[Music] okay so I'll call a meeting to order it's 306 meetings to order meeting call to order uh okay let's start with the minutes make a motion we accept the minutes as written from June 17th 2024 second and further discussion all in favor I unanimous so the financial report um the first page is the treasurer's report the second page is the um is the tentative it is the through June 30th and of course that's our end of the year so Gary said that it's not completely finished but he wanted us to have something to get a an idea um of how we were doing so so is everything in red is so everything in in mine is red and there's two different color yeah um oh okay so they so that means that they're not came under budget um he's not done doing it all that's that was as of Friday they have not finished it um but they said that they would be here next month to to um go over everything with us yeah okay and we're in good shape looking Ann was there any unforeseen increased cost that you're observing um no not right now no um we are finishing up the uh vacancy stuff so there's that I have to uh as you can see the CIP bills under the modernization I still have a bunch to yeah bill out so uh Tammy we went down earlier today and looked at the you knows get worked on go go see the uh the handicap it's like beautiful it looks beautiful it's just too bad the state's not giving us more money to do more of those units but check it out when you get a chance there is top talk that the um if both house the house and the senate pass everything that they've requested to be passive there would be a lot of money coming to the housing authorities um like two times what we normally get for CIP but that's if everything was to pass the way everything is supposed to pass that's if we go more into de yeah yeah so so anyway but I encourage you to go check out the work what number is the one um I can take you down this 44A was in the 40s David's old Department yeah okay yeah we can walk down after if you guys want yeah yeah and I tested the fans so I think they were great right do the fans work good they do mean the ones on the wall yeah yeah yeah yeah so it's better than my ceiling fans and bedrooms and all I don't know about that Joe well no it feels like it but then again I got a big room I guess okay what else on that is that um really that's it I mean it's uh okay you know we're still down um the two apartments on as of this paperwork we're down to Apartments um July or um so it's you know we have have both all the apartments are filled the people just aren't here yet okay are we going to have any luck on the well project that it has just it's going back up to bed okay you just need a motion on the financials of everybody okay make a motion to accept the me report June 30th 2024 second any further discussion okay all in favor I I report no legal matter Dakota 15 3294 yep for Boyers so as I understand it was no hopefully but not probably probably not so we probably in more dehumidifier 959 we needed to purchase a dehumidifier for the pump house and that is such a large space we needed a very large [Music] I that's a lot of money the matters I'm yeah okay so is there anything that anybody wants to question further about the warrant report or you want us to give you a couple minutes to go through that do you want me to what do you want to have a minute or two to oh no I read it online at home I'm M set thank you okay so then I need a motion to approve motion to approve second any further discussion all in favor good all right director is um so from um when I typed this somebody has accepted the bacon apartment um so we are tentatively we have everybody in line just have to wait um for them to be done with the apartment for her to be able to move in and the gentleman in 44A um is being released from the facility on um the 29th so he'll be here on the 30 so we have two vacant apartments um they're vacant but they're not really vacant we have tenants for the apartments they're just not here yet um they'll be here at the end of the month um and um I wrong I have last month so here um thank you um the building two roof project The Architects are coming in to meet with Jim on the 29th um The Well project up at Hillside is going out to bid again maintenance we did have a storm damage up at Hillside one of the trees fell and leaned against the was leaning against building three um Saturday the crane came up and they removed it just leaning that's good good yes didn't crash didn't break the window didn't anything it just kind of wedged itself in its corner and um yeah well we got off we yep we got off lucky on that one um Steve lemlin has agreed to become our um we've offered the position of Maintenance laborer he is agreed to take the position that'll be effective August 1st um they cleaned the carpets this weekend I'm hoping none of the spots come back they used oxy fresh so I'm hoping it did a better job this time so what carpets was is it this one we had oh in here okay yep so m is very different from you might have the somehow or other the July the junees got in there no I just didn't read everything oh okay not everything gets some of it just your eyes not their eyes so right and that kind of stuff yep mhm so so that's it from and the carpet was in here yeah yeah so Saturday they came in and they yeah it does it was good yep yeah oxifresh and watery it's that powder you put in your laundry you don't like oxy I know there's an oxy product but I didn't know there wasn't hoping it holds up okay uh commissioner report yeah I just have one thing um I believe it was a couple meetings ago Gloria had mentioned something about having some kind of a cookout okay and I'm wondering if that's going to happen you mentioned that recently yeah well I think uh is it what's y are you doing something with that so yeah we could still do something with that um just guys got to let me know when you guys want it do you want it a board meeting or do you want it um non-board meting well what was everybody when would you guys like to cookout it has to be a Monday or two or Tuesday or a Wednesday because those are the days that Monday a Monday or a Wednesday so when are when are you here Monday Tuesday Wednesday but my longer on Monday and Wednesday Monday sounds good so when would you like to have it because we're trying to coordinate with uh