[Music] welcome to the board of assessors meeting it is 6:07 on June 17th meeting minutes of June 3 do we have Bill emailed us no not Avail and a and a I know how to do that see so neither executive or regular corck okay Bill emailed something to us before he left saying he's not going to be at the next meeting so okay we Circle back to that the butters list for the ammer planning department what do they want to do with a quy oh my God why would they have jurisdiction Cory they must have L buing ours J and we're just going to let him do stuff it's really not ours it's it's his land in grany but they are reviewing the fiveyear plan the quy has to do a fivey p every five years so they're reviewing it now 104 West State Street chapter 8 they want to get they want a new sign they B fer sign well people can't find them it looks like the parking lot's full when when they M there big RV I don't enough I've never been in that no I it's a nice Hall was very nice very nice people rent it all the time never and out back the it's gorgeous um personal property abatements in the amount of $5,000 43754 this must be Ted Andre company LLC this is your equipment did they sell that chicken be pit I don't know I got to research that there's I do have more I thought they did something last year they tell you the castle uh Castle Farm sold no again 96 acre no oh at auction sold an auction really guess how much guess how much not much just 96 roughly 96 Acres think low no you surprised you're going to be surprised when I tell you mhm uh real pment 380 I was in a ballpark I was in a ballpark as stupid as this is would I SP 300 on it no well there's a lot of usable a lot of it's underwater a lot of it's useless you got to get get to the usable and a for land yeah did you want to what I didn't see it's okay real EST estate abatement warning commitment and the amount of 8,949 why do we keep giving money back break on my heart for you have I know don't tell I go last what's Michelle doing she's looking up Bill's email oh trying to find Bill you know when did he send it randomly like a Friday night I think very um we'll say exemption warning commitment for $750 even over and above that I thought he planed on being did I you still that last time new school in Bel town or what I don't think so no motor vehicle abatement war in commitment lot of is that what he just said that's the last one I didn't just get no pleas I couldn't tell you because I deleted the email well this was Sunday May 26th that's the last ones okay maybe um maybe I've overlooked that then and I believe we have those didn't send one the last one I got um he wasn't here the 27th was it the 27th yeah is that what you said no last 526 for May 27 2st session I will be W next meeting after he said at the meeting that he would be here well then this would have been 63's meeting that was the last meeting right and now he's away this one too it's getting tedious oh and that's on camera personal property yes personal property grany solar devised tax warning commitment in the amount of $4,000 17 that's more did I put it out of water yeah hold on that for a minute this is um this are the it's just one just one like that there's m not as much as you do there there's going to be a lot more just stay we got go keep those dealerships in business um I is solar attack so this must be a couple of them here y I ran out of sticky ARS so there's mean paper clips those whatever works this is the $4,000 oh that's funny I just got what you say like all there one piece of paper no there's two yeah I doing it works remember what you're training here how do I get rid of something something in Vadar oh I have to for yourself yeah I have to do something in Vadar did what is Vadar Vadar is our nope well kind of Vadar are Tax Collectors it's the sync between the collectors and the yeah so I put the information in and it goes into her system real estate s solder revised tax warning commitment in the amount of $632 65 long those are done every year that's a r part it's gone up like out I hear a lot of so are all together so bills payable so how we doing on that oh we have 1750 you got that email from Kathy with the update yeah you got to pay that price not me so um these are all accounted for correct Yes except for what's CIA mapping under Bill oh s oh because he sent the good so we have like $20 coming out of we have ma she emailed it us it should be a to the bills cable the last buget is it not in there if it's not in there it's under another topic I just want to make we got the email from Chris saying it's gonna be shut off if you remove all the time sheet stuff it should be the one after that I no next [Music] one success Bill told me to mention encumbered expenses to you Greg because you would know what needs to be done correct um what does that fall under office supplies and deeds so we have money yes um but overall in a shortfall of Money How on well that's what's unclear like some we have certain ones and we're over others and Chris wasn't available to speak with me but Mrs Leonard was able to print some stuff out to me and right we I don't know what the whole shutting off process looks like if right just watching here and I didn't want you to get extended personally um to me I it doesn't and just for general information all I care about is that we get super RS done I don't care how they get paid for no those are for we submitted that to the finance commit I don't know where that shows up in here it won't show up in here right I would think it would show up in here I was told it's not going to be put in there okay but it's going to be paid out of there but this is right where we should be give or take long how many bills come in the next 15 days I need to be paid I haven't bought anything