision has been into our servant oh they yeah they have been but it was my understanding that they would have access they wouldn't have to get authorization from CHR listed in Vision as a user right yeah I'm told that they have access but right I the general thank you is this a copy so if you call you have to specifically ask for her oh yeah because that's the general number for all of yeah I I always specifically ask for Karen ask for well I just wanted to let you know there's no extensions for each person y all right cyclical inspections this email is from Bill from yeah I didn't know if you guys saw that no no this is him indicating he plays on so those are the streets to put it in front of you are the ones that are the blue on the on the sheets that have not been done in this year say that again in the last 10 years Dakota has a list in front of him in the last 10 years yeah so should we put those back in there and pull the ones that haven't been done first so right now I have so you made that list though but I pulled those part you making that list the files on that clipboard this these are building permits this is different I pulled them out of there though oh these are those are building permits right and the ones in the green files are the cyclical but they're from the building permits but there's for building permits right they're not but the okay copy so have you indicated this to Bill he knows he but that list is to put out out online so people know that we're going to be visiting can you make a copy for myself and Greg of these streets do you want that list too yes please you can just do a broad uh announcement on the website that um assessors will be out inspecting he sends it to to Kathy and then to Kevin and then okay yeah just so they put on yeah because one goes on the website one goes on Facebook I assume I don't know does gam put it out anywhere I don't know I sent it to him last year I'll send him make it again this year yeah I think the ball has been dropped over there yeah if you can get us a copy both of those so then we have to at some point divy those up or tackle them or do something all right can I have that list right now so I can look at that all right once again I'll make a commitment to doing ster that one of the questions is there's a couple streets uh that's worn right and general oh it's not on here rette and um chicke chicke street right chick is nice Long Street on Bernette Street there isn't been all that much going on down there um yeah but since it's been so long just a random FYI and it's a limitate of a difference of opinion and it's just nothing more than a difference of opinion that I'll give you a new photograph for every house that I think it's worthwh to have a new photograph I to Bild does it's probably because used to can over we should look into at some point getting a tablet yeah just spend money like a drunken sailor well if you want me to i' be you have be to something that you can just speak at it and it will something tells me the two of you still won't be able to figure it out you're not wrong you're not wrong okay all right um you're taking Bernette yeah I'll take Bernette you want Cedar Drive too where's Sheer Drive so Bill starting with Bill starting with the shorter streets so so he has Cedar Drive Miller Street msing Ridge Norman a Oak Street peasant Hill Philip circle hbook circle fill he already has those what is there to do at film I know because it's is it St yeah I'm not sure give it to him he wants it he just wants to you to yeah maybe he's got friends there maybe good possibility your name is all over this thing Greg Greg Greg that's an angry Greg yeah you know Bernett Street and here's I don't even put this on camera there's more land on Bernett than there is anything else um given the fact that there is not any significant and I mean significant new construction on Bernette Street I have a personal opinion that the town doesn't needan to be spending money on cyclical inspections for property that hasn't changed and this happens to I venture to Guess that the state probably disagrees with yeah and it's fine the state disagrees but there's no penalty for having a disagree well yeah I will extend it out as long as I can until bill has a Nutty so you say if I save the town money I will save the town money so are you but I will do it as any public servant should do yeah I mean there's certainly um the town of bgat town does cyclical inspections every 10 years right um and we were they they're running over right um but they don't have the setup that we we do and we've got but they out Jay has indicated that they're on the him getting them done yeah and it's yet another way of increasing the cost of government for no practical no really significant purpose you should be an advocate I mean we've got home values going up how much already let me guess it's because of me too a lot of that's because you that try well actually didn't Joe Biden try to fix that oh yeah he passed some executive order limiting is supposed to R structure the um what's the fee that you guys get what's it called commission the restructure of the commission CU he felt he feels in his benevolence that your commissions are what is part of the reason why home races are just flying Right Out Of Reach he did that like Friday obviously uh Friday when there's no news going on amongst a bunch of other stuff but that's the last thing he did and I wanted to I wanted to make sure you were aware of this and no so was in