[Music] tonight so I'll be I'll be S ID a video tonight okay well then then we can we can move on like before I I forget let's say on minutes from July 2nd do we have any comments about them I I'm okay with them yeah I'm fine on my side yeah frankly dick I didn't get a chance to review them but I'm sure you guys reviewed them they're fine okay and that they're approved uh then let's go the septic applications at there's a bunch of them and I sent them out and said that the reviews are complete but some of them have some issues the the first one let's let's talk about Allan Weiss that Allan had an issue that this one is lot 11a on Barton Street it's a rear lot and if you come off of fairy hill and take a right on Barton Street George galo's property is right on the corner on the left and then you've got the first house on the left just at the end of George's little field and that house is a right of way that goes back in and into a 2.8 acre lot that's where this is right in back of that U Got Wetlands on one side of it but it's a it's a a three-bedroom house that's new uh 2.8 acre l it G it's it slow for down toward kind of a sale on the east on the left very dense till 28 inch water table wetlands are on that side and then they're on the West Side you get into Country View and the wetlands on that side as well uh issues are the water table the dense soil the slope the Wetland there's also the adjacent well on the house that's in front of it along Bar Street the design is for a 1500g two compartment tank with Outlet filters there are three 3 foot by 53t by 12 in effective depth trenches with vent fill is required 445 gallons a day are provided 440 gallons a day are required Reserve areas between and adjacent to the trenches a 4 foot water table separation Bast is not there's so much fill that's involved that Bast is not required for the septic tank uh the SAS and the septic tank separation to the wetlands and Wells all more than 100 fet uh the discussed items are the the print permit and silver F what do we have for discussion on that one I don't see reading something quickly here do we need um I didn't catch it maybe one of you guys did uh do we need venting on these three lines since they're 53 feet long they are vented okay all right so on the far uh side there okay all right um okay had been missing some ties for the S alen likes to say he can scale his drawings but his drawings don't say you can scale them so he he put the the ties in to because it's it's kind of tight if you look at it the distance to the Wells and and just kind of winging it is not good enough without the tie so he's got a in okay Bill how are you with this one yeah yeah dick I I had two talking points on this first is a generalized comment that I I ran some numbers on for 1500 gallon tank that's typically 10 and 1 12 ft long by 5 feet 8 in wide which several manufacturers produce yeah if the if the water table is greater than 3.2 ft from the bottom of the tank in the ground then you got to start thinking about uh uplift and ballast yeah okay so again again again in this case you could use you could use soil Shear strength between the the no he's got this one up he's got so much fil for the house F that the bottom of this septic tank is up above the water table okay all right so that but I'm saying in general something to put in your notebook if the tank if the tank has more than 3 point two feet of water from the bottom of the tank then you got to start thinking about balance anything less than that it's a nonissue okay okay so that's a good number yeah that's general for all for all systems we review that's good number second that yeah SE secondly secondly on this particular lot back in 2012 the commission had an issue with the way the original designer and again this is really not pursuant to Board of Health but they got to start thinking about how they're going to design the driveway to get into the property because the original design called for an elevated driveway which encroached on the Wetland to the east so this clearly will have to come to conservation for permitting of the driveway if nothing else okay okay but from from a standpoint of Allen's design are we okay with that's fine yeah it's fine I I am too calling so that's subject to Phil and trench permit okay so the next one the next group of four can I can I ask one question this is at your time yet oh okay this is our this is our little freebie time beforehand I'm sorry I'm sorry okay the next the next four are Neil and the first one that I've got is 99 North Street now this is this is when I'm all done with this one where I've said the review is complete the review is not complete because I went to look at this and the too is wrong and this system can't go in but in fact maybe that's what we should talk about rather than it's a three-bedroom house complete system and Neil is is going the the the level lines basically running north to south parallel to to hmer Street and when you look at the property it's definitely there's a Terrace on the on the south side and it drops down towards the driveway there's a low spot near the driveway and Neil shows this is a a nice slope from the house a uniform slope across the property uh and he's putting the system in as a terrorist system along the slope and the slope doesn't exist and it does can't be put there so I I don't know what we want to do with this one my suggestion is it's not ready until he gets that fixed dick what did you say that the toppo needs to be rechecked yeah the too when you look at it it is really wrong did you you well how did you deter it was wrong well it shows that it it shows the property as being a uniform slope starting at the street going upwards towards the house so towards the west and uniform across the property and that's where the the system goes and when I looked at it it's not uniform across the property it's high on the left side and then it slopes down going towards the the north towards the driveway and that's where Neil's got the system sold and clearly there are not two level lines that go where Neil says they are they're just not there and they're they're off by three feet four feet did did did you ask Neil who he hired to do his toppo for him I just I just saw it today okay as I was driving by ask Neil ask Neil who we had to do his toppo for him and have redo it that's all right so we won't do that one today the next one is uh that one also by the way didn't come through with a a Locus on it but Neil said that the drawing and the in the office does have a Locus on the next one is uh five fairy Hill Road uh that's a repair three bedroom house uh complete system the fees paid the review is complete um although that one when we get to it uh there is no Locust on my drawing or your guys drawings I don't think and the there are no lot lines on that drawing so you don't know that this system's on this property uh the it's cleared grassy 1.2 acre lock steeply slop down towards the rear that's to the east uh loose till 50inch water table the issues of the house orientation the water table and the the slope the design is for 1500 gallon two compartment tanks with Outlet filter two 3 foot by 50 foot by 18inch effective trenches without vents uh reuse the existing plumbing and building sewer The Fill fill is required 444 gallons a day are provided versus 440 needed Reserve area and this one is provided between an adjacent even though it's a repair between and adjacent to the poos trenches 4 foot water table separation Bast is not required uh for this septic tank either uh the existing septic tank is going to be pumped crushed and filled the SAS and the sub tank separations of the wetlands and well more than 100 fet um again that we discussed the stren permit fill requirements again that the conditions would be that the the lot lines have to be added and the the locus has to be had what do we have for Lee and especially that you've been there what are your thoughts um the system um is in the base of a of a little as your field whatever you want to call it behind the house way down on the bottom there's a there's a little or there's a fairly aggressive slope going down to it and um that's the only I mean that I think that's the only location it could go in um with that being said there's a there's a decent amount of and I'm I'm I haven't read this thing through yet there's a decent amount of runoff coming off fa Hill Road down on to the location of this SAS it's just the way the the land is catch all the rain and run off heading towards it um seems have enough separation I don't know where the well is I see the well there okay let me see um modeling 57 okay I think it's 68 no 83 okay yes the other thing that Neil was going to fix if you notice coming out of the in the solids line he's got a a sharp angle where he's got a clean out he was going to put a long radius sweep in there right right behind the house yeah okay I got you so well radius I this thing can we go on to the next one or we we're oh no I'm I'm yeah I'm just I'm reading as quick as I can here um I'm I'm okay with what I can see at this point the next one is 398 Bachelor Street the three-bedroom complete system fee is paid the review is complete the cleared grassy levels OnePlus acre lot sand shallow to ledge and 25 and 34 in to the water table the issues the ledge and the water table the design that is for a 1500g two compartment tank with an outlet filter pump th000 gallon pump tank with the controls and alarms and the required separate circuits c three 3T by 40t x 12 in effective dep trenches with vents reusing