##VIDEO ID:SL3lERh_L4s## [Music] couple hours anyway okay we've just we've just started the re recording um we can Neil is is here I I don't have any reviews that are done uh there there are three issues to to talk about we leave the the last one I I think the first one we can do is we asked Neil to send us in a request for a variance for for one pump instead of two pumps at dressel the repair for dressel uh I only got the first page of the request I don't know Neil if you only sent in one page no I sent four pages yeah so I just got I just got one but but uh lee we had we had agreed as a board that that we were going to to allow the single pump since the the volume is is actually so low and that the the uh the use isn't critical if if the pump stops it's not like the business shuts down it's not like there's people living there and uh what I suggested to Neil is that he not Bas it on the fact that that it's got a a pump so there's no water going that's the if we lose electricity I mean it's it's got a well so that there's no water going if if there's no power uh right everything comes to a stop anyway yeah but reality they could they could put a generator in there and have water coming but and just and just for the record I I I put in that um that form 9A I did a I did an upgrade for uh an expansion for Don Auto which is basically the same type of business it's a it's an automotive service uh Center and right down the street in beler town is quin service center who who actually has four bays and they around town water so it's the water use is metered and I used the the quarter or their highest usage at the time and it turned out they were using 17 and a half gallons a day yeah so so my weren't using much water per B I'm sorry I'm sorry 70 gallons a day but seven so 17.5 gallons per Bay which is 70 gallons total so I mean it's it's not significant water usage my it's designed for 600 gallons so it's yeah so so my feeling Lee is that we we did discuss this we made up our we made a decision and we just said to Neil that we were waiting to for that request of the variant to come in and that once he sent it in then we would approve the granting the permit are do you still feel that that's what we should be doing yeah I think I think given the data that's appropriate absolutely okay Colleen so so we've just decided voted that that we will approve the permit granting the permit okay the next the next one is uh is for Bernett Road Neil resubmitted a design I I couldn't read it unfortunately I talked to Neil before you got on Lee and khen that when he sends me PDFs I can't read them I can't read the the uh the the writing on it but I couldn't can can Colleen and uh lee can you read those PDFs um I I don't know I'll have to look at it I I if you can enlarge it I guess but I I'm not sure if they're clear I think I I think I was having the same issue I don't think they're that clear or right is that that's what happens when I blow them up there's a limit to how much they I can blow them up but on top of that their the resolution is just so terrible that when you blow it up I can't read the writing but the question that that Neil just had is if we in fact have already granted that permit and this is the same exact permit that's run out and in three years his time ran out that he's asking if if in fact I get a c a copy all he's done we went back and dug two more Depot so he logged those we made a note that the the lot is filled with with unsuitable soil right now that has to be moved so Neil's request is that if I verify it's the same the same uh design and application that we already approved can we let pen approve this one and that's I actually sense they're trying to to move forward with it Le yeah yeah I mean that would make perfect sense to go in that direction I think okay colen I can I can support that too so I'll come in I'll I'll grab a hard copy okay and then we'll just verify because none of the calculations Chang nothing is Chang no no so the third one Lee I don't know what whether we want to make a decision on this this is on The Wine House and I also I didn't complete the review on that but Neil has proposed a tight tank and which is design it's a 2,000g tight tank which is two times the daily flow so what the issues uh the two main issues is code specifically says that on new applications or increased flow applications the board can't cannot approve a tight tank that was the first and the second is that the guidelines not the guidelines the requirements for for capacity for a tight tank and not two times daily flow but five times daily flow so what Neil was suggesting is that we approve a a septic system design and allow them to use the tank which would be the 2,000 gallon tank appr use them for a year or some time frame before the system had to go in so that we wouldn't be approving a tight tank that but but I'm given given the the history that we have with it I'm thinking that the three of us should be talking about what we're doing here I I agree what is your thought please yeah I believe um that there should be a full board um hitting this thing around yeah I agree okay Neil in the event that that we say we're approving the design I'm I'm guessing I don't know but I'm I'm guessing I know how I'm feeling right now that that I would not approve just the tank right now as a design because it's no I'd have to give you a full design showing the system the you know the correct system for the facility I guess we had to start somewhere and and uh I know you and Jim had discussed the tight tank and I knew it wasn't really it definitely wasn't allowable I mean you can argue well there there was a system there it's not being used it's definitely an upgrade from that system anyway so it that's I guess irrelevant but but I think designing a whole system and saying yeah well you know give them a Time perod where he can use that septic tank as a tight tank not calling it a