[Music] we will start the meeting now if you're ready Kate we're good we K that iar I'm trying my best to say that name kite kite K that's I said kite you called her too I know and it's an easy mistake all right since we've last met we've done a lot of things the first thing on the agenda is the OPM update so we met with three potential opms a couple weeks ago we graded them um have a one two and three and started negotiations with uh CMS and Chris has gotten a f a number of how much it will cost for the OPM services so we're just waiting for a contract yes you have something to add to that no all right um do you is it worth mentioning that they were all well they were all really really close like they were within a point of each other oh okay that's really close um yeah we liked them all to be honest with you what was your deciding factor yeah yeah that's what um the point system right so what's in the RFP is a um criteria of what to and I think what it actually came down to um was they had actually they had perfect scores on all of us they had they had a deep bench in their firm they uh the other two one was a blended a firm that just blended with other firms so they were a little we weren't as positive with what they were doing what a blended firm well yeah he had there there was two or three different firms that came together were they were a subsidiary of a larger firm enough Blendon yeah well no but I thought the I thought the two guys that came were from different firms like subcontract they sold their their like a subra subract okay so in other words all three of them could have yes um the job done the job and we would have been and it but the the firm that was rated the highest had a deeper bench y as far as in-house Services um they they presented very well they had the best presentation by far yes can you please speak up I can't hear you over the CH engine sit a little [Applause] closer sorry I'm sorry I can't really so anyway basically all I'm trying to say is they were all very qualified and one inched over the others really it was an inch yeah so I didn't mean to ask a dumb question what's benches bench mean meaning there's other people if one person's out somebody else is going to step up the okay we and that was one of our criteria on their staff they may have three engineers four Architects so if one can't do the workforce they have another one to step up and oh perfect so they keep our project going you know excellent there's any about sleep oh nice thank you like on a baseball team they have a good beach a lot of backups that's that's that's the good analogy thank you so how long will it take do you think to get the contract five I'm going I'm going to email some that Selman meet on the 29th i' like to get the executed on the 29th so we can get this project keep moving forward with the project yeah because we have such a tight schedule and they all said that to us like if you're going to do this project and meet your time frames you got to start now so Chris you just waiting for the S board to approve it is that what that is about I haven't got the contract yet oh okay so they draft a contract when we approve it as opposed to us drafting a contract and then and they approving it okay it's usually an AIA document well I know msba has their own style but the issue is is if we put everything in that is on like a standard contract it's going to cost us more than what the pric is I have so what we're doing is going through them calling it out you know things that we don't really need the only thing I requested though was a cook of The Works 40 hours a week while work is being done that way we can stay on our timeline I'm hoping to but also I don't want the contractor to do shortcuts yes the eyes aren't watching them no I agree okay what's going to push us off our timeline perhaps and all three of them said the same thing is the the electrical components are on back order okay they're projecting they have been on back order they they probably will be on back order so if if we miss the deadlines that will be whyde but we we're going to work around that as much as we can but there was also some discussion that possibly we could buy the stuff ourselves and get it on order as soon as possible there was there was talk on all three of the opms about how to help expedite that and once it's recognize what we need before a GC is you know through the through the design phase we could escalate the the purchasing process to help keep the project float yeah not on float but on time moving along well and then there was some discussion too about like the abatement well instead of waiting for all the drawings and everything else let's get them on get them on process let's start the abatement process so okay and that would be a Direct Tire from the Town saving the town some money without the the uh contractor doing it marking it up as well oh okay it's a pretty clean package I get it no no I was just saying I get it so in your packet that was handed out is the fee proposal from CMS which is coming in under what we please oh sure I'm sorry budgeted thank you thank you well that's a y that's that's a big EG yeah it is we're starting off we're starting off out of the gate already below we have two Good Hits right tank and then this they starting off yes so we can talk about the tank if you'd like right now well I saw pictures of it being taken out going down there y I'm I'm so pleased there's no you know contamination anywhere it stay actually got tagged and taged so it was removed on the week of the 11th right June 11th June 11th and and we got a report of the sampling email sent out to everybody y so we have the report no problems no it's nice I was static reading the whole thing I was actually very pleased from the amount of years and everything I very very pleased with I was found or not found I should say and intact yeah [Music] um and that was done on budget yes under budget under budget under budget well under we we budgeted 114 for that end up spending 15,000 it huh 15,000 15,000 that's all yeah that's why I was like I like when I read nothing and I'm like yeah originally it was 149 but because there was some oil and water in there we had to pay for that to be remove yeah yeah let's keep the train rolling in this good direction right so you were talking about electrical I have a question thing with the Transformers downstairs can we start getting those removed without like the opdam or no no oh no because the issue is is it P RS out we don't have any power because we don't have a a cement uh slab okay for them to bring the new outside transformer into to wheel up into the that'll be that'll be a last minute transfer once that yeah new stuff is in place then then