well no even like you know mapping or there shouldn't be anything else we have $20 we just build out to the register of needs but um my glass cars course the dues we we adjusted did you ever hear back from the um Finance no I sent a request for them to sign it and send it back no Finance um thank you for that update I was going to ask about that too the grant money no I haven't heard anything well the percentages are are noteworthy but the actual dollar amounts not you know what I mean we're talking about 124% of um the $6,500 budget right um that's that's not a lot of money and the other ones are even smaller so I'm not entirely concerned about that um do you need a um explanation of encumbered funds for rolling over our accounts um for the that's a an accounting term do we have for just rolling over any unused funds for bills that are anticipated that's basically the long short I don't think we'll run into an issue of it um and it's certainly nowhere near as bad as our fire department y like that so but can I keep that's we submit no can you make them a you should have got it in your email but let her make you a copy of it well there is a copy that's from February they won't do any good no won't at all take it by won't do me any good at all it's bball season over one yep's over okay payable B did you sign that yes sign we exhausted you're working too hard yeah vo that what sign huh have to be signed uh you should probably sign I've never signed them before well to you then find me me three okay one of those invoices for B he insists putting in for $15 to visit his house I mean okay this is attemped to dodge and it's not on ground this here is this's personal time yep so basically she can roll over a week of vacation she can she has to use all personal time and she has scheduled vacation time to use and there's a little there was more time originally than she anticipated once Kathy had sent over the um food time uh back in on June 7th so she was looking to use some time in addition to the time we've already scheduled and approved um the only difference would be she's looking to re use the remaining four hours of personal time on July 19th after the fiscal year but I was told that as as long as we know it's used within the first week um we can do it but the 19th was the one really in question to me which I never got I never had time today to get a question answered um so with that being said she's looking for July 5th which is a Friday I believe right MH um after the Fourth of July to use that that's in the first week yep the only difference would be the 19th which is like the following week well if we know about it I can't imagine it would be an issue an issue it's being used Kathy just said as long as it's used in the first week and we know about it yeah so as long I had to write this up as a request so the fact that we can make sure all her hours are used and so you're good if you approve it I approve it I approve it that was hard huh then we're good wasn't that hard very so you're good to go okay to go there is just on here because we haven't heard back from the finance committee we know it's a pro okay sickal inspections how are they going I I haven't seen this guy in the field so much as the last couple weeks it's amazing I swear to God this guy doesn't do anything real estate it's right up and down the road and the freaking real estate sells itself it's I tried to hide behind the tree he's right there you'll have uh east east probably Thursday if it hadn't rained Friday I'd have them all done but I looked at those clouds it's not going to rain till 7 really no it's not going to rain till 7 look you're not supposed to rain till s right yeah and then a down mhm so they're going not that the chair cares just let's be clear yeah for the sake of the camera not that the chair cares what I go through do you know where Bill is in in line with the East East Street done so I think the next it's these that are next the building permits is Ryan aware of the fact and I know I've probably asked this before those town meeting did not approve internal inspections that's a good one um well it's not inspections it's we can't count it as growth correct yeah but we can always put what's there as of the first you got to think backwards went right over my head you got to think backwards right so whether or not we look at that now doesn't make any difference bill went out and looked at that some of those are really old right so the house I presume but I presume that bill looked at those no I don't know why he would some some he has and they needed to revisit but some of them are just the building permits have been just I don't want to say found right but there seems to be a whole lack of things that were accomplished so we're playing catchup right thank you that is the only way you can explain it yeah we're playing ketchup yeah on on the building exper yeah did the owner of 54 herris Street um call you or just send this email um about the renovations done called me and Mar and specific wants those changes made so are they not living there or what's they are not living there okay so in order to en change this we verify it so we're have to make an of them so I didn't know how you wanted to do that like I can call them and I can you're not doing anything any I don't want to burden him on more than cyclical inspections he even goes out there he's official he has a you know he even hides in the bushes from the old people yep scares and Pops around drop you dve now great okay it's interesting it's a lot of fun I just don't haven't had a ton of time it really is fun for me to go out to mus that I haven't seen in 10 years see so I looked at a property card the other day and it's vacant land which always has been and you