tight tank but I'm just don't you know don't but have a a full system designed and approved saying yeah this is what he's going to do and you guys have to decide how long he has to do it yeah I mean it's going to be a significant um it's going to be a significant system with the flow there so you know I mean I think he wants to you know get a little bit of business and save up some money to do it because I think you're in the probably 4 to $50,000 area for a septic so so Lee and I agree that we're gonna hold off until the next meeting on this one you agree that that makes sense to you uh yeah yeah you you probably going back I'm guessing that it will end up using the outer seat per process to allow us to do this thing and so it it can all get done right okay okay so that's what we have so that's that's fine okay I gu that's it for you Neil all right I'm gonna go into conservation thank you very much and have a great night okay you by bye bye y thank you bye I don't see I don't see Lynn uh Lynn no is not coming okay so let's let's move since we've we have we have gone through that we've got uh the recording is going so we've got that done uh minutes for the July 30th meeting I made a couple Corrections Lee how are you with those minutes I'm good colen I'm good two so that that's approved okay uh the next item uh with only two of us here there should be a a straightforward meeting tonight U I've got Colleen's time feed for August 10th it is for this two weeks it's the normal 70 hours Le are you okay with that one yes I am thank you I am too Colleen so that's approv appr okay the next one is turnover to the our payments to the treasurer it is for this period is $875 that comes from $765 for board of health permits $10 for Board of Health licenses $100 for Board of Health fees that's it totaling $875 are you okay with with that Lee yes and I am too Colleen so that's approv okay the next one that we have is a temporary food license it's a two-day license the event is September 1st um um that's what this one says I let me see if there's a second one but as I recall it's two days no it's it's it's one right crystal Crystal's on so um uh yes it's gonna be so I'm cooking on August 31st but the event is going to be on September 1st okay so the event is a one day so so it is for the it is Matthew J view memorial fund Inc that D Frain Park uh all of the the details were provided Le the the food is actually being cooked at early mug uh but it it's all Crystal's got it all detailed do you have any issues Lee um no well since the F's being cooked at at uh at the early mug is this something that Lynn um doesn't bother with uh inspecting [Music] or I mean they roting a pig I don't know if it comes in or not the the I would think that it's worthwhile having Lyn look at how the food is being kept on once you move from the the prep area to the serving area that someone should should just look to make sure that water isn't contaminated right the the process that that on an event that that's going to be a a fairly long duration of vent that to make sure that the food is kept warm properly and and it would seem to me that it it would be it would be something that she would look at it's probably it's probably not a lot difference in my mind as if this were being catered so a caterer would make the food and then it would be brought in and that that we would have someone look at it that way yeah that makes sense too yeah so so you don't have any issu with that the the only thing that i' like Lind that and I'm sure she's GNA look is just to make sure that the the water is just handled in in the right way that it's not just a HST from a bigot that we just don't want to make anybody F right I'm okay I'm okay with granting this hormon um Mr Bader can I just clarify something we have rented the kitchen at dufrain Park so we're not going to be taking it from the spet outside we're taking it directly from the kitchen sink that is tested monthly by that's right maintenance department just so you know right thank you so it's not a question anymore you don't have to call me Mr Bombadier sorry so so Le are you okay with this one yes I am thank you okay Colleen we're both okay so that's approved so we give it to the ly to do the inspection and and we're all set okay good well we're all done thanks for stopping by Crystal I could call you Miss D but but no that's okay actually I did have one question if you don't mind um so when Lynn doeses the inspection is she doing it at the early mug is or will I be notified not so much that she's doing it but when to be there because I am cooking it on Saturday and then storing it overnight and then reheating it per Serve Safe instructions on Sunday and then I'm not going to bring it over until about 10:30 cuz people are eating at 11: so that was the plan so um 11 is when we're going to start serving the food and it's probably going to go till 12: or 1 my suggestion is to work with Colleen so that you and and Lynn get in touch with each other my guess is that Lynn is gonna say early Mug's already a a cooking facility that she inspects and it's already cleared and I'm thinking she's probably gonna say let's go over the actual doof frame part of it but but but Lynn is really easy to work with okay and so if somehow Colleen if you can make sure that Crystal and Lynn end up talking together to make it so it flows s seamlessly we'll be all set I'll give Lynn um Crystal's phone number so they can coordinate on when yeah she can go over okay thank you okay have a good night you you too thank you the next one is Gerald are Shambo as a installers permit a renewal uh I judging from the fact that we've also got a certificate of compliance I'm guessing that that Mr arshambo has installed the system at his house without this permit being acted upon that would be accurate um that being said Alan Weiss did make several trips on site um and was in touch back and forth uh between myself