what's her name yeah so you would sayar Yara sorry I'm terrible with names I don't even remember my name sometimes we could we could have a cookout um before the board meeting next month on the 26 we're meeting on the 26th yes I am on vacation the 22nd so so so our next meeting is August 26 yep at 3 so why can we do it like at noon time okay yeah just have some can we do uh can we do something I do have a grill out here so can we do like dogs and whatever and a pot of beans maybe and potato salad a potato salad chips dip chip do you want ice cream Sundays sure an ice cream be for dessert with toppings how's that sound ladies and gentlemen okay okay for everybody I don't know be look I want the riye steak and the come next Sunday to my picnic and that's what she'll have okay so I'm just writing fine wine instead of beer picnic at uh 12 she said 11 didn't she say 11 do we want to do the meeting at two because we're having lunch at noon well we'll just have it well I have to put a time yeah you still got to put a time down so 2:00 that gives us two hours okay or coholic beverages permitted no okay okay I'm just asking we tried that already okay well that's what paper cups are for red Solo cups flipflop so just get this a little bit more organized we've got the menu sort of who's going to purchase the stuff we we'll take care of it on well I just want to know yeah cuz we have a budget for the actual tenants and activities every month we have a certain amount of budget so we can yeah okay good so C cheese and crackers hot dog hot dogs and whatever rolls condiments chips um ice cream and the toppings for Sundays are you going to have number 30 hot fudge like the best hot fudge going I'm going to go with whatever our budget allows me which means Hershey's out of a b whatever is that is that okay with you guys yeah um should we have a sign up heard those mention well she's cond should we have a sign up sheet for that we'll take care of that so um we know what how many people are coming the got taken you want to have some door prices too [Laughter] no it's okay I can get a few for you what door yeah I'm just we don't have to have door prizes as long as you guys come from fudge right right right but you got to remember to get all your friends to come we don't want five people here we did have that problem before when we've tried to do stuff and we didn't have they had like almost zero attendance we had a great I do would like to have a the last time I donated a prize that one got it oh tickets and it was a beautiful arrangement I made and she was sitting right next to the drawing table and she got it and I was happy good for her y okay so any anything any other suggestions about that you got it what painting okay all right if you want to donate something you can donate something and we'll have a raffle just try to make sure that uh you get people get the word out so people know it's already out okay moving on okay so we're going to have a cookout at 12:00 yep all right what day on the 26 and then we're moving the meeting up until 2:00 p.m. see at the bottom of the thing here You' got the meeting date coming in Che great okay that's change because you're vacation right that's okay okay so the 20 uh so at 2 pm. August 26 here we go like the hot dog yes get don't get the skin ones get the skinless yeah definitely skinless it's easier for people with their false teeth to eat them that's right say that is true with the skin it's tougher it's harder to chew skin okay see chase a d with a beer I yeah 12 no noon 12 to two and then the meetings afterwards yeah so nobody will attend the meetings of this okay okay uh next is the maintenance report uh I went through the maintenance report Jim's not here today but they've uh they've been working hard okay and and are all the kitchens done now they're in the midst of the last one last one is in the process okay um the the floor guy it'll be done this week the floor guy will be here next week so the apartment is to be ready the uh 30th for the new tenant yep so um I don't have any policy changes this month or re for review but next month we're going to do one about y changing the 3-day off rule no we've already done that oh we've done that we've done that the only one that I want the policy review that I want the board to look at is the policy person on policy states right now that advertisements have to be in two papers and I would like it to just say two different Medias right okay that's right online is you know yeah instead of newspap instead of newspapers it it's it's a physical paper and now people are online so one newspaper but everything else will be will be some kind of meeting right and there are papers in the in your folders of the bills from the online stuff that I was accused of not taking care of okay Lots so okay that this yes have you heard any more about the no okay um we did hire somebody today he starts August 1st but his Pol this policy with the Dakota is is straightened out everything is done with him no no no he's fighting because he has provided no information he's still uh yeah he hasn't provided the information requested to so that's all to sett of the agreement okay you put no so so I was uh he brought up that I did not Place ads ads for The Hires and that right there is the ad for um and that's where it went yeah and then the other one is the agreement with the temporary hiring staff that I used for one of the other girls okay and then the other two were hired for the vacancy screen vacancy initiative and I would just like to keep one of them is no longer here and I'd like to keep Gan on as the other one without is that the one that works s to 10 that's J yes so that's the only one you have in the office besides yourself is right the other one had a medical condition and had to stop yeah that's it is it possible to fill that position that time frame no what time frame not financially no the budget after the 10:00 from 10 to like 2 or something there no there's she's here 15 hours a week three hours a day in the morning okay I'm here Monday Wednesday and yachty is here on Tuesdays the office is open okay just that's all just the office is open it's just asking well remember under Nancy Brown the office was oh yeah was open a lot less it was barely and we still have that 15h hour limit yeah that's fine I just was uh knowing all the