[Music] so we're going to get started on the budget public forum so this is our first look at the proposed FY 25 budget for the Grandy Public Schools we will um we have a public hearing next week um the public forum is now it's that first look typically there's not a whole lot of discussion or questions today obviously I'm certainly open to trying to clarify things um but it gives people an idea of where we started where we are where we're going the process that we've undergone to date um and the work that we've done and the work that we still have to do um and I don't think I'm hiding or I don't think I'm sharing anything out of turn that there's still work to be done in the next few weeks before um we have a balanced budget ultimately the goal as of today is that the school committee will vote on a balanced budget likely at their April 9th meeting we are we've worked backwards from the May town meeting to make sure that all our dates and requirements lined up with the May meeting um I think this will be my seventh town meeting in grany I think only once was the budget voted on in the May meeting it's been typically the June meeting so we could have a little bit of leeway but I think um we want to make sure that we're working backwards from that first meeting so uh again our strategic priorities have not changed we um had our 2023 to 2026 strategic plan approved last year uh with these priorities fostering strong and positive relationships meeting the needs of all students um designing and developing powerful and engaging learning experiences for students using relevant data in our decision making um welcoming respecting and embracing diversity providing training and support that connect to those strategic priorities and a belief that everyone staff students um adults can grow and shift and succeed under the right conditions with the right supports our core values and these are things that we come back to often over the course of a year um be it when we're looking at attendance data or looking at um grades performance and assessments things like that we try to keep make we try to make sure we keep our core values at the Forefront of our mind so our fy2 budget objectives really haven't changed from FY 24 or FY 23 for that matter um but I do liken it to a teacher in a classroom that we set our objectives and we may not always meet those objectives of the day of the week of the month quarter um but that's what we're striving for and um you know there's a lot here right these are while they're oneline statements there's there's a lot held within them to consider providing the best for our students and teachers instead of all these having to do the best with what we have that's a big ask right easy small sentence in a way but the that takes a lot um and you know we'll keep coming back to these objectives and uh working towards them and thinking creatively and trying to be outside of the box in ways to continue to strive to get to those faces similar to our objectives our budget development I think this line here this best case scenario U we have in the past head principles and um department heads build their best case scenario we talk about it as a wish list budget what is everything you feel you need to thrive right this isn't just about surviving how do you grow how do you implement the programming that you want make sure you have all the supports um unfortunately the past few years the budget process has you know well we've gotten through it it's been challenging and we did back off of that a little bit this year and said we don't want to build a full wish list because we've realized that's put in extra work on department heads and principles because we haven't got to all those wish list things we did ask them to go above and beyond what is currently being offered the reason for that is are identifying as um as necessary or needs to make improvements in either student outcomes or supporting teachers whatever that may be um T I always want to say that the challenge with any budget but especially a school budget is it's related we're we're building a budget based completely on projections and those projections change day today and I think people sometimes are like yeah of course they do like legitimately the budget has changed four times since we started working on this presentation 10 days ago or so um little bits of information come in and that results in US changing something the student moves into the District student moves out of the district a student no longer has a onetoone par right all these things shift how the money that's approved so it's difficult to say on Tuesday March 26 2024 what our students what our staff is going to need on September 10th 202 4 or January 10th 2025 but we're making our best good faith effort at that and things do change um throughout that process so a little bit more on budget I think if you're familiar with budgeting a little bit you're probably familiar with the term level service um similar to as just saying a level service budget in schools is not always Apples to Apples for some of those CH those things that change not over the course of a year always but based on like I said student moving in a student moving out um a teacher vacancy becoming open and the best candidate being at a higher step or a lower step than the person who is who was previously in that position all of that impacts our budget in some way or another and a lot of those things are unknown right down but we started with a level Service Plus budget so level service is defin is taking this current Year's level of services and projecting the same level of services for the next year right in some ways yeah that makes a lot of sense but we're talking about people we're talking about students we're talking about staffing needs change needs grow needs strength um so we're using that term but we recognize it's not just level service it's not just rolling over our staffing from one year to the next reason we're saying level Service Plus is as a school we're also required to pay for certain things right so an example in this year's budget is we got a letter from um EPA a couple months ago about new water testing that they're going to be doing across the state but the Grammy Public Schools is one of the places that would be impacted and they said it could cost the district anything from 1,000 to $10,000 so we budget at $10,000 right because if it comes in at 1,000 we have some flexibility if it come if we budget at 1,000 it comes in at 10,000 then we're taking from somewhere else that we had intended to spend so we budget at the high rate so that's a requirement um student out of District tuition student other services are required for any gry Resident um that those are cost that we must incur so we built it there so we started at level service um and unfortunately where we are now is still looking at a reduction further reduction in Services I do want to remind folks that this is an FY 24 so last year we pushed through our budget process this these are Cuts these first four these positions were cut last year so that's a teacher three teachers connected to the Junior Senior High School further reduction in uh special education related to the Junior Senior High School band and instrumental teacher which impacts both schools a music teacher here meta was reduced some contracted Services related to special education services an administrative assistant and Par professional reduced and some of physici remain fill so this is fy4 so when I talk about level service these things are not part of that conversation we haven't built any of these things back into the budget right I think it's just important to emphasize where we've been a little bit as well and how did we get here right there's a number of factors a number of contributing factors the few that I have listed here are not the only ones but these are some and I'll go through and explain what some of these things are in subsequent slides we're a minimum a district that is through the student Opportunity Act um be honest a lot of this is connected to student Opportunity Act um so Governor Healey has promoted and touted as she should that more money is going into education than ever before which is true but it's not getting to places like grany and grany is not alone grany is part of probably the 2third majority that's not seen a lot of the funds that are being doled out for the student Opportunity Act so we're amending District special education costs are rising the the rise in inflation special education costs specifically are far out pacing our ability to keep up with that with those things um OSD I will talk about OSD I'll go to another slide before I get into it and then inflation right I think we've talked and if you watch the news you see a lot about inflation but there's some inflationary things in the student Opportunity Act that is only broaden this gap for districts like grany over the past few years so what's a minimum M District part of the student Opportunity Act was that districts will be held harmless they're not going to see funding reduced from one year to the next and how the student Opportunity Act proposes that we continue to increases is they put a $30 minimum per pupil increase the past two years that through the legislator in the final budget that has been $60 per pupil um so they've doubled it which is helpful but this number here $1,650 that is our increase in state funding for fy2 so $199,000 that's $30 per pupil that's what we're projecting right now if it goes to that $60 per pup if we're doing the math it's just a shade under $40,000 right and that is the full increase that the state provides the district where I'm saying we're not alone is an FY 25 we're we're they're projecting Brandy is one of 22 minimum a districts so 212 out of I probably have this number off but I think it's 3177 districts in the Commonwealth 212 of them will receive the $30 per pil or $60 per pupil whatever that works out to be so you know in a way we've been a minimum Aid District but you can see the past two years there's 70 more districts from two years ago and 9088 more districts from last year that are now minimum main districts right there's places like Pittsfield that is seeing a $6 million deficit because they're no longer they're now a minimum M District after not being in disc right if you're watching the news so Dy was out yesterday saying about 30 positions Pittsfield been saying about 100 positions in closing a school so again this is to just illustrate this is a Grandy problem I know this that's also not a solution but I think setting the context is important the other thing around special education costs um special education costs be outof District placements transportation services um finding qualified employees to to provide the services that student need has become a bigger ask and it's coming at a larger cost um than before so this is our special education out of District tuition in fy22 we spent about 600,000 next year we're projecting about 1.6 million part of that comes from this OSD so operational Services service division is an operation of the is a branch of the government that sets the out of District tuition they have to set it by I think it's I think it's November 1st they have to provide superintendence with what the rate increase would be for the subsequent year prior to FY 24 that rate was increasing at about 2% per year in FY 24 was increased by 14% next year another 4.6 so we're talking just shy of 20% over two years but prior to that to hit that 20% mark it was taking closer to a decade the impact in our budget this year is that's $170,000 that we did not have to spend on other services and other supports and personnel and supplies next year we're projecting that number to be 320,000 so I'm not saying we're crying but there's a little bit of spilled milk there when it comes to like this is something that was handed to every district with no additional fund yes there was a form of relief built into the legislature last year but it to be honest it's not really relief it's just paying ahead and money we would have received potentially next spring um so those numbers are huge for us and numbers that we have limited control if any inflationary Trends FY 23 FY 24 so the reason I bring this up student Opportunity Act also has a