and uh Mr ambo I'm I did point I guess this I drove by there today and it it buried so I'm guessing if you're happy with it and and uh this was a renewal but my my suggestion and and he started this he started it from my understanding after he put in the application and and I guess from my concern would be he started it without our conditions that we might have been talked about but also the conditions in my mind would have been that we had the engineer be working with them but it sounds like Le that that happened but so not approving this was kind of a foolish move but do we just for right now without talking to to Mr archambo do we only approve it for that job what are you think I think that would be a reasonable um way to go since his other houses in that setic systems inally over the last couple years when he works in town is on his own property I I I don't know but I'm not anticipating he's got more work coming up this year okay so Colleen what we're saying is we're approving this only for the installation of the septic system at at 68 ammer Street okay is that what you said Le yes and Colleen I said that too so that's that's what we've approved okay yep the next one is Don col and Sun Excavating uh James Cole this is a a renewal of an installer's permit for this year are you okay with with this one Le um I'm I'm not familiar that I know of with this firm um it sounds like they with the renewal they've done work in town I just can't recall any of it okay so we should if it's a renewal we should it's the only thing that I I want to make sure is that and I think you would remember it there's someone from beler toown that installed the system at the at the church on Taylor Street or the former church that the thing had to be ripped out and that I'm gu he wasn't from belter town okay he was from um I think it was Palmer okay so this is not the person oh no this is not the person no okay no then I'm okay with this one are you Lee yes yes okay so then that's approve calling okay the next one is also a renewal for an installer's permit for a d construction robed there from 89 pot lne Lane and ammer are you good with this one Le yes I've done a couple different projects with these guys no issues okay so I am also good with that I col so that's okay the next one we have is a certificate of compliance for the zero residents at 129 Morgan Street uh actually I'm the one that inspected that one and and that oh I know that's when you were in the hospital away okay and uh this is good I I did inspect it it's it went in we've got a an as built with elevations attached and uh so I'm I'm okay with this one this a good one okay all right so so that's approv Val okay the next one is another certificate of compliance and this is a this oh this one is on West Street at 21 West Street this is Steve brunetti this is the one across from the school the West Street School Le Brothers installed this thing right and this was an attach is an asil with elevations so it it look like it complied so we're okay with this one Lee Yes okay Colleen I'm okay with that too so that's a okay the next one is an application for well permit lot three on on Bachelor Street that's one of the the kit aldrich's Lots right along Aldrich Lake they've taken that from the approved design of the septic system and uh' got the the well I looked at it when I could read it and the 115 ft from the septic tank and 170 ft from the SAS and it is it is the the design we approve okay and it's go ahead Le no I'm sorry um I got a copy of that um sent to me by Neil last night and I had a long title five this morning so I haven't been there until I'm going to get there tomorrow morning but Neil uh sent me the copy of the print uh with those same dimensions that you just mentioned the 115 and the 170 um and he um he was said that he personally was on site and staked it out but I'm I'm still going to go there tomorrow morning and verify okay so we're okay with the granting the permit yeah if something doesn't make sense I'll I'm gonna uh I'll call Colleen in the morning uh but from what I heard from Neil and the same numbers you just gave me everything should be fine okay what he doesn't have I'm sure the original the design said that the that the well is cleared from the to the let's see to the to the east of any septic system I'm sure we looked at it on the design but this section that I've got from the design doesn't have that that Dimension but typically Neil's got it on the text saying that it's clear of of any system so you should probably when you look Le just make sure that that the weth of the the I mean the septic system to the east is more than 100 feet from the this well I understand okay yeah that makes okay that makes sense so we're back col okay that's all the last thing I have is a temporary food license from the Church of Christ for September 14 for the dino Fest food booth on Town P are you set with that Lee I am yes I am too so you have Lyn look at that one fing okay yes okay yeah uh there's also the cooc for the 68 ammer oh which I didn't know I probably or is that at the bottom I don't know there is one no there's not I know he just sent because he just came in with it after I sent you the are we set Lee are are you set with that is did we Colleen that we had a drawing though that was given I saw that drawing so that CLC came in with the as built with horizontal and vertical Dimensions so are you are you all set with that repair I'm 68 am yeah that that's a Jer shambo's house our samples yeah yeah yeah I was there um I don't know what they was last week for the final and as as we all know he used the reserve he put in the uh the lengths as required by Allen uh Allan looked at the outlet side of the tank it was very deep but he dug it up in a and looked at it um as far as I can tell with everything that I was told and witnessed everything should be fine on that location then I'm okay with it too coling so that's