did the cyclical inspection on it at one point because it has an address yeah but I probably did Bill for it no no I'm just wondering they must going cuton mixes I'm I'm sure well technically you are supposed to go out and visit empty land to make sure it's still empty right right just it was you never really see B loal inspection down because yeah our department thinks that it doesn't need be done so there's a whole pile there so that picture I sent you last week of that property on Bachelor Street the one that has the the building on it garage so going toward that going toward ammer street from Bachelor yep um ammer yeah ammer Street side yep there's a building lot before thees with the Varn on it right it looks like it's somewhat being converted some sort or maybe a house is going up now because there's a bunch of site work being done and a well was drilled um I wasn't aware of it being I guess we have paperwork on it but I don't think anyone's visited it right so I drove in took some pictures then I wanted to verify the card and we probably don't have a card correct we have a card for it I guess if we have a card for it some vague information on it what does it have a number on it the street address yeah just going to tell you in a minute cuz ner answer which I don't know why I ever came up with this but I guess I just like usually we if the Board of Health gives it a perk wouldn't that be a great time to attach the street address no because you don't get a street address until you get a building permit and then the fire department the building per you know they've been going back to FL since the insum we're now finding a lot of the paperwork was never done so the nice thing which I hope happen soon is that when we are fully online with GIS we can somehow Link in the Board of Health to upload title FES we can link in the Building Commissioner his special permits or any permit done to the struct structures on the site new builds um so that like when we pull stuff with Town townwide the database of different things which hopefully would be like have you ever been on GS in belr town y wicked good far far superior can I see that for a second all the just yeah yeah but it's all online yeah yeah yeah like it magically appeared there no no but instead of like having Michelle input everything calling for the Board of Health or you know Daman for the Building Commissioner they upload their own documents we give them a sign in with permissions only for that right attachment purpose right that's like the software that she uses the accountant can use the treasure can use I use it with her so it's like you no don't look that so what is that rating St house number 26 B can that be possible yeah number 26 B that number there I don't think I've seen it that's how but I didn't put it in the system yet it's six right I there was and this is just the barn right that says it's a house is there a foundation out there for a bar yeah it's built yeah yeah there's no foundation for a house this looks here like looks like one of your drawings you said that already you shouldn't give me a slap where did this plan come this came from Damian right where else would it come from yeah there's no signature on this or anything no no them are signed was what the hell I said it's like it's like you did you hear about your fre free time Mir drawing around yeah no this isn't as good as what I do this is crazy I got nothing didn't they send you those pictures no it was that last week so this to you what that looks like a house you got bathrooms and everything so what is the you're going to follow up on 56 her street yeah schedule schedule on appointment with them if you would please because when they're when they're in town we're going to have to visit the property verify where these people live I think they moved to Arizona you said right uh hold on she just let need know did she right now tell her I said hi yeah qu just some creepy old oh I did have someone say oh I caught some guy who who was it I caught some guy on my ring doorbell then he was gone they described you Greg yeah I don't know what they need you know I give them every opportunity to answer me and I say to myself maybe they weren't home how in God's name that's the point of the Ring doorbell right to answer me and if you're not into how can you not be using this she's emailing you as we speak well um actually 550 5:44 she sent me a message because I asked her if they went down to the studs Martin Liberty did that me I remember what she just said Martin yes and she said yes we did a complete Rena down the studs all new electric plumbing drywall gliding flooring appliances panels roof just renovation well then they moved away which was kind of weird so I have to change the date looks vacant when you drive by on it right but we wouldn't so the building permit would have been cold but again we did know I'll be with Damian on Thursday for and conversation with about it cool about us visiting the problem is he goes out for like the last two hours of his day right doing inspections and that's usually when you're taking a nap it's on camera too as long as you know it go ahead tell me I'm wrong I wish I was taking a nap at that time wish got many s is there anything that jumps out on Main sales 750 781 or 761 is it 701 761 I my glasses where are you looking uh third one down 7616 good that Amber Street was quin's house y it was part of the K final one time right and we won for from 68 to 10 so mfil I believe that's the property that it BS the backside of didn't you sell that property no mcf no the East Street yeah East Street yeah but I want to say mcfa isn't that the one that runs that sounds from me so ammer Street yeah what's the street that comes in and then it goes in I