statutory not requirement but legislators could have gone above it but there is statutory language that says they would cap the inflation at 4 and a half% which they did in FY 23 and they did again in FY 24 in f23 uh we were closer to 7% inflation and in FY 24 closer to 8% so that creates about a 6% Gap in inflation that at this point will never be backfilled for any District that Gap will always exist there is a push for legislators to include some language in to create essentially a new law that would start to backfill a little bit but who knows if and when that would Happ when we met with legislators this is part of our process so we met with the town leadership um and Jen and Todd and I also met with uh Senator ala representatives doome and Carrie and we brought up this point exactly and said like in a year but now it's 1.35 if you made that if you brought it to 3% that would make a difference and start to fill in that Gap right whether that happens or not right like think it's a pretty clever suggestion on our part but whether that happens or not like all we can do is advocate for that but that would start to fill in some of this Gap that's been created so those are like the real like some of the driving factors the SOA stuff and then some of these other things High need students since pre pandemic 2019 Bry seen an 11% increase in high need students right students are high needs for a variety of reasons and students who are high needs require typically more services and the costs increase to educate be it through English as a second language or students on IEPs or students in challenging socioeconomic status whatever it might be there's different supports and um approaches that make it more costly typically to educate and that is a broad stroke that's not every individual but I think when you think of that means that's one of the budgetary impacts inflation I me I mentioned Transportation this is a huge cost um we've increased our transportation budget the past two years and we're still going like based on changes in students IEPs based on a number factors Transportation continues to be plus transportation is voted in a different article in in the town budget but right it's still connected to us so like I just want to make that point that the cost we're in the first year of a new contract for our general um students coming to and from school on the first student buses or going to Athletics event so we're in the first student so we expected a bit of an increase here but um the impact is considerable special education S sim similar I talked about the 20% increase in out of District tuition and then outdated Junior Senior High School um and to be honest we we're incurring more costs in this building that we're now in year six so certain things and systems start to require some more attention and um despite our best efforts around maintenance certain things right there's wear and tear and there's things that need to be replaced over time um so I think the Junior Senior High School is a bit of a different issue but it's not like there's no cost Associated here either so this is a little bit about our Outlook $ 5,758 and a two and a qu% increase remember here to here and this is a sheet that we've used in the past that really just shows everything that I just went through Chapter 70 is that state money required local contribution additional Town allocation again this money would have to be approved at town meeting um so this also isn't guaranteed I should point out I think if the finance committee we're looking at this they would say the deficit is 738,000 um because the 600 would be incredbly good and we recognize that um but we have been in communication with Town leadership right like so we're we're taking the leave from them and that what I have for tonight know if committee has any questions anything wor clarifying you know we have reading but happy to and again I think I mentioned we do have public hearing next week so we'll continue to work on it it'll be a similar but updated presentation next week um and an opportunity to engage in some dialogue and answer some questions but C certainly happy to try to clarify anything can't I hope personally have anybody else have any questions questions at this time feel like it's very similar you know across the board for communities it's not going to be e a year at all last year was in Comm um love tough conversation and hard work so yeah I think there's been times to your point Jo where I think gry has felt alone in this and I think this year a lot of districts are reference coup talk six or seven positions versus another District but proportionately I know it said open for I question sorry I came in a little late so it's 3% um had this slide up a 2.2% um and 3.4% um if we were 2.2 would be 2.2% would be um if we had to reduce if we still have to reduce this over no the reduction the this top number is where we are right now with the proposed reductions and the 100 $ 38,000 Gap so this is a bit right misleading like this is where we are right now with that $138,000 FY 25 yes swallow [Music] we're not alone and I think difficult too because because these were cuts and reductions in f124 which remain in 2 which remain out of our that yes that they are still there with the potential of additional you know the six or seven additional run Y and there's some things that we didn't mention in here that people I think recognize that we have contractually obligated increases right that get built into some of the increases that I said before at the schools at the Personnel level like those happen annually so uh just clarify so what would get us to the 2.22% the 2.2 would being if we the number that we've been told for now is we have to we still have to reduce that4 138,000 reducing that 138,000 would bring us to that 2.2% and the number is 6000 that we were given correct and that's the same that we got last year and the year before correct so um just a question just something I've noticed um every Department in town goes up 3% for a p up is a schol not part of that a 3% budget it increases every department online the so just something that I've noticed going through budget season and stuff yeah again I don't know if right I think in some places like it's easy to say the numbers are the numbers so but I don't know if the town would look at it differently and look at just like the required local plus their allocate right because we have state funding we have offsets and things like that so that's our whole budget so I'm not saying that the town is or isn't giving us 3% um like we could probably run those numbers but we haven't we just looked at our total budget yeah and I was just thinking about it as far as how much money is being allocated to school year that PR s um if you look at the numbers that's happing departmental wide right now so this is the required town so the required Town allocation so this is through the state funding formula this went up to 249,000 this was a 4.4% increase then the in kind went up also 180,000 right so essentially the difference between these two numbers would be what the town is increasing and we've we've had good dialogue with the town I want to be clear this is not a schools versus Town issue um excellent excellent like it's and have been phenomenal and I think CH our frustration point is that these things have happened to all districts and like without additional funding coming our way OSD increases 20% in right like those are things for a small District like brandy especially that doesn't generate a lot of Revenue I think I've heard 95% of the revenue in town is generated through residential taxes right I understand the challenges that come when it comes to like increased costs like this um but I do also worry that there is potential that we'll continue to [Music] see numbers grow because we may not be able to address certain needs when we like to address them because of because we''ve been stretched so then you know and I will also say and then I'll step away for tonight but like we advocated when we met with our legislators for increased rural school funding that would be huge like this 71,000 is what we received with Governor budgetting 15 million last year same number in budget this year but the rural schools commission is saying $60 million needs to be in that line in order to fully fully support what rural schools need and again it's not as easy as just multiplying it by four but for the purposes of this I'll multiply it by four that's 28,000 that closes our Gap and allows us to reduce the reductions and cuts that we've made so that's what that's certainly one place circuit breaker is a really challenging formula to explain to people but we're going to see this number grow LLY it's definitely grown this year we're going to see it grow Lely next year because we're spending more in these services but you only get a percentage of a percentage back a year later so it doesn't help us for the cost that we're incurring in the present it does help us in the future a little bit but it's not going to cover all of it so rural school funding reining circuit breaker at 100% like truly 100% because the way circuit breaker set up is essentially if a student requires Services over $50,000 then you start to get a percentage back starting at $50,000 $1,000 you don't get 75,000 back you get 75% of 50 so you get third so spend a thousand $100,000 on student in in the school year 2425 or 23 24 in the spring of 25 you'll get 37,500 so it helps that it's a away but it's doesn't keep up with the way that SP it's a really difficult formula to experi in way that I think people can sure so so happy to take feedback um between now and next Tuesday um the number on the top is wrong that number is correct um but happy to take feedback and questions either from anyone here or the public between now and next week and next Tuesday we'll be back here at 6:30 for um a budget hearing and certainly be open answering questions at that point like I said it probably pretty similar presentation but we'll have made some changes thank you so much for your time there's Refreshments please there are Refreshments please [Music] yeah get nice to see that's good are you good today is Tuesday March 26th and the time is 7 P.M we'd like to start uh I'd like to call this meeting to order first up on our agenda is our consent agenda first is the minutes from March 12th [Music] any all those in favor next is Warr 57 and 58 have signature any questions or comments on the warrants hear I'll take the motion 57 and 58 second all V in favor next is visitors comment any citizen wishing to speak before the committee must sign in with the administrative assistant prior to the opening of the regular session of the school committee the visitor will identify themselves by name and address and shall speak for no longer than 3 minutes for anyone unable to sign in ahead of time we ask that you clearly state your name and address so that this information can be included in the record meeting did you sign in already all right um here I don't need M should you can come up here the desk okay I will F she said this is prce MM ready mhm than yep Alena Smith 46 Easton Street committee members a few days ago when I sat to write this statement I found that I was at a loss that doesn't happen often to me as I'm quite passionate about what I believe in and above all I try to look at problems in a big picture scenario but with this I just couldn't find the right words it was quite daunting to say the least at the end of July I sat in front of you and requested a conversation be started about the dual enrollment policy in our district and about opportunity I thank you tonight that the conversation did start and I hope after the presentation tonight you can see how the definition of opportunity is embedded within the program I envy the families that were able to take advantage of dual enrollment prior to the restrictions the district placed seven years ago many of their students earning up to an associates degree by the time they graduated high school what students were facing then looked completely different of what they are dealing with now just as we heard tonight funding for Education from all levels of government is so far SA least and just imagining what the snowball of that statement will be in the