Grand thank you for that yeah it's crazy moving on and it's supposed are you taking chick Street too um I can take CH chicke Street um those are two oldest streets last time I did chick street I was with Frank hudik and that man would drive pull out in front of a dump truck with the assumption that that truck dump truck is going to slow down eventually literally and that's when I said to Bill I'm not driving with that man no more but yeah I can take CH one two three you get the rest there's a lot of them are chicken so can you make a copy of this and we can put initials next to them real quick okay to make this easier because I'm not reading this email eight times no he sends an email and he still has to it fair Hill like Mary Hill yeah oh chick stre has house going up over on the Nash property off of ous Roe okay house right next door out back what about the um not uh ald side the one off Famers right it's like six or eight Acres off back nice nice overlooking backyard how about that piece of property on North Street with the hardest Ledge in all of graany I would never have dreed is that what they're saying yeah it just won't break apart it won't break apart the hardest ledge yeah that I've ever seen in gra us seen the hard ledge you can usually you can find a crack and chipper bam it gets harder those people yeah I asked Ruby cor yeah right yeah that makes perfect sense absolute perfect sense but and I certainly know that the people that bought it just are beside themselves I don't how much it's cting do that well there a story about that so can we can you run over the ones Bill's doing again here's some oh he's got um Cedar Drive Miller Street Ming Ridge just put GB I don't know why Norman a hold on a minute hold on hold sorry sorry restart that okay catar drive okay Miller Street Ming Rich okay you're yeah but when you're following the be Miller Street mson Ridge Norman a Oak Street Street bant Hill Philip Circle H Brook Circle inone this can you look into that huh Can you look into that on why and why what they're on our list probably because residen state owned property you put on this list the ones that have the PEX me I got that okay thank you I figured Philip was at the D know Philip's last name um where was we going to do this right East Street East State Street so you got everything else well I'm I'll commit to those two streets until the next meeting and then we'll see where we're at okay why don't you make a copy of this make a copy of the copy well you can I can make that copy for you she got better things to do than that perfect um very good on the subject of cyclical inspections where are we at on inputting theal inspections so that box that was here y the only thing I have left from that box to do are those two orange folders s did do you want me to leave these like this or do you want why don't you put them back for now okay the top one there what's the address on that Carver Street just Carver Street okay um did I send you s did not visit did I send you am Road huh like a picture yeah sometime between now and never Friday um could you print up the cards for chicke Street yeah no particular thank you you want me to send you a message when IED yeah just now between now and Freddy just now between now and Freddy okay so hold on a minute can you check if I sent that email the I'm trying to find the picture but I didn't have it with me so I must have sent it okay what you're doing that um new house on the south side of Bon Street there's a street to goes Street there off of bar uh left or right South if you're headed south side of Bon Street if you're headed this way on Bar Street it's in left hand side the only CAC that's there country VI Lane okay there's a house rown up there there's a house off of Philip Circle going up no yeah yeah does Philip Circle go that far back they kind of a the backside of Country View of what I know that pH I never knew it remember a couple years ago or maybe longer maybe five six eight years ago off of Bernette not Barton further down past that development on the right there was a big flag lot for sale y there was another one on the back side off of Philip Circle oh okay that one sold so that gets access from Philip Circle Yeah so basically they come down that's what you get me yeah and like the lots are like they bought like all of this all right yeah all right so it's there but it's like it's on that street it was a very high water table over there that was farmed field for um and they're up out of the water but not by a lot no they're also on the property line which is weird you know all this there's like 12 or 20 acres and they're like hugging the line yeah now they're both are going to see each other exactly let's buy land to be someone's neighbor okay next on the list Mentor one second are you talking about 159 wi want don't you pull it up yeah look at that Greg how many square feet is it that's on the Nash prob BL did you know that we had virtually no Frost in the ground think for a quick second this year we had it and then it was gone warm up too fast that's going to be a good one three garage but you walk in there like so the whole the front's the whole back of the house isn't built the walls but they're like you know it's going to have a I mean when the backyard's done it's going to it's going to be a nice view for what it is being being so flat on a lot yeah yeah yep how did you happen to end up with that picture I drove in and I took it I talked to the owner okay ask him if he wants to