it gets transferred over then the other stuff will come out gotcha gotta got and that'll all go right when we get the um our acch and everything else and the OPM they literally say this is what's next this is what next this is what next and try to do as much as we can like okay we know we're going have to skip this but we can continue working and that he'll create the schedu he'll put a time together all right sure cool and those Transformers the way National Grid talk those are their responsibility to get those out of there excellent yeah thank God yeah yeah absolutely check check yeah this project was meant to be this is awesome so so far we keep it going let's keep it going I was going to go all right sure hurt your hand moving along to our energy proposal by inovis Chris got inovis energy to come out and give us a proposal for H HB yep um what you have in your packet do you have anything to add to that Chris it um I'm sorry I didn't know you didn't have not bad okay hbac was the one that we have do we have a no no that's the only one we didn't have this is the one that we yeah so it's 1 million with an incentive 67,000 now but that's for five zones right we don't need all five zones and we we wanted to we can only do three and then that would be three three yes are we going to do the whole building or just a section of this I'm thinking only a section for the time being stay within that 17,000 square fet that we talked about and if we have additional money at the end maybe do add-ons as can go forward and we talked about that with the OPM about when we go off the bid of the contractor we can do alternates price that stuff out separately yep if it's just a 17,000 square ft how many zones would that be do you know we're looking at three a go down a couple more pages has the zones oh here we go dra Yeah Yeah so basically we would be looking at a e and possibly uh c b right be the basement I can't read That's say b b is the basement and those other ones oh yeah but we're but we're cutting off there we're definitely doing a yeah y we're definitely doing e y okay are we doing part of C oh yeah yeah so it could be a e c that would be doing because D is the old library right right so and part of C is that our level that we're not doing y one of those over the kite kite this will have the what the Zones look like on the building there's a drawing and I know you usually like being able to show that on the camera yeah yeah okay great thank you so we're definitely going to do Zone A and B I'm going to say no I'd say A and E are defin A and E are definite well this half of be is definite cuz we're do that cuz that's part of the office that you were going to include down there we're stopping we're stopping is that stairs right there yeah yeah we're stopping at the stairs right so a so I don't know if maybe we can can something and add on to that section right yeah maybe move it I'm sure they can figure it out I am pretty sure I mean he's just a gym right now so I'm pretty sure they it down here like you were thinking yeah exactly I was thinking they could extend it to here part of part even overextended over the part of C yeah e part of C you know y exactly okay that'll work but you have your stairs right there yep we're talking about yeah and there's two rooms basically so I'm sure that could handle it just a little bit bigger unit or whatever yeah are we going to do anything for like a records room that's in B that's in B okay so probably contr yeah part of B will be done so then I I would say a b and partial C well I think you do e and make meaning e is partial c e with c yeah so then just have to be reconfigured not to include here right and this included you install The Big Unit yeah with the potential the already have the SX capacity for if you decide to do another round of Renovations and the that way we've already taken care of HB at that point that's what I was just think well The Logical side to do that it's more or less on The Logical side to do that to actually price is cheaper now going to go up or we can do all five zones as far as we're concerned just that you won't just that you won't be using it you know well personally that's what I would probably do I guess I look at the cost difference Y and just go from there I mean we're already under budget yeah stay under yeah I want to keep it that way know just I know I know right and once you get in there and that's just going to offset the later on stuff once you hit the AR Tech going and then you're going to run into Old Wes yeah and actually the way we're talking I think even the sprinkler system should come in under budget because we're not talking what we had planned before right we're mainly because it's a wellfed system right so by that exemption and only put the M pipes down the hallways and then later on you could do the expansion going out so you just main frame yeah it's just materials but still that saves money until it's time yeah CU he still has to calculate all the way to the end what size pipe goes to feed the feeder right you want you want to put the sister into the whole building yeah you just just not putting it in but even though you know what the calculations are so that works just getting of this stuff in front of me Chris she's just getting rid of stuff in front of her yeah I'm just trying to organize all right any any other question on the H any other new business uh before we talk about any of the old business um what we going to say no I'm just looking at on his economics here right total project cost yeah estimated utility incentive right it's the same cost yeah I saw that that's not right fit me is that the last page show yeah so the fourth page and it says total project cost 1,600 67,000 well if you look at if you look at page one page two technically the total is 1.4 yeah then minus the 363 and they come up with it so total project should have been 1.4 okay and then down to one 1 million gotcha if I remember correctly I think there was something said too that that was just through that who knows what nation you know correct right right that'll be good okay um okay any other business any any new well before before we Mo there was an option proposed for funding this the hbac system National Grid has a program where you can take and break this over X number of payments and add it to your electric on a monthly basis no interest no nothing it's just you pay it as part of your electric kill or three years five years something of that so so how would you work that you take that chunk of money and put it into different fund because every year we we do electrical budget so it just become part of the operating budget for the thing for 5 years of paying off the system the new system and this is