upcoming school year is truly terrifying with that the cost of college is astronomical colleges are now starting to deny AP credit for certain Fields passing exam scores listed for each College are all over the place AP classes cannot be the only solution for students to meet their goals as that may not be the best choice for them now more than ever is an opportune time to give students back the power to choose their path and take however many college classes they need to accomplish it by removing the restrictions of the policy students can choose courses that make a true impact for them whatever their goal may be removing the Restriction provides them with choices and opportunities it can help students not feel the impact of budget cuts as badly as if we cannot provide them with a class it may be found across the different College curriculums I have said it numerous times to many people if we as a district have been able to prepare our students socially emotionally and academically to do well enough to be successful in college classes we should be shouting that from our rooftops it should be in every Sentinel and every town reminder that our students have met their goals they have overcome hurdles and they persevered through their challenges how can we as a district stand in their way especially as it costs the district nothing I think that's why it was so hard for me to think of the best words for this statement tonight even if it is for one student or five or 10 or 20 how can we stand in the way of whatever they need to do to meet their indiv idual goals how in the world can we do that to them I leave that thought with you tonight and thank you for your time we you that any other um visitors Crystal J 11 Taylor Street um I'm here um with a couple questions I did uh watch your March 12th meeting um for the school committee and I guess really more of a statement um as you guys are going to be looking at a new superintendent I think it's really important to have a work group that reflects not only the parents but the staff as well as um other um aspects of the committee um that you guys put together but I think I guess what I struggle with is transparency it's really important to me moving forward and I know you guys had talked about getting a third party and I think a third party I know it's going to be expensive you guys had mentioned 10,000 13 ,000 for that third party um and I know Mr Durham also um you know was in favor of that and I think it's something that really needs to be considered moving forward because that's going to take a little bit of bias out of the whoever's on the committee on who comes forward as the interim um superintendent and I think that's what you guys were leaning for we don't know if we're only only for inro okay so that from the meeting it seemed like that's what you guys were leaning toward and then you're going to um figure out who or get a work group together about months that's one of the options it hasn't been decided it's one of the things that we'll be talking about just I know I'm not supposed to but just to clarify that point we have not decided if we're doing going in that direction okay so whether it's the interim or it's a search committee for the superintendent position I think it's just very important that there's transparency and that we're choosing or you guys are choosing someone that does not have already bias from the district um so that's just something that other people have come to me I have two boys in the district my daughter is going to be coming up in two years so it's just something that's very important to me I do care about the future of this school district and what happens next so just to be very transparent and open and look at all of your options excellent thank you apologies for in there C but I um we have um Cole here as our new student representative welcome Cole it's great to be here thank you I don't have the understand NOP you don't we just did that from sure thank you well it's nice to meet all of you my name is Cole I am happy to be the new student representative for the school committee uh it wasn't a very contentious election but but I'm still happy to be here with all of you reporting information from Miss Jordon in St at the East Meadow School so with that I'll be pretty quick I don't want to sound like a robot with this um when I went and I spoke to miss de today uh actually in the last block of school the first thing that became apparent to me was the sense of community she values and that's not only community in and outside of this building but community in between both buildings so from the high school to East Meadow she talked about the uh EXC me she talked about the talent show that was run by the sophomores Miss Jordan also mentioned that it was held in the gymnasium here she enjoyed that the excuse me that uh students from both schools could come together and run a program that everybody could enjoy uh Additionally the sophomores raised a good sum of money and the students here at this building were very happy she detailed to me uh General things going around in the school two mcast pep rallies were held last Thursday uh just to get the young students here Minds off of mcast and all the difficulties with that I remember of course when I was little I probably would like something like that so I'm glad that they're doing that here now uh students could earn to participate in events uh and the better their grades the more rewards they had a parade around the school I was told where younger kids would go out and make posters to support the older kids and their Endeavors for the mcast uh Michael swanigan from the high school was over over here with the Rams costume to try and make it a little bit more fun for everybody in terms of academic updates four students won a mcast award for excellence here in East Meadow mcast is starting next week of course teachers are getting ready for that as they always will uh student engagement as I mentioned before motivation was a big thing that I saw here uh for Miss DEET even uh Mr Rosenberg I met him as well today the assistant principal uh Miss de detailed to me the ST math program which they are currently in the process of running uh they're running a March mathness uh which is a program or I should say a little initiative put on by the school to give puzzles to students and then prizes for how many puzzles they can complete they ran the Bingo for books I remember that was I was in with that they ran the Bingos for books and also as I mentioned had the talent show for support different groups around the school of course after school programs they just finished up around those uh School sports clubs they or I should say m a detailed to me girls on the run which is a program for girls to get a little bit more active um running after school she was very proud to say that the program is filled currently and I was also detailed to mention something very important that n Asia way is uh working on a grant for a for more after school activities it's called 21st century activities and she is looking for parents inputs from around the school uh this initiative she wants to get a for would help to start up new homework clubs after school uh that involve in math and Ela and helping students to overcome problems that they might have in school to give them a space to work with each other and work with maybe a um tutor or such and such like that as for the high school I went and I spoke to M Jordan about that she did excuse me she detailed to me the start of the spring Sports season of course games are expected to start this week I believe there was a scrimmage for softball over there actually as we were talking um it was very cold did they went um when I left they were tied oh hopefully they uh the talent show as I mentioned before was put on by the class 2026 it was held at East Meadow and I thank Miss A for that opportunity to for us to use their facilities um academic updates course recommendations went out to teachers last week students got their schedule and course selections yesterday the high school will then start building schedules for the next year mcast starts very soon in fact it started today for 10th grade and it will start for junior high next week Mr cre and the scheduling Community Committee excuse me are working on a long block schedule for year 2026 the student voice group and others are helping with that design Cindy kusumo received the superintendent's Excellence award she will be attending a ceremony dinner atfer excited for her for school culture uh nonprofit stuff like that and Noah Chambers who was our 351 Ambassador started the cradles to cray uh fundraiser which takes use clothing or very gently worn clothing to Charities you can donate at both me offices if you would like to participate in that we are also working towards a lot more field trips for the future I talked to Miss Jordan about how I personally enjoy field trips I feel like I'm not alone saying that I think most kids do enjoy field trips and that is something that we would like to work on the career fair took place on the 13th I thought it went very well miss Jordon thought it went very well there was a lot of student engagement uh there was I enjoyed personally that there was not just feedback of careers from typical he medical um business but there was also more Blue Collar work uh you know construction Paving mining if you really wanted to go down that route I especially enjoyed that because that's a perspective that I feel students aren't usually exposed to too often future plans and goals uh on April 5th there is a an Emergency app students students are getting trained to understand what the app is I've sure some of you that is already so I probably don't have to go into too much depth about that but if you don't know what it is uh an emergency app was or is being tested for teachers to help assist in situations with the lockdown or shelter and teach or however that is so uh these students will be getting a little lecture to understand and recognize when that's happening uh we booked an anti-bullying or digital skills presentation from The Mark organization uh it is go is looking right now like it's going to be for April 29th the I was detailed that the an anti-Semitism assembly will be postponed until the fall uh Miss Jordan is working around the issue if you have any questions you can talk to her very well done we're glad to have the student voice back thanks so much happy to have you thank you so much I appreciate you are welcome to stay for as long as you want but you may if you would like to thank you so much for the opportunity appreciate see you next time okay next on our agenda is the school committee reorganizations with um Stephanie parents departure we have to need a new vice president vice chair president and now and also we need um to replace her on the um subcommittee she was on she was on more than just 20 relations remember anyway I know she for sure she was on community relations so um we need a vice chair and um a replacement of Comm don't mind offering I know I'm probably here in my 20s um but you said prob well but I know M fathers are want to that hearing I second that all those in favor okay proba should I second and community relations um I don't mind stepping in U to that and then it works because Mike and I will be on those two communties um together if no one has a problem with that we don't have to vote onites volunteer for that so I'll put myself that is there anything else that we need to reorganize all right that was D next is a statement of Interest so I think this hope this is easy too there is a template in the folder oh this the thing is the motion so the request of the committee would be to authorize me to submit a statement of interest to the Massachusetts school building authority um this spring for a building project at gry Junior Senior High School we received the support of the select board at their meeting um March 18th um this submission this authorization really only authorizes us to submit the application it does not tie us to any fund name it does not mean we're invited in this just keeps the opportunity open should there be an appetite for a project next we so I read this and then someone uh says so moved and then we it all right just wanted to make sure I got