[Music] welcome to the B assessors meeting June 3rd 2024 good yep me to order 602 minutes of May 21st 2024 I make a motion that we approve the minuts of May 21st 2024 second necessity wouldn't do it other um in favor the back there up with that all those in favor two I make a motion we approve the minutes of the executive session uh week 21st I second in favor have you heard from Mr Al you was good uh time sheet did you a train things no ask where'd you go um for Ms New Hampshire line you stay in a cabin on a lake good way good time he to be there cool awesome this was already submitted right y yes the butters list what do we have somebody trying to do philli I assume this is Phillips oh is this that last house it's um a permit for a new building dwelling yeah I heard about this two separate Living Spaces somehow yeah so like this is country [Music] Blain house is like right there this whole lot put it right there yeah um yeah so there has to be hearing on this is going in front of planning board for a special perit but the house is already built so to be good oh that's that massive house that was going up um it's like when is the plan board us or something what it say the homeowner probably F Well you two issues by I want to know if it's a metal structure or just metal from afar yeah it looks like a Morton Building actually from the pictures I've seen I hav get close to it um yeah budget Reserve fund transfer is everything all set like this is submitted okay got approved but have we received do we receive this signed by the chairman of the finance Comm it would be nice to get sign um yes so it's been approved okay I don't believe share the finance Comm John M do we have a email address from John no but I probably can get it all right if you feel like it could you request that the the board is requesting aop would be signed because a lot of our stuff has to be sign I would think that he'd like to have his stuff sign Chris would sign how are we doing on C sections it's pretty warm this is true couple weeks over there Bill's gone just this week just today so he's done with his from what I understand he's to start working on hopefully those of the new houss very good two weeks at least at this guy do you just want the chair position no I'm actually very very curious about yeah it is working this is why I did not want to up this we run into this every time we up here that's inable you're always going right technology sucks like like a cameraman for CV I don't know what they did behind the scenes with the server but they did something to was fine was I'm oh you're saying the upgrade from the to yeah we appear our server yeah have ch overall I doubt it you know did you ever find out that question from the finance Comm yeah and I sent it over you find out was it AWS or that's just it's not an important question do you know the difference no um well uh the big technology is being hampered right now specifically by data storage um the data storage requires so much energy that you have to put it someplace that don't and you do want to put don't want to put some where and that's the usually another state yeah um you can't just plunk down some that much energy and uh after what they do is they have to negotiate trates for using that much power and nobody tells you Happ every everything that was going on in theory with a Terminator is coming to pass right now mhm everything Who Made Who y it's not reassuring system's working though did that's good glad to hear that almost so in order for you to download pictures off a cyclical does that take a tremendous time no okay good on the card yeah no good was a good easy now for the B she know that's more of a Follow Chris for the password to get out why not I'm not Chris how would I know okay so that's ending again again Curr into this have access to it okay prop record card for DLS so the state um Ryan yeah Ryan the 15,000 cards that they want no they don't they don't have 000 do you want to see them before they get submitted to them no a list no like when you print them you print them in both or one by one yeah so what is he requesting specific so they need a certain amount of yeah so I just didn't got it I I see the list thank i' like to see the top where we at with person it's there we haven't gotten very far we haven't done any visits [Music] know I I did not with those I went to Westfield and ask them really why are they Westfield because they have a lot of industrial and T cool during the 101 so excuse me um you got the letter altered it correct yeah it was very simple really simple send that out right did I see well I have to update the database and who was deleted and who was at it right okay once all this other stuff is how was the whole scenario he came in right before I left but I haven't talked to him since was he happy yeah that's all I that's why I yeah when you came in yeah that was the last that's the way wanted I mean you got grass going it takes me a little it's like Pacman gra come chickens you should see because you're working on these for Ryan because he seems to have a very large urgency yeah that it's urgent is this something's doing or no I need to do it but I was trying to get most of those cards before I did it okay so those are the only ones left right those should not hold you because that's not really sign impact well l can I keeping to [Music] me anything else no anything for us no I like me anything anything else do I have do you don't have to have a vote ever the sh is in charge do I have motion to re wonderful 613 and you're fre