##VIDEO ID:Tzk4MNbukMw## [Music] good evening everyone today is Tuesday August 27th and the time is 6:28 p.m. and I'd like to call this meeting to order first on our agenda is um our consent agenda first is minutes from August 13 any questions or comments on the minutes hearing none I'll take a motion I'll make a motion to approve the minutes from previous Aug 13th I do see one thing my last name is spelled wrong in the call to order okay it's SZ it's actually wrong I didn't realize that until I looked at it big um so just uh and then we've got I think that's it sorry I spoke too soon I didn't see it so just spelling your yeah just correct my name okay got it it's right up at the top and like where our titles are school committee is okay so try again sorry about that oh yeah what I that sorry all right I'll take the motion I'll make the motion to approve the minutes from the school committee meeting August 13 2024 I will second all those in favor I next it's warrants 11 and 13 which we've sent around for signatures any questions or comments on those hearing none I'll take the motion make a motion to accept warrant 11 and 13 can I have a second I'll second all those in favor I next is visitors comments any citizen wishing to speak before the committee must sign him with the administrative assistance prior to the opening of the regular session of the school committee the visitor will identify themselves by name and address and shall speak for no longer than 3 minutes for anyone unable to sign in ahead of time we ask that you clearly state your name and address so that this information can be included in the record for the meeting any oh okay I thought you were going to be a visitor you just watching perfect okay uh next up is our student rep Cole welcome back thank you well first of all it's good to see you all again seen you a couple of times already but I apologize so I hope your Summers were all very good I know mine was very productive um as you know start of the school year nothing new about that a lot of new staff have come on some of whom I met they all seem very friendly um very open uh fall sports are now underway of course soccer for the boys and girls cross country uh girls volleyball the new tardy rule is being enforced to my knowledge and although it's only been two days we haven't had too many issues with that senior Sunrise kicked off at 5:30 yesterday it went well attendance was almost all the entire class it would have been nice if we had an actual sun to rise um but but regardless it still went well we got a lot of pictures had a lot of laughs um students are still in the grace period to pick up and drop classes I was told by Miss Jordan although that is obviously up for approval by the guidance office pretty much all I excellent any questions for Co glad to have you back thank you I appreciate you uh have a great senior Year we're glad to have you I I'll be back here um to Propst class trips most likely so you'll see me even more awesome and then if you have any ideas for who might be your successor after your graduate if you want to bring people as visitors I think that would probably be a great idea to have someone Shadow you um because I think uh sometimes it gets lost in translation like what what's actually what we're looking for to have that connection so if you want to bring somebody by or if there's people that are interested or whatever yeah that would be um that would be awesome because we won't need to replace you until like June you know just we uh you know let people start think about it I don't want to replace you both though just so thank you so kind so thank you all right great have a great see you soon okay uh next is new business and we don't have anything new listed there um continuing business school choice and enrollment dist um I talked to Stacy today there's not been changes uh only day two so we still have students who have not um showed up at school yet so we um she said she'll have better handle that on that information for us after the September 17th meeting um some families still may be on on vacation sometimes after Labor Days really when a lot of students really come in um but she doesn't she has some numbers but she just says they're not a fear for us to report at this point okay so we're the 17th all right sound's good um moving right along uh reports standing reports sure this report um well I can talk about sports so cold did but well I'll skip that part I think we're GNA have that same problem year um new staff orientation went extraordinarily well we had um our new staff members come to us on the 20th and the 21st um they participated in orientation where they had the opportunity to meet with their principles and mentors um the topics that we covered included our strategic plan um delivering high quality instruction and the importance of building strong relationships um that is something that we talked about um throughout the two days um is um you know building relationship with our students so that was the kind of the theme of of everything this year and during these sessions we also dedicated time preparing their classrooms and working on the curriculum development um all staff training was August 22nd and 23rd and I just want to extend my gratitude to uh uh Miss BTO for taking time to welcome our staff it was a great seeing her there and they really appreciated you there and it was a great message um we specifically wed your third poem it was very very um eloquent I don't know if you want to talk about that a little bit but it was really AO very very nice here somewhere you have it in there so my thing um it was bright is uh quotes I've been doing that's sometimes I feel like no they were great so I had three of them um the first one was a good education can change anyone a good teacher can change everything um by unknown the second one was by William AR Arthur Ward teaching is more than imparting knowledge it is inspiring change learning is more than absorbing facts it is acquiring understanding and then the last one is by Aaron Vall your heart is slightly bigger than the average human heart but that's because you're a teacher so that one I really felt like connected with me so um every year when I do the convocation I try to find something somebody who has better words than I do to convey a nice nice message well I'm glad they liked it well they and it really really resonated with them because again my next uh uh presentation after you was really about building relationships and have it putting your heart out for the students and and really making that be successful because in order for us to um get through a strategic plan and make sure that the students are getting with we have to make sure that that they're trusted and and felt valued so really that's what we talked so that really worked out really really great so um additionally officer Gilly provided as he always does uh the essential presentation on Alice and school safety and he emphasized the critical role that relations would play in guiding all aspects of our strategic plan this year we offered a lot of specialized