it right resolved having convened in an open meeting on March 26 2024 prior to thei submission closing date the school committee of grany mass in accordance with its Charter of bylaws and ordinances has voted to authorize the superintendent to submit the uh submit to the Massachusetts school building authority the statement of Interest form no later than April 12th 2024 for the gry junior Senior High School located at 385 East State Street gry Mass which describes and explains the following deficiencies and the priority categories for which an application may be submitted to the Massachusetts school building authority in future number five replacement renovation or modernization of school facility systems such as roofs Windows boilers excuse me Heating and ventilation systems to increase energy conservation and decrease energy rele Coss in the school related costs in a school facility seven replacement of or addition to obsolete buildings in order to provide for a full range of programs consistent with State and approved local requirements and hereby further specifically acknowledges that by submitting the statement of Interest form the Massachusetts school building authority in no way guarantees the acceptance or the approval of an application the awarding of a grant or any other funding commitment from Massachusetts school building authority or commits the gred public school district to file an application for funding on the Massachusetts school building authority can I have second second all those in favor thank you so just so folks know that application by uh Friday April 12th and this this been the last thing that we really needed myself you and Chris Mar decid okay all right next is the student opportunity out opportunity play tonight um so I had included this in one of the school committee updates a couple of weeks ago so by statute essentially by law um we we're required to submit student opportunity active plan and updates on that plan um that is due to be submitted to desie by April 1 we have the plan ready to grow to go we just need school committee approval I will be honest very honest that student Opportunity Act is where we get we're getting our state funding $119,000 um while I understand the ask of desie as it's mandated so we will certainly comply um a lot of these things are things that we would be working to do regardless of receiving that funding I think in districts that are receiving millions of dollars in suing Opportunity Act it's certainly important to track that and see how it is impa imp acting student outcomes um but for us it is a minuscule amount and if I'm being completely honest we have built it into the work that we're doing regardless of that money or done so our Focus areas are supporting curriculum implementation to engage teachers in professional development linked directly to the illustrative math curriculum uh which is a curriculum will'll be introducing next year purchase illustrative math materials supplement the wonders literacy curriculum for phonics and phic awareness and writing instruction and set up a process to regular regularly monitor the effectiveness of the curriculum implementation the other evidence-based area that we selected was implementing High L High leverage instructional practices to train staff and high leverage instructional practices designed to meet the needs of all students for example acceleration versus mediation providing scaffolded supports explicit instruction flexible flexible grouping adapting curriculum and tasks based on student specific learning gos with our Target student groups mean students with disabilities lowincome students so so we just need a vote to approve to a school committee vote to approve the plan and then we'll submit it and I have a motion make the motion to approve the Grammy School st's Opportunity Act plan from 25 through 27 I have a second all those in favor okay next s Readjustment from F year 23 um through an audit with mtrs was found that we had a staff member 20 FY 23 on the wrong step the adjustment um is $ 34754 uh to uh correct that step error can you say the amount again I'm sorry it's $3,475 14 and this was this is just one person I mean yes one and we there are any others that weing no um any other questions or comments on that verying that I'll take the motion I'll make a motion to moove the salary adjustment from F Year's one grp have second second all those in favor all right next up is trip to Brownstone yeah over there so Crystal D Frame teacher at the high school I am the class um advisor to the class of 2027 um they have voiced to me that they um are feeling a lack of community that they want to do something together as a flx so um the class officers did some research we looked at different areas that we can go on a clast field trip um and they came up with Brownstone park it is a water park um swim to everything um and they have zip lines they have Cliff jums they have a bu a water slide for the kids too um I put on the sheet the rate at which they would charge a large group so it's a 10% discount for the Adventure Pass which is $44 and10 per student um I didn't put any busting to be on there because I haven't I one I didn't know if this was going to be approved and two I was hoping to use the yellow bus program there's only 41 students in that class so they would all be able to fit on my bus if they want to do team building activities which is definitely an option it would additional cost of $15 around um again I didn't put that on here because I wasn't sure if it was going to be approved or not and if I should move forward with um so I told them I would come and represent class and see what the school committee thought so if you have any questions I'll definitely answer them um but I'm just listening to what the students want just so the committee knows the reason this is coming before you is it's an out of state BR students in Connecticut um school really must approve inate what all Rel I think it's a Serendip speak scho just your students want to have the trips and stuff so starts kaying with blindfolding which was interesting to read about um and there's another one with Di and water off that that students can choose or not choose to be so we're not going to force anyone to do anything the that they want to do soes anyone have any question be the adventure sports it would be the Adventure Pass yes so the only thing that that would exclude them from is the weight boarding that is an additional cost that a lot of I've done several times that with my toys um and they love it we go every year at least once it's amazing it's so fun and are you going to be leting sh so um according to the group they give you a for every 15 students they give you one free sh to go where they roll into the package for the grp Break um so meting sh I know it's towards the end of the year so Miss Jordan to uh let me know if she want parents for what have you um so that would be between Jordan and Mr R just thr out there and as far as lunch so I did think about lunch um they can bring their own and I can cooler that they can put it into I was definitely going to get at least two um packages of water because they have like a little Beach area where you can roll your stuff into and when you set up on the beach I not for buying Gaz there it's very expensive I think it's like or $400 to get one of the bigger conos that Flo on the water so we would probably be setting up on the beach area that they have there um and I thought about just like the last field trip that I took to um The Body Worlds the cafeteria is willing to pack them a lunch and do a bag lunch that they can also bring with them as well would just have to let their know against on I need um and they do have the option to purchase Lun there as well well so there's definitely um options for them any other questions here I will take the motion would be a motion to accept the trip to BR yes yes I'll make motion to accept the trip to BR I have a second second I'm so excited for them and next is another field trip um trip to Sunny's Place presentation for so hello everyone Al Jordan building principal high school high school I'm here to present another F trip this one is for the junior high grad seven and eight and Mr Suba who is the team leer for the junior high is not attendance tonight but we've been collaborating on this it is coming before you today because it is at state is in Connecticut Summers very similar to Brownstone it's just um it's sunnies I did put a link in the bottom for you to navigate around the website you'll find that you'll look at it and smile you'll want to be there participating in all the events they do have school pricing um the school pricing can range from hours so it could be two hours three hours four hours so I include that information in here and the transportation fees would be 400 per bus we'd be taking two buses my plan was to seek approval first before proceeding with any other steps I do have two buses on fold with the bus company um but in regards to next steps would be contacting the PTO to see if they can help offset some of the transportation cost as they did last year um so the um cost for the students is kind of to be determined right now I do feel like two hours wouldn't be enough time spending there $ um so it would either be $30 or 35 um and if students are experiencing finantial part family they can certainly reach out and we can help um facilitate a path to support them in attendance I did drop in as well a letter that would be sent out to families um at the bottom under additional links and as well as the flyer that includes the prices also added in the standards so it was asked you know how this field trip and supports the standard so a prior PE and health teacher that was easy for me because we con we were always going on field trips so it supports physical activity and fitness mental and emotional health and healthy relationships and personal safety um so really the whole student and not just for the students for the staff for the staff to also be in attendance I felt choosing sun is a good um option as opposed to Six Flags um with the black top at six Liv it can be really warm and hot so trying to consider the staff and it's easier to manage groups of students at Sunny's versus at Six Flags right there's a little bit more room to um expand at Six Flags and felt sunnies would be more appropriate for our students in grade seven and eight uh we would be asking that all team members attend so we all grade seven and eight teachers as well as an administrator and Poss the school nurse the plan for food while they do offer options for food we were going to reach out to CH balls for a bag of lunch and possibly stop somewhere along the way there's lots of fields possibly hang out under a tree just consume our lunch that we don't allow food on grounds there it's not being purchased from sunnies but students can bring cash they have nice ice cream area nice little set up there so super cool that they've expanded all their activities so there's bumper there's like the bumper cars or like the race cars there's a zip line was probably saring eagle or something bling wall parisel so their pass would get them access to all the things that are listed in the CH any questions or comments I'll think motion make the motion to the junior high trip to Sun's pleas second second dual enrollment and early college there is not a vote listed on this is that accurate that is accurate so um we do you do have a proposal in the folder but it's never as easy as it seems um so I did reach out to our attorney about policy versus procedure as we've had some of that conversation with the policy subcommittee over the past year um and our attorney suggested a policy which I have shared with the policy subcommittee who meet tonight um and she suggested if the committee were to adopt that policy then the the document that's in your folder would be more procedural so similar to similar to what we've done with field trips saying this is the policy superintendent build building Administration has the purview to work within that by setting up some guidelines um so that is a little bit of a change from what we've done in the past because in the past we've referred to this more procedural approach Ro as policy so you'll see it's dual enrollment Early