the existing plumbing and building sewer fill is required uh 444 gallons a day provided for for capacity versus 440 needed uh there is a partial Reserve area between the proposed trenches the there's not the space on the edge of the adjacent to the last trench but but he doesn't need the system a reserve for that of the repair 5 foot water table separation Bast is required for both both of those tanks uh the existing septic tank to be pump crushed and filled the SAS and the septic tank separation the wetlands and Wells is more than 100 ft uh discussion uh TR permit fill permit a fill requirement and electrical permit required for the for the pump what do you what do you have for comment Le and B I don't see anything out of place on this one at first CL that little section of town is going to be someday is going to come back a little bit to get us but that was the that was in that area was Leo huger's property and at that point those those lots those houses on that side on the on the North side there are they're nice houses and uh those were not the newest houses not the first ones you get to as you get further that those were done under article 11 when the two oil only required two feet be between get the ledge to put systems in and those systems went in at two feet so they'll they will come back when there finally the repairs come but this one is this one wasn't one of them I don't think I think this is the old house and uh this is exactly the spot that Neil walked into there so are we okay are we going to let that one approve that one um I think good from what I can uh from what I'm reading here we see appear to have all the separations we want um B is going to be figured in so we should be uh I think we're good St Bill are you with us yeah yeah yeah dick I'm sorry I've been busy at work the past week I haven't had time to review any of these designs I'm sorry I'll go I'll go with your uh your review I'm sure you guys have looked at this carefully the last one that that Neil has is is the 161 West dressel the repair it's a a 4 Bay auto repair facility not a service station so not a gas station a complete system fee is paid design based it's actually based on a service station for for loading so even though it's it's a higher loading than you'd expect uh the cleared gra gra grassy and grally area gently sloped slop looks like it's about the the drawing says it's I don't know 14 acre lack but when I when I look at it it appears to be about a 1 acre lot lomy Sands with six minutes per in for per 26 C water table very limited area for the SAS um Wetlands to the north close and so if you if you look at what Neil was working with he's squeezing the the water table it got the wetlands and there's not enough space to get in Prince for for the SAS so he's got the wetlands that he just making the 100 fet he's got the the well that's over there he's got the road it's it's kind of squeezed in uh did talk that that Neil that that he ends up having to have a wall but uh he decided to to go for the try to hit the 100 seats for wetland separation rather than to search for better soil and move it closer to the swamp but the design is for 1500 gallon two compartment tank with Outlet filter pump and 100,000 gallon pump chamber with the controls and electric circuits 10t by 61t bed with 30 Helen b43 modules with vent reusing the existing plumbing and building sewer fill is required 645 gallons a day are provided versus 600 required no Reserve areas provided concrete clock wall with a 40 mil high density polyethlene liner on the east west and south sides so the the swamp side doesn't have a wall four foot water table separation ballast is required for the septic tank and plump chamber uh the existing septic tank to be pump crushed and removed filt fening that is provided uh Neil didn't have it on the drawings you've got but but this because it's it's not a single or two family house this would be required a two pump pump chamber and so the Neil was going to change the the variant requesting for a single pum due to the fact that that it's a very very low seid flow and an intermittent load and it's not critical it's not something like someone's living there and having a pump off line should not be a a critical item is what Neil was going to say the SAS is septic and pump tank separation to the wet lenses well it's more than 100 fet the SAS separation to the wet lenses also more than 100 ft the the septic and pump tank separates into the Wetland is more than 50 fet that's at the so if you look at it that's at the I guess that's the West End of of the building and that that you really can't get the 100 feet the SAS does have it the the trench perment there also not that Neil didn't have is that the the wall I I didn't realize that that Neil uh consult that stamps his drawings as a sanitarian not an engineer so that this drawing that I've got does not have a p stamp on the wall is required so the French permit is required fill permit variance for the single pump electric permit required and conton approval along with the the stamp and I'm not sure that that Neil said that it was going to be there before today so so that's Lee and and Bill what are your thoughts um just two quick questions I can't right now I don't know if it's me or you Lee but I your Signal's weak Lee you got to speak up your signals weak how about is it better now that's better now yep thank you okay all right thank you on the on the west side of the building where the existing tank is and the pump chamber is going to be installed um are we going to assume that uh they're going to do a buoyancy calculation there we didn't dig a hole in that location we have a 26 inch water table over the proposed SAS but we don't know what's on that West corner of the building uh but I'm guessing it's going to be similar numbers Neil is requiring Valance there okay all right all right uh and my my last question please do we have any idea uh the width of 202 in other words um how wide does 202 the state own are we is this system going to be um on the south side too close to the highway and not be encroaching on State Property oh there's there is a pin there in the front Okay I didn't see it's on the plan yeah there's a pin there's a pin close um actually close to the proposed SAS okay okay beautiful thank you yeah on the on the front uh Eastern uh portion of the lot there's a pen there okay let's get back to our let's get back to our schedule this one this review took a long time for us we're over 15 minutes late uh I don't know is I didn't see Lynn here no she's not coming okay so we we gained on Lynn Allan uh Allan was here I think he's probably oh there he is there Alan so it sounds like we're set with you huh one comment dick I I took a quick look at the the gas station and Neil as you know you are in a resource area you're in the riverfront area but yeah I will file I'll file file but don't worry about it because you're going to get exempt because that building was built before 1983 so you got an exemption on that and you did as much as you can to get away from The Perennial Stream So the commission's going to have no problem with that but but come to Theiss B yeah you may as well you may as well RDA or noi no no RDA don't don't very simple but thank you okay yeah no thank you so Allan you're you're set with with the with just the trench permit the Phill but Bill Bill also made the comment that that the owner is going to have to be filing to get the driveway but not not for your part you're completely aware of that so so we're f with you I'm supposed to see you tomorrow morning is that correct see you then yeah thank you folks good night thank you guys thank you so Neil now we're gonna get we're GNA get to you as as you're a point but we have a have an issue Neil that that I just saw today on 99 North Street the Topo that that you gave is not is not what the land look like and it it affect the system and U so we didn't have we didn't aren't going to prove that okay I unfortunately I just had a root canal so I'm not in my office I didn't know they took over three hours so I'm in Springfield now so um I don't have the plan in front of me unfortunately but checked that it it could be it could be a typo yeah when you look at it Neil you're you're GNA see that the the Poo calls for a a uniform slope that goes low as at the road going parallel to the road going up to the house and the systems in that in that taper and that's not what it looks like it's got a kind of a high plate that drops down to the to the driveway when you see it you're gonna say wow that's not what this looks like right because there is there is a retaining wall up by the house so yeah it it's definitely slopes towards the road for sure so it could be it could be a typo but I'll I'll definitely look at that yeah yeah yeah tell tell your land surveyor to check those those ra if you would Neil okay well yeah well I did the I did the Topo but my the guy that drafted it might have it wrong so I'll definitely check it okay okay thank you the one on on fairy hill road that that one is the one you said you were gonna yeah you were gonna correct you were G to put the lot lines and you were gonna put the locusts on and and change the the sweep on the the the locus is on the plan that Colleen has and and I do have a blown up uh Locus off Mass mapper showing I'll add the lot lines but it clearly shows that um nowhere near any lot lines okay and uh Neil did have a question that this for Lee and and uh and Bill uh told me that on 25 cold drive on a A system that we approved it's that which was a