sell no that was out there cuz that building per the the car doesn't have a picture on it so I was slated with the don't you show off with that whole address thing you like that there's no I can't I'm pretty sure I can't do my it's better than her going through 50 phot not that's a home run right there that is a freaking home run Sav me a lot of time and saving the town money saving the town money need to I I do it a long way to make sure um and Bill doesn't do it at all so we have to work yeah collaborative from the rear forward right okay um I like it Mentor I mean we could get Polaroid cameras so you take a picture of it it splits it out and you can write the address on it inform Michelle yeah but then how do I get them inside she has to scan spend more time that's productive um I should be able to what if probably the latest digital camera maybe coordinates or something it's not going to give you the address though maybe you could should just put in the address edit it essentially on the camera yeah that would be convenient there goes your tablet that's why you need a tablet yeah did you ever find the software South uses I'm going to go see how is tomorrow we'll bring her blueberry pancakes and cereal no and ask her what the ask cuz I have a tablet that I don't use well I'm sure it's really good F use it yeah well I've got several tablets I'm sure there's some type of great money we could find somewhere yeah or you just get a reimbursement you know right at this point I don't care as long as it works so I'll go talk to me that's not my weight I have to do a buch okay don't run take the truck um Mentor Mentor um you spoke with Jay yes J he gave information um hold on you know that we have money or Chris Chris will certainly approve $3,000 right off the bat for a mentor uh this was talked about originally second I can bringing it up what are you bringing up the name of the company all right while you're doing that um there go saving saving the town more money well we're on camera well we're on camera but we're also working for and you have a new list of what you need assistance with a new list yeah or an old list any list right now yeah how many lists should she make well so they were're current um I was under the impression that you could use help on putting data but appear it appears though that's not the case Regional Resource Group that's the name of it yeah okay so I've talked to a PO I've talked with um Manny Sila who's a retired assessor out of werham maybe yep um he came out and met with us last week he's going to gather up some information of what we needed help within our office what Michelle uh expressed concerns what I expressed concerns and we kind of collaborated there um he's going to get back to us with uh what he thinks the office needs time wise and how much he is to us okay will to give us some type of breakdown of how hour and based off of what our needs are how how frequently he needs to be in the office he's taking on some other towns right now so in the shuffle but y um good I think he was averaging like six to eight hours a week is what he kind of thought yep so to a regional Resource Group this afternoon on the phone uh he put me in contact with the local um western Mass contact because they're actually at lemon St out we primarily but they have a lster I guess um so he's going to get back to us we're going to meet with him he said that they pretty much run the office for a lot of smaller places but when you have an employee in the office they can either come one day a week and touch on stuff or we're going to collaborate with him to see what and and once I have prices for everyone we'll reconvene on that um but he says a lot of people people Manny seemed in my opinion well versed in the whole scenario um of our office and others I mean both of them are in the industry I think what it comes down to is pay um yeah um the obvious question not that it's a deal breaker is in wilam to the US's Vision no he's he's retired from W but he's worked the state yeah well it's not and they also use Vadar yeah and the reason I was asking the billing system is because the regional Resource Group asked for that I knew what we use and what version were on but I didn't know what we did for the bills because it was fairly new but he said point and I said I get back to you man right so I'm in contacts with him to try to get some numbers together and see what we could do I needs so much help with Vadar because it's so new and I think he was just trying to see the 20 people in in the business in the company who like how I took it is certain people do certain things yeah so he was trying to figure out what what best candidate worked for us and then have a meeting with us okay yeah and you were part of that meeting good she's going to be for the second round as well good yeah because he was here and Heely he was asking me and I don't know if this can work this quickly but in a perfect world um you got new hours now or you will have new working hours from the end of the week and what it would be in a in a perfect world what would be good is if we made an announcement on website that say during the month of April um this office will be closed to the public every Friday until the work gets caught up and in theory by the end of April and even if it's not at the end but there' be but at the end of April if we've got four Fridays that we've been working on yes there's at least a light at the end of the tunnel for the sake of our fiscal year in