College guidelines it covers a lot of what is in the proposed potential policy and then also um delineates the guidelines throughout so um I'm seeing an edit that needs to be made still in there based on a comment so this was not developed by Me Alone um yeah do you see uh items three under guidelines okay great um Mrs Smith who spoke earlier has been part of a work group that we've been working I don't know if it's been since October or November um but we've had four or five at least hourlong meetings we've looked at everything from advanced placement acceptance scores to articulation agreements to um National Honor Society bylaws and looked at taking a really comprehensive look um at what other schools are doing that are connected to dual enrollment in Early College what our current policy looks like where it could be tweaked and um based on the input of that work group we've made adjustments to the current guidelines um this is more of an upto-date version I'm happy to if it would be helpful for the committee to show where changes would be made for the next meeting but just wanted to bring it to your attention tonight my thought is if the policy subcommittee supports the policy that that could be voted on at our next meeting if that's voted on we wouldn't require a further vote to implement these guidelines so what is I mean we've had dual enrollment for a while in various iterations what is different here than what happened for a class of 2023 right so that's where I could go through I could show you the side by-side documents for the next one but um for our next meeting there's a number of differences in here one of the ideas around early college and duwal enrollment Statewide is making sure that there's Equitable access so we have propose proposed potentially reducing the GPA required from a 3.0 to a 2.0 but that also means those students need to meet the requirements of the higher the institution of higher education likely pass the accuplacer that would qualify them to participate in duel enrollment through that um organization we have had a cap on the number of students number of classes students could take that cap is not in this proposal [Music] um trying to think of other I have a question for the committee I have some questions based on what um Mrs Smith was talking to us about so I'm um asking the committee if they're okay to have her back uh to ask a few questions based on her statement and the fact she was on the committee yeah of course do you mind or would you you can answer from there if you'd like if you're more comfortable well I don't are you okay with that of course So based on your statement to me it kind of came across as negative for dual enrollment oh gosh no so what what we offer as negative like we don't I think dual enrollment has benefits um you know absolutely the solution of AP forces can be limited you know not right now I'm AC the I was an admission counselor for two years at a private you know college so you know there's a lot of steps when after someone applies to college and it goes off to the colleges and the different institutions um AP courses aren't just threes anymore that you can get they have many colleges are fours and fives so threes aren't good enough for them I mean there's no standard across the board additionally a lot what's happening now is for instance if you're going to a medical field and you take a Anatomy physiology or AP biology and you get a f highest you can get they will not take it oh I I 100% so what that's where I'm confused with your statement because we we do offer AP courses I also know our guidance department is is pretty great and I know that they have conversations with a lot of those students as they're going through and doing that and I know you know I I just live through it so and then as the students are doing their research they decide whether or not they're going to take an AP class or go for a dual enrollment class um and it depends a problem what you want some kids want to take the AP class because they want to have that um higher level of class so they're prepared going into a college level class um because they're it's then the information is not going to be foreign other kids decide they're not going to take an AP class they're going to take a dual enrollment class because that way they're learning the information for the first time the way the professor at the college wants to teach it so I just wanted I guess my thing is I was wasn't sure where what you were trying to convey to us that's okay so my message is by limiting it to two in the situation that the district is in it's challenging because sometimes it's three to make that kids's path meet their goals sometimes it's four sometimes it's five okay so for example we had this massive stem initiative years ago and we have no AP Physics and no AP MTH so if you take biology or as nth grade science then you go into chemistry 10th grade and then you go into physics 11th grade what do you take what do you take senior year no science what if you are a you did your ab cour work um your um enrollment into AP History and AP English you did all your junior year what do you take senior year no my son's living in he's a dual enrolling student student by the end of this year his junior year he'll completed 23 college credits he has a 4.4 GPA 4.44 GPA at the high school he has a 4.0 HCC he can do more he wants to do more but he cannot so next year he's currently scheduled in an English honors class he's scheduled in a Spanish honors class and 12's classes so there isn't anything else for him so that's the difficulty of the whole situation it gives one student is not the same as another student what is great for one student going to physical therapy is not the same as one person going to mechanical engineering there are districts in the area that offer intro to engineering as an elective senior year our students do not have that so if you can only limit two how what if fre was better for their for their goal by causing a restriction it makes it or giving them a restriction it makes them limited you stand in the way of them meeting their path okay so it was mostly about the cap yes now okay is fabulous and I think what also is is about funding when you are a dual enrollment student there are you cannot apply for basketball so that's a funding issue the HCC allows a dual enrollment students to apply for their scholarship so if you have low income if you need special services there are scholarships available to those students and all you do is fill out your application write your essay and you're put into this pool of $300,000 in the scholarships you find which ones match and then they can contact the student so that's funding that we don't have to provide as a district to that you can go to one free course at HCC one free course at Elms one free course at Westfield straight State now you have three of five full a full semester being five you have three free courses if you can get scholarships for other two you see students that may not have had the means to go to college now possibly have fre associates degree just opportunities that have to be taken advantage of because of the time that we're in okay thank you for that clarification does anyone else have any clarifying questions on her statement okay thanks for that Dana I appreciate it so what we you had just said Steph know that we're say we're going to talk about that the policy committee is going to talk about that about the cat well actually so what's in front of you would be the guidelines okay so those would not be what the school committee would vote on the school committee if the subcommittee supports it would be voting on a dual enrollment policy which is similar to our other policies that it yeah and essentially it does the same thing as the field trip piece too like it allows for the procedures to be set and determined by the superintendent Administration whereas the policy allows for dual enrollment got it thank you right and I mentioned in the budget presentation Innovation career pathway there's all also an early college designation through desie this could set us up to pursue that which also comes with additional funding tally excellent okay so we will have this again um next next time I don't know that's next week is not a two weeks weeks yeah April right and that will potentially be for a boat for the policy correct okay all right um next is continu uh continued busit continued business superintendent search so we did include a copy of the superintendent the flyer of the superintendent search I don't know if Todd wants to speak to it but I think this is what the quote unquote postings for superintendent jobs look like if you look at MC um and such so there would certainly have to be some updates so we wanted to put those things in here put this in here so people could make suggestions um again really it's a committee decision but I think my personal feeling would be to get a posting up there sooner than later to see what kind of pool is available um term or longterm or can we do first question and I apologize for not remembering but it didn't matter last time I guess do we can we do a posting um gosh darn it without knowing if it's in interm [Music] or um full at that time is it is it an interim position or a to determining if you are looking for an inter or permanent effective as effective July 1st 2024 so I guess we should back it up to that we need to decide what we're all thinking and if we want to go with inum or um take a shot in the dark and get um a full superintendent because we that if we go with inum then we're going to have to have a a secondary um and I don't know if we can RN them concurrently because we have the intern R for a year or however long it could be more than one year the intern could also turn into your per me so temp to hi the association would like to um have sear okay okay how do you all feel my committee I think three months to find a permanent is tight think inter is the way to go and then ticker time running the follow processed on permanent not that the inter won't be thorough it's just we'll have more time to expand upon the areas that we need to George L as far as you know timelines sure I'm really concerned about the timelines I feel like when there was an interm in the past there was that ability to thoughtfully give time for a search committee plan what those was I mean no people can speak to it but the difficulty in getting 17 people schedules to line to do all the things that we needed to do and communicate with Tracy in between on each step of the way because there was no one supporting and managing that overall piece to make sure procedurally we were meeting things where we needed to it it was a real heavy lift and I know it was a heavy lift on all the the administrative staff that was here too so while I appreciate the want for like some permanency and state stability I'm really concerned about the time frame so question question though um for record myaut is I would like to go for a full rather than having to pay for something twice um I am concerned about the timelines but what I'm wondering is if do we know if we paid mask or nasbo or whoever to do that does some of that work become come off of our plates do we need to have as wir of a committee I I so that's where I'm I'm I'm not certain on how what if we say we hire them what does that mean you know I don't want to pay like to me like we just talked about getting 17 people's schedules coordinated is a daunting task in of itself but if we hire math do we need a 17 person committee still is the work what the committee doing less that we could yes probably a little bit um when you so at the time when we decided to go on our own because of the cost right we facilitate that so you're paying for their services so they um we're part of the process but a lot of the heavy lifting is done through them right so yes to answer your question your commit is smaller okay right so it's not including 17 people but it's still includ stakeholders across the district in various roles and commity Etc um I do like I hear the union perspective but I also to put it in perspective there's nine weeks with the two we posting at seven weeks then you're already at the end of the school year so seven weeks to find right so that is a big with because to