a okay okay the next one our Title Five inspections with 173 Bachelor street that was the one David Berry uh gave us and it said it needs further inspection evaluation that's the one we've already discussed that actually David talked to us and and they're going to replace the the tank and the and the the SAS and keep track of of the well but I would expect believe that you have to do a a perk test for that well and and I guess the question is [Music] um um who is going to be engineering this whole thing out for Mr Barry going forward yeah I haven't heard anything since we discussed this at the last meeting so I'm not sure okay how we're proceeding here okay so this one is just to accept the title five so okay so I guess we're okay with that okay is that you're thinking Tulie yeah as long as uh I don't know where this this firm is from as long as they understand that they need to um hire an additional firm to look over their shoulder as they're working um I don't know you know who David David Barry is and what what they do or don't do yeah I just I'm just trying to avoid you know it may not be applicable here at all that they show up do stuff and the next meeting tell us that they're all done colen maybe maybe so can we accept the title five Le and then ask colen to get in touch with David Barry to say hey we a perest done that's witnessed by the town just to remind them of that okay per test Witness by the town y yeah because Lee right the only thing we've got a track record is that he didn't know that we were supposed to be there when he did the title fight so so let's stop them from making a mistake on the next one yep the next one is is 68 Hammer Street as a fail I just say that we accept that because it's already been replaced correct okay the the next one I do have a question on this one was done by this is 562 East State Street Ernest mul path with conditional passes that now when I read the the title five on that one it says that in fact he had lri M coming in it looks like we had plenty of distance under the the SAS to the water table but the tank was corroded to the point that they the baffle had rotted away and he was just putting in a plastic Kee my question Le you were there my question is if you've got a tank that internally is right and it didn't look like it was pumped I couldn't tell it didn't say that on the draw on the report but if it's if it's at the point that the concrete is rotted away on the Bassel do we just say on on a tank like that that that's enough evidence that say the concrete's not good enough and the tank should be replac the concrete underneath the covers um was really um uh what's the word it was really substantial it didn't show an excessive amount of wear despite the fact that the that the ble um was was gone uh so it yeah I mean it it it's if the concrete was was really falling or really thinned out I would have obviously um had some more concerns yeah Lee how about were the the inlet baffled did you have a chance to look at that yeah the inlet battle was okay the concrete was was decent um I mean you know better than better than they would have anticipated and how about where the where the pipe where the pipe went through the wall of the tank could you see if that was in good stap it looked decent yeah okay so I don't know why the ble itself failed but the rest of the tank like it was okay okay and it was a 1500 galon tank yes I I ran the calculation on it he didn't say it was 1500 but his Dimensions show that it was a 1500 so so then we're okay with this one we could should just accept we should be we should be okay okay so moving on then to the next one Colleen 12 Jack on Circle uh actually here's a we can discuss two things with this we're just we're just waiting on on this one for the Northampton said do they say that this one should be condemned they are sending the order of conditions [Music] um I believe believe they said something about the basement maybe was condemnable something about the basement um but yeah they are sending their uh inspection and their uh order of Corrections to the owner then we telling do you I think you told me that they were preparing a letter of condemnation for right to time did that happen they were doing the um order of Corrections that's as far as I think it that got Lee do you think it's worthwhile for for us to to get some communication with with these with the inspector that the the inspector could call us at the our next meeting give the inspector an appointment and and talk to us about where we are with this thing it sounds like it's going to go to four what do you think yeah I mean uh we should be in my way of thinking we should be brought into the loop um a question for you Colleen please did our building inspector um show up for this event uh not that I'm aware okay okay it sounds like Lee and I are both asking that that we we talked to the inspector and with his or her report just they probably only have to talk to us for 10 minutes they don't have to go any place they just have to make a phone call yeah I know they they work in the daytime but but some but we don't yeah sure yeah I'll um I'll reach out to them and ask them if they come to the next meeting okay well we could you can promise them that we'll put them right at the beginning of the meeting and get them in and out and so they don't have to sit wa okay sure fact it might be nice time if you talk to Lynn if if that's what's going to happen maybe Lynn is there just to hear it since ly's our inspector that we can yeah that's a good point get yeah her feeling on it okay the next the next one is 10 Lane water in the street in the driveway actually after Colleen sent something out talking about Dave D Roser actually talk to Dave D Rosher today and then I went down there and Dave D roer I had and the the neighbor who I can't remember his his name and he's not really a neighbor he's a couple houses for West Street on the