perect law does that make sense that's mine and Chris is okay with uh us setting it up so that the office is closed one day a week and Friday's the slowest day so I said probably be on Friday well I guess it really depends on them and it depends on them yeah yeah I mean that's yeah but throw that out to them if we were we were to shut down our office right for Friday so the regional Resource Group said that they do a lot of work remotely they're in the office once a week um but they're at the disposal of the office he says they they do two type of services R the office start to finish with her without personnel and then two incorp training or mentoring the staff that's on site to get to where they need to be or they they'd like to be answering questions along the way and teaching practices right so um I'm waiting to cor General correspond a date con with them as long as as um Manny is quote unquote the head of the company two different people Manny is retired independent contractor Regional Resource Group wases a referral from belon assessors right and uh the people that come in they'll they'll do backlog stuff or they're more of a they have more people available not that they they're available because they're all busy but right yeah um if we need to just chap land back up or we need to get out of the bog or whatever the case may be so after shocking with them it seems like the the mentorship uh the like mentor and training may be the best fit for us but ultimately I your thoughts think may you going to say something go ahead are you saying a regional Resource Group they would be a better fit I I don't know they're going to come out and have a meeting just like Manny did with us okay yeah okay so I don't know yeah and then ultimately we can make a decision from there but okay good I assume it's going to come down to money and funding yeah and basically the reason I'm having them out is to full transparency is to gauge where we're at gauge where we need to be and gaug time and money absolutely so we have an accurate idea good um so we don't quote unquote how many building per plans do we have that are not in the system building like building new construction new construction I don't know what's in that box I know we knew we I know that we used to have several building new construction ples so that's what some of this was was to see where the new construction was like is in the machine I don't know how many plans because Bill was taking care of that bill wouldn't be he was going down and getting the plans because we weren't getting them right but we don't have any of the how many of the new building plans slash Footprints are inputed to vision for last year yeah I don't know roughly I I honestly don't know because I don't know how so I got all the new growth in for last year but I don't know how much is like left for this year like revisits is that what you're asking um yeah as in not completed but the foot the footprints in in Vision yeah bill has them I don't know nothing has gone in all right so that's not no new construction from last year has gone in yet I'm going to say no right but I don't know how many cu I don't know how many bill has right but none I don't care how many bill has none has been put in Vision so the new this new there must been some because so this is the new growth that was last year to this year so anything from November on is not in the system okay everything prior to November is in the system should be in the system yeah well I was just going to say say that because some of these were from some of them have been invol right yeah I just don't know how many there are right I haven't got that far that that's one of my next hopefully if the contracts are signed well and that's along the lines of uh like whether or not these people come out in the kind of time frame that I'm talking about um that if we close down the office on Friday you can work exclusively on putting those in so that's what I did with Manny I showed Manny all the new lit lot splits and things like that and he looked at him and he was like oh that's easy it's not going to take long did you slap him I'm like okay it's just that did you slap him no why wouldn't you because I job is for you I just explained to him that Manny you've been doing this for 30 years yes it's easy for you right right don't say it's easy just cuz it's easy for you though I said yes it's to be easy it's just time consuming right that's that's what a lot of it is is time consuming like when you guys go out and do all those cyclicals and they all come back at once yeah that's going to slow everything down right that's why hopefully we can use this to offset yeah that and all the forms the list I was told that you have to go out to all of them who told you that Brian from do and Manny said that they' like you to go out to all of them so I don't know if that means just the ones that are over 100 10,000 or only only those that are over $110,000 because everything else is a waste of time and who's valuating the dollar amount that's the other thing is so I put something down on my application everyone to under $10,000 every one needs to be reviewed right but if you got like a lot of our businesses are so if it's not driving say like a barber shop they're not going to have $10,000 worth of equipment they just remodeled or better still how much is a BRI Bridgeport La worth I'm sure you know the answer because you're asking it um I'm a Bridgeport La typically was made in like the 1900s and