ask um people their C members to try to put forth someone and when we did this the last time we had someone that was within District we had two internal candidates that were able to interview for the intern position and I don't believe we're in the position that we have anybody in the district that is a licensed B interested you have license candidate candidat but interested so um you don't necessarily have to use if you were choosing to go the rout of an you wouldn't necessarily have to use masc in that capacity to form a committee to do a search and then essentially do it twice if you were having the targeted search for an inum versus what you would look for in the in a full perment search I just don't see how we get out of doing the search twice because we are going to do the search twice it's to what degree you're doing that search and how if you're doing the full search I I've been on a full superintendent search committee the net was cast nationally internationally that process is going to take much longer than the time frame so if we are going to truncate this to a seven or rest week process we can't cast a wide net so that's where the interim is not casting as wider than that in order to be able to do the thorough search for the permanent position so I feel like I still wanted I don't want to just have anybody for the intern like I still want to have a good somebody good right like good candidates are out there okay for an interim position it's it's not we don't have to anticipate this someone who has just gotten their license and hey I'm going to get my feet wet in an interim in grany and get myself as a springboard to somewhere else we can it can the committee can make that the the criteria that is someone who is going to meet the needs of gry to help us transition in this process okay so I guess our first um part part of our vote here for superintendent search is are we ready to make a decision if we're going interim or if we're going full search I think we have to make that decision and then it becomes you know how those next pieces unfold okay so I will take a motion for superintendent search I'll make a motion that we move forward in the superintendent search um looking at an internal superintendent candidate second second all those in favor I opposed I okay um for the record I I still would what I'm trying to say is I would want the just the one search so we're going to go for interim so now our next steps is we need to um it's multiple multiple PRS right we need to get um a committee so we need to get the word out can we get that in the newsletters for this week um anyone watching get names back to Jackie today is the 26th um newsletters go out on Friday Saturday Sunday sometimes over the weekend Friday to Sunday um so do we think a week is enough time to get names back given the compressed timeline does I feel like we need to kind of so we want to have names back by next week which is the 5th I think is it the 5th Yeah by April 5th we can send out a connect Alone um connected um and people um if anyone has any questions they can reach out but please help help us spread the word we need to do that um Al could you read that list of people again so we make sure we get the right [Music] stakeholders thank [Music] you School ministry here District administrator school committee G a how many GAA one or two there was one school committee was two yeah District administrator there are two one school administrator there were J were two it look like two cars from each building on last four not five uh look like a teacher two representatives from East Meadow two from the high school and [Music] two or Community member with the SL board member at the time okay thank you so if anyone is interested and Falls within one of those categories um please get your name in to Jackie by next Friday which is April 5th and then we need to um we need to decide if we're going to do the interim search ourselves or if we're going to um talk to masc to help us um and masc Kimberly did say likely have a list of potential interms without potentially without a cost okay um and just my recommendation you guys can certainly take it or leave it would be to get the posting up as soon as possible yeah before next Friday certainly all right so we need to there's um so we would amend the posting with the timeline because it was the the timeline was part of the posting the last time so I do think I do think the initial time frame was just when the posting closed and there were like TBD dates down the side until the committee the search committee was formed okay I yeah I have it all right so um we should get a new superintendent search for 2024 right yeah I think even the first page is probably sufficient for a posting are we comfortable with the salary listed for um a interim position in t of the current salary was what was budgeted so we're within the round yeah okay great so I guess that that part is fine um and the three-year contract part would have to be amended because it would be for interim that's where we would say it right okay um we probably would said in the invitation to apply for interum superintendent to bring right the time okay so second part of our vote um do we want to um just ask NC for the list of names with potentially no cost or do we want to partner with them um for the cost and if we we can't it has to go out to bid it's not something we can decide we have to go out we have to do a for the bid process is that week law so she said it's a request for quotes for this which is a it um it has to go out and be publicized whether that's through comis or one of the other platforms um so it's it's not a simple letter that goes out to I'm just based on what I'm hearing it doesn't sound like that's the approach that you're leaning towards it's more the second bullet where she says committee decides that do not want to request coachs and would like to do an internal search on their own I believe masc still has some services that are available because I think if we want to do this we can't even post it until we have that author because if we go with masc they're going to you know like don't they we can post it without having to use MC's platform if the committee chooses to go forward with MC or or another vendor it would then be supplemental to our original posting so if we um do this when for the posting it was open for two weeks last time or uh actually it was longer than it was much longer time frame um we should have the information back to be able to make a decision even though after we post this is what I'm understanding yeah can you read phas that well I'm thinking if we what I'm worried about is going to post this but we don't know how we're going to run the search because when we had this before we had already partnered with masc they collected all the applications if we post this now yeah they're coming to us correct we don't want to just have them sit there to not do anything with them until we make a decision right that's that's where I'm hung up so I feel like we can't actually move forward on posting this until we know if we are going with masc and we can't that until we have quotes we can't get the quotes for another couple of weeks right it sounds to me that you're not going in that direction sounds to me like you guys are deciding you're running your own search by posting and then reaching out to Ms masc for their list of available interim I think that's what my thought process was around the interim path is that you wouldn't do the full search and look at all of the services attached to that until like for the interim like you would be potentially doing that but you might not have to if you have all that time to plan and kind of be thoughtful about what that looks like again but I think that gives so that's my apologies I thought we still had to do a search for the interim that's why I kept saying because I don't think we can just you are doing a search but you have the option of not using an outside service to run that search okay well so bottom line we still need to have a committee in whatever size for inum do we need this large of a a committee for an interim superintendent then I still think you want representation from you know a variety of stakeholders in the committee um what I do not recall with the last time is Mass folding the applications I thought they came directly to the school they did some initial reading I remember that I remember that we had when um because I sat in on the first round of stuff and it they had sent us these here's the first of everyone who's qualified qualified so they did the original search so if we're not going to use them at all and we're going to do that that means that committee is going to be doing all of the screening yes yeah I remember being privy to the names or anything until that we got like a bunch like here's our first round of people for you and then we did salary uh not salary sorry um our own resume screening because I sat in on those first ones and then I had to step in that's when Emy left so I had to recuse myself because I couldn't be on as the chair there's agenda agendas for all seven of the meetings throughout the whole entire searchy in one of those full but yeah they have anys and I remember remember them and sharing it and that's going through it but they V right so they did the but that's because we had already reached out to them and made that partnership and so for interim we did not it was in a completely inter internal process yeah is it possible to ask them if they can help us with the interim as well as the full search oh I'm sure they'll say yes and it's just we'll just be pay paying for it both and that extent that goes out to that RFQ [Music] process well that's happened to us before Jud Judy was going turn she was she was always in ter just just it was extended serve because we didn't have a viable search as I understand thank you for clarifying I think the section under on the flyer where it talks about the application process right that's big difference they applications would go to them or they go that doesn't mean it's not okay process if you're not going through them right no that's I'm that's what I that's where I'm hung up is that I'm thinking even if we're talking about doing we voted that we're going to do an interim search fine what we need to not decide now is if we are going like this we you know we had I don't care where the applications go they can go to my mailbox for all I care like it's it's fine but that we down that committee has a whole another step worth of work because they're going to be vetting every application that comes through but we are at the point now as I'm understanding it that we cannot even have them sent to masc because we have not reached out and that's the quote process so if that that's do are we deciding that then we're going to do our own internal process which we really can't decide what we can do that but we we if if we I'm sorry interr if we use the platform like School spring that we do from many of our other postings it will collect and it'll hold all the applications all the information uh for the candidates related to that search it becomes a storehouse it's doing the only it's not doing that Mac might do is we have if someone doesn't have the license or doesn't meet a specific criteria committee is determined right no no I I'm I'm that becomes a platform or and if the committee determines someone in the central office whether it with me or somebody else receives and you know acknowledges the receipt of these things we can do it that way as well but said School spring will that's a function of school spring okay great so School spring are we good with school spring then Yes sounds good Jill well I guess I'm just going back to the question about I don't believe there was a cost associated with using mask the way we did the last time there was it was like $5,000 it was he was small they also posted it right we making post of NC so what they did was vet and then collect and vet and then gave it to us I believe masc will still post it on their website even if it's posted through school spring first so certainly we can post it on school spring that seems that seems fine it's the vetting Pro process and we don't have a committee yet so um but we're going to send out that notice this