opposite side of the road but he's the guy with the biggest puddle in front of his house but David had told me that he did the best he could with the the road grading and that the he put a crown in the road and that the water looked like it flowed when it rained flowed down both sides of the road and and then after a very short time dissipated and the puddle seemed to be gone and when I got there the the neighbor said yes indeed that does happen but he had a there was a huddle along I would say two lots the front of two lots on the west side that was couple inches deep maybe a couple feet wide with some pretty nasty looking slime growing in it and you could see the water from 12 the pumping of 12 Green Lane coming out of the grass going over the crown of the road and going from the East side to the west side so I I gave save the roer a call I had only talking to him a couple minutes prior half an hour prior and he came over and he looked and we did determine that that the pumping was behaving very differently than the the rain and that uh the bottom line is it looks like issue is limited to the discharge from the pump they probably other houses on that on that East Side that already go into that the man the catch Basin but it looks like the solutions to this problem is that and that needs to be solved is that a pipe go directly from that from 12 all the way to the catch basement and Dave told me Dave told me the town he does not want the town responsible for it but we did agree that the The Logical way is to connect the pipe directly to the the stump pump and 12 go they said that he would allow the pipe to be put in on on Town property put in like a polyethylene pipe and and they've said that that he would contact uh Mr Nan I think who puts in sprinkler systems and see if he can get a price to run a plastic line a polyethylene line not very deep in the in the ground that goes from the house all the way to the catch Bas so it it it looks like that is the absolute U most logical solution the other houses look like they don't need it and it looks like if you get that pump the water out of there the road is going to be acceptable so I expect Dave D roer to be getting back to us who pays for it da certainly Dave is saying I would like the town not to be pain for it and that the town not be responsible for it but that he would allow it to avoid easements and that he would allow it to be put in so the simplest way to handle it certainly would be to for the owner of of 12K Lane to just take responsibility and get that pipe right down to the to the road and be the the owner of the down to the not the RO but the catch Bas and and just get it done but let's see see what has to be done to have that happen so that's what I I had uh you have any any issues please any questions um by the way we're still flowing pretty well right today yeah after the rain that we got I'm sure yeah um I don't know I don't know if um or how it's going to the whole street seems to be up in arms about most everything that one neighbor or the other neighbor does obviously in that street um which it's not necessarily Dave der roer's battle or or you know the town but it's heading that way um and I you know there's different septic systems that may or may not be of any value and there's water and it's it seems that as much work as everyone does it's not enough or it's not good enough for somebody it's confusing what we but we when we told the owner of 12 SK Lane to do this to move the the discharge from the back to the front we did in fact know that we were going to put this water problem in front of everybody it was GNA instead of being in the back just a circle going from her backyard to her basement to her backyard to the basement and then ultimately the water flows by her house anyway he's got a a bathtub in the middle of it but but uh as I explain to to the people and and it turns out kind of a a little bit of humor as we're getting ready to leave one Cruiser pulled up and then right after the second Cruiser pulled up right after or just before one of the neighbors the other neighbors came out and I said wow this is quite a we got quite a little meeting occurring here and it turns out that the one of the neighbors by accident said I guess sat on their phone and dialed 911 well that's why we have the police there and and it turns out you can't just say incorrectly you just can't say once to get a 911 call they really have to do at least a an investigation to the point that they know it's not really a 911 call it they they don't know that the person in the house didn't dial 911 because there was a problem in the house that something was happening so they did have to do that investigation and make sure that it was just a mistake but but and I explained if you look at that corner that northeast corner of that street and to some extent even across the street that that house that 12 I I explained to them how much trouble pumping out of the ground does when when we we were forced to put pound water on on Morgan Street in South Hadley I mean in in gramby when they the water came from sou aty but when that that Resident had that that well that he put in his property to to water his lawn that dropping the water table caused the leachate from the the landfill to cross Sony Brook and and I said what happens is you you have this house this 12 10 Lane that dropped the water table around there and what it really does is it drops it going in all directions so anybody that a house away gets the benefit of this because their basements no longer get flooded because this person's pumping the water tabl on so it may not be just a single person's problem if that person Let It Go if that house were to disappear then you might have the house across the street being flooded the house next door on both sides being flooded so this may not be just one person's problem right but that right I mean that that's actually a good explanation