a pump system and the new owner would like to put it in fact it's a it's a requirement to put in a a garage which is going to go where the the system foret it sorry well so uh what Neil is asked he apparently did talk to Bill and said that that we were 100 feet from those from the wetlands and now it's it's going to go to a 50 fet and and Bill apparently told Neil that that that Conservation Commission wouldn't be a problem with that but Neil asked me he said you know if we I go in the back and I get closer to to the Wetland I can go with an elence system and instead of having four feet separation dropped the three-foot separation then get rid of the pump and my my statement to Neil was that I would suggest to the board that we just gave up 50 feet of protection to the Wetland that that I'm not anxious to give up a foot of Separation to the water table on top of that but I would say he had a he had a pump before everybody was happy and we got the four separation that we could that I'd go along with the 50 Foot to the Wetland but not getting rid of the pump and the separation but but that bill and and Lee what are your thoughts um I agree with uh where you're heading with this one dick so keep the pump that's what we're saying okay that's fine yeah I'm in the design process so you know if if you want the pump I'll I'll keep the pump we didn't hear from you Bill no that's fine whatever you whatever you guys want that's fine no problem okay very good okay you were okay you were okay with the the 50 Feet versus the 100 feet you're the the spokesman for the Wetland so and and this is on a repair correct yes yeah it's a repair but just just run it by conservation you may not even have to file for an RDA but just run it by us would you okay all right yeah I'll definitely come to that just come to the meeting we can just discuss it thank you perfect thank you y okay that our next we're we're close on time though I've got the David Barry to discuss the title 5 inspection at 173 Bachelor street it's it's my understanding that what we we are concerned that that that inspection was done without involvement of the Board of Health yes um so I found out that I was supposed to have the health department out as a witness for this inspection after I already did it um my apologies and I did offer to uh have the health department come witness the inspection I have no problem doing it over again if needed um but also if you uh would like to discuss what I did find there I'm I'm open to that as well I I believe was it Neil that I had talked to who said that um I should come to the meeting here and and let everybody um hear what I had found guessing you haven't sent the report in I haven't seen it no I haven't sent it in because I I honestly I didn't know if it was going to be valid so I wanted to you know run it by you folks and then if you want I certainly can't send it in or we can do it over dick where's 173 Bachelor is that is that the up in the high high plane area there no if if you if you come down North Street take a r on take the right on on Bachelor Street yeah it's one of the houses uh just before you go what is that what street lanebrook is that what goes in there or one of the houses that that in fact that's where the there part of this discussion for tonight is talking about tying this house into the community water system water well do those homes in that area of shallow Wells oh well that's that's why I think it's worthwhile listening to Dave and and let us he can in that kind of soil he can tell us really quick what he found out there okay um so in a nutshell what I found out there guys um the SE this house hasn't been lived in for quite some time I'm going to guess over two years and the septic tank itself is in poor condition it's leaking uh the liquid level was at the bottom of the tank so that itself needs to be replaced going on to the leechfield um there was approximately 80 feet of perforated 4in pipe that was in excellent condition and the stone surrounding it looked great so that was one thing I wanted to discuss the next is the SAS yes David let me interrupt you did not you tell me that was uh clay tile it is it's Clay perforated it's not it's not all right so per no it's buted play tiles are buted they're buted together they're spaced together with a butt joint that me if it's clay tile that means a rather old system yeah well I mean I'm considering a perforation a hole in a pipe so whether it's a drilled hole or a a hole that you're considering a buted against I mean it it's you know what I'm talking about it's acting as a perforation so it is old different it is different if you in one case it's a perforated pipe in another case it's it's little 18inch pipes that are yeah laid in the point is if it's Clay tiles laid in to end it's it's no later than a 1975 system so the system's at least 1975 vintage or earlier yeah it is very old correct so then we then we look at what did we find for a water table there so I did not find any water table the soils appear to be all sand but this system itself is 75t from the well that is on site so this home does have its own well and I've come to find out most the homes in this area are on is it a community well there that everybody is tied into but this is one of the few homes that has its own well so what type of well I believe don't quote me on this because I'm not a well driller I believe that it is a point well the homeowner has taken it upon himself to get that well tested and he has received the results I believe he's on this meeting with us his name is Unice and the results for that well water came in very well from very good from what I understand understand course if the system hasn't been used for two years it's pretty and there's no water in the sepic tank and no not much to pollute but but anyway so you know from my standpoint I'm looking at a couple of things that could be a conditional pass but certainly you guys can override that and you know make the call but what I see is a leech field that appears to be in good condition sorry an sas that appears to be in good condition and the well is 75 ft from the SAS are you are you a a soil evaluator no I am not okay do you um where does that come into play here well you told us what the water table is so somebody said that and we also have a regulation that says that the water table has to be be established by a a soil evaluator but I'm just trying to understand when we say there's no water table you know how deep you dug and well the house has no sum pump so the basement is dry I was in the basement and when I did dig out there I did not see any signs of a high water table so I'm I'm under the impression that you know we're we're talking 8 feet plus to the water table we we actually have a couple things here that that Dave is in are as a board what are we going to do with the with the Title Five inspection they offered to do it over uh if that's is that what we want so that that's one issue the the second question that's on the on the table and maybe we I ought to do them separately because there there's two questions about about the wellet itself um who knows how long the who knows how long that the tank is been functioning as a s pool well excuse me uh if I may uh I'm my name is Ali unas I'm the person who purchased the home on 173 Bachelor uh I this is like all this stuff is new to me because I'm a first-time home buyer and uh like Barry or Dave was saying I did take the test but then after listening to you it seems like might not even be able to be sufficient but I will say this coming into this house I did not expect to have like all these things happen so I'm just wondering you know if if if there's any like uh solutions that are cost effective and what I can do because it's it's been it's overwhelming you know what I mean yeah for our first question is Le and and Bill what are what are we looking for are are we so we know that we know right now if if David is going to send in the the report he's going to say that the tank is no good he's gonna say that he he's 75 feet from the well to the to the SAS he's going to tell us that the there in his view what the depth of the water table is he's going to tell us what just told us right now the SF so that that's you're going to tell us if we don't have him go out and do it over again yeah Dave gonna tell us the same thing yeah let me ask you a question Dave if you are writing this report today what outcome would you issue on the report would you issue pass fail or conditional conditional okay what would the conditional items be the replacement of the tank and then the wellwater analysis okay so that's your that's your proposed that's your proposed outcome then I can see two or three ways to handle this yes I guess the most severe is replace the tank replace the Lee field because it's 50 plus years old and replace the well because it's a point that's the that's the most severe outcome outcome two would be replace the tank replace the SAS and maintain 100 foot separation between the SAS and tank and the WellPoint that's outcome two I guess outcome three would be leave the SAS replace the tank and put in a deep drilled well so your solution is one and those are three others so dick I think those are our talking points that you you just crossed over into question number two I'm I'm gonna pull it back question number one and that that do we want to do that do do we want to have sa go do this over again with us looking at it that now depending on what we are going to say about the SAS then my my only question right now is where is the