a program they a new program they started program the National Grid s for energy improvements National good is actually stepping up to the plate and doing quite a bit for the communities residential and businesses they really truly are cuz we had to do that for a high school project High School lighting project to pay for it's just added on to your electric bill mhm I think it's a fiveyear repayment plan that we did so it's no interest loan it's an option 60 payments drop that spread that million over 60 payments so that would million more spending well because that's my next question is this like if we put that to the electric Che and budget in what whatnot would this obviously this would be a vote going back to the town's people saying we switched it to this for the payment or is this something that the board can just Su it's it's a it's a a way of funding the project and we said we keep looking for ways of buing the project yes to make it less um mhm burden so the question so you're adding the money to the electrical budget as opposed to taking it from our yes if you start running over it's an option to fund it that's all I'm saying it's just an option out there no it's a good idea yeah we just we're just trying to figure out so does that mean we keep this to add more to our thing or is this going to the elect as you're going through and you find all of a sudden you're overrunning your estimates okay it's a way to fund the elect hbac okay okay I get it either either way it would make sense that even if we're on budget to take that money put it aside into some sort of interest bearing account and just pay pay them as 60 months yeah I'm just saying something we at some point who who get who decides that you with the select board I probably be have to talk to the treasurer about it yeah want to say that probably the treasurer what would that be n n all right what's next we didn't do anything else besides since we last met with the OPM and they knew so talked about the oil tank then for old business and then oh architect discussion so um Petra say's quote came in however that was pre OPM and then we got an OPM so the what the the the proposal for z um not zoning changes the proposal for um code changes we have to put on hold for now until we decide with the OPM who we're picking for an architect yes well I would like to talk to the OPM before you go out and award a contract to somebody else right but I guess this is on hold until the process of the OPM gets completed and then we start with the architect procedure correct in which we could we could push push this forward with him with with the you definitely show it to woman we yeah this is what we have yes so this is on hold for now okay any other old business that you guys can think of just to give you heads up the COA has been I should say fogy not sure which ones are chomping at the bit to put their input on what they want yes I talked they they stopped um somebody stopped me last week and asked me where the project was and I said we were finalizing our OPM and we're not there yet but we will get a hold of them when need be yeah I said the same thing really basically that we're not there but when we are we'll get a hold of you right um have you heard anything about the veterans no was a little bit disappointing yeah that's point that that was idea maybe it'll come back yeah um am I un concerned with that not that the I don't want to help those guys but the whole point of us getting this building is to expand for our future for government and everything in the building once they're in there they're not leaving and so it's no longer can be expanded for future at least that's what my thought was that's true but that's also a way that the building will get renovated you don't pay for oh yes I I understood both sides I was just thinking of this side as you know when you think of this I'm like okay did we think about this part and that part that's all I'm saying we haven't even got a proposal yet like it was somebody came in and told us what they wanted to do and then it stopped so okay hopefully that'll come back at some point we can figure out what the person wanted to do and go from there and decide as a group so that's that's it for now I can try emailing them again if you want like tomorrow or what's say I can try tomorrow and see if I get any response see where he's at if anywhere okay you know what we need put on here approval of minutes you can't do it we can do it on Old business or new business it's new business we're approving the minutes from last [Music] meeting it doesn't count as any other business who's giving a heart it doesn't need to be it's all colorful oh he's being a oh he I won't use the term that's what happens when he gets a vacation he comes back out sassy so you guys all got the the minutes by email you have them in front of you you got them you just didn't read them can you give those to Mr Martin no it's okay I don't oh well you're going to be voting on them so take a look right between the eyes not Steve yeah Steve who's I he's the guy that ran the to I can correct that so with that correction you guys all set with the minutes any other changes I'll make a motion to approve second second all in favor and Chris is abstaining all right I I'll um I'll correct that so the minute it's corrected all right when you guys want to meet again is that oh that's hers is that your that's mine I know you want my copy thank you no that's okay because you you the name on I that I have another copy right here no that's quite you can have that one all right so um we're going to keep on going with our p.m once we once once we get to that point then then we could you know schedule another full meeting with every when we know what the next steps are so we'll we'll leave it like like last time and once Chris negotiates and we get them on contract signed and then they start to move forward then with the RFQ for an architect which be the next step and the um as well as the RFQ for the bait baitman right right so this this the way you're talking about probably be two months hope not I don't think I don't think it's eight weeks for a how how how many weeks is RFQ for an architect do you know the time frame is it eight weeks do the same thing for advertising for an OPM so it could be with um cuz we're going out two rfqs the oh the asb's batement and the yeah at least four weeks anywhere from a month because we have to finalize the contract with well that's what I'm saying that's I'm figuring anywhere between a month or two yeah more than like we're talking September okay yeah so I'll make a motion to end the meeting at um second 440 is that what time it is I got 4:41 but close enough I second all in favor thank you