weekend and then gather the names and then have them um summarized by the 5th right so we'll have a committee within seven days hopefully if we get people interested and then we'll lock it in on the meeting on the 9th and start scrubbing the applications received as they come in committee will the Comm will rece once it's closed the committee will receive the applications search committee we can't go through them until the application period's um closed right yeah okay so okay I apologize for being dense I'm just not um oh it's actually help yeah there's a lot going on and if I could again like my thought would be post it while you're simultaneously trying to get your committee you could have the whole committee or a subcommittee of that committee screen the applicants identify the number that you want to interview you could do private interviews for that and then requests two or three or four however many the committee wants recommended as finalists those my understanding would have to be public interviews uh open meeting and then the committee would deliberate and make a decision so we could capture that you could send it to the attorney to make sure that lines up with everything that we need to do in terms of process but I think some of those things can happen simultaneously so so we need to decide for today when we want to Target getting the app the posting out and when we want it due because those are the two dates that need to be on there and the rest can be filled in as we um after the committee is filled hopefully by the 9th so application when do um we can take a few minutes in a moment to look at the rest of the flyer but what do you all think we want to try to have that out by next Friday as well by April 5th yeah I think that's a viable Target I do think really you're looking at changing the application process in terms of taking out the information about mask and noting like where to apply in those pieces is the dates will just go and be TBD based on our our initial date um the only piece on the timeline too that I'm wondering about is that if we're looking at an interim candidate they may not currently be at a site and so I know we had done some site visits or um virtual at that point we didn't do those for the interim so I don't know if we need to do a S but I don't think you you may not be able to you know if they're retire you know who knows who's coming forward so that's a piece that we may want to consider taking out of the timeline um but otherwise with the application due the semi-finalist selected the interviews the finalist announce the finalist interviews and then the selection um I think all those are still could we do site visit that needed well I just don't to me you even need them I don't know that we need them if there're you know you're talking about the equity of it and if people aren't currently working in a district or have stepped away at the end of of a school year or something and may be interested um you're not traveling to a site right I'm fine with that how do you all feel about no site visits should be fine unless we see there's any reason otherwise um so when do we want to have the application due if we started April 5th um that's a week from Friday do we want to try to have the application due by the 30th I mean it's interm do we need to have it open for 6 weeks the other thing I'll just say if you guys settle on the posting tonight we can have it posted tomorrow okay do you guys want to try to bang out um getting the posting done then excuse me can and I think if paid one stays I mean it might require some updates but some edits but not much I mean then timelines TBD application process everything down below isn't going to change someone do do we want to have one person in charge of cap capturing I can do it thanks Joe are we going are we adding inter them yes it's going to scw it all up you think that's how I SP it I don't know where the rest of it go I only have inter intern superintendent it went off the page this is what I mean it's like a whole the text block oh that's right oh it's up on the top of the next page but I can at least go and take out these things generally assist too so you can at least your job of and just get guidelines to consider sure I'll Beal resource yeah because last time we just had constant communication I'll be right there my concern is I don't know that I can format this appropriately in the next however many minutes and it won't look that way right in school spring as you can probably imagine oh it would be worse I know it's Miss out short but maybe you should slow it down yeah was gonna say they just dictated what they wanted to do and in terms of well it's just yeah what's that that would be cross David David over there yes em office ZX where's that gonna go my understanding with inter would be you find someone who can at least temporarily fill the shoes while you go to the hiring right so we necessarily need to have a full notice application I think just went but the last time we did this yes piece they may have I'm not sure about what that looks like yes but there was they were internal people I'm not sure about the first time I think I just sent it okay so yeah so libraries I option when you hit yeah so mine probably printed to this website even in A hurried situation very important details and it sounds like we're kind of skipping phase one and going right into phase two and the inter term is supposed to be the stop Gap so that we can go through phase one through five right but the previous time that even we posted around the superintendent there was that piece that mask provided for that initial phase and now we're saying we're not using them we're using School spring so it's going to just shift that Focus that way so the information would still need to be the same in terms of seeking candidates but it would be completely independent like they can support and oper advice and make sure that we're dotting eyes and Crossing tees but they wouldn't be that patch all for the initi that they were before notify interested people interest in inter from their list so I think the idea around just the flyer is just highlighting the essential pieces that will continue which is what we talked about but noting that the dates are subject to be determined and then updating the application process um okay so I have interm and then re strike three-year contract inter term and you make other changes is on that first page just the initials came off I want to make sure the initials are off of all of the selection criteria in all of these so she can be Vice chair but she all these need to school bring when you CL School bring you won a lot of cop and paste jobs this is super pretty I like yeah so it was designed that way so School spring is not who's are friend yes it just looks different there's a couple samples right now and it's clunky looking look pretty there's no pictures black SE well those are gone anyway so yeah like when Jackie fills it out she like has to fill out like a lot of drop boxes M but there you would still be able to pull all the information from the F copy it and it anything else on page one let me just make sure my name is spelled correctly I have a p e l l i t i e r e t i e r e t and can I just be chair instead of chairman chair do you want to be Vice chair or vice chairman or vice chair person I will be whatever you would like me to be the rest of it makes sense timeline we're saying TBD totally except for when it's due we're going to have to figure out when we're posting and when when it's due the application at least for this part so if we are comfortable with it for today and we can get it posted or by the end of the week I feel like that's huge at least it's out and we just need to determine when we want to have it du by and what I'm asking is if can we have it be by the end of April yes because you really technically only need two weeks or 10 days or you know that's not going to catch everybody right so I'm I'm thinking if we have it by April 30th that if we get it tomorrow that's five weeks we had it for six last time for a full search so and then in the time frame if we're collecting applications for a search committee then hopefully they can start to meet and determine a Time frame of when they would like to start reviewing applications and all those things which would then put us the end of April beginning of May and nominate a chair and get you know get their bylaws because you guys had to set up like Rules of Engagement right for lack of a better word huh yeah so you're saying due April 30th that I here I just put this on with the chair you're good I think yeah April 30th yeah April 30th I think I do are you guys comfortable with April 30th a five weeks search yeah think that's plenty of time and correct me if I'm wrong but I believe we can extend it if needed right do we want to look at the 26th as the last Friday in the month sure and then that gives us the next week to start hitting it hard okay I'm good with that April 26th are you you guys good with that good with it the 30th is a Tuesday and I know I just think of Friday is a deadline yeah sounds good very so April 26 is there any possibility to do it up until like U April uh April 19th that get you three weeks just curious um I'm just worried that weren if we have it for Too Short we may not get C 30th is only so two months away from that a April 30th I know then June 30th oh I see is only two months away and if it's just I mean I hate to say it if it's just for an interm it kind of gives you a little extra time and then you know T can reach out to to M see if you guys continue to do when would this be posted would it be this week I would say we could have it posted as soon as tomorrow but definitely by the end of the week all right so definitely by the 29th and that would be one two three weeks all I can see the logic with that people are also [Music] so that's positive or not I thought you were saying we wouldn't have anybody here to work be on the committee because they'd be off and the other thing to consider is masc likely has a list they I think they do a potential right people who might be interested that's what it sounds like as far as for interim roles so you would be be able to basically elect I would say keeping it open a little longer because there could be people that aren't on that list who still pursue an intern but it will totally be from scratch yeah I'm not opposed to the 19th I'm I'm open to whatever I just I don't want it to be I don't want it to be so short open but again we can extend it if when we go on the 19th and there's not a suitable number of candidates or whatever we can then and extend it yes and how how do we do that just extend it on school spring yeah I think you can adjust the deadline extend all right so let's do that let's do the 19th and that gives us a chance to capitalize on vacation week oh just time in general yeah when is vacation the 15th oh so we would may be the end of the week end of the week yeah and we can't look at anything until um until it's closed I say we it's the collective we not us we for clarification okay um anything any other areas on here will you um send us a clean draft of it and we can look at it before we hit um then application process we'll just detail that applications are being submitted to school spring School spring Che to use the contact and I'd say keep that please do not contact school committee members or members of the school administration keep that intact okay um and then the appointment will be made we should probably have that the application the appointment will be made the week of April 12th so we need to determine when we want to do that so do we want to say like May 12th what do you mean in this application process it says on here the appointment will be made the week of April 12th with the anticipative starting date of July 1 so we had that M so we can't just have TBD that's what I was saying like the July 1 start date needs to remain oh I see because the the selection date right yeah I guess May May 12 is a Sunday though so what may is that Mother's Day too yeah can have the week of May 13th do we need to pick the week of June 13th I don't care when it is can we just list prior to July 1st yeah I was you know sorry I was going to say once you get your committee you're