water tape yeah that's right so I would suggest get a get a backhoe or a test drill or or or some sort of device to go down 10 feet in the ground and see if you see any modeling or other evidence of a water table and have it have it reviewed on site by a soil evaluator yeah the the question that I have about that approach is that if this board is already GNA tell him that he's got to have the SAS replaced why make him spend the extra money he's gonna and and and at this point I'm still going back to to saying why are we gonna make Dave go back and redo this if we're if we're satisfied we're going to see the same thing it's not like it's not like we're going to say hey Dave let's go back and the next time you're GNA say the tank is good the tank is is the tank is bad our board requires it get replaced with a 1500 down so we know that and if you if you if we're going to say that we've got problems with the the well and the SAS then then having Dave go in there and look and say yeah it's the same SS I just told you about so the board hasn't gained any knowledge by having save spend time and the owner spend more money well that's right that's exactly right and if why are we gonna do why would we do that to Dave and the owner I well that's what I'm saying that's why I'm giving him the three other options assuming that the water table is at least at the bottom of the uh bottom of the floor slab in the basement if I could say something I I don't know cuz I'm I'm from Southwick so I don't know if any other systems have been installed close to that house on either side but maybe there's some recent perk tests that have been done in that area to confirm what I believe her H water table maybe actually actually the other the other cute thing is if you've got a WellPoint if you have the well driller po the WellPoint use the well as a mo as an observation well and you got the water table right there yeah but you don't see modeling well you you can use other methods to actually estimate how high it would go during the during the Spring season there's other way let's go let's I'm gonna ask us that where I pull this back to question number one let's go jump to question number two because I think it's going to end up affecting question number one uh by the way I'm still at the point that I see no reason for having Dave go in and redo this again but but the I if we if we look at that well I'm gonna call it a water district I'm not sure what it's called in town I think it is called a water district at a minimum it's it's a district it's a legal CID so they have their own rules and regulations about who can go into it and who can not be into it now they may have it set up that that it's closed and no one can go in that's not there now I don't know what that so that's one there's there's a lawyer job to find out if there's any way for the owner to come in if the board would let it come in I have got some in fact all of us have been around a little while all three of us and this is a this is a water system that's a very old water system that doesn't have a good maintenance program it doesn't have it's just something in the ground that that somebody a developer doded by the the building inspector and the board of Selectmen when they were the Board of Health and allowed this little water system to go in it's the only one in town it's not it's got the wells it's got septic systems that are close to it it's a you know we've got a history that this this is not like dealing with water district number one and number two in South Hadley this is a group of whatever it is 20 people that own a well with some some kind of pipes in the ground and and and it's a problem that that keeps banging up against us on what we you know about that well that's in someone's backyard and and from my standpoint going and making that a bigger problem for us than it is doesn't make any sense at all and if you know put it you know if you put it further on what if what if all the people on Gruwell circle with those shallow Wells said hey you know we're backed right up against that why don't you run this pipe down our street and let's put 10 more houses on it and I think we'd be hardress PR to be doing this to expand the problem that we have and Lee what and Bill what are you thinking I got a question for Colleen Colleen we sent a letter out to those residents some time ago didn't we brwal Circle yeah yeah not not these guys so okay but out of the people how many letters did we send out uh well it's you know there's roughly roughly 10 or 15 not that many there's not that many how many people in the affirmative sought to get get their water tested as a result of the letter oh I don't know so we have no doubt I don't see that yeah they didn't you know I don't know that was for them to to do I don't know dick do you know of any data that resulted from that he had a bad well I think there was another person that had a bad one too yeah but that's not what this is right now if if we as a board are saying that water system can't be regardless of of whether this owner gets a lawyer and finds a way and whatever who knows what their the mechanism is for adding people to this water system but let's say they found the way is this board going to allow another connection into that water system I think we're not going to but if we know we're not going to do that saying that I think we have to interview the water there's a class two water operator that I think operates that system we should interview he or she before we make any decision that's my opinion I have a question too guys this is not my town but I I find it interesting that there's there's this private water source that is going on here but it it almost sounds like you guys are under the impression that it might be at Max Capacity so I mean he says he has wellwater that completely passed by the lab I mean maybe you want to reserve any future hookups for people that absolutely find it necessary and you know somebody like him that as long as the testing comes out good or maybe you want to have them tested every year for a certain amount of time just to double check but but but Dave Dave as dick was saying as dick was saying this system has not been used in at least a year maybe two years so there's been no no groundwater flow in the vicinity of the well so we don't really know how it will perform once it's used on a regular basis so that testing we they did is kind of a it's kind of a red herring because it doesn't represent a dynamic system you see what I mean yes maybe that's why I don't know if you've had to tested for a few years in down the line I I don't know it's a thought oh yeah I tell you what I think is absolutely consistent what we've done in this area even though it's not not that we what we like to do but is what we is that in this particular taste that if you said that we have not forced any non contaminated well a point be replaced just because it's a point we won't let it get repl repaired it has to be replaced with a deep well but if you want to be really consistent with how we behave it would be that the tank and the SAS get replaced in accordance with current title five and the wealth be allowed to stay and be tested once the house is in operation that would be consistent with the way this board is being Dave is this lot a one acre lot or you don't know anything about the a lot Ali do you know anything about your lot size it's about uh 042 Acres I can search it up if you'd like no it's okay it's it's a nominal one half acre lot and it's a three-bedroom house it's a four bedroom so it's a four-bedroom house on a half an acre dick yeah I'm looking to make it into a three-bedroom if that's possible um down the line but I don't know yet it all depends how this goes and well if you look at the other houses though that's what we've that was what we done done but having having a shallow well 75 feet from the the SAS do do you really really think going from 75 to 100 is going to make a material difference I'm just trying to find the way that the yeah I think the prent thing to do is to have them do some testing after the thing gets up and running have them do maybe semiannual testing for a year or two just to make sure everything's working nicely and then we'll let them keep the shallow well for some reason if bad things start to show up then uh we'd have to take uh action that makes sense but but you're saying also that you you're going to do something about the the 75 foot distance SAS you're G oh yeah I would bring that to 100 feet of course yeah that that Lee I don't know what you're thinking but that that certainly if you if you look at the homeowner spending as he's asked to to try to control how we spending money that yeah because it's probably going to be it's probably going to be an atg grade leechfield which won't be terribly EXP ensive the septic tank with the deep water table won't need to be ballasted likely it's going to be a cheap buildout the big number would be a well if you has to put a drilled well in you're looking at 10,000 Plus for the drilled well that's right right so and that's also why on discussion the question about the bachelor n's connection is there because I advise Mr Barry to inquire prior to this meeting to see whether they should or could connect and that apparently was not accomplished uh that was the homeowner got the water tested I believe they were going to check to see if they connect as well not what we talked about David that's not what we discussed we discussed well I relay that to the homeowner as much as I can do sounds like sounds like we're