but that one person who's pumping the water you're right is benefiting everybody uh but they don't see it that way I'm guessing that's what's going on they see what's on the surface and no con cep of really what's taking place four 68 feet underground right yeah so yeah so in this case I I guess what what Dave is is going to do is get a price and and maybe we maybe we go back to to Chris Martin and say look at what this is benefiting a community it's not just benefiting a a person and maybe the town should grab a hold of the the pipe and and say you know we'll put it in or pave to do something but somehow or other help out but I I guess the the first step well the first step is that when Dave and I looked at it that it is obvious it is if you dealt with this one problem and solved it the neighborhood is going to be solved and that the answer really is to get it so the water goes into the into the the catch base because we said you know what you really could do if you wanted you could let the stuff go back into the ground in their front yard and and you know build a big leeching catch Basin and put it back into the the ground and let the raise the water table in the front and let it go across the street to Brook but for sure but you could be well relatively certain that the house to the West once you put all that water back in the ground the house from the West is going to get a flooded Basin so oh without yeah absolutely absolutely going right through that lot to get to the brook so sure so I think yeah I guess Dave suggestion is find out how much it cost and then let's figure out what we want to do y yep yep y yeah I mean um yeah hopefully it's it's something uh the town has something squired aside for that and can clean this thing up and the entire Street will will benefit many many times over from this project that's right that's right yeah so let's let's hope that it moves in a smooth Direction and we get this this thing solved next question that that I asked Colleen to put on that that actually involves Lyn and what when Lynn does an inspection and that colen I asked colen because it was housing but I guess it really doesn't matter that it's housing or restaurant are we in a position Lee that that unless unless we don't want to decide the two of us decide and I could accept that that we want to let Lyn write the letters of you know her orders as a result of of her inspection or do we want to say she can't do that the Board of Health has to write those orders uh um well my my my immediate sense is that she um is in a unique position to be uh working in Hoke as we know and grany with the food codes on a regular basis and that being said my sense is that she will recognize and know um without us cing around digging up uh our code books what's going on and uh what violations are being affected and what needs to be done to fix them that's my sense I mean I can understand uh we can certainly wait and and throw this at bill as well so the whole Board gets on to it but my immediate sense is that um her or someone in her capacity is going to know right off the bat or pretty quickly what's wrong and how to fix it or is we that's not our expertise feel exactly the same way exactly the same way is that that she is dealing with this on a routine basis where we're not but I guess I and I believe that bill is going to feel exactly the same way too however what is it what does it Hur so that get the the first the first one for for this one my suggestion is rather than let the the violation sit for a couple weeks that we have S colen signed the the notice of violation or have L it somebody signed the notice of violation that's from the Board of Health for right now yeah I I did type it up I did type it up for her recent inspection that she did and she reviewed it and she signed it and I said I'll hold on to it until you know you um but I'll you know you say I can then I'll send it out yeah what okay what I I would do is I would like to to wait for Lee I mean for for Bill as well so Lee could you support our authorizing colen to sign our names as well and this at least then it becomes a Board of Health document for this time and then we talked that put this on the agenda for next meeting Colleen so that bills on on board because we always work we don't ever work on a vote of two to one we always work on three to nothing y y so so could you support that that that that Colleen sign my name okay so Colleen that's what we decide so you sign Lee in my name and then we'll put it on our next agenda okay so Lynn's signature is on there and I'll just add yours both of yours okay and when you're talking to Lynn yeah just tell Lyn that Lee and I fully agree that it should be just L that that does that but that we want to have all three members discuss it okay yeah y okay the next is and you know I didn't read this one Colleen sent out the temporary event application for special event venues uh I again since we have the regulations saying that they they need a permit then then we need to at least review that thing khen in a spot right now that she's gonna have to if someone gets in touch with her she's got to give a permit right they got to have an application and a permit yeah an application and a yeah that's why I sent you application to see if that's what you wanted because let me ask you so uh if somebody's holding an event and they need to have this temporary uh event license but also they're having food trucks those food trucks still have to get their mobile licenses through the town correct right so I kind of just took off some of the other food think questions because that would be on the mobile application and put on the general questions but what else I don't know I I did talk about the toilet facilities and the trash removal I just didn't know if there was other things you wanted on this we could be talking about water and hot water source for for cleaning the water supply okay