uh instruction for our pair Educators focusing on the new IEP and their role in the classrooms you know we found out that they haven't received all the time um on uh being a support in the class we're really trying to focus on giving them the supports they need um they also receive training on trauma sensitive classrooms and deescalation strategies for our teaching Step A lot of it was based on um how to use a new IEPs um creating inclusive engaging classrooms and additional training on our new math curriculum so those are what we focused on uh during the summer United Way of Pioneer Valley and his Partners including the western Mass news collected thousands of school supplies for the 20th annual stuff the bus campaign so on Thursday August 22nd the United Way filled the bus Campaign which was a Peter Pan Bus drove up to the building and they generously provided us with 30 backpacks F those school supplies for our students so um our director of student services um Nicole Haru delivered backpacks to each school and if there are family members who are interested in receiving backpacks either they can contact the principal or they can come to the central office and we'll be happy to provide them in the backpacks there was some pens um crayons um some some school supplies so they can um so we did have a nice supply for those who need it I'd also want to thank the PTO for purchasing and spreading some Mulch on our East meal playground they came in uh right before school started they went to TJ's um Ark Mulch and they got 15 yards to spread out they said there's um more yards they need but uh they spent some time uh spreading out uh some much to make sure that the students came back to a nice playground um the first day school went smoothly and starting with the sunrise breakfast um and uh on August 30th our preschool staff conducted preschool screenings for our families um not August 30th I'm sorry that's the wrong date it was a Monday the 26th sorry let to change that our preschool staff conducted preschool traing for families um and kindergarten and preschool will start next Tuesday uh the thir uh September 3rd my days are not good in here fix that uh today we're fully staffed at East at the at the middle and high school and we should have our final par educator slots filled by the end of the week so we have teaching staffs 100% filled so that's that's really exciting and then again uh I know uh Cole talked about sports team but we also have um cross country and volleyball uh we also have co-op agreements with hady for golf and uh a co-op agreement with uh ammer for football so that's what I have I'm going to change some dates of my things but other than that uh it went well and uh it was it was successful and oh I just want to mention that I also want to thank the whole Police Department was at the schools when school started um at the high school and at the elementary school uh both uh officer Gilly officer polar can't remember the other officer's name and the chief was also there to uh say hi to the students and uh and really gave a lot of high fives and and welcome back so it was great to see them there as well any questions from Mary Jane all right Todd you're up no major development since our last meeting the only thing I would mention is that we're completing our Federal grant applications uh for our title grants and going to move those long and forward here great um any questions for to Jill um the meeting for CES is at the end of September okay great all right so for our next um that's just oh okay for our next meeting um what is it that we we should we have um what are they called why did that subcommittees thank you subcommittees why did that b my mind uh which subcommittees do we want to have or do we want to wait until the end of September fine we're letting it build up a little we have more to discuss with a little bit more time Gone Gone by it's still early in the year all right so subcommittees will uh Target those for September 17th um for next time um you said um Poli um dashboard won't be until September 17 correct do we have anything on the agenda that we need for next week or do we want to postpone until the 17th I think just a warrant I think that's what'll have next week I mean I could give a probably more of what I just gave at this point right and we're having Grant meetings with uh with my Advent team tomorrow update on those thing but nothing that can't wait well we can uh we can look too and see you know see what the agenda looks like um for Thursday and okay you know we use to time wisely if there's um if there's nothing think we can hold the warrants over to the 17th right if we need to because we had some that went from June until end of August so I know that they can wait if we need to um I just don't want to wait I want to be protective of everyone's time so if it's if there's nothing that's Earth shattering you know we could uh potentially uh cancel the meeting you don't have the list of what the subcommittees are sure um it's uh policy budget um community outreach community outreach or community relations I think the name of it is did I say policy yep yep um there is see I probably have it in here but I didn't know if you want me to put that in there specifically oh it's pleas and I don't know if you want to revisit the mission of the school committee because it looks like it hadn't been updated since 2003 so that might be something you're interested in looking at there was um oh those are is that we say 2003 we looked at it it's probably doesn't need to be changed but nice to take a look at it just to revisit it for the for the subcommittees um there's just a representative for CES which I talk about the policy goals and evaluations okay that um Budget Finance community community relations and we had a standing committee of Cal like a calendar to kind of track and keep us on task in terms of like what would be typically expected given the time of year um but we haven't been meeting with that one as regularly because it's been overlapping with um I think community relations okay I think that's all of them just want to make sure familiarized with them all yeah I went back to our May 21st agenda when we kind of reorganized okay great thank you look at that then thank you yeah okay so we have so we'll make a determination on Thursday for the agenda and make sure um send it to everybody yep um realiz that this morning um I didn't actually look at the distribution but uh Jill and I were just talking about it and I was like oh that didn't go to everybody so um that would be great just so if anyone else has anything we can look at it um all right if there's nothing else we um we will vote to enter into executive session under Massachusetts General Law chapter 38 section 21 part A3 to discuss strategy with regard to collective bargaining as doing so in an open session may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the committee the committee will not return to open session would you mind doing a roll call please sure um Jen Jen baros I Michael I George I and Jill hi all right thanks everybody