going to decide need to determine the availability to go through the selection process and you're going to have to schedule public interviews right I so okay so sometime prior to yeah I had listed that as to to be determined as well in terms of the selection so just leave the anticipated start date of July 1 [Music] mm okay I think those two things developing the the search committee and the posting will happen simultaneously yeah I think and I think it probably needs to happen before May 20th yeah I think Jen was using that as like the selection date meaning like the school committee meeting but we need to have the committee that this committee needs to be doing the selection because if we have a change in committee or we don't have enough committee members right so it needs to be locked in before the end of May is that what you're saying it needs to be locked in before the end of May before Jill's last meeting okay that's yeah I mean there's still a quorum without Jill but I think if Jill's going to participate in this in any way shape or form it would make sense to have her but that gives a month between when it closes and that date too I mean and I can participate as much or as little as people would prefer to make timelines work so you maybe would be the school committee representative um no I wasn't honestly thinking that I would do that right just because of the time frame I do I so I don't even I don't know if that's putting undue pressure on us but it feels it feels um to potentially have two new members and that's assuming I'm going to get voted in to not not to have a brand new committee that hasn't been in on part any part of it appoint and select the new superintendent doesn't feel right to me do you am I reading that wrong I hear you I I mean I really don't I don't know what the I don't know what the real rules are I how the last few elections went I would be super yeah we all right I I'm not trying to Pat myself in the back I'm assuming I will get reelected but as it stands right now no one has pulled papers for the last two spots so we may be faced with a committee of three which is fine because we still have a quorum um but it is what it is I guess at that point so why don't we like Jill has been saying right along we'll leave that TBD we'll take that part out of the um application process and just say start date of July one okay so just to formalize it I would probably take a vote we've made we added inter term to the superintendent piece at the in the header taking out the three-year agreement added made Jen chair made Jill Vice chair corrected the spelling on her name took off the initials on the selection criteria piece the timeline will be TBD except the date that it's posted the date it's posted it closes and it's start the date that it closes would be April 19th everything else is TBD it's going to go through school spring except start date start date will still remain July 1 Jackie is the contact and we'll leave y anticipate and start date of July 1st and we'll leave please do not contact school committee members or members of the school administration and do we need to say like any other detail that are updated we'll be able to update just count there's a couple of those and we'll account to make sure all the faculty the positions are accurate with our current configuration and current budget and yes yeah okay um that's a vote if um you are all amable to that I will take the motion I'll make the motion to approve the changes on the flyer and move forward with posting have a second second all those in favor so with that said I'd like to see a clean draft of that and then um if everyone can look at it when we get the clean draft make sure not to reply to all and then we can as soon as you've heard from all of us can go ahead and get that posted yeah y okay so we'll send out a connected for committee I'd also like the committee um requests to go out in the newsletters and we'll have all of those names collected by the 5th so that on our meeting in the 9th we can try to formalize that so how do we do that will we reach out to them and ask them to come or um I don't know will just email them from that meeting to say you've been chosen to to appear on the committee yeah to appear committee I think we can send an email last time we did a survey around people's availability um you know there's a lot of pieces once being a part of the committee so um know you may not choose to be on the committee but would you sit in on the um at least the that first part to make sure that we conquer all of the pieces and give you a perspective of what it was like okay all right um so now we have a decision to make it is oh are we done with this part I think so I guess one question I had is would you would the committee like to post the meeting for next Tuesday with superintendent search as a topic after the public hearing just even if you don't use the meeting yes I think that's a great idea and we can touch base and see if we're getting any information any any anywhere anybody volunteering make another plea that's a great idea student thank you April second so we the time now is 8:45 we are still um we are barely halfway through our agenda because we have work GR grou I am wondering is there um Can the work group work be pushed to the April 9th meeting or do we want to wait until the April whatever it is 20 something meeting the April 22nd or 20 something would work better for me because I would just recommend budget and finance and policy say probably meet tonight for even if it's for 15 minutes M okay I totally up to the committee I just think there's a obviously the budget and we have a policy that could go to vote for the next meeting I was thinking for the budget that we would be able to talk about it for with his finance and operations report um but all right um so we'll break up into work groups I don't believe we'll have time for community relations at this point uh because Mike and I need to be probably focused on the budget um how long do you guys want for policy I think you know we're going to table policy V and any of the other questions and just look at that um dual enrollment policy okay so that shorter time I think would be fine so 5 after 9 20 minutes okay we'll break for that go to the work groups and then we'll reconvene at that point go ahead can stop okay we're back um first up is policy sure uh so we looked over the dual enrollment um policy itself just to verify there wouldn't be any conflict with the uh one that Stephen had provided to us and so it's written pretty generally so as long as we don't see any issues with what he has written there's nothing in there to Gip it otherwise and it lines up pretty well for that so um bring it for our first read next time ihbc excellent and then we'll have um and then we're we'll have more work to do B right because we're not ready for a read on that one okay anything else for you guys and budget P or do you Mike do you want to talk about what we talked about uh we just expounded upon what was presented earlier in the day uh between 6 and quarter 7 um a lot of brainstorming about potential ways to close that budgetary Gap and uh honestly the the discussion is in progress there there's not a definitive answer to closing that budgetary Gap at this time okay uh any questions on that I didn't ask but any questions for policy all right superintendent's report reminder to folks that the fy2 budget public hearing is next Tuesday April 2nd at 6:30 here in the East Meadow Library um hopefully we can get some members of community here happy to try to answer questions um about the budget process Our intention would be to have the school committee vote that following Tuesday April 9th um Cole kind of stole this one too but uh ma mass the mass Massachusetts Association of school superintendents award for academic Excellence um this year's recipient is Cindy kusimo and there is a dinner hosted at Pathfinder Regional for um local recipients and Miss Jordan and I will be in attendance um in recognition of Cindy tomorrow night I wanted to let the committee know that the msba is doing their initial walkthrough for the recommissioning of East Meadow on Monday April 1st so that's just their first walkth through um and then a reminder to folks that there is no school this Friday April 29th I'm sorry March 29th um and then we will be sharing guidelines out the Massachusetts Department of Public Health provided new guidelines regarding um respiratory infections I think they're alluding to covid there um but we will try to provide a paired down version but essentially um it is saying that if you have not had a fever in the last 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicines and your symptoms other symptoms are improving you um can attend school but we will like I said provide more guidance in the coming days on that that's all I have any questions for Stephen Todd you're up um I don't have anything much more to add other than our budget presentation been being prepared for um next Tuesday's uh public hearing um there was a request at our last meeting around some of our regular day Transportation I did reach out to the local manager and the regional manager regarding uh the disruption to our regular Transportation the local manager talked about um shortage of drivers um and trainings are in the works um I have not heard back yet from the regional manager well you got a credit back for services why I'm reaching out to the regional managers to see if there's some credit to our invoices based on M drums so it's all that I well how are we with the kitchen um I had a phone call and couple of exchanges with one of the engineers at the end of the week um really set kind of the parameters of what they're they're doing um with the kitchen and that Wing um so we're waiting on next steps for them excellent any questions for T Jill maybe tomorrow for CS than all right so for um we have next week which is the public um hearing and then we'll also have a tag up on superintendent search and then the next meeting do we feel like we need to have another work group meeting to get um to do community relations and possibly policy uh especially community relations I'm thinking sort of tagged up with budget we could probably have a dual pronged approach for that to try to get people out make sure we get the word out about the vote uh and everything I know it'll be after the public hearing but still sort of in the throws of it so because we would then we would have that do we want to have that one that first meeting in April or wait until the later April meeting which I think we said earlier was the 22nd um just wonder what do you guys think George said you won you won't be here on the nth is everyone else planning to be here on the 9th okay um because we if we are down more than two we can't have a meeting because we won't have one um I'll be April 23rd say it again April 23rd that's oh April 23rd okay um anything else that we want to make sure is on the next agenda next two agendas um it was April 9th and April 23rd right those are also April 2nd April 2nd we have the public hearing and just superintendent search on an agenda okay 6:30 right yes 6:30 and then the I'm assuming superintendent search we at Le post for I mean 7:30 yeah I do 7 it's better to start late than to have to wait did we decide on some work groups for next well yeah what do we want to do for work groups do we want to have one on the 9th or wait until the 22nd don't I'm fine with whatever people are comfortable with because even if I'm you know just working it's there's still work to do all right so why don't we um since we have a little bit of time because we have next week and we have the posted part of super search we can reevaluate at that point to see what we want to have on the following meeting does that sound good with everybody MH okay um anything else all right going to vote to enter into executive session under Massachusetts General Law chapter 30A section 21 part A3 to discuss strategy with regard to collective bargaining as doing so in an open session may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the committee the committee will not return to open session can you do a roll call please absolutely Mr Durham hi Mr balky hi Miss peler hi Miss BOS hi thanks everybody have a good night