we're actually closed on this whole thing it looks like what we've said is that Dave doesn't have to go back that's looks like that happened and we're saying that okay that we know the tank has to be replaced and we've said that the lead field which we were all concerned about because it's 75 ft from that shallow well that has to get with the 100 foot so the tank in the lead field has to get done Dave doesn't have to go back we're going to have to and we're going to have the water tested sometimes over the next couple years after it's in use to make sure it's okay and that so we wouldn't have to put a new well in and it gives the time if if he the owner wants to see about connecting up to the the whatever the district whatever it's called that he could look at that but at least at at this point we're saying that and as Bill points out that more than likely this is an easy no Rock sand installation for Elite field and so you do the tanks the least field in the right place deal with the work with them to deal with the well and Dave doesn't have to go back and it sounds like the whole thing is pulled together in a way that that makes sense that that's right because we're we're going to determine the water table and we do the perk test for the repair anyway so that's it perfect Dave you good with that yeah um so in my report how would you prefer that I write this up then I don't think we need one well you do yeah you need needs a report so you that according to the the report will be saying that you can't you put have judge you can say what you want about the the the leech field uh the title five the state tells you what how you're supposed to fill it out so you have to fill it out you as a because it needs a new tank it's a it's conditional and then the board of health is going to have the using its Authority is going to be saying no we're we're not going to let even though the state says you do the water test and and we're just GNA say we're not allowing that and but your part you have to fill what the state says you're supposed to to fill out the form okay so the the conditional pass with a failed septic tank telling us and then giving what you saw for the SAS and the well location and the type and you can write uh you can say how you determine the water table and we're going to just be saying in term we require a three-foot separation and but but since we're dealing with this in a different way you just fill it out as conditional path and uh or you could put you could either you could say I put i' put i' put needs further review by Board of Health and that's what we've already done I think is probably since you can't you can't really say what the condition of of the SAS you you can't yeah you can't do a conditional pass you got to do further review okay you could say that you couldn't you can't say that the there wasn't stage on the top you can say the toage not the top now but with no water in the tank and no one using in the the septic systems for two years how can you say as soon as someone lives there it's not on the top you don't you can't say that agree I think needs further evaluation but we all know what we just heard is we know what the answer is going to be the answer is going to be that you don't have to go back that we are going to require that the tank in the lead field be replaced according to the title five and we are going to work with the owner to keep that well and have them avoid that expense I think that's do we have do we have any idea is the well on the corner of the property as far away as it can can be um so that we really do have the separation we're looking for for the new uh tank and uh SAS installation I my thoughts are is it's not as far away as it possibly could be um hey just a just a heads up guys National Weather Service just issued a tornado warning for our area so heads up J not a watch warning Let's uh let's uh be done with this part so we all would close on it and uh let's get on with the rest of our meeting and get out shut down y okay well thank you guys I appreciate your okay thank you DAV thank you for your time David you and your your have to hire an engineer to do this rest of this work yeah I'm going to the homeowners on here so he heard that and I will relay that to him as well all right thank you very much okay have a good night guys bye bye thank you bye guys we've got in front of us let's get some stuff done we've done the meeting a minute uh I've got Colleen's time sheet it's for the last two weeks it's 70 hours are we okay with that yes yes the next one is uh payments for the Treasurer by us it's $650 for this this period 640 is for Board of Health permit $10 is for Board of Health licenses that's a 650 are we okay with that yes yes I am too next one is is syllables and we've got out of that with back we got two Deets one is Mike McCain plumbing and inspections for $875 Mike McCain Plumbing mileage $14 leelon mileage $1 [Music] 12720 uh my mileage $1 12920 my uh Zoom video meeting for $23.88 uh we've got Lynn food inspections $3,155 billen mileage $10.40 totaling $ 4,654 68 are we set colen our inspections are not here they go on payroll so they don't go on the form but I send them over in the payroll envelope we have approve how do we have to approve those all right yeah that's right that's why I put invoice so that covers your whole invoice but it's just not on the uh bills payable form but where did that go that we can approve the the payment for for us um so I just I put invoice so that covers your whole you know the inspection but it's on it's on each invoice your the amounts okay so it's not so but we didn't say we haven't approved each of those invoices um well they're listed on the um agenda as your invoices so you can go through those and approve those if you want to do it that way we certainly need to do that I don't have it do you does someone have what those invoices are um yeah I've got the whole packet here if you can just read the bottom lines for each of the items so we can approve them sure so uh Bill Shaheen uh $210 to the inspections uh Mike McCain's oh no his is on the his is on there uh Lee uh his inspections came out to [Music] $1,890 um and Dick your inspections were $3,885 the rest is on the bills payable um lens is on there and yeah so that's it so then are we approving all of those yes yes yes colen so those are all approved okay the next the next one is our yearly $5,000 mosquito testing fee the Pioneer Valley mosquito control district for for fiscal year 2025 for $5,000 are we approving that yes yes I am Lee Yes okay that's approv calling okay the next one is a certificate of compliance for 67 South Street Lee you inspected it this one doesn't have does this have an as buil uh no than don't they did not hand in one so this is Allan supposed to have done that is that correct say yes ver vertical and horizontal yeah supposed to yeah so Colleen we're not approving that until Allen if you let Allen know he's got to do that because he just did it with with uh yeah West Street y so we're not doing okay um the next one is Scott Livingston at six Jac Circle that's that's a a septic tank is that correct yeah the sep septic tank yes are Le are we all set with that yes I'm okay with it Bill are you yeah yeah I'm good thanks okay Colleen that's approved okay the next one is the CLC for 8 West Street that Allan did send in the the horizontal and vertical asil are are we set with that now yes yep we're good I am to calling for that's approv okay the next one uh we've got as a temporary food license for Immaculate Heart of Mary for uh let's see what it is for August 25th 2024 for Summerfest are we all set with that I am yeah recusal on my end dick okay Le are you all with this okay Colleen we are set so thing okay the next thing we've got uh was it Title Five from for six Jack Circle that's what we just got a tank replaced uh Neil Jackson passes that so it's got a 1500 gallon tank and it was further than three feet to the water table from the bottom of the the pit are we set with that one yes Lee yeah and that one that's the one that's going to be a um a whatchamacallit um reinspect for something after occupancy I believe because the tank was leaking so long I didn't see that is that right I thought this one was okay that was the L drive one I thought oh wait a minute y I'm sorry you're right you're right you're right this one was a a th gallon tank that had to be replaced because it was a yep yep I got my addresses um Chris Cross I apologize okay so world we approved that one accepted that colen okay we did question it on the the first one on discussion on Bachelor no we do have a an issue uh I weird stuff looking outside my house right now yeah I'm looking at the weather radar in real time dick from East Hampton Northampton ammer up to pelum there's a horrible there's a horrible front moving uh hopefully it's going to move northeasterly and not easterly okay I'm looking at it right now real looking at it to so we're okay uh the next one is the fal event venue at 145 har Street they there there are some some questions we got a a letter and from a concerned Citizen and um she did she had some interesting questions and points one of one and apparently pen we've been asked by the Again by the planning board to resubmit is that what the No No we weren't asked by the plan I was just sending that to you know for review if you want to look at that original no that was from the first time I just sent it as we did send something on that on on septic controls on on what they were planning to do with with toilets and I looked what