work is getting done and everything is fine so that's what we're concerned about okay so next up is public comment and do you have the list I will get it somebody else is signing in over there or something we have the next meeting sched yeah I cross we're going to change cbard forend and one okay so I got okay okay so Mary you're up today is Sandy H's birthday and she used to be a board member okay and I have brought cupcakes oh wow for the tenants to enjoy and whomever they were made by the same people Tammy bought some from a couple of years ago and they're marble cupcakes with frosting oh nice happy birthday happy birthday okay so let's let's sing happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear s happy birthday to you [Applause] every take the flowers homeat so is it easy to be 39 every year said is it easy to be 39 every year dat she's 38 Jo oh oh that's where she gets her sense in okay okay okay well different so how old are so if you care to reveal your real age how old are you now 83 wow good for you I'm not ashamed of the age I just no you should never be it's a number I that's that's a real tomorrow's a different story I just came back from Montana celebrating my dad's 93rd wow yeah June so you just he's up there you are what you are and if anybody here is from grany if you knew uh Richard lucier who recently passed away uh about he passed away in May 26th he was 97 his his son's name is Jeff yeah Jeff is one of the sons Jeff the you know because our families I knew Jeff really well yeah there's Jeff and there's Robert and there's the girls who just had their H for somebody just had their yeah yeah and we just had a centurion yeah Jan wellow just turned 100 Jan over here just turned 100 how's she doing good she came in today to thank us for the uh posters we had posters picture okay we we'll get through this and then we'll do the cupcakes Okay okay is that it Mary just that's it all right thank you for your positive en today very happy birthday and these are donated by Sandy okay ni all right they complete okay I think Unice is next is that right okay first of all I want to thank you for having the heat grades cleaning they clean for you know for the AC because it was dirty they did come and clean them nice but I am talking once again about the medicine cabinet Jes you turned it around which I don't have a cut but the only problem is it doesn't turn and I almost fall over trying to get something in my cabinet so it's what do you mean it doesn't turn door it doesn't go any further than it doesn't open it only opens 90 degrees right not all of them open 100 tell you the thing is so is there a solution I think just a shelf might be a way to go is there a solution take the door because we flipped it around because of so do you want it flipped back no because she cuts herself that's why she wanted it flipped opens all the way so I don't have the problem but there's they do have them okay but there's a technical issue in that because of the way everything as I understand it is situated you're getting a new one is not going to solve the problem of opening all the way like you want the new ones didn't you say the new on do very one do some don't some some the new ones do they all the way CU I don't want to hit I don't want to do that and fall over and hurt myself either how I I'm not understanding how you would fall over but you and I can talk about it after so it's you're doing you're trying to get something and that's what happens because it doesn't open all the way if you open the door if you're standing there and you open the door and then you reach in I'm not sure how it's tripping you it it opens it opens like this okay we coming a doubt well there's nothing wrong with it other than it doesn't open to her like would the other now so would the other style Sol how long have you lived here almost eight years eight years okay and what was your one like in the apartment upstairs upstairs and it opened all the way or or the other way go too yeah we lived opposite each other just switch them I'll look into something yep okay appreciate it yep she MH I have yours and live where you live right yeah all the way right y right of course okay well we'll keep trying I hope so so uh Diane yes I'm just I just want to say this because the Boy Scouts have done special things for us this one kid was becoming a master or whatever the highest thing is and the last time they they uh put all the flowers along the fence here they're all perennials and I went out to the S this morning and cut um a bouquet of them so I just and they benches in um they put the mailboxes the things next to the mailbox the um kiosk kiosks and I just thought and I'm sure do you guys even know that they put they they all that stuff I mean yes someone should see them well the so the Boy Scout projects that they've done here over the last couple years have been for their Eagle Scout which is the EST rank um it's quite the project to get things rolling with it and then to actually do the project and then they have an eagle scout ceremony at the end where the boy is actually presented with his Eagle Scout badge um I've been to every one of them um they know how thankful we are here for that um we have a couple of years before there's more Eagle Scouts coming up so I'm creating a list because I think it's great that they can come in and help was here um but they I've been sending pictures to Neil the um Scout that did these and his dad um as they bloom because I think they actually did a very I wanted him to see them in fully bloomed a year later because um they haven't been back in a while are they perennial been here the father's been here yeah well because they were putting the kiosks in but they haven't seen any of the flowers actually Bloom so I sent them a bunch of pictures of them so they could see how nice it actually work looks yeah but those are perennial so they'll come every year yeah yeah that's what I told them I wanted so we wouldn't have to worry about them so they look very very nice yeah yep anything else okay uh if there's nothing else I need a motion to adjourn we just before we move it we are now meeting on August 26th uh we should all show up for the cookout at zoom and then the meeting is be at two all right to that's during the meeting yeah so all in favor all right okay roll out the cupcakes