will your vendors be hooked up to a water supply got that and will they will will the event have it they may not have they may not have vendors they may have Caterers where that that maybe what happens is they have to just have a an item that said what is the water supply and then we can then check on it um okay if we're requiring the permit lead would you you would think we have to have an application at least what happens if it happens in the next two weeks we have to have maybe you can put on it coling that this is the temporary form so that they know it's going to be changed because they could end up saying the next time get this form and then say hey you asked up for something different this time y okay yeah yeah that's a good point yeah I was going to send an application with the letter and you want this to go to uh the two like uh well the place on ammer street and the place on Harris Street but yes or no on wine housee my suggestion would be to ask that question at the next meeting not to send it out to the lne housee right now to ask the for the the three of us that in my mind that The Wine House is different it's a a physical facility but what we should talk about Lee what are you thinking no I'm I'm on the same page um with with that comment go ahead Colleen please no I was I was going to say I'm I'm I'm not Bing because it it it looks like The Wine House is trying to to to be in the middle of of getting getting the both The Best of Both Worlds that that they say oh it's a physical building it's not one of these temporary venue thing it's a permanent venue yet we're saying yeah but we're letting you have Porta poies and we're letting you have you you know food come in and and instead of saying you know you're you're either here or not there you're either a temporary thing and you need these inspections or or your permanent thing and you need to behave like a permanent thing well I mean that's that's that's really a good point um anytime they have a food truck come in um then yeah the the fee has to be aen and that truck or floral has to be checked out by Lynn well it's simply good it's a just a good it's good practice to keep everybody um sharp at all times and and on the on the right page of doing a a clean presentation with the proper standards in place at all times not not to become complacent you know the the person could say well wait a second my food truck is all set up and it's been inspected but if you do that then how do you then that that food truck has to be thenan yeah but I have toilets and I have hand washing and I've got water and then otherwise they say oh no no I'm I'm hooked up to this to this permanent place it's already got toilets and it's already got got you know a a proper source of water and and this place say whoa we just moved from from we don't really have any toilets and we we don't really have a source of water and you're not a public water supply you're saying oh I've got I've got food trucks coming in but you're serving ice the people and you it's again you're you're in between saying I'm instead of complying with the regulations of both you're trying to comply with the regulations of neither and the only thing that I might suggestion for tonight and answering Colleen's question Lee is once again with as with the toilet can we just we've waited this long can we wait two more weeks before we make that decision and let colen sent the not us out to the the two places that are clearly event places and wait till two weeks from now to make a decision on the other yeah I mean yeah two weeks is it's been it's been whatever eight nine months so yes but but again uh the point is valid that um regardless of how many food trucks are repeat visitors uh doesn't circumvent uh the potential shortcuts the potential Garden holes to get water Etc right um so there's a lot of um there's a lot at stake for everybody and um we should be making everyone in town and I mean everyone every you know The Wine House the place on ammer Street the place on Harris Mountain everybody's got a tow the mark every single time yeah if they can't then they should they shouldn't be doing it yeah if you end up getting you know 150 people sick or someone di it's it's not going to be certainly not funny for sure and it's and the people in in town whether they resident the town or coming through the town to go to one of these events I think expect the Board of Health to make sure that they're safe at these events oh exactly I mean you go to a local fair you go to the Big E you go to wherever you go you anticipate that these things are been done thought through and have been taken care of long before you purchase your ticket to enter the event yeah so colen so the the thing that we've got to to make sure Lee you and me and and Bill is that the application is the right application then we've got to have something that we're going to have to go over with Lynn to to be saying what are you going to be doing to inspect what are what are her standards when she looks at one of these things so we need to look at that application and we should Ken maybe you could send a note out to to us again to all three of us they not only review the application review what you would expect ly to be to be going through and and maybe maybe those the question that you have for Lynn to be asking need to be on that application so that they don't get surprised when Lynn goes there so maybe maybe that on the application it says who's going to pick up the trash what kind of containers are the trash going into when is the trash going to be picked up the the you know where is it going to be Tak to is it going to be recycled Source separated in in terms of recycling whatever and we look at at Food waste and and nonfood waste uh I have to they don't have to believe but but I'm guessing that that there must be on these things that how many events like that would be help that they're serving alcohol yeah