their proposal there were there were two issues that that seemed to be in our world one was and the and the concerned citizens said it one was tra and they in their application the the owner of the event said that they were going to store track and have it picked up once a week they didn't say how they were going to store it they didn't say how much it was was going to be it it didn't say what kind of trash um it really didn't say anything other than we're going to store our weight for and get it picked up once a week and the and the person that wrote us the letter was concern saying that that the Bears get in there that but but it's more than that it's certainly in the summertime if if it's a lot of garbage that's in there it's going to sink and that it's just the and and trash comes into into the Board of Health V so well dick what days are they proposing their G togethers they're it's basically I think it it it's like eight months or nine months of the year and and it's not in front of me right now but it's basically non-winter time and anytime up until 10:00 at night and up to 150 people and in their proposal for toilet they said that they're going to have porta-potties and they'll either have them pumped out or taken away uh they don't they don't say how many they don't say what type they don't Define how they're going to they don't define whether they're going to provide running water they it's it's very loose it just says Port body it doesn't say whether they're going to be men and women whether they're going to be handicapped it doesn't say anything and it's it's really very loose on those on those two issues they to me they seem to be board of health issues well well can they come in and chitchat with us instead of just sending correspondents back and forth well well Bill what we're up against is that the the apparently we don't have anything under this bylaw to say about the track we have comments that we can make as much as we want but this is a planning board saying hey Board of Health if you don't say anything about this we're gonna assume that you don't have any comments about it well well here's the thing the town provides pickup once a week and I know a lot of people in town get secondary pickup I'm one that I that I do you hire waste management for a Monday pickup if or another hauler because likely they're going to do most of their business probably Friday Saturday and Sunday that's my guess that's would seem yeah so it would make sense to have a pickup by a private hauler in addition to the town pickup on a Monday Monday morning does that make sense yeah but but how do we from a board Health standpoint we certainly can get involved if they don't if they don't do it in the right way if it stin if it gets around if it causes problems oh yeah oh yeah after oh yeah after the fact we can certainly we can certainly take action after the fact but I would like to take gentle action before it becomes a problem then it requires that at this point anything that we want to say about anything has to be going into a letter to the the planning board I've Got a Feeling Colleen if you look I think we've already missed the date of any new comments we had have commented we definitely have commented about the sew so we're on record for there but but my feeling is as a board we we probably need to be a lot more or have the the people applying be a lot more specific about how they're dealing with with waste human waste control and sanitation um is there any comment from these guys as far as um uh food preparation um all they they're saying is that outside they're going to be catered okay um is there any uh uh how do I say this how do we address the [Music] um and this may not be our our our uh slice of the pie but uh the location is on a narrow side street on a corner uh parking is going to be an issue and traffic is going to be an issue for sure not to mention um are this are there any considerations for noise control or noise abatement at that time of the evening for the residents of that area well as you look which ones are those our Board of Health dist I'm not sure until they until they become a problem I'm not sure the Board of Health can can regulate that okay it's not an I don't know how you guys feel but it is there are zoning laws that are involved but if if it's not a a Nuance this is a this a planning board approval process so when they're supposed to be looking at at that kind of stuff yeah but but the part that they don't do it definitely if if the regulations that were presented by this by the citizen is correct well definitely says that the is is supposed to be approved by the Board of Health okay I mean I'm just trying to be um you know I'm just trying to make a preemptive strike to not end up with another spot in town uh which puts the Neighbors at a disadvantage if the control and just runs away and maybe we can't do that but my concern is that um having a loose scheduled for eight months out of the Year there to uh all those involved on that street I mean the whole length of the street as far as traffic goes um noise disruption the whole package without knowing you know uh it's going to be every third Friday whatever this can be something um Tuesday night if that's what they choose to do for whatever reason and then again on Thursday Saturday Sunday do when they want and and they yeah that's my that's part of my concern not to mention the parking and the uh animals uh taking advantage of uh of the food waste all I can say is the submittal package that I've seen is uh less than adequate in my opinion well if you look at the look at the one that was at the other on ammer Street it was the same kind of submitt package it was on a what was it on a half of a sheet of paper or something here's someone that's gonna run up here's a business plan yeah and it and it's being done like something say hey that's a good idea we thought about it at the yeah have them put a professional site plan together for crying out loud at this point Colleen do you remember when the last when the the close of the the comment period was I think it's too late it was our last meeting it was July 2nd I'm pretty sure yeah so at that point go ahead col no it was it was because I sent it right after our last meeting and that that was the date was our last meeting so at this point I was going to say one of us could call up Jim trumpy and I guess could I go and say you know what can we what can we do about this what how can we as a board or how a schol board work together in a way that that grants that of the that uses the board authority board plural authority to protect the the best interest of the people of the town the problem that I'm concerned with is that that that's not necessarily protecting the best interests of the people in the town is not necessarily what that I shouldn't say I shouldn't say it I find it frustrating that uh these popup um [Music] entrepreneurs using any individual or any uh group particularly but uh there appears to have a a business model uh which puts the neighborhood at a very distant second or third place um which is really unfair to people who have been in any Street any part of town who have lived there for a long time always paid their taxes you know where I'm going with this thing and to have somebody decide hey let's uh start having uh vans on the weekend and let's make a few bucks since we have all this acreage behind her house and do this and do that without thinking it through and then once that gets up and going it seems more and more difficult to control the Beast after it's out of the cage for this one since our comment period is is over colen you're probably let's let's give this for an assignment for you you are probably the in the in the view at least of some of the the members of the planning board you are probably the least controversial person of that's associated with this board that if you could follow up and find out is there a way that that this board could discuss this with the planning board uh before they get a chance to to make their decision on permiting this operation that's probably end up being a posted meeting I would think yeah it would be it would be too but if if the answer is too bad we sent you a letter and you got a chance to say what you wanted to say and and that's it other than the fact that we did say something yeah well if they want to play hard ball they certainly that's within their right because again we failed the comment within the the reply window well we did comment we commented we did comment on the sanitation that part is it so if it's not a closed matter then we're still open for further discussion I would think right and and in fact according to the the the citizen that sent a comment asking for our comment the letter say asking us he indicated that the planning board took no action on the comments that the Board of Health made so it it's appropriate I think that we could we could open that door and say hey let's talk about what our concerns were rather than just you know a couple sentences on a on a letter can we talk about this before you grant the permit or put conditions on a per it sounds reasonable so colen if you could do that all right so I'll see if the planning board can meet with the Board of Health to discuss this talk about this yeah y because we certainly if someone says why are you doing this we certainly know that with the antique store in the middle of town that we spent a long time talking about the potential problems and they did nothing about it they didn't acknowledge it they didn't put comments