to transport it from point A to point B cost you many thousands of dollars and there aren't that many people that use them many that know how to use what's it wor today it's worth sag metal basically it's incredibly heavy um okay but to a guy who knows how to use it it's worth a lot you're going to determine if the guy owning it and that's classically along the lines of um it's not a a buyer Market it's a sellers it's a it's not a seller's market it's a buyer's market because people didn't know how to use a Bridge Port L and there's and the reason I bring that up is there's a couple of pie of property in town that have a breach P lathe in their basement that isn't worth anything anymore because the guy that knew how to use it died and what are they businesses huh are they businesses they're little shops prob money or or or as to follow up on this how about a hobby that makes money like the guy up on Bachelor street with this huge detached garage well the good thing is and I would describe you more except for on camera hopefully we have a new building fisser right who can be enforcement yeah absolutely okay so we beat the mentor thing down we're and we're getting we got some progress yeah and you don't know when they're going to meet uh but you're hoping sometime well I just talked to the resource Group today just got the email Frid and the resource Group you said is out of where or no that's what Jay said but then the website says it's a lemon ster but I was talking to a guy from his house on a you know I think it's like a an office P yeah I think they work remotely yeah right recertification what's our bud Dan want ran Dan Ryan wants what so I don't know so on this fiveyear certification review how much of this is Roy's business and how how much of it is ours is there any relation so boy will do a lot of the valuations we just have to make sure all the information in the system right so he but we things kind of like a 5050 kind of thing why get it in the system right why why is Ryan doesn't matter okay we have to have it all in the system roughly in a perfect world July one well true 30 we have a work plan and he wants it done ASAP because he's got to do his valuations that came in today this yes so to back up to your other question so I have to print those and Roy wants to see them first before we send it to before they go to yeah see if there's any adjustments needed to be made so just Orting those it's going to take a while is there an easy way to pull that up in Vision pull up Vis the classification of these Sals so to print a card it doesn't ask for a classification but is there is there a way to search you know what I'm saying so visions really good at you can make a because they have a lot of information you can make a report to get a lot of information it's just going back and forth that goes back to they need access to the server and they don't get it and now it's can you look at that to figure out what's going on with this sooner rather than later yep make sure that tomorrow morning if there is access to be had that they're aware that you know I'm yeah because otherwise I have to stay online with them for like over a half an hour and have them like using your computer and it's frustrating very frustrating very good because they're just taking over my computer and doing their stuff to they should be able to do their own thing right if they had access to behind the scenes screen share them she can't use her computer right which is how they access right now right someone doesn't know someone has access right find out Chris is under the they have access he told me the same they're saying they don't and so he's got a shout out to a cue or whoever the hell they go Tech I think it's Tech MD or M or something like that all right um that will be so as long as our directives that are somewhat concluded prior to our recertification in 25 we won't get dinged again we I don't know if that's what you call it ding I think it's just for recommendations this should be done no I realized that fast forward five years you still haven't done it then yeah yeah then probably right but as long as they're done prior to the research I think he'll be happy knowing that we are working on it we have the quotes we have it in the budget I think he would be okay I'm just worried that budget is too low um yeah could be how many sales Mr what is have to do with this how many Sal curred in town last year 40 all at once so if we can keep track oh I can find every property that let me let me resend that statement on the market transactions versus well I guess that would all would only use that anyways so on a question of 101 we have 40 sales I if I had to guess like 40 to 50 that's what I thought I was actually going to say 39 I thought that was a peculiar number that he came up with I was going to say 39 big old around so this book is all the sales hold on this a total at the end like yeah no there's no total but there's seven pages left right I guess he wants arm length seals yeah I was going to say that's what makes it different CU well I mean I can that's a simple search in MLS or or here or off of that but these waren group listings come through with their arm length or not though that's the problem right but if you look at them you'll be able to determine correct whether their arms like or not gives you an idea just probably a report I can run yeah so if yeah like the ones that I do on monthly is when I put the deeds in well I can do it a year because any deed