that's for sure now it I went to one a couple weeks ago and what happened is that they it was a wedding and they alcohol was all free now I'm guessing that's how they get around it that that the someone bought the the couple doing the wedding bought the alcohol and gave it to their guests they had people in there making drinks but maybe that's how you get around it that it's not being sold interesting ought to even be asking in terms of safety is there anybody that we ought to be talking as the police something is do they care if if someone let's say there was a wedding and someone's getting drunk you don't have you don't have any control you're not selling alcohol you're giving alcohol away but it's not really you're giving it to someone in your house it's a party and now when people get in their car and drive home is do the police want to have any input on that I would anticipate they would especially if uh if the U Unthinkable occurs you and um there is a minor fender bender or God forbid something more than that um from a certain address and yeah the lawyers are gonna come out and certainly The Neighbors on whatever street you're on be saying gee I I don't want one of my kids to be riding my bike and having someone come down the street that's been drinking all morning or or whatever but but again if if we if we stretch a little bit and say that that's part of of health and Public Safety we we definitely ought to get the police and ask them what they think about these these events how bet a bet if if you talk to Kevin Kevin would could be saying oh yeah we have all this is an issue with 10 different communities across the state with these these events and here's how they handle it you know maybe Kevin says oh yeah well the way they do it is there's a cop there so but I don't know I don't know yeah there is I I don't know the numbers or the laws but I know that the your average bartend um should or does know that uh they can't as the say used to go they can't drink your wallet dry um for the sake of gains financial gains and this wouldn't be necessarily financial gain but there's got to be some co-responsibility in giving something which would be way beyond their capacity and turning them loose to figure out how they're going to get home on their own yeah so I think we ought to stretch this out a little bit we can look at what clearly Board of Health colle have us say what do we want lint to be inspecting but for sure for sure you could give s call and ask him and say if this is happening what what is his thought what is does he have any any people he can reach out for and say what do other communities deal with when how do they keep their Road safe so we should do that for for sure for next meeting so do you want me to just hold on this till you get that off if Lee if you can support that since we've got the the permit requirement and it's to me it's it's clear to I don't I don't even know what the planning board did to the one on har street but but let's assume that that they approved it then both haris Street and and ammer Street and just let them know that they there an application a permit an application okay so that they don't start off without it and then then we'll Le can you support not sending that to Wine house this week and wait till next week next meeting to to decide on that one oh for sure yes okay okay we're lucky there's no no permit that's required there if it's happening very quickly someone's gonna say GE I already had an event plan for two weeks ago and you came up with this thing that say it cost me $400 because it's it's less than 30 days we might end up until the 30-day time comes from now that it's it's just a $200 one for this yeah for the for the inome yeah until the first 30 days get through yeah you know maybe maybe we in fact maybe to avoid it say this is we're notifying you that this is the fee but but starting 30 days from now uh if you don't give us a notice of of 30 days it's $200 $400 y y y gotcha make it so it's clear to them say events up to 30 days whatever the day is that you send it out a $200 fee for that for those first 30 days and any events that are after that after have less than a 30-day notice is a $400 Fe that gets us started so that everybody doesn't scream and say that that we're charging them $400 for a brand new rule yeah yeah it's a one time thing that we just have to get through yeah that's fair that's only fair yeah okay our next I I guess the Board of Health regulations were not going to be able to do without the without Bill did you hear did you ever hear anything back from Dollar General on the on the forb no I uh emailed the district manager and uh said board is planning on withholding the tobacco permit if we don't hear from him I haven't heard from him I haven't heard anything I heard nothing at all um now I'm due to send out well I was going to send them probably this week the tobacco applications because those tobacco licenses will be expiring the end of September so I was going to give them a good month and a half notice so I'll be sending those out you could do that and hopefully hopefully Dollar General responds in a way that that we don't have to do that yeah so they're doing the renovation at Duncan Donuts uh it's only going to take them two weeks they're closed this week and next week they're arranging with Lynn for Lynn to go in and do she's got to get in touch with the owner to go in and do a uh an inspection before they open up uh they're just doing you know they're doing plumbing and the electrical again but just kind of like a facelift on the cabinets and things like that okay what else else do we have if we don't have anything I'm going to suggest that we we end it without Phill that was it Lee do you have anything I'm I'm pretty good right now thank you okay then I we'll call it an early night then without bill so good night everybody okay good night okay good night folks all right thank you