on it they didn't do anything and so rather than let this one go the same way let's reach out and try to deal with it upfront what one logistical issue dick I think I think planning is a in-person board only and of course we're virtual board only so I'm hoping that they will uh respect our wishes for virtual get together that's what I would hope to there there certainly is a huge amount of Co going on in my world with a lot of well yeah a good friend of mine and his wife just got back from Europe on a trip and they brought a uh gift back and you guessed it it was Co yeah oh oh boy going what Le the board this this board has the capability uh to invite them to a zoom meeting um at some point in the future not necessarily A Board of Health meeting although it could be for could carve out 10 or 15 minutes and they could dial in just as we all do it could be a very efficient uh use of time for the board to uh work with us towards resolving or understanding what um we're trying to address on this particular venue but but I'm taking a step back I think we ought to put a template together is how to address all these Wineries and outdoor activities which I see becoming more and more commonplace across the community I think we ought to come up with a a unified template together with planning and uh some sort of chart you know we should chart our course in a consistent fashion because this is going to happen more and more often and I think that would behoove everybody I think that's a that seems like a smart thing bill that we we should there's some common things that we know of that that you know this this person that sent the note in US certainly look at two of them if you look at at waste actually you don't have you don't have to go very far to see where the board gets involved the the waste it's generated we've got food prep and food handling that got to be in you've got sanitation including human waste and we ought to be talking about I again is it reasonable to think that somebody's gonna open a business up and say hey I'll go rent a a porta potty for $125 a weekend and I'll stick it outside the door and put 150 people inside my building is that that really what we want to say is a good safe way to be and and well the the portter potty industry must have it's must have uh how do I say this they must have a a standard um number if you will on average in other words how many guests in can visit the average poor of party uh prior to it being of no more value that's a good way to put it Le very very tactful well I'm trying to not you know I like that no you're you're right and then you you and you hope that if someone says there's only one of them that uh someone doesn't get food poisoning and occupy it but uh but again I think Phil you're right and saying is is that what we're going to do just GNA fill this potentially fill the town up with 10 of these sites or whatever and and as you point that out whether it's a winery or or any other business that that uh yeah I would I would find it highly um among other reasons highly irritating uh I mean from my personal perspective if I was um in the neighborhood and on the few moments that you have away from the world is now occupied with um traffic music to all hours of the night and people enjoying themselves which is their right to do but you need a little bit of downtime too yeah I'm guessing that upper that upper section of Harris Street probably gets all of 20 cars per day total traffic yeah on a busy day you're right yep so 20 cars per day and they're going to go from 20 to 200 trips per day a tenfold increase yeah and and that that particular location is right on right on a hill and corner so it's it's the potential for problems is multiple um issues in both directions right well get some people especially when you're especially when you're leaving the open bar from a wedding right and again some people come off a Bay Road and and in ammer they'll come up Bay Road from the back from the north side so you've got traffic coming in both directions so it's challenging so anyway that's I think that's a good bill it's a a worthwhile a worthwhile approach and I and I I guess if if we don't make Headway then we have to look at what we consider you know health and safety kind of issues that that maybe we just have to say these are going to be rules and uh I'm not sure how we implement it maybe maybe we say that they have to have a permit to do this and we get to it that way yeah I mean and and that being said um maybe we get into the realm of so many events per week uh to cap these things so they don't become just a runaway um who knows what yeah some some some sense of um responsibility but also you know actually the the planning board did that to the Orchards golf course they only allow him so many outside events per year and I'm sure our planning to do the same thing yeah but from our standpoint maybe that maybe that's exactly how we we deal with it that they the way that that apparently they get around you know this thing that we'll say that a McDonald's needs to reach a certain standard it has to have toilets it's got this but they say oh no this is this is temporary it's only it doesn't happen all the time right so so they say okay you don't fall under those rules so you can't make us have toilets you can't make us do this because it's temporary well then we go at it and say well we have program for that and it's called a a you know a temporary Food Service event we have that for procedure that's right and what we're doing right now is we're giving them out for a year and we say no we're not GNA do this we're gonna do just like the Immaculate Heart of Mary Did tonight is say if you're having one of those next week you're going to do that and you're going to give us time to inspect and we're going to we're going to have standards with depending on how many people will just and there you go build it what you're saying if we if we can't get the the planning board to do it then we can deal with it from the Board of Health and we we can put a whole bunch of regulations in there to to try to protect people I'm not sure what what we can do for for time a day but we certainly can make it so that that that safer for people yeah yeah the time of day would fall into the noise regulation so it' be your Standard Time weighted average noise between I don't know was it 7 and 10 p.m. or something yeah yeah yeah maybe on on event that has that has entertainment maybe we make the measure noise and report on it yes so but there are things that we I think we can do as we talk it through that we can we can use our existing permit system to say this is a a a temporary entertainment and food thing and and that we're g to make sure people don't get sick and and do the best we can to protect the the neighborhood sounds good yeah and and and and Bill's earlier comment I think was um really to the heart of the matter that we may or we should I believe work this thing through until we adopt some standards um and built in limitations because as Bill said there's a lot of people who have extra land maybe an old barn they want oh yeah that's what people are doing now people with with large unused tracks of land are are looking to generate income which they have the right to do and a lot of them involve these parties and athletic events and uh uh Wineries and all this sort of thing and that's going to be more prevalent and the lady down on Kendall street with her her hip Camp she came in for a conservation permit last week dick I don't know if she's wow yeah I don't know she told us that she's not doing the hip camp but I don't know but anyway that thing that thing's still out there as well yeah doesn't mean other people could do do the same thing you know they could they could say well I've got 50 acres bring your tent and camp out in the wilderness for a couple of days so so will start with the planning board but but uh why didn't is not next meeting but why don't we put this for the following meeting see about how we're going to organize this so maybe we'll find something out from the planning board you know it would it would be nice if we can work together but but we may not be able to so that does ask you want me to find out if they can come to the meeting not next meeting the next the following oh actually we could we could let them choose the time that they would like to come and we'll we'll post it and we'll have a virtual meeting have a zo meeting and that way people don't have to leave their homes as bill says that we can make it very convenient it would be nice if when you talk to them it would be nice if we could meet before they Grant the permit or the conditions for this permit yeah yeah but we could impact we could impact it and at least hear what they their thoughts are yeah yeah I mean then not to keep it going but they also I would imagine the town would want or require these different venues to carry a minimum amount of liability insurance per event cently they do that they it looks like they require a million dollars which is yeah it's somewhat standard at this point in time yeah yes yeah okay very good thank you give you an idea I have a personal umbrella policy for $2 million that's just for me so when you think of a whole business it gives you an idea what a million dollars is to to a business compared to to what I consider for personal liability that's right that's right right right a million dollars isn't what it used to be see we're we're close Helen did you make any Headway at at trying to get rid of get in touch with hler Avery at Dollar General