don't know the name of the street she was at a town meeting and she was talking me one time about a f the sack off of that street Town paved down or or something West so Weir but people who like living on Colac don't want C with it Bitter Sweet Lane just show have 700 how much 67 no that's a reasonable price yeah well we're going to hang your head at at one point we haded up eight and then they came in for a big one there's 173 bachor Street who is that a house I don't think so is that the land the large parts of the land that's that the me right east of that's what I thought yeah so it did transfer again they got 2404 yep million first what number again 173 yeah is it wow well we had a value of 79 $1,000 on land land and sold for 190 oh that one that's the one I asked you about because so that was part of the lot that was one of the lots that was carved out in front May bought someone else bought all the back of it right so there was a I think there was a plan for three like this big lot it was 18 but it was yeah and it was chopped up for three but then when that sale went through I wasn't because it the first one online was only $75 had a very hard time getting approval for permits and conservation issues yeah that's why it's all it but I don't know yeah there's approprate runs for there D out yeah but I guess it was like on the far right side and tography bunch of really tough on that but we're in the ballpark so I didn't know now if it's going to stay as one lot or if it's going to be broken up well if it's reported as three it's three so you can you can have a survey done but and hold it until you record it and sell it but once you record it then it's it's divided into three lots sign off I think I looked it up in the registry a while ago okay um it is at three lots that was Rose but Builders was trying to s that not moment but it will be next year it depends on when that plan was recorded it was was done this year recently okay public notice for 145 Harris Street special event venue that's received that's um the Reynolds property yeah y That's a Reynolds Farm up there right big W back of property y yeah they want to have vent venue they have for acreage up there you know yeah yeah people only have single day alcohols basically for events yeah is there an out structure out building out there at all just like like a pilion or anything I don't think so no I think yeah that' be nice to mention right and once you start doing that how do you stop why would you if you started because your neighbors might have a problem with the amount of traffic going up that driver yeah have lot not I mean and then the town approved it that's really the issue we have old pictures of old um tell me what's going on with GIS so my question is well I missed the first part of the town meeting so I don't know if we got approved for the mapping money and the first section like first part back in May yeah you missed it wasn't there at all so I couldn't tell you missed it too that's okay we have town clerk would approve right was it approved I believe it was approved I know it should have gone to town floor you mean the assessors didn't go then the assess one it was busy bothering somebody at the time he you thought we be done didn't you I wasn't sure but she would know okay because she's the official Record Keeper um I believe it's been proed so I didn't know when we could go ahead and say to the GIS start whatever we need but they need approval also for vision to do the PDFs so you send an email to Chris and Kathy yeah both Cathy if you want yeah and CCS on it okay I'll do that tomorrow um so that we can get this going ASAP he did say it takes like six weeks or something they right see property tax exemption approval oh um before we go this spoggles my mind on why there only one thing that b us human there's many things this is among one of them what is the jurisdiction of this town Department have over us and and how our services are cloud or not an ooler Thro this is an old email now okay it's from April but this original email wanted to know right what does it have to do with approving something it doesn't have anything to proy sobody he asked a question somebody we did okay well they wanted the answer yeah what's it have to do with proven request did we get notification that they approved it that was during the process of us right no that was so when we submitted everything they kicked thatx off property tax exemption approval you have been approved good for the DLS toad Bank yeah cuz I put all the exemptions in except for one one didn't make it but I can add it to next year so but it wouldn't it's not reimbursable anyway so doesn't matter if it doesn't go in next year um and not to be outdone i' I've even escalated this the assist the assistant to administrator wow you know I would never go in I no answer from either of them so maybe I need to escalate it to Greg Leonard because we still are not able to um log in log into to our email Town email our assessor email so okay I am putting you on the mission now okay call out beat gun s yeah that's right someone El to do it uh property record card for DLS he has them yes so we can take that he picked them up and he picked all of them up on Friday it'll take him two or three days this after juneth he figures out he on half so he said he was going to be in around 11 so I let Bill know that he was going to be in around 11 feel like okay I'll be in early and then who walks through the door Ryan walks through the door early so they got to meet each other they didn't chat much we have a real estate abatement uh we're done with our regular schedule meetings to go an executive session only to come out uh to adjourn the meeting so we're going to enter an executive session at 6:46 p.m.