that goes in is isn't on the market not that's going to be the problem we can only use ones that are on the market if they're not on the market then okay that's an easy answer I can get that for you quickly all right John so I took care of that well yeah me or you've got a secretary that you could have to PRC another way is PRC another way I save the town of grand money what are prc's for steing staff who own property in the community what's a PRC property record C okay for all assessing staff top five tax payers real and personal property I don't even know who that is they want our property cards because we own property in town yeah make sure we're not we not do our that uh my property not Val at $40,000 selling Bad Eggs at the egg yeah hey you got eggs selling down the street yes well now that the everybody's got a now the Russian next stors get eggs really it's just crazy know they Russian eggs and I find out that uh Dale Clark has something like 90 chickens wonder why they have a big sign off front that's a bit much yeah why how can you can't store eggs very long me you can't you should yeah so how do you consume that much I don't have any idea every meal has anything to do with it all right so where are we at Ryan uh we're supposed to get back to Ryan with this information when he didn't say good it just says as soon as possible and we just got this today yes and if we can't pay for shipping he'll come pick it up that's a lot of privity cards good have him come pick it up good have him come pick him up out the office anyway we're paying yeah for his car exactly exactly gas to drive here our stuff he should get out of the office so can you you can essentially give him the last two here yeah well I'm sure he think he knows that it's going to take a bit for plus I have to get right and Rie them who's the top five taxpayers is year well I don't know there's a top 10 it's I'm not calling you out I'm just asking yeah if you had a hand [Music] no would that be that uh guy down on uh ham Road 1.1 what 1.1 $1.1 million oh ham Street yeah there you's buddy so is this whole section just work in progress which part these those five the recertification oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay but um what do you need from us right now yeah I don't for the recertification working on those all right um anything else um what is under recertification what does the budget mean what do that bullet stand for so that was like I sent a message to Chris ask asking about those rfds RFP rfps and I guess there's rfqs or pqs there's everything out lot of abbreviations so I was told if it's under a certain amount of money you don't have to send it out send it out but you can just call like I did with Mayflower and Mayflower said they were too busy right and you got three quotes if you get back so all I have to do is call vision and have Vision give us a quote and then we're done with that process so I didn't so you're okay I want form of some sort you can make up with like three companies and name date contacted and well that's why I was asking Chris what the legalities were and what I needed to do because I think it's a general form as long as we we got to keep track of record of it right but I didn't know if there was a state form that needed I think it's 10 50 100,000 I think it's three I think it's under 10 under 50 under 100 those are the main three brackets that oh so I heard under 20 it was under 20 I probably am so we just got to make sure we're keeping track of that all even if it's a form you make up and we approve yeah or Kathy has you know so you got vision and Mayflower and you probably don't have a third one the third one would be Rory so it'd be Mayflower vision of Rory okay done yeah I did not know that uh I think something basic I did not know that Vision did recertification yeah they have a whole assessors gr behind the scenes that work with assessors too that can do things but they're probably cured they more than likely have that through literally for the sake of the big cities that they do chase the money yeah they will not want to come out here more than happy to sell us the software but that's probably we about and that's fine because those communities out there are a lot fuzzier than we are moving on um data collection manual that hasn't been talked about which kind of surprised me I think because Roy's doing it I I think that's why he's not that's fine as long as somebody owns it so if if the state comes back and says there's no way that we're going to be able to get all these certifications done then I hear it could be a really big problem where the state will come in and review every property in town but I don't know I have full confidence that Roy will be able to handle them yeah so I'm leaving that up to Roy yep um when's the last time you talked to Roy uh last week as soon as um is he in Florida or is he around here he was around here but I didn't know how for how long right so when do he when is he going to get in touch with us R yeah I don't know I'm going to reach out to him tomorrow and talk tell him that I got the list of well just do a shout out to what Roy says just to make sure that he's going to be around know I'm practicing not pay thank you um just anything else that's it go once go on twice do you have anything for us s we are um wrapping up our regular schedule meing at 7:09 p.m. going into executive session for Real Estate abatements only to come out of executive session for during the meeting you hit that