oh um I did not hear anything back uh from him no maybe you can reach out again and see if we can uhuh if we can at least make contact maybe he's gone maybe he that's what I'm wondering because I mean I didn't hear anything but I was going to actually call his phone but I sent an email first to see but I'll I'll try to call yeah calling just as a a secondary note if this doesn't work I believe their corporate headquarters is in Martinsville Tennessee if I'm not mistaken so you can Google it yeah they've got a corporate yeah I have their yeah because I with the licensing and stuff I have their address so we'll give Tyler three shots and if he doesn't respond Dick I think it might be best to have calling call corporate yeah and ask them who the the placement for Tyler was for that kind of right yeah so we could do that there I'm I'm not GNA go much further than this this next one for for tonight but one of the things that that that is coming up and it looks like it's going to come up more is in fact I noticed it Lee banged into it month or so ago and that's that that when we either have conflicts of interest whether we as we get involved with since we sign the contract with for shared services with with Northampton is that when we as individuals uh can't do what our normal tasks or what our assigned tasks are how do we handle that with with either going to to uh reach out you know beyond our walls or beyond our personal wall beyond my W if I if I can't deal with a a perk test because well next door to me because it's a conflict of interest because it's next door what what is should be the the way that we we handle it that that the and it's and one of these I think Le reached out to the Charlie kcki but but in in another case that do we especially as we start coming into the dealing with Northampton do we do we go to we have we have a resource that we didn't Ed to have and that bill is a is a stamp licensed PE and a soil evaluator so a resource and an a an aseptic inspector Believe It or Not antic a septic inspect so we we've got that so what how do we want do it my my my guess I guess for until we get established with with northon would be to to reach out inside of our inside of our organization the three of us and then if we have to I'm thinking if we have to go outside maybe as a board we we make the decision on who we're going outside to I don't Le and Bill what are your thoughts well I I think local control makes a lot of sense and that's what the town's people would expect what do what do you think um yeah um I mean if Charlie kenii doesn't mind uh everyone know Blue Moon fing in um smart guy knows a lot um great resource um I mean at some point in time we may have to tap uh the folks out of Northampton in the case of of hir for instance on I'm hiring Charly kenii would we yeah why wouldn't we go to Bill first for instance and say Bill can you do it well it make more sense I'm closer what what is your thinking and I and I live in town and I'm on the health department and it will charge the the homeowner will pay a much smaller fee at $35 than Charlie at $100 yeah no no I meant I meant in the in the um in the unlikely event bill that uh you dick somehow or um couldn't work on this on this person's property yeah because of of of some type of a business or social or um religious uh connection that would potentially put you at odds with this person yeah um but other than that I mean sure yeah again I would go through the three board members see if they're willing and have no conflicts and in the event any of the three board members are unavailable then and only then we'd go to an outside vendor yeah and it probably as we get a little bit further into this but probably we're going to end up our first resource is probably going to be Northampton that's what you know we just signed a contract with them one thing I've heard through the grapevine about using these Regional groups is of course they serve many many many communities and their their timing isn't optimal so um trying to get these people to uh perform on a timely basis is somewhat challenging well if you come if you come out to it B and you start off with a problem that there aren't even close to enough people to do the job all that regionalizing does is make the problems be instead of many little problems that become one giant problem with its with its own administrative uh issu so that's right thinking no matter how you move the you know the the symbols on the table around it doesn't matter it's all empty underneath them it doesn't matter how you take it up there's no one there but again I think it makes sense to use local resources first oh without question yeah yeah it's it's unfortunate because this is one of the things that we discussed early on was the fact that they had too many towns and not enough players so they they'll get to us and tellum and uh Thunderland when they can you know the other interesting thing unless they have a whole conre of soil evaluators and septic Witnesses they're going to spend more time on the road driving to these sites than actually doing the work oh yeah F you know I did a job in Northern New Hampshire today I just got back I left the house at8 o'clock I got to the site at 10:30 I was at the site for about 90 minutes and then I drove back home I got home at 4M so I was on the road for 6 hours and two minutes and on the job site for about 90 minutes pH exactly one of the things that that we talked about when we went reached out to the state and said let these meetings that we have the virtual meeting continue because anytime you deal with a consultant at least the consultant can pick up the phone and talk to you and you get you know you get build for what you well that's right that's right Neil and Al from beler toown for them to drive from Belchertown to grandby is going to be 20 or 25 minutes each way so they're essentially billing their client for another hour every meeting so we're saving the client one hour's billable hours by having these virtual meetings essentially and then especially when you have a a night like this that you're they're afraid that you know their house may be In Harm's Way they're there instead of you know I I watched that storm real carefully dick above the uh above the mount nuk range it was really bad on that North Face of Mount noruk in fact there was a tornado spotted in New Salem about 45 minutes ago but thankfully everything is off to the east now so we're clear at this point we actually should be a thing that's that's G to come up actually you're probably going to bang up against the Lee the most that with with Bill soil evaluator uh license where we tell people on a a repair perk where there's going to be a water table determination do we in fact instead of letting Bob Sheen hire Neil Jackson do we say no you've got to get get a hold of of Bill or give that a shot try to keep it within within our our group and uh we just have to reach out and and and let the people pay the extra fee to do that it's certainly a lot a lot cheaper yeah Lee's going to be there anyway so there's no reason not that we can't have two people on site for that particular event absolutely in the town the person has we'll get our fee schedule set up and and uh in fact at some point I'd like to talk about how often it'll come up How often we should be giving variances for a water table anyway but but regardless that's a different story but it certainly giv a a fee that again that that if they have to use the town to supply the the soil evaluator that getting a 35 or a $50 fee compared to the having a professional engineer come in there that's a a lot cheaper they have the the second Board of Health guy there that's right oh okay and and at some point in time and not to not to speak out of line but um supposedly other towns are paying 6 8 10 fold what the town of grany is charging for similar functions um and it's not what what we're doing here is not to um do it just because of a dollar bill uh but there's you know a level of uh educational requirements lots of hours reviewing training uh there's a lot that goes into it as as everyone knows um and we don't want to over build the constituents of the Town um but as you just pointed out if they have to call in a soil evaluator from South Deerfield uh they're going to be getting a 300 plus dollar bill for those Services um I don't know what the balance is I know one thing there won't be many more weekends that I work for free to evaluate five septic system designs for free well and and that's exactly my point that's one of those are you kidding me dick the the regional will charge I bet you they charge $250 review fee per design yeah at least there a fell mention his name there's a fellow in in east of us probably 30 miles east of us they used to charge $500 for a septic review I won't even mention the town and that's had been going on for at least 20 years wow yep and $500 a piece yep wow yikes so this in this particular case though that we're not doing yeah in the short the town may be getting something out of it but they're there's not they're not going to get a replacement people aren't going to come in and say oh yeah I'll be happy to give you a weekend for free that with knowledgeable reviews besides that so right okay it's nine o'clock let us very good get yeah I'm watching an unmention able political event on TV and I'm about ready to vomit so I'm going to leave okay good night okay good night everyone don't use a